Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 5

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coming year. ! Concerning the above salaries, it` was pointed `out that in two cases there is no increase over this year, 4 in two others there is an increase of $50`, in six an `increase of $100, in one an increase of $150 and in an- other an increase of $300. VIII- _ `l'.1.._...... I'|nnnnn:6-6-An mnnnfnl` lower an ulcrcuac u.L qauuu. The Finance Committee reported receipts for the month of $14,035.- 56, Expenditures totalled $11,812.54, made up of $9632.04 for B.C.I. and [$7180.50 for`Pub1ic Schools. E I n__,,,,1__ I`|-..-_..:L -that should be taken to prevent "|"""" --~--~ .-- T The Property and Supply Commit- ll tee reported "that `a bill had been re- ` ceived from A. E. Stapleton amount-I ingrto $78 for repairs made to brick H work covering the boiler at .B.C.I. The Secretary was instructed to write 1 for an itemized account and inform- ation as to who ordered the work. 1 Contagious Diseases Dr. A. T, Little, Medical Officer ` i of Health, dispensed some useful in- formation to the Board concerning" contagious diseases` and precautions, them. ' A penalty of $25 is imposed if such a case is not reported and the parent V" is liable to a fine of $25. A reported` case must be quarantined and pla- carded. If a child is home three-days from school, it-must have a medical certicate before it can -go back. - . Boiler Pi_t'Sti11 Wet The Board has had trouble with water getting into the boiler pit in `the Prince of Wales School in the past, and to get over this difficulty the Property and Supply Committee was authorized to secure expert ad- might be in a position to recommend _ to the Board some means of getting V away from the present trouble. Fifty desks will be purchased for Victoria School by the Property and ' Supply Committee, which was auth- ' orized to do so by motion of Trustees ' Brown and Wisdom. ' _ Two Teachers Resign V Misses Mildred Humphrey and Ed- na Wallace sent in their resignations from the Public` School staff- They were "accepted and -will take effect June 30,1923. The Secretary will write the teachers `expressing the Board's appreciation of their services. nu... n..........4-u .on Qmmlv Cnmmit- 4 I vice regarding the trouble so that t Board's appreclauuu Us oucu. ca v..-...... The Property and Supply Commit- tee was authorized to engage help to keep the grass cut on the Collegiate grounds as long as required, the cost of same being $12 per `month. Teachers Ask Transfer The Management Committee had ' three communications referred to it: Application from Miss Elsie Ambler `T Our stock iisvmost cornplete. . We handle noth-ing'but the best. Whether you want a bathing suit of wool or one of cotton, you will nd our values ' right. . WOMEN'S BATHING SUITS, made from ne wool worsted yarns in'a wide range of icolorings, sizes 36 to 44, low neck, sleeveless styles with skirt attached, two specially good numbers at ' ---34.00am! $4.75 BATHING-SUITS FOR GIRLS, sizes 24, 26, 23, on on , 1 ,____.. _______L_.` ___-I J-lcbaasaaiv sauce`: 6 \IQI \aau-nu u--nu -n, -v, --.