Zilvlrs. Leo Gaudett Found Relief and, H Tells All Sufferers to Use Dodd s Kidney_PiIls. V - ~ - Saulnierville Sta., N.S., May 15 ~[(Special)-The value of Dodd s f;Kidney Pills as a household remedy Liis shown by the following statement iiof Mrs. Leo Gaudett, a well-known ' resident here. ' I suffered with kidney trouble, 5 Mrs. Gaudett states. I took Dodd s `Kidney Pills and have received great sbenet from them. I think they are lvery good. 1 1171.-.; int... n_.- -- 3'That s Why Nova Scotian Lady Recommends Dddd s Kidney Pills. ! i sun RECEIVED GREAT BENEFlT _F5oM nugm i Motdrs killed 185 persons in New` `State last month- `yum unsv vuala; Faith," answered Pat, as rosy as one of her own` pmk cows. -he was here because I sent for him,.then; and as for giving, in V [to me, what would he do else, the way it gwas he d maybe want to please me. and I I marrying him before themonth is out! 1 But Dr. Blake! cried Miss Mead. and (Dr. Kerr. passing through the comdor at that moment. paused to listen. Will you tell us -how he came to be here and to give in to you like that! luv` -.1 Q` - - . -.,. nanvo i It was easy, said Pat. talking over Mr. iCroesus s conversion with the aids and the l llllI`8PS several days later. As soon as I 5 found out he -had grandchildren of his own `that he was crazy about I knew he'd a soft `spot I could work" on. And there was" Rosie right next door and the circus and all." T |n,,. r\ I'll I nu . . __. 5 III UUAE: ' Mr. Croesus s mouth relaxed in the grim- |mest- of smiles. I used to be kind of a Hlubster with a. knife, he remarked. If {`you'll bring me some of those little fool ele- iphants and the things to carve I ll try my ,hand at them. I gum that will `be circus ?enough for me." NY. in . . .. _,-.. -.-_.--. vvv nun C G`: CA` iclaimed Pat, laughing and running: back to Mr. Croesus. It would pay you to build the new hospital just for` that. And. oh. but I Swish you could see the show yourself. Mr. Bro ol-cs! T I! I .. --:1- rur\lIr\I_| The attendance at last Sat-urday s local` g. market was smaller than usual. Seven; slloacls of potatoes, the largest offering this: pfyear, were selling at 60 to 75'cents a bag. 5zDairy produce was fairly -plentiful. Butter ;'w-as being sold at 33 to 40 cents a pound, .'wl1ile 25 to 28 cents a dozen was being . - asked for eggs. Apples were being sold at r :25 to 35 cents a basket. Vegetabl remain: led firm in price. Green onions and lettuce liwereselling at five cents a bunch. A few 1-ftins of maple syrup were being offered at `82.50 to $3.00 a gallon. No meat or hay z _ was offered. ' 9;Butter ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-40c lb. i `Eggs . . . . . . .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25~28c dozen ~ fChicken.~' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 lb. i}Older fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c lb.` j Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c lb. |,Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c l Carrotso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2_5c basket '|Green ni ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bunch i Onions . . . .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c basket I s g Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . .. 7c bunch `, Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch l'I'urnipsi .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 5c ] Cabbages . . . . . .; . . . . .f . . . . . . 5-15c each `Potatoes . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l5-20c peck , Wealthy yxples . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 basket 1 Tolman Sweets . . . . . . . . . . 95 kc-elm` FOR THE BEST IN BAKER S BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD and a full line of PIES, CAKES AND PASTRYA Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sts. i iover the sill there, Jones! Quick, Rosie, 5 the elephants! _ ; Majestic and splendid, the great beasts [moved out into the sun. They had little_ houses on them and shining trappings, gold and purple and scarlet. Behind them came the horses, black horaes-~dancing arid Lprancing. and with beautiful ladies, all :gauze` and spangles, riding on them. There; ?were chariots, gold and silver, and monkeys `and dogs and ponies and four. five--fifty-- ,clowns, not standing on their heads in the lnarrow ward, but leaping and tumbling on 'the.grass.` V I wish you could see her eyes!" ex- `claimed running xMr. Croesus. It wnnlrl nnv m... +.. :...n.x .:.