Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 11

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m'i`i{ 5 ad;v;;;ages of PALMOLIVE SHAV- ING- CREAM are the result of 130 laboratory eicpcrimems--covcri|:g 18 months time. Study them: ` ' - ' When we perfected at shaving crezun with 5 distinct advantages, we asked men to try it. Mil- lions did. They found out how to reduce ghaving time and at the sum-: time save skin irritation. 1:1,. .1, . I` - ' - - - multiplies itself 250 times in ri_ch lather. \LULCA N ITE SHAVING c1i12AM THE PALBIOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited Montreal. Que, Toronto. Ont. Winnipeg, Man How millions of men enjoy quicker, easier shaves VERY. one admires a beautiful, distinctive roof of Vul- canite Hexagon Slabs. In soft green or Indian red, it adds attractively to-the appearance of any home. And it is unusually practical and economical, too. The patented design makes the slabs double thick everywhere--giving double protection, as __well as more depthand body to their pleasing appearance. ,Vulcanite Hexagon Slabs are easy and economical to apply, because they space automatically, saving both time and money. They can be laid right over old shingles, giving a re-and-weather-resisting roof that is an enduring source of beauty and protection. ,Vulcanite Roong of the same high quality also comes in individual shingles, four-in-one slab shingles, and in rolls, both slate surface and smooth nish--for home, farm and industrial buildings. You can identify the genuine by the Vulcanite name and the Beaver trademark. -Ask your dealer for full information or write us. We will send free samples and a booklet on request. _-.-_ --pv up`,-u-Q on.` c `anew-5511]] usaminigtifon Oices:"l`hor'old, Ont, Bn a lo, N.Y., London, Eng. Sales Oices: Thorold, Ont., and`Winnipeg, Man. . Also Manufactuters of Beaver Wall Board PALMOLIVE Fordon, Plaxton. mm BEAVER COMPANY, LIMITED L__A.2-_ $1---. lI|I_-_'-I.I l\ . uv cv - yuan.-x van nnllh Millidns of `men have found these claims true. We ask from you merely the courtesv of a trial. We, only, can lose by that. Mail coupon now for free 10-shave tube . _.._-__ - -. .....5 Blended palm and olive oils have lotion-like cect on skin . ll!!!" r. - - (_-..-. ........ -u uuuunca u ucccssary. Strong walled bubbles hold hairs erect for easier cutting 'nI__J-_l -7! ' " Softens any beard in one minute,witho1 bing in. Lather lasts-10 minutes if `necessary. Sn-nnu umlim-I |...I.|.I-.. L4; L-'-r ` We Ask You; to ` Fid Out FREE 1910 : minute, without tub- & Rods, Barrie.) list with the 9 years.. - stotrics especially. _t., Barrie. I! t'\ I )-.. IIIWK ,_____v-an: l.l\.lJ. Just ll in your name and mail coupon to The Palmolive Company of Canaoa, Limited Dept. D404 Toronto, On}. 1o SHAVESWFREE Bu-9 ll 2.. .._.... _--- ` 10-SHAVE TUBE l-LIBI `OR, ETC. - ling, Barrio wAN LITTLE s, Barrie Ont.` 7 Maple Ave. . 7 to 9 p.m., or hone 213. . C. Little M.B. Ulwu, Au: [Building }.n?$.'wv}aI1 5.1 us" 'ery Saturday. oso and Throat. |s.V3ac.,` F.T.c.M. III WIS - of Women ry of Simeon VI IIUUVVEU nch . eve, Nurse ' slephone 751W. `s services may be your doctor. 13tfo ro'rI't;:~`_-` . wards. B.A.30. NBULL `ersity, Montreal. xier ' Elizabeth and - 131.... an`: II, . L. I -U-nu and Vocal mm Conservatory leading up :3 .(*,M. degree. ,`)L....- AHA ir Leader jst Church _ Voice and xeory /g Glappex-ton St. Ft-XTON Us 11: 1 ion Engineer. ency Department. Arthur AND REPAIRED Garage I'\'t\l\'\ '\ . Ililll \JIILIIU`Iv 2 Conservatory of '.~'ity of Toronto. Phone 683 N, L.T.C.M; a n \InnnI sou L rary Public Vocal. and Musical Choirmaster of .-riau Church. l'V,_.______L_.__. -1 N TUITION unger children. ` _S_TER` I`I_,..I itizens' Band. St. `V ?J:\i\'ersity }-T-53_ Collier .32. ).m... 6.30-8 p.m. . M.B. suaanon ior St.. corner ol . 