rain Buy adverusea things. It pay. GREAT BARGAINS HERE ARE A FEW or THEM Ladies Suits in navy and black serge and tricotine, 10 Only, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $15.00 Just Arