Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1923, p. 16

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aqopelsnd singled, scoring Emma; Del Emma ss.,` p; Lennox p; Caesar l-f; Mcllghergey '.D. Emms 2nd. as:`Clnr-kn `I-fa W 'A-v'--`-4-- Barrie--Oopeland out, pitcher to 1st; Del Emms safe on error by Wilkinson; Emms took 2nd on error by Jenkins; Clarke fanned; F. Armstrong singled, scoring Emms; J. Armstrong singled, out lst to 2nd. 1 run, 2 hits, 2 errors. ` Ninth Inning A1liston--'4McIlgharge'y out, 2nd to 1st; Doyle out short to ~1st;.;Jenkins safe on Armstrong's bad throw; Wilkinson singled; Bergin ied out to Clark. 0 runs, 1 hit, 1 _ error. V ' Barrie-Plant flied out to centre; V Gil- christ singled; L. Emms walked; Dobson singled, but Gilchrist was out at the plate; mingled. scoring two;iEmms stole 2nd and 3:-d;*Cla.rke reached let on missed 3rd strike, Emms scoring. 4 runs, 4` hits, 1 error. -~ - 356739 R H E Aliiston 002001220 7125 Barrie 0110100148147 Line-up-- Alliston--Bergin am; Hand rf; Small c; Doyle cf; Jenkins lst; Wilkinson 8rd. Barrie-Dobson lat; Copeland ss., 2nd; uuquuly 1U. (`.20. Toronto Southeast `-`A--J. A. Currie, majority 6.497. Toronto Southeast B"--E. W. J.` Owens. majority 5.388. W Toronto Southwest A"-J. A. McCaus- land, majority 4.756. Toronto Southwest B"--F. McBrien, majority 5.107. 9A0 Victoria North-J. R. AMark, majority` I majority 10.192. Toronto Northeast -B"--Joseph E. Thompson. majority 9,884. Toronto Northwest A-Hon. Thomas Crawford. majority 13,141. Toronto Northwest B-A. R. Neslbitt, majority 10.748. 'l`m..\..o.\ o....n.-__; um-9 v - - .uvU. ' Toronto Northeast '-`A"--A, G. Lewis; uuuuuv: 1`.ub`I/--VV. rmxayson, II]8._!0!'lI}" 1515. Simcoe South--Earl Rowe, majority 639. Simcoe` West--James E. Jamieson, ma- jority 1.335. Stormont-J. C. Milligan. majority 1.076. 701. Sudbury--Charles McCrea. majority 1,- `SUV. Simcoe Centre-C. E. Wright, majority 526. I Qf_, , , , `la . cm: use . - -~ l 70:: e I St. Catharines-E. G. Graves, majority 2.481. V 0...]; ti. It - v V ' - -V i .4 -,vvu. U.F.0. United Farmers elected were: Brant. Non-t.h---`Hon. H. C. N hr 75 U i:imiskaming-#A. Kennedy. majority .101. l ' Sault Ste. Marie-James Lyons, majority 35. ' ` G S'imcoe East/--W. Finlayson, majoritlyl 515. . ' tanned. 0 runs, 2- hits, 1 error. `B_arrie--Clarke hunted eafely; F.` Amm- strong hit safely to 3rd, Clarke going to 3rd; J. Armstrong fanned; Clarke stole 3rd; Cooper walked; Carson out 3rd to lot; Clarke home and. Armstrong to 3rd; L. Emma fanned. 1 run, 2 hits, 0 errors. Third Innings Alliston-Hand safe at 41st in Dobson s_ error, stole 2nd-; Small walked; Lennox `took 131; on a fielder-'5 choice, Hand going to 3rd and Small `out at 2nd; Caesar safe " at let on Copeland's error and Hand scored; Mcllghargey brought Lennox -home when he went. nnf M lab nnuln llhul mu. 4.. nI....I-- North--W. Keith," majority 621. West--Dr. Forbes Godfrey. major- J3. ` . Vroomanfmajority 117. rad Wp.:f_..Qnm l`1l....l,.. .... Sangster, majority 647. A L. Brackin, -majority . F. C. Bigy, {na- I A Mark, majority ll F enton, m ajdrity Fisher, Tellier,` majority N. Sinclaixz. ma- . Henry. majoritny I CCI3U}Jl;lUll Ul. IJCUMJII. Leighton pitched aegood game for the winners, but was not given as good sup- port as Lennox, the losing twirler. The former struck out nine. -and passed three. Lennox. the former Ivy player, is a good little southpaw and fielded his position well. He fanned ten batsmen, and walked two. Small went in the box after two were out and Lennox had passed a man. imcor-ked a wild pitch, and had been nicked for four safeties in the last of the-ninth. He struck out his man but the catcher miss- ed the third strike and then threw low to let. 