Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1923, p. 7

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1'80- mg ~ Ralph Ambrose. Jack Arnot-t, Russell Bates; Annie Dilworth, Mary _Terry, Mar- guerifta Gartner, Douglas Harvey, Frank I-Iurr. Spray Kivell, Leigh Keitch, Irene _ Kirk. Eric Le Gear. Firman Mathews, Kath-* leen `Miller, Alma Riddell. Betty Scott, Cecil Sharpe. George Sutcliffe, Ralph Thompson. Jean Walker. Leslie Williams. Bruce Wil- son. Roas Wilson, Laura Calvert. JR. PRIMARY TO SR. PRI'M-A=RY-- First, Class Honours-Elaine White, Bert- ram Pitchford, Reggie Wilson, Ida Logan. Alfred Lainson, Helen Pringle. Alvin Stor- ey. `Gordon Ferguson. Allan Park, Edna Kinsella. Horace Barnard, Minnie Looker. Willie Robins. Ralph Mushette. Bert Fell. Victor Allen. George Kinsella. I GA ...-ul (`Inna YJ nnnn .__-. 'Kl....Ll.. \l.J 1:lI IIUIUI FIIIVII. 050150 l\IllBCllIo Second Class Hpnoursr--'Myr_tle McGill.. Eileen Kettle. Catherine Fisher, Isobl Watson, Clara Spearn, Patricia Mann, May Henson. Grover Kashner. Fred Spearn. - puaa._.__TnnI; puttnn `Kiln-In-or` -Mnnrnnnr 118118011. \JX`0VCl' AHSDIICT. FY60 apearn. Pass--JaclE Patton. Mildred McGregor. Marion Clute. George Poucher. SR P`R'l`.MxARV 'm In I_ llllll IUII uxuw. VVCUTSU IUUUIIBI SR._ PREMIARY JR. I-- I1! __ t1-,,_A `n-n H 00 LVI C BIIHII. "LVIGIIIJII LVCWIIIGII, nun Illllllclo Second Class,H.onours--George Greenside, El._Reynolds,V Hillis Hamilton. Irene Sin- c an`. , ` cIIl :;gs-Bernice Gfeensidhe. Norman Munro, TWillie Poole, Clifford Sinclair, Jack Gibsop. I)..................l....l `I ........i.... YI..t..L DA"-.- sn. `I TO JR. 11- IJIREIU \1l|$l._Nln RecommentAled--Gregg Coulson. Williel Hogan. Gilbert Lee. JR._I'I TO SR. II-- . IiI,,_ II_,_ \t-,,~ 119-, L, ` Ill\Io I-`I IV 91!. 11*` - - First Class Honours-Marion Wisdom, Mabel Williams. Helene Poucher. Norma .Pouc`her. Evelyn Hill, Ethel McQuade. nnnnrI '0.-5 I-tnnnuuuujfl-Toma` Tknvnuu, Ie advts; is protable .1 uuuuct. r.-vcnyu um, mum: muwuuuc. Second Class Honours--Hazel Thomp- son. Georgia Brown. Reta `Crawford: Win- nie B1088`. Maurice Park (equal). puau___'n`\n q:!I\nal\n `7::\ln I-In-\n:`$nn Ya IIIC LJIUSS, LQGUIIUC 1 &III\ \lE.!l.IlIII u 7 l Paae--John Simpson, Viola Hamilton. Is- oIbeI Reid, Bert Hooper, Clarence Danvers. Harold Brunton. Kenneth McCa-be. Dorothy Ferguson. Annetta Scott. ' l -R.ecommended~Gordon North. M , R1e'commended-( measles) ---`Phyllis H ar- I I711`? \ First Class Hnnours--Muriel Watt. Lloyd Morrison. Bertha Hogan. Ronald St. Clair. Florence Miller. Earl Marshall. lack Clem- mens. Jean Shear, Ernest Baldwin. Verona Simmons, Elsie Ellis, Ruby Drake, Archie Watt. Garrett Patterson. Norineb Firman. Jack Oslborne, Jim Miller, Elmer Hodgson. Inn 1 ed net with ooronet of silver and orange blossoms. She` carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Lorene Lowrie, who wore a pretty gown of orchid georgette withgrey hat and shoes. was bridesmaid. The groom was supported by Dr. Irving McMaster. Messrs. Karl Burling, brother of the bride, and Otto Arnold acted asushers. During the signing n` I-`an -nninl-m. :92: Mnunnrnf Dnkinenn SR, II T0 JR. III- B`nT cm7g PUWPi1`-- WIN PROMOTION (Continued from pzig 5) V KING EDWARD SCHOOL I! KINDERGARTEN TO JR. PRIMER-- f\llIUl\l lIULU\I KI.UBlll'rlB. IJIQIIIIS IIIIU Blsllllls of the register Miss Margaret Robinson very sweetly sang Constancy.