'Phone 275. VFIIVII Ebb untants mge St., Toronto. I. Campbell, C. A. n A - VAN UL LUIIIIFIIJUIILI .13 .' Phone 105. L 3 p.m., 7-8 pan. i Store, Barrie. pans '9 Efilding Issuer l._ Arnold RANGE ` w., umuc. P. O. Box 1075. :enses LYON OF NURSES _-l. CAMPBELL -A- -_ UCKI VII: `Phone -124. [\;IS.6i{DER8 or informatjon \vI e Pinkhanfu Prints xt-Boo upon _AihpentI PeculinrtoWomen." c 5 --n-o no vgvvwwlv Vwolnrvuut w ' ho ma Ihould `to th Lydi(t}.P1nkham'w lredicin 2".!,1Cobf>uxE? Ontat-io,orafre'oco Ldia . j ibwdr V... V- --an w - o--, .._v with such Zniiii` sympto1n'sf.s:s~u:r:' vousness irrita , melancholia and heat ashes, which produce headaches, dizziness, or a senseof suffocation they should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega. table Compound. It is especially {adapted to help women throu h this crisis. It is prepared from roo and herbs end contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. This fsmous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and her has for`! . srs; proved its value such csses. omen everywhere besr willin ltestimon to the wonderful virtue of ydis `E. , - ham s Vegetable Compound. ' 121...... -.I.- :.._ -.I....IA :3- L. L`. _ pee. I `III. Wimpeg, Man.- Lydia E. Pink- ham s egetable Compound has done me good In every way. I wai very weak` and run-down and had certain ` troubles that women of my ageare like] to have. I did not like to o to the octor so I took the Vegetable 111- und and am_still takin it right along. recommend It to my ends and toany one I know who ianot feeljn well. - Mrs. Tnoursox, 808 Liane t.,Winni- nna "Men Wi|_| B: Intel-est_eL(l'_i!1 Mr_s;_Tl_31_Im! &"'s'Iie23r'y"5; l'!"se"7J'Li."E Pinkhem Vegetable Cgmpouncl Iilivi nng probate of xmstration, and nveyancor. OW. lop 31;, Barrio. )4-KN women mom A roams FIFTY .-' ...-..--- When women who are between the` gas of forty-ve and fty-ve ere beset . nth annoig symptoms as aer- nnnvmnn, {M-ifs: , vnnlnnnhnlhs and urAn1?s _:_u.|_9u1- -l-'1"-`E-W?-11E!`i `IIJILET GAP The ideal soap for toilet and bath. Sooth ing to even a bpby"s skin. Tryit to-`day. _ A SAFEAND SURE - REMEDY FOR AILING Cl-||l.QREN` g Asking Too Much Of Britain While the latest Germanoffer on repar- ations may not be found acceptable when examined in detail, it is an evidence of` an awakening to the fact that the days of ' dalliance are past. The Germ-an mind has barricaded itself against some stubborn facts." These are beginning to seep through `the barricades. Britain has had a lot to do with this. The `other `powers are be- ginning to realize that British statesman- ship has seen much more clearly along the road of the future than it has been giv- en credit for. ance stillhs a large sec- tion of public `opinion which believes that Britain should cancel France's war debt. ~ There is no doubt that Britain would be willing to do this if French statesmen could show her how she in turn is to raise year- ly _the $170,000,000 required to meet in- terest on the British debt to the Uni uL'-L.. 4.- ...... _-LI.:__ .2 :.I.., -_._2;_I __._.`___a KIT!) VII UIIV JIIIUIEII UUUU WU Ulla Lunll lsthtes, to say nothing of the capital amdunt ` enforcement of prohibition in that country Enforcing the Volstead Act United States Federal officer-r along the New York and'Canadian border have been strongly reinforced with the View to pre-1 venting smuggling of liquor from this! country. Canadian .subjects_who lose liberty or life in this business would be themselves to blame. This country would have no redress. The action of the Federal author-' iies has been necessitated. as most readers! know, by the repeal of the New York State law enforcing the Volstead, or Federal prohibition act. Canadians can leave the people of the United States to settle this domestic question in their own`way.