Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1923, p. 12

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ICIJIIAGIU g 18-23p ' nuuuvuca, per nag . Hay, per ton Butter. per pound Eggs. per dozen .. `Chickens, spring _. . Ul on Barley [U55 Ouucouuolqnu Buckwheat . . . . . . Potatoes, per bag av nor Gnu !LISCUMB-Mr. and Mrs. W.'N. Liscumbli I announce the birth of a daughter. Min--E ion Frances, at Barrie. May 14. 1923..., } McAULEY--Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mc-' Auley, Barrie,` (nee Ethyl-Maye Lowe)? announce the gift of a `son (William: Herbert) on May 16, 1923. . 1 .McCALLUM---In the R. V. Hospital. Bar-` rie, on. Wednemday, -May 16.. 1923, a daughter to` Dr. and Mrs. McCallum,i Churhhill. ' ' ?0ROK-;In the R. V. Hospital Barrie, on Wednesday, May 16, 1923 .daughter_ to Mr. and `Mrs. H. A. Oro . Ross St., "Barrie. L k . - I WALIJWIN-In the R. V. Hospital. Barrie. 1 on Wednesday. May 16. l923.a'daugh-i ter to Mr. and Mrs. John '1`. Wallwin, ` Barrie. - 1`HuasnAv WHOLESALE Pmczs No. 2 Fall _What .............. .. 31.: (Lu... "' lanwolt nuuucauay auu uxursuay. The Progressive Music Club (pu-I oils of Miss Bryson), assisted by Missf Effie Dobson and Harry Shannon, vocal,_ will give their -annual recital- on Tuesday. Ma_v.22. in the S. S.3 room of Central Methodist Church.` `Cards may be obtained from Miss {Program will commenceat 8 o clock.i Bryson or Miss Dorothy Scott, Pres. . u-vv. yawuc UL Ina uwu 1lllpl.'UVl5lllg'. ' . The work Mary Pickford does in; the dual role in Little `Lord Fauntle-3 roy is said to`be by far the best of * ,her career. Her sympathetic inter-} pretation of the mother part is a? I, startling contrast against her por- itrayal of the boisterous, mischievous. _ exuberant boy. -- New Dreamland, next Wednesday and Thursday. I The prnarnauiua TM'nn.-. I`1..L I_-- I |u$fl\:Ol\lIIUJ la CVGII IIIUIU lll1'I\Uuo I Mrs. J. I_-Ieard. 15 Ross St., was in; Port Perry on May 8, attending the funeral of hersister, fMrs. J. Orr,` j who died at Buffalo, N.Y., on May 5.5 Mrs." Orr was a formeryesident of: Port Perry and was many, times a; visitor in Barrie. h_____, I! Percy I-Ioadley of Hamilton gave! an. organ recital for the music coin-Q mittee and choir of the Collier St._i Methodist . Church last -_'I`hursday; night. i A particularly striking num-9 her was Over the Top, 9. descrip-I tive piece of his own improvising. Thb urn-nlr Maui: `D..I..L`...'...l J--- 2.; PAS'I`URE--200A acres of good posture with running water; rates 65 cents a mouth for year-oids. 85 cents a month for two and three-year-olda. R. J. Groae, Churchill. T 17-22c s. .... `I5 lava, uu vcuvno ' Wm. H. Richardson, formerly of. `Edgar, died at thehome of his sis-. |ters, 40 Macpherson Ave., Toronto,g `Friday, May 11. Although in failing health for some time, his passing. gway was quite unexpected. _ _ _"oua u v A I \ a A an LL- .....--- .'...___--- ` `of these new _machines. I qgvv IQJ '1 LCD \`VlVC UIICAIJCUUCUIQ -Have you seen the new improv-I ed Hdover electric` sweeper? `Otton Hardware Co. has "just unpacked` 12 With the ten`big' new features, the Hoover's superiority is even more marked. `INT..- T 1'1 --_-.1 1- 1-5, In 0 ,......... I 150 authentic `war pictures will be on [exhibition at Ovenden" garden party and sale of work, May 22, from 3 to 6. _Aid of French Orphan Fund_ and. V. 0. Nurses Fund. Tickets, in-' cludingtea, 25 cents. 117.... `I : 'n:..L__._I_-_. L-.....