'I'|`__ ________ __,__ ____ ,P A` Nixon, major- Mahoney. uuuvy 11!. Clarke, ma- majority majority -----2--- The railway employees of the Northern Division of the- Canadian National Railways will hold their annual picnic at Couchiching Beach Park, Orillia, on July'18. Both the Town Council and th Orillia joined in ex ' to the railwaymen and m-.....:._....: .- #- nuuuu was aressed. The cutting of an artery 1' thing, and if the `bleeding ha stopped when it was, the girl lost her life. Gill, who is an the C.N.R.. holds twoASt. John : certifiaatm vuv uni .11.. . certificatw. ::----u : RAILWAYMEN wiLL `I' ADI! I Cut Foot on Broken" Bottle While -bathing on the bay shore on Thursday evening last, Jean Lowe. aged I4. of Brock St., Allandale. stepped on a broken -bottlegcutting her foot and severing! an artery. *Francis Gill. who happened to be nearby, rendered first aid at once. The girl was removed to her `home where the wound was dressed. e 5 Thu nnLu'-nu -5 -' ' ` ......,.....5u,v mvuguu ucuuux -uome wnen he went out at last; Doyle ied out to Clarke. 2 runs_, 0 hits, 0 errors. nnrruA__ .f\:J-nu... ____ ....l-.I _ __. . q . uupcl`lulB(lCn[ W. 19. Weegar. At 6.30 p.m. held on the bay ' Station, and will include a war canoe race.i fours. doubles and singles. In the evening' a Toronto orchestra will provide music for: a big dance'in the Armories. . ` I V . . - . - -. ruuluaulaa, VIII! 4. I Monday next, July 2, will be a red-letteri day for the Canadian National Athletic Association which has spared no pains to make Dominion Day a day long-remembered in town. A big Field and Sports Day will be held. at Agriultural Park and complete arrangements have been made for a splen- did time for all. f 1.. .1... -.-__s_ -- ~ Burton Ave. Meth. Church Next Sabbath Rev. W. J. Totten of Tottenham will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. . Beginning July 8 the Methodist and Pres- byterian` churches will hold Union services with Rev. W. J. Watt in charge during July and Rev. S. M. Beach during August. For July the morning service will be held in Burton Ave. Lnurch and evening service in Essa Road Church. ' Rev. S. M. and `Mrs. Beach motored on Wednesday to their summer cottage neari Port Carling. During the week July 2-9 Mr. Beach will assist on the staff of Tor- onto Conference Summer School at Elgin -House. A\.Il\lllII\lo A number of the Ladies` Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen called at the home of Mrs. Wm. Looker. Burton Ave.. last evening and presented her with a twenty-year membership pin. A very enjoyable evening ww spent with cards and music. In uxungcpun-. vvzuenoo and b'tayner.. Miss Evelyn Hill of Toronto, grand- daughter of Mrs Gilks and the late Wm. Gilks, Allandale, has received the gold medal for-the highest standing in Form IA High School at St. Joseph's Academy, Toronto. 1 3.: - iupaunua rxvc l.UI'U.H[0. i Mr. and A. E. Laws Iiave retunied home after a week's holiday with relatives in Bridgeport. Waterloo and Stayner- Miss IE`.-elvn hf Tnrnntn :------J Miss .