Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1923, p. 13

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lack Cot- ose, sizes c, for 25 Allandale--4Powell knocked a homer; L. Emms flied to Burke; Dobson single-d;, -Copeland out, 2nd to 1st; Del Emms walk-i ed; Clark fanned. I run, 2 hits, 0 errors. Eighth Inning ` Toronto--Delaney singled; French fan- ned: `Curvy out. 2nd to lat: Foster out, short to let. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. AnndnIA_..Tnnlv plan} ' a:nn`nr` . f .\l.... UD!`TBu . Aquatic Events Owing to delay in the other sports, the aquatic programme was late in starting. In the war Canoe race Barrie beat` Allan- dale C.N.R. by a length. A decision was not given between Dalton White and N. Liscumub in the singles and this will haveyto be run again. Newman and `Liacumb were first in the doubles. White and Travis tak- ing second. White, Travis, Newman and Liacuuvb won the fours. ' `I- LL- -..!-I--A _.__L-L I`l1__;:_ I,,_. A`II. `7"'VL`n AIlaudale-Gilchriat flied to short; Pow-I all out, short to 1st; Emms walked and` took 2nd on catc`her s error; Dobson out 2nd to let. 0 runs, Obits, 0 errors. ` . `Sixth Inning . Torontn--Carey flied to 2nd: Freeman batted out of turn; Foster grounded out 3rd `to 1st... 0 hits. 0 runs. 0 errors. Anndalenv-Cnne.|nnd ninoarli Tin! Emma ml 130-. U Ulla. U runs. U U'I'U_l'S. Allnndale-v~Cnpeland singled; Del Emms snfe on error by Robertson; Clark fanned hut lived on a` catcher's error; Copeland forced out at the plate; Thomas safe" onl 1| fielder's choice; Cnles fanned; Clark out at the plate after Gilchrist singled, scoringi D.` Emms. 1 run. 2 hits. 2 errors. . Seventh Inning 'l`oronto---Font fanned; Burke fanned; Rohertsonwalked; Grogan fanned. 0 hits. 0 runs. 0 errors, ' AII_...I,_I_ .11. _II I I I I v ouunu nu Luv. U runs, 1 mm, U errols. I Allnndule--Jack Plant .'singled; Coles safe on error at 2nd; Homer fanned; Pow- ell_ fanned; Emms fanned. 0 runs, 1 hit. 1 erro_r. .\Y2_ A`. 7,, ' " Ninth Inning 'l`oron*to'----F re_eman singled; Touit safe when Powell missed 3rd strike; Burke out pitcher to 1st; Robertson fanned; Grogan `safe when Powell stood still with the ball: Delaney out 2nd to lat. 0 runs. 1 hit, 2 uoulc U Julllus -"' 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 R Toronto 0 01 2 0 '0 0V 0 0 3 Allamdale 042101 10x 9 Line-u`p:- - Toronto----Freeman p; Tout 3rd, p; Burke If; Rdbertson ss; Grdgan cf; De- laney 2nd; French lst; Carey c; Foster rf. A"nnrhIn....nnhnnn `HIEU nnnnlnn not I1 uumy auu, rscuuu Lav; uurey G; 1`U8l8l' 1'1. Allandrale--~Dobson lat; Copeland as; D. Emma 2nd ;_ Clark If ; Thomas rf ; Coles 3rd; Gilchrist of; Powell` c; L. Emma p; F. Foster as; Plant 1~f;VHorner of. ' 'Tvn:rnn__J7 Qmnbk ..6-"-`Int... I` `l_f.._A. -.. 1-uaIc|_' an, L Iuula l l,Il.Ul'llUl' OI. Umpires--F. Smith at" plate; E. Hart on basea. . . IJIDIFIIUPU WUII IIIIU lU||I'5a In the cricket match Westbn be_at. Allian- Ada'lEL54 to 45. . Z _ _1__Y_ ________;,-__. , I I -.1 ton Sox, I 1_ spec- . . . . 25c `IIIU U` IU 26). The day's amusement [ended up with a dance in the Armouriea, attended by about 300. Music was furnished by Cobourtfs orchestra, Toronto, . . fanned. 1 run. 2 hits, 0 errors. Allandale--Cope1and singled; Del Emma flied to Burke who completed a double play 4 by tagging Copeland; Clark tripled and. scored on Thomas safe hit to right; Coles .`l:`1.L `L. __ !_ ._ '1` II I'll llllllllg Tomnto--Tou't fanned: Burke bunted safely; Robertson hunted safely; Grogan flied to.Del Emma; Delaney hit sa.fe'ly; French flied to Clark. 0 runs; 3 hits, 0 er- FAIR u nun. I cuul. Fourth Inning Toro_ntn---Ro`hertson singled through 2nd; and stole 2nd: Grozan walked; Powell goti Delane_v's foul fly: L. Emms caught French's_ high fly; Carey walked; Foster singled; Roberts and Gropznn scored when Copeland tossed the ball wild to 2nd :' Free- man flied to Copeland. 2 runs. 2 hits. 1 error. AlI__.l_I- lI___I, I - I I I\ I vw IVUFH. 