Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 8

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um uuuw m uunuus. _ ' ` -* a Miss Lillian McBride is at home for I few `days as her schoolis closed on accoulit of sickness.. 0--.! r'\-.-I,_,, I , I I Ul Bllihllio . Fred Coulson has purchased a new motor. cycle. - qnilnn C........ L--- L_-L 1 A` uyulc. - . Some from here took.in the sports in Creemore on the fourth of June. `Mn-.3 Q......I. 'nI....I. :_ _.:_:.:_., ,. :- vvccxvcuu vuyu ugh`. cl. uuuuey. -Miss Mary Fleming of Utopia visited her aunt. Mrs. C. Denney, lastweek. ' R Mnkniam, :. nnf :...........:.... ;.- ....:..1.|-. auuv. `ue. U. ucuuey, Luau` WEEK. R. McKnight is not improving as quickly as -his friends would like to see. Mr. Mc- Knight is suffering from an attack 0'! apop- ` _lexy which seized him aeweeke ago. Thu vnnnar nannln from hm-A nnuva 5!... ml... m5 u. nu uxccmure In one near Iurure. Mrs. M. Gallinger and her son, Willie, `of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mrs. H. Bel'l. AVJEUII g - A number "from Here attended the political meeting in Angus last week. Mr glwnlunhnnnau Raul kin .-I_i-.Z..... L...l ` June l2.--Miss Edith WElliot.t of Toronto is spending holidays at her home here.. - Mien arena _QnnH-was A4` A n . . . n n n .....L LL- In apcuulus uuuuuya an uer UUHIG [lCI'8.. ' Miss Grace Srwit-zer of Angus spent the. week-end with Mrs. J. Gauley. -Mien ~Mm-u` Irlzsmam. at n.m:.. ..:..;....x 1...... Mbst of.the farmers -lzav finished seeding} _ | l8l'e . - ' IIII UDDUIUBJ, `(HE UIBCUIII `IUIIIII WCIIUI/I doivu to defeat before Ivy nine; score 14-4. ' Tho gnnnu Quintin` n` G"; .`Ilnl-Hnuuulr I-IAWKESTONE UTOPIA Mille; vi_sit,ed Cookstown `June 12.- -'I'-iie Ladies Aid met. at the home of "Mrs. Robert Dobson on Wednw `day, June 6. . 'I" ` _ JJGIIIC Editor of The Examiner:---, I _. .. . . .u . uay, Juno 0. T. _S. Young" and Clarence Ford spght Sunday in town. (nun `I-You-pin and `H9 nnn mn- and Duuuuy III |(UWI.Io Chas. `Harris and his son, Elgin,ATand Norman Scott motored to Toronto on Sat- ux-day. `U I `Pain in nhha On Inn Inn and m-nunr` uruuy. W." J. "Cole is able to be up and around "again; flpnnnzl Lona urn nnifn nun-Vnnrnnn thk again. _ | Ground hogs are quite numerous this |'s1_1mmer and are growing quite bold.` having K made their appearance in a number of gar-' `dens around here. IIUWII DU uClUlI& JJCIUIU IV, IIILIC} EUUFU L'8"Io The Sunday Schdol of the Methodisti church will be held in the~morning after service until further notice. V` C`... L......L..ll L-..- L..`.I _ ...... __..l L_'__ Dear Sir:--I would like to call attention ' [to a statement made at the Conservative Women s Association. Mrs. Creswicke is reported as saying `The Conservatives gavel us prohibition, the U.F.O. gave 'us boot- Ilegging. The first statement is, of course, correct. Prohibition came into force as the result of a. prohibitory law being voted upon by the people, during Conservative ad- ministration. -But boot-legging was not given. It is 9. direct violation of the law. AH u7`1n as-n nnvinnn fnr fnh nrnhihifinn EIVUII. .111 lb 5 LLl[UUl4 VIUll1l'lUl1 Ul I/AIU LOW. All who are anxious for total prohibition `--and there are many in all political groups ---regret that boot-legging continues, but under any administration the result would be the same. - 7. ._ ___I-. t_:_ L- LL- \1T..__.`.. .. 1'9 ...... ... U8 EH8 E51110. ' i It is only fair to the Wormn's Conserva- tive Association` and also to the U.F.O. to lmke this correction. 17-.. -.. -3- ...._..I-- LETTERS TO THE Enrron Read the advu..-1s pm. - v_... .....v... `mi! A CONSERVATIVE WOMAN. III a Yours sincerely, 9;-cram-may A vuvruvii I'I'7I\' _Bai'rie, June4l2, 1923. .n.