- 5 vv culbuy pills g Sweets Rusaets . . . . . . . 3 Spy apples . . . . } Hay . . . . . . . . . . ;Maple Syrup .. I Blake!" `Miss : T(nI-r !\nL\n:v\n- 6L........L LL- Relieves raked bag, gar- gef, spider` or infection of the teat, also thrush in horses. feet, . stula, .8- OLA..- I.I--.`I3..... -4 III slut. EGG. IGIFJIQ etc. Stops b1eedil'.?""{ once. `Removes proud glesh, soreness and swell- ng. T MIDUIICIUIEQ Olll DOUGLAS & C0.. NAPXN. Ont. THE FARM.ER S FRI`!-`.TN_D` SATU RDAY MAR KET Manufactured only by :14: A. (an. NADANIEIE, . . . . . . UC .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 35c basket` . . . . . . . . . `35c basket . . . . . . . . . . 35c basket per ton $13.00-15.00 . 82.50-$3.00 gal. The Double Tracli Route % bgtween ~ 2 . . on o:.. L....L-L ` York Totlal outlay for th\ clearing of snow from -Montreal's streets and pidewalks for the winter season amounted to $805,000. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch A Miss Lilian E. Neve. Nurse 67 McDonald Street. Telephone 681. Application for the nurse's services may be made direct or through your doctor. 13tfo , [Auto Licerggg nvnuuo lilo lVI\rruIur FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED Over Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Barrie. { unarler Phone Main 5874. H. J. Welch. C.A. VIVIFY .., .. "aw. u.n. u. u. uampbeu, U. A. T. E. Lawless. C. A. W. S. Hulbig. Production Engineer. Manager Cost and Efficiency Department. _____________________:_ MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinabions leading no to and including the A.T.C.M. decree. Studio--King Block. Phone 424. j .._...-.... . .nuu u , mua.u1I.`., I . I .b.- Teacher of Piano, Organ. Vocal, and Musics! Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew s Presbvterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory 0! Music and of the University of Toronto. II3 Worsley St. Phone 663 j vv vviv name.` out. on; E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence--Corner Elizabeth and Brnrlfnrrl Rte `Ra.-.:. D1.------ in! u._..uc auu n,esxuence--uorner nxuzabeth and Bradford Sts.. Barrie. Phone 105. Office bours--9T-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-T8 p.m. ' UHIC I Phone 710. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oiqe and Residence--Collier St., corner of H Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 275. -j '- on. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. Wst, Toronto. will be as 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. '. ` Consultation hours-1l am. to 5 mm. 'Barrie, phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. :_ on. rheo A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie.) Late Surgeon Specialist with the ` Imperial Army. 4! years; General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. Office-15 Owen St Barrie. sphnma. 710 A "D-- """' --vu n-tuna-h I5 Iulllluiu Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Ont- Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. Oice hours:- I to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. Phone 213. A. T`. Little, M.D. W. C. Little M.B. DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Disases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe --and- DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 A Oice-58 Collier St. goursz 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 p.m. _______..___..___..._._._____ IlI'In I1: Ir I`T\l`I`L|- Associate Coroner County of Simcoe . Office and Residence-Corner Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167 S C. W, Plaxton. 9501'-f1'i'f'A'iiER s BOYS & MURCHISOW Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public` ` Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oice-13 Owen St., in Masonic Templa Building, Barrie. Branch OIco-Elmvalo. W A 12...... 110 no n n n..__1.:___ v---u--uvw-cu vwvvrsui Barr'wter,. Solicitor for obtaining probate oi wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor. Notary. Conveysncor. etc. Off1c&-l-Inna Block, 8 Dunlap BL, Barrio. MONEY T0 LOAN BARRISTER. soLicrr0R. E'l`C. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block. Barrie. { PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION Special attention to younger children. BOYD SYLVESTER Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band. 120 Bayeld St. ____._.__._._._,..._.___....