- On be-. half of the Trustee Board of the church. Rev. J. J. Coulter presented to the happy couple a beautiful hymn book in remem- brance of this being the first marriage cere- mony performed in the new church. Fol- lowing the ceremony at reception was held at Mr. Burling's home, where the following were guests at a delectable luncheon: Rev. and `Mrs. J. J. Coulter, Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. V. Beatty, Miss Weaver, Miss Lorene Low- rie. Miss Elsie Lowrie, Miss Minnie Hud- son.` Miss Linda Robinson. Miss Josephine Robinson. `Miss Edith Robinson, Miss G. M. Kidd, Miss Margaret Robinson. Mr. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Bartlam, Mr. Otto Ar- nold, Mr_. and Mrs. Lewis Baker, `Mrs. W. T. McMast.er, Dr. Mt.-Master, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMaster. . A._.:,l .. ..L..........`_ _-._-u: LL- L_.:_I-l [Results of /SIn*mer Exams.` . -in Public -`Schools of. ~ Barrie. U IV_. I]. 'LVl.UU.I.lII;Ul'- I Amid a shower of confetti the bridal couple left by motor for Barrie and other northern towns. The popular young couple received a largetnumber of useful and beau- tiful gifts. .They carry with them the best wishes of a host of friends. hols of Torohtb wua {he as Lea for over the holi- Two policemen at New York were indict- ed, charged with heating war. veterans after asking them for whiskey. n`I:nonn l`.;Ir:n nnnnn n n u - n n n A u u n A -- ualuug umul uu wuwncx: Chicago Civic Opera Company announces that.ten weeks of opera in that city last season were produced at a net `loss of $351.778.58. I!rL:I- ....u:.__ .l_--.... LL- __:__I 4.2,`: ,9 1,9 THE BARRIE EXAMINER uxuy. 1 That is hard to beat. but it can be beat! on. and the same lady has beaten it byl adopting one for her very own. Do you! wonder that we often pray for more noble; Christian women like her? In all our ex-f perience we have had to take back one} baby of all that we have placed. and then: it was not because fault was found with him, but because. the woman s health was not good. This ought to encourage any: childless couple who are worthy -to takci one o'f our children on trial. l 1n r 'l1 1 .Q lTl'l'\I:\ o.._._....._. 1:... n1 1 1 I l I UIIC Ul Uul UIIIILIICII U11 unal. w. J. JUSTICE, Secretary, Box. 914. |B_arrie. E. McKinney, Frank Doherty, Norxan Bates; JR. III TO SR..III-- lllllll, JXCIIIIUILI IUD IICI `Q IJUIIUIU lIJIUs5 a SR. III TO JR. IV- *7 First Class Honours--Ha1-old Stacey, Fannie Kochberg, Parker `McMi]lin, Roy Baldwin. ` I c|___.._I- n|'___ II_'_.