-, 1 A nan w W Ill nu, nu S, yclllllllao _A. J. Tuck has purchgsed the wall- paper and paint stock of M- Holmes and is selling it off at any price. Calli early" for bargains. ' 20p. Several loads of logs were brought; to Gracey s mill, about four miles` south of Allandale, on sleighs after: the snowstorm of May 9.- nniul nlhliunn -1. A... 4-`. -4. LL -..- |vIn\o -auvvv vvsun Ill. AVJGJ U. l - Official gures showV that there, wereten degrees of frost on Thurs-; day of last week. `On Monday and Tuesday of this week the mercury` _dropped ve degrees below freezing` point. ' `IEA -..LL--L:_`__._;. -_:..L__,_`, , In I Qollla a Q nuvw , Lula uv yllv Iv uuuuulcu --Don't forget May 24. Keenan 5: Kennedy are headquarters for all kinds of `reworks, fia , pennants. A I mlinb `nan v\IIun`unnn;I L`... .....`I -vvnu-anav_a VI: Q V1.0 auvavlvllvln A numberof Barrie people will be in Toronto next Saturday to` see thel King's Plate -run at the Woodbine. 'n'...u. A....._. II ... nn 1r_._, WWI |V Barrie. N. M,;MYERS Raw Furs Hides PASTURE TO LE'l`~-Lot 17. con. 2.. Om`. Aim! (2. If `l.t:..l.I:.... tn-.. Inna n...._'.. BAM JOS. MARRIN MARKET SQUARE Su cceuor J to BORN" I-Ilamilton gave -7_Thursday I V In oi-a-:1:-Inn. uh... ! ...... .. -70c! .. $1.25-1.40! .1 .... .. 75cI ...... .. 60c 312.00.15.00 ` 30-35c 23-25c 25-28c $11.25` 50-55` n - n o .- Qnnnonnl 81.25; 55-60c_' -l\_ "sIo'6:76'3 A . . o - . . "403 I All accounts owixig to the estate of Mait- hnd B. Holmes or Barrie Wallpaper & D6c- nq Alva 1 outing 00., are now due and payable to` 20 . D. J.ARebum, Authorized Trustee. ..:o R.ENT~`Bright. commodious, steam~ heated offices Apply H. E . Jory. King Black, Barrie. _- - M 20-22c BLJIPIIICIIDG U1 HOW Iifn We will "gladly demonstrate any of the above cars, and if you are interested in the hurchase of a. gpod used car don't over- look the "above. any one of which are real good buys and worth considerably more than the price quoted. . The above cars have been marked down fan "below their real value as we must clear our stock to make room for spring shipments of new cats. ` `I71. mill "ml...-II A`)-...._..L-..L- -_-. -t LL- 1916 Cadillac 8 Toufing. motor, tires, up- holstering and top in good condition, mark- ed down for quick sale to 8650. ' 1919 Hudszm Supr iouring. good me- I I chanical condition, cord tires, spate tire. Marked down to $465. 8 Cylinder 0ldsn{obiio?ouring, 20 model_,; `tires. top and. upholstering good. Motor_ just gone over. A real snap at .8835. 3 __ 1 H915 Cadillac 8 To&i;1g. in `good shape. Price; only $550. |`K.49 McLaughlin Big Six--7 passenger Touring, excellent condition_ all through. A wonderful buy at 8965. M Q iD.55 McLaughlin 7 passenger Touring in] good condition. A real car for power and] speed. For quick gale $495. I E.50 McLaughlin "Sec\IT, #7 pmsenger, very I rgood mechanical condition, tires and up-I aholatering good, paint fair. A real snap at, i 3590. _f 1 PASTURE TO RENT. AppIy.to Mrs. Bird. ' 88 Sophiq St. 20c V I 43A Four Cylinder 21 Oldsmobile Touringjn perfect condition from. tires to top. This! lcar looks and runs like new and is a real gsnap at marked down price 3935. < 11920 Baby Grand Touring, motor. tires, paint, top "and upholstering in good condi_- ,tion. A real snap marked down for quick isale to $500. _ I HN USED CARS L EAT GORRlE S 354-360 Victoria St. ,T0ront0. 