Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 13

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sizes '14 ., $2.00 ["111 Ill IILIIIC. L Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Webb, 15 Collier St-.. announce the pngagement of their daugh- ter, Eunice`Jessie, to Mr. Chas. J. Smith. son of the late Capt., and Mrs. F. J. Smith, `Midland, -the marriage to take place early in July. T nun I4-`ruvln MnMuafAr our` nr `an "alias CHI I III II I-II.Y Dr. Erwin McMaster and Dr. Jas. Hayes returned this morning after trying the ex- aminations` of the -Ontario. Medical Council in Toronto. the results of which will appear in two weeks time. Dr. McMaster will lpractjse with Dr. Fred Ross. Mr unrl MI-c 13`.-ml W aranf unnnunnn I0 speuu Int; vuuuuuu. , I Mrs. James_ Poole and daughter, Mrs.g Falls, of Port Arthur. are guests of Mr. and I Mrs. J. Gordon, The Pines. . - I `II... `IT I) A:lrnv\ at Tnrnnn uvou IY::,"I\F: LYLE. J. uutuuu, 31:1: :.unco.. - Mrs. W. B. Aiken of Toronto was avisitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sewrey. `McDonald St., last week. ' 1 ll.`-.1-nun "lam-In Inf} 1-his maul: nn nn illli-Ulglc VVIIIII LII: IIICKI J.I:UD5- Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Grant announce the engagement of their niece, `Hazel V. S_mith_. daughterof Ben W. Smith, Barrie, Ont;. to Mr. W. A. Blake of Victoria, B. C.. the marriage to take place June 27, in iSt.DJoh.n s 'C_1`1urph._Victoria, B.C. ' J ____ .-a. -......- -..-ll ...... -..a._.l' |. Iy UUIIII 3 \IlILII\llI` V IUIIUIIQ, lJu\Ju 7 Barrie and district were well represente at the Anglican Synod held in Toronto last week. Among those V present were: Rev. Roy Melville of St. George's Church. Al-. landale; Rev. A. R`. Beverley. Trinity. Barrieo;R`ev. Mr. Spencer, Shanty'Bay and Thomas Rogers, Barrie. " - -. A n-nnvII:nnn n` ma: Mnrenhur Rlnnbmnm LIIUHICH JUUSCIB, IJGIILCO 4 - Tbevmarriage of Miss Marjory.Blackmore Baikie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bu Baikie. of Westmount, `Montreal, to Capt. Hugh B. Griffith. eldest son of Dr_. and Mrs. A. R. Griffith, Peel Street, has been ar- ranged `to take place very quietly on Tues- day, Julie 26, at the American "Presbyter- ian Church. The Baikie family were resi- dents of Barrie seine `thirty years ago. ' n Qolunrnsr `lung 0 of than I1AaIAannn re` UUIHB UI IJCIIIIU DUl`llU (ll-|l.l I/J JCGID Us On Saturday, June 9. at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. `Campbell, 125 Bradford St., the marriage took place of their `eldest daughter, Nora Irene, to Dr. James R_. Fowlie, of Toronto. The` Rev. --A. R. Beverley officiated at _ the ceremony. Dr. and Mrs. Fowlie left on Monday for Toronto and points in the Eastern States. On" returning they will reside in Toronto. . A ..I-........L ........I .... ..: . _ _ . . . _ _ _._L I.-. A -pleasant social evening was spent by the St. Andrew's Mission Band, on Monday, at the home of the Misse Mel -hee, Wbr- sley St. The gathering was in the nature of a farewell to Miss J. M_acKay, who is leaving Barrie to reside in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. W. A, Boss. Miss Mac- Kay has been president and a very active worker in the Band. These services were recognized by an address, accompanied by 4 a lifememhership and a gold WJM.S. -pin. Miss Jessie McPhee read the address and the presentation was made -by Miss Grace Luck. . An event of great interest to many people took place on Wednesday, June 6. at one o'clock, in Lincoln Methodist church. Walk- erville, when Gladys L., only daughter of Mr. and `Mrs. John Catlin, of Walkerville, was united in marriage to Mr. James W. Martin, eldest son of Mr. and `Mrs. Martin, Gladstone Ave., Windsor, Rev. E. A. Pear- - son officiating. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father and. looked lovely in a gown of sheer ivory georgette and richly embroidered Brussels veil with coronet of orange blossoms, and carrying a shower bouquet of Sunset roses and valley lillies. Her attendant was Miss Jean Mar- tin, sister of the groom, who was becoming- ly gowned in orchid georgette, with hat and shoes to match and bouquet of Ophelia roses. The grbom was attended by his brother, Mr. Chas. Martin. `Mr. L. Roy McKenzie of Paisley played the wedding LJIIURUI U1 351` a and gave the Besides `baseball st-aged. '3 lawn. In the The Colonel's asgiven a great MARTI N-0ATL| N `mi naluuz zxxumzn Henry I'o'v'v'd+;-ii,"}n;Jh}..i$t:"}.'t'Ananda1e, was set back 820 and costs. in Conrt yester- day morning for running into and injuring Asa Warnica, of Painswick, on the evening of May 18. The costs mounted in addition to $32.45. The information was laid under section 285 of the Criminal Code. Warnica, with Chas. "l`r'rbble, was driving a team of horses south of Painswick near the old residence of Chief Justice Lennox. The team was hitched to a double-tree. and was well over to the right side of the road close -to the ditch. A car driven by Mr. Bowden came along travelling in the same direction and `the bumper caught War- nica's legs and threw him across the ditch. He was injured and was in bed for a week. Wa_.rnica' claimed 'Bowden did not blow his horn. ` V ' " _..l,__ ..,,.._ __-!-_ A- 'l'| _ _ . _ L _ . ._.I uuru. Bowden was going to Toronto and said '!hat' when his car `hit Warh_ica~he was going 8 to 10 miles per houriand was in second gear. He was blinded by the light of a car coming -toward him. He didn t intend .to hit Warnica; it was purely an accident. .- ` nr,,,,__:-, ._:.n .n__.. 1.1.. |_--I. '.....i |.'_...: -........ UUUHICIII. , v Warnica said that his back and Head were injured and hi.s.ear was skinned, `He was hit back of his knees; Mrs. Bowden paid the doctor's bill; ` AL.-_.__,.- IV_;A__ L._.__ll_.l Ll... -...... [EH15 UUUIUIVG Ulll. Crown Attorney Cotter handled the case for the Crownand J. R. Boys defended Bowden. The case will be appealed. ' cousaavmva M1t_-zuanlnc Hon. G. S. Henry was the principal speaker at a meeting held last night at Elmvale in the interests of C. E. Wright, Conservative candidate for Centre Simcoe. He claimed credit for the Conservatives for the presentesystem of marketing, and said that the Hearst Government had spent 6 per cent of entire revenue for agriculture while U.F.O. had spent little better than 3 per cent. * ` W. J. McGuire acted, as chairman, the other speakers being the candidate, Dr. Sprott, and A. B. Thompson of Penetang; POWELL`S NEW STORE The firm of Powell & 00. just recently `moved into their new store at 82 Dunlop St., formerly occupied by Barrie Fair. They were formerly at 36 Dunlop St-. __.......... 1.....- -Luau u-nvnnnlnnnt` 1 14, 1923; LLIC VVU|c_ IUIIIIVLI uuv vv ...._-..v ..... J r The new premises have been remodelled a.nd'made an up-to-date store in every way. ` New garment cases have been added; thel lfghting system has been improved, and` 'the store is bright and up-to-the-minute.[ Miss Powell is displaying ladies wear ex-_ clusively in her new store. . 1 march. `Mrs. Catlin, mother of the bride, was becomingly gowned in sand Aero crepe, heavily beaded, and large hat to match. Mrs. Martin, the groorn s mother, wore an exquisite gown of brown crepe meteor and black mohair hat, uluvn nnnvuunn uwv 3 After the ceremony, guests numbering thirty returned to the home of the bride s parents. where dinner was served, `the color 'seheme being carried out in pink and white and large ferns. The bride's table was centred with the wedding cake and lit with pretty candles, while the spacious room was 'profusely decorated with huge baskets of roses and carnations. 