-[ of that Cold ! ' ilk OLA ntunnl - pared for her. She had made her hurried She was shown to a room which she nowl occupied, a curious little room filled with Western knick-knacks, and evidently prev toilet, and was wondering exactly how she could summon the attendant, when the door opened and a Chinaman walked into the room. BL- ,__-_ -L _.__- LL_L L- __--_ - _ Jill-.. ' mg. She got out of the palanquin, stiff and aching. She was feeling depressed a.nd'un- tidy, and in no mood to meet theman of her choice. - 7'l'I1_..-. ......I.. :4 -I...... A... I.-- A.L..A. ..L.. _.:..L; HUI` UIIUIUC u They made it clear to her thatehe might go to her room, and for this she was grate- ful. L._._1__ A`.__- _____ __ VII_II____- L..L AL- Again there was no Talham. but the commandrof the escort was at pains to explain that possibly her lover, would not be in till later, and that he had not ex- pected her arrival so soon. (`I I`! I IUUHI u She saw ai once that he _was of a` differ- -ent class to the men'who had escorted her. His garments were of silk and beautifully embroidered, his face was almost ascetic, his` mien lofty and commanding. T `\I\r\n IIAII Laura nunltulf-k:nn \1nII Ilvnrlf , WIIII (I03 ID HIUQII ' The officer rode by her side, and chdtted in such English as he could muster. T6 Annnnnn On I`fAI than Dllfl In sum: nnguan as us cunuu uuuawr, It occurred to hex` after they had gone some ten li on the road to ask carelessly. the meaning of the words -which the strange Chinaman had employed. T(.. Ig-u " unnnnbnn-I than nnnnlnf with I: UIIIIIHHIIIII uuu Ul.l.l}llU Ul-lo Ko lien," repeated the escort with a beaming smile, he mean makee tpiecee l\`l" aouy. , Makee piecee eolly," she repeated, so it meant I am sorry for you!" Why should he be sorry? T - 12.9.. aka Iunnu-nirvuu` ainl um: nnn-u at: us BUITJ 3 V H Later she understood, and was sorry enough for herself. `Inn zlnnnnnn nun: `nl-fhnr than Eberts,0nt.- I started with cramps ! and bearing-down pains at the age of - - eleven years, and I would get so nervous I could hardly stay in bed, and I had -such pains that I would scream, and my l mother would call the doctor to give me something to take. At ei hteen I mar- iried, and have four hea thy children, but I still have pains in my right side. I am a farmer's wife with. more work than I am able to do. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound and I feel that lit is helping me every day. My sister;-in-law, who has been taking your medicine for some time and uses your Sanative Wash, told me about it and I recommend it now, as I have received great relief from it."-Mre. NELSON Y0'r'r, R. R. 1, Enerts, Ont. '1' --.1:_ In n2_I_u_-_."n_ Iy_'__L--Lu. ti-"-_ enougn wt uensuu. - Her destination was farther than thirty miles. They halted that night at a village where rough, -but reasonable, accommoda- tion was providedofor her, and H00 Sin was promised in .the morning. __..:I `L, -,_-._2 _L_ -1: A_`__I r-v-.--.-u. -.. .--- ---_-_--..u- But it was not until the evening of the next day, after hard going, that they passed through the deserted streets of 9. big city. and turned inrto a walled courtyard, and _came to a halt `before a handsome build- 9 JIHUH IUIlry unu UUIIIIIIBIIUIIIE. I hope you have everygthmg you want, he said in perfect English. Qkn nnurn a noun II: Ln!-inn `nun nhn inn- IIU azuu Ill PCIICUIJ lllllsl-I311: - She gave a gasp of horror, for she rec- ognised the voice of the man in whose power she had been before, ` He smiled genially, reading her thoughts. Yes." he said, smoothing the breast of his silk'jacket' delicately, _"I am Tse Soo, whom your friends `bottled up. " , LL_L ,,____,__,!_,, ..... .. 4...... ..-.....-... ~v.v--... `- There was something in that expression which had been particularly hateful to the man. His weakness lay in his vaniuty per- haps, and the implied reflection upon his inability to evade the English police had rankled; iGI\_LA.l__I ___ 39 L. _._._L.._l ._ __-!AL ,_I:-I_ lSU- You must let xpe lea_ve here at once, she said. : - T on _... --__.. n_..; _`;_\.