Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 9

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Y, "JUNE 1-i,: :9 2s.~ * sacnon 2 PAGES 9 T0 16 LIQIII Gait Webb Jory Beecroft ~ Calderwood` Macpherson Lewis Banting Esten - Jack _.Scot_t - 1`IY`I , Barrie Mxi 9. . will b SECTION ' $'s"eZ'c'1 15, 17,19, Dunlop St. 'eek RlE+EXAMlNE1}"5`"" % CIRCULATION LHFS FRIDAY- SATURDAY `.`S0U'+ V ting re- BRASS T is Superb, Gorgeous, - Magnicent ! Monday - Tuesday - Wedvesday . I * .- ---A Golden Gateway to Happiness-.--or a Tarnished Portal to Despair? In this" great and` uncertain_venture known as marriage,` men and women are like eager, inegper. ienced prospectors--who blmdly rush at their claxm, hopmgthat, luck will be with them, A GREAT SCREEN DRAMA OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE BRASS shows that all. is not gold that, I glitters! j ' -B:fore Le:)w s,' T oronto-- A CIRCUS PICTURE, THAT"SC A CIRCUS TO SEE! . T.HOS.H.INCE < C . PREPARE, presents forzthe bigg`esAtjan OF THE 4275 comes! Shohwing af Regular Pictur Prices -;cooD MUSlC-'- linery, ents : vm BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1923. OSCAR the elephant with the human = brain-the ten-ton playmate 'g- ' _ in a screen drama that is ` a different for 3 the biggest `and most destructive A STORM ever produced for thy camera! CYCLONE that "ever visited` us, the most vividly thrilling Come and meet good `enough to play three days Usual Prices, 15: and 25 FRIDAY- SATURDAY A Picture . `( Continued from 7 page 1) _ onlyas an official but as a particular _ fondly cherished husband and father.` Our united prayers are that our [Heavenly Father may console and }comfort their wounded hearts and lmake them His specialcare, and that gthe Clerk be instructed to forward` a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Quinlan and family. - Born in Vespra C Daniel Quinlan was the seventh {child of Michael Quinlan and Jane ;Maloney. ` His father came from .7County Clare, Ireland, and settled on `lot 21, con. 3, Vespra. Shortly af- iterwards he married, his wife coming Ifrom Victoria County, where her family were among the first settlers. Daniel was born 62 years ago on they ihomestead (now owned and occupied} ,by Robert M. Bell) and spent thei ?greater part of his life there, carry- iing on the farm after_his father s re- itirement until moving to Barrie in `I914. ` ngqing in price .50 to $10.00 ed in three lots sale Saturday, 8c, $2.98. and `K 33 ESIMMOURNS ` 1 I DAN@__ovINI-AN! I Mr. Quinlan was a successful far-l lmer, paying special attention to eat- -tle. After comingto town he did inot lose his. interest in agriculture. Marked` evidence of this was seen in `his efforts on behalf of the Barrie *Agricultural Society, promoting eld [crop competitions and Spring fairs [as well as the Fall exhibitions. For itwenty-ve years he was president of | `this organization and in a large mea- {sure the success and good nancial iposition of Barrie Fair was due to !his work.` He was also a director of `f`s.2'.gt2'3.?a`ii.`m.;I.ZI` sesiiiwc; the administration of the Fair for la quarter-century was R. J. Fletcher, who passed away `last year. Two] . other men who were prominent in the lwork of the Joint Stock Go. and the {Agricultural Society have passed` away since November, viz., Alex. Milne and J. J. Brown. ` The `Agricultural Society was but `Lone of many activities in which Mr. [Quinlan engaged for the welfare of :Barrie. and the surrounding country. He was a Separate School trustee for several years and had been chairman of the Board. He also, at the time ,of his death, held the chairmanship presidency of the Barrie Community Association, was president `of the `Simcoe County, member of the Mothers Allowance Commission for ~ IRo_val Victoria Hospital Board and 1 `the Children s Aid Executive, and chairman_ of the municipal committee of the Barrie Kiwanis Club, Warden in 1902 `His municipal career datediback to 1895 when he was elected as ha `of the Public Library Board, the ! l `councillor in Vespra Tp. A year later` `he became reeve and in. 1897 .was `again sent to the County Council for the Vespra-Sunnidale division when: that body was