11- 111 II wcuvxnvvv vs uvwuu Iuocvu vvvunnun The out-of-town guests were:`M'ra. Wells- .ford of Detroit, and Mrs. Wellsford of Sar- nia, aunts of the groom; W. Milaom of. Allandale, uncle of the bride; Mrs. Wm. Wardle, Allandale; F. Bush, Detroit; Nor- man Paddison, Detroit. , , .,._, 4__,:__-.I 1__.- LL. ualuu ; uuulwvu, navy: VCLI , Among the many -presents received by` the bride were a handsome cheque from her par- ents, an electric coffee percolatox; from the groom's parents; also an electric washer } and. an electric vacuum from the groom's` brothers. ` ~ TL; In-irlnnnwahvl I-Annlvnrl A Ilrhitn Qhld nay... 7..- Mr. and Mrs. Martin left on a snort honeymoon trip to. Montreal and Ottawa, the bride travelling in a smart suit of. mid- night blue tricotine, with chic hat and French veil and martenatone fur. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs; Martin will re- side at.330.I4inco1n.R`nad, Walkerville, and will be at home to their friends after July lat. _ VI... I_._'A:.7n I|np\`t'nC "nu alum :1: `noun DYOUHCKS . The `bridesmaid received a evhite gold Tonyx ring set with a beautiful diamond, and the best man` a Dutch silver ash tray from the groom. ,1 11,, <|n_'__;.-_ Ln. -_ __ _.___., 18`. . The bride s mother, Mrs. Catlin, is leav- ing on June 30 for a six months` visit to I'.`nnInA-I ' A New Ties _tl_u_at Dad Will es 13}/2 l:1t25c Sport Bows, ;lls.`hades-- --15, 25c and 50 each 100 Foulard Ties at . . . . 50 Fine Silk Ties at 75c and $1.00 Knit Ties at 50, 75:: and $1.00 Silk Ratine Ties at`. . . . $1.50 Buy Dad aTie, a Shirt or Some Collars CAR RAN DOWN MAN ~Fath`er"s Day, June 17th Dependable Boys lothing At Sarjeant & King 5 SEE OUR_TEN~DO1i.LAR LINE FOR REAL VALUE EXTRA`SPEClAL-Boys English Tweed Suits in brown and lighter shades, sizes 26 to 33, splendid for school . . $8.00 LION BRAND Boys Suits, made to stand the racket of boy life, a leader at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . $10.00 AFOX S BLUE SERGEA SUITS, two pairs bloomers with every suit; you have to see them to appreciate. Price .. $14.00 SarjeantiV& King, Limited} ' WARDEN S PICNIC Warden C. H. Eplett was "mine host to the members of the -County.Council and their wives and friends yesterday afternoon at his home at Coldwater. Everyone had a most enjoyable time, and the Warden was the subject of a great many congratulations on the success of this annual picnic. I'InP.k`A-l'nl'ilIl! in fhniwnir nu-nnnrlc Inn yuusunuu 10 but! having alums e Crawfotd. late in the County n` An Al uu uuc auuucca Ul uua annual plcmc. Horse-racing in the`Fair grounds fea- tured the aair in the afternoon and there were some real close races for the County legislators to view. It was a friendly get- acquainted" party and the races added to the zest of the occasion. W. Finlayson and J. B. Johns:on, candidates in East Simcoe. were present. Wknn H... ....................`.. 1.-.: L..-_ _____--4 uuubuc. WC} I: prcsella . When the programme had been carried` out at the Fair grounds, the whole -party adjourned to the Methodist church where a sumptuous banquet was part-aken of, 129; sitting down to `it... Howard Gover actedf as chairman. ,The usual..to_asts were pro-1 posed and drunk. J. T. Simpson, County Clerk. proposed the toast to `T'I`he County of Simcoe." which was `responded to by George Sinclair. The Wardens. Past and Present." was proposed by Edward Coombs and responded to by Ex-Wardens Dr. Bant-l ing, James Moore and Warden Eplett-. -The ~ Melody `Men provided several fine orchestral' selections at intervals during the rprogram. Taking ii . 