3 LOOK OVER THE FOLLOWING:- {EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 3's'4.?s'c3'/iEIo?iZ"sE'e t'," . ` Toronto. IHURSDAY, MAY 24, TVlCTO_RlA DA Y, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED. `5 only Boys Tweed Suits, one 29, one 34 and three 35 s; these suits are a nice shade, best of linings, and with belt;` prices were $10.00 and $12.50. T Clearing Price . ...... . $530 oys A Navy Blue Irish Serge and Tweed Suits`, nice styles, best of.li11ihgs, sizes 26 to 35; these suits sold at $22, $20 and 516. Special Price . . . . .. AMotor Cars For Sale Q1795 We make a and you can FOR SAL )--l00 acres `fertile land, good hush. 300 maple trees, large bank barn and out buildings. good l'rume-house, a lovely home; 2 wells, orchard. full wheat, spring crop sownwa going concern--2 horses and some iuwlements. Mail delivery and phone.'l 5 miles from Barrie on gravel road. Apply Examizfer office. 19-20p f The Hub BootShdp BE'I"I-'I-'.R I:'nn'nm:- A D The Oxford` illustrated here is 'made with Goodyear welted sole, in brown calf-skin. It has a rubber heel attached, is a good-tting. last, and we're proud to offer it to $5 `I you at . . . . . . . . . . . . For Buying Shoes Herex -_- -But the Foremost Is That We Are Not Satised Unless You Are. T he special care that is taken to fit yourfeet ensures you of the utmost in service from the footwear you nnrrhaen from nc Men's Greb Work Boots, black or brown`; sizesand half - sizes 6 to 11,_B1ucher cut, special value $4.50 Men s Greb Boots, smoked elk, sizes 6 to 10, Blucher cut; this boot is big value at $7, special price,,'$6.00 Men s Brown Blucher Cut Boots, plain toe, sizes 6 to 11, with light soles; this boot is big value at $3.50 Men's Fine Dongola Bal. and Blucher Cut Boots, sizes 6 to 10, regular $9.50, special price . . . . . .. $6.75 Men : Greb Box Kip Boots, Blucher cut, rubberheels, sizesand half sizes 6 -to 10, special price . . . . $6.00 Boys Brown Argentine Kip Boots, Blucher cut, sizes 1 to 5%, made by the GrebzShoe Co.; if you want a boot to give you good wear, buy this at. . . . . $4.50 Little Gents Grain Blucher Boots, sizes 8, 9 and 10%, special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.75 Boys Tan 4-Hole Lace Oxfords, sizes ll, '12 and 13; . this shoe is extra value at . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50. . " `J " Jarrie RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ntar[Q Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French ' emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. Health record excellent. ' Limited numbers. makeea specialty of tting children's feet p can be assured of the best possible fo ' at the lowest posslblevprice. venben Glollegg znrrip RESIDFNTIAI snunm can nlnno BI-2'l'!'ER 1=oo1'wI::An?? Young Men : Tweed Suits, some two- piece and some three-piece suits, nice rangeof golors, sizes 34, 35, 36, 37; mesa suits were sold at $28 and $30. FOI'I`S'I.\l.E-~W(-.ll located building lofs. `one! hundred dollars each; easy terms. Address Lew Howe. Lewiston, N.Y. - 20-25c 5 You should see this line at the small price You want to hurry. Don't miss these values. 4 only Meir; n;;.;a s;.;;;,sssizss 34, 33, 37, 42; these suits are big value at $25 and $31. .Clearing Price $1435 --vvv wuss \rl\r u\lI\c It ypqvo blearigd rie only" . .1 77.. I'"3_95 "For Prospectus apply to Principals I11ID1I%I-$I purchase from us. `T N Women`s Oxfords, dongola kid. Here's a very special value which we know" will give every satisfaction. This M ..L_, V -..'-----v vnvuo shoe we have priced uu n\.u\.nn 1nDl.UI\J.`.a unnu I0!