-, 30, 32 and 34, madefrorn strong worsted wool yarns, assorted colorings, with skirt, sleeveless " and low neck, priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 `BOYS" BATHING SUITS, made from fine wool worsted yarns, `assorted colorings, sleeveless, low neck styleswith skirt, specially good value, $2.75 BOYS BATHING SUITS, knit of strong light weight cotton yarns, sleeveless, low neck style, buttoning at shoulder, sizes 26, 28, 30 and 32, priced at .Q . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75: MEN'S FINE LIGHT WEIGHT BATHING SUITS, knit from fine soft cotton yarns, navy with red or orange trimming, very moderate price, $1.50 MEN S ALL WOOL WORSTED BATHING SUITS, made from fine worsted yarns, a splendid range of colors, sleeveless style with low neck and skirt, specially priced at ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3.75 -- - `-:--- u June 17th ` Buj Dad a Tie f'or F ather s Day Bathing Suits ran nniua huunnnn for transfer from `King Edward School to Prince of-`Wales School; Application from Miss Hazel A. Card for transfer to Prince of Wales, if a vacancy occurs in a primary `grade; application from Miss-Isabel Hyslop, this year at Washpgo, for position on staff of Barrie Public Schools. Miss M. A. V'I;rz-ir(1f,WIV?..IV~'1'.V,"t.ss`c_l-1`c>ol nurse, wrote accepting salary of $905 for next year. and expressing apprec-L ia_tion at increase of $155. Lieut.-Col. Mccrimmon, District Cadet 0*`icer,AM. D. No. 2, announc- ed by letter a cadet camp for junior cadets at Long Branch,. June 25 to 30 (inclusive). The quota from here was set at 30. ' run. I\..;.....:. n..L-..1 fI'\...-..J.-_`..J ......I wan GUI: 0|. UV- The Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Association offered the services of its Bureau of Information to the Board. rnL_ *n__'...__ t)_..`l_ -1.` I\._J._..1_ __`I-....l |I\I LIIC IJURI Kit The Penny Bank of Ontario Vnsked for notication of amount of supplies needed for term beginning Sept. 1,` 1923.. ` ` ' ' - I Olive Newman,"who- has a good position` !in Toronto, visited the college recently and repoxfted a large demand for stenogra-phers and hnokkeepers in the city. 'I\ . .1- p11,, L,j ,___.__. nu .`...u.-u-~.\...v.u -u ...y ....-J . During the monthof -May we had more calls for office help than w could fill. which indicates better business conditions `generally. T4-nun Inn.-n I-nnnnrlv Iflvlfilt` `Ffh Tnl-_ kitty-trundlers will 1 day of it., The pen one. {`gCIlI5l'IIy . V l ' Lorena Lowe recently returned from Tor-i `onto to accept a position as stenographeri `and bookkeeper in Hubbard s Hardware,` succeeding Mabel Brown, who is removing to Detroit. ' "BL- l`_II,_._'.__ _L.._l__..L._. __-__L`_. __-___L-J `U IJC|4IUIln The following students recently accepted positions: Wallace Glover, Allan Patterson, Bruce Wilson, Sterling Bank , Barrie; Gladys Caldwell, Bank of Toronto; Floral Graham, Chevrolet Sales office. Barrie;[ Rok Gardner. Sterling Bank. Toronto. 1 Reading the advta. is time well spent. Shop where you're invited to shop. auhsnhgs COLLEGE NEWS DEVLIN'S TIES AND SHIRTS FOR FATHER Buy him one for Sunday, Father s Day NEW wide range of New Silk ~ NEW SHIRTS-The New Shirts are Neckties, new patterns and colorings. - here in new stripes, checks and plain Dad would sure be delighted with one materials, some with starched collars to of these. See the values we are offer- _ match and others with soft collars, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c, 75c and $1.00 splendid choosing, from $1.50 to $3.00 Ted caught` a se'vere cold when his mamma was out of the city, and on her return rushed up toher, and, thawing his` arm_ around her said: Oh, Marmiin! both of my eyes are raining and one of my nos- es won't go. *(TniiIv'1oTvi6fii2"s:1}'.