__-; L- .1--- H L- _- sue atuu. I` I am sorry that cannot be done, he re- plied coolly, "you see you arenot `in I-Ioo Sin, you are in Tai `Pan, which_ is my particular stronghold, and where I hold certain rights which you would describe` as feudal. I owe you an apology," he went on, for telegraphing to you." Then it was you," shesaid. He nodded. I thought you would have guessed that. Hoo Sin is some distance, he went on, and I am afraid your lover is pursuinghis _ war-like preparations in blissful ignorance of the fact that some forty li away the `lady of his heart is a prisoner in the hands `of his worst enemy. What use was there in arguing with this | She made no reply. . I `~ man? Whatever was to happen no word of hers could move\him to pity o.r compassion.` She must face. whatever had to be faced with all the courage which God would give iher in her extremity. l ` u`I`\i|``III\.'lI1 Qnn uni v\rn`Ann `|:n 1y:n:dvn I Clliliefillllllg . For two long days, where every minute I seemed an hour and every hour a year, she was kept prisoner in the little room under the roof of the Yemen. No indignity was offered to her, her commands, such as did not procure greater freedom of movement, were `instantly obeyed. Even `her food was cooked in Western style by Soo's own chef. ,,II,,I I.!,,, 11', T __ A- A`__ A2,, nuuuuu. Bottled up," be repeated as with relish, I and now I think I have you `bottled 1'1-p K a`an 7 [HUI 1!] DUI UAUIUILIIU - I .v I Fortunately Soo did not prolong his visit; he made a fewenquiriee as to whether she !was comfortable, and left her having first brought into the room` a Chinese girl who was to act as her servant. ' V `VI L-_.- .I-'.2_l-.I _.L_L `I -I__Il J- ___24L u-anrvuvu Lydia E. Pinkham s Ve etable Com- pound is a medicine for an ments com- mon to women. It has been used for such` troubles for nearly fty years,-` and thousands of women have found relief ;:egi_d_Mrs.` Yott, by taking this splendid xcme. ' , . Itgou are suffering from irregularity, gin!` 1 times, nervousness, headache, ache or melancholia, ou would at once begin to take Lydia` . Pinkham s V tab e Compound. It is excellent to Q`-nvuobun-n J-bu- auuuubnung --J Ln`-. L- -.._ W115 I'D D00 I15 KICK Bl.7l Vll|Ia I (I have decided what I shall do with you, was" his parting speech, -and you `may be sure it will be something highly I entertaining. FAD `urn `Ann Anita nvknvn Aivnnnr I-vu:n1In I` They called him Ho-Lao-Ae, the river! Mandarin," and the name of -Tse Soo eeem- 1 ed to`-be unknown to them. That he was a -person of the greatest importance she re- alised from the .fear in which his servants held him. 1'1`- I_-.I _.-L......-.l ..-__ 15.----- :_ LE...` L- HUI nun. He had returned from Europe in time to quell a rebellion which had brought about the death of his distinguished -parent, and` a- multiplication of deaths among other par- ents not so distinguished,` for S00 punished swiftly and terribly, and the execution rnue. , She repented it, Ko lien." ~ What does it mean?" "1. L`:L-> _-:`A Law `an: 3:1`: ,'Q[UOI] . Ill? BXCCIIEUF WIEIIIE III! lull`, `-'5" _--`v---"".*""""" "" "" ` v.(rthe tliinii `night of her arrival, sis win A gwakensdby the maid who signalled to her to rise. The girl would have dressed, but the servant snatched the clothes away. Ed: 10:." nkg ..:.l luuun Lair; nn6`n:nn ITUII WIIB QTVIIHI IIIUKCIICII IIIIS UlUHI$ IWlyo . Puh P's!" she said (you have nothing to fear.` ). , V It was a conventional assurance, and the girl attached greater significance to the phrase than it deserved. EH; nun: 9:-nnuul in nub An lugs (`manning IJIIIIX IIIIII III. IITTVGL She was allowed to put on her dreasmg gown. and thrust her feet into her slippers, and she followed the beckbning finger. . through thedoor. `Wuhan mun nnf'|:n- in In: nnhuu-U Inn 1-nn:u'_I llI'IILlU VCI.V UCIIUIU U1 I/IIU dI}luI|IlLIClIlIa It was a huge glass bottle. ten feet in height. and modelled in the shape of a medicine bottle. That, in fact. was the design which Soo had given/to his avtificers `to cast. . !I'|L_ __'_-___. Ln I.-,,_ .1, ,1, ,1, , I -.1 I WCIU BIA IIIUII Ul IIIIC IDIIIVII \JllCI'\lv With terror in her heart, but with her head erect she followed the serving` maid V through what seemed innumerable corridors until she came to a door before which hung a heavy curtain of orange velvet. QLA `III! nae :('nn nu `II nv`\n6 nvnn ORA 5:nnA G IIUDV VI-IKUUIII UK UIVBIISU VCIVUU- She had no idea as to what was the time. I Her own watch had stopped. but from the, glimpse of sly she caught as she passed a_' window, she thought it must be nearly three! o'clock in ehe morning. ` ' Thu nnlvlyonf nn`Inl` n:|:(`n `kn nnn6:nun nit)` once uegm B0 EEK6 uyuxu` Ii. 1' HIKIIEIIFB Vegetable strengthen the system and help to per- % mum functions with ease and regu~ 1 - H l u uxuvn Ill wuc unurunug. ~ g The servant pulled aside the portiere and knocked~timidly~on the door, and a voice! 