Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1923, p. 10

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I `Sloan '5 . . . . . . Q l'Athlone a _toL _zn_ I ntoz.'.: S.S.'No. 15 a to m` ntozv.... Cookstown a to m .. ntoz II ll) 5 Hammell's ,Wilcox s a to In 1 __.__ LIDUI. Penville a to m . n to z I.I ,.........ll`_ . Tegart's a to m `L..- I Majority for Ferguson, 97. ll [-0 A Cookstown . .. Coulson s Hill V |Gilford . . . . . .` B6x'17d_/Head a to m ` n to z . . . Middleton a to m . -4-.. Auluy ..u...'.. ' Painswick ; . . . Big Bay Point" I Cookstown . . . Craigvale n. . Holly . . . . . . I pn;nnIu:nlr 20 Owen St., `Barrie G. W. J-. EASTMAN, PROP. ' Phgne 277 _ n. c. MANUEL. Man . Phone 721 " _ 2-55 Majority for Ferguson, 110. Tottenham ' Virfnnkni-n .. 5.. -... ` 21 Majority for Ferguson, 139. Majority rof E\"ans, `2o5._ Majory for Evans_. Majofity for Evans, 323. Tacumseth :7 was":-* SIMC_(__)E _ A on Majority for Evans, 201. West Gwillimbur `l I..m.l an LA -.. '0 `atom EAST IMC..7>E uvv ntoz` For stT1r'e"V1"e`iie'f try that famous old remed' :1,-------l: ial/\ILIl ntoz .L-_. uu-svaa ntoz I-vans un- ntoz -xu'x_ 144 307 203 -390- ' 160 11 Vans. 18. ` Adjala. ...._..112 .1849 1097 .209 114 o u ' .351 246 rHp'_s. v oVU ...215 ...35l ...446 . 771 I .'649 ' 4490 CUU 405 263 473 (104. 259 641 "L56 ff..25 ..47 ET . 13": ..42 ..91 ..30 ..74 .128 s66IEs'f6iu3 316 671 .93 .37 ..I9 .20 .72 .13. I3? .41, .95 All I51` .28 .93 .21 .35 Johnston 1240 1398 UUUIJ Hartt, 3605 no NOT D1-`.LAY "E3 234 117 385 ' 502 695 ' 422` 41 1 V0!) 579 149 57 28 .87 116 70 32 47 659 71 48. 89 37 101 70 55 105 Hf`: MacLaren, Editor; _W.'C. Walk, Manager, ' 639 ' 872 107 31 123 was 76 170 79 A51) 59 91 on LUU 32 36 15 36 46 68 62" 1!! Totals 4-.------ health,"-`says his" $200 FINE FOR SELLING WHISKEY .came Dreco- Twc Magistrate Jeffs was in Bmdfnrd on i like a new man? Thursday last to try a couple of casesnold are enthusiast arising out of breaches .of the\ Ontariomfbut theirs is the 5 _ Temperance Act. M n " `L ` _ itold by every user ` ..n .. :....a.A. ._._- A - " ` ' ' wo cusrers Mre Uallowav of ""'" "" "" `gals mqau; um!) F . x` . . -. _ . Stroud. and Mrs. Donnell) , of Markdalep " ' , , . The funeral on the 27th was largely at-I .S.`"`a ""b1 `.d`gS .` gas` tended. manv old friends from the sur-ftrms and the 1'e5ultm8' c 3St`P3t`" `,.mmd;ng district attending tn Day .},.,;,eand sluggish liver, persisting `through- last resmncts to The memm-v of -the 'de- , out several years, had "btoug t W. `ceased. The service was conducted by theiArnoId, of 68 East 33rd Street, Mt. Rev. R. H. -nmerville. of Thnrnfon. wh0fHamilton, VOnt., to` such a corfdition paid a j11st_tri'hute to.the deeeased as one{that he had not, been ab1e.to leave in whose He the spirit of kmdnecs madelthe house `for some time_ He had manifest the` very'- glory of God.i 9 -. 1 1 _ _ ' Interment was made in the Sixfh Line * duzy Spe is and a 1 those other warn Cemeterv and the heautiful floral offerings ing Symptoms and. they responded to Mid imon the cackef festified sifenflv foino treatment adm1mStered' `the Wm place Mrs. Sharp held -in thei We had almost given up hope of 'e. and affection of her friends. i inding `anything to restore his ~'-/ health,"-i` says his wife, `.`and then 5 A Two.bottl_es and he is ' Bradford onilike a haw n1an" 1\/I .. ....'.: M..- L c------- 1 uvuncua Lul5b'l()Il8l'}' BOCIPIV "I Surviving to mourn her loss. he<*ides' her husband. is one son, Sco`t. oh the home- stead; also two sisters. Mrs. Galloway. of Donnellv Tho funny-ol An 61... 0"h.L --.