}}':1"Ei_ WE 331.1; TO SATISFY 2 Machine Wrpg nnann 3.15 `loaf `Warm Weather Suits prg Socket 4 '1 ufnna No need to look so warm when you can buy a nifty, Two-Piece Summer Suit for so little money. We are showing two speciallygood lines, one in Palm -Beach and the other in Tweed, both made in the latest styles._ Come in and let us show you these suits. You will be surprised at the value. A limited number only of Men's Three-Piece Tweed Suits, all this season s goods, made in two or three- butt_on styles. The material and workmanship are all that you would expect to find in suits priced at $030.00 or $35.00. A wonderful lot of suits at a Very popular price. Navy Blue Serge Suits suitable for all occasions, made from ne all wool navy blue imported serge of a rich appearance. These suits are made up in two or three-button styles, exceptionally well made, best quality linings and trimmings. You would really "expect to pay muchemore for suits of this quality. Two very special values. 2 lbs. Dowumon BA|(lIG POWDER PIIIINES CHOICE MEN'S HIGH _GRADE TWEED surrs Deep Itouble _ `e 19 FINE WOOL NAVY snack: suns 25 FOR THE MAN wHo CARES EASIFIRST SHORT!-.'.NlNG- 20lbs..;....; . . . . . ...m35c 24 " PERFECTION { lbs. BREAD FLOUR L} AP 'sucXi' % 10 lbs. $1.15 Feb Naptha SOAP `l0ba.rs 75 Pum_ C_ahe RICE 3 lbs. 25 ` -Coldwater, Miss, physicians are baffled over the case of a six-year-old boy. who x'e~ covered sight," hearing and speech at the saine`-time after an illness of a year, during which timehe lost those faculties. By advertised things. ' Buy Dad 3 Tie` for Father : Day June 17th 1-linger Crisp ` BISCUITS 15c Tb PUMPKIN I - 14c tin 15 tin BLUE $20.00 $17.50 $13.75 $1-IE Pun Fi . .`.w$7'.5 ' $335M" noga $3.50 rfor '.'.'I"1." rrtment of se wrench- ive' prices. - O1 OE load $2.50 ' 14. 51923. Box Load L: 1-. C0. {E ' iziussve "Real name Ae}.{.| Six-room brick house, water, lights, bath, central, for quick sale, $1800 Solid brick house, all modern conven- iences, large veranda, `garage, nice location . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . $4500 Eight-room brick house, conveniences and nice lot, large st`able,'garag'e, for . . . . . . . . . . . . $3800 Seven-room brick house, convenienc- es, nice home, priced to sell, $4200 Six-room brick house, half-acre lot, stable, henhouse . . . ; . . . . . $1600 Six-room cottage, water, lights, large lot, stable, driving shed $1500 We have several good paying busi- nesses for sale. pA_1z1R 1_BC_Ig& GILROYI 1'u'd`in:g' un- . . $7.25 Qffice: Bayeid St., Barrie I:h:I;o::'0`ice 831. Residelvuce 864w Eavetroughing We are in : to supply yuur needs,- THURSDAY, JUNE 14; I023. Plumbing -- Heating _ Tinsmiling Excluolvo Agent for PEAS! FURNACES IV E. W IIl\lnl'LlVIl-nrnavuw Monday, Tuesday and Woilnosday Phone" 180 3 'I33.DII`II'O SI. See our; fun list. If it is real estate, we have it. Harry Barron mg THIS IS THE SEASON TO PUT EAVETROUGH on YOUR BUILDINGS. s1;1;c'14-\1':.Ji"1_"ft'X5rT6- NEW DREAMLAND n_._ ___n 111-2--. 