___, II : n ..,,, llallyll IUI JLIC UIIIIIIIUII. Here is a suggestion of anothei-way ofi helping. One kind hearted lady has taken! a delicate little girl into her home in the? country for the summer where she can havei plenty of fresh air, milk and eggs, and will` try to get her.a permanent home while there. It would be hard to estimate how: much that will mean for that precious I young life, and how much real joy to the I lady. ' '!`l~...+ L 1.m..,l on l.....4 kn; : ...... I..- 1.--; ' Vliloeoond ' u-I_Ionou.rs-l~Altlha Parker, Everett Sharp, Campbell Spearn, Lawrence. Ferguson. George Hook, Wallace Hedger, Dorothy Springham. Pa.ss-~Norine Rowcliffe, H. `Crawford. Recommended--Jack Steele, Alvin Ham-' ilton, Kenneth Rayner, Donald Blogg. an In Tn JP rv__ `=2-. Jum-: commons To CK. snares l V. R. Meeking, children's treat, $1; Mrs. W. A. Ross, 8 jars fruit, books; Mrs. Web- ber. 2 bkts. onions; Mrs. E. Wilson. books; Harry Smith. pr. rocking horses; Mrs. T. B. 1 Rodgers. 4 jars fruit; Mrs. Webb, Allan-| dale. 2 jars fruit, 2 git-l s dresses; Mrs.` Sprott. clothing, lb. butter; Mrs. George Brown. jar jelly, 5 jars fruit; Mrs. West, clothing; Mrs. A. J. Sui-jeant.l clothing; St. Paul s Church, cake; Mr. Turner. 3 jars fruit; Mrs. Ross. `I jar fruit; R. V. Hnspitnl, sandwiches, cake; Dalston Womerfs Inst-.. 2 prs. mitts, 2 boy's shirts, I 3 jars fruit; Mrs. Turnbull, 13 jars fruit. ` Tho rI`.vanIIl>:1yn lino:-A nf\I\Unn:nC1| I~l\-II IK|I . . Ed. Wilson and McNicol. Szmlrtlnjx. as spendmg a \v3~l IJQILIVVIII E Second` Class Honours--Muy Patton. Pearl Kochberg, Victor Berry, Jim Terry, Earl Stevenson, Gordon Wood, Rachel Hagan. Dora Jay, Orville Kashner, George Trimble. Cameron Clute. ' Pass-~Dorothy Riddell, Annie Davis. - Recommended---Alice Harrison, Hugh Fraser, Eddie Ambrose. ` - ' u Jzua uun , ulna. Luluuull, 10 Jllla nun. I The Executive Board appreciate veryl much -every gift that has madethe work. so much easier for us, and the time so much I happier for the children. Ara :2 n anon-nu`-inn A` nuntkn- `cunt: AC! S HAMP O O - -7..- --_.-..a .v `an. -.-u vvnvnnwqvu Noyv try the finest of Aoliveoil shampoos at home-economically. In PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO you have olive oil in its most perfect form for the hair. Women by the tens of thousands are attaining new hair beauty by its use. me PALMOLIVE conimxv or CANADA, `Limited Montnal. Qua. Toronto. Ont. Winnipeg. Man. The Blend of Palm Zmd Olive oats --_-.-J -- -..--an-.--uu vn -v vancyna 0 Anal: 5 All hair specialists agree that hair cannot be beautiful if it is left dry and brittle b'y shampooing. They tell you that the olive oil shampoo is the surest way to have clean hair -without leavin ' it dull and colorless. \Y-_,_ 4...- 41., E ,_; _! I II I Try the shampoo whicuh is giving beauty to thousands of women's hair! All __!,. ._ , The PALMOLIVE `that swallowed Jonah wan iteer, wasn't he?"' , my son?" ab all the prophet that was Sold only at --an-was -\ro1'naI Iv\rl\| ' IIIIIG I-DIIIVIS I-ICIIIS lNSUR.ANCE--Fir-e, Life, Casualty, Plate Glnu, Aut6Inobilo. TICKET AGENT--Canadian Pacic Railway and Steamshig Lines. Likewise Cunard, Anchor and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. ookin to evry part` of the world. Service unexcelled. Travel C.P. nnunsnmu l.',YDln.'lc Innunv nln-urn: If PERFECT PI2oTEC'rIoN rob EVERY sunmcl HAMP'l`ON-E. JORY . King Block, Barggg muum.