Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1923, p. 9

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us..- _. _--.. -_--- ' A score of jubilating Conservatives} from Barrie paid a noisy visit to the home of Premier Drury at Crown Hill about midnight of election day. Yelling, singing and beating pans, they were lined up to march from `the road to the house when they were UNION T BANK OF. CANADA LADIES ANi`)9O_E1\1TLEMEN OF THE TOWN OF " up ~.B.ARR'lEi AND VlClNlTiY_i__ g 1` wish to thank. you most heartilytor the really splendid support that you were kind enough to give me in the recent election contest in Centre Simcoe. l assure you that I appreciate most sincerely your kindness to me, and that I will ever endeavor as your representative in the local Legislature to serve your interests to the best of my ability. Hoping tohave t-he pleasure of meeting_many of you personally in the near future, I am, Penetanguishene, June 26th-, 1923. Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thorntoli Branch ` 7`. - - - Cookstown Brangh" . - - - . ELECTION NOTES I I Baker Car- Currie Ja'm- \JuL' LJ michael 52' at 7.30-9.00 322 40 38 69' (maj.) G0 I` The middle aged min, mindful of his past will urge you not to waste small sums. He will tell you too. with a sigh :of regret, what'he might have accom- plished had-he,.years ago, realized the multiplying power of triing sums. (IL-.. man no ,1 .___,`._`..__ rvn '- v- -------- --------- Stop all the waste you can, and keep your money in a savings account where it will grow to help your future. 23; 38 | .16 Mass` Money Waste ieson; 1233 ; -n ...-uw . Double your Svings I! CAN be Dom. Such is the `climax of the most astounding piece of real- ism ever photographed-a mo- tion picture made in the broad reaches of mid-Atlantic, with a 90-ton sperm whale as the principal actor, and the hand of chance directing as erce a battle between man and mam- mal as the long history of _ whaling has ever known. V Yours faithfully, Bu; TURN-OVER~ _` IN _EA!` suwcoz _J. B. Johnston, who won four years ago in a three-cornered contest, was snowed under by over 1500 votes, [In four townships he had majorities, 1:0ro doing the best for him with a {lead of 494. All the towns and vil- ilages went strong for Finlayson, Or- gillia giving him 304 and Midland 11082, I`T'.I`I'\I\`|`ll'IIT3 I IHillsdale . . Hobart .. : Carley . . Warminster Eady . . . . ;Moons tone Vasey . . . Crown Hill Bertram s . . Edgar . . - Town Hali . . 1' . .. . ;Jarratt . . . 0ro Station Hawke_stone Shanty Bay Ben. Johnstfe/11/ias Beaten by 1515; Oro Tp. Best for U.F.(). ' ._ iorinia Tp. .. ;Medonte .. ! Oro . . . . I Matchedash .. .. '5Tay .. .. .. } Orillia Town . . . e'Coldwater , . . . !Victoria Harbor. Port McNicoll . . { Midland . . suddehly confronted` by the Pxjemiery l..-L._ -...'I.......J LL..un AZ J-`an vs`-nnn Qnnh ISUUUCIIIX UUIILIUIIIIULL U UHF 116111161. who ordered them 9 the place. Such `demonstrations 8&3 thing but row. -V`: wfyism and tagggdigapprcnnds of by} rii_ght-thin1daanitizvJ:a;a:.am V 1 r..a=n~n.m.-.n.` 1` `II gun a-- vv-J ---..-.-r_.-__ Barrie . .. 506 661 Flos........391 340 Vespra .. . . .. 266 212 Tiny........330 336 Sunnidale .. .. 203 242 Total majority forAThompson, 95. 1914 Vote 6 H. E. Jory Thompson Barrie .. .. .. 469 712 Flos........347 346 Vespra .. .. .. 285 250 Tiny..,......360 332' Sunnidale .. .. 191 265 Penetang . . . .'. 319 342 Total majority for Thompson, 276.2 --......_ .......... 3 Eithf 'V' V!` .".n . x V . .n:u-_:-ms ; a.mv:huII|11 . 2` T-Ia " `(M7 4- ` 1 ` HR 1.`; .'i_h). "'i&`;`;Hm."*`;:m [Two Progip_I1q;YotvMi6"'G-1' Simco 417 V 5 Majority for Johnston, 123. uuu Majority for Johnston, 494. V The Totals Finlayson Johnston Irillia . . 