Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1923, p. 12

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I WAR`-HING MvACHIN'Fr-Water power, mg` g first-class. condition, also one Downswell and! 1 Lees ballbcaring wringer, either togetheriw ,0!` separate. Verv rnsnnnhln A...\|..*n-.1 - ` FOR 'SALE---About 111 acres `of hay; also several loads'of earth the hanlimv Annlv 4. III '1'---L T . , ' I 1 1 TWO I1ADY S BICYCLES for sale, due,` I Cleveland make, nearly new; other in good condition. Apply at Examiner office. 28p: ` . I uay,` also several II the hauling. Apply ton'St., East, . . Kllla uuuLr"'ncW nurse-power potato spray- 'er. sprays four rows, Apply to Harry Ot- taway, Barrie. Phone 6051-6. 27-31p Inuit-19;; I- .`__._ 7 l~0R SALE~--New horse-power potato spray-i fer. sprays rows. Annlv m "nrrv m-` v BAIBY GRAND COUPE, just new. can hp hmmm of ..` .....n x. mwx U.lA'ND GOUPE, as\good as} new. can be bought at 8 real buy. F. W.| 'Livingston, Reo dealer. 28p} E lrx/.I.\ aqua, uuuqsr at your own four-ring Chicago Jewel gas range. 292. - . FOR 'SALE,_ almost at price, . four-rum Chxcmzo Jewel` am um... .91.... HORSES FOR SAI1Fr-~Apply to W. & Son. Alland-ale. FORD SI .EEDS'I`ER .for sale, cheap, mi good condition. Apply to Box 496, Bar- rie. ` . 28p! l 1 V `ll-`OR SALE ---Pump jack, pair shaft_ hang] I er.-, shafting, 3 small pulleys. Phone` 997.1. 1 0"! 00-] 1 ` ELECTRIC W-AFFLE IRON for sale, cheap. -Apply 46 Clapperton St. or phone 283J.; nn nn g ELECT`-R410 CURLING TONGS for sale at I a bargain Apply to Examiner office. 28tfc ? BOAT HOUSE and row boat for sale. Ap-[ p`ly to Miss Radenhurst, 22 Peel St. 28-29c_ __________________.__ . FOR SA`I1E-Wicker -baby carriage and a washing machine. 62 Owen St. -28-29c! _.____________________ - 7-ROOMED HOUSE for sale. All conven- iences. Apply 67 Park St. - 28p . SECOND-HAND BINDER. for sale. 24 Mulcaster St. - WRITING DEK for sale. amine: office. I BERRIPB FOR SA'LE-E. Teasdale, 8 N81 pier St. 26-31p` FOR. SAME IN IMR.R;lF`.--Brick cottage. furnished. with two lots fully cropped. s":-`hie and driving shed fully equipped. and} full set -of market gardener s implements. Suitable for retired farmer. business man. lock up summer _(`.0l l'g 9 or market garden- er, from which tn make his living. Apply to; owner. S. L. Fleming. 211 Blake Sr.. Bar-l rie. Ont; ' 28-32cl RO0MS-One or two furnished rooms to let. Suitable for light housekeeping or r'oomers.i Central, reasonable.` Apply Box 676.` 28p . EURNISEEED BEDROOM -to let; also large! front. room with kitchenette, suit cduple I adults. Apply 111 Collier St. 28p ruzuvmu:I:1lJ nouns TO LET; two rooms with kitchen conveniences. Reaaondwle terms. 12! Mulcasrer St. 28p _____H I Miscellangbus Farms F {pr Sale rutulll/B IUHBUIIHOICQ ' Examiner office. 