'ba:l e her enter. ..lI_.......l LL- ..2..I QL- -_.._ E- _l UIIUU 116]" cu IUI - I Yvonne followed the girl. She was in at larger room to that which she was accus- tomed. It was hung around with Chinese! embroideries, the floor was of polished wood, and divans, cushions, and little stools formed the only furniture in .the.place, save for a few carved figures and a huge hang-1 ing lamp suspended from -the ceiling._ It` was unlit, the only light in the room being a small la-mp placed on the floor within reach of S00. ' LY- ......_ LL--- _I-_`.- L..A. .__I_-L _.....LL 1.... ICHUU UI 'DUUo He was there alone, but what caught -her eye and held her was something which stood inthe very centre of the ap'a1-tment. ` Y0 iuna n I-Inna nlnna 1-\`nIrC-`n Gun tan` :v\ 'I:}::s.rvant left her; the door closed with E a click behind the girl, and she was left alone confronting this man with his cruel ismiling lips and`his sfy eyes. ` no Inna nnKn`r;nn- n (`l.2nm... vdnn nap` nvn T He was smoking a Chinese pipe and was `a model of comfort and self satisfaction. I'have sent for you," he said, because go represent thelast fragment of onposi- t n offered to me in Europe, and I desire `that you shall be disposed of with the ce're- lmony which the occasion demands. 'DI....s...-l .......:.... 5!... L..ul..".. .....J- .......-.. auuuug upo auu H13 any cyw. 1 IIIULIJ WIIIUH IJIIC UHUIIBIUII uculuuua. Planted against the bottle's neck was`a light bamboo ladder; inside. dangling from the top. and secured from the outside by a ring fastened tothe wall, was another lad- der, a ladder of silk. 'I'J'.. nncuv LL. _ . . . .....I .................. .2..- 1.1.2. I uuuugq` yuquuur. ' ' There was nothing to be gained by resist- ance as she saw, for in the corridor outside were six men of the Yamen'Guardl 11734.1. 1.-..-- !_ L-.. I.-_._L L; ___4_L I.-- GNU llII.lUUn When I was in Europe," he said cheer- fully, there was a phrase employed which interested memore than ordinarily. It was! the phrase of `bottled up." Now I- have never seen any human being so circum- stanced." ' `[1 . ,_.L. -I,,,,L, I - 1 - " I ..u i He spoke slowly, choosing his words with great deliberation.` And I am particularly anxious that this reproach should he re- moved. You will mount those steps, he pointed to the ladder, `Fand lower yourself gently to the bottom of the. bottle; you will notice that there is a down cushion upon which you may sit, and you will probably find it most comfortable." ~ Suppose I refuse," she said, He smiled again. . I think you. will not refuse, -he was very urbane, almost gentle of speech, but if you do refuse, I will promise you that you shall be glad to have that -bottle as a place of refuge." _ ' T-To llffnrn (`urn nynv-An nhsnunluv TL- J...-._.. LIGI, G IIILIUUI U1 lIl\u .He saw her wondering _eyes surveying this and smlled. H1'|'1L___ `I _,__, 2,, 'I1L__,_ _ H I I I I Entirely Remedied by Lydia` E. Pinkham s Vegetable | Compound lJl(`lUC U1 l|'.7lU5U- He ut ered two words sharply. The doors at `the urther end of the partment opened, and four men came in na ed to the waist; great -muscular coolies with scarcely any humanity in their brutalised faces, ' ........'...." ...........-a....a G... u ______ __ uuuuxuuay Ill Luau` uruwuseu laces, Suppose, . suggested Soo.---suppose instead of putting you into. the bottle and disposing of you as I shall in an especially novel fashion, I find a quicker death for you by handing you to these cattle?_ -Her hands went to her face. ` No,' no. no, she shuddered`. At 9. nod from Soo the men departed. Montez. said Soo mockingly. and she went u-p the creaking ladder without hesi- ltation. ' 'h_`_-,l I 1- .1 - - - Ivt'said much for the immense size and solidity of the bottle that it did not budge under the strain of her weight. She sat for a moment on the edge of the neck with her feet dangling in the cavity where, in a bottle of ordinary dimensions, the` cork would be fixed.