\... i HAROLD LLOYD JI:IuI'ncu u'U1u rcrgus. . '. Wm. Pearson and family spent Sunday with friends in Minesing. ~ K - in SAFETY LAST" is indescribable, at New Dream land next Thursday, Friday, Saturday T J1 IICIU IJIUIKIHHUII. - Mrs. Brown of Winnipeg has been visit-' ing her sister-in~law, Mrs. S. R. Brown.` `Inc `I Cfnuvn-I :9 ;-sun:-nunn Haw nu-n- XIVIIBU UIIIIII lufllll lIUll\:Uo V The baseball boys had a succe$ful trip to Cookstown; on Tuesday, the score being 9-0 in favor of Thornton. II'__ -__J II`... I',, GL_,,,,,,1 II I "ll 3'! III LIIVUI UL l.U|l|LUlln Mr. and Mrs. Jas~. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart and families spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart. 1 D--. `I7 Ifl ..._.I ll`... A.I..__.`__ _._ -A_._J 1:15 a u:vv uuya Ill LUIUIILU uuu uruyum. Mrs, Wilfred Ayerst and son. Billy. have I returned from Fergus. I Wm Dnnllnnn nap! `nrv\:lIv annual Q-`Jun : nnuu Aul. nuu `LVIIB. RICA. A7ll$W|l'|vn Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Adams are spend- ing a few days in Toronto and Drayton. MPG Wilfrn Aware! ant` nan fnillu I-unun wt`)? Safurdhy, ihe baseball -`team "went: Inning On tlnfnnf Hahn-n Tun nhago nnniln 11.1. OPENING ~'.:-;\1asw SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Butter Crust BREAD suns" T 4 PIES and ` A Bakery 137DUNLOP st. opm THURSDAY % A Full Selection of ` Highest Quality FANCY .cAK1-:5` T MCLARY STOVFS, 4 , CTRIC RANGES ANDAPPI..lANCES~ -.. An kinds of Hardware at . Right Price ELIZABETH VST. AND MAPLE AVE. Let us demohotjrate to you why, they are `head and shoulders over others - .T!*.9R"T9?`_ MARTIN-SENOUR -l00% PURE PAINTS. The W'.M.S. will hold their June meet- ng in the basement of the church on F:-i~ day afternqon, `June 22,-at 2.30. _ Special music. dele'gate s report. fe day. `After- `noon tea will be 'served.. Everyone wel- Hill s -_-and-- ROBINSON'S HARDWARE BLUE-BIRD WASHERS NEW PERI-`E'.C'I'lON on. srovas BeSt'on'tl1 e market , Phone 1040 ROOFING `June il'.-Mm. IA artx-idge "and daughter Miss Rossie Partridge, of Oro, were week- end guests of Mrs. Drury. . man Mahdi uuldlnafnn ll` Tnrnnfn :1: I v1a|uug- uuucr u_1c punmuu. ruul. The young people in the play The Colon- el'sAMaid" journeyed to Hillsdaley on Wed- nesday evening and gave the entertainment there. The players are kept busy, having I visited a number of places. '\ A 1.1 l\ (-1 I III , U1 H1511 WCUR. ' - Mr. Dickinson returned. to his home ini Greemore on Monday after visiting his son, I Herb Dickinson. D 11-- ....._.- .: 'nr:.._:...... 1...... L . . . . .:..:o' _. - .._-_-.-_- -- r-----. I `-I')'o not forget to attend` the Oro Sunday `in the Union Church on Tuesday` afternoon , and evening, June 19. Some good` speakers tare expected and a `fine'progran"1me will be given. Supper served by Crown Hill `friends and everyone heartily welcomed. I I\ van: .AI v A. .A School Association Convention to be held. __ _.___ -.-__,---_ -__-- the special summer meeting of the Women s Institute will be held. in the Union Church, Mrs. T. W. Meek, of Alton. will be the speaker. Mrs. Stocking, District President, is, also expected to be present. Mrs. Meek, formerly a school teacher, was active in -organizing a school clinic following medical : inspection and for the last two years hiss` served on the school board. Mrs; Meek has done valuable work both as a branch end district officer in`Peel County 'an'd"her per- sonsl experience in many. lines` of_._,com- munity workygives her s`:store=-ofuhelpful A . - "~'l.`.( 5 suggestions. 1- `Friday afternoon, June at 2 pm.` IIIUIIUBJ III IJI|]UI _ A steam shovel is now working in` the Taylor gravel pit, on the Sixth Line. They are gravelling the Penetang Road-. This part of the` Highway has been very bad with so "much rain and being under con- struction. - II ... AI____ 3, ,,!