3 AlIandale-'Clark safe on an error at 3rd;; Thomas singled over short. each runner ad-` vnnced one base on a wild pitch; Coles doubled; scoring Clark and Thomas; Gil-3 chrishsafe when the catcher missed the- 3rd strike: Coles scored on an overthrowi ..L 0....I. I)...-...II t..__..J T `l.1_.___ t___-.I. IJIVI UlllIl\I7 ` \ l"UF FUUICU UK] all UVCIVIAUIUVV at 2nd; Powell fanned-. L. Emma fanned; Giir-hrinf scared when Hanna muffed Dob-i son s hit; Copeland walked; Del Emms_' fanned. 4 runs. 2 hits. 3 errors. ` Third Inning 'I`nronto~--Care_v isinzled, but was out etealing; Foster out, 3rd to 1st; Freeman mingled; Tou_t -doubled, scoring Freeman; Tout. out on a fielder's choice on Burke's hit to 3rd. 1 run, 2 hits, 0 er-p I I`I\I'E Allandale--Clark out. short to Ian! Tlmmas hit by nit-ched "ball and stole 2nd;} Gales walked: Gilchrist out, 2nd to 1st:' Powell hit by pitched ball; Thomas and? (Tales scnrvd when 1.. Emms hif was muffed at 2nd: Dobson out 2nd to 1st. 2 runs. 0 hits. I error. ' .1 -v -. I l A1landale-~Dobs.6u bunted safely, Dob- sxon was out trying to make 3r.d on Cope- land's out at 1st:.Del Emms out, short to 1st". .0 runs, 1 hit. 0 errors. . Second Inning - I 'l`oronto-~Robertson fanned; Grogan fanned; Delaney singled to right and stole 2nd; French fanned._ 0 runs, 1 hit.` 0 er-' rors. . LIr-.__l-I- IVI__I, _,l. , , , , , ,1 n,,I, ` Kw ; "Leighton Emma twirled' good ball for the local railroaders and was master of the situation at all times. Eleven batsmen fell before his delivery and another whiffed bul; catcher dropped the third s*rike. Emms allowed eleven hits and walked three men. 'I\-____II _ LII-_.I._I_ l____I--_I -..L - _I-..__ CIIIUWCU CICVUII Lllll llll VVGIRCIJ IJIIICU UIUII. Powell of Allandale, knocked out a clean four-bagger in the seventh. but as he was the first man up. no runs were scored ahead of him. Clark stri.ple in the fourth also featured. Play by innings :- ' `First Inning 'l`n...-mm-.7I2'.mnn\.... mu 4.. 0...}. 'I`m.+ cannot tell, 1' to say farewell. thers and Sisters. IWIIUI IIIIIIII5 _ Torontr>.-Freeman out to 2nd; Tout fanned; Burke fanned. 0 runs. 0 hits, 0 errors.` An___I,.I_ n,L '_,, L,,,,;,,| -1--1" r\ L UBIJIU VV'LIUl_I UIIUIB IILIU WUl& (nuns. Freeman pitched seven innings for the losers, and by the time that was over, he had` had enough and gave way to Tout. `All the runs were secured off Freeman. He allowed ten hits, passed four men, "hit two others, and struck out six. His catch- er robbed him of two additional strike-outs by dropping the third strike. Tout fanned three men in his innng after Plant had singled and Coles had taken_'lst on an er-' IQ) "Lniulmtnn Emma fwirlnrl ovnnd hall fnr WEEGAR `TROPHY 1 cons TO TORONTO; (Continued `from page 8) *Allandalo Shops 9; Toronto Shops 3. Allandale triumphed `over Toronto shops to the tune of 9-3 in the baseball match staged as part of the Dominion Day cele- bration. Monday- The visiting twirler turned in a\ good exhibition but his sup- port was wobbly at timege and the runs came when errors helped the work along. `PI-nnrnnn n:Irn`|nrl nnunn :nn:nn-to `nit fkn I I'I UI'Su Score by inn 1 ll u. a Iuw, U cu` 'Fifth Inning nlrf `unnn - I `rue muuun 3xAmm:n Uuarsc. ` Mr. and Mrs. George Seymour are spend~ I ing ten days with reatives in Island Pond, Vt. W hn.-n :2 nn:nn nu` A`; \IIa:I\nnu "1: nrlr` I. Ullll, VI-In , E. Dore is going out of business. He and `Mrs. Dore leave next week for` a trip to I the Saguenay. I Q..mmn- I-um:....m. Inna ..n.u....l nn .n..o$u..lu IIIC DC!-SUIT}! U] I Summer business has opened up -actively` and there is every prospect for a good set! son's tourist traffic. `fl--. `I5--. Il_I__ZII_ 2- .__2LL AL- `I'D--. B-___L, J his sorrowing verpool, England. St.. next to Post Of -fice. -IUI II -` KVKIIIUDJ UC.IVl\ico "Extra copies of The Examiner may bel obtained at Clark's `bookstore, 5 Gowan \l3_,_ Y4'_LLA,,,, `I'I `I ,_ > I", `I R DI.-g IICAI IU IIJDI` \II'IIUCu I Misses Kathryn Poucher, Leona Carrol and Olive Bed-ford of Toronto were holi- day guests at C. W. Poucher's. 1...: n:.. :-m n. 1 A 4.. 