` ' IL. .. " ....:..I 0.... ...._u _1_._-__u _L AL- WUUIU IJU IIACU. `-`Go on," said S00, and glanced af the door. CL- l__,_____,I I , In -.1 u u .0 She lowered herself with hands that shook, down the swaying rope ladder, and came to rest on a cushion below. She was in the room, but not of it. She saw Soo speaking; but didnot hear his voice t'ill.quit,e _a second later, when it had travelled over the?-neck `of the bottle and down to her. He came across and gave a` .pull upon the silk ladder and withdrew it, inging it down on the ground, and kicked the bamboo steps away; He spoke again, and his servants removed the only means by which she could escape. WA no m...l..A...l \ v -----.- I : Connecticut's Attorney-General pronounc- I ed the State bonus bill for ex-service men invalid and it will be withdrawn from the Assembly. L . ' `.16 DUI-IILI U&B1JUo (To Be Concluded.) A The revenue for some of the post officesi in this district for the year ending March! '31, 1923, was as follows :--~' 1 Allandale . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,856.86 Alliston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,634.96 ; Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,381.46 Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25,562 .45 Beeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . 2,745.06 Bracebridge . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . 13,007 .99] Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,512.41 Coldwater . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,854.97 Collingwood . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . .22,961 .91 Cooketowm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,257.85 lV....:_L.'.....L :on 0'! Bracebridge . V. Craighurst . . . . . . . Elmvale . . . . . . . . Gravenhurst . . . . . Hawkestone . . . . . . Hillsdale . . . . . . . . Midland . . . . . . . . . Newmarket . . . . . Orillia . . . . . . . . . . . Oro Station . . . . . Parry Sound.....` Penetanguishene . Port McNicoll . .. Shanty "Bay Stayner . . . . . . . . Tottenham . . . . . Victoria` Harbour Waubaushene . .. "A Methodist minister may oppose Hon. G. Howard Ferguson in Grenville. EXBRIIBIATING PAlN__,__l}|_iAMPS xxxxuxxxmxlxxxmnxxxxxxxxx . - ,.- 1:111:11.-;.4_ ;_ _-A % 2 ll X-I -l ]ll.lXIl.l1)- n')',-ff I: 2.3% A. 7 1 `Togo " x No_w!.vou can get i!_-again. POSTAL REVENUE SM OMNGTOEACCO Nomi; for the first time in years, you can buy the finest sun-ripened tobacco Virginia produces for 10. a package ; The ` kind you like to smoke-the price you like to pay. .Get a package of LONG TOM and celebrate. F-'in|"c"tTi'17g'I'"II'ii'I`:'1'1ici'r`i"" ' " 10 % 11,90! .0 '. 3,553.54, 589 .2? . 7,442.05 . 1,331 .87 713.003 320,220.71 . 17,147 .29 .40,588 .22 KRQ RA 568 . 64 . 1U,UUU . bu-I ' 115,036.55 . .8,587.45 . 2,428.93 019 OR " 3iES 4,875 .79 3,265 .75 2,656 .30 2,082 .91 YOU HAVE BEEN so LIBERAL To MY co-IA\~ruE*'aV I'LL BE GLAD `'0 MR 616415: MR`; DE em`: 'wn.L -, YOU DO ME A C-'A\/OP - I\/ANNA (.0 To THE puwo MOVER`:~ BALL-\ WIL}. woo A`:K MAc.<.|E I'M AI-`RAID TO Get a NUGGET Outt-Brush, tin of polish and polishing pad-card-- .board bgxes, 60; metal boxes, 75c --and With tlgrejc extra tms,45c, you can have ashme everidayfor ayear. A Whole Year s Shines. 2103.55? j t T Sh99'PT_s7I > BLACK-'l'AN-'l'0N'EY BED DARK SHOWN AND WHITE , -3 mt`; FEATURE Stnwcz. mc.. a * ~--~- Easter u':1.< 0 There was Inn` for such us won! terian padre Ink in >the celelyrmm WEB another uh,-' Presbyterian `pn- all denomimninn lican, who hum the chest and throat with A tran.~pm'x I4 returning frmn Atlantic. :\IImIl ve chupluin.-. :- in Saloniki. :1 H: Presbyteri:m.~. :: France. Afn-r held morv than :x ing orders. '1') `0fcers and mm get well :I('qu:Un 17: . ,B|Gl$SUES-311 THURSDA mean` citizc; the Who; milk usg \ II: A luxurious pnlanquin borne upon mules and lined: with rose silk `was a tempting conveyance. The bottom of the shaky,.;'vi.o`=` hicle wnacovex-ed with down cmhion. `Hint ndvelty of the silken. neat. pleased her. An in-unanninn Inmfnntlnr 'nrnf1I}|inD thddn. lIOVelly 01 we sulcn. nub. pmlaeu uvr. _ An impasaive V bystander, watching the de- parture of the `caravan sidled ug; on some pretext to where she sat and muttered under his hteath Ko'lien" shaking his head the ...L H- _