556 647 [edonte . . . . . . 456 , 505- #'ro.. .. .. .. 335 829' [atchedash .. . . 42 99` ay.. 588 264 irillia Town . 1502 1199 F toldwater . 142 91 'ictoria . 289 75 'ort McNicoll . 279 57 Iidland .. .. .. 1528' 436 __ 571iZ 4202 Majority for ` Finlayson, 1 5 1 5. - A. Leslie, Manager. H. J. Thompson, Manager - T. McMillan, Manager V C. E. -WRIGHT. MEDONTE {szcnon 2 PAGES 910 16 1911 Vote T H. E. Jory Thompson . . . . 391 . . . 330 '. 2 Performances OR0 Filayson Johnston 144 55 34 46 36 82 40 110 28 76 39 112 126 59 Finlayson Johnston 31 107 14 94 20 105 31 138 . 39 ' 121 29 86 - 43 _ 60 87 65 41 53 335 540 529 1- . 1. .1. ',.:,`| Usuai Prices: 15c and 25 .:8Inx11;_$R Romance .,gm golqxg W `:aa::`4. :-;3's"-?:'7V+".`.?33"'*3f: ' .u:+ 3.n3?1',i.r1bQV.i'Z- 1.;m.,~ mt. Aiin as swift as a bullet s ight. A theme as big as the. great out 0 doors! N \: COM'lNG-:'l'l-!E G0-GE'l'l'ER 9 lIl1I._;.- .1 " VV I Grum... }I JQRKR K Qff K LLIAIVI ueIvm.L: .wv PKODUGYION `II `rm? 1.-s"~`?:%*-`.`.?3E"? - - zc '- '1 W Romance .a|...no1m: L I MOW luvu punt: 4 2315-dii-non Pzcture Molph lulu grunt! A I?`l'llnAY-SATIJIIIIAYO THEODORE ROBERTS Thjggwti .?H:H'.:liH.n nu .. .-on uBI|.&t ,;:9m`3 zsnmloiou ; jme3nmL___ 1a 1011! 8.8 :'fILLIAM_ s1.eM|LLE 7msoboms aoaiiifs, MAv'McAvov' mCONRAD NAGEI. - nances ' NEW DREAMLAND ` no T . oncuasnu ----'-"'*' ***** " 4;: .-_q"q|!o`_)'-'_S.75 "1:.`!.HU '11.`) .)u.u` `:1 \ ' ~11??? a x.-.--a.-T 'mmn:u'n Q :s'l'2,,":1 m&1 . |b0WI- -mN":__ e n r viii: as -l-!e;:.ih`gI:;I;:7\.Vh;_; the "Pavement Ends The Little` Church Around the Corner 4275 oom| Actually filmed in Northern `Ontario, in the vicinity of Camp Tem-Kip, on Lake Temiskaming. A sudden turn; a ehput, `Look out, he's heading .for us! -The oars are splintered along one side` of the whaleboat; be- fore thestartled crew can back- Vwater,.the monster of the deep is upon them! ` . A. ip of its death-dealing ukes, and both craft and its occupants are tossed high `in the air. The boat falls back- into the sea. _a battered wreck, its crew oundering about in shark-infested waters. -A frai1 boat and its six oc- cupants towed at express `train speed Joward three thousand miles of open water, through a sea` lashed into foam by .a T maddened` whale. \ .' III)` II ll.-'J;I| '4;AA II on "7"; II S 1 mm ?__i5N'_::n`!n nu ':::?.`.'mf 1-3: -12:: .:9:qm:rz:r: -1'-Jmrr 11.3 mm ='!9w- '19 A .7` __ ._._..-_..I; . I..-....I.. Whether you're sixteen or sixty, you'll love Grumpy. plays the lead in the famous Lon.- don and New York stage success. Yen 4 BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 23,1923. /3} Usual Prices xisrsu xzznua` J) ms ":13-aw mxv Fbna -:r.3mi.v -1 am ~33 15-25 MAJORITY or 699 FOR EARLROWE .. . (BradiordWWitness) The political campaign, though un- } 3 usually quiet at the.start, warmed up - as it went on and got a considerable 5 distance` beyond the lukewarm stage. `Early returns Monday night indicate f ed that Mr. Rowe would be elected, and ten o'clock found a largecrowd in Bradford, the largest, we heard it . `said, that had come to celebrate a party victory in many years. Mr. Rowe, `seated in an_ armchair and holding the flag, was carried.into the town hall,_ where a packed house was receiving the returns on the screen, with moving pictures shown ``be- 'tween acts. He made a short ad- dress and asked the crowd to adjourn ,to the open air. From the balcony lof the Queen s Hotel he addressed ithe electors at considerable length. ;J. E. Coombs was chairman and oth- 'ers who addressed the large crowd (were the member-e1ect s father, Wm, Rowe, Harry Carter, W. J, Bell, D. `H. Coleman, Dr. Leadlay and F. Wil- cox. The Beeton band was_.on hand and assisted in the celebration. The ` crowd appeared to represent all parts fof the riding. A l n... a... 4.:....... '..c ...,.:...... 