12 -4-"I, II` ...:n` KEG SUU\`D lr \J- WV: IUUUIIUI Us Ind. Div. 576 G.I.A. to B. oftL.E. win` 5 dispense with the meeting in July owing to \ meeting day falling on the Twelfth T l\ Is1v I-U Lurunuu uuu Lungcua. ` -Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Ness of Niagara Falls are visiting their parents here. {Minna Roch-:nn an:-1 Flnv-Anna Rninfnn Ul. LUCY. 1), IVIUIVIIIC UVCI. ouuuuy. 5 `Miss Florida Adams of Toronto is the ;'guest of her,si.ster,` Mrs. Dalton White. 1 Dan I W Tnffnn nc Tnffnnknvn v\I-no1I'}|- Dy Kalli! fI'CSUyLCI'lllll HIUIUS IIUKII lllully. I Mrs. Chas. E. Gordon of North By -is ivisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac i Boone . RT---` Q..._..l.._. LL- ll ..LL._.I!..L `I').._..L-.;.-_i....| IJUUIIU Next Sunday the Methodist-Presbyterian gnion services begin, Rev. `W. J. Watt, in charge. Mn mm! Mun (Inn.-an Qnunmnny. or-n annual 1 BUII G l'UUl'IBl- III"ll'lUo ' i Rev. Roy Melville is with the Boy Scouts yin camp at Port Bolster. He will return i for hie Sunday services. `.`l'i`_wn-u nnnina nf A pvnvn:nnn Ivan`: kn BIC Vlllrls LHULF P5151-ll uvxu. (Misses Beatnce and Florence Brunton were in Buffalo,for the holiday. Mm L Lnwrpm-.9 and -Mrs, Wilxnn have WCIU Ill IDUJIIKIU/IUI IJHU uuuuuy. Mrs. L. Lawrence and Mrs. Wllson have -returned after a visit to Inglewood. (`ant M..l..:ll.. A` Tnrnnfn upon fkn tunnel eeping. ave. eartuche, ca_'n tell in silence well. 'l'UUUl'lIUU IIIIICI H Vlllw |U IIIEIUWUUU. Capt. Melville of Toronto was the guest I of Rev. Roy Melville over Sunday. I Mlun Imnu-:1: Arluvna n` Tnrnnfn la Han F UK] III I-IIC ~1'I.C|nll|JL|llI ULIUIUII I&`lI uuuunyn ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jocelyn of Toronto ' spent Dominion Day at. J. S. Brunton s. ninnnr mi" -kn anrvnrl fn Hun nrnnlonmnn l EFCIIU IJUlll'll|lUII uay Cl II. L7: JJIUIIDQII 5- Dinner will -be served to the Orangemen |by the Presbyterian ladies next Thursday. in II ,,_I_, _A- 17, .1, V\_"._ 3. i S.O.E. meet Friday at` 8.00 p.m. sharp I in the Trainmen's Hall. ` \1:-_ A__:- 11---..- ,L.... ....L.._.....J ....... .. 1 gulz Ul L|Cl'BIBlAUl, Ullu IJKIILUII VV uwc. { Rev. J. W. Totten of Tottenham preach- ed in the Methodist church last Sunday.. I M- nut` Inn '|'.l n-my Innulun .-.6 'l`.-u-nn4>n HI [4119 .ll'lIIl.lll.lUlI5 11511. Miss Annie Crowe has returned from a visit to Toronto and Niagara. Ila nnal `K.-n' Yum Noon ll` M;nnuro Walla I::Hub Boot Shop Sarieant &King, Limited FORTHE OUTING GIRL ALLANDALE NEWS heart, sin had fly on` his pale cold world, too bqre our darling other and Daddy NEW GOLF SWEATERS--Fancy front and plain back and sleeves, rose, bluebell, eornhusk and mauve, price . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 PULLOVER SWEATERS in every combination of colors imaginable, albng with ' pretty`Caravan and Egyptian patterns, all sizes, prices .. $2.25 up to $9.00 uvv vuuu. vvw 'ALu.v`\. u. Suuu tans. UI uutu IIUW Ill SIUCK, 3. In I Come in and see them. We are always pleased to show our goods. Cream Flannel Pleated Skirts, sizes 26 to 30, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grey Flannel Pleatedskirts, sizes 26 and 28, only . . . . . . . . . .. Cream Serge-Pleated Skirts, sizes 28 to 32, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fancy Box Pleated Skirts, cream with green, price . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pretty Fancy Homespun Pleated Skirts, navy and brown, price l Navy. and Grey Gabardine Pleated Skirts, special price . ., . . . . . Nothing `is prettier or mere stylish this Summer than a pleated skirt in-cream serge OT annel; Silk Crepe 0 at Crepe. worn with a chic pullover or buttoned golf '5We3tef- We `h3V3 3 g00d {angel Of 130th now in stock, all in last minute styles. and see them. We are nlwavc nlpacprl fn arm." A..- -4- We Have Provided 3 Shoe that is Cor- rect in `Price, Style and Quality A for Every Summer Need Manyldistinctive lasts and patterns in Strap Shoes," in patent-kid or `patent-suede combinations; we can fit you correctly; `the prices range from . . . . . . . . . . $3.20 to $5.50 White - Canvas, fascinatingly trim- med with patent leather, makes a very Cool-looking sports or dress shoe, priced. at . . . $3.00 to $3.50 White and \ C,ombinations Delightful Styles in Mid-summer Footwear ----.