__ R. J. EDWARDS & EDWARDS I8 Toronto St.. Toronto. R. J. Edwards. G. RI Edwards. B'.A.So. llu DUTIIIO X QUTIWQ 78 Dunlop Street Over Reeve s Jewelry Store. NERVOUS A AND CHRONIC DISORDERS PHONE 406 or call at oice for information on any disease. EDMUND HARDY, Mus.Bac., F.T.C.M. `no-1.-- -4` n:..-- nu I MISS E. GOSNEY TAILORESS Suits. Topcoats. Dreses. Etc.. Etc; 2 Adelaide Street, Aljandale. LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL chfd Am-nnno.-.0. Tl-l'UjRSDAY, MAY 17, 1923. Pate Ten aAneuH_un1' a Hmuoun BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barri MONEY TO LOAN " PALAXTOVN .1 PLAXTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC, Offices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W plnvfnn I`. I` _n-4-In-. DI--ca Masor;ic Tfemple Building W. BELL, Issuer Successor to J. Arnold DONAALD noss/. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC." Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN Miss M. McArlhur DI7`II(\T\1.`1 1' f3I\ A iv-\ ___ DUNCAN I-'.MMcuAIc, . B.A. Qnnnngmnr hm (`up-nonyinbn 1- DAN uununn r. uIuvuruu,~D.H. Successor to Creswicke & Bell |Ai\'\vr\o-vats AA- -...._A_ _- o-v FIRE lN_S-U;{'A.NCE ons. LITTLE & LITTLE ._.-_- __.| A DRS. BURNS & BURNS - TD flu-IA- Q0 .-..A G-8-SmiIh&-cm wu, Iv:.I.\al"l a DAMP Chartered Accountants >:n K974 :n v._... =1- CHIROPRACTIC Z Qwen St. ALEXANDERCB;AIAN on. H. 1:. ARNA: ARCHITECTS ual I la. 1): auuu ULI lb`U*l!4lLIl V IID. '9, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchisqp. MEDICAL K MUSIC nu rIIavVUllllIlO 59 Yonge St.. Toronto. G. D. Campbell, C. A. awlega T`. A Phones:-Zovffizo I83, Resi-d:;co ass . vns. G. Gordon Plaxton w., unulc. P. 0. Box 1075. ing with >011] Italian pn.\u( malw a lllm mood. Italy amcorrl in re-.~ Gemmny flu last few mm the quick um and Belgium plied to, the M though noitln accepmble. ` tunity thus note to. Ger; Allied front. by French p1 been slate-l l the Common.- Of more mm is the fact I mlini of Ital ference. and preniior urn 'l"here'hn.- he limt p Italy. `,ir-u lmd9r There urn Empire who or oth(-mine during the may be loft (H7 ......... B-u nuynurl haps. Bur third party political can xleither so they we-rv The tinws ` cautious. IIUE. This is :n changn. In well as in parties Inn-`o for public :4 with the raw in pl'(`. known as r. has :4 familiz be strong vu- look of the I their respect on this run campaign of get anywbe lino Imp..- (`'11 Ill I)rHi Russizt unle- started it U10 r(*l::li;:I; British `part not ym fit 1 Russia statcsni an .` The seizure contains a expect:-d tion of hr prisoned fis' ganda in B ters in whic she could (-1 ed. The pm and othvr ; is 3 note In it with Ihl r .ispla_vvd i haw i~' Rri offvnu-'.' I Simcoe Marble Works 20 Owen .St., Barrie G. W} J. EASTMAN, PROP. Phone 277 V R. c. MANUEL, MGR. FULL s nmvm J v-u- - InGo Balance ? //J $24; 45% FORD] FORE $150. All we} paymm the m1 ` aalns{ gum-at` The tho and lnsq While that t.o{ lo 'rHE~BAR51E.Ex_AM1NI;r_z_ b..LI:..I.-J _ __ _ __ The F950 Balnc Balanc 52-56 (JUST N THUR Axe Well - suppnea A gt; _. "`CJ" ' J. E. BlLLlNGSI`:'Y'- Depot Agent Phone 63 Call _and.see our display of monuments before purchasing. Our stock of imported and domestic granite. is. well assorted," and prices right. % % V YOUR RI-we uwns Ipuy. , Consult us with your building :3-4.- _-____ Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION 1 . OPEN DAY AND NIGHT DO NOT DELAY 'rH_o_. gbcaa sco1`r's O BOOKSTORE -__,.V_ Unefccelled Dining Car Service Sleeping` Cars on Night Trairis and Parlor Carson Principal Day Trains I Full information from any Grandlt Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn-2? ing, District Passenger Agt., Toronto `I1 III: I nnuannnn ---- MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT ` and CHICAGO Esfablishid I865 .11: rim...` :5 MacLar_en, Editor. W. C. Walls, Manager, ' Phone 82 Barrie ur"-. uuur sinus unn "lPll' D0f`l`S. I So now. stenmhg off the elovator wnth her _ahHket. Pat was nnt astonished when Miss iAVIen of the surgical w-ard hailed her. It'q that case` in our nrivatn ronm. Annex A. =Miss_ Allen exblainedz; `Wlr. Croeslis we call `nal having :3 1l.....l.. an `-4- -A - mu. nueu exmamanz, Wu`. uroesns call. him-`-hi.s real name is Brooks. He has no businessnto be here anyway, obloated bond- I.-u vvuu uimu umm cu mmllu HM] 'napp1ness.| Pat was a highly popular aid; she was so nopular in fact that she really was a privi-l `_l0P.'9d character. Patricia may or may not have been her name`; if it were not. every-. [one thought that it ought to have been. ;Everyone called her Pat without question. -She - was extraordinarily pretty. and the |sweetness of her voice was only less ravish-I `inn: than the sweet t-hinszs she said with it. ;Whether it was a bit of blarneyiyor -the ap- I peeling sparkle of herlblue Irish eyes or the obvious tenderne.- of her warm Irish , heart. certain it is that she could do re- ,mnrkable. things with the difficult or` frac-l ` tious patients. . ] TC unn nnnlrl nnuv 4km..- .......L. L. 12441-. IJKIVIHUII Ul nu: os_vcnopu'mc WEN]. And Pat's infectious, and gentle lauzhter_ at the side of poor. hamlted _Mnrv Fusell -wou_ld charm away the voices" for her; and Pat's sure now. mavourneen`. `tie a grand necklace _ve ll he making for Pat. [would warm the sad heart of little Timmie `Doane. )And once their flngers were busy. l "l mrure would have at lexvt a fair Qhanceto hem! their souls and fho-ir boI'l`e.- Q- ....... ..L....._:-._.. -2: `L- _I-_,_._, __,9.u 1 WunfYES`7h}.".:L~:"*'.2-E.';.-7:;."-1'9 lanai:-Byuclnu. Jug m- 11'3" UWII WII. Camels. is it?" Pat flashed back "a smile in a danle of white teeth and cheeks like roses. They're easy. But does it I ,be saying anything about elephants in the. , Good Book, then?" 5} Dr.'Kerr stood aside to let `her pass; and, .j leaving him slightly `bewildered between the lidazzle of her smile and the rich brogue on . 3 her tongue. which he suspected her of as- hauniing just to tease him. Pat slipped by `him to put some of her animals away in lthe work room and to fill her basket with e ' Imaterials to take up -to her ward. `)_` _____ __ _ I .1 u|`nlIt; ul um-'1..D (llVlSl0n. - ' 0 Pat. Miss'Coop'er says will you try what Y0" can do with Mprv F-reel`! She`s `hearins! the voices again. and nothing stops xthem like work." That wmd be Miss iavison of `the os_vchopa*hic ward. An!` pn"n :nnnG:I-nu: null` lDnv\n `nn..`-L ..- laluua puueuus. I `.`If you .could say three words to little Timmie Doane. PM-: get him to string beads or something. He s so homesick nobody can 5do a thing with him." That would be Miss u A fCrane of the-'I`.B division. T Mn 13_`_ "g__.(I___'__ ___`_ _.:II _,, , . ..,. .v .,...`u my 'c\r .II\4l vvulllo Pat was an occupational-therapy aid; that is to say, she was one/of the corps of busy g_voung women who taught knitting, netting. lknotting and all kinds of useful and omn- lmental handicraft to the patients in the big ihospital to help while away their time and it-"o woo them back to health and "happiness. P91 uvsu R vhiohlv nnnlnr nix` - J-an Iuvnu an v-u- vvxwr vuull` WI? uau ll` anal _vc'LIl'. ' This court is better." said Dr. Kerr, They'll -manage some way about -the gate. It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. you kn`ow."Ahe added. smil- ing at his own wit. ' l`........I.. :. :49 n..; Bl-..I__J L,,L -, yuu lulu yuuneyvs on. . _ . Dr. Kerr nodded. He had known of more than one desperate case of homesickneas and discouragement that had -been bettered if not cured by the coming of the circus, the glor- ious and soul-stirring event that once every year on a magical `blue morning in May shook the hospital out of its dry bed of `routine and flewawayy with it to fairylond. For days before the event the thrill of it would be in theeair. For it operations were nostponed, and regulations were suspended. -By it for three enchanted hours distinctions of class and custom were levelled to the ground. The most distinguished physician was not one at all in comparison with the i humblest Pnntaloon. and the starchiest head nurse'could not compare with the lady ` contortionist or the least bespangled of the ' bareback riders. Doctors. acrobats. nurses. clowns. policemen and pa-tientsmingled in I I an atmosphere of sunshine, friendliness and 1 good cheer that lingered lone after the lost echo of the music had died and the last elephant had lumbered away _in the rear of the receding procession. Quinn 1 l I.-me mun-u'I1g procession. Sure. `Would be no circus at all witn- om lhe ele_nhants,_" said Pat. lifting her tray and starting for thehdnm-. It was in the west court we. had it last year." ` Hrl'!L:, ,,, 1 .. H .1 .. _. l -u-..v.v way an nun vulvu Elli (Illa I Die!" echoed Dr. Kerr. He would not} _do vthat, would he, with the circus com- mg. He would not. -declared Pat. But only for the circus I don't know would they be able to keep him alive at all, and him the :pitifulest~lo_ol little gossoon ever you laid youizeyes on.. nu `(nun nnrlrlnpl `Y1. In! I........... -t ..