-_::-:..- I:- t~_-.--|.-_ n. . . _ n . _ -- .. `Brush "away the scars of time from your oors, your wood-work, your furniture. Whatever your Paint or Varnish Problem consult: UNIVENISH TI-AIE om: VAIRNISH FOR ALL uses V NY one can use it and get . ' beautiful results. One coat ` . supplies both stain and .5 - varnish, and makes the most " 1' drab and lifeless surface radi- ant again. And it wears. For V - Univernish is tough and dur- able. Won t turn white from soap, boiling water, even ammonia! Comes in seven beauti- ful wood nishes as well as clear. nwm an, 'eturn9d IICW 55$ ?-Jr Ei{"6v'6r1"df" `s'`r'w}'i2Z`{5{3E`e"1Y;`a'd."""f' DOMINION 1-zxmuass MONEY ORDERS 7 Tlnhnn-no. nB:;.- II.` D;--J---_ HAG uvavuunuu nnrlynaa munnl UKULISD _Telephoneu:- 03%. 183, Residence 549 .,,- _-_-.--.... nod-`Q Bovuv vs ll\oVV cum. Send coupon for free trial bottle--15c size. Or get full-sized bottle at your dealer's. Try it-soon. Amazing improvement from even one shampoo. ' It is a treatment for which you would pay a specialist high prices. And it is most con- venient to use. Cleanses the scalp and hair of all oil and dirt. Removes dandruff most thoroughly. i And it leaves your hair with new richness and life--the softness and gloss of new silk. Q____` ___`____ f_Vp ` o.. ,, -- New Gloss an? Softness Comes from this Shampoo H. Prentice were .1; their e Vweek-end. C. W. F LYNN Every Kantleek Hot Water Bottle is absolutely guaranteed to give satis- factory` service for "two years. If the Kantleek proves "defective within that time, you can take it into any Rexall -Store, anywhere, regardless of where the purchase was rnade, and receive a new one free. ' With the Kantleek selling at the usual price of $2.50, you are actually paying less than one-half cent a day for the best hot water bottle money can `buy. From top to bottom the Kantleek Hot Water Bottle is moulded into one continuous piece of soft pliable rubber. Even the metal stopple socket is vul- canized right into the neck. And the stopple is fastened to the bottle. Every other Kantleek `Rubber Pro- duct is of this same superior quality and each one is sold with the same universal two-year guarantee. The Kantleek Line includes Foun- tain Syringes, Ice Caps, Bulb, Infant, Eat and Ulcer Syringes, Attachment Sets, Invalid Cushions and Nipples. tv guy ruunuuv_e \;o.. 0! Canada. Ltd" D1 E.243 Toronto, Ont., for 15 trial bottle tree. Name... LID. LVlUL1l1Illl/J. IJIIU ULl5HUB . . o - 1 . Bumle. at. Jas. Bmme s; of Barrie. with Miss Luci. Reta Hamilton of Barrie. Just ll.in name and address--mamng couon to '.l`h_d Palmolive Co.. or Canada. Ltd.. Dept. E.243 Toronto. on't.. trial bnttla fl-an. A. E. Patterson, Allandale Monkmanfs-Drug Store, It _Ca`n t Leak Because It : Made in One Piece Page LINE, INNISFHL Lfamily are at th..