'l5."O. Bax 1011} SPECIAL T uvuw it Geo. `."l'hompson. Representative mnmmmmna unmmnni -"MissRichards spent Suhday in Orillia." Highest prices paid for eggs at -Fisher's. Melville McI~_`a.dden spent last weelg in Tor- onto. lli-.. YI:II-`..._-. -.:..2s_J 1- 'l\....-..4... I....o |I0I0I0I0I0I0II #I0l0_I0I0I"X0I 4 I 9.9.T9! .. rand Auto elsewhich. Amateurs at its self- ise which has with 21 make an ','l4|4l|vl5 UII lIUIBlIIJJUUH!n - Hilton Lesson of Toronto spent a few days in town last week. V W Auhunb A` ""uunn6nn Kan `nnagri Ia pyllyg ll IIIUIIIJIB uuuuuya." John Ramsay, Sr., his purchased the residence` of the late Fred Beckett. ' `nnl: Akiuuu Lug r\IInn`|nnAl' GL4: knunnnan CUBIQIUIIUU Ul IHU I5! FTUQ ll}UUl\Clal. Jack Agnew has` purchased the harnem business from A. L. McCullough. t.......1.. n..1.........~L... L.-- ......c:`..-A +.. +1.. uuu. ' b J Two airplanes passed over town on Mon- day, the first of the `seasoxi, on their way to Toronto." 11:... .\l...:...:.-.' Amman! nf flu: `Xhmfnvan AR. G I, IJIIISU U|lllL`UUu Mia: Hazel cum; is in Tbrouzo this week writing off her subjects. V-'05:: I.nnnl\`n A` Tnnnnn annn a fan! UUJB Ill DUWII 1%! W99 n (W. Ayorat of Thornton has {eased Mrs. R. Coleman's house. `I7 II_IlII.._ _L..I.:-_` .._.._L 3- J... IV: 91 VJUIUIIICII B HUI}: W. W. McMillan, station` agent, _is en- joying a month's holiday_s.4' Ynhn woman`: Q1: Kn: vnlnnhnnn hn lJl.ElC& ITUIU I". ll. Lu.I:uuu.uuu.; . Joseph Colcmanhas been confined to the house with pleuriy the past week. M:IIa D`nfG our` man .Q`\uuy A` Rn'lfn-n warn VIUIWUIH ll! V7111: \lUU`IWIII 5 UVUI Q-JQJIIIIIDJI Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kearns of Toronto we're visitors at Frank Ross` -on Sunday. Mr. Dollinghr, of New York, was a visitor at Hartford Lewis over the week- _.__I end. II __ Kit, -'con- . . . $4.00 a o v c o a I 0 0 `ts -for at- A- A- `rot-onto. Miss "Marjorie'Agnew of the Western Hos- pital. Toronto. visited over Sunday at her home here. _ 1...}... Ii`--nnmnn and Mun `\I;nf.}\l' mu nome nere. . . Judge Ferguson and two brothers. Har- court and Will, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday. T H _ _ `.:ua u.,....I anmlmin of tho: Rnltnn aahnnl aunuay.` V Miss gazel Goodwin of the Bolton school staff w a visitor at her home here over the .w_eek'-end. V IIVLJ.-"l\L.;....c.... Iluanku I-nan} Anfnntnt` IL 80078 0! 9-1). Mr. `and Mrs. .-J. McFadden and `Miss Martha McFadden of Elmvale spent Sunday with friends in town. rI\L_ nn YFIV .0 LI... D:-malunnu-inn nI\nI-nln . wultham Sharpe made a. trip to Toronto. this Week.` f\I--.l !.\:_L- 2- L....!..... .. --A.L.._.. L..2IL uuu Vwuun. `Olifford Fisher is having a cottage built at Lake Simone. - ' Ill..- IJ..-_I l\I.-4_ E- !_ 'I\.._-..L- ALL. ...-.J. IIUMEU WIN] [IIUUIISJ |.ll Pit wcvn. a Miss Platt and Miss Shaw of Bolton were visitors at Wm. Goodwin`s ovr Sunday. Mu n-.1` M-E. Manx` `l(-m..m A` Tnrnnfn euu. . '- Mrs. Chas. `Flynn is visiting at Sundridgo with her parentg,` Mr. and Mrs. Richafd II I with menus In town. The C.G.I.T. of the Presbyterian church held a social evening ant the home of Mrs. J. R. Cause. on Monday. ` ml... t`1:l|......\m. and l`.nnlp'v-nnu-nnnn ha for emer- [ence and plete out- Fis theone J. tt. 1101196. on monuuy. The Gilheeney and Cook !-ecreation hall which was opened on Wednesday evening of last week was largely attended. Fishers are now offering their iniliinery stock at. big reductions. -A `nice line. 01 I:-uatins for evening dresses on hand. .