_!4!_, I , I I . -up "'f."'Xkes is visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. J. Grose, in Toronto. '5 :13 nnt-gr` 4:; Locus uuuoLnLIn'a Lu. '3... 1.`. ll. LIKUBC, Ill lUK`UlllUo It is good to have Huxtable's bus line running -between Barrie and Newmarket. We feel we are on the map now. M3 I-Tnnn nf "I`nu-nnl-A in n .-nab at June l3.---Mr. and Mrs. H. ihlbreclht. and `son were visitor's here recently. Mr and Mrs T31-Han}:-nu -Dnhm 4... Ian], W. Johnstdn `and Miss '-Winter spent Monday in ' Barrie. A nfnnvn nknunl :3 nun: vIvnnIy:-n- 3... LL- VIC [GUI WU GIG UH 1111!: map HOW- Miss Hadden of Toronto is a guest of Miss Rogerson. ' A Ullll Ul `LUCIE: III III . 1 Miss Mabel Huddleston of Toronto is visiting under the parental roof. I Thn Iynnrur nnnnln in `In: nlnuy 'l`l.. (`,1-`Inn, ucuu: wry . ` Th_e_Jun` meeting of the Methodist Lad- ies Aid was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. A. Ferris, with a goodly num- bet `in attendance. The greater part of the afternoon was taken .up with the business. The dainty luncheon served at the close of the meeting and social hour was heartily enjoyed by all. Mrs. Joe. `Booth will en- tertain the July meeting at her home. Misses ThI&be;'.Eri:.a!;d.'b`iv'a;j:)1'ie Mighton of Toronto are spending a few days with the former's_paren'ts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred El- 12;. pun vvcu: vlawula uclc xcuuuuy. - Mr. and` Mrs. Wellington Reive are hal- idaying with Robt. Reive. nu nut` "in `Autism; at 1171.--`! A - . . n __J. E WILL} IIAJUIH IIIUIV . I U r. and Mrs. Leader` of Wheatley spent a few days visiting friends here. ` The Doc- tor practised in this community some years nun - ' June 12.-This community was well re- presented at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oatway last Wednesday evening to extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and present them with a miscellaneous shower. After a musical programme refreshments were served. It was a. very `enjoyable gathering. nun: nnnnfenn ...:ll Inn Lalo! .5 AL. I..._... -June 12.-Mr. and Bf _~Lindsay are holidaying with `relatives hen}. ` MIG 1"!-\Innnnn A` Thnrnnn annnb nun: "uuluaay MIC HULIUBJIHE WM. IUIRIIIVCE L|Ul'_Co `Mrs. Thompson of Thornton spent over Sunday with her daughter; Mr:-3."Mum'1y Hunter. - -. - 11.... .n:-n_..... :_ -.:_:._:.._ :_:-__u_' :_ 1- c'_'.1__ Mrs. `Me-cmw. is visiting friends` iii aims. town. ` .. T " 11:-.. 13.1-- nun--- -1 n_'_`._._L-_, __,_ .u__ SUCBU U1 H1163 Lhcuu OLCVCHBUII UVCY Dulluuyo in Toronto. -' The ser\"ices on Sunday even- 'ing were taken by the _W.M.S. Mrs Logan of Meaford, gave a very interesting address on the .work of the Missionary Society nllifn n nnrul I-any-manual-nl-inn C-An` Lnun Rev. J . S. Stevenson attended Conference- Iuu uucwvuln UL Iauc LumaAuutu'_y DUCIULQ Quite a good representation from here attended theQDistrict L.O.L. meeting -`at |Ba.xter, on Saturday. This District `will, celebrate the 12th `of July in Allandale; A n1nvnVnv-in` can-uinn `Art on H-umn Jnnnnmul uclcuxuuz vuu: tau] U1 July In nuauuuxc. A memorial service for all those deceased during the pastyear will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday evening at 7 p.m.. followed by a._short_service in the cemetery. _, rm... 1...;-:. ........s': .;.. ..c .1... 1u...1.-.::... 1 ...u l:UVVlIo Miss Edna Walker 3: Goldwater wn tne guest of Miss Reta Stevenson over Sunday. Dav. I Q Q!-nunnnnn affnnainz-I f`nnCnu-nn'nn- }N.