-"are` temptingly priced------- A SMART SWEATER AND A PLEATED sxm ny dear daughter, 4: of Harry Yeat-- ngeles, Cul., July FOR WOMEN =SARJEANT & KING, LIMITED= uuuugu nun but l.UlfUul.U ulul.'KCl:5. On Sunday morning a newsprint. train of 44 cars was handled over this division. The 1868 tons of paper was from Iroquois Falls for Cleveland, Pittsburg and Chicago. 11:..- "|t-._LI- `n':n -: m _ _ , , , L, ~ ~-~-- ~~- ---------`-y ----~--:5 ----- v*--V-oV- | Miss Myrtle Hill of Toronto, Mr. an Mrs. J. N. Bradford and'Master Jack, Mrs. McKenzie. Miss Irene, Master Ronald of _ North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McCartney, Miss Nora, Dalton McCartney, of George-. town. Mr. and Mrs. Berkinshaw and Master Percy of Hamilton spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Sanford St. l Died on Way to Visit Daughter While on her way to the train to `visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas. McNiven, Brock St.. Barrie, Mrs. Marie Roesel. aged 68 years, and wife of the late Wm. J. Roesel, of 49 Elmwood avenue, collapsed suddenly about 4.30 Tuesday afternoon at the corner of St. Clair and Elmwood Aves., Toronto, and died before medical aid could'be sum- moned. I._, I'D, , ,I ' ,,_,, ` I I . 1 I A IIIUIIUII. Mrs. Roesel is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Charles MoNiven. of Barrie; Mrs. John Klees. Roehampton_ avenue, Toronto, and JLBBII `DI Mrs. John Carey of Montreal and Mrs. Robert McDonald of London have re- turned to their homes after visiting with` Mrs. Isaac Boone. , Mrs. R. McLean and son Carlisle motored from Wes'tfie'ld, N .Y., gmd spent the past week with Mrs. McLean's sister, Mrs. Ed. Dixon, Cumberland St. . A :..n.. +:m.. ........ 1... .1... n--.a._-.__ nzuxuu, uuuuucuauu Dlu, I A jolly time was spent by the Ptesbyter-i ian Sunday School on Wednesday at Shanty . Bay where the annual picnic was held. _The trip was made by jitney. Tlli I-;n`ra n` Allonrluln knnxuin-n n-.n6....n.I LIIC I/up waa uuzuc uy Jllrllfiyo | Two rinks of Allandale bowlers motored to. Penetang on Wednesday and succeeded in winning both games. S. Garside and- C. W. Poucher were the skips. I A `llll I-I-n:n nf Wnafarn nnfbln In- "I"n-1.-.4-A` u. n. xuuuucx wcrv: hue auup. ! A full train of Western cattle for Toronto went south on Monday. Quite 9. lot of, stock , from western Canada is comingi through for the Toronto markets. I (Tn ,Qn-`plan ..\A-...2..... .. ............._2_L 1.._..!._ .ll Marvin Brown returned yesterday after? a motor trip to Perth, bringing with him Mrs. W. J. Patterson and children for vaca- tion. - `l. .1 u. `u n . q memory of out who was so sud- to heaven on an: and 21 days. was lying quiet The Mrs. Hamilton, Allandale, whose name was mentioned in a. police court case` last week was not Mrs. bT. Hamilton, 98 Essa St. W `ll..- ILL, I` P if . 1 u `- This is the time of year when we all want Tennis Shoes. No matter what` you select in this line, you are assured of itshigh quality and you will agree with us on the low ca.--an .1 '." ' ' pryce. Smart-looking Golf Shoes that can be _worn for sports or general wear will appeal to you on account of their smart appearance, the com- fort that is built into them and their exible rubber sole,.price . . $7.00 price . . . . . . . . , . FOR MEN :1 UK I o W In response to numerous and insistent re- quests, these delicious candies made from 'uew and exclusive formula:;,.can now be obtained in Barrie. 