23-28p ;ALE4s2 acres, lot! a, brick house. good build-i mfed, `2 Inna um! ...:...n_:n ., uuun uuuoc, 5000 Dlllla" ofed. 2 wells and windmill. h_. young orchard just be-g . ` is ll Mn 1 `---- 2 I k and implements. Wm:. . Thormon. Ont. 28-32pj j-`--------1------j-1 1 is not forgotten. -Sister H. T. A. Ivaua Ul Ullflall to W. Tuck, - e. clay-loam, good Bffi `I'\V\`I! I Barrie. Apply 23-28p my nu mus, Uucp. 283.3. g 28~29c I -T-- 3 feet long. I unnri on Vinulv Apply at .Ex- I 26tfc N. M.MYERS nu uuulo 26-31p! standing just for Wellin - . 99 I U. AJUA 25-30c ` e. T Apply : 27-29c ! IO U00!`- 27-28p Barrie` . . Allandale .. .. Alliston Newman-ket Orillia .. .; Penetauig . . I NORTHERNBOWLING LEAGUE I Northern Bowling `League results since .last week are E follows:-- M ` -_Barrie, 4 points; Alliston, 2 points. Barrie, 4*po'int.s; Newmarket, 2 points. . Barrie. 4 points; Allandale. 2 points. The League standiirg now is:-- ~- "l`l PROPERTY FOR SALE-House at 74 Tif- fin Sh, pr3ce 81600. Farm. 100 acres. west hull lot 34, con. 1. \~'~.~pra. 82500. Also! west half lot 12, con. 13. Vespra. (Tres-' pH~:.('l`~' on latter prnQPrt\' will be prosecut- el.I Above properties will he sold on easy tm-nus. Apply S, E. Turner. 70 Toronto! St; Barrie. ` " ` -Auusa .-aruugn Miss Laidlaw ` Miss McCar(hy. Mrs. Stewart LIL... !2`l_- A -I -..._._... ..n... u_uu.r|.'.n) WIN 1 The second of the inter club matches of; the Ladies Golf Association of Simcoei I_ County resulted in a win for Orillia. After, playing. the ladies from Barrie were enter-; tained at tea at the Orchard Point Inn. Atherley. The scores were: T I Barrie ~ ` Orillia . |Miss I. Greswicke 0 Mrs. Thompson 1' [Mi-s. Leslie - '1 Mrs. Gilchrist 0? Miss `Ardagh 1 Mulcahy Oi` 0 `Mrs. Evans 1 0 Wainwright 1 0 Miss Tudhope Al Miss Eigood . 0 Mrs. -I-I.R.Tudhope 1 I Miss Lount 0 Mrs. Fazenden' ' l 1 Mrs. Laidman 1 Miss A. McLean 0 Miss Bird I 0 Mrs. McPherson 1 def. Miss E. -McLean `I def. Miss Ardagh L 1 _ ..-..- ....- \:uavl\ au|\`ul`Ul me l`ll'9z ' Brigade the main part of the building was` ; saved. A V ' The loss, which is covered by insurance, | consisted of large holes burned in the roof .. of the kitchen,* burned walls, clothes and?` furniture. In addition most ofgathe rooms; ` in the house will have to be repapered ast` the smoke caused considerable damage inj< .` this quarter. The damage will amount tom about $150 to the building and over $200.` ` to `the contents. . t i Breakfast was being prepared on the oil ,` I stove and the-family had gone to the main '4 !part of the house. Inflanrmable material;( near the flame caught fire and the kitchen, was ablaze when first noticediby the family. ` It was indeed fortunate that the blaze. was got under control without setting fire ` N to the main portion of the house. It took the firemen a very short time to quench I the ames. ` I4 9 Buy advprtised thinzs. ORlLLlAfLADY GOLFERS win `In; n.n......I -1` .L, 2 . P_-layed Won Lost Points` `. 15 ll 4 22 . 14 10 4 20. . 18 5 13 10 n . ,. .. 0 ' It pa!!