\l:.... Goad. ml-m Inna hurl aha:-an nf Fish. EU. I` 1 IIIUIIIPUUH. }l|XU|llvIUlVU [&&aww%w$$&&%& N18 .W_89K~8ll(! . Th" Thdrnton Baseball tam defeatedl the Cookstowu team he_re, on Tuesday, `byl score of 9-0. . I 11.. ......I M... .l 'Mnl'c`mlJnn and Min :-uauns I0!` evemng uresses on uuuu. `Miss Stark, who has had charge of Fish- er's millinel-_v department this seuon. left. this week for her home at Paisley. n I |.l-At.... L-.. nnmmnnnnol I-nail.-Hun n Wllluu uu IUDUIIUQJ vvuu Iu uvvuvu Mr; and Mrs. win Reynolds a1:c`l};1'x.x1'i`l`); -and` Albert Gollop of Al`langlale were visit- ors at the home of D. H. Ross on Sunday. \._. L-._..._ L...` Ul GI4 Hui`! uuulv VI us no: on-nu --. ~.-.--v.~`, Viotor Rossof Toronto was in town last week on business in connection with his barn which was burned by lightning on Tuesday last. H. mm! M 'l` P J Wrnv and da.u2h- this week 10!` net name an rulaxcy. _ R. J. MoAfee has commenced building a dwelling on. his lot west of the property which he recently sold to Rebt. Campbell. u 1: 117511 `n___.._I.I.. ...-..I l.'.......:|u '1`uea(1ay last. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. J. Wray and daugh- ter Marion and Mr. and Mrs. 'l`.~W. Handy and daughter Margaret of Toronto spent [Sunday at Mrs. David Thompson's; 1 As -1.. .Mnt.hmIint f`.nnfnran(1n'Rev. T. R.- Sunday at Mrs. uuvlu Luumpuuu a. T At the -Methodist Conferenceev. T. R.- White has been. transferred `to Tottenham circuit and Rev. Atton of Creemore has- been appointed to the Cookstown circuit. l.r....omuI l.mu`m mnnivwl wnrd this week been appomcea to we Uuuxswwu u_u`uuu. Hartford Lewis received word this week of the death of his youngcat aiater. Miss Ida I.`.ewis'. who died in Saskatoon. Miss Lewis was a school teacher in Saskatoon. She .ur\derwent an operation from which she did not recover. "-- A-A-n-n:\u\\1\l\` A` Mann r store, so repay you the max-' sue am not recovur. The engagement. of Miss Mildred Olive But-ling. only daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Btu-ling, of Cookstown, to Mr. David McMa.ster. of -Wind`hurst. Sask._, son of "Mrs. and the law W. '1`. McMaster. of Cookstown is announced, the marriage to ' ' ' -I I I ', , MKS. lulu U10 mw- W. L. uaunuwvuu. 18 mamage take place the end of June. A A mmhinnt lrmnnnnnd n'n the 13th Ii take place we enu or June. A sad accident happened on the 13th line of West Gwillimbury on Saturday last. Mr. Sutherland and Mr. `McArthur of the Scotch Settlement were hauling timber. when one of the teams became frightened and ran into the other wagon. `Mr. Mc- Arthur suffered a serious injury on the head. He was -rushed to Barrie Hospi`al, but died shortly `after. The deceased was. a brother-in-law -of Mrs. Wm. Sutherland of the 2nd line of Innisfil, also a cousin of Chas. Fisher. M I * _UV(-In VI Iulvn cu: -y.. '1 Mrs. Aaron Gilroy of Teouunsethpassed. away on Saturday. June 9, after an illness of several months. -. II`-. llnuu-(av Inna \murn<}|f , r 0' SGVGPHI 1110111113. I Mrs. Gilroy was 60 yearebf age. Her maiden name was Myria Graham and she was born in `Ireland. In religion she was a Methodist. The funeral `service was conducted by her pastor, Rev". T. R. White. Her husband predeceased her a number of years ago. She was a woman highly re-' spected in this vicinity. A family of five survive:~-one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hen- son._ of Allandale, and four sons; namely, Ernest and John, of Innisfil; Emmerson. of Newton Robinson, and Albert at home; also one step-daughter, Beatrice. of Lon Angeles, California, and William of Schomberg. . 