27c _:j_ 'one son. W. F`. Roesel, of 54 Peterborough avenue. To Celebrate Twelfth Here Allandale Orangemen are making prepap ations to give the visiting brethren u p time here next Thursday. From 15 to 20 lodges are expected. At 1 p.m. the proces- sion will form up at the Orange Hall and proceed to the recreation grounds, Hal , gate St., where baseball, football, races and speeches will constitute the programme. au\"`i'>urVcama and era A be day He gath-- I -Miss Catherine Moore._ 149 Bayfield s:., lhas had as guests` at a house~party at her home this week, the following :--Miss Helen l_Ryan, Toronto; Miss Dorothy 0'Gorman, Toronto; Miss Grace Keenan, Owen Sound; Miss Nora`h Teehan, Windsor; Miss Mary Benson. Toronto; Miss Mary McDevitt,. Pit-tsburg. Miss Denise Phelan, Toronto; Miss Alice O'Connell, Toronto; Messrs. Ed. `Walsh, Bill Stone, Art Gough, Art Irvine, Ed. Mulqueen, Thos. Gibson. all of Tur- onto. l THEIR FAME PRECEDES THEM I Announcing the formal opening of the. Smiles 'n Chuckles" Candy Shop at Hill's Bakery, 137 Dun'lop St._. on Saturday,._ July 7. I n Iloonnnnn In ........._...... .._.l ..__.,A__A W, LEFROY SPECIAL Strawberries by the crate, 12c for the 6th Genelhi` Merehant GRAIN - SEED - C0$L Real Estate - Money to Loen A.` KIRKPATRICK GUESTS AT HOUSE PARTY Page learning l\ IKGIIVIIVH OSIERV tton ixl ` 8 to 10, .... 50 nembrance of my =V. Magraue. M. .F., whovdied in ie. July 4, 1920. wing memory of . and Mrs, H. W. ho entered into and Aunts closing, and his mi 4->v7~.v ~-_ / .50c 1923. $1?/2'} DUCIII DU BIJUIIU H LUVV H.160 Miss Amy Cooper, Miss Nellie Stokes and Mr. Horn. :11 of Toronto, snent the holiday with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JamesCoo'p- er.Sanford St. ___:| 11;- n-___._u_ In-..._..!.. __.I d Brown >se, sizes price, 25c Cl` s |3Illl.Ul'U Clio Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris and son Ralph and `Mr. and `Mrs. Robert Gilson, all of Toronto, spent the uuuuuy. _ - _ Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Caldwell apd son motored from Flint. Miclm, and spent a few days with the fo`rmer. s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cald- well. Owen St. ` iI1,._ It_I.1_`.l.I-.. 11.. .....I '8: UWEII `Io Mr. and` Mrs. McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Bretz and two children and G. T. Gilbert. all of Toronto. were hol- iday visitors at the home of C. G. Atkinson. Blake St. - 11_-_ an I-n 1-5-5.1.1- ....I `ll... KY ` III-KIHSOU. DIIIKG Db. Mrs. F. W. Pohtle `and Mrs. N. Calta motored from Bu'alo.to spend a weekrwith the former : `aunt, Mrs. Wm. Stewart. who returned with them to spend a few days. was A unit `Mina DLICBII. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Astridge and George Parker of Lindsay motored over and spent Sunday with Barrie friends. 1tv__, 'n'-_-_- _.-L.-_.......I L- il1.....u.L.\ Av: JUICY, IV: 1 n - Miss Mae Walker of Clarksburg and Miss Laura Blanchard of Allis- ton have gone to their homes for the summer vacation. Y\,1IA_ 1-14----.. -..I.- L..- 1...-.. IIUV BUIIIIIIUI 'VUUlU|Iv Dr. Rollit Carson, who has been taking special hospital work in Pitts~ burg for the past year, is home for a vacation of three weeks. n _, -rv_,,_u_1 'n1:n:_ ........... -0 G4- G VIIUCII/IUII U1 DIIICU Wucnnu Rev. Harold Willis. rector of St. Ann s Church, New Yofk City, and Mrs. Willis are holidaying` with Mrs. French, mother of Mrs. Willis. A..LL--.. If East-`gnu 111:6`: :3 Ilfn Ill-`i pu1'em..zs no on xuuuuuauu um Mrs. Henry `Johnston, Bradford St... and her daughter leave Friday to join Mr. Johnston at Drayton, w}:eve they will make their home. 1u:.... 1m..r~..n...... mt... svnnnnv ma. 'J Cl'U nutty Wlll lllll\l7 hllvls Ilvnlnvw Miss Mccallum. who recently re- signed from the B.C.I., has accented a position in St. Catharines Colleg- iate at a considerably higher salary. ' Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McBride and Misc: McBride. Toronto, and Lou Mc- Bv.-ide of London were guests of W. .G. McBride, 11 Henry St., omit the holiday. 1:. ......l' "won I` 'l`r l`!n'|:IumII.nnrl d Brown sizes 8.`/2 it .lUI,U Cli- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peach and Miss Gladys `Peach. of Rockwood spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. "B. W. Rhinehart. II_,,, n 1' 1:u...L_.. ......l .I\4UUlUH1L'|n Mr. and Mrs. S. J; Fisher and dawghter Lottie left on Saturday for 'a week's visit with friends in Hark- imer, N.Y. 11'}-.. `MA ..- ur..n..... A-P 'r`,lnr1n`.vakI-Ivui .l.`l't'.l|Ull, HIULIIUI U1 Vl.LBn vv uuu. Arthur M. Eastman, with his wife and son. motored from Hamilton on Friday to spend the weekend with his parents at 35 McDonald St. ' 1.1.... 