Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 6

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;.....w. m -ruuce uourt; satiurdzty morning, `on the charge of assault with intent. to com- mit an indictable; offence. The offence, which took place on May 12. was against a voung married woman. Thercmse was adjourned twice before it was nally set- . tled. _ ' i . '.cnu or SIX months flabour in -Police Court; I nn tho plan... .: .... .-I- I Q` Raymond Warriixgton was sentenced to :a :erm of six months in gaol with hard {labour -Police Pam-fr Rm-i....l..(.. ..-...._:_i M- --.......w.uu Ul wmcn much ueen expended. The element'con- wire of special composition, of-I resistance that it is raised to a erature by the passage of the rent. In order that the heat so nay pass downwards to the sole, tos is Dlacd abnvn +1.. m Good Exa;nple- , ,..3..u, Elvullu uuu POI- orkmg surface. Immediately re is the`heating element. on construction of which much I expended, 'I'h.'..|......._.--. 1:! Lu 5501 WIFE Ham, 1; Satixrdziy [It fenma Thu n'---- Aaxmmstr 22-24 mmn May 31, 1923. . n___.. _....._y aw vvulul a_uuuurg.I rcgrcu IOIHOHOW - Our otfioe is open six days every week to discuss, advise, counsel, Investigate` and go over your insurance problems. Even_hours may [make a difference to you. Fires come in a- minute, `WITHOUT WARNING. Twin-.. 1... .1--- Uptovn Ticket Office INSURANCE ;. 41 D.;;1op% sc., B:r:i:` Untnwn '1`-inb-..+ na.-:..- n-._, 1 Our Managers. will b always glad to co- operate with you in planning to secure results. l n These are only two reports of many that reach us, showing how capable salesmen accomplish more by using Long Distance than they could in any other way. Every Bell Telephone is a j ,'.A prominent banking hous advises us that in one afternoon, with 41 Long Dis- tance calls, they sold over $750,000 in bonds. A Toronto bond salesman reports that he sold $275,000 in stocks and bonds in one week, by Long Distance. I have the To sell bonds and stocks L11 Insure today -- now- A. MA7LcoMsoN' :-- j today is worth a hundred regrets tomorrow c nnnn .6" .84.... __, Uskev Distance W. E. BREWSTER Canadian -Naitfignal itgilways--The People's Own Road ' -- telhone us. We are ready. Manager Long Distance Station j Tfi't}RSbAY, JUNE i4, `I923. Phone 447W Gloves clean CLEANED Ladies and dirt and dus wear out th takes out thc pressing. I ADDING TO xnsuif TlCKE.T_ A T :l....-.... - Goods cal" I\al\Co.I RI Likewise to every A I lair: nvux-- ..-.__ . __ BU! THURSI1 THE Sl Mont} in its API Old Riv Out .lW Sev I L Gin ' Sto 96' . -..uuu:vsuu\ vuu UIHEYIDUEO the 385938 Of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that she will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate_wh_ose' claims shall not ,._|___ l _ _--_ ..' v.ugIan\Jl\hJ Notice is hereby given pursuant to the` Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Armstrong, late of the Town of Barrie in the County of ~SEmcoe, railway employee, who died on or about the 15th day of May, 1923, are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June, 1923, after whih date the Idministratrix will distribute the assets of mtate nmnmr Hanan ...o:n...a n...--A_ Vlllllble Gold Prize ATHLETIC SPORTS of; all Irindi. ` Watch for small bills. V Admission, 50: Children, 25. GI-and Stand, 25. ' muss BAND `m ATTENDANCE * No Personal Liability GOD SAVE THE KING I 'I` B _ vuuoole uold Prize `Best Gentleman Auto Driver-'- Vuluable Gold `Prize Bout Looking Baby, 1 year and under Valuoble Gold Prize AT]-IL]-'.Tl(` nbnlrrc -1` _n -. -= , .+`-_- J. `r. PAYE'l'TE'S .DRIVlN_G PARK 81800 in Prize; -- $1500 in prizes 8.35 Pace or Trot . . . . . . . . 3400.00 1.25 Pace or Trot . . . . . . . . 3300.00 2.35 Trot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 - 2.50 Pica or Trot . . . . . . . . $200.00 Free stabling, hay and straw, and cartage. Rxeeeenttance, five to enter and four to start, l0%'deducted from all money .win- ners. Money divided 50, 25, 15 and 10%. "Horses eligible May 1, 1923. Trotters al- -lowed five seconds. All xfacea mile heata, to a finish. But Lady Rider, -Valuable Gold ,1 :-its Bout Gentleman Ride:-- ` , _ V ----__.----- Q` v.1;bI.~ Gold V Prize Best Lady Auto Drive `in an --_-__ w. J._ Rinmns J`. - T. Payette,v -_--& W" AND Au1`o';ao3u} snow, arc. Dominion Day, July 2, 1923 `I11 Bu_1'-ierU_nion Cemetri ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS J Wu. nn.....4.:-._ - 52 1zQbt"I't'.' Phone} 952W .. nvvvgvvuvo 'A'L'fax.A,NDER OOWAN, V Adminisn-atrix' Solicitor, `l:!....:.. A_L`. only dry-clezning pint V within --outside the city. 'Ovg:er and Manager. 22-24-26p J_.'111:..'. -uavUl"' `Valuable cola` Prize . A.-n._ l\_4!-A ' sunssi .75 vlulvwl ] DUI-HI, A. Brownlee, Pea. '. FIRTH xx solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. nuwvull .... U U I 4 2 Knock . . . . . ..0 00000400 4 Lineup : Alliston~-Connel} (If; Allen of; Lockhart rf ; Wright ss ; Boyd lst ; Rieve 2nd; Hunter c; Dye:-Tp;' Sutherland 3rd; Knock--J. Breggin ss; Hand rf; McIl- hargey c; Lennox p; S. Breggin If; White- sides lst; Small 2nd; Doyle cf; Wilkinson 3rdC . - Umpires :-- B. Jennett. Ivy, at `plate ; W, Martin, Ivy`, on bases. Allisto TI.` .. ..l- -- ocore D-U zor Alliston. Alliston added a brace in the fifth. Len- = nox singled. Bregging was safe` on left fielder's error. Whitesides `went out at lat and both runners scored. '1`-hey snat- ched aquintette in the next frame and made _ the game sure. With Lockhart pitching '1`: for Knock, Wilkinson and Breggin hit safely. Hand flied to 1st and Wilkinson " tallied on an error of 1st baseman. Mc- d Tlhlarrey. Lennox. S. =Breggin,~ singled-, Breggin and Mcllhargey scoring. Small 3 . . . singled, Lennox and S. Breggm. crossing the ` pan. Score 12-0 for Alliston. i `E Knock tallied their quartette of counters ` in the last of the seventh. Lockhart, the first man up, went out pitcher to let. ' Wright` fanned . ' Mac Boyd started-it off by hitting safely and Connell, running for him, stole 2nd and 3rd, and -scored on Rieve's two~bagger. Hunter singled, Dyer singled scoring Rieve and Hunter crossed the an himself on Sutherland's double. Oon- _ nell went out 3rd to 1st ending the inning, and Knock's scoring. Score 12-4 for Al- liston. V 9` Alliston completed the scoring in the first 3` of the ninth by garnering two runs off Fer- J` rier. Wilkinson singled, but was thrown 1 out at 2nd. attempting to-pilfer that -sack. _ n-lLlIlI:-\ t'---`-' I " --- Cleaner, Pnes'ser% and Dyer 109% DUNLOP ST. PP- 3=""` `W PHONE 229 muuuaon aqa nreggm Score 5-0 for Alliston. A'"cfnn nJ.l...l - L-- ~' The first two innings went ecoreleas for both te , -but in the third Alliston tel- lied one" "to start it off aftertwo were out. -Hand singled `and scored on`. McIlhargey's wallop. The visitors added four in the fourth. After t-wo were out, Small, Doyle, Wilkinson and Breggin crossing -the pan. Alliston. '-vssuh gfely the 1 1 nnnun `IA UHIU `AI Before a fair crowd of enthusiastic fans, Alliston defeated. Knock by 14-4 in a South Simone fixture, at Knock, Thursday after- noon of [the `last week. It was Knock s first home game of the season, insufficient .'-ractiseion `the part of the homesters paving she way for the visitors victory. Lennox. the 7 Allinfnn +...:..1.... .....- =- 14 to 4 Was the. .'1`all_3'/.Agai`nst. the Innisfil Lads on V - Thursday; % An Allistonian Exp'ostula`tesV _ your reach u_v me same person; S1 for half lot. Lot owners are also reminded that with tho new Endowment System now available they may eliminate, it they wish, further aaeessmente by permanently endowing the lot to provide for perpetual care. Barrie Union Cemetery Board, tfc A. -Bmwnlm Pam u anus, 6 lflfl'Ol'S. Thornton--Henry singled; M _on fielder's choice, Henry out Barlow fanned; Maw out at honu L. Stewart took 1st. 0 runs, l'hi V Ni-nth _Inning Ivy--Hatton outT2nd to 1st;- I mgntn Inning Ivy--F. Lejmox sin.-_,'led;_ C. Lennox out to. short; B.- Jenngtt hi_t'hb.me run scaling F. Lennox ahead of him; Smith to 1st on er- ror"; H. Jennett out pitcher to. 1st; Cox- worth to 1st on error; L. Jennett singled scoring Smith; out stealing 2nd. 3 runs, 3 hits, 2 errors. 'l`l...-..L-.- 7' uem. u runs, 0 hits. 0 errors. Thorr1ton--Ayerst fanned; 'Wonch out to pitcher; D. Stewart out 2nd to 1st. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0` errors. -' - 132-1 .1 v ww vvu vu uuuug -Ivy--L. J-ennett `fanned; Hutton out pitcher to let; _E. Jennett out to centre field. 0 0 hits. Thnl`ntnn._.Aum.-no tn-----J - "1 ' xuua, U GITOYS. Thornton--L. Stewart fanned; Feltis out -to lst; Du-ugey fanned. 0 runs, 0 hits, '0 `errors. f on. -- pauxuu All Ivy--Smith out 3rd fanned; Coxworth pitche I hits, 0 errors. I`}n.....5-.. Y 1"- auuc, v mus, U errors. 'I`norntvon--Henry out ` fanned; Barlow out pitch 0 hits, 0 errors. Q!_;I V eu scormg Jennett; L. Jennett singled; Hat- ton singled scoring Coxworth and L. Jen- nett; E. Jennett singled; F. Lennox singled scoring Hatton and `E. Jennett; F: Lennox out for interference; B. Jennett fanned. 4 runs, 6 hits, 0 errors. "`||nrnfnv\__lI.-....... -..e 7- A - - - -- [ Erin` Inning I\{y---H. Jennett doubled; Coxivorth'singl- ed scoring Jennett; singled scoring (`mmm-+1. .....u. I I..- ~ yuylnla on or before July 1, 1923. Assessment Rates--82 per annum for one in and $1 for each additional, lot owned by the same person; 81 for half lot. Lot nwnm-A gm cl... .......:_J...: LL-- I I fa 0 errors. Thor1xton~-?-F?:ltis f Ayerst walked ; W Ayerst; 1). Stewart si out stealing 2nd. 2 r 12`: CAL auuuh Ivy--C. Lennox o nned; Smith out to 31- ll Llllllllg ut,at lst; B. Jennett d. 0 runs, 0 hits, anned ; Dungey fanned; oncb doubled scoring ngled scoring Wonch ; uus. 2 -hits, 0 errors. Y.__.2-_. nuuucu, Ado QDCWHTU 0!. runs, 0 hats, 0 errors. A VLIUKK Thornton--Maw out fanned; L. Stewart out rnnn n LS4- "n -._-- ,, Lnnox; Smith to 1st on error;.H. Jennett singled scoring B. Jennett; Coxworth singled scoring Smith; L. Jennett singled scoring H. Jennett;`Hatton out at 1st. 5 runs, 6 hits, error. 7'-\L____A, ll - - D runs, 1; ms, 0 errors. Thornton-Ayerst . .fanned;. Wonch fan- ned; D. Stewart to let on error; fanned. 0 hits, 0 runs, 1 error. ' singled. out at 2nd; F. Lennvox 1st or: Henry ` fielder s choice; C.` Lennox. doubled; B. 5 Jennett doubled searing F. Lennox and C. 3 ucuuuu unumg I Ivy-C. Lennox out pitcher lJennett singled; Smith walked; - out short to lat-; Coxworth wa] bases; L. Jennett fanned, out- runs, I hit, 0 TlInFhfnn_ .A...._..A E--- ` "" pcnnrulullc. ` I The winners went on the rampage ini fou-r innings, securing five. counters in the! third, four inthe fifth. three in the eighth` and two in the ninth. Thornton obtained! a brace in each of the fourth andninth._ Bert.- Jennett's homer in the eighth with one .on, I featured. - I .LI'..------ '- " ` ` ' ,9..- -. ..v.. 9511. war: loped: are Thornton Tigers by 14-4 right ; on the Thoiuton home-lot, Saturday after! noon and thereby assumed undisputed lad-V` ershipof the series.` The Champions seem to be well on their way to repeat last year s performance. on... ...:-_-._. - The Ivy. Champions made their string " of victories three straight in the South .' Simcoe Baseball League when they wal-f loped: :1 Thohlfnn hnmojnt Q.-.....:..-. JAM -- Unpaid assessments" fmm 1913` to 1922.in- clusive are ove:due.and thosefor 1923 are payable. before July mnf. nan n-._.._. l-- Ar stun uuxn UAR B15 USED; I '~*uuuI.u Uul. am to 1st; H. Jenne !; pitcher to let. 0 runs, 1 errors- ` `Wins Ox :/er Thornfon at Home; ; by Good` Margin of 1 A 1 . 1410 4. ` . | ..