'lJ.u. innxninn morn lnnrinrl at Nnwtrm uamorruu, cunt; vv_ Iuuaur ur uvuuunucag. Her `remains were buried at Newton Robinson. on Monday, June `11. The pall- bearers were: Fred Apperley, Archie Mc- Lean. Hy; Rankin, Neville, Lou Baker and Dr. Banting. Jr. III (Marks obtainable 4;00).-George Kidd 348, Alan Hopper 330, Myrtle Rankin 309. Allan Reed 307, Mary Hopper 293, Beth Arnold 288, Bert Arnold 283, Kath- leen Lewis 274, George I-Ioughton 269, `Ten- cie Hayes 259, Archie Reilley 255. Arthur Robinson 229, Jean Arnold 217, Maxine Marling 202, Hazel Ley_l07. Q- YY [Marlin nhtmnnhla 35m.---Marv Marung ZUZ, rune: uoy IVI . ' Sr. II. (Marks obtainable 350).---Mary Coleman 292, Margaret McMillan` 288, Va!- ma Bateman 280, Ethel Finch 266, Victor- ia Pollock 266, Marion Robinson 26!, Jean Baker 257. Eleanor Carefoot 239, Roy Houghton 239, Helen Baker 237, Marcus Boss 233. Frank Baker 227, Hazel Jebb 225. Harford Fisher 219, Bert Coleman 218, Doria Dunning 214, Jack Coleman 189, Harold Carefoot 182, Ross Gould, 126, l`|I__I-._ n-_...... IIR I-IUD. Miss Kilkonny visited in Toronto last V Ab 1'l.uI'UIu VGIVIUVU SUI, avuww \Iu\II\A- Q-v Gladys Rogers 116. Jr. II (Marks dbtainsble 350) .-Versie rI-_-_:.._ nan 1..-`. nnubn 0'10 an"nnr_ hogany furniture er try to polish Jr. 11 umauus onnamume ouu;.-vu LC Cousins 268, Jack Parks 230. Mae "(gr- rigan 197, Laura Ley 114, Stuart Con-igan OI `ITIII-nu` nnnnva . 197, Laura hey A1 81, Wilfred Rogers 59'. _ 1such Waste ` ` Mrs. Nexdore: Your jaoy threw a lump of coal at my out. Mr. Neighbor: I'll attend to the young rascal. Not. that we care anything about your cut, but no boy. of mine is going to waste coal in that mnnnerw Public School Ropbrt for May `u. A `n,\\ Death [of Mrs. A. Gilroy. -4 - 1' VI`- .... .. '..-L 'B`.%C.l.SA1.ARlI-`S A FIXED BY BOARD _ I (Continued from page 1) To Enlarge School Grounds. ` Mrs. Ada Brunton wrote giving the option to the Board of buying lots Nos. 9 and 10,. north of.Cumberland ' St., and house thereon for $2800. : These lots adjoin the King Edward 5 School grounds. After considerable discussion, the following motion was passed: That we are favorable to , purchasingthis property from Mrs. Brunton, and that Property Commit- tee obtain, if possible, an option on this property until the ratepayers can vote upon it at the January election. - B. C. 1. Salaries - The Management Committee was authorized to re-engage the Principal and teachers of B.C.I. staff on the following terms: Principal Gird- wood $3100, H. J. Heath, $2800, Miss McCallum $2200, Miss Riby `$2100, ' _C. W. Houghton $2000, Miss Adams 2 $2000, Miss Travers $2000, Arthur L Morrow $1900, Miss Henry $1900,~ ; Miss~McDougall $1850, Miss Gavan- : agh $1800. . A nnnndni nnnnf;n0 hf Rnrd agn nusuu. A special meeting of the Board will be held before the end of June for the purpose of considering Public` School and B.C.I. contracts for the; coming year. I-Inn ulnnvn enlnrinn estnut -Coal ` every sat- it, -for not customers _ 1 size coal. of this coal

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