-_...- uvu..u;uI: _ . _Sure." replied IP81. Her blue eyesi twinkled with mischief as she gazed demure i ly at her toys; she was well aware that the dignified young doctor was not pleased with 3 the Irish-that slipped so lightly from heri soft tongue. i`Dr.' Dowie was asking me."| she said. would I bring them over to let! little Micky Conover see them. He wasi hoping the little beasts would maybe makei Micky laugh, so he wouldn't die on them before theyhad him cured at all." H1\!_ H0 ,_L__,I v\ 17 Hwy unuvu uy um nvur. Dr. Kerr, the young interne. who was leaning in the doorway of the workroom} brushed a speck from his white uniform; and laughed. You got your elephants! through all right, Miss Pat," he observed, looking at Pat's trayful of little wooden: animals, guaintly carved and gorgeously colored. Been showing them over at the| nw_r`im1l9" ' UUIUI U111 medical ?" |iQ_____ VI And however will the elephants get thrbugh there, then!" exclaimed Pet, look- ing back at the little gate through which she had climbed `with her trav. It's stukl - they'll be before ever the -trunks of them are: in at all!" ` - l 71".. `:LL`-' ___L_ ,,,-, _. .1 I - I I I `es by the tall balconied buildings and on the III nu Elli The littlegate was set rather high in 3) thick board fence that closed the passage? between two of the big hospital buildings.` It was obviously the only way to pose from; the outer court into the inner court, which,- broad and sunny, was bounded on three sid- fourth by the river. nr arr v than ununu :n`nnnn ...L..` ....... Q can vvnauval cnnwu i .."u=j:_ l%II?QLIjj LL41- i v- _._V.-.@-,---c 1 `(Lit You can take out alife insurance policy in the Crown Life that guarantees payment of twice its face value if you shoul die by accident. Ask us about this specially attractive policy. Telephone now 789 ` h'ej-_..._...__-.----j Branch` Office` for Nortjl Ontario -+- King l0ks Barrie J. 31. NIXON 1. o. MATSON . -G- F. DOYLE, ` ~ A V Superintendent at ten u cnucx: -o_v_ nmelo clock me nails and the stars `and the elevators were choked with a radiant stream of nurses and pa`ienta' Crutchos, vbraces, carts _and wheel chain . so strict._ We daren't do anything without peered as abruptly as he had come--nothing . his permission, and he doesn t `come again could stop t-he triumphant course of events. Mrs. `Kidney Pills ~b'enet they ' What Mrs. Gaudett states is all that has ever been claimed for Dodd s Kidney Pills--that they are goodfor sick kidneys. The road to good health lies through the kidneys. If they are p ckept strong and well, all the impur- till next wee . i;The orderlies were summoned. -Pat knewiities are strained out of the blood Something ashed in Pat's blue eyes; but them. I guess that will be circus men. ~If they are weak and`0ut of Ordlf she said nothing, and Rosie went on laugh- Two doors came off their hinges. The bed; h ' . `.t. t . th bl d ' ing. ' V ' iwas lifted and.` tipped ever so little, went .t_e Imp? `es S ay in e 0 any The next day was The Day. blue. balmy Room for one more was dlfease `3_ the Sure 1'9lt- .Ddd 5 and wonderful. It was a-. day worthy` of made on a "balcony that was already crowd- Kidney P1115 keep tl_1e'kld11eYS 1 800d May and of the event. The sun shonegvand `ed with beds. The sunshine was brilliant condition to do their work of cleans- the river sparkled . The show. was to arrive out there. The music was coming nearer. ing and purifying the blood_ at ten o'clock: ~b.v_lnine o'clock the halls and V _ _ Every neck was craned, every eye was fixed; stairs the choked on that little passage between the buildings.` a radiant pa`1en_tc' braces, "numn. Steady, Brown, ease her gently kidneys- ...... .1... u uuuuv ucn. uIml"" I would then. :darlin." declared Pat.l Take ll}? `l" dW!" 3hte`l M" I've known as many as three of them to:C1'~`; Take an the d",'5 d`! go through a ward and stand on their heads B_9-Tik , 9'" }`l S"1'"-`ll '3'"! l_" 7 the atevery bed. At which enchanting thought l?1"S- 1'" build '8m_a new -h05P1lf`I- 5 Rosie laughed with delight, . lo:-derly- ~-two orderlies. I ll pay em! It's a shame. the child can't see the He need not have worried. Now that show." said-little Miss -Mead. the nurse,jthey had obtained the permission of the turning away with Pat. But Dr. Blake is`great mogul_--who by the way soon disap- . through nicely. Ask your neighbors if Dodd s Kid- ' - And noweomethingshines in it;somcthin g ney Pins do t make 3``( Xd& : `t!/nI~e";...'r.a:*..