~.31.' cot EN MILLS d Gibbons of 1`m`uuto with his nmther here. napp and chililrr :, Tor- Mrs. Mills of Vum0uv- mlidays at their 2'- v'r'r.nge, dar Harbour. ' Toronto is spanning his grandpamits, Mr, and to 5, 1923. W. Portev `anti to Toronto on are" gm._;g_ f-;({Ild5 11? v... _.v.... ...-on-vow Appellate Court ruled that Fred Moder, former head of . the Chicago Building Trades. Council, must serve a your in prison and pay a fine of `$1,000 for conspiring to hinder ' the erection of the Drake Hotel in v Herbert Given, colored, Atlantic City,was `zned $25 for havingecharged an admimion .'fee to see the body of John -Rucker, who {had been murdered. . __. __';__, vvv -- ~vv ----.- -vvvv_ THE CANADIAN MATCH O9|.W||'I`6.MON'|'gAL Lea spent the weak.-end Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Lea. ywn. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt inger, Miss Maude Hunt s Brown, all of Tomntb, er`.s' cottage for o-zer the THURSDAY, JULY 5. gen. 0: mi 2195` I deal for W oollens mg-- it i-- T? rbaggmmtanuweum NIB` FAMADIAN lAA'l|0u not nun-non` Auuuujn` LEVER BRQTHERS` LIMITED ` ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 181 Toronto St., Barrie Estimates furnished Good work at reasonable T prices - ` Phone 698 The nest woollens can be laundered re- peatedly the Lux way. The thin satin-like flakes of Lux dissolve instantly into a bubbling lather, so pure that it cannot injure the sensitive wool bre. Children s garments, washed in Lux, retain their soft, fluffy charm. V lmtt ages Delicious Desserts easily made with L C. W. ROBINSON wx-an-o Puddingo Clwoolau, Cocoauut, Tapioca CIlItI_I di T Looms. Vanilla, Arrovrou. Nlml. Almond. Plain At all Grooon. MeLIREN S IN VIN CIBLE Sfocify . I Made by MeLARlIN8 LIMITED. Hamilton and Winnlvot. X4 Save time, trouble arid money. Just add milk` to content: of package. Boil for a min- ute--and serve. 3-c`1"1'xal_l.);_ J;l-iigus, hot or Sold only in sealed packets---dust-proof! Look 1 th I: -0/bluc.t:nna:wI:l:(:-rd? ? This dlndnct-In hand menu to you that the matches an aura H n d mate-always depontgbtq-non-poisonous. no glow. the land tau won`: &naw-atron er and loads. aunt a boner. o 'l`heA brilliant head-a ' baizd of blue, tipped with red-is the mark by which you can always distin uish a MAPLE` LEAF ATCH. day Schoul picnic will be- c grove July 10._ Parents yrdially invited to ;::tv.nd. L\\J I III} l\i Toronto '14 McMaster-Bur|ing Beauti`i'ul*ly decorated with various flow- ers that bloom in the month of June, the Methodist church, Cookstown, was the scene of a very pretty and happy wedding on ' Saturday, June `30, when Mildred.Olive, , only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. `Burling, became the bride of -David A. McMa.ster, 3 youngest son of Mrs. lMcMaster and the late ' W. T. MdMaeter, `Rev. J. J. Goulter, oft Toronto, was the officiating clergyman. At three o'clock -the bride entered the church , on the arm -of her father to the strains of 3. the-wedding march played by Miss.G..M. I Kidd. She was .a most charming bride in a r handsome gown of ~white kitten s ear crepe . "and white georgette and veil of embroider- ' $IIU uuuuuy. ` ' .