51" in R" A vnru nninvnkln An`-I acmvuuua at uncrvzus uurmg U18 wprogram.| Taking it all in all. a very enjoyable day! was spent and the Warden deservescredit! for the way in which it was carried out. I With You V wad Wi!'_Be. P.!e<*:d with a Tooke Shirt Neat stripes and plain shirts with ~ collar to match, in blue, green and mauve, priced at $1.25 up Khaki Repp Shirts . . . . . . . $2.50 Shirts of Potter's Print, guaran- fnn lunar 00 '"" nu. ; vovcn. a 1. Lllllu, guaran- M-1`;;2:;d wear . . . . . . . ., . . . . $2.75 Tooke s Raw Silk Shirts .. $5.00 . BAND CONCERT Queen s Park, June 2|, I923. March--The Champion . . . . ..Chambers. Overture--Morning_ Noon and Night . . _ _ 7 7 _ _ 2...`..- . . . . . . . . . . ..`..................bm}ngs` Waltz-Loves Last Word ....Crem1eux' Fox Trot--In Baby s Smile . . . . ..Hearst| Intermezzo--41llusion . . . . . . . .Bustanoby .Waltz--~You'll Never Know . . . . ..Vance March--Sheridan Sabres . . . . ..St. Clair Cornet Solo--(a)`Smilin Through ..Penn (b) I Have A Rendezvous Vith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Luz \7Z..3..... D: m . . . _ M _.__....- -.-........, .~uvu uuu Lvlslll . . . . . . . . . . . . Intermezzo--Secrets .- . . . . . . . . . .Ancliffe March--The Gallant Black Watch T`I'll' c 1 uayuuaxuw nu _ of said estate n have been re- "The NINETY and NINE" -.- v...-. .. Miles of Fo;'_e_st ire_ JUST AND REAL REASONS WHY EVERYONE _ SHOULD SEE `THIS BIG FILM Famous Ballet Scene - Barn Dance -- Big Tavern Scene -- Thrilling Rescue -- Miles of Burning Forest -; Villages Destroyed. -COMEDY ALSO A Picture you will want to see again and again The story of an outcast who saved the lives of those who shunned himbydriving a locomotive through miles of blazing forest. 1121-- gt I:--__-. I52..- non iv -._-v-.--- -I-rwv on: y -n-u-9`; 4- ya.- No picture has made a greaterappeal or pleased more people.` II YEW` L'KY`I\ [SE A I III`! A OITLIC `III III I!` II'.'l\\Il'\llI'_| _ Theatre not open June 18 and 19 Wednesday, June 20-Conservative Meeting at 8 p.m. '".`_5:: ?'-.AT- :_`".f3.'_14 15 16 " ' 's:;,;,;.;;..;:' God Save the King. Heroic Deeds er Rescue viI'5"r1}"" Hero Drives Train through Burning Forest lntensely Human Story of Love Wonderful Types of` Village Folk :-L___._ L-.. .._....l- - ...__-L_.. -_ __J Whre Style and Price Meet A.. of Victoria t of Collier St. :_v and preached good congregnl zg Barrie boy, ictr0!'i_a College, At 'legular,F-`vices: 15 and 25 ce:nts NO MATINEE SATURDAY ` THE THRILL or THE AGE! A SUPER PRODUCTION ` . . . .Bil1ings i . .Cremieux ' . .Hearst l EH08 0. his The bereaved family of the late Mn-. Donald Sutherland, of Toronto, who was buried at Wilson s Hill Cemetery here, on June 4, wish to thank the people of this vicinity for the many kindnesses shown. Wednesday, June 20.--Executors of the late Robert Leonard, lot 23. con. 10, In- nisfil, Wednesday, June 20, sale of farm I implements. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mc- (`nflhlfnll nIInf;nnnnn Give Dad a Pell, the Wonderful Values in Sox Lisle Socks with clox, brown, grey and black, all sizes-- -47c pair Narrow and summer weight, all sizes . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Conkey, auctioneer. A1ll}JlCLlII7L|lBu D2816 `all |gIan_s}`: SPECIAL At Brennan s Fresh Fish on Fridays Smoked and Picnic Hams 21 per lb. QuAL'1r'a'xicT s'E?zv1cE '1eCv"Xn'ow c'Su$r' Pickled Picnic Hams 18 per lb. Choice Dairy Butter 33 per tb cooxsfowu CREDIT SALE UUIIIU, , Solicitor, ` Barrie, Ontario. PHONE .51.- . vvvu -"Buming Villages II I Lpursuant to the . r.....:.... ..I..:...- Ollat at `:` 3'5;-is Jul pOC- J.3L .. ...-.