13......" `1'..l.m.+.m Rum!-Pnwi JUJs`:- lllulu ulluyvs, LJSGIIJVIV un- Mrs. Wm. Brennan. Worwley St., and Miss Irene McKinnon, Toronto,. Tare holidaying at Wasaea Beach. line. Y T Rflznn nu-R. `no-in {W-nvnn `llwhvnuila, ovouv Uvnuwu u--.-.-u-u... ~rvv--. Mrs. D. Jamieson and son have been visiting'Dr..Jamieaon of Edgar for a" few days, returning yesterday uvv mu 1" , , jl , _,,__' .lllUIl\|v ` Wm. Horn returned to~Toronto on Monday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper, San- ford St. - - ' 1 'n.1._, 1:7 1' n__- __...J 1ur:,.__ uuuuay vvluu LVLLBQ uo Au: Awvuno Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horn are snending their holidays with Mr. and" Mrs. `James Cooper, Sanford St. T\..L....L um.` Annlanniii n`bn1I vnkn 1111!-. uaulca vuuycz, LJGIILUIU uuo Robert and Andrew Walker, who have been teaching school in New Ontario. are home for vacatiom `-9 , I`\, , _, A_-.!_~.-___._ -1 `rY_...:IL.... tilt uuuuayulg all VI uilusu urvuvuu Mrs. J. L. Miller, with" her three sons, of Vancouver. B.C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Jas. Speers. Y.....__... ....I ...-.. 1.....- .;wa `an own -.-u.,-., -v-..-_.--- v..._--,-.,..,, Emerson Walker. of Woodlaw is'spel'1din-g his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Walker. __ .1 n:___ 111... n.......n;..... 4.4 1 Ribbed 10, were` cin] price rs. $1.00 ,....-...-, -.-.. _.._ -.---. M -. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crowtheriof Owen Sound spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hicks, Worsley Street. -" - - -._.n It..- Au......J A...4...:.l..... ....A WILII LVLl'Bg LVL: DJ: llnlluunug W. A. Anderson and Wm. Rain- ford motored to the former s home in Powassan for the holiday. . H 'II.. ......-I I`..- I1`-an Tnunn nu` Mun Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Parkhouse and ba 3' son of Kingston are holidaying with Mrs. M. E. Parkhouse. 7:`: A A ._.I_-_-A-__ _...I `I7... 13...`.- an-u Julian uuun uo LLuuuusu. ' I Ill .'uwa\`nu Lu! mic uuuua..y. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love and Mrs. W. H. Hind of Toronto spent the holiday with Mrs. J. M. Ness. TM ... nil!` ln Dakar} unwn ova \ 15 dial IV` `ll: IIUIIIC I.`-IL V$\4DIU|\IlII' Miss Doris Andrews of Hamilton spent the holiday "with her sister, Mrs. Harold Cooper, Sanford St. `MI... 117.... Du|t\tAula\\ Tl7nun`nu Q6- KIM.` uxra. no I-lU|l5lllll|n ` Dalton G. Robertson, B.A., Tor-|_ onto, spent the week-end with his." parents in Worsley St. Tmua `nnvu and nhifrhvnn n1 'l`nn.` puu-tuna In H ul.=uc_y uv. Mrs. Berlis and children of Ton- awanda, N.Y..` are at_their summer home in Kempenfeldt St. _.' 'AI__._ /1... 1l1..1-.......... ....A l.'..'l..u A-I-' IIUIUU ul l\UIllpUllJ.U|,\LV uv. , Mrs. Geo. Wakeman and baby of; Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Hubbard. _ -__1 ml..- 111...... n....l.I.......... .....A LUC }llDu vv yuan- Miss Mabel 1 was the guest < nedy this week.` A 11 , _. !.'l ..l..1..u 1V1l"... duuu Luluxcy. Miss Edna` Wright of Mimico is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Walker, Mulcaster St. ` ` ......l `Ill ..- flaunt. Tnnnwvuon A5: wauser, lVl.LllUG|aUl. saw. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Longman ofe Tornnto were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Longman. ` -r\-IL-._ ('1 `l)..Lnu6-'.-nun D A "I".-\-n_ | w}>`1`) :uFX(.idis6n 0, his sister, Mrs. D. W the past week. 1'./1:.... Mnknl Dan]; 7180),` uus wccn. Allan Hobley of To1_'onto is holi-!V dayfvng with his parents, Mr. and` John Hobley. - mu-.. `I:'|.l.....- '(XTunnIn& nf T\'wu3nn {Q weex. ' 1 Mrs. McPhee has taken a cottage: near Penetang for the summer} months. ' 1:-.- 1 `D fhmuvfnvrl nf Qt Tnnin . r`o1'sytn. , . V _ i Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Rusk and child-: ren were with Alliston friends over; the holiday. I -r\-l.:. A..lA-:`.n A, r\O-fnuro v;u'n(` monms. ' Mrs. J. `F. Crawford .of,St. Louis,; Mo., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jno. 5 Fora th. 5 1|Il'.)