- av: A VERY DESIRABLE HOME, 44 Chat- lotte St., for sale, Large lot, 94 feet front-_ agv; nice lawn; nine rooms and bath; halls, `from and back stairs; electric "light and furnace._ Apply Mrs. Shrubsole, 125 Coier St. 25-30p; I II\ /\"\""` " ' " A > -1 list as taking second~ class honors in Junior In the report of Candles School promo-I tions `printed elsewhere in` this issue, the` name of Dorrie Brown should appear in the- Primer to Senior Primet`. I Three rinks of Barrie bowlers went to ,,Newmarket on Friday evening last to play ; `hree games in the Northern Bowling Le'azue. *The locals won two of the games and lost one. A. Stephens was 5 up, H. M- LEV 3 dn, (`I n I-Yul-aha:-A Q II1\ auu luau. uuc. It. :1. uwpuens W88 0 U P: H. M. Lay 3 doivli, G. D. Hubbard 3 up. ----------- STRQUD l Thos. Crawford of on 31 The Ladies` Aid of the Stroud Methodist l 3``d the me" "99 f his right church spent a pleasant` afternoon at thelmnlred 01.` Saturday while W0 July meeting last Wednesday at the home of on the ?a'1rad__t1'3CkS- The 1 Mrs. Jos. Booth. After the business, a_nu_m- becamejammed In some way an ber of garments were cut out and_dlstnb-1 end Of It WI_!s severely crushed_ :::::t,*?;::ze;:::;':?v.'z :::1:`%.f,`;:`;`.-..,:`m?,:`;;`:`"` "" We the 0 i hour heartily enjoyed by all ' . T, , ________* Asmoun onS _FOR SAIJi`r---Eight-roamed hardwood floors downstairs. tric lights and water, `,4 ac small fruits and fruit trees, 3 house. Apply at this office. / Oto Station |'n.us -....LA_ L * W8) and the noun]. - J u p _.., cu-nu Inll Ished. Mrs. use of the \cuuIu. LDUIIU IICINI. PASS ---Frcdu Purritl. U` Mace Stein. Bradford: Hc`rsu` Bradford. and W'aher Hurdmn Settlement (equal); Iimnwt Miles &hool: Vvruu Syphvr HONOURS--Marion I'.'\;m.- 1C~'willi_mbury; Brock E\'un.~. B `Gnsley. Bond Head; E1: Pring `Wilbert new, 24. East (`rwillix ma, Kneashaw, Stm-!e'.~' (hr Gould. Bond Head. DAQQ t.~--J -- )2. Elginn B(`(`1'l'UfI . I3 Dora Middlelvrturk 14 Edward (`urtvr `u: If,__._._ Il_l1, I` 1: 0 .\'N"i.ll;1.e|.r!.1ir;; '61}-.}~ ` {N}. 4 10 out of H or 71"}. scu 5056, WHO WWO. U0lum`U couch, 3 dozen fruit sealers. St-. Phone 65%}. :ras.s :- Mervyn (`avrlwtlt t.\'u. L: MurielTh0n1p.~un (Nu I` Clara Sriglc-y (No, l`. A `AL-\ \.l..\lI....._. 1\' , H H HONOURB :- '. D..AL `I, , ' .. V. u,uu....F__ .\\'. ?'a1'nell; Nu. 13. Ti1x_\' N0. 21, Tiny. Hertha ( F108, Florence Mann Viva M<-Guirv: Pht-lp.~`tt Waverley, T. S. P.u_vl-y Margart Kennedy; Nu Pfmnkett; Crosslaml. I` -1 \;uvu\'I JJI 4,7151`, l\U. (Katherine Loftus. 5 Alvin Brown, Wm (Elva Smith, N0. 1 r 8 Acheson Dunne-ll_\'. 9 Arwood Langman. `J0 Alice Long. r'h('lp.s' '31 Edwin Ri('hard:<(m. `(I J (William wanacl-. < 14 Annie Huth. N0. 1 15 Velma Bnwman, .\' Total Candidnt Requirements for Horn First Class Honours. Class Honours. 66 "/2: The t9Zl('l1(`I`S are as `Vale. Leila lVIcKni_a:ht: "Bessie Riddell; Aptn, I `.'_-.nuvn.ul - II` ... \l:.._l_. - \I.'h7l\r ;uuu\;u, rxpul. `3~:nwood, Eva Mightm M. C. Sparling: Nu. . "I-........)l. \' 1 Ai .(`|A.`l) .' " 9 Jean Ranger . . .. 7 May 'MHtthvw.~ . . . i`- John Speck . . . . _ '3 Lizzie Middlelvrtmk I.` 13 Out of 33 p:L\~'-cl . I Laurine Erwin (.\'o. l. I Tommy L_vnn.< ' -Moleata Peursun l.\-`u, A Helen Crane (No. 12. _Wilson Elliott (Nu. .\_ A m;;;s;:g:.L;i' :1~;.,` 11;; '.;,.A John McW:uer.