-. Ti} ages ' ; $1.50 Boots`, WON IN NAMENT )lTORS U51`! auu 5|`7UUl'Ul5_ BIJLDCCII HMO. ' The winners piled up four runs in each of the first and eighth innings, and one in the seventh. Play by innings :- First Inning V Thornton-I-Ienty singled, Feltis singled.` both scored on L. Stewart :-3 hit to left, J Stewart also scoring, ball lost in grass, 7 `Wench singled, J. D. Stewart thrown outi at first by right field. Maw fanned, Ayerst singled scoring Wench, Lawrence fanned. 42 runs, 5 hits. 0 errors. l`.nnl:afnuyn__Arnnlr| Mnvillnn nlili Hmm. I D()uI'(1 FEM] V'U m Iavour U1 Luuuuuu. It was a complete victory for the Thorn- ton outfit. Only one Cookatown player reached third base, and only three got as far as second. Elmer Feltis for Thornton pitched great bull and was given good support. He allowed only six sufe hits. Dewey Hopper, although` given splendid support, was not so effective for Cookstown,-5 the visiting batters pounding his offerings hard and securing sixteen hits. I 'T Ln 1-vlnhnnu nilnz-I nn `nun runs: in nnnh n` I'1.'2' tunes, 0 runs. u errors. 3 '3ookstown--Arnold, McMillan and Houn- sume fanned. 0 runs, 0 hit_s. 0 errors. Second Inning 'I`hornton---Dungey walked. Henry fan- ned, -Feltis flied to 1-ight.Dungey doubled ' off first. 0'runs, 0 hits; 0 errors. .{`.nnIn_-onuvn_.T(ArI nun of ref H17 Jun!-I` I Cookstown--Wilson out `at lat V-by pitch- er, McMatu1 flied to short, Arnold sihgled, McMillan out _at. 1st by 3rd base. 0 runs,! 1. hit, 0 eirors. ' wnuurk Ynrna I n u uxruns. ' b Thornton--Ayerst, Lawrence "and Dung- ey fanned. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 drrors. .(!nnI.ratnu:n...T-Ynnnnnvnn ninolnd Y-lnnnnnmn THORNTON WHITEWASH cooxsmwm BY 9.10 o The -Thornton. Tigers went into third place in the South Simcoe Baseball League when they administered a lovely dose of whitewash to the-Cookstown crew at Cooks- town. on Tuesday afternoon. When all the whitewashing was complete the score`- bourd read 9-0 ih favour of Thornton. TA ._..._ .. .....-...I..6.. -.:;.6onpu `nun Okn 'l\I\I`l\_ (H1 unu. U TUNE, U HIDE, U Ullvlc -Cookst-own--~KiddV out at first by short, Hopper `fanned, LeBarr hit by pitcher, Banting out 1st'by pitcher, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. ` 3 VI'\L:..J Y.._!.... Thornton~-L. Stewart out at first by 3rd `base, Wonch fanned','J.'D. Stewart doubled, ` Maw out at 1st =by pitcher. 0 runs, 1 hit,` n ..-.;..... cy uuumu. vu ruup, V Lula, v quuu. ~ A0nokstown--Hounsome smgled,Houusome "out at 2nd on Kidd`s fielders choice, Hop- ` per singled,_ LeBarr out, hit b .batted ball, Banting fanned. Oruns. 2 - its, 0 errors. Fifth Inning '1'hornton-.-I-Ienry vfnnned, Feltis out at 1st by pitcher, L. Stewart out. at lat by ' pi1.cher.- 0 runs, 0 hits. 0 errors. {`!nn1;atn|xvn:w;lunn nllf uf `Rf hv Rf!` pxmuer. U runs, u uwa, u unum. (]ook}atown-Wilson out at 1st by 3rd base, ~McMann fanned, Arnold hit by pitch- .er, McMillan fanned. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 617018. q:-..1. 'r.'.._:.... run. 3 hits. 0 errors; - . ' . __._ II _ . . _ ~ A ...... T 'i`hornton--Wonch our at Isl: by pitcher, J. D. Stewart singled, Maw singled, Ayemt. flied to centre, Lawrence singled, scoring Stewart, Lawrence caught off 2nd.base. 1 -1 l.'.........-l 'lI`l.~l.l on I-..` __ 'ze \'() t?(), . $3.50 I'UJ`. O llll. U ll'Ul`Ba (.3ookstown--Hounsome `fanned, Kidd to 151. by error of 2nd base, Kidd 2nd by Hop- per, LeBarr out at 1st by lat base. 0 runs, 0 hits, 1 error. Qnxynnk Ynrna .. . -.-._. -...--~.. Thornton--Dungey' flied to centre. Henry out at lat by short, Feltis flied to 1st base. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0_errors. .~...,.1,.+nmn.._.R'm.ina hat on error bv 3rd Canaan an -..