> It would seem that the action of the State has thrown the._prohibit.ion question into` Federal politics where itvis `bound to play an important part in the next elections. It is interesting to_ note` that the British government has decided not to enter any further protest against. the United States law to enforce prohibition within the three- ` mile sea limit. In other words British; ships will have to dispose of any liquor they have on board before getting into! a American waters, So long as the United i_ I I 1 States government is in earnest about the it would be a grave mistake for anyother nation to try to evade` or change the law. I Prohibition ofwide Interest | Switzerland has voted against the pro- posal to extend the government. monopoly lover liquor. In Canada almost every elec- tion in the provincial fields of late years ` has been fought wi h prohibition as one of its main issues. tis a question that is` constantly and aggressively alive. Every` state or nation which has dealt with it in , any form is inclined to pride itself in the belief that its dispositions of the question is the best. The fact that it still is a dis- turbing factor shows that it is a long way { from being settled. Like original sin it may be a subject for argument to the end of time. 'But it. certainly is an interesting] subject and one that monopoliws the at- tention of many -men the world over. e for wheat from European countries. It European Demand for What There is some conflict of opinion as be-; tween the European view and that on this! continent regarding the probable demand would appear. however, that the weight` of evidence is on, the side of those who de- clare that there will be a big de'r'naud from overseas for wheat. The question of fin-. ancing is `of importance of course. but it should not prove an insuperable. obstacle. Though it is thought that Russia will be able to look after herself .in the matter of food supply. a conclusion which is borne out by the decision of the American relief workers to abandon their work there, com- ' petition from that country will not. it is amerted. -be an important factor. There are indications also that Russia isisick enough, to be anxious about remedies rather than to continue effort 'to impose its form of government on other nations. Proof of this is furnished in the desire- to meet Bri- tain s demands. There is danger that Rus- sia's own troubles thisyear will -come from within in the shape of uprisings by various 2 factions which have not accepted the pre- sent regime. ` ` \ I . , fy '_ I U . . ~ Why .is'_ Disarmament Halted? The world is not to know what is pre; venting t e League of Nations from ac: -complishi g one of its greatest tasks-t.he reduction of armarnent.s.~L9rd Robert Cecil. 3Britain's representative, made a great at tempt to get the League'a.Commiseion, now meetingg at Geneva. to have the sessions on armaments "open to the public. He wail voted down. Tl:e truth is` that most Euro-` pean nations are too busy strengthening. their forces. Britain is.`the. only nation in! the old world membership of the League. "which has reduced -its -forces. It has les= hthan 200.000 men under arms despite the perplexities of a world-wide enipire; France. has over 1.000.000 men with the colors , and even `Rumania has some 100.000 in her standing army. Between them France. Italy. Jugo-Slavia "and Runrania.` owe to Britain about one `billion five hundred mil- lion pounds. So far not a single one of them" has made any a`tempt to pay off one penny of the capital amouent or` of interest!