~` (Nu, .\. P; j FOR'SALF}-8even-_roomed buck house, all conveniences, newly decorated, with new garage; also two Columbia grafonolas, sealexs. Anlv 50 In!"- _ Second Class llonuu ` `JO vHel`en Christie. `E .58 Frances Hall. l h< ` '_"i1`st Class l'il)ll()lll'.~ 1 Raymond Pl:1_\'-1 Annie D:l\'i1i. Ida .Ag'new, Eln Donald McGuin Gordon Rowat. Kathleen Lewis. Blanche An(il`t~\\ Lindley Brown. Violet Wadv-. ll James Kirton. I Esther Howe, El Willie Hicklinsr. Eileen Rolmrtsor 1 Grant Arnold. F? 2(Mar_v Fer;:u. (Malcolm Mcinn 4 Elsie H1.-u.-m:m. l 5 Fred Enierson. N 6 Roscoe Linton, N 7(Clifford Hamiltm (Anna Friel. Aptn 9 Alice Rowlcy, I\'.. '41 Elizabeth Brock, '_'2 Marion Dickinson 13 Roy Webster. Eln `:4 Jean Mar-Donald. `J5 Dorcas Houdnn. . 716 Mary Loftus, Pl vl `J7 Jessie M<-Ginnis. . 20(Ella Coughlin. Plu (Florence Turner, 3"ass-- ' >~Verna Mt-(`-nnn I..\' ~. 9. la, (`larencc Smith .. . . Annie .\I:uhc>r '.\X-. L mx Jean` (`-:usun t.\'v~; 10. } .\~_ :ii'rr'.{r}{ 13i.-i{. r}i' Lulu Hutchin.~'nn (Nu Dlbert .\forb_\', (No. Margaret Schvll (Nu . uuu 1 Jehn Whittun. mm 2 Janet Ritchie. .\'u. '1 lY-.,L ,1 `rs Fred Lawrvmw James Mather JL`\lUl\D 3" Ruth Mnrrimn IN - uaullcb J\ll.4|JHlL', .\". .`-`(Isob<-I `Draper, Nu. n(..u.....:.... r _m,, ifilf` vsAI\,`. 4;. xnucu, JH Matthews; Min:-sin ten Mills. E. Mm! -IT._II ' I 1 PROPERTY `FOR SALE-14 acres on` lake share at Shanty Bay; also property on Blake St. Apply tmnwner, John McGill, Box 414, Barrie P;O.~ -- 93-9 The tt'a('hm'.~' un- va1e,' A. Giff;-n; Mi `l\l_L;L I ` Pass `Pupil First Class Honm 1 Eleda Elliott A 2 Irene Kavmxzu` 3 Thomas Iioe, 4 Hope Coles, -.\ Second Class Hm 1 Donald Ronald 2 Herbert Maw, 3 Harold Trac_\'. 4- Vera Knupp. . 5 Stella Luck. .\ 6 Rlith I.iving. 7 Ea1`l'Richard.-u '1)--- BRADFORD CEQT James Nichnlst Arthur G1'a\'L->1 Juno Mulroy. \ Loretta Haws. Harold Lint!. Frank (`oughlin Tutu! (Vim! ANGUS CENT IVY ns ELMVI nuuu: Db. BPPIY I0 414, mm SALE AT A BARGXIN-v~7-room brick house. central location, im-mediate posses- sion. Write Box-. C. Examiner. ' 25tfc "?ji BARGAIN--~7-mom 1 house. mmh-ul lnnntim. :......_.::_.L_ S'IVRzAY`ED--Onto lot 17, Can 2. Oro, about May 20, three head of cattle; and about May 25. two head of'caftle. Owners may have same by proving property and paying expenses. G. W. L. H'1ckliug.ABox 1096. Barrie. H 27-281)} . FOUNI}-Boston bull terrier; male_ near Cundles. Owner may have sam proving property and paying exp: Fred Havcnson. Cundles P.O. Phone 1'41, Barrie. A ST-RAYED, in the last month, 9 head of young cattle from Ghas.'E. Wright's -farm, Minesing. Communicate with owner for full particulars at Minesing post office. 28p} T u..-....._ i _ 7 LOST OR S'I`R:AYED--4Black smooth-haired pup. small white mark on front- and back feet. Name Tricks." Reward at 8 Cum- berland St., Allandale. 28c uuuuy VV MW phone 60lr3. 1:--:-jj STR.-AYED-From7lot 36, con. 2, Vespra, two red and whiteoalves. Finder please notify Walter Forbes, Barrie, Ru . .1, nhone 601:-3, " -- -. TWO~PIEGE MILNKFUR LOST, Saturday night, between Maple Ave. and market. Finder rewarded on leaving at Crosslan_d s' Drug Store. - 28p .