=" But you an Punk I Innvnn-Rnnn-.. an... ...n nun... % cIau.nu%uny1:,oanu. .. UR `!::%."`?..:&:.;;:".:";.4" umu,-jxuugueu wwn aeugnt. It}: _shane. the_ show. sald -httle nu: hn-nivuv numu quid. Dal -n_.; 'n_ nn 1 [me parade. , . `I wouldn't wonder if a clown woul_d come` in here where I could see him, would.you, Miss Pat?" chirped little Rosie Speck, alll athrill with the excitement and anticipation` that surged about her. Pat. to: [Rosie It's In nllnmn +1.. ..i.:I.: ......u --- AL! V-.. s nuuy vs sun uIIWUlUUlll!7 Vllloro i Thereafter Pat haunted Annex A. With Miss Cooper's permission she left her own quarters at intervals and sat in Mr. Croesusl room. where she `finished bits of the patients` work under his reluctant eyes and wheedled him into scraps of spasmodic and unwilling: `conversation. Also she spoke of him to Dr. Blake, the visiting -surgeon. and learned_ some facts not known to Dr. Kerr or tof Miss Morse, the head nurse. True, she had failed tointerest her patient in the weaving M boards.the cigar boxes, the bodkins andithe lknives; but she, was not disheartened. Will he work?" asked Miss Allen. 7 He will not," replied Pat. `But let? you be easy; he's going tol", I" Meanwhile preparations for the circus ` went glorioiusly on. A great ring was mark-7 ` Gd out in th in-nsnv nnnrf- and l\i\t\ .~---- I` 1_|uav wavc -11:11: W nuusen 8. DH." - _` 5 For it is no part of an O.T. s business to; be discouraged-at least, not as Pat under- ' stood that business; and if Mr. Croesus could have known it, he had by-no means; seen the last of his unwelcome visitor. j "\n-:nnlL.._ l)..4. I_-.._. I n - - .uumw_va uuu Deans to smng! [ Pat went away and closed thedoor softly, behind her. It's foaming at the mouth he is. she-said cheerfully to the nurse. -but `just leave -him to himself bit." T 1 For it is nn nart nr an n 'r '. :...l.:.....- A-- . mu; as uer uuurw were they were tutue. Mr. Croesus, it appeared, had no female rel- - I V atives and would not have wished to make 1 them happy if he had had any. She tried 1 talking Irish to him-~-the man might have 2! drop of it in his blood; you never can tell-- ' 1 but she seemed only to annoy him as she an-3 l noyed Dr._Kerr, and so she ceased to try. 1.` for Pat could put her tongue on and off as she did her apron, an immensely becoming garment. just the color of her eyes. Then she tried the circus, but that subject was 1 the last straw; Mr. Croesus was exasperat- 1` ed. What in thunder were the doctors -or [3 A the directors or whoever it was that ran the confounded institutionthinking of to al- 5 llow a. circus within ten miles of it! F'ools!'E Hadn`t they sense enough to let peoplelie 8 still and getiwell or die in peace and not ll drive them distracted with clowns and monkeys and beads to string! Pat. went awnv and nlnmu! 1-1.n*.l...... ....ta.I-- F puuuuca uuve 08811. (101113. ' - `I snorted Mr. Croesus, rolling his ` head back again. M Then Pat did her `best. She exhibited 3 the most engaging pink cows, purple don- 1 keys and orange-colored giraffes for Mr. Croesus to admire; she waved before his _ eyes knotting that could be made into bagsqi that. in their turn, when lined sumptously: ` by her. made the most attractive and de-! lightful presents for a gentleman s lady; friends; she told of Mike Scallon, who with one legstrapped to the ceiling and with one` arm in a sling had knotted five bags withg his left hand and had made five of his fe-, male relatives supremely happy. But mas- 1 g l terly as her efforts were they futile. H Mr. Crnemm, if. nnnnnrm-I 1.0.: M c.......I.. --1 I l I t Vuuuuruu uuaaxeu mm ms room. | Good-nwvrning, Mr. Brooks. _'. said -Pat. with "her sunniest smile. .I thought you might like to see some of the work"- my| patients have been. doing." l :H'nh!" nnm-I-ml M. n.......,.... ....n:.... L:. l..........;, 11:30:! uunca, uuuxuua uuu zuuves. , Mr. Croesus appearance was not prepos- isessing, even though he wore a gorgeous, `silk jacket over the usual hospital gar-b.| - His injuries kept his body quite motionless, : but his arms were free, and his iron-gray head rolled with remarkable agility on the: {pillow to view this new apparition that -had` `ventured unasked into his room. . `.