-y 5 woavllii nii-on-~-Henry short; to 1st; Maw ; pitcher to 1st. 0 runs,` errors. Watching Jeanna : Homer - Eighth Inning wmox sin-rlnrh I" Seventh Inning nnnnbt ` l.._._ _ J __--c-vu , avau LU oice: to` catcher; ; home-plate when k 1st. 0 rum: I -169 0 ------ Vlg Sixth Inning Ant. 0...! A 1 - `Fourth Inning an-.....-. -..4 -vcoluuab` nunx, uunlop Sh, Barrie. Owners of lots are reminded that unpaid assessments from 1913 onward become charge against the lot and should not be snowed. to `accumulate , as under the Act THEY MUST BE PAID FOR. BEFORE ` LOTS CAN BE USED; 'Il|I'I.ll;l` an-Ann-n....A... ___. 1n.n . ---- -' `Second Inning Lnnnur A..L ._:A.,l singled ; Maw nnwvv And. 4.. _ Iv 3rd to let; Barlow 3rd; M to centre field. 0` rf;5l bl` 'gu1i'tl1' I walked filling M fanned.Anut. at In n to `list; H. Jennett` IDII in inf n ------- u uunucpluw wnen `s, 1 hit, 0 errors. t ;-E. Jenett `rm: ~BARl;lE axmxnnn 1 AM A PRACTICAL TAILOL new D TO REPAIRS ON R AND READY 1'0 1 ALL CLOTHES {Goods called for and delivered. PRICES R % EASONABLE uIAA\\./$0 I Illllls at 1st. 0 lst ; B . In-u...u. Z Thornton- L. Stewart 2nd; Feltis p; : Dungey 3rd; Ayerst lst; Wonch ss; J. D. ' Stewart c; Henry cf~; Maw rf; Barlow If. musncug r. Lennox smglcd; C. Lennoxl walked; B. Jennett smgled scoring E. Jen- nett and C. Len-nox; F. Lennox out at 2nd; Sx_nith fanned. out at let. Zruns. 3 hits. 0 errors. Thornton--Feltis singled; Dungey walk- ed; Ayerst walked; Dungey caught off 2nd; Wonch out to left field; D. Stewart singled scoring Feltis and Ayerst; Henry wgalked; Maw fanned.` 2 runs, 2 hits. 0 errors. Score -by innings :--- 123456789 .-RHE Ivy . . . . ..005040032 14191 Thornlon`000200l002 4 53- Line-up:- I\=y---Hmton cf; E. Jenuett c ; F, Lennox 0; Lennox :45; B. Jen-nett Ist; Smith rf;-H. Jennett p; Coxworth 2nd; L. Jen- lnett If. V . I J . Iivvll GKIITIHIU` ., Felix: That girl next door reminds me. ' of a church bell, -but she hasn't the sense of one." Felice: What do you mean. ' \ Felix: Well, a church bell has `an empty head and a long tongue, but it is discreet enough not to speak until it's tolled. _. nun: prare, ground and `pol- ished, on its working above this there the `heating the design and ' labor has been 'element'con- sists of a fering such resistance high temperature v_ electric current. t developed may to 3 a layer of asbestos placed above the re- ) sistance wire and the several parts are held firm together by a clamping plate. _ the esign of'the dome or cover and the . supports for the handle. the requirements `taken into consideration are strength. good appearance, and minimum conduction of heat. The rising heat, which forms such an objectionable feature of the ordinary atiron, is eliminated from the electric iron. The shape and setting of the handle itself have been made the subject of careful study owing to their important bearing upon the ease and comfort of the user. composition. of-I In. i ...,.c uul' uus was reduced to one of assault! 2 with intent to commit an indictable offence. The .minimum sentence for ` this is six months and the maximum is two yeans. Magistrate Jeffs gave the court a lecture 5when passing sentence upon Warringtom {He said that the law had to be enforced to protect innocent women; the offence with !which the prisonerwas charged was a very `serious one. When the sentence had been {delivered Wmrington blurted out. something about justice, but _he was silenced when v `warned that if he persisted his sentence `would be increased. i I i When action was_taken first against War~i ;rington, the charge was one of attempted ,1-ape but this was reduced assault intent offence. I sentenma {nu-`fluip 1- ~3-- . ...u-nu nvvsoollI I 3 The attention of lot owners is drawn to the annual assessments for care of lots which are payable to J. W. Ness, Sec y.-'l`teas., Beecroffs Bank, Dunlop St;, Barrie. of lots an mm;..A.., 51...; .... -u

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