`Margue1-ite McKinley of Toronto is` spending her holidays with her parents on Bradford St. ' Mrs. Wm. Gilks has returned home from. ,visiting her (laughter, Mrs. W. S. Hillf :Spadina Ave., Toronto. . _ _` AA . ....A It... A n v ' uzuauuu wu-u ucrruuub HI DD. Lnomas. ` Miss Marjorie Brunton of Hamilton is visiting with Mrs. Holmes, Burton Ave. Mrs. W. Blake Lawrence is home after spending a month at New York and Buf- - falo - I ..'_, `I nu . u 1' . ' - LGIUQ Mrs. J. Plant and `baby spent a few days in- Cookstown with her mother, Mrs. Wm. I Henson. ' T D II:__ .11, , -. up .-. . - - Eighth . Innings Alliston--Jenkins safe .on -mu W:I1z:n.n- c..._..-.I. any Wm. Cook was a visitor at Cooks- ; town recently. I mac Iv-nun A1l........J :n e.......A:..... . .-.-_I-7.. ; I-uwu 1Cut.7uu_y. ' Miss Irene Allward is spending a week's vacation with hernaunt in St. Thomas. Ilium IA ....t,...:.. D......4.-.. -1 vr_._.:u,,` POWELL & CO. A wonderful collection} of beautiful Voile Dresses expected for Saturday. V As the people of Barrie and vicinity know, we specialize in Dresses. For this week- end we have an especially good assort- ment. i C.N.R. Athletics, .... ....... r..-_ n Dresses, Dresses, Dresses WEN PICNIC ' AT ORILLIA ON JULY I8 POWELL & CO. -.......- -..-.-.-~.. -r gu-nu, - noun, V Vllvlo Barrie--Dobson was called out on strikes; Oopbland hit safely to right; Del Emma hit to pitcher who threw Copeland out at 2nd; Emms' safe at 1st, Emma picked off at `2nd, pitcher to short. 0 runs, 1 -hit, 0 er-[ tors. - ` Second Inning A-lliston-1McIlghargey `hit safely. over short; Doyle hit over 2nd; Jenkins out on a fly to Dobson; Wilkinson s'afe on error; Doyle thrown out, 2nd to short; Ben-"gin fanned. 0 2- hits, l`error. V in , __,,s , .11: 1 -cuu15 mm 1101? been might have ho is .5"; gnnnI......'- ,1` , O-.. nulslll u5V is -an employee of . John's Ambulance Large sizes a specialty. July 2. 82 DUNLOP ST. suugwbraw Jens asked for a reconcil but when such 3 procedure was not able to both parties, he had notbix to do but _to convict, as plaintiff tl her counsel pfessed for a conviction. . om: WOMAN FINED ran ASSAULT on ANOTHER? In Police Court this afternoon Mrs. Hm- ilton was fined 81 and costs, or $4 in `Iii, on a charge of assault laid by a neighbnr, Mrs. Brown. Both parties reside in Altm- dale. [A family quarrel was the pause of it xll, Magistrate Jeffs asked for a' reconciliatintz. such 11 nrnnadnpn ..--~ --L --~ _ ,,-.-_... Jvullb uluvlul IIIKUC Tn? WV)` with a prominent young Conservative 'n.1t the Liberal candidate would win in Cenrre Simcoe. He didn't. Therefore the bre uh- `nan -3.1-" _ .1 - - ,{,- _-W.... .....uum,w would wm m Genrre I didn 1;. uh- ,1;-_yuI5 Ill] CICCHOD bet. A prominent young Liberal n Cons. 1_L_ `l"l "` Ill IILIU uuwu. Doyle made a fine catch of `Buster Clarke`s hard hit fly in the sixth, while Clarke retaliated why making a ne shoe- string catch in the seventh andnnother good catch in the ninth. First Inning Alliston---Be:-gin out. pitcher to 1st; Hand out 2nd to `let; Small hit safely be- hind 3rd; Lennox hit safely through short; Caesar fanned. 0 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors . 'D..__:.. I\-L_-.. .__-_ __u_.| ..,. . `-I ..... uAu_y\;n:-1108]` gone i No. The answer Is ea paying an election bet. A f\`l'I`|I'rl:r\nr\L .... .._- 1 , ___________ .'PAlD' HIS ELECTION BET; HAD REAL AUDIENCE T002 ____.. Paying freak election bets is the nm;-- of the day after-`Monday s big turnover. 3-~ day at one o'clock a child s tricycle wo_=.';iv>n' its way down Dunlap St. from Five l ~)ims to the Post Office and back again. :\n-i iv. wasn t ridden by a child. either! It '.