(1lIlIIl_I'I\l\II\:I\:v I`- . D-~-l--- " --3r` 7` ` 7h?.?!.!EE'1E_Eml \ ~{---- ll holder like him! . He ought to be done up i` in purple- and fine linen and put -into a ` gilt-edged bed-well, you know what all mean. But he was spilled out of his car 3` 1; right around the corner, and the doctors-C Jwon t let him be moved. `He comes from it Texas anyway and doesn't seem to have any 1 friends here. S ' Won't he work? asked Pat. -1 | Indeed he won t,". replied Miss Allen. P l He snaps at the nurses and growls at the % social-service girl. Miss Lang offered` to" write letters for him the other day, and you _C ought to have heard him! And now Dr. t Blake says heimust have occupation, but V {he simply won't listen to it." ; But he shall listen to it then! said Pat, 3 1 and stopping only to thread Kirnpson s 8 [needle and to pick up Isa.dore`s spilled heads. I and to put a new strand of jute gently into . t 'I`ito's groping hands and then. as she passed 11 |on her way through B3, pausing to stoopll `with a smile and a caress over the bed in If] ,the far corner where little` Rosie Speck'g ilay pinioned in her plaster cast. she sped I v on to Annex A, which was next door. In "B: ,her hands she carried toy animals, weaving l\ iboards, cigar boxes, bodkins and knives. Ila , "nu I`-AA:---- ----``-A*` ' ' THE BAR]!!! EXAMINER ever. u me am nseu could be moved-"` 3 Exactly.." agreed Pat. eagerly and glam) :ed at Miss Mead. who by this time had come iup to care? for, her little charge. Mr.[ }Croesus s sriort of approval echoed across= `the passage. She could." Pat added be? carried acrow thehcorridnr and out on the] zbalcony--" ' h 1 "I'I-no Inn! ....... 4 _. AL._-.__L 11., v H: uuuJuu_Y"' . The bed won t go through the ?door."` gMia9,Mead interrupted her. "We meas- ured---" ' urn I .1 u . .u - - -A Ill K'lVV!'- - - ,i Dr. Blake examined Rosie silently, glanc- 'ed at the "chart. hemmed and hawed a little l--oh. if he`would only hurry! Then, "I! Whink," he said with a perfectly futile eat-i `tempt. to appear as stern and iron-jawed as` lever. if the bed itself could be moved-"| I F31.-and-lv " mu-am! D..L .........l.. .._.I ..I__- so vvuuul ma wuuc. 1 6 ! Bribery and corruption, and within the :'very walls of the-hospital! But apparently Mr. Croesus might have spared himself thel `words. Under Pat s blue eyes a change `seemed to be taking place in the surgeon;, everyone observed it, a singular crumbling, and disintegration as if were of that inflex-3 ible will of which the entire -hogpitnl stoodi in awe. n__ n|_L , - I - B` . . . V ~ . . vs-uu av-2 Juarez JAIL? l ,l Shall I ask Dr. Kerr?" cried'Pat. sud-S ,l`denly spying the doctor s white-clad figure: _- beyond the door. Maybe he could help us. _ Dr. Kerr!" She was out in the corridor, _. bregthless. Isxft there someway littlel ;::;2f:;:t :.::`:::.t.:>e *`* W *1 uf__ ys____ _,__V._' , ..u u . \\ . .l V... -.u vuu uuuuns ~ ' _ 'i'e;lv him to say she can!" roared Mr.- Croesus from -his beg, Tell him I'll make! it worth his while. T I I uut luv uuu uul H1118 I0 1058. U U1`. , Blake!" she `exclaimed, quite asif she were `speaking to the elevator boy himself instead of to one of the most distiguished young .surgeons in the city~-a man whofat that lmoment wore besides a faintly astonished 3and outraged expression a look of hauteur ` and of stem, iron~jawed determination that ;might well have awed a mere occupationall itshearpist. I'm so glad you've come, Dr.l Blake! We want to see if `little Rosie Speck,` can t go to the circus!" (`In In 1- . Oornerusoohia and Mary Street: Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, Tanks, em. . We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber. B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln. Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. ~ . (`.m\anl| ... ...:n. ......- L...:u:.._' a ansu m mum. ' , Dr..Kerr's jaw dropped. Speechless, he; `gazed at the amazing spectacle of Dr. Blake himself stepping calmly from the elevator, as if set direct by the hand of Providence. But Pat had not time to lose. "0 Dr.` R`nbn "` c'1n'nvnln:nxn:l unit.` ..,. if ..L_ ._._..- vuvuuuu U1`. DHIKC S uurnomy. _VOU. KIl0W.V'; And if we 'were. to be sending for Dr., Blake. now?" ' 1 V Sending for-" Dr. Kerr seemed to have lost his breath for avmoment-. Rea1ly,i Miss Pat, he began. you doxft under; -stand. Dr. Blake is--" ' 7 $4111.... L- 2, an - vs . - - 3 ' a few minutes, if you please, Miss Morse."{ 5; Miss Morse opened her mouth to speak but ) "there was something in -Pat's eye that made; 1 her close it again. After all it was Circusl )lDay. And the door remained i open.