- ' Miss Allie hComisk_v of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Adam Comisk-y.v ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ayerst, of Thom- ton. have moved toAT-hos. McNaught s house in town. ` - n_v ....,1 11.. 7.1__. n_.u- -a m ____ L. IIUUBU Ill UUWIL Dr. and Mrs. John Duff of Toronto spent the holiday with the fm_-mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duff. In_ ___I \1.._ _ n_,,,_,, 2, , ,p `\v GIILI XVII-W. LICK). lllllla _ Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings. of New Toronto. visited the latter s brother, D. B. McFadden, this week- `I7 I Fiulnn Miagll Q.......... 411:..- 13-..; The following first year. students have not been _ promoted: Mary Barry, Helen Blakatock, Joseph Byrnes. Aileen Callig- hen, -Russell Elphick, Norman Johnson, Bessie King, Jack Moore. Robert McQuade. Ben Beer, Kathleen Irish. Lorne Johnston, Clara Luck. Jack Martin, Margaret Meek- ing, Lloyd Herman. Edward Hogan. Hovey Adams, Clarence Carson, William Fraser, Mabel Gilchrist. Irene Gowan, Yvonne Hamilton, Ida Haskett, Isabel .McLean, Vincent Rivard. Eileen King, Allan ,Scott. Jean Sutherland, Laura Teesdale, William Tribble, Edith Wolfenden. Second Form to Third Form First Class Honors :---Roblin Milne, Jean Gilchrist. Harold Pearson. `James Robertson, Margaret Wallace, Patrick Hall. Muriel Jermey. Vivienne Jeffs, Ethel Wright, Mur- iel Jobbitt.` Q--.___I rel--- I.r__ ,_, 1-.w,,-,,,. `I7 1: IUI U IIUUIIW I Second Class Hono_rs---E1-nestl Wardle. Joseph Hayes. `John -Hayes, Dorot'hy Rumble, Jessie Bishop, Gertie Crawford, `Grace Miller, _Eugene.Doyle. Reta Quantz. Roy Houghton, John Weldon, Florence Gil- christ. Molly Powell, Malsie Cubitt-Nicholls. en from here 2c1.tex1mi the , Domimon Day. ' `m. Rfchardsnxl spa-3,1: the \l" Pass--Dora Knight, Ray Malkin. Arthur Watt. Ben Sutton, Leslie` Hod-ger, Morris Booth. Ruby Adams,iChester Barr, Hollis Johnson. Russell Stone, Lillian Kearns. Jim Robinson, Roger Wilson, Orma John- son, Gordon `Foster; Sydney Godden. Ross Richardson, James Lougheed. Harry Hob- ley. Emerson 'McElwain_. Gordon` Mizen. George Beattie, Bertha Allan. NIL- _II_--_!_._. . I- _. - . _ ~..--_,, --5...... --.-.- iollowih atudents who failed mi cer- Atain subjects may enter third form, but will have to repeat work in the subjects on which they lilexl in the secondform: Rich`-' ard- Flaherty, Percy Lamsbie, Angus Rosa,` Ena Little, Reta Livingston. Muriel Pad- dison.` Jack Payne, Reta Stevenson. Doris Tuck. Charles Walker. Marjorie Black, Jessie Bum. Grace Goring. Such third form work as the tinie-table-may allow will be` nerniittnrl fhnan nun: ycuuuwcu I-uoac pupal`. The following students failed: Gordon Canning. Mildred Guest, Clarence Hall. Margaret King, Isabel Lucas. Wilfred Murphy. Frank McDonald, Verna Smyth, Maurice Trcfvelyn. Eileen Gray. Miss Della Robinson of Toronto was home over the holiday. ` MI` nnil Mn: Quinn-n vnnfnuuu-I 6;. (\-......... II V U! DIIC llilllllliyg ' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson motored to Orange- ville on Dominion Day. _ mu nnann nf Allnnrlnln In y... .........A .4 Vlll_U Ull JJUIIIIIIIUII uuy. Miss Henson of Allandale is the guest of `Miss [Verna Rowe this week. Mon I.lm...l ('1.....l...:.. -4` 11-14.