__ LA--VJ ' uuvu uh-vII\lC._ v)I'lP`\I'Il Death removed a highly respected resi- dent of the fifth line of Innisfil on May 23. in thenperson of Ellen Scott. wife of George Sherri. Deceased had been in poor `jxhealth for a number of years. but wasi always able to "be up and around `until? the lastfour months when she gradually '_grew weaker and passed away. Her un- ' selfishness and kindness olflheart endeared her to all who knew her. She was a valued friend and neighbor. She had a high sense` "of responsibility as wife and mother and. will be sadly misned in her `home. Shewas a life-long member of the Presbyterian church. also a member of fhe Town-'Line Women's Missionary Society; _ Sl1l'Vl\Yll'lI7 In rnnnrn lo. 1...... K- -3J-- `-~- .-..._. .--vv. uuv.yvI'II.I'.L . , Elizabeth" IBnownlee, wife `of Thomas Brownlee.'35 Lyall Ave.. Toronto. passed away at the Private Patients Pavilion. iToronto General Hospital, on Tuesday. `June .5. Mrs. Brownlees death was the result of pneumonia. She waslonly ill a , qvery short time. Deceased was the daugh- ter of the late John Lucas, formerly of Churchill. She was one of -the- most active workers of Immanuel Presbyterian church. and was keenly interested inits various departments. Mrs. Brownlee is survived by her husband and four children, two boys and two girls. of whom the oldest is aged 12. Mrs. John Lucas.-inother of the de-. ceased, lives at 121 Dunn Ave. One bro- ther -and four sisters survive: Allen. on the staff of the Lindsay Collegiate Insti- Itute; Miss Agnes and, Miss Mary. at home; ;Mrs. A. C. Bennett, Toronto. and Mrs. J. IW. Maclntosh, -Prince Albert, Sask. uuu Luuuc on wanes acnool. . Interment took place` in -Barrie Union Cemetery. Rev. W. J. "Watt officiating. The pall-bearers were four little playmates of the deceased: Lionel Blogg. Reginald Godden. Clarence `Puliord and Lorne Jac- bs. The sympsxhy `of the,comm.unit-y is with the bereaved parents. ` ouc sun 01 10cK]8.W. " The little fellow had cut. his thumb two weeks previous to his death, b_ut nothing more was thought of it until he became seriously ill with blood poisoning and lock- jaw two days before he died. He was a nmmhnr nf Hm D.-..I....a.._:.._ c---J_- n - - jaw days he died; `He was member of the Presbyterian Sunday School nd Prince of Wales Scheol. Tnfnrmnnl +m~lp ...l..--' ._ Y! ` " ` MRS. GEORGE, smmp MRS. mos. snowman \L..A.L' -TI..- ' . _ . _ 4, ilton, ` Ont, Tells of Won- derful Results Obtained Through `Two Bottles of n-A` " I | C 1-. - liMrs. w. Ainold of Mt". Him- i I V uuu. um), W113: 009.: a volcano do its lava?" ' - Dad: Give it up." _ Jim: So does the volcano give_ it [\JI'l. UlI ncsncnanaaouocnca ` Green Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . Onions . . . . . . . Parsnips . . Turnips . . Csbbages . . . Potatoes per bag . . . . . . . . . { Mann Apples, large basket Ben Davis. small basket. Hay` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per 131 Mnnln. Q....... nnunnnuuuo uuoo - - . n n n o u u on . . - - nnltutuo-no , - . . o . . a n A u .. Tomatoes ' Asparagus '. 'Carrots uuuuuca nu uueeu CEIHS. ' Apples were 30 cents per small basket and 50 cents per, large. Some nice. c!ean- skinned last` season's potatoes were 35 lcehts per peck while by the bag they were 65 to 75_ cents. Onions were 2.} cents per } basket. The staple products. butter and eggs, were selling at the same prices Saturday !morning as `they have been for some time. although some butter went below the old standby of thirty-five cents. It was offered as low as thirty cents with most selling at the `higher figure. Eggs were still an even quarter a dozen with a few dozen selling at a cent or two higher. In the fowl line some` nice hens were offered at. 28 cents per pound but no other species was to be seen. 'Green stuff re- mained at the same price. There was an overflow of rhubarb at five cents per bunch. Onions were the same price. As- ' paragus -was ten cents. Tomato plants were two -boxes, for 35 cents. lettuce two bunches for fifteen cents. An-Jn,-. .-u..... on _-..A V `I ' l; 799 A 306 "SUMMARY Iv`OR`CENTR.E SI-M00 g`[___ (19,, \ bi-};J"i1.