*. ;`:.i a full grown 100 per cent man! Why all the crowd? Why all the i4':zh- ter? Why all the apparent an1usemev.r an I the part of the populace of the town? Had the tricycle-rider stark. staring zr vii` Theanswer is easy; he was n:=.-rely" j paying bet. n. vv uuug, at 001118. Those from a distance who attendm `he- ' funeral were: Mr; and Mrs. Peter A. (`mI `Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Robinson and Misc Dsriaz Robinson, of Thorold; William T. Graham. of Richmond Hill, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Th ~:n-- i as and Miss Mary E. Thomas, of Caled-:~.. ._.---. .........,, uuamas unurcn, Wesley ` ' ald~ well. John Emms and George Healey Deceased_is survived by two sisters, .`4lm.. E. D. Thomas of Edgar and Mrs. PM: A. Cooke of Thorold. and one brother. .l-w:;>l`:: IN. Willing, at home. Thnan fun... -. ALL BuyV advertised things. MRS. ELIZABETH EMMS - The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Enmr.-:. of Clowes, 0:0 Tp., took place at the G:-:~.-yral Hospital. Orillia, on Sunday, June 17 De- ceased had not been feeling well for some time but was not seriously ill until -L few days ago, when symptoms demanding im- mediate surgical intervention developed. She was reniovetl to the Hospital where she underwent a critical operation. Her con- dition proved to be more serious than was anticipated and in spite of constant. skilii ful medical attention and nursing am the encouragement of loving relatives ahe- palm-d peacefully to join other loved -mes in that Happy Land where there is n*f`her' I.sorr0w nor pain. w. vvuuiu ue pieaseu it you would :4: if this date would be satisfactory to If so, members of the ground commit will call upon you at it later date and 2:; final arrangements." (Signed). J. I mott. chairman picnic committee: .! Munro; secretary-treasurer picnic cm: tee. ! Iris expected that the Lin(l.-ay I: .~i.. will unite with the Northern and mslx`.-. F real day of it. `the third annual picnic in Orillia on ` 18. Would be pleased if would :- this (lat!-`I nlnnltl In-. unH.f..,.o...... 4. I300 Thesgame was one of these up-"and-down affairs. Barrie scored one in thesecond, but Alliston got two in the third. The locals tied it up in their half and added an- other in thefifth. Alliston made it three- all in the sixth, then added two in each of the seventh and eighth, but Barrier got one in the eighth and the necessary quartette in thevninth. ` `l\....l_ __ _ J - - I" . _ THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1923. *5 OBITUARY Emnis was a 1 | .-.....l A--I_ - _. -vvu--vnuuv.-us. Ire agree- nothing Ieft througiu (!nnvh-nn It pgyi. made the_ bet ....____ L! Drillia .a'ul_v would nu-i-e ntn-cw 4 .. _. 11.3-`tee ::::1ke Der- uv I'll` . `TV. BARRIE RALLIES m NINTH To win It was a great. game to -win; but it was 3 hard one to lose! Joe Milne s boys are now tied with`AIliston and Thorntonfor the second rung and it looks like `a great ght from now on. The Ivy nine are in undisputed leadership with five straight victories, but second place is as good as first in the play-off for the Felt trophy, and every team has a chance with the possible exception of Beeton. ' 'A;al\fnn wn:I>nlnntI n unnr` ua.vnn `III fhn With Two Out,-Locals Score 4 and Nose Out Alliston by 8 to 7. Ailistion---Jenkiins Dobson's er- ror; Wilkinson fanned; Bengin singled, Jenkins going to 3rd; Hand `walked; Small ` ied out to Gilchrist; Lennox singled, scoring Jenkins and Bel-gin; Caesar fanned. 