composed of eighteen commissioners. In 1902 he was how. ored with the Wardenship and con-` tinued to sit in County Council until` his appointment as treasurer in 1905., `Mr. Quinlan lled this office in a most 2 acceptable manner. Not only had he nancial details at his nger-tips, but he was thoroughly versed in all "mat-i ters appertaining to County affairs. Good Roads Advocate Next to the duties of his office,` the County business which held for him the keenest interest was good roads. He was a firm believer in the value of improved highways. In fact, [he was sometimes spoken of as the jfather of Good Roads in Simcoe County. It was in 1902, when _Mr.- Quinlan was Warden, that Simcoe blazed the way for other counties by passing a by-law to inaugurate ai i"`County Good Roads System, Mr.` I | l Quinlan being one of the prime mov- ers. The plan having been approved `by the people, the building. of the System began in 1903. Mr. Quinlan never lost interest in roads and was lfrequently to be seen with Engineer `Campbell on inspection trips. For years he was a delegate to the On- itario Good Roads Association, where ihe gave several addresses and where ihis opinion was highly prized. ` II. {County Treasurer in Passing: Leaves _Fine Record of I ! Public Service. l..-.. v...-.--_-- ..._.. __-____, .__,V_. Mr. Quinlan was a staunch Con-l servative. While he did much effect- ive work for others, he never sought political preferment for himself. On several occasions when urged to be Ia candidate for the Legislature, he |declined to do so. ---4--L_- _---__ -..- 1.. .........:...z 1ur:.... ' 0111:0- ` The Funeral The funeral took place this morn- ing from the family residence, Bere- zy St.. at 8.45, and was largely at- _ `tended. Solemn Requiem High Mass QUCIIIICU l_-IU UU BU, Twenty years ago he._ married Miss Maude Blain, daughter of the late Mr. and `Mrs. Edward Blain of Bar- rie, who survives with one son and ve daughters, the eldest of whom is eighteen. II - I\nn'Invu a manna}: `Ina ls elgnwen. Mr. Quinlan s parents had b eight` sons and one daughter,` of whom only two are now living. These are Jos- eph Quinlan of the Penetang Road, Vespra, and Andrew Quinlan of Tor- l 0nt0. I ll. - 1'4`..- nun` W. Packard, 18-year-old son of ` Jos. Packard of Oro Station, sus- itained a fracture of his right leg !when playing football at Shanty Bay ion Monday evening. Both bones of the leg were broken. Mr. Packard is in the Royal Victoria Hospital here land is reported as doing very nicely. TL `In-us n vvlusuuu gnu.-....L.......L.. ......2.J-..A \.c Avnwaannuy, J:J. 11.0111. LII/o He advertised ` his house at 12 Small `St. twice in` the Adlet Column and.through this` small expenditure secured a cash purchaser for the property. `II- "l`........ -3 Y\..I..L-._ 2.. LL- _.-_. Ipurposes, you vvv--uuny vvuanvnn VA. LJDDCD nu usxvvu to pay Wesley Scott of Allistonl $2200 in full of all claims in com] nection with the accident when two of his sons were drowned at Nicol-. ston this spring. ! was celebrated in St. Mary's Church, after which the body was laid to rest `in St. Mary's Cemetery. Those act-_. Sing as 'pall-bearers were: Joseph: Thompson (Toronto), Warden C. H. IEplett, Freeman Campbell, E. A.` :Little, ex-Warden W. H. Carter, 'Mayor. Little, M. J. Frawley and A. IG.` MacLellan. I (W. PACKARD HAS LEG BROKEN IN PLAYING FOOTBALL AT ORO. uuu no Luyvs uvu no uunus VCLJ AILUCLJ. [It was a very unfortunate accident `and will -mean that several weeks will elapse before "the, victim is able to be around again. a ` 1 I l\Il I \I \ul\Il"h I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacLaren, Miss Tanis MacLaren and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walls left this morning on a trip to Halifax, N.S., and other points on the Atlantic Coast. They will be ab- sent from town for ten days. The Barrie people will be members of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoc- iation annual tour. ' - `It ertainlf pag7s:tio 'z;(ivertise in` [The Examiner, is the opinion of W. `G. McBride, 11 Henry St. L........ `I'J n nAuu._.L......I 1.3.. ..L 10 lJl.\Ir-UK?` Ir ! . Mr. Tracy of Dalston Is the new I OVVIIOI`. The Examiner s ;n`f;)r;n7e-d' ;hat the! Township Council of Essa has agreed 4- cu..