` sale, 10$` 11. con, 12. Innisfil. Plenty of water and good fences. Apply to J. H. Nixon. Bax` ` 1044. Barrie. telephone 917W. M 15-.20p ' Giles, who died 2013 5 AMA LLJ&VLl|'JA" "AI dear wife, Mrs. ' nassed away Ma_ Some may think While others say. But. little do they that-'5 there. (I!1_ V-lllllcfl LU) LX'l| Kerr Lodge Members are r accommodate hr W. F. RONALD. {ITO ` GIL$--In loyin (\:l_; ._, IIHICII I It is stated thuq has consented to Conservative con T Monday. } HOUSE FOR SALE. seven-roamed brick.l all Acouveniencc-s; small stable, mom for! car and horse. Central location. Real good buy. Apply J. R. Reid. Brown's Bal ~ 20t. c . (`()UGHEY-~-In 1 ,,, _ r.` I. DU GDLUHH lvlll Gilbert Roy war! A I Juhvo The officers tu lodge are l'( qu`.~ room on Saturd: to attend the fu l'Q2Il___; T1,, n,II -201 nuE.1_v. . R. M. McCo Stroud, May 14}, Lefroy, o All parties in txke notice and `"91 ; .. .. 0 Munici The first sittin for the Munic-ipa L11 is'%%'1'x'L"'i.o"}} f\.... I}, I I- "U;-;- ;;..cn_4 |r\ ,. Our Public Damage in. panies rcliow ibihty. With full joy of n ...._.. _ .. -- I 50 AGRES PASTURE LAND for sale, not! 11 (mu :9 t....;.m 91...... ..c ......... .....x! Ph Agent for_ To consider be faced sql will survive oug; insurzun burned or st drives withu insurance in bling with 21 he may on-r courts haw- sbo_uld be pm $17 A T I L ,. , \}IJ\.'llL`ll'A`llI ll lmg Edrey. `w! 1922. Death often co We love more ( {But love in don What love in IE V-_I.)ODFOR|). - `If, I! I`. l\IIJl }i am h .2 Ulb [)ll' '1 MR. OI AUTOR Corir'1t:hia.1! ... Estimz Good vvm 2 cents per we: ------I BRICK HOUSE for sale, uli conveniences.l Apply at No. 2 Penetung St. 20p Z FORD SEDAN I-`ORBALE. 1921 -model. Ap- ply urkalph R. -Un-y, phone 453. 20c 181 Tom COURT . yvmcm HOT W! Thornton, 4 THURSD ya-u 1'*u\ Aylmer Corn, SPECI4 "{{.}21e, $28 4-bu A __. -.l ..- 1u.u\.I. I -.I.'1u\.L'u!4 Ill`4(\`l.l pure ureu D1101`!- horn cattle for sale. The second annual `urey (`-ounty Shorthorn Breeders Associa-l tion Sale will he held at the rFair`Ground.s. Mnrkdale, on June 1. -at 1:00 p.m. 'All from fashionably bred Scotch -families. Every animal inspected by officials of the ` Live. Stock Branch. Department of Agri- culture, Toronto. Nine months` credit giv- en on approved joint notes or 6% per an- 4 nnm off for cash. Positively no reserve. 1 Every animal will be sold regardless `oil price. Write for catalogue. T. Stewarty: Coops-.'r,_ Secretary." . - 20-2lci IFORII---lxrj Wo(')dfurr|.l You MC( I121 52 Gom- EL CON shop where you ir(o: inv!tod;to alloy,` FRESH cow FOR SAvLE-A-pply to '1`. A. Plant, Alfred BL, Allandalo. ' 20p HORSE FOR SALE~-Huckney driver, 6. years . old, sound. good, single or double, price reasonable or would exchange for heavy colt. Apply Box 1083, Barrie. I. ` I VV\I |7Il\Jl\Illl\ll\L` Dull]-A` I0!` 6816. year oldyat real bargain prices. see them before you buy elsewhere; also Barred Rock eggs. $1.00 per settixxg. H. M.?Dyment. Barrie, phone 368. . l2tfc' FRESH cow FOR SALE--Apply Fred R. `nan Qhnnhy Run: nun tnlnnhnnn - onn BOAR. FOR SALE. Yorkshire White. Ap- nlu I A MHIG D D 1 " ":f'J\IIDEI` nknnn CATTLE FOR SALE-~-Two registered Here- ford `bulls, 16 and 18 months-old. Also some young heifers. Priced to sell. J~. A.` Patten & Son, -Box 65. Thornton P.0. 20p Jrwo SHORTHORN 1_3ULI,s for Jane. 1 man. nlzl `up "ml In ........... .. .-..... 51...... 'l'HIRTY-'1`-HREE HEAD pure bred Short- hnrn nuln fur unln 'I"l-no umuuul ....u.ml "_""""""""""'"-1-'.'T ONE YOUNG COW fora Freak. Phone 652. I'l\vL'5Jlvl \l\IVV 1`\IL\ Day, Shanty Bay, Oro telephone. lJ\llIl\r -l`\IL\ D1114!!!` l.Ul'l\|'lJ|IU VV'llIlIUq lip` ply J. A. Mills, R.R. 1; Midhurst, phone 199113. V 20-2.5;). BULL FOR. SALE~-0ne registered Short- horn Durham bull, 14 months old. Apply to Benj. Webb, Stroud. 