2 runs, 2 hits, 1 error. ` out, Sf nn tn-rnr `mu Tl'7:ll.:_--... Page Sixteen (Continued -from page 1) Fourth Inning ._I.2.__ k_..__AI V - -1 0 I100 Beeton ....; . . . . ..7_ 2 5 .286 , *Thornton and Alliston played the game at; Thornton [on June 18 which is` not in- cluded in percentages. ` lf; L. Emma p; Gilchrist If; I Umpires-W. Sutherland an Knock. - 4 vnnulo Eighth Inning ' Ivy--L. Jennett out, pitcher to 1st; Hat'- l ton out pitcher to 1st; E. Jennett singled; F. Lennox out to catcher. 0 runs. 1 hit, 0 errors. Beeton--4Foran fanned; Camplin singled; Dunham to 1st on error by short, forced out 2nd to short by Gain; 0. English out to left field. 0 runs`, 1 hit, 1 error. Ninth Inning Ivy-C. Lennox out to 1st; Smith out, pitcher to 1st; B. Jennett to 1st on error by short; McQuay singled; H. Jennett out to right field. 0 runs, 1 hit-. 1 `error. Beeton-aDorsey singled; forced at 2nd by McKnight. short to 2nd; King forced McKnight at 2nd short to 2nd; 0. English out to 1st. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. Score by innings :- \ V 1 2 324 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Ivy 700071000.l5 236 Beeton. 000010000 1 62 Line-up:-- nox .3rd; 0. Lennox ss; T. Banting if; B. Jennett Let; B. McQuay rf; H. Jennett p; A. Coxwort-h 2nd; Smith lf. `Knight p {King 2nd; 0. English 3rd; Foran m; Camplin c; Dunham cf; Cain rf. Ivy-J. Hutton cf~;'E. Jennettic`; F. Len- . L. Jennett 2nd; W. 7` .Beeton--C. English lst; Dorsey cf; Mc- 5 Games `rm: Week and next ' Thursday, June 28-Knock at Ivy. Friday, June 29--Thomton at Alliston. `Ra--.:- gt (V- .J-_1.-.__ new rannea; uatton out to catcher; E. Jen- nett singled; forced at 2nd by F. Lennox. 1 run, 1 hit. 0 errors. Beeton--~Camplin fanned; Dunham out i 2nd to 1st; Cain hit by pitcher; 0. English fanned. 0 runs, 0 hits. 0 errors. ` ' Seventh Inning Ivy-C. Lennox singled; Smith out to 3rd; B; Jennett walked; McQuay- singled; H. Jennett outvto 1st. 0 runs, 2 hits, 0 -l)__`___ '\ . . . Cll'UI'Uo Beeton-Dorse_v to let on error by short; McKnight out at 1st; King out at 1st by pitcher; 0. English fanned." 0 runs, 0 hits, 1 error.` `l\t I.` u Vlluluu Barrie--Gilchrist out 2nd to let; L. Emma fanned; Dobson out, 2nd to lat. 0 runs. 0 hits, 0 errors. \.ut\IIll AIIIIIIIE Ivy--H. Jennett hitrby pitcher;TL. Jen~ nett fanned; -Hutton out to catcher; netl: s:inalnd- Cm-MA ca. 0...: 1.-. I: r.___ a tuna, O urns, U 6l'l'0l`8. ' Beeton-Cain fanned; C. English to let on error by 31-d_baseman; Dorsey out to let; McKnight `singled; King walked; 0., English singled; Foran out to pitcher. 1' run, 2 hits. 1 error.- \. I uuuuwu; 1:. uennox out 2nd to let; G. r Lennox singled; Banting singled; B. Jen- nett singled; McQuay out, pitcher to 1st; 7 runs, 8 hits, 0 errors. J 'RAAfnn_I`n:-. C..--.- - P` 7-` " ` ` ` , -Q IQ I'll Jllllllls Ivy--B. Jennett doubled; McQuay singl- ed; H. Jennett singled; Coxworth out, pitcher to let; Hutton singled; E. Jennett doubled; F. Lennox out 2nd to let; C. Lennnx ninahvl -n.mo:..;.. ..:....|..,n. u 1-- in stealing 2nd. 0 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors. Beeton--Cain singled; 0. English to 1st on error; Cain out pitcher to 3rd; Dorsey flied to` 3rd; McKnight to`lst on fielder s choice; King fanned. 0 runs, 1 hit, 1 error. Fourth Inning Ivy---F. Lennox out; to short; C. Lennox out 2nd to 1st; Banting out 2nd to 1st. 0 runs, 0 hits. 0'erro1s. Annntnh (`I I .V_'_.l2_l. . 