__:,______________! W~AN'I'ED--Boy to drive" McLaughlin and cut grass for 4 months- Phone`! .23 Dondonald St. i . - : LOST--In Barrie, on Saturday evening, black jet ear-ring`, gold moulited. Finder please leave at Lit.ster's Store or telephone 113. 28 ' 01 mm on mssa Road last week, plea turn same and save further trouble? ..___..___..__.___:___._._ ` 'LOST--Will party who was seeh taking roll of wire off Fssa Road last. week, please re- turn mum and avn fm-eh... o......m..-2 no- : FOUND, grip at.Stroud Beach. G. B. Lean, Barrie. WAN'I'ED-An experienced general maid.` (no washing), or 3 good cook and house- maid. Apply Mm. Rees, Gleu_ Ormond, Blake St. . 28p j: WA.N'l!ED--Apply to Dev1in's ' ' -' ' 7 c 7'0x_L,_e-ee`nt_a-word, cash, each insert` (minimum charge, 25); six insertions ` the price of four. 10 cents extra wh charged; also 10 cents extra when repl are directed to Examiner Office. -`:: Live Stock For Sale` MARKET SQUARE HIDES Property For Sale Successor to ...._ .u mmw zn=u\'1ng. Apply 28-32c _____________, I Lost and Found . uusc quumy nve-year-old` 3; also her filly foal. sired nn.) hm). I.;..I.-..1....,. _L---- """""""""""" . cows. wnll freshen short- and good cream cows. good to work or-drive. 1) snnm-com. z ...-_'.u, v- 1- un a:xur:--1W0 will freshe 13'; good milkem. crem Also young mare, good 0 Also Magnet cream senarator. 5 credit given. Appiy John Moth, Shanty Bay Road. L . Help waned -;- quality fi\'e-yea1-.o]d! . her ll cnnl ..:_....| I momed bnclc house; vnstairs. furnace, elec- -r_. acre good land, Iv trans. Inn-nan anal L...- __._...___._. e. price three and: uh: noln 1l7:n:._-_. uuy tum. 8ll'e(l high-class show annual .\....I _:__L. I , v-vnv auuu xauu, Is, garage and hen`- ce. '27-28p! _.___..._-,__...._"_._ --. _--.- .......- ...,. Paying expenses. 1 P 0 Dim..- anal xa gnuulwllls, Aply 50 John 28-29c 141%` EIIUWQ and right. 28-29p ";..:,:;i;:=,' \ lot. 38. 27-28p ' FOR SALE--Two Iv. ann n\:Il.n-- --J 5 mtpcllavd. l 605 289 --T I ` Gracey 99.. I A U: uuuu a 23-28;) ! ""??~ ` nale, pup; ! same `by nvnnviunn I L11 \2\J1Ll 2631;; __j ` .-v. vuu. U. l'J!6t|, DUCK nuse ings, all steel roofed. 1 ' lqgood maple bush, orcl may ginning to bear,` This is a 280 , Will sell crops. stock impl __.MacDonaId, RR 2 'N------ mu. 1, 27;: I A T I I 281/3 FOR SALE-\A large fx Clydesdale more; `by "Clarion (imp.) both high-( animals, and 7guaranteed_ sound George Qrawford. Oro Station. T RL.CY--In loving memory of ME 'l'racv`of Minminr' wlm .l:'.A :. In- ( SHAW-~In fond` yemembrance of.my dear! father. John W; Shaw,` who left us July] 6,1909. _ ' 28;} --Daughter (Birdie). Htwvkestone. July 6. 1923. : ULUIV 4 Show 1 ' J- .,....1uu un.un1`3l.n..`l' open tor garden part- i ies or dances. Apply,Lorne Arnold, Dream- land The-,atre.\_Barrie, or phone Cookstown. Ont. ~25-30c IJHUVI USIUEI .ing designs. nlmn. ma 1 - SMALL ORCHESTRA` open for garden Annlv Lnrms Au-mm n.-.--.