` i,'.Through it presently, when.Miss Morse was; :`gone. stole a faint, unusualsound. Pat, llwho was busy gathering up some work in' |`Mr. Croesus s room. did not notice it; but_? ; Mr. Cmesus did. He rolled his head rest-l lessly and fidgeterl with the bed-clothes. I III`, 1 uruuns I! an anxious. i 1 Oh, I'm afraid not, Miss Pat." said; ~Dr. Kerr, rubbing his fingers uncertainly .through his hair. We can t do anything! wit-haul: Dr. Blake's authority. know.` 'were Dr. Blake nnw'7" ' 1 `auulu. ul`. Dlulifi IS-- i There he is now!" announced Pat with: a sigh of relief. ` n.. I.'m...`- .I......--.I o..--4LI-, L: `ace, ur. muxe snys-- A I . *\Dr. Blake, stormed Mr. Croesus, is 3 the most. stubborn, stiff-necked, pig-headedl ' loan of a. doctor that ever lived! I haven't 1 3 a doubt the child is perfectly able to go to` _ the circus. It s just his-" l I ubnLA,|| 1 I vs V nil . .-_ u um u HUI mame net. I Dummies! To let a child cry like that. and ' , Blame her! I-Ieaxens-'and.earth! burst? out -Mr. Croesus as the little sobs continued. Can t they do something about it? Foolsli a circus right out in the back yard!" i hf` _g__________ H _!.I I ! . I H-- -. -.-.._. .3... nu au lulu uuvn Jcuu; I "0 dearme, said Pat nervously, You see, Dr. Blake says-- :1 \.hr Rlnlm =+n..m..A M- r\..\......_ u:_ were matters of little moment once they had helped to convey those who used them to- within sight of the court. Cots'and cribs: were set down on elevators and carried out i into the court, where circles of chairs forl the more fortunate were placed thick around ! the magic sawdust "ring. The balconies were crowded; the windows were filled. The! air was warm with sunshine and tense with E expectation. And Mr. Croesus lay alone in: his bed, and beyond the partition wall little; Rosie Speck lay in her far corner. ` I); I')_A.I_-_I.._4 2, .. J I tuna IJ(1I\l\Il4 I.4l'\I'll'IILVLaI\ every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Pnce--Canada and Great Britain `$2.00 Dr_ year in advance (in arrears 82.50): United States. $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. 0ANi ELLATl')NS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscrip- llous interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notified to cancel, we annme the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at per in Barrie. J A I'nn'.lI-An Wllibnu "" `l""' "VJ "' ""' '3" "v"' 3 But Pat hednot forgotten them--not she! She. knew things about Mr. Croesus and 2 Rosie, too; she had her plans. She hurried to help. Mix Morse with Ikey Ernstein and`- to move Mrs. Conor's chair out of the sun, ~ and then, with her hair blowing in the wind, i she turned back into the -workroom. II`l.; l)..a.I 1)--.. ,,_- .1 . - - - an-4 v u. uuu uuuu `nu mu ulc 'W UIlu'UUlll . Fly -Pat! Run up the stairs; the elevator`. boy had left his post and is at the east win- idow, watching. Already. there is a faint, faint rumbling like an earthquake, and a 1 distant thrilling of music like a giant crick- lettuning his song on the breeze. Now if only the telephone may be trusted and like- i iwise the heart of man. `If the message. sent` `more than an hour ago has reached its .2021! `uuuw nu wt: wuru. I 1 But think of the elephants, darlin',"f iurged Pat. There _isn't an elephant alive? fcould be after coming in the ward. And the horses--think_of them_!--with the beau- 3 tiful ladies riding on them and you not- seeing them at all." Pat was near to ters_ `herself. ' ` 5l`I1L,_ 9, AI 1 I 1.1: --- -A .-ucnacu. _ "Why is that door open?" Miss Morse; asked severely a. moment later, stopping on her way through the corridor. It was a; door that opened on a little passage be-' 'tween the ward and Annex A and usually: was kept shut. ' ~ - Thu 11:: g-nnnnn.l -1--- "I `I'I..L ___-,,I ' I ` w an xwpu auuto. 4. `The air seemed close," Pat explained` gently. The ddoxhshould be open just for: few minutes, if Morse."' 1 l Mina Mama nnnnm-I kn- nu-mot. 4.. ........I. L... . Lvuatc, wxuapereq rat, mending close Iabove t evlittle, eager pale face on the pil~i low, would _you ,do something for Pat?! 'Would'you cry a little for me now, acushla, 5 ' with everybodv down there having the grand I time and you up here in your bed?" `-D..4 ...L..A. 1:..- _L__,n 1 n\\ .1 ' ........ u. `yllll uy ucx Lu yuur ueu: I "But what fot should I cry?" asked : }Rosie. It wouldn't do me any good,1 - wouldit? You said there might be a clown ` `come in the ward." I I D..L 41.1.]. .r A`._ ,1 I URI 3 , I I A ' o n . . ' Rosze wluspered Pat 5 bendin I -b0Ve ERIE!` naln `fa:-A nn I-mac B1818 1 PHONE c. mzowu