- \`l7....1....- 0..-. 4\:v A1I:..a...... There was a profusion of owers,l gincluding tributes from the follow-i 'ing': Agricultural Society and Agri- cultural JointStock Co., Officers and `Board of the Children's Aid Society, |County Mothers Allowance Board, [County Council, Library Board, Roy- ial Victoria Hospital Board`, Liberal- Conservative Association of Centre. |Simcoe, County Judges and County iO"icials, J. R. Lamb`, General Man- ager, Bank of Toronto, Municipal Bankers Bond'Corporation (of which Mr. Quinlan was a director); and the Inspector of the Mothers Allow- ance Board. There were also a large number of Mass cards. Among those present at the fun- eral from out-of-town were: Mr. and` Mrs. Andrew Quinlan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blain, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.`; Paul Charlebois, cous- in, and Mrs. Charlebois, Toronto; Wm. Murphy, Lindsay; `Mrs. Mary Merry, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Quinlan, Toronto; James Quinlan, Brantford; Jos. McGoey, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc Goey, Tottenham; Miss Annie McMahon, Tottenham; Misses `Frances and Irene Quinlan, Port Hope; Thos. Blain, Elk Lake; Miss Florence Quinlan, Toronto; Mrs. Twohey, Toronto. REDUCED BARRIE QUICK RETURNS FROM ADLET UNION BANK OF CANADA Shot) where you're invited to shop. Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thornton Branch - .- - - Cookstown Branch - - - - The first instalment of Takes for the year 192315 due - t ' and payable at V jcj 3 A 3.3: L2 jjj Ratepayers who pay` the full amount of their taxes at this time will be allowed a discount of ONE PER CENT. - on the amount of the second instalment. 24-2_Sc scorr TO GET szzoo ON TRIP TO COAST 4.. J `I 7 Nam Store TOWN OF BARRIE % TAXES son 1923 No. 24 THE BANK OF ronomo ON OR BEFORE JUNE 25th, 1923 The middle aged man, mindful of his past will urge you not to waste small sums.` He will tell you too, with a sigh of regret, what he might have accom-' plished had he, years ago, realized the multiplying power of triing sums. "A-.. _ ____ ___.I _.._.---r-J-.- `-v-- '- v- _--_____ _.___--V Stop all the waste you can, and keep your money in a savings account where it will grow` to help your future. - 3 Double your Savings It CAN be Done. 1 names M996? Waste n\I\IA.l Ill Idrl I ll IVIIQLAIIIVII I zr1`rrie defeated Midland by 8-3 in: the rst golf match of the season in connection with the dist1`ictvcompet- itions, on the course of the Barrie- club, yesterday afternoon. Eleven players a side took part in the com- petition. rn1.._ .._._-__- -__.1 p_s,,__, `enjoyed hy all. .. . - ` rr\. ununvan. The greensvand fairway _were in good condition, but owing to the plentiful rains grass in the rough was very long, in consequence of which the Midland players were father se- verely penalized, not being accustom- ed to recoveries from such long- gtass, The match was much enjoyed by both sides. A dinner was prom'd- ed for the players after the m_atch,, at which remarks made by speakers from both teams indicated that the day had been a success andhad bee . . . ~ \ ` m..n....`........ :_ `L- `I3_L -1 __-L__.'__ __ .1 ibable, at New Dream- rday Midland White, Sr. Frasken L. Pratt Bishop 1`\ 0 `I3... LL [1 ycunvc uj `Lia we ALKIU Wilkinson Duncan Brandon Letherby Keller YIVI - . II 1L\.l_l\vl. emoyeapy au. __ H Following is the list of players and results :- 11- 11 1 `- The next mertch will be playedlag Orillia on Wednesday, June 2Q. Elmvnle ` llenwopd Phelpston Crossland . Date of,Barrie Mgeting an- nounced elsewhefe in this issue. Liberal Candidate for Centre Simcoe will hold meetings this week as follows: ' Fmnm?" % Wyevale Wyebridge 9 4 SATURDAY try Day BARRIE DEFl:`.ATS" MIDLAND. T).____._', 1-1-, . 1 MEN WANTED A AT HUNTSVILLE- Steady employment. in lumber yards` and .ha'rd- wood flooring mill. ` The Muskoka Mfg. ONTARIO ELECTIONS DR. L. J. SIMPSON A. W. SMITH, Treasurer. Huntsville, Ontario V - A. Leslie, Manager H. J. Thompson, Manager - T. McMillan, Manager Co., Limited, THURSDAY A SUITS

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