Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1923, p. 13

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or you. Bztlb-rig- 48;, 5.0, :1 $1.00 Misu 71\*/I;1(:_ today i for Brackley Beach, P.E.I., where} she will spend July and August. . ,..| Miss F1155Ti2}.i&21"$}"1;i;i1J{:}; ont..i spent a few days `with her sister,` M1s.`. Roy Tomlinson, last week. I10 I I I Miss Annie Kenny, who has been spending some time in Rochester, NH Y., is renewing acquaintance here. I I . . I an up 1' mg: 3.A;" '35 kiI{ggt2.n spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sutcliffe, Mary St. Masterl Billie Su'tcli"e accompanied her on her return trip. IA ..- 'l|l ...........'-J. A....J .... ..-. TAL... OJ 1161 I VVDILII VI. 1}: Mrs. Marga1`et Andrews, John St., has returned home from Belleville, where she has been for six weeks owing "to"the illness of her mother, whose death occurred two weeks ago. " _i1llIH1"s.I:`.:I:: A}{a2sIJn }5lNe}mlarl1?ee? [and her sister, Mrs. Philip Love, left yesterday for the West- and will visit with their brother at Macgregor, Man., and later on other` points as far" west as Edmonton. I 'MI'-. .......1 TM ..- `n A m..-1..... ....A VVIVII llct DUI! A\vV`yo i R. J. Gallagher and F. W. Skinner attended the C.O.F. convention at; Ottawa last Week. `II . _._.I ll__..- 1'... t__,1 at In, UUQVVII Ib 'VCCI\n \ Mr. and Mrs.` Chas. Goad of Tor-g onto are visiting for a week wit : Mrs. Thos. Plantt. 3 ' Lab "Gov no tau IIII lnuvllu ' Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tucker and daughter Jean were in Hastings this week attending the "fortieth anniver- sary of the ordination and induction of the Rev. D. A. Thomson of'St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. g -- g - an -\ gi$%$$&&**m&*$wi&$%$&%&$%*&*w$$%*$&$$$$*%$g 23`. 1923. Qpposite Pdst Office &w$$$ *` = frkemember the place Opposite "Post 0ice . % rm Victrola N6. 50` %%&%*%&&%$*& >1`. rERsONAL THE BARRIB EXAIHNER !daughter Olive Mildred to Mr. Hu- gbert Western, B.S.A., son of Mr. and iMrs. Western ofe Windermere, the marriage to take place the middle of July. T II . Dada rluunnun Inf]. 117.-..!m,.-I.ny U1. a tug. , I-`I. Baden Greene left Wednesday lafternoon` for a short visit to Lon- `don, England, and the continent, by lway of Montreal and_ Glasgow, Scot- land. It is expected he will return to the Barrie office of the J. M. Greene Music Co.. Limited. John Lambie, chief of police, New] Liskeard, was in town for a few days during the pastweek on his way home after attending the. annual? conventionof the Chief Constables Association; held at Windsor. Mrs. Lambie will spend a month visiting friendan Barrie and vicinity. June 26.---Sympat.hy offthe community` is extended to Reeve and Mrs. Wilson on the death of her mother, Mrs. Jas. Hamil-i ton in `Minesing. Mrs. Hamilton had been a member of the Methodist church here for many years, before moving to Minesing." She was highlyrespected by neighbours and friends of this place. 'l`Ln tuynu9'\'\n `ant: innnn nvfrnmnlu HA4 ant` ITICUKIS UI l~Hl PIHUU. Y The weath"r has been. extremely hot and dry for the past three weeks. Sever-al_elec-45 tric storms have -passed over here "but no rain until Monday when there was a good shower. Gardens and fields 7 look much; refreshed after the severe heat. a II? I'I_-A4,__ _ LL- `l1--..-..L...|.2..._ `E`,....... kvited to shop. rClfC5IlC|l' U.l.lCI' l'llU BC\ClC Lllllu W. Button of the Reforestation Farm. spent` a few days in Owen Sound. : LI-. urn-I Mm D r'.nn(r1-Inn nf Tnrnnfn I A I gunning uwcw guuu punt: pm uuncvicw. Church and Sunday School will be held; Sunday afternoon. b - Frank Coughlin has gone on a trip east. Irvin Knapp entertained a party of fish- I ermen to a day s fishing at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. M. Knapp and Mr. Small of Toronto . Wilclll 5 IUVV (ly Ill \JWCIl l)UUl|lI- n -Mr; and Mrs. P. Coughlin of Toronto. were visitors at. M. CoughIin's last week.7 1 Mrs. A. Wilson and Ollie have returned; i home after a week s vacation in Toronto. 