4... .....,.... +1..) lcwimmbury Gives .106 fori | Evans; All Others [ - . for Rowe. T `U1. uuc IJVIIIIE. `J -Up to time `of going to press the itelephone service has been badly dis- Iorganized by the storm and authentic ireturns have been hard to get. The }following for this riding is as nearly `;correct as we can get under the cir- icumstances; majorities only being igive?i:-. 4 'IlY....L f`.uHI.uLuun ` Frederick` James, a resident of Innisl Tp.,V was charged in police court this morning with reckless ,driving under the Motor Vehicles `!Act. The evidence was so contrary ithat the chagge was dismissed. _ run` 1 v g_"' ""7 "' """ |V On the night of Thursday, June A 7, Wm. Reid of the ninth line, Innis- il, was driving a horse and buggy south along the Penetang Road south of Allandale, two telephone poles `north of the Morton Farm gate. The ibuggy was hit by a motor car'trav- `ellingin the same direction and was pretty badly smashed, Reid: himself beingthrown on his head into the ditch on the_ west side of the road. Reid claimed the car was goingt40 miles per hour. A Packard hub-cap `was produced in court as evidence, and _,Reid said there was only one light on the car-on the left side. ' _._`L _ 2; ____ .. ..1`I......A Churchill . . Lefroy .. .. .. g Thornton . . . . . E.Stroud . .. .. . . . | Craigvale . . . . Holly . . . . . . fpainswick ... Big Bay Point 3 Cookstown . . Adjala .. .. .. 47 Tecumseth .. .. .. 263 ~Innisl.. .. .. .. .. 107 Tottenham .. . . .. .. 39 ;Beeton .. .. 142 Bradford . . . . 207 Total majority for Rowe, 699. asnnv van vnov van: an u-aw av-.. .._..'. Fred James, who, it was alleged, had been driving the car which struck the buggy, disclaimed any knowledge of the accident or hub-cap in ques- tion. His -father, George James, said A his "son was home at 8.30 on the night of the accident. The evidence of Reid and police officers showed that the accident had taken place after 10.30 o'clock. ----`A-~~-_`-__ --._..- ....'|`l ciRcuLAfnoN Bond Head . . . . ; Middleton . . 2Cookstown .. .... ? CouIson s Hill . . iGilford . . . . . . I RECKLESSWWDRIVING ; : CHARGE DISMISSED ` .I.UoOU U UlUUl\o `_ Several other witnesses were call- "ed but the evidence was so conict- I mg that the case was dismissed. 53 PER or TAXES HAS BEEN COLLECTED 5 E .;$;2~?2.ii%iL* "7%*""" -" % tha.-s r.d.Lin. ' . 09:1 ` .amb.e- last .s1%n * p`Ivfe..;,f:x 9xu thee r.sih.Li;; sta ment of tgxes;.formt}ug.,year.,w_Inu- cludingmtheulest .$87;_66.-02;d'%r ' ' .58`.:pr ceniuuofv th`_txyta1s}tgxes;:twae ct1ll(:a_ut'e'di`,$40,'(`f5$iI;l;"1l1`13_)i'_` tiig! pggasg 'p`H..izi- `aw, `. .61. 8;u"J, ~ Th"{tL; 1`, `-tai, 145-'11, i_`s 6'8, ,3,14'..9. r ;.q :17" ,3a!.,A'.Ef,[;;.;W:<>J',. `a"'he" :'s`{;-minute .' A? My ~ 1- ` ' on. on ay with those who de- ' sired to save the extra 2% per cent. which is charged on overdue tax bills. .._a..\ .n A: an Ann ,"}{."1'si2"E1}Z1;;{}oi1 &Tsi6,99s ` 66, and $97,987.53 had been paid at "this time last year. ' T T v A. B. Coutts, one of the most ac- tive workers for the Drury candidate in Centre Simcoe, says he is quite satised the liquor vote was .a big factor in the big Conservative sweep. A referendum on government sale is sure to follow sooner or 1ater,"said he. _ West Gwillimbury 13..-..- Majorities Innisl . . , Iiusunxwz . ..263 ..107 ..39 ;n\ IR/Ell J Rowe Evansl .. 72 . 54`| '. 51 . 58 109 . 80 . 19 . 