4 - - -" uuua, U was. U` QITOIS. `Beaten--0. English to 1st on error of left fielder; Foran fanned; Camplin fanned; Dunhnm out to centreeld. 0 runs. 0 hits, 1 nrrm-_ ' uuuucu uun at. 1st. U runs, 1 ms, 0 errors. Beeton--King singled; 0. English to 1st on error by short; Foran walked; King caught off 3rd; Camplin -fanned; Dunham fanned. (fruns, 1 hit, I error. , Third Inning Ivy-McQuay singled; H. Jennetb fanned; Ooxworth walked; Hatton fanned; E. Jen- nett singled; McQuay out -for interference in stenling 2nd. 0 2 hits, Bnnf.nn-.l`.nin ainalml. n n....i:..L 4.- 1-` uvu-nu Luulus Ivy--_F. Lennox out 2nd to 1st;. C. Len? nox out. to pitcher; {Banting doubled; B. Jennett out at 1st. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 caughtof fanned. lfrnnn. I hit 1 mm... - Luau. I runs, I uws, 1 CITOI`. Beeton--C. English out 2nd to 1st; Dor- sey fanned; E. McKnight fanned. 0 runs, 0 l hits, 0 errors. ` --___I T, 9 , IJUIIVUIJO . Ivy secured one hitor more in every in- ning except the fourth. In the first and fifth eleven men batted for Ivy, and seven came home in each frame. Elwood Jennett` and Bert 'McQuay. who is playing his first game for Iv-,v this.year_. each had a perfect; day at `bat with five safeties.in' as many trips to the plate. Ivy had four stolen bases; Beeton had one. Play by innings :- ' First Inning Ivy--~Hatton singled; E. Jennett singled; F. Lennox' singled; C. Lennox singled; T. Banting singled; B. Jennett fanned; Me- Quay singled; H. Jennett to 1st on error by 2nd baseman; Coxworth singled; Hat'- ton flied to short; E. Jennett out 2nd to 1st. 7 runs, 7 hits. 1 error. `R1.-anfnnefl I`...-I2..L ....L 11...! ;_ 1_4, 1-; C UIIUIQ Barrie--Del Emma flied out to right; Clarke flied out to centre; F. Armstrong singled; J. Armstrong singled; Cooper fanned. 0 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors. Seventh Innings Alliston--Small singled over 2nd; Lennox tripled. scoring -Small; Caesar wentou,t, short to 1st; Clarke made a fine-catch of McIlghargey s fly but Caesar scored on the catch; Doyle fanned. 2 runs, 2 hits, 0 OXTOXB. DI-IIULI 'u| uuc luau uuu BCVCII Ill MIC uuu. I-Ierman.Jennett,'the strike -out king and- leading pitchexj of the South Simcoe League, showed twelve of the Birds the short way to the bench`; He allowed six hits. M}:- Knight, of Beeton, fanned three and Foran one. while Ivy` garnered 23 hits off their delivery. I T`!!! nlIlIIIDlIl l\I\A R54 1.... -u--- 2.. _---_-. The Ivy Invincibles all but slaughtered? the Beeton `Birds right on theinhomelot Sat- I urday afternoon, and increased their string? of victories to five in as many starts. The final score was 15-1 for the League-leaders. and the home team .didn t get a run until; the.vi.sitors had chalked` up no less than` fourteen markers, seven of which were se-I cured in the first and seven in the fifth. 11--..-- I.........u. -`L- _L_:I__< -_.; I_:_h -,, I BEETON SWAMPED ' BY IVY LEAD]-`RS Champions WinTFi'fth Straight ' - Game at_ Beeton ` - by 15-1.. SOUTH SIMOOE LEAGUE ~Plag'od W211 Lost P.C. `lth ; Plant cf. and Lockhaft, T{:}z}' Inning ..__u. L:..|,,, -- ' Second Inning -.._-__ _..A 0, I Fifth Inning .__LL .I_._I_I I Alliston--Doyle doubled to centre; Jenk- 1 . ins ied to short; Wilkinson hit safely to ` short, scoring Doyle; Wilkinson took 2nd on Dobson s wild throw to 3rd to catch Doyle; Bergiu out, pitcher to let; Wilkin- son to 3rd; Hand fanned. 1 run,A2 hits, 1 error. - D-__:_ `n,I 1-.