5 1:... 1171112.`... L..- _-L.-.__-.l 1.-...- t........' Iiulllgil. LV A7. `Miss McDonald,_ school teacher, has a; claw of four `for the Entrance. g The stork left a baby girl at W. Richard-. son .=.. Conoraulations. 'n.____n 7r_____ 1___ .|_____ ________:__1 g__. SUI] Fr \.'Ul!`. l'Cl`lUllIl'lUl|- i Russell Knapp has been successful in; [getting aTfew' good pike at Lakeview. nkulrnk Oh!` QIIYIAIIIP Qnhnnl ho Lair`! IIUIIIU HIDUIV KI WCUR B VIIUHUIUII 111 LUlUULUo L i Mrs. Willinton has returned home from` { Halifax. NS. 3 .112: 'll-`I \_..;`l.'l __L_-I :..._.L.._ L... .. FOR YOUR VER4 SUMMEI JapaneseGrass Mats A, Grass Mat isindispensable in the summer, as it adds so much to the cosiness and appearance of your *veran'dah. The colors are so cheer- ful and the patterns are in good taste. You .will very likely need a couple for the living-`room of your summercottage. They can t be beaten for wear and cleanliness. ` Taking .into consideration their wear and good looks, they are very cheap. Look over the prices given: Size 2x4 ft., brown andgreen . . 60 Size 4V_x7 ft., blue, green, brown, $2.25. Size 2}/2 x5 ft., brown and green _. . $1.50 Size. 6x9 ft., blue, green and brown, $3.75 Sarieant & King, Limited IERVICE SEE OUR NEW BOYS AND MEN'S w 001. -BATHING surrs, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.50 each CLEARANCE OF BQS WA SH SUIT S_,$_l.98 AND $2.98 SARJEANT & KING, LIMITED Wright Pianos Bell E-anos% VICTROLAS [Yictor Records Size 6x9 ft., Nippon qglality . . . $4.00 Only One Store __-_.---_, V | Thos. `Binnie went to Tdronto ti week past. On Saturday he returned with a sur- ' I were guests at Mr. and Mrs. I. Knapp'si recently. nut, 11- - . . nu . ' `I r:1We'rs', r F$-1:90 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 29 - 30 FOR VERANDAH, PORCH on SUMMER COTTAGE L THE LOVE CHARM CONSTANCE BINNEY _'._[ N...` Such A Little Queen I A ROYAL TREAT FOR EVERYONE It s the story of a`Queen who was betrothed to the King of a tiny kingdom and how they were sent in exile to _ V _. America. Good Comedy Also Regular Prices, 15-25c MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JULY 2, 3 AND 4 . WANDA HAWLEY Also Good Comedy CAST INCLUDES WARNER BAXTER IN 5 pfise for his manyv riends. He had takn '....a._ LZ.-_.,-I _ ,,,!p um 50 cents r-.__ _-- --... _......._, ...v..ug. Alb uau lvlltll unto himself a. wife. They are going to ' reside in Minesing. All extend good wishu l for prosperity and happiness. Usual Prices, 15c-25c new prices-- Page Thirtccn` I HUI DU CCIIIH hnlllli with belt is, sizes $1` l\ FIIIIIII bic Hams Hams [AL Ian's the [Xi .u.n uu_v.- ul HID \|I|lIEC Ill'I.|WI!!7l\. E. H. Slonn left for a trip to the Pacific Co;-.~.xt. going by boat from` Port MoNichol to For! William where he will be joipedby his dsmghter, -Miss Lillian. who is going to `take the trip with him. A]! are pleased to D`-`(! the worthy postmaster taking aimuch m-Med holiday and will be glad to welcome him home again. u.. ....,x Min 1 In .'u..`.l......... L .... _- .l.l':>IU_\` cuurcu. ' I The Women .9 Institute held their regular. 'lm-Ming on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. IRobt. Clement. ' ?I"L.. n..-.-_.. l`_-_.'l2 _-_ -1 .L, n , u Ii.'6bj $2.75 .ll`Hll ull xuuxtuny. V -- . In blasting stones out on the. road there `Was such an explosion that it broke a pane of glass in St. Peter s Church; also a couple an the home of Jno. ~Boyes._ '\,'l'u ncnta. { The result justifies the stand taken four yv;u .