` Britain is the only nation which has scrap- ped all the ships she agreed to put into the discard at the-Washington conference. France is bending every energy toward making herselfimistresa of the air. No wonder there are voicesin Britain demand- ing a halt in the progress of `disarmament -1 until other nations show that they arei intending to prepare for peace and not for = - uv n)! "rm-:u,2 snemncmcz. f ~F|ivvcrs of the Air Luvs: anvuuu transport. In ab-Kn uh: Four goats trapped in front of a train in I `Connecticut leaped to. safety to a drippan ' and one madg a second leap to the topof '11" passing automobile. ' ' {(3. {es of interelt. usonic Temple n ice-Elmvale. C. Murchisog. ' _ .... ....... _ , All boys should be fond of animals. Are vou fond 'of'them. Tom?" Yes.Sir." T ' . I I'm glad to hear it-. What animal do lyou like best?" ' | Fried chicken.. I I Betting Tax Likely in Britain `Members of the Bri`iah Commons com- mittee. inwstizating the proposition to tax betting. are visiting the v_arious race traks md watching proceedings. This task h-an Hz-en the subject of some good natured ban`ering in the House. .But it isban-| naren` that from a subject of -jest the -matter has become a question of serious- ` m.=_.==. It looks as if Britain would soon be" eetting a considerable rvenue from race i track, betting. ..vl--.v-. ---, French Royalists have been creating some disturbances in the Chamber of Depu- -ties. They need not be taken too serious- ` '~_v. although they have considerable strength in some secfions of their country. There are several Royalist. factions in France each devoted to descendants` of families once occupying the throne when _that country was airnonarchy. During {the world-war the Royalists were n1ost'de- "voted to their native land and all propa- vanda was sedulously avoided. It would be surprising if any serious attempt was made to overthrow the Republic. The steadiness` of the French people in the face of man_\_' are-at trials since 1870-71 entitles them \to be considered as a people who `mow their own minds and are quite can "Me of maintaining consistency and sta- Hlitu 7' III lil'ity. iwhich must be met also; ,*Britain`s Euro- : pean allies have asked'fa; too zppch of _her , without showing any .disp6sitio1i to do 3 'somet-hing in return. ' . unuuunm. nae u gluvc prumclu on us uuuus in this matter. Increased population is one solution, and that is why Australia is at the moment paying great attention to [immigration and getting a good class of I settlers from the British Isles. lrnperial conference. .Canada s I_'arliament..is to fully discuss the agenda `of the coming Imperial Con- | . ; ierence. Among other `things. naval defence land military; matters connected `with the .Empire_ are `to be discussed; Australia is lreported as being anxious to discuss the `question of Empire preference with a view to general and concerted action. Thispis a ticklish questionlbecause it involves so many varied views, and interests. Premier Bruce of Australia is particularly insistent upon the defence question. -His country. with a population of some five and a half millions. hasia grave problem on its hands \n old. nnlrnu !....-........A .........I..;:-_ French Royalisu Busy I; Taste `rm: BALI: 1fLAN11 L519; (_!O..LIMITED IQ I\ `IUEI f\lf0 A ' QAA lUKVD' nay. iing. Barns IAN The Vulcanite bSel- Spacing Shin le,--`the `Ielf-spacing `s oufder makes laying easy and economical and seals the roof against the worst ravages of the weather by sealing the upper half of the slot between shingles and eectively prevents rain, snow or sleet from being driven through to the roof boards. Another Vulcanite `Dnbg.-.6-.I GL3-._I- 4-guvulcl` V IIIIIIIIIIW Patented Shingle PHO~NE_S:_ -65%}; mi *RZI.7cT'an 596' LEXCLUSIVINE`. AGENTS FOR BARRIE _--.-- _.-- -- ..-w .--no-n gunman uuiw 0l\lll lll'|llUII. We ask you to cscovcr the sainc things by a test at our expense. - rBL. p I _ nu\.u6.-.-K-. ---_ ___,, ALL . ry of Simcoe mt Toronto and xtral Church.

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