` an - `I335 .500 znn St. Mary .s trimmed Baracas by 8-6 in a Junior Church League fixture at Queen s ` Park. Tuesdaynight. Goodgbaseball could not be played with the wind blowing the way it was, and tossing the ball around was more or less a matter of guess-work. The winners were short one man during the game. Baracas tallied first, Houghton touching all four comers. St. Mar_v_ s came back with two in the last half of the first after two were out-, Hayes and Moore doing the trick. Baracas tied it up again in the second. R; Wilson tallying, while in the third Houghton's. homerun on an error i made the total three. Q` "n__,7_ ______L, I - ST. MARY'S ms. TRIM BARACAS BY 3 TO 6 liiverdale (To_ronto)-Gorge Oakley, Jr., majority 9.406. 41.` *4 6luUUUu Peterboro West-W. H. jority 455. . ' Port Art-hur--F. H. Keefe Prince Edward--H. S. C: `I . cl nu c-uuuz---Mcuausl ity 500. Peterboro East--T. D. 2 000 ouu. Northumberland Easf--*B. F. Belford. .m'ajority 500. . Oxford South--W. H. Chamibers.ymajor- ity 693. ' Parkdal'e--W. H. Price. majority 4.406. Parry Sound~-De G. V. Harcourt. ma- jority 1.257. Peel-T. L. Kennedy. majority 1,3-I2. Perth North--J. D. Montoith. majority 800. .1 A A -- - 703. L .UUU. ' _ Lzmark North--T. A. Thompson. major- Leeds--A. W. Gray. majority 981. `London--Sir Adam Beck. majority 7.763. Middlesex North-Genrge Elliott. _ Muakoka--G. W. _ Ecclestone, majority 1.600. A Niagara [Falls--W. G. Wilson. majority 2.522. Nipis sing--Harry Morel. majority 219. Norfolk South--J. S. Martin. majority 700. - 8l'l`Ol'. I05: Huton North-John Joynt. Hurr'm_ South--Nelson Trewartbe, major- ity 350. Kingston---W. F. Nickle. acclamat-ion. Lambton West.--W. S. Haney. majority y1.000. UUn' Hastings West---W. I-I. Ireland. 500. 'fA____ I` , ..-. .. ...-. . luw. Huron Centre--E. D. Wigle, )792. . 77,, `O .I u u - lv,i:o1ilton West--A. 0. Garden, maijority 2.727. ' Hastings East---J. F. Hill. majority 500. ` Hastings ENorth--J. R. Cooke, majority 200.- Haldimand---Dr. R. N. Berry. majority not known. ' Halton--George Hillmer. majority 700. _Hamilton East--~Dr. L. Carr, majority nnn\:`fnn Want A I` l`|......I-_ __4..2-_r! - majority 2,028. L 010: -Fro1`1tenac---A. M.,Rankin_. majority 850. Grenville--Hon. G. Howard Ferguson.` l`1.....Q....ol. 11.... n- 1.....:....-.. ___:___\ llIGJUlllI_V ,UEo Grey South--Hon. Dr. Jamieson, major- ity 400. `lI'.\I_I:___ _,, J 1'\,, !\ xv 1-. - :.,uuu. Elgin West-Hon._ F. G. Macdiarmid. majority 1,702. . Essex South---A. Armstrong. Fort William-T-F1-ank Spence. majority 3-{IR . ~ ' 315.` " `D..- "i :fi'x3 East--Michael McKnight. majority 1,035. `Dl..:.. 117...; `Ll ..- D r` \l....,l:.._....:.J -Fifth Lnning v Alli.ston-4Hand doubled to "left; Small walked; Lennox fanned; Caesar fanned; Mc- Ilghargey out 2nd to let. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. ` Barrie---Carson fanned; Emms doubled and came home when Doyle missed the ball; Dobson out short `to 3rd; Copeland fanned. 1 run, 1 hit, 1 error. ` n:__n, ' 7 - vri."iv{1'1' 1'2"Ei{':'ev3' Ontario_ on July Duffel-in-C. R. McKeown. majority 600.| Dundas-Aaron.Sweet. majority 600. Dundas East~--A. F. Fallis, majority not known. ' T.`l..1.. 1'3..