-.... Thornton--L. Stewart singled, Wonch out at last by lat `base, J. D. Stewart singled, Maw" singled scoring L, Stewart. Ayerst singled scoring J. D. Stewart, Lawrence `singled, caught between 1st_und 2nd` and run down, Dungey out first by pitcher; Henry singled scoring Maw and Ayerat. 4 ru:1..=.., 6 hits, 0 errors. . * K rYnn`.InOI\nvn__AIlnn`l` nnf. Rf. hv nithr. 0 U mus, U errors. (3ookstown---Bzfnting let on error by 3rd base, Wi-lson f-lied to centre, McMann flied to right, Banting doubled off 2nd. 0 runs, | 0 hits, 1 error. Riukth Tnnimv runs, 0 mus, u urrure. Gookstown---Arnold out at let by pitcher, McMillan flied to 2nd base, Ijlounsome singl- ed, Kidd singled, Hopper flied to centre. 0 rum, 2 hits, 0 errors. ' ' _ _ -Ninth Inning Thornton----'Felt-is out at let `by short, L. Stewart ied to centre, Wonch 3rd base hit J. D. Stewart, hit by pitcher, Wonch caught at plate on return throw from 2nd base. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. _ {`1\A|.vn6Anvl|.__l Anni? l`lIIIl'llA!' 039.8. U runs, 1. nu, U unum. (`:0 kstown--Le-Barr doubled, Banting flied to right, Wilson flied to left, McMann fanned. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. Score by innings z---- w - ' - R `H F`. Thornton .4ToTooo1o_4 0 3 `B 3 Cookstown 000000000 0. 6 o Line-i1p:-- 'I'hornton-aHenry cf; AFelt'm p; L. Steviv-H art 2nd b; Wonch m; J.AD. Stewart, c; giaw rf; Ayerst lat b; Lawrence If-; Dungey rd '0. l'V....I...|-...._ L:._..IaI `fa "n:."nn on!` K0 OYO `D. Cookstown--A'rnold cf; McMillan 2nd b; Houusome cg; Kidd lat b; Hopper p; Le- gal`: 8rd b ; Bantiugaa; Wilson `If ; `Mclann [IE LII` IMIU UVUIIIIIBU The visitors defeated Allandele by two games to one, the local ekipe being A. R. Walker, C. W. Poucher `and A. Mamey. Barrie trundlers proved too much. forjthem," however. the locals takingl three straight games. R. A. Stephens, Geo. D. Hubbard and. H. M. Lay were the local skips. The visiting skips were '1` Doyle, W R. Fergus anal II Mnmnll Newxnqrkat bowleis invaded Barrie and` Allandale yesterday fternoon in the North: em Bowling `League series. They played at Kllandale in the afternoon and at Bar- tie in the evening. 7 `Wu: \v:n:fnI-a Anfnnlnli Annnzhaln hf fnrn [t_:!JAI.`_! vuuuug alupu won and H. Marshall. I. . Umpires--{Banting and Martin` of Ivy. THURSDAY. JUNE 14, ms. m-:wMAm Bowuzas `I5. Fourth Inning A . geveth Inning Ur- Eighth Inning w Third Inning Sixth Inning Iv I , t. Mary s failed to tally in the first of " the initial frame while St. Andrew's snat- ched a couple of counters." Walls, who was passed {out times in as many trips .to the `plate. walked;.st.ole_ 2nd; went to third on 3 passed ball and scored on McKemie _s single.` Twins double brought in McKen- izie. but the former was caught. stealing hlome: Score. 2-0 for St. Andrew s. ..-v ..`-r-....- -.-v..`. g Boots, ra value A- A.` .. ....... _.....-`.__ _ .... --.. ._..... St. Mary`; went into the lead in the sec- ond by getting four markers. Moore walk- ed, stole 2nd and scored on Coady s field- er's choice. Byrnes. took lst on error. Clarke got there by the same route, Coady and Byrnes tallying. Lang singled. Clarke crossing the pan. St. Andrew's tied it up in their half, when Rainey doubled. Trib- ble walked, and Hill took lst on error, the two runners scoring. Score 4-4. ` l cu. in 9 JD. FIIIIIIUW B UGIIIC flsllll UHUIS uuu DICK! II: `:19 again when [Buster Clarke doubled; `mole 3rd and scored on a dropped fly hit 'by"McKnight. Score 5-5. . . - ~ Q4 rM...... :. (mill...) o...:.... z... u... :...._.L I McKnight pitched the first two. innings `for the winners and Clarke finished the ;gume. Coady for St. Mary's, `twirled the iwhole six stanzas ' and` was given much * better support than the opposing pitchers. in 9l'II. !,_, A -41` ,...