-.. __L__l Luna vuruu Lwwu Luis ween. Miss Hazel Goodwin of Bolton school staff ishome for the vacation. 111:-.. ......:.. -1`l7:I_--. -1 "`_.._-__L_ O`tto"A1V'nold o-f Toronltb spent the week- end with his parents. Mr. and_Mrs. Alex. Arnold. `II-.. l'.`.........!-I'. .....l J....'_LL-_. -1` Vh__,,,_1_ (ll uulu. Mrs. Fewick `and daughter of Toronfo were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Miller `over the holiday. o ' Mzm An:.. ~n,....:.,I... no rr........+,. V.`..;....; .1..- IIICIIKI-3 Ill IIJIEIIVNIC IJIKH W553`: The, members of the C.-G.I.T. of the Pres- byterian church are camping at Killarney Beach. Lake Simcoe, this week. ` V man nnl`\:nnnn n` r`n":n.nnunntl uling fence wire from the orestation farm. They pur- . 7th Line portion of their 3. c. I; rnomonons IN Lem `.---- -----.-, --v..--- -....---u The following students who were taking partial second year work may enter the third year: Greta Finley, Agnes Horan. 'I\l,,l`II ,` VVUll\ NB IIIU I-IlHV'llIUIU permitted these pupils. in fn"nuy'r'nn afinln um wculvcuu av ucr uume uure. . Miss McKenzie. of Toronto. was the guest of Miss G. M. Kidd over the holiday. 11:-.. nL:-L_u-.. _.n m.___.. ___,,, ., -- --V--.u-...-.., .. Invnvuenavvl Miss Clara Kell, a teachr in a 'I`oront.o school. is home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Willoughby of Tor- onto spent the holiday with relatives in Gnunn i town \1.., .mr._;___ 111:: '"'14'i'ss 'Mai~_v Wilspn. of Buffalo holiday- 'ing.with her pareyta, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Wilson . f\LL_ A,_..,I.I Vl`.,,_,,;. ,, 1 nl -I "w\J?V\_":f `I|ix1i:1`,;;: Spence, Miss Beat- rice `McFadden and,_M. _E,.-McFadden visited friends in Elmvale this week. ' PM... .......,..I..`.._. -1 4.1.- nn rm _: u__ n.___ ueacn. uaxe mmcoe, zms week. Miss Edith` Rdbinson, of Collingwood schoolstaff, is spending the summer holi- day with her` parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Robinson. :\`l'__ _.__I II__ w.,__., ,, 13- 1 1 In Names of Students Who Were` ` `Successful in Forms . _One and Two; rter and their Mniecw, Alice mg at their new mf,f.:xge The rwults of the Departmental Exam-! `mations in the subjects of the Lower School I I have not yet been received, but the names of those who may enter the third and sec-: ond years have been included in the above! lists. It is oossible that some of these stu- dents may have to carry over a supplement- al subject into the advanced year. one an 2 9! I, _l nuau xeyuluuu IUI ulc vuuuuuu. `Miss Gilssie `Wilson of Torohto spent the weekend at her home here. Illm. nVnnn:n -4` 'I`........L.. _..... LL- __.A A _,_ -.__... .--..u u. wlav uvuuu . Miss C'l1'isi1:>'lrx1 of 'I;)'ront'o was the guest of Mrs. Alex. Arnold over the week-end. C-\ I\ run -- 1;%;,;;;.;2s;;i`q3;.'.;;;;;;.;i.f `3.,;;;; ;t;"m. and Mrs. Frank Houghton, a daughter. III. III ,,, , V! II ml;T: 1`1`).