} "usII{&H: Been III for Years. 5/<'.\!I :55? :3 -uv n-Isa] Iva] Pad, what does volcano do in-it-h a? - ' THE Ml-XRKETS SATU R DAY- MAR KET The Easy Way I ..L..4 .-l...... - ___I . - . - a . . n - o . . . IUU UUHCH 20-25c basket . . . r . . 5c bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c basket . . . . . . 5c bunch . . . . . . 2 for 5c . . . . . 5-15c each . . . . . . . 65-75 ~.-.4: .`..........._o)UC tori 813.00-15.00 . . . . . .. $2.75 per gal. . . . . .. 35c lb. .. 25-26c dozen . . . . . . .. 280. lb. 280 lb. . . . . . . . .. 20c . 2 bunches `l5c 3 bunches 10 . 2 boxes 35c 10c bunch nn ax- L-J--- uP' V`lIIIr 50c 30 `: nn Pupils prepared for ');ono w M uazc examin abions lead in UVUCI Conservatpry mix up ti) and including the A.T.C.M. degree. Studip--.-King Block. P bone -12%. ` __.____.________.__.._ UD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.`M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal 15 Toronto Conservai Musxc examinations leading nn r om b'ts., Oice hours-9-10 1 ..______./._____ , .. DB. E. G. TURNBULL Grgduate. of McGill Universit L.: .1. smrisou, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGE Office and Residence-CoNier St.. 9 Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phoni _._...__.__...._____~ xmpeml Army. 44} lconeral Surgery and Ohm Oice-15 Owen} St., I Phone 710. P .1 , . _R. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. will be It _9l Owen St., Ba '6. every Saturday. Duane: of Eye, ar, Nose and Throat. Consultation houre--ll 21.111. to 5 mm. Barrie, phone 2. Toronto, North 3320. --nu n.III|.. G LIIILI - Phvysicians and Surgeons, Barrie Ont. Oice and Residence.---47 Maple Ave. Office hours:- 1- to 3 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m;, or by zippointment. Phone 213. A. 'I`.'Littlo. M.D. W. C. Little M.B. j un. W. A. LEWIS '_.< Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simone - ---and-- DR. R. E. IVES _ Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 Ofce--58 Collier St. Hon:-s:.8-9A a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 p.zn. DR. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner County of Simcoe Oi `and Residence--Corner Toronto 3. izabe_th`St.s., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167 un. I-Lu A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Rom &`I_los'.s, Benin.) 7 Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army. years. . General Obstetrics especially. ` Owen St- Barrio- C. W, Plaxton .' v_--.`~-- v.vu n -vniv us aauu BARI._ISTER',' SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block. Barrio. _ aura us murwmauu Bzirrister_s_,- Solicitors, Miary Public , Conveyancers, Etc. ' Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oice-13 Owen St.,` in Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch Ofce-Elmvalo. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C.VMurchisop. -u--:`-no----I vuvruuv Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and administration, and General Snlicitor. Notary. Conveyancer. etc. Office--Hinqa Block, 8 Dunlop BL, Barrio, MONEY TO LOAN .:........o. ul mcum Umversii fnce and Residence`-~Corner 1 Bradford Sts., Barrie_. A P nu Ron... 0 In RKDENHURST & HAMMOND BARRTSTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrio MONEY T0 LOAN ' PLAx1`o`Nm a. PLAXTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. ncr:....-. `In ! 9 V--. n-_::.x:_._ No. DONALD R655. LL.B. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN . u.u.uu L .121 0 DULIUA L Una, no I Oioes: 367.3 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. plnvfnn I`. IL-.-.I.... DI. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE E.-3.-. -_J B.---A A ~ DUNCAN r. McJAIc, B.A. Suqcessbr to Creswicke & Bell L A I\U\1r\n-Iva:-n AA- .....