17tfc HOUSEKEEPER WANTED---Apply to" Box` "W" mvnminnr ninn On TWO GOOD MAIDS wanted; Apply Supt.. Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie. _ 19-21c MAID WANTED, for general housework. Apply 130 Collier St. 20p \J'JI\IJ UIV VVUUUILV VVTILV LIYJIJ, Ulp-IIU Ul oking after two children for afternoons. Apply to`*Mrs. W. A. Harris, 56 Mulcuter 8t., phone 657F. ' 20 can wvn, uuguuuo pr `33 Collier St., phone GIRL on WOMAN WANTED, capable of `nnlnn such! fun: nlhlrnn `nu nfnl-nnnnn raluu FUR SALE--78 acres, lot .18.; con. 8. Vesprs, 70 acres cleared, 8 acres fall wheat, 25 acres seeded down. ploughing all done, good buildings,- 3!: miles from Barrie. Apply to Wm. Goupland, Barrie P.O. Phone 607r33. V 16-21p l1VJl;I'UEll\l3II3I'l`JIV 7751` W Examiner once . ALL KINDS or JUNK WANTED sud ape- ciul fowl. highaat prices paid. H. Levit, `RR nnllinlv Q1! nhnnn Kl`) IR.0Rn Live A Stock For Sale Property F or Sale Property To Let :a:m`For Sale x Autonipbiles ` Help .Wanted " bale; Apply E._ M. 20p IJI}Il|ll`n 20p -12----: FARM FOR SALE-- Lot 9,. Eon. 11, n? D il Annlv in "In Inkn AI-nnnn D uvuv, l8~23p ] 11" 209 we cunts velvet mite. `I-IE spun-IeaI_,c0llI!' Sud nandsome In one scene he ceuainly does f `duasod- bo. up or -I-yr` Little Lord Fauntleroy" is undoubtedly one of the most appealing storicsevcrscroom ed. It is rich in color and human interest, and Mary Pickford,` who plays the character of little Lord Fauntleroy, is allboy, despite the curls,-his spot-less collar and handsome vnlvnt unih hi mm. mm... 1.; -....s..:..I.. .1--- ;-- HAIR DRESSING done by Mrs. D. `C. Howard. Bring your combings and have `gt good switch made." 26 Mulcaster St. l9tfc SOW T-HEM NOW--Spencer's long-atem- med and Fetry'a superb mixtutes of sweet mans. hv Irina, n1 nr IR v....s..I..I- ...'...I_ -I-- uwu uuu rqtry 3 superb uuxwtes OI .8W0t pew, by the ox. or 1b.. Vegetable seeds also. T. N. Hobley, The Hub, Tu and Coee Warehouse , zop V PIANO TUNING--For zst-class piano tun- ing pho_ e Harold Webb at 400. or leave orders,- W. B. Webb : jewelry store, Al- landala. V ' 17-22 GARAGE-Repairing a specialty; also tires, tubeaaud accessories. Browning's garage. half mile north ofchurchill. V 15-2011 1 - CORSETS--'Mrs. Heard, .15 Ross St.. has received another job lot of corsets, which will be disposed of at a much reduced rate. rruun run unun- 11 31,. won. 11, um- nisfil. Apply to Mrs. John Bobimon, R. R. No. 2. Allandale. ` 16-21p ruunu--muwr Incense marxer, on 1311128-_ beth St., on May 15. .0wner `may have same by applying to Examiner office. 200 Fob VCONTRACF available in Elmvale and surrounding territory. Apply Ford `Motor Co. of_ Canada, Ltd., Toronto. V 20p D0 `003 SPRING CLEANING properly by having your bhimneya cleaned. E. S. Jones, 113 MapleAAve., phone 540.}. 16-21c c-::- LOST on Tuesday, May 15, pair of tortoise shell glasses. Kindly leave at T. N. Hob- ley's store for reward. _ 20p `LOST---Mink choker fur, on Owen St.. be- tween`Worsley and Collier, evening of May I8. Finder please notify _Ex'aminer. 20p F(5UND--Motor license marker, Eliza-. hath Rs AII M.... 1: n..._.._ I_.... I.--.,. LOST--Auto marker No. 84062. Finder please phone 61 or leave at Examiner office. I T 20c lLOS'I`--Lady s umbrella, silver handle wi h |monogram E.M.R." Finder "please phone 183 or 470. . 