-` \l:_L_-l ll'_77_.3_L; ,,__f_..:A__ mlgerth South--McCausland Irvine, major- :y W'F1le-is(1 list of members of the six- teenth Legislature is as follows, though the exact majorities are nopavailable until the official figures are given out:-- CONSERVATIVES 'Addixigton-W. D.'Black, majority 700. Brockville---Dr. H. A. Clarke, majority 800. By one of the greatest.Conservative vic- toria in the history of the province, the Drury Goyernnient _was swept from power .on Monday. A majority of the Cabinet 5 went down. including -Premier Drury. Hon. Dr; Grant, Hon. Peter Smith, I-Ion. Walter :Rollo and Hon. Harry Mills. The Liberals,! ' too, were reduced in numbers and lost sev-i , era] of their leading menfincluding Welling- - {ton Hay, Major Tolmie. Hartley Dewart and others. All the cities went Conserva- tive. except Ottawa which returned two Liberals. rm_- __,,,- 1 .-. . . HON. G. HOWARD FERGUSON `I71- _ 1172`! `I5 , AI, , couslanvntwzssisir omnlo 5 p % VIOTORIOIIS IH SEVENTY-SIX 8EA.'l'Si lv;I.arleton---A. H. Acres, majority 600.. . Keefer. mjority 550. . Colliver, majority . Johnston, majority ........ `(audio 7 v IVIIIB V lllbo I error. `Barrie--F. Armstrong doubled to left; J.` Armstrong out short _to 1st; Armstrong took 3rd on {error but was thrown out at home; Cooper fan-ned. 0 runs, 1"_hit, 1 error. V .Brad-burn, ma- 1"H`i3A_nR_ug:' EXAMINER an-sv-`auxin: Premier of 1 6. l majority m ajority uu1.JUl`J l-3' OUU. ' Wentworth Nort-h-Hon. jority 946. I `B33 All]. 2 jority 1,000. Lambton Easi-L. W. Oke. Lincoln-R. G. Kemp, majority 97. Kent Eas.t~--Hon. Manning Doherty, ma- Manitoulin--Hon. Beniah Bowman, ma- jority 511. Middlesex iEa.st-J. W. Freeborn, major- ity 151. Middlesex West--J. G. Lethbridge, ma- jority 204. ` 300. V Ontario North-J. W. Widdifield,-major ity 100. i . . Oxford Nort-h-D. M. Ros. majority 881. Renfrew South-John Carry. jun., ma- jority 184'. Wellington East-Hon. W. E. Raney, majority 300. ' A - \ITnn4~nm..4l.. M....n. 17.. r\ n -'-' v auaub nauue ` Copy:-ighut. Photo by permission of the Freeland Studio, Toronto. HON. E. c. DRURY Who Went Down to Defeat after a Valiant Battle t`.m....:...I..} 131.-.- L I-IIQIVII JIIIIIIIE Alliston--Jenkins fanned; Wilkinson safe on Copeland a error; Bergin bit into` a double play. runs, 0 hits. 1 error. D..._:. 7.` nu "-B'Ef{ce North-W. H. 300. , 4.1: all ity 75. 985,.` 005 o Russell---A. Belanger. majority 2,886. Sturgeon FalIs~-Zot.ique Mageau. major- ity 1,500. . V B Gr G 13. ruce South'-~M. A. McCallum. ey North-D. J. Taylor. majority 72. my Centre---Col. Carmichael, majority A117 Essex North-~E. P. 1,680. G1engarry---J. A. maj Kent West-R. 2.080. . Lennox-~J. P. Vrooman. major Northumberland West--Sam Cl jority 174. T ' Ontario South-W. E. Sin jority 500. T Ottawa . East--J. A. Pinard, 1.579. ' Ottawa Wet-J. H. 0929 Ill 219. _, v.uvua LIBERALS 3 ' I The following Liberals were elected: Algoma--Dr. A. G. Wallis, majority ap- proximately l7. . Bruc West-A. P. Mewhinney, major- ity 42. -` T Cnchrane--Malcolm Lang, majority 19.~ Durham We-st--WA. J. Bragg. majority` Juuuy uUU. ' Wentworth South-T. J. jority approximately 1.300. \Vindsor---F. W. Wilson. York East-Hon. G. S. } 6.605. York 1 York C ity 6.693. a'xU. Victoria South--R. J. Patterson, major- ity 580. 2 Waterloo Norrh-W. G. Weichel. major-I ity 2.235. ' ` WelIand-Mark Vziughan. majori-t-3}_ 1.200. Wellington South---Lincoln Goldie. ma- jority 2.424. ` Wellington West--W. C. Chambers. ma-1 jority 500. `X7n..L.......4.L n.,,.1 nu - -- - 4. tuna, U mu`, U errors. Barrie--Dobson grounded out to let; Copeland `hit safely to left and stole 2nd; Del Emma out, pitcher to 1st, Copeland going to 3rd; Copeland came home on a passed ball; Clarke fanned.- 1 run, .1 hit, 2 errors. ,` `In, .I v

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