- ago by those who unintended that `thr parties of progressive views in the _On- . nr`.n `House must get together or fall to- gether. To the end that they should unite and prosper. rather than continue to divide and finally lose all`, Mr. Hay and Mr. Drury both dirl their share; or, at any rate, Mr. Drm'_\' did so up to the time when he cap- ittllntell to J. J. Morri.~.on._ Whatever may `be thmlght of the result, "Mr. Morrison, as a.;lulit.ical leader, -has -passed off the stage. 7- u -3 u `n ulki June 26.~-D. G. Bali of Staynr spent a few !a_vs in the village last-week . I; 1! mm... In c... ., ...:... .. u... n....:::-. .uuu\. \lu7lIlClIl'. The Duncan Auxiliary of the Presbyter- im1,chuI'ch met at the home of Mrs. Ofville `Todd on Thursday. ~ In kluaI';nn ntnnno nil` An 6`-{A Ionnp` #1-uu-n 'F\I1I'InI'\ WIVVEWIEIVI VI U575 I (Farmere' Sunl. ' , Monday's disaster, to old party enthusi-i axle. spells the end of the Farmervmovew merit. but the strength of the principlesh` emznciated by the United Farmers in not to be measured by the number of their repre- sentatives in Parliament. Few in number as. they are, the elected members so to Queen's_' Park to speak for the many thousands of fzmuer voters who are determined to keep clear of party shackles. They have`had., a .-orhnck. but it will not -be a permanent] one. There must be a redonsecration to` principle, and a new determination to move` forward again witbsurer stride, guided by` the lessons learned during the past three~ and :1 half years. . . I EXIT MR. MORRISON (Toronto Star! A `Jo-sterday s Conservative triumph was, after all. the natural, inevitable `and inesca- Vpuble result of two parties, with common _ aim and ideals. dividing from each other. am! even diVldll`.g among themselves. 'and .ho;`ing.vin the midvt of there divisions. to nmke headway against a united `and de-5 termined foe, and win in three-corneredl comests. rut`..- _._..|. :..-_,.-r:_ -1. . u . 1 n` uuu u|ulIK`- nan: II. Mg. and Mrs. J. E. Hodgson have re- turned home after attending a cousin s wedding in Hamilton. They also spent the week-end at St. Catharines. 'll.'.... `l\......J.L-. QI...... E- L-.___ t-.. L`__ nu` trnuml Iuuu usual. ' There was no service in the Presbyterian church owing to anniversary services in 3.4-frnychtxfch. ' ' ' ' ` `P3112 7nm....'_. Ynnt:t-win KAI.-U GLAL. .........I.... Jame 27,.--Mr. and Mrs, Price and chit dx-on of 'l`o'ron-t.o motored up and spent Sun`- day with their purent, Mr. and Mrs. Wax`- msr: Mr. \Grimshaw, wife and family of Tnmnto a'so spent the day with them." . '\.lh.m.L. Illlhn. and Mnulnn Dgirl 'Ft\iIl\rI`l\ CLASS GOVERNMENT ENDED (The Globe) , The years following the war havebeen bus for Governments, and the Drury Gov- ernment has met the fate which ebefel its: pm-iecessors and several other Provincial Administvhtions, and destroyed the Meighen (:m~-rnment in 1921.. The Farmers in 1919, hzni a victory greater than they expected.. am: were surpristrl when they found them-; seize-s laid under the responsibility of form; ing an Administration. It would appear! that the farmer electors are` themselves_ (Eu-:atisfied with the results of the experi-* nmm. They have realized that government] ca.-mot be carried on by the representatives of 21 class which is in a decided minority in the Province, and to a large extent they have gone back to old party afliations. , spgcial for 50 Delight for 25 ` Nth we e cake I'll! Ivvcl\'l':uu EU UK`. vuuuuuuca. Miss Dorothy Sloan is home for the sum- mer holidavs. her school being 'closed-a,lit- - n earlier than usual. '`I``....... .....~ ._- ___...'-. !~ A`-- l"-- ` I ` uIr\'"l7 l I'L`U n`)CIII IIUC lly W5U|I ltIIUlIIo -' Missex Lillian and Marion Reid, Toronto, weir here to the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the marriage of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid. on June 22. and spent '1ho- week-end at their homdhere. A c:..... 