`l'lIy U lluVlll.5 ll VCl'J.lllll '|JUll|.n Mr. Dickinson of Meaford and his daugh- ter-in-law visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dick- inson last week. ' __-..; ....._-. l...;_. L... ..u......I..,l Ll... CROWN HILL CHURCHILL 7 CLOWESA `III-IULII CV71, uayylucaa nuu pluapcluy. Ivy playedball at Thornton on Saturday ..afternoon_. winning by 14 to 4.' Fran_k Bdnnfis a busy man these days. He is raising his house and putting a; foun- dation under it. n_. fl`! *___n 11... n_-_:_ __.I 2___:I_L __-_;. uuuuuya. _ ` I _ Rev. and Mrs. S. Martin motored to? Chiitham `last week to visit friends, coming ; back to Toronto where Mr. Martin is at, tending coference and" Mrs. Martin is visiting her sister. . - i 4 V . 1 June 12.--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dempsteri of Bow Island, A?lta._. spent over Sunday: with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McM1s_tt_ar. 5 .11.. 11..-.-- 4: n}.u.-..__ :- u I gnu flb. n. 1. nruuxu. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellis have returned from Hamilton and. are visiting their son, George Ellis. i D D D..l-I `C 1354-`. l`......-._L _._-..L _ 9, 1 " June" 1l.-Another of our prominent. young men has joined the` Benedicts in the person of A.. H. McLean .(Bert) who was united in marriage last Wednesday to Miss Rae Cochrane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Thornton. Both` young people are well known in this community and high- ; _ly respected. They will reside on the Mc-; Lean farm east of Ivy. All join in wishing ' -them every'hnppiness and prosperity. TIIIV I'|lnl1nl"`\n`] :0 Tknrnfnn nu Qonllrhzu Iuc wccn-cuu wuu lucuua ucrc. I Rev. J. D. -Byrnes, D.D., of Barrie will} occupy the pulpit of_ the Union Church next ! Sunday at 11 a. m. -and 7, p.m. . being the anniversary services at which a special col- lection will be taken. Everyone welcome.i `lfollrnr Inalin ennui Qnnalnu :n Gnu..- JIEULI HIEU WCUIK. A great many from here attended the A Deanery meeting in Cookstown on Tuesday. The Ladies` Aid met at the home of Mrs. R. D. Bannerman, on Wednesday after-, noon. They intend holding their annual T -garden party in Diamond` Park the third" -or fourth week in July. 7 Mr. and Mm J. W. Thompson visited in haters last week. ` . . - IIYHIIQ .._2lI I.-IJ LL_2_. I..- '_..;_A xcuuuu vuu uc uuuau. mvI:l'yUlIe welcome.` . Walker Joslin spent Sunday in Sutton with friends. It... 1:_-,,_ ,9 n,,.|, - u . an 1 mIu&`rs..mi`II(`)`c:i'e of Guthrie and aunt. Mrs. Wiggins, of.Winnipeg, called on the form- ei-'s sister, -Mrs. Reid, this week. MI! `ant! "Inn A-O-`gun Q6 nnnn ......I II... on 5 annual, mule. xwlu, anus ween. I Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur Stone and Mrs.` Hazelwood of Toronto visited their cousins, Mr. and'~Mrs. Thos. Stone, for a few days. Mrs. Kendall is visiting in Novar. Lyn Fellows of Toronto is home for his- holidays. Dnu nnpl ll:-5 Q ll.-...L2... _.-L-_-J L- uculsc .l`4lllB. I R. E. Bel`! of Little Current spent a few gtzslrf with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. M. M. D [CW I16 Wltll IIICIIU3 KICKS: | Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Berti McQuay on the atrival of a daughter. RIIIYI` HUGE I\` f\I`If QIIFIACI I Ull It'll`? CIIIVGI ql B \.IaII6II|:'CIn ' Boyd Davzs of Washago spent Sunday. with friends here. 1 I )--- II` I 'l'\-__- __J l'\___._- I'\___:_ D- I vvyuu uu. nuu Aura`. VVV Iureu 1V.lClVl3S[8I'. Mr. Carter of Colborne is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Arnold. :11- '......l -\t.;_ 11-....- nu: I, .. - W}. "and Mrs. J.` M. Fellows and son of Hawkestone spent Sunday with the form- er`: uncle, Richard Bell. ' .....l 11.... \Y:-_| --n-.| ,- vv. mnrsmg STATION June 12'.