., ....A Mun (1 R `Rrmlr and child-9 Il|JLJlVi\ week. II ..- Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart Vis-E itd friends in Orillia on Sunday. ] Rev. Geo. A. Brown left on Tues-' day for Summer School_ at Geneva Pazk. ' -...:- M..- I: Q Qfbvnng ma- ram. turned from their honeymoon this, _ _`I_ Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stoens re-3 Toronto. . - , Miss Doris Hayes spent Dominion. Day at her home in Alliston._ . . -. n In V1L3....I.....L 5.8.. . own and . sizes 10 a, special rs.V$l.00 ;v-o.... - Toronto. 111-- I` THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1923. Miss Isaibl McLean is visiting inf ,A, _ PERSONAL on 0? Ottawa visitedl W. Bolton, during! Rankin of Chicagoi of Miss Maisie Ken-; uyaavuvu, usavvuls, $1113. l.\UIl.`L|B. The refreshment `tables ' presented a unique decorative feature. . Ar- "ranged around the vera dahs were ' ;twlve tables representin the twelve imonths of the year. Among the "best were the Dominion Day table. where ags were used profusely and I effectively; the June table with its __ ,lovel,v little wedding party as a cen- jtre; March, of course, was noticeable ,in green shamrocks and harps, and iVJanu'ary in its snowy whiteness was 'afrequently commented upon; hearts land valentines were strewn lavishly ' f around February, and September was _laden with 1`-uits and golden leaves. 1 Anna nnrl vuA1\U|:t\n ..--.-------L--A rl.` uuyo Miss Irma Robinson, Miss Yeo- mansof Toronto, Jaqk` Robinson, Dr. Brereton and Sandy Coutts left: early Monday morning on a -canoe trip to Headquarters, Algonquin Park. They went by Simcoe, nCouchic`hing and Severn, portaging over to Lake Mus- koka, and expect to reach their. des- tination in ten days. 51-lull` `blluulllllulllvao - Miss MacDougall, who has served seven years in China and who has spent her first furlough in Barrie with her family, ex- pects to return to China" in September. She will be greatly missed in St. Andrew ; when she returns and she will take with her the good wishes and thanks of the congregation for all her splendid work in the Sunday School and other organisations of the church. The W.M.S. are especially inter- ested in her as she returns under the W0- men's Missionary Society Board. A} Hus nlnnn AC `an mnnltino a." running!` VIIIUUHUH (NW8 Ill I3 an HIIIII-Il llllvo A About twenty people were present, a picnic being held at thepark. Mr. and Mrs. Carr were the recipients of the congrat- ulations of their friends and family. Those present included their two sons, B. J. F. Carr. Thornton; C. A. Carr, Toronto; and daughter Mrs. A. E. Pedwell, Toronto; Mrs. Fielding, Niagara Fails;`Miss E. How- orth, Toronto, besides Mr. and Mrs. Carr's grandchildren. we said goodibye Ier, and she should I Glen Log'ie,? the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.` W. L. Patterson, `presented a very festive appearance 1 on Dominion Day for-the Catholic 1 Women's League garden fete,` ideal yweather favoring the event. I I.o1nn-n nwnvnrla LI-...........J LL- -..-..- Burton motored to Owen Sound on Saturday and spent the week-end there with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramsay. He returned Tuesday, ac- companied by Mrs. Burton, who had been visiting her sister, `Mrs. Ram- say, and two children of Mr .-and Mrs. Ramsay. RI... aver!` `Ill...-. A 12` D....a.\v.` 4...! AWL}; -i..'ve}.'t'Sr' :;.;.:.;.;;.;.: "Day was the reunion of the family .of Mr. and Mia. John P. Carr. 37 Toronto St., at St. Vincent's Park It is an annual affair. A1.....; a........c.. .........l.. ...m... ..-........c .. 6350`, B FJIDUUL JVLlE L.J\lI.\I' I-JIRQC LJUO Dominion Day guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weegar were James Smith, General Locomotive Foreman of the C.N.R., Toronto, and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. T. A. Copeland and Geo. Brighton, Toronto. ml... .......`1. ......a ..:..:..'.... ...:4.1.. 11:. I-UL l5IlV\-Ill, LULUIIUUC The week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.