20-21p S.C. WHITE LEGHORNS hatching eggs from high producing stock; Barron & Ferris .struin. $1.00 per setting. $6.00. per hun- |dred. Also choice Delaware potatoes. J.l .L. Marrow, 14th con.. Innisfil. Phone 634 i'r2. ` V `~- 15-20p WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS-~Bred-to-lay strains from Guild and McLeod. $1.00 per 0 13. A. Malcomson, Barrie, phone 447. 14-22c PASTURE--Big creek pasturage; two hun-. dred acres. mite west of Stroud. `Limited number of cattle taken. Salt furnished and charges moderate; would rant or sell. Apply early. B. F. Quanta, 55 Mary St., BE:-tie. 1 -20p `EGGS .FOR_ HATCHING~-from 2 choice `pens of Bafred Rocks. pri'ze fowl. `bred-to-" 3113'. $1.00 for` 13'. Apply S. J. Fisher. 64 I Collier St. 16-21c I un|AV1L)1;l'4Ll Lt\J\I'|Vl LU IIEJL. WIN] 3! conveniences for light housekeeping duties. $1.50 a week. Lady preferred. Apply at E Examiner Office. 19.20;)`; RO0MS-Two comfort-able furnished bed- [rooms to reut.`Apply 95 Collier St. 29p ROOMS TO RENT at 23 Owen sc.. by day ,or week with home privileges. Phone 186. ` - - . - 17.22c] RO0MS--'l`wo or three unfurnished rooms to let, for light housekeeping. Possession at once. Apply 36 Mary St; V , 20p FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. with all nl\l\IInV\:nI\lInn can glut Iu\.....J.......!.... .l-.L:_.. I GAS RANGE for sale. cabinet style, four burners, 2 ovens, warming shelf. used one year." in perfect condition. 825 for quick sale. Phone.568 or call at "Mrs. Thos. Smith a, 9 Albert St. ` 17-21p u----u:--. BOA-RDERS WANTED by Apply at 77 McDonald St. iuuuruvu run a:1I.cr_-`l.lle Ulu NSIIBDIG ' Preston Roofing and accessories. and Brant- ford Ready roofing, one of the best. Sold right and laid if wanted by R. J. Grose. Churchill. phone.I.efroy_. T 15tf_c FURNITURE VF0R~SALE-.-Divan. rockers, ! walnut sideboard, dining room chairs andl table, portieres, bedroom furniture. Applyl at- 144 Bradford St.` V 200' FARM FOR SALE---78 lot 18,~ 8, 7" not-An nlnnoml Q Inn-A. fall 1166?:-Na FOR SALE-_--Th_e old reliable" 2 D......4.... D.. ..4':..... .....l .............. _.x n_._.-_-; STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale. Variety that produces largest crops of fine fruit. Write -or apply W. F. Shepherd,"1`ollendal, Allandale P.0. . < , 16-21p FOR SAvLE---2 hanging lamps, splendid for. summer cottage, also pretty china and brass parlor lamp. stair pads and pictures. 22 Wellington \E. , .19-21c FOR SALE-2 iron cement barrows, stone barrow. 40 or 50 scaffold ropes and number of plank. - Apply A. E. Stapleton, 46 Well- ingtop St}, Barrie, A 20p OONDOR. LAMPS, electric irons and fix- Ounnn `Ag nnhu `T nnnnnn an .-lAn...._ 4.. _...A. FOR SALE--Cream separator (Premier) nearly now, also set of single harness. A - ply l5'Gro\'e St. or B01 : 884, Barrio.. . W .'IIl`l` ' 951`-\ vuxvuvlv unulr, uwvbnc Illll unu Ill` tures for sale. .Vacuum cleaner to rent. A. Sutcliffe`. 28 William St., Allandale, nhnnn 002, ' 1 Q-9I\ 9 LTUDVIIIIU` Shane 993W. V SINGER SEWING MACHINE for sale, in r-nLn`oms nnnrH:nn 1,-A-u OH; nanul E... I DILVUIHIII DEJVV LLVQ UIGUIIIKVIH 101' Cu, 1"] n-at-class condition, very little med. Sac- rice at 840. L Apply Examiner office. 20p T0 LET~`--Living apartment and offices to let. W311 be steam heated during cold " weather. 8.` W. -Moore. V 20c FOR SADE-Good rubber-tired buggy; also prices right on harness ' and all harness goods. Apply Harness Shop, Thornton. 20p Rooms age! Board Eggs for Hatching Lost and F ound "c21"; anunxrzuax xv lJl!l1""lJUl 1!. Gun. 4. Ul'0. Apply G. W. Hickling, Box 1096, Barrie, or Venier Hickling, Edgar. 20c

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