__...._ ____ _ . - v u u vu|u'-`L1 Hall} '90 3 one Toronto,` North on. man A. nos; .. A": n... nu ALEXANDER cowhi` oh. w. A. LEWIS nu nu-"I hi .... -- -1 1-n' BOYS &_ MURCEISON MUSIC4 :'.DlCAL No. u u LLKIJLUAV ce:-Egier corner cl Phone 275. g Vllln G. Gordon Plaxton. nvulvl VEPUCIIII . '>t., Barrie; P. 0. Box 1075. ---_.-------1.- Jl u_y , mun areal. ' Elizabeth and Phnnn 1 n: c., "E.T.()i.7|;1`. '.GEON ' and ingre. roots prove every the w ham : W0: Lydia Ontar Pink Ail: v. ..-u one J Mrs. P98 `I71 11100`: No. $---Vigo . . . . .. No. B:-*Lillicrap's No. 7-Lungman .. lNo. 1--FergusonvaIe . No. 2--Base Line No. 3-Phelpston . . . . . No. 4-`--Elmvale a to 1 coal..- 1- t -wv--u--cu-6 CIC-C- corner 7 Sothia and Mary. Street: Manufacturers of `S355, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling. Moulding, Water Troughs, ' `l`an'ks, etc. We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and `Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles uad`-=Pte.pnred Roofing. Wood"1`urning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done - pmmptiy. Gonbult gs with your building ilziau pg. __.__ ' 11-00 I Ward 2-a jto c . dtoj LIIII Ward 3-: Mfrard 1-11 to (if e to m n-to z ....-may -qtoz.`. Railway Poll . . . . I-DUI .. Ward 5-3 too .. d toAh itop .. q to 2 Ward 6-9. to e .. fto_l._. _.L-- ' "mtoi Ward4--atoc.. dtoj._. k|t0I!l LII III) I - o u . 5~-Grenfel . . . . . . 6-EdenvuJe_ . . 7-Anten Mills . 8---4Ferndalb .. . l_---Dalstpn .. . . . . 2---Midh_urst .. . 3--Cundles . 4--Minesing a to -I V Inf:-no lllluvlo no--u . 2--Lefaive's a o I .M .m tow: . 3--Lafontaine [auto 11 ` .-L-.. . -x--vvycvzuu . . . . . .. 5--4McAvela s a to Is... ' we BarrieI?!=a-aim! (Em-nnr Qnnhin 1 guui 4--Wyevale R___.Iln A . .1 an. U -UlV[IVUIB O 1 to z . 6V~-Gi-been .. 1---~`Wyebridge u to 1` min . ulalllnu Q 3v--Cain's .'.. . 4--Seeler's .. . 5---Tory. Hill . . l--Brentwood . . . . . .85 . 2--New Lowell a to m .103 ntoz . . . . . ` 3~--Cain s .' . . . . . . . . . . .133 . . . . . . . . . . .16 . R___'l`n-up 11:" H0 -. nnvullls LI LU mtoz... !......t..I guvu otoz Vcsprh Sunnidalo Penmng rye _ scorrs I)l\l\iflIl"AluI-I TiY- F lo: Kllul" doch ...l88 ...l34 ..1ll I. I saw l.`L'l'l UUID .'.Mur- Simp- doch son` . .930 2.151 . .889 443 \ . .972 415 . .572 293 . 1047 235 . .799 ' 306 1047 3.39 .129 LIIUI" doch ..s2 ..7o .;22 . .79 .123 .127. .194 . .75 .109 .,s1 :40 .39 572 Mur- Simp- doch " son 0 ! `f\ ` Ulul" doch ..136 `.135 ..I28 ..56 AD 972 Ii5' .180 .111 ` Mur- Simp- rlnr-B cnn KIUUII . 130 _. 124 . l00_ . .91 .122 .122 .102 ' ..9_3 930 Simp- l\II Phones`:--j Rcdonce 353 41 20 32 Simp Son Cl\ Gull 26 17 31 ll! 2151 2-L 15 Ell U!) 12 10 415 Lsimcoe Marble` Works] Simp HR 53 54 DD .133 . 133 IUU 145 135 11! 133 127 .. 114 .108 111 103 124 `58 97 87 .111 53:? 26 - 64 - III} mun . _5A'_1'G NEEDS 33 37 HI! DUI] 41 37 50 51 IE _ 272' 4580 5 E I `Total majority for Johnston over .483; over Anderson, 2290. Total vote . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . ..17\ [Vote Polled .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12. _,Unpolled . . . . , . . . . . .._....;4, Rejected Ballots . . . . . . . . . . . . Declined Ballots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ofillia Midland Goldwater Vic. Har. Pt. -McNicoll Orillia`-Tp. Medonte. Oro " Tay Matchedash Collingwood [C1-eemom . . Stayner . . . . Tossorontio Alliston K. . .2 N ottawasaga . Fan 2 Totals ................ .2526 2927, " Totgl majority for Evans, 401. I . um [ Tottenhain a to m -. LA_ Bradford - Bradford (No. 1) ato In ...107 n- to z . . . . . . . . . . $.60 , " (No. 2) . . . . . . . . ..92 - Majority ~for Allan 885. H [U sconc- f0l!1` -4.-- Call and see our`iiciis`p-lay of monuments before ` purchasing. Our stock of imported and domestic granite is well assorted, and prices right.

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