1...- a...l..\.. Ll... ......4.......o A: ... ..n:...... ALIIV` \VCCI\'(7|lU av IIIUII IIUIIIU IIUlUo A firm has taken the contract ~ _ out 500 cords of pulpwood from. Juan. The men have te_ns up. [1 men are employed at the job. 81 U18 pous yeswruuy u vww|_v nu vuvuuv. Victory brings responsibility as well as rejoicing. - y Victory is an opportunity, not an orgy. Ontario Conservatives are not ashamed to proclaim their party`s expectation and boy lid that Howard Ferguson will so. order- the life of the incoming Conservative Gov-F eriment that a party success shall become; a provincial success, and that all the people. of Ontario shall be given good cause, to recognize themselves as sharers in the `bene- . fits of victory. VIUI-Vnv lvn vvvuruuv ' (Toronto Telegram) Ontario has given the Conservatives of t-hir. province power to make their-success` the polls yesterday a Victory for Ontario.` ~.r:..m.u any-inn rosnnnnibilitv as well as ~`v-v -v-v CCTV-vw ` I New -DREAI;|:AN D-jionuay `- ~ Tuesday "mass ON Eu=.c11oNs `H19? 9119. FARMER MOVEMENT NOT DEAD l`l.`.............. Q.... \ Tmuasmw, JUNE 2:. 1923. 1 t---" astute. vucroav roa ounmo` Hl!.._.....s.. 'I".I.u-an.-n \ <:T1uRcH_11_,L 1-; n vs .K"9S5K . : or getting` \ J05. BOW-. A*bbut ten ' I ICI`?CCI`-1 The marriage was solemnixed on Wed- nesday. June 20, at Yonge St. Methodist Church, "Toronto, by Rev. Dr. I. Toveli, assisted by A. J . Paul, of Olive A'how ;0ckley. daughter of Mrs. Ockley and the 5 late Dr. J. F. Ockley. to Dr. George Vernon ` Fisk, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Fisk. _- _,,_Ii 1 _______ _ :_'D......:- L... SILVER wtoomc A social event (5! much interest took place `at Stroud, on Friday evening, June 22, when Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid, of Stroud, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith, of Atherley, gcelebrared the twenty-fift-h anniversary of itheir weddings. Mrs. Smith is a sister of `Mrs. Reid, and having been rnarried on the same day, namely June 22,1898, this E made the celebration of a double nature.` 7I\L, L__..,- _ ___._LA,:`__ _I______,4.-,l ___`.,L }}llll\ Ullll WHIIU PCUIIICB uuu QIMIIC l|l'!Eo At 6 p.111. 9. dainty buffet luncheon was served. Mm. Benj. Lee of Toronto and Miss Marion Anderson of Atrhexjley presided at the table and were assisted by Mrs Mac- kersie, `Mrs. Cocleburn, Misses Eva Whan, Marion MacLean and Lilian Reid. 13-1.1. II._ ..__I II... 11.1.! .._.I II. ......I [Butter GRIFFITI-l-BA|KIE The marriage of Miss Marjorie Blackmore . Baikie, daughter of Mr. and `Mrs. W. B. - Baikie, Chesterfield avenue, Westmount, Que-., to Captain Hugh B. Griffith,_son of Dr. and Mrs. A. R.\Gt-iffith, Peel St., Mon- treal, took place on the afternoon of Tues- . day, June 26, at the A'1nerica'n Presbyterian Church, Dorchester St, Montreal, the Rev. Mr. Kerr officiating. The bride, who was given away `by her father, were a gown of ivory taffeta, madelin basque effect, with i I batteau neck, and a very full scalloped skirt _ trimmed with bows of silver ribbon. Her net veil was held in place with a coronet of Mech`lin lace and orange blossoms, and she carried` a shower. bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley. She was attended - by, Mia Norma Brown. wearing pink flat (crepe with a pink picture hat trimmed with roses. and carrying Columbia roses. Doug- las Macauley acted as best man. Mrs. Baikiefmother of thebride, was gowned in black crepe romaine trimmed with-cut steel buckles. She wore a bla`ck feathered hat and carried pink roses and blue lace flower. 'Mrs. Griffith, mo.her of the groom, wore a"gown' of black lace and a black mohair hattrimmed with black and red French flowers, and carried red roses. Following . the ceremony a reception was held at .