36 .19 ;17 73 18 86 119 57 71' 18 Norman Robinson of Phelpstolg, a young man nineteen years of ag'e`,.is lying in the Royal Victoria Htypital suffering from a fracture at the base "of the skull and several deep scalp wounds, sustained when a 'team of horses hitched to a manure-spreader ran away, throwing him to . the ground. The accident occurred at noon on Saturday on a farm near Ph lpston. e n,.L:.......... ....... .J..:..:...... .. 4.--... -4! TEAM RAN AWAY; ` ` SKULL NOW \___jj._._..._.. i Norman Robinso'n,' Phelpston, ' Seriously Alnjured Saturday; ' _ in Hospita-l._ V L llCIPU\JIIo Robinson was driving a team of horses attached to a manure-spreader when the horses, which were young and spirited, became frightened at something and ran away. The un- fortunate` man was alone at the time and no one saw just how the accid- ent took place, Later he was found unconscious and was rushed to the hospital here,- Dr. J. A. Kearns of Phelpston and Dr. W. A. Lewis of Barrie attending to his injuries. It was found that the base of his skull had been fractured and several deep scalp wounds had been inicted, either by a violent fall on the ground and stones, or_by comingin contact with a part of the `manure-spreader. T15- n1\|v|lJ:`-:t\`n 32- :v|nIAw|l\Iv:vudh 1`n:`I7 ....... .. ,....., UL ..... ............-.,,.........,.. His condition` is improving daily and his mind is just about clear now. He had been in an unconscious or semi-conscious state since the accid- ent happened. Prospects are good for his immediate recovery. McNABB WINS FIRST I IN BOWLING TOURNEY The opening tournament of the Barrie Bowling Club was held" yes- trday afternoon and evening at the greens of the Club. Sixteen rinks took part in the tournament, seven of them being from Barrie, two from Alliston, four from Orillia, one from Stayner, one from Tottenham, one from Collingwood and one from Tor- onto. The tournament was conduct- ed on thetplus and minus_system. !\ I1 lpsv II an-can 1 Donald McNabb of Orillia was the skip of the winning rink, the other members being Thompson, Currie and Holcroft. This rink had four straight wins with a plus score of 18+3l (bonus), totalling 49. The prizes were cut glass berry dishes.- U1. ;_u. The order in which the other rinks! nished is as fo1lows':- W. Knight, Alliston, +8; W. H. Kennedy, Bar- rie, +6; J. Carruthers, Orillia, +5; A. Hay, Barrie, +2; 0. Barnhardt, Stayner, -2; J. Sinclair, Orillia, .+.0; F. McLean, Alliston, +0; H. M. Lay, Barrie, 4-3; H.` Walker, Bar- rie, --6; Dr. Caldridge, Tottenham, --14; V. L. VanAtter, Barrie, -`-15; M. Kaiser, Toronto, --16; J. Lem- ster, Collingwood, -17. v ! I Peter Clark and his rink of Barrie won the second prize, silver cake biskets, with three wins and a loss, or a plusscore of 21. The other members of his rink were Chas. H. Beelby, A. G. Habbick,_H. Thompson. ` 1;/1`iQe,7HZ<>i;pZoVi,r'1i; Virrons, `ent to Andrew Weatherwax s rink of Or- illia, with three wins and a lossandi a plus score of 19. . ' 117 `D 11%.... -3 D......... ......l Lt... .....1. so Faun uwvay va. Alli W. R. King of Barrie and his rink consisting of A. F. A. Malcomson, J. H. Seagram and A. C. Bricker, car- ried of! fourth money and the nickel quart thermos bottles attached, with three wins and a: loss, or a plus score of 18. 1 o 1-1..` .1 on -,.gu.~ Juno. v. 3 3 ' ' "` * '3" 0 * 4 r~r we am ~ 1131:` - . ` ., ` n`.\:r.'3!'I. rm . . .1 _ _ 73; TRAFFIC REGULATIONS _ MUST BE OBEYED E. V. Babcock in police court thisl morning was ned $2 and costs, the costs amounting to $4, for a breach of a town by-law governing control .of traffic by police officers. The charge waslaid as a result of an in- cident that took place on Saturday night at Five Points. Babcock was going west and wanted to turn around, but the police officers alleg- ed he did not put out his hand when told to do so. This Babcock claimed he did. ` 1:-___:_r_,-;_ 1.1;. __":J 2;. ___-_ _---.. LAC \Al\Ao Magistrate Jeffs said it was neces- sary to uphold the officers in their work. 3 7 q-rt t3r....R9s!!yoq..