- .......-.- __..-....,. W-.- - - _ St. Mary s wexnf into the_lead again in the third when Moore was safe on error, !stole 2nd and scored on Coady's_single. St. Andrew's came right back" and tied it un onun nyknn Dnunbnn (`Inn-In. nIA..kAI...-Iv II LVIUIXIIIEIIIQ QUUIVU 0'00 ' St. `Mary's tallied twice in the_ fourth land led once more. Clark went to 1st on terror. Cuff walked and both scored on Hayes` single, St. Andrew's failed to come through this `time and it looked as if. their goose was cooked. Score 7-5 for St. Mary's; -,In `the fifth St. Mary's failed to tally" but St. Andrew`s made an extra inning necessary by marking up` two counters. Walls and McKenzie walked, stole 3rd and 2nd, and the former scored on Clarke's sacrifice fly. McKenzie tallied when Cuff dropped McKnight`s easy pop to 1st. If he had caught this fly the game would have been over. Score 7-7. - `la. l....l-...l 0. ln`..__.'_ .1] ____',, 2,, LL , 1- . St. Andrew s and St. Mary's teams of the Junior Church League provided the best baseball so far this year-in that series last evening at Agricultural Park. when the former scored four runs in the last half of anextra inning to .win by the close score of l1l0.- The- score was tied at _seven all ` at `the end of the fifth. St. Mary's'snat- ched a trio in the first of the sixth and appeared to have the game tucked` away. but the Scotchmen came back strong in their half and won by one run. in 1! - I . . I I .I I9, 4 4 ,, !__E__; uavc uccu uvu`. DUUFU Pl. It looked St. Mary's all over in the first `of the extra frame `when they scored three runs. Hayes took lst on error and tallied and Walls, and scored himself oniClarke's' on Moore's triple. Coady singled bringing home Moore, and crossed the `plate himself on Byrnes' single. St._ Andrew's decided it in the last of the sixth .'by getting a quar~ tette. McDouga.ll doubled, went to third on passed ball, and scored when Hill took lst on error. Walls walked, McKenzie walked. Twiss dou'bled bringing. in Hill I double to left.' This gave St; Andrew s the odd run and thetgame; `Final score ll-10 for'St. Andrew:s. ' T Q........ L-. 1 _ _ _ _ _ __ v , ' u 172 3 4 5 6 R H St. Mary`s . . . . ..0 4 1 2 0 3 10 6 St.Andrew's 2 I 0 2 4 11 8 Line-up:- St. Mary'.s--T-Lang cf.,V if; b Cuff`. lat; Hayes 3rd; Moore ss`; Coady p; Byrnes 2nd ;, Rivard lf.. cf; Stubbings rf ; Clarke c. Q! AntIra\u'e._\X7ug n - ml,.I(.......:..l .'l\...:.... s'r. ANDRI-:W$ S WIN TIN EXTRA INNING uncuu u.. cu; cuuuuulgs 1'1; wants (3. St. Andrew's--Walls c; 'McKenzielf;Twiss lst; `Clarke rf; McKnight Ap, 2nd; Rainey ssf; McDougall 3rd; Tribble 2nd, rf; Hill c _ V . . "V_.,.,1___ TI 1 and A12 . 31.50 vvvuu v _----uvuv V . Knock emerged into the win column on Tuesday at Knock when Mac Boyd s boys took the league-leading Beeton crew into camp by the score of 9-6.in a -South Simcoo Baseball League match. Ivy is now in un-' disputed possession of first place with three straight victories and no. defeats. '.:\n`.r`\nuIL'6uu:-Lu} mu...-.L L..II _L_ LL- I 6 Q '3 D 0 I -6 U Beet:on- ..-l 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2-v-6 Knock...2 4 0 D 2.0 0 1 x The line-up:-- . ' 'Beeton---Foran p, English c. English lb, Dunan 2b, Ian 31), Cain as, W: English If, King cf. Dorsey lf. Knock--=Hunter c, Lockhart p", Boyd lb, Sutherland 2b, Wright as, Reive 3b, Con- nell If, Dyer cf, R. Lockhart rf. Umpil-es--Jennett and Lennox, Ivy. nuulgugu vwuuI.'|UB uuu IIU. ueleaw. Cliff Lockhartrtwirled great ball for the victors while Foran was in good form for the lasers. 0.... L__ !____!__ ,,_, JUN|0R.CHURCH'- LEAGUE STANDING - " Played Won Lost ,P.C. 0 0 ' A 1 mm aa. A ....l-nun`: St. Andrew's . Baraoas .. Trinity . . . . . St; Mary's .. 