-the home of the bride s parents for the members 1 of ,_the two families and a few intimate friends. Captain and Mrs. Griffith left for a` motor trip through the Laurentians,` the bride going away in a dress of French blue crepe eponge, with a grey `hat, a -grey fox my and grey shoes and stockings. On their return they will stay at the 'Ritz4'Carlton for a time `prior toataking up residence in Mon-" . . treal. by many older residents of Barrie,` they hav-. `mg lived here about thirty years ago, when : Mr. fBailcie conducted a book and station- ery store on `Dunlop street opposite `what wasathen McKeggie s bank. They were con- nections of the Coulter and Blackmore fam- ilies, also prominent in the business and i! The Baikiei family will be remembered isocial l-ife of Barrie at that time. NU UUU K15 l'UU|llBl nu - Mr". and Mrs. Hopkins will reside on the groom's farm near Thornton. Lu-IIIVIUII IVIGUIJCIIJI GNU IJIIIBH LVUMI. Both~ Mr. and Mrs. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Smith were the ,1-eoipients of many beautiful presents. ' ` A`!-unnf `Fi-Ir anon}: uynrn nrmznnf. ;nnIntL UUGUUIIUI QJIXUIIDQ About fifty guests were present, includ-~ ing friends from Toronto, Orillia and Ath-M erley. ` l\VIi|IInv*wwu u_y-v A quiet wedding took place on Monday. June 25}. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Beleskey. Innisl St., when Miss Dorothy Burton, youngest Vdaxighter of Mr. and Mre. E. Burton, was unitedin marriage to Mr. Ross Robbins. of Holly. Rev. E. T. Douglas officiated. The bride was be- .c01uingly gowned in navy blue silk with . hat to match and carried a. bouquet of roses. . and camations. She was attended by Miss 3 Fannie -Hurst. | "Pkg; on-An:-n'n 0} n I419 WES R. Eld UK ll? UUIIIIVIIUIJIIE }Jlll'lJll.'o5- * v . The bride wore 9. gown of blue satin i trimmed with white radium -1ace'and white ' veil. She carried a bouquet of white roses `and ferns. Miss Olive Chown, the brides- I maid, was gowned in blue -satin and carried `a bouquet 0'? pink roses. Mr. E. Dobson l acted as groomsman. II.` .....J "tun "Anb:l|n uuill IIAa:AA nu GL1: I IHKIIIU U11!` UCICUTHIIIUII U`! (I UUUUIC lllulto ..The house was prettily decorated with pink and white peonies and June ro'-`es. Al R n In a Ruin!-u knfaf lnnnhnnn ulna runny Dvu VI wan. uuu mun. -.-...- -_..--. > ' ' Mrs. Fisk isiwelvl known in 'Bai'rie. he father having been a former minister of Collier St. Methodist ~LChuvrch; _IIvI I\IIIv-~uu--v ` `A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wed- nesday afternoon, June 27, at 4 o'clock rsharp, at the home of the bride's parents, = 104 Sophia St., wlien Ve'ra Isabella, young- '_est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill. .became the bride of Wilfred Nelson, son of _Wm. Hopkins and the late Mrs. Hop? kins, Thornton.- -Rev. E. T, Douglas of , (`ensz-al Methodist Church, officiated atthe ceremony which_ was performed in the pres- ence of a number `of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. "PI... L-I.-In urnlln n anlun nf ihllm nnfzin a 1"anme -nqrst. 3 The groom's gift to the bride was a_ gold _wrist watch and to the bridesmaid a gold ` chain set with pearls. . ' I ' Ah... n "\nnnIvn1Ann h-in fn Nm-t.h.Rnv kf my dear fath-T 0 passed away ` cnam sen wlm pcarum I After a `honeymoon trip to North Bayl and other places, Mr. and Mm. Robbins will | reside at 77 Sanford St., Barrie. ` 1 plcmu uu uw vvnulunu um vuu UUIWIISC. During the afternoon Mrs. Ross, who has been an able"worker in the Ladies Aid. was the recipient of a beautiful cut-glass `sandwich dish as a. token of the high esteem` .in which she is herd. Mrs. Agnes Pae made thrpresentation. _ V . "nu unnn oi},-gnu:-`I Gabon lIl\II I n1nl>n`Iv The members of the Ladies Aid of St. Andrew's Church laid aside'election duties on Monday afternoon for two or three hours. a'.nd_. about twenty strong, paid a [surprise visit to the charming cottage of i.Mrs. W. A. Rose. Shanty V.