>mA eHxe.ta. lJ\lJ1I uIA.al\v I\4ld I \an_\ a.Irnu\u\ua- -tr ` a sham uil.-Rell toneogaa 3'-01:B31x"E1.3-1 ahautvgluly lat-awithxxa-mew; walkout: 7 _tted*rig'asoiisno buatnsn31l1 . enw !.ucupa*b1e=~"6f urrying -28 ormior? .. - - .....~x1n.u.:..:|n::!..`~'.:n:xu.m...;'- :.vrJ.'An IzJ;'...;:.`.'A' ` pei{s 8ps,;r*'amg1"6vin-*'give'- grsaa `riiicf d Lke 'Simcoe and Kempenfeldt Bay during the summer months. This boat will be under good management and will leave Carley s wharf, at the 9 of Mulcaster St., by arrange- ," and will call" at all important points around the bay. 26c exwe - ."c11pa*ble>~'df carrying -25* orm`ore- BOY WORK BOARD A special meeting of the Barrie Boys Work Board will be held at the Examiner office on Tuesday evening next, July 3, at 7.30 p.m. All mem- bers of the Board and others inter- ested_in boys work are earnestly re- quested to be present, as important business will come before the `Board. 'BO`.A'I SERVi'E FbRB-autumn JAMIESON LEADS BAKER BY 1400 Ahead in Every, Municipality; Got More Votes Than Other Three. Incomplete returns from West Simcoe show a majority of over 1400 for Edgar Jamieson,'the Con- servative candidate. Collingwoodl gave him a good lead and every otherg municipality added thereto. Totalsf in the towns and townships are as? fol1ows:-- ; vs: pa 1-. o w. MONDAY TUESDAY Col]ingw d 467 ,Stayner . . 152 |Creemore . 89 Alliston . . 97 Nottawasaga Tossorontio 145 Essa .. .. 281 ` ' ' ` ' ' ' - ' "v """` A, C. Garden, eavtr-`Warden of Sim-f !coe County. polled 7789 votes in. West Hamilton, a plurality of 2542`; lover his two opponents. -n p. 1 -.1 u-. u nnnn nu- The Orillia News-Letter suggests? Wm. Finlayson`, M.P.P.; for the post` of . Attorney-General. ' . v 1 ans ` ' ' ii. 91:31} Eggs? `sh-}{c}.; (with Pene- tang included) gave Hartt a majority? of 329 over Long, while his lead in 1914 over Cook was 899. . g Pack all your el/e;<;:ion~troub1es inl your old kit bag and smile, smile,` smile. I\ 011- 1' Ir 1. h;1`i1eV I;J:ssa' @511 at Thornton waszg Jamieson 87, Baker 25, Currie 20,` Carmichael 2. At Ivy the poll was |92, 35, 1 and 2 respectively. . U` ' 'I\ A 1 1,5, ]__,Ll Premier Drury takes" his defeat! philosophically. He is satised that; he put up a clean, hard `ght and; accepts the verdict of the people; without complaint. ' - 1 -- 4:` u .1 IV A,,-i _.- ----_`__-. The official gures in the Centre! Simcoe election as given out todayi by Returning Officer Howard Bert-` ram are: Murdoch 3006, Simpson 2332, Wright 3535. _ 3 : 3 i I I I _,n, _,--, AHE -uuag, m.-D--.. vvv... In V spra the t.ota1 vote was 975' as compared with 1105 in 1919. Mur-, doeh s vote fell o` 117, while the ` combined vote of Simpson and ' \I_ _.1ji_g}3t._wa.s 14 _less than J. T. Simp- : :54."-we .-x ma `mt: "us.-:_' 4 Nmwkhsadinglthestpersonabrpop-f in Penetang and 507 in Tiny as com- pared with 889 and 1047 respectively four years ago, .,.l = ularity of thl"(BbnS'e1_vai\e'*eb,ndfdat* ;irrutheI_nort1h. emf ofrft:he *El&i!i'g, Sin'1`1`:- h sd" b`aQ 1ii{f" !03"`i"`1s"6W*towr1 l= -` aiiH"'22`10"`i`H"I'in'." `M'i7d8`c}'i""61!` 8? 1 The deputy-returning` officers in Barrie were: J. J. Moore, T. W_. Will- ers, Geo. Cameron, Fred Morren, J. F. McDonald, A. F. Dobson, J. Hook, Chas. Houghton, S. H. Brown, D. W. Lennox, W. J. Gray, A. Paddison, A. Meekums, E. Whitebread, J. S. Brun- ton, E. L. Dilworth and L. 0. Vair. 7115 SUPREME THRILL 01-` MOTION PICTURE HISTORY!

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