(i Mrs. Freeman Frunch and Mrs. J. Greenlaw wi`h -her daughters. Jean and Margaret. of Elmvale, visited Vfriends in town on Sunday. LUWU Ull Uuuuuy. Wm. Robinson, Mr and Mrs. Frank Rob- inson and Mr. and Mrs. `F. H. Robinson were in attendance at the Dominion Day celebra- tion in Newmarket and report a most de- lightfulo day. , Tho `uunkv-on A` Munifnkn T1-Inn Mn lightfulp day. _ The brethren of Manitoba Lodge, No. 236, A.'F. dz A.M., attended divine service in the Methodist church on Sunday even- ing. The new pastor of the church, Rev. A. L. Atton, preached in most interesting and helpful sermon to `the large congrega- tion. ` (Continued from page A COOKSTOWN 1) `hardson and ` Miss Beile sick list. holiday visitors here: Mr. cMahon and Jackie of d Mrs. W. Clarke of Bar- ughliu's', T. O'Reilly and Dorothy Burlingham of ssell Stone of Elnlvale at Irs. McGarrity. the Misses` n:v\n;n of `u: n:nn;n'a> I 93034 C I 0.00. ` . While putting down the windshield of his 3 automobile. a Worcester, Mate. man severed 3 an antery in his wrist and died from loss of .- bleod. ` . > ; Second Class I-Ionours-Agnes Reynolds, Bertha vGarsi(le. Helen McBride. Alfred Tompkins. Sarah_Wallwin_. Hazel Richard- son, Gordon Pratt, Bernice Thompson. Har- old Rirldell, Marjorie Ambrose. Gordon El- lis. Eddie Hagan, Elma Henson. -Claude Sharp.` Rae Looker, Victoria Barnard, Eva `Barnard. Arnall North. Helen Hedger, El- len Longhurst, Verna Green, Alex. Terry, Jinunie Webb. 7 . !\L-__I_;L, n-,.L 'II'___ rel JR. I TO SR. 14 First Class I-Ionours--~W'mnlifred Potts,l Genevieve Watt (equal) ;,'l`rueman Ander- son. Billy Pratt, Arthur Ferry. Billy Mar- all. -Marion Newman, Earl Hunter. Q-..-`J [`Iuu;. unI\nIImn 11---- `1nAI\n:Al.l _ V7 IIIIC I UUIC, \JllllUll| Ullilall, IlI.lUl\. \Jl`lA3UIIo Recommeuded--Lorrainej Keitch. Bessie Baer. Mossie Magloughlen, Fred Stacey. Wilfred Howe. Dinnick IBrown.v Marshall Crawford. Jimmie McBride, Bob Logan. "i';ix:st-(;lass lIonours-Grace Walker. Jack Hurr, Lavina Watson (Equal); Bessie AMathews. Clarence Baldwin. Kenneth Mann. Rose-`bud Ardell, George Pot-ts (equal) ;| George Watson, Lena Harris; Evelyn Peck, Mildred Gibson. .Lloyd Kinsella (equal); Lawrence Green, Mary McCausland_. Jean Wilson. ' Q-____.l lVI_-_ YY.._-...... !)__;3_ 71-..-.. Second Class H0nours---Bertie Hagan, Clark AApple'on. Bertie Wilson. `Marion Snearn. Janet Warnica. Tommy Webb. Eric Kettle, Helen Bluin, Edna Greenside. Bob Simmens. Lloyd Walker. Walter Ferry. - 'ponn:w.r`l`:n anal q`IlI`\J`h3f| Anna LVIIIIIIIUIIBQ IJIUJ Ll VT llIl\CI ` VV l'Ill*CI 1` Cl I J u ~ Pass-Erldie Reid, Hazel Stunden. Alice Bax-ran. Stephen Ogden, Harold St. Clair. Bessie Gibson. I"I-_,._.___ _ __I IV__._., IV__.I _, YITSIIE. IJIIIIIIHC VI UUU. PaL=s----Charlotte Park, Hazen Edg. George -Trask, Ilene Tell, Grant Montcrieff, Mabel Riddell, Georgena Spearn. 111 -----v- -r--~~~-- -~---=v~--~ l..--._--. Recommended-Ev{1 Logan. Eleanor Brown, Stuart St. Clair. Margaret Rayner. . Recommended on -account of illness-W. Ispent the hdliday in Mid-

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