- Collins were Miss Mary MacKinnon and Miss Edna Dukelaw of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pattison and Wm. Smith of Camp Borden and Chas, Ward of Angus. VB `II I)....A.A... ....u|..._...I L- I\.-..... V I. D: Lvuluu . Mr. and"1\;Irs'. A. E. Bryson` and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Craig motored to Stratford on Saturday. There they were joined by Mr.` and Mrs; W. J. Piggott and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Len- nox and proceeded to Goderich. It is 28 years since Mr. Craig visited Goderich, where he first saw the light of day. `lhfh... 1...- -DI\`\:v\r4:\v\ TIE}..- van On Wednesday afternoon. June 27. the Women's Missionary Society of St. An- drew's Church held its regular meeting. After the business was concluded. the Pres- ident presented Mra. S. W. Moore with a framed life membership cer'tifica t.e given` by her husband.` ` Tnul-Ami nf kl-In mmtnmm-v. nl-mn-nnwnn twn y uur uuauuuu. ~ Instead of the customary. programme two splendid reports of the Presbyterial held in Elmvale in May were read by the dele- gates. Mrs. McKnight and Mrs. Morrison,` after which Mm. Hardy delighted` all with a solo. An unusual and most interesting event thentook place. when Mrs. Steven- son read an address and Mrs. Aird present- ed Miss Christena MaoDougall witha. trav- elling clock and a well-filled purse. The recipient in her usual` pleasing manner thanked the ladies of the congregation fo their thoughtfulness. Ilia}: Ilnnrlnuanll mlan l-nan smrvnrl anvnn llluu 3 Lu.IwlUIuu'_y WUUIUIIJ LIUIuu At the close of the meeting all xfepaired to the ladies` parlors, prettily decorated. where Mrs. Aird served ice cream` and cake. xutau \.a.uu.,y UGIU5 Iu auuuuaucc. 5 Mt-s.'Patterson, who is president {of the Barrie branch of the Women's 'League. was untiring in her efforts gto make the event a pleasant one for `all, and that she succeeded was very evident. _Veryv Rev. Dean Sweeney :and Rev-. Father Brennan also hon- lored the ladies `by attending. AN-.... .. 0-... ..L....4. ........,.L.._ ...._1 `inc Black : )se, sizes \.J\I}uvv|4, wnnuuuvvnl I-J Mr. and Mrs. O. R. McKay and daughter Anna Rutherford motored from Detroit last week and are spending a few days with Mrs. Mc- Kay s sister, Miss Lord, Blake St. Y'\nu.sn.n. 'I\.-... ...u....t.. ..'1|K... ......l ST. ANDREW S W.M.S. [P-EESENT GIFTS T0 MISS CHRISTENAA MACDOUGALL Inunuuyna IVII-Ill UIVEI GIILI EUIUUII lUaVC30 _ Roses_ and peonies_ everywhere iadded. to the beauty of the scene. `At lunch time each guest was asked _to find her own birthday table, and `the fun went merrily on. The re- _freshments were quite in keeping with the affluence on "every hand "and iwere all that could be desired, straw- Iberries and cream. sandwiches, cake and candy `being in abundance. TIL... vn..u...._...... __.I._ 2- _.__-_.'.:_A.L ucvu ouc nausea uy auucuuuxg. After a few short speeches and music. Mrs. Crossland moved a hear- ty vote of thanks to the charming hostess. holiday with Mr. and Mrs; Percy Corbett, Elizabeth St. RE and II ... I\ `I3 IK..T."`..-- .....l `vvvualuliit &uvvLlu5 IJIIU VUllIu Large crowds thronged the spac- gious grounds throughout the after- 'noon, where games and races were .enjoyed. The book contest brought out much talent and the races a great deal of fun. `The prize-winners in` the differentcevents were ;- Needle irace, Miss Kathleen Powell; book` `contest, Mrs. J. J. McAvoy lst, Miss ,M. Cameron 2nd; limerick; Miss Mae l'McDonel1; drawing, Mrs. Kearns. 'I"I-un Inn-`nal;-unno.L 'J...LI__. ____ ---L---I CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE - cur-;s'rs AT GARDEN FETE cum rm-ILV Houi Reunion INDUCTED AS RECTOR OF INNISFIL The institution and induction of the.Rev. A. D. Cousins, D.D., as rector of St. Paul s- and St. Peter's, Innisfil. was held by the Right Rev. Bishop Reeve of Toronto. The church` was filled to its capacity and- 27 candidates were confirmed by the Bishop. A most impressive and searching sermon was preached by the Bishop. ilk Hose, =e, white, A1 I-III

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