~ unnu unmaolu come by Mrs. D. 0. Howard. Bring your combings and have I a good switch made. 26 Mulcaster St. 27tfc i l 7 "rl ` E00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. lot 16. con. Va. Vespra. One of `the best farms in the l township; good buildings; never-failing well; lillande in good state of cultivation; well _ fenced; one mile from Barrie. Apply Geo. , Shannon. R.R. 3. Barrie. Phone 605r31. no u :u, l ,nwner. Box B" 23-28p FARM FOR SALE-s~50 acres; 25 acreslnl `crop and hay. balance in bush and pasture; good_ buildings. plenty water, fuel, fruit.` near to town. and on cream. route, `phone. ' daily mail. well located. Will also sell stock and implements reasonable; Apply GU AUULVU rum tor sale. price three and` four dollars for immediate sale. William; Packard, Shanty Buy. Oro telephone. 28c j ions for 5 when replies l'RLACY---In Will Tracyof Minesing, who died in Toronto on June 29, 1918. . Minnie has goneVbut is ID... A ~' -* vvul scu crop-`. SFOCH , MacDonald. RR. 3. I ------ __________ `FARM FOR SALE-82 I2. con. 9. Essa,_-b_ric}< be u . ..ll _., V I5` '28p .......u run onun-west half lot 19, con. 3' 9. Essa. one hundred acres. Will sell as a ggning concern or separate. 24 acres fall wheut. 14 alsike, ll alfalfa, 23 .barley. 15 oats. balance pasture and summer fallow. '.Apply to '1`. H; Banting. RR. 3. Thornton. ht! nu THREE CANNRIFB for sale (hensi. $1.50! . each. 12 months old. Apply Mrs. Welch. I,` 64 Penetang St. _ 28p]; nn \.'I'\I'v\vt\ " ! I\u-4\4~ - , rtxauu run-c'.`u41`r-109 acres. lot 23. com! 12. Innisfil,\good buildings, This farm is` to be sold to close estate of" the late Robert} ,T. Webb. Apply to Mrs. Ada Webb, Al-i i landale, R.vR, 1. Phone Stroud 17132.; i 28-29p] .' I00-ACRE. FARM F0 ~. Y lot 30, con. 1. Oro. Uuaig. Shanty Bay, R.R. lriAv\-an n.`_ ...-- R SALE---E:1st h Apply to Hugh Mc- I No. 2. 25-30;)` `I alfj FARM FOR. SALE---169 lot con. Innisfil.\znnd ;hniId;n.... .rm.:n 1---. :,, ' I - I00-ACRE FARMAFOR SALE---E.H. Lot '24. Con.*9, Faea. Apply to Mrs. Wesley Brooks. R~.R. No. 3, Thornton. A29-34p Illl\ `nu.-- -.- , -uu-nunlb uuun tor. sale. lvuildin-gs. near town of lsixaminer Office. 'T--j ;' 100-ACRE FARM` for. 9.. ilmilrlimn nnnn o...... .1- { FOR SAI1E-We finish amateur work ; films developed - y -size to 4 x 5,410 cents, prints 5 cents, post cards 5 cents, enlargements 5 x 7, 35 cents, Sex 10, _50 cents. Mail" orders, returned within a week or sooner. W. S. Martin, 17 Eugenia St. PO. Box 415, Barrie. . V i ---wv\lo uuuv. J IUCI. IUHSV 0 H.P.,v used one season. As good as new. $225.00.. Sabin cruiser, 30 feet long, com- pletely equipped 15 I-I.P., 4 cycle motor. $1500.00. Write C. Bradford, 1010-4th ,Av West, Owen S and. 28-29;) uses oauocarmg wringer, either together 3 or separate. Verv reasonable. Apply 279 Victoria St.. Barre. 28p! nnn (`Av-r\ nu. - ' ` ? FOR SALE--Motor boat. 21 HP . Ilnnl` nun nnnnn .... .__.....___......_....__....__ 20 YOUNG PIGS for sqle. fnnr rlnllm-a 6'..- 1.-...-

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