--I regret to have to report the sudden death of Mrs. Wm. `Morten, which took place-on Friday, June 8, in the Royal Victoria Hospital, A Barrie, while under- going an operation. The body was brought to her own -home at Minesing Station, which is occupied by Mr. Teasdale, from which place a large funeral took place on Sunday, June 10, conducted by the -Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale. A large number of friends and ,relatives from Collingwood, Barrie and Allandale were present. Inter- ment took place in the Minesing Cemetery. Davis and family} spent` a few days with friends here. (`nub-n`I1'n`:nv\n 6.. II. can). -1! Rant. 55. * J. I-Iorkihs and J. Elgie motored from Toronto and were guests at- the home of Fred Ellis last week. `If. f`....:._LL-.-` AC 'D:u\l-An uv:n:6n:' `uh: Anna- WLLL lllcllll ucbc. I g Rev. T. J.'Dew and George Davis, Sr.,| attended the_Synod meeting in Toronto last 3 week. . _ V II}... Il..`II`.......- _..-...L LL- .....-I. .._.l _.!4.L Wlcfs McKague spent the \_veekT-end with Mrs. Somerville in Thornton. '\__._Z- vA___-I.l ,.-4____,I 4. VII, , LLB. ODUIIICIVIIIU Ill llIUlIIIUIIo Reggie Arnold motored to Toronto on Saturday and brought home his sister, lidna, who hadbeen spending some time `t ere. f\-I_L II_I __- I__L _ ---I,,_l .1, I, _, , Bziph `McLean lost a. valuable home last week. ` xr:__:_.. t__._-L. ,: m_,,-_;, . .1 I `ITO WI7Cl\s Vivian Jennett of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jennett. `II... I I)-_l--_.L___ - `I Y;,A:_ 2 ._,-,5`! ` ~ ' 7 * I June ll.--Roy Lance of `Sutton spent! the week-end with friends here. I `D-.. I h I).._...._ h h -1` n-,__:_ ,_sn 1 mm. W. J. I frielgdarthis week. _|cAy wuuzu acmcu nun IWCEK ago. The young people from here gave the play entitled Dust of the Earth at Camp Bor- den on Monday evening. They intend giv- ing it at Creemore in the near future. M. M r1..n:..-....- ....A L..- --- `mm- I}. U. LBCJIIUIUB LIIBII WCCA. - Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wice motored to" Toronto and spent Sunday there. A . Mr ant` MI-a I-Tor-1r tfnlmnp any! .1... 17...! 'lLCl nuausl. ULIE. V7.11}. Clan ' I " Jos. McLennan is improving his farm by! putting a wire fence all around it. I TTUU `DDR5 lull: WCCIL. Mr. Creighton of Beeton visited his cous- in, Mr. Easton, on Wednesday and Thurs- day, of last week. ' ' My Tlhcbinnnn rah"-nnal fn I-n Hnmn in vs a uuuw, IUUHIIU DISH Mr. and Mrs. Nicol. called on Utopial .friendsrecently. ' . ' " J " nu Inna luuu; 11.2) .... .._`;L ..._ -4 JIIUIIIK Iuicu ' I J. H. Belluliss bt`-.Len Iaid up with an at- -tack ofeczema. `I... I'll Y Inn-.. -.- -. I A \./u:c1uUI'c uu ule .luu1'Ian OI June. Miss Sarah Black IS vismng at Mrs. Mason's. . ' A -____'.I_-,, 1,, 1 .. . . ,. .. . _ struck by lightning. unccuung, In nugub may WEEK. I -Mr. Shaughnessy had his driving shedi Mrs. Neilly and daughter a1;d Mrs. Bate and Mr. Latimer visited atgthe home of S. J. Reynolddlast week. M. and M... .1:!I.:.... 117:-.. .......--...x ...' -muuuuuu auu uycuv ouuuuy ouere. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelsey and son Park~ .er spent Sunday at Robt. Rogers. Mrs pnht nounnln man A`rv\:nn Davy, _c1 apcru. ouuuay BL nuut. Iwgens. Mrs; Robt. Reynolds, Miss Almina Rey- nolds, Fred and Thos. Reynolds motored to Cookstown and spent Sunday at the home of the for-mer s brother, Albert Rainey. Mr Ant} Mm T-I `UT llmllll A3 Il'uw.lu..- AN. Ila Clcllllclllo I Mrs. J. Beckerton of Utopia isvisiting fher sister. Mrs. Wm: Reid. 1 T... 11.1 -.._..._ 5- __.__.-__.._.. L:_ :-A,,. L_,` AV-I U: .here. Ill- Alice pent the week-end at! her home in Dundas. 7 M1-.. `l:II:.... .11--n_:.n_ 2, ,. n - l Ills LICK 5lDLCl"lll'll1W, uua. D. LV. LIIUWII. Mrs. M. Stewart is'improving her pro- perty by having a verandah built. My Tlhubinnnn n` lnufnrrl onr` `n Anna-K-

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