100%T Victor Record service at J. G. Keenan's, opposite post oice (one store only), phone 243. 24c Ul U1 : IIIIUICW E. Score by innings :- 4-nu Umpire--Kear'ns. IIC lUBUIg Score by innings :- 4 t\ n . Day was held at on. when :9 fine un off. A good 2:! weather fav- air. baseball tourna~ the final by `.2- ibition of `base- indicate. Port "posed of Saurin d primmed Min- -2. .Doc" Mc- games for Mid- rong at the fin` Bricker of Bar- n and -...... LL- South Slmcoo Loiguo Sanding Played Won Lost P.C. - AAA knock 9-BEETON s 2 `:=:-."=:aI I :VVU I500 00') Mrs. f T. Thon1pson't:r-1-d" IE1-x`1_te`r` son of Toronto, who have` been visiting .with Mrs. T. Sewrey, returned home this week.` no l'.\___I n___ _.__i f\.. In A -1-...:_ ..4. WK7Ul\n Dr. Fred. Ross and Dr. W. A.`Lewis at- tended the annual convention of the On- tario Medical Association at Windsor last week.` `I. ,__I `ll__ IlZII__.I _...I .\l___ Y)_-L__.A. W605: Mr. and. Mrs. Millard and `Mrs. Probert motored from Bradford last week and made a. short visit with Mrs. S. Gill, Clapperton gl-Iannf LVIIB. II. 11. VI uavu Al)! (I Icvv wanna. u Mr. and -Mrs.` Harvey Meeking and soni have returned to Victoria, B.C., after a two months' visit in Barrie and Toronto. I -- nun .- u '0 . nu U I-BIC Ul-I UK" ay. A.D., 1923. particulars of ersigned .on or ly, 1923, after will distribute mong those en- ard only to the hen have notice, e rsponsible to A` nah` `moan. WVICUIH Miss Viola Overs spent a few days recent- ly wi:h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overs, befpre leaving for an extended visit to Los Angeles. "ma Fran`! "-unvnnann ant` nfln ant; UJ L115 K'lll5CICn T -Mrs. Frank Thompson and little .snn. Earl, have returned to Penetang after spend- ing two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis. A I`! t)_!_I--.. A I)...I.l2....._ ..-._I D II auluuncr Wu/u ucl pnlcuta nu ::4u5u:.-nu. Mr.- and Mrs. P. J. Healey. Penetang; `St-L. have left for a trip td Chicago, St. Louis and other sou`h-western points. . I I-\ II I .I II II U115. I! . LIGV ID. A. C. Bricker, A.` -Paddison and R. M. DeGeer of Barrie Lodge, No `63, I.0.0.F., will attend the Grand Lodge meeting in Toronto next week. - ' ,'l17_._ QI'___._L.J 'l')..__\- L`; I-t; .____._;I_. l\U|U-y WIICIC IIC WIII llUlI\l IVVU IIIUIIIIIIUO ` - '-Mr." and Mrs. Thos. -Tooke announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mag.- gie.` to Mr`. George Patterson, of Port Mc- Nicoll. the marriage to take place at the end of June. ' ll__ _..__! `ll... 11 n_..LA QL__...I . _ _ _ . . _ __ IVLCIJOIIBIU. Din, mat wccn. 'J. Montagu Leeds left this week _on an extended visit to the West. He expects to go as far as Seattle, Wash. Mm Dnua`{".lina1>nnn nf Rhnntv Rnv nnilprl ' 0 85 Jul` as Dcnuuu, Iv uau. I 3. Mrs. Rose Clipstone of Shanty Bay sailed on the Canada' on June 1 to spend the; summer with her parents in England. 1 ill. noun: Mum D I llnulnu Dnnnfonnl Col. o'13IinZ;}}'7m2L,1{rJ.";{a "1u}s."Ma. pherson of Toronto are guests of Mr. and: Mrs. J. H. Wilson for a few weeks. ! 11.. .._..I ll-.. . 1r.._-..... ll....l-:__ .....l ......I LUFUIIIU IICKP WCUK. _'Wm. Shepahl. "Brock St., left recently for Wisconsin where he will visit -' daughter, later going to Valley City. Da- kota. where he will spend two months. "at ' ant` M91: nu .'rI\nlrn nnnnllnnn flu: CIIII UI uuuc. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pratt, Stroud. announce the engagement of their only daughter. A-lice Etna, to Mr. R. W. Boyd, of Toron- to. The marriage to take place the latter part of June; ' - - nu aunt` "in D " 1: nllin- Qf orking . special 'QAEl\

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