-Bay, who is_ leaving town. The party went down by] boat. and the affair took the form of a picnic onthe verandah of` the cottage. I1.-Ina Hun nfrnrnnnn MI-A Rnm mhn hnn PIRESEANTATION TO MRS. ROSS A I ~ ` av ST. ANDREW S LADIES AlD| "I BUU IIUU }JI'C5C|lIr|IlU|I u Mrs. Ross, although laken completely .by surprise, made a very feeling [reply in which she thanked "the members. of the Ladies` Aid for `their kindness and good wishes. . ` `A strawberry festival and entertainment will be held at the home of Hon."E. C. Drury, - Crown Hill, on Thursday, July 5. George E. Morley, B.A.. elocutionist. assisted by good local talent. Proceeds for Union Church. .Teu served from'6 to 8. `Adults 40c, children 20c.` V 28 RdaaINs-'aunfoN _cRowNfHIu. WI.-`.DDlNGS fl-lZ0PKlNS-H|_LL. lissed, Daughter. I -'|SK-0CKLEY Clifford Turner and Roy Mason 'of_ Flint, Mich., spent a few days with; Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Sutc1iffe,TMary' Street. I` `I . an 1 at up u to her home in Morrisburg after vis- iting friends in Barrie _and To1lendaI,i runs` ,1 us u 1-. in an lulu. vvln Dr. 0, G. Metcalf and, Mrs. Met-l calf of Toronto spent the week-end`; with the former s parents in Kem-| penfeldt St. I `|\':..... IV...LL.... 'D.....L -3 "I'1.........L.. ....... ,..;........., ...... Miss Esther Bunt of Toronto mo-I tored up `with AMr. and Mrs. Wm. Smart and son Leonard for the week- end in -town. It , 1 If 7 -r `If an no 1 1 J. J McClaf ferty andl children returned to London on Sat- urday after attending the" Gagnon- Quinlan wedding. 1ur:.... *r..;.L:.. nr_.u.:.. 1-1:;-`__ ur...1 VUILILICGII Vvcuulllsu I Miss Lottie 'Wattie left` on Wed- nesday on an extended visit to the West. She will visit friends in Kil- 1am,pCamrose and Ban . Miss` O. M. Newman of Toronto isD spending her holidays with her `mo- ther in McDonald St. and also with `friends in Elmvale and `F105. Miss A. Tucker has returned after visiting in Peterboro and Hastings. While in Hastings she was the guest of Miss Belle Thomson at the manse. Mi; arwnd Ms.vA. .1? sijeant, Bar- rie, announce the engagement of their Oxford izes 34 f0[ 75 Mrs. Hartt and son of London are visiting in town. rm..- nn_....,. n_1.:......... .: o..7.-4..;-.....: Kl VQSIIIIII6 Ill Il'VII Tfhe Misses Robintson of Stiatford: are in Barrie for the summer. `A 3 in; Qiifiugf 13i)i;".'"ioronto spent the week-end at Mr. Metcalf s,] Kempenfeldt St. ' ; `M ..- ('1--- .........I'1 .... .... u_':.. --.--1.: auwunlywllbcluv Mrs, Greek-;I"<-)od`1eaves this veek% .forthe Soo to spend a few months? with her son Roy. 1 D T l'9..1I....I..... _...A `G 1!? (VI-._..-..! AVA` en a. ulv-3. J. zulllovn I Miss Aileen Coulter of Toronto has] been spending two` weeks `vacation with Miss Clara Curtis. . an -I VVJUAA Avalon \./Avila. \Ju1 U109 I I Miss `Grace Fisher of Calgary is? spending vacation with her parents,} Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fisher. 9 1r,,__, 1-. 5 --gnu uuu u.suu we Us 4. 1:31:61. i Mrs.. Vaughn and Mrs.- Cameronj of Toronto have been visiting Mrs.{ W. D. MacLaren, Mary St. ` Moon TIN 'D.n-".11 I..L A... ]l.....I.._- 1-.., u uuwaaucwan, LVLGLJ LJIM ' Iv` lV.[:s. `D. Powell left on Monday for` an extended visit with her son, Dr.i Chas. Powell, `Port Arthur. T I 6 Mrs. M. J. Clark and daughter,` Miss Hazel, of Toronto, have return- ed after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Stoneham. Bradford St. * --.. -7- -----~-- ~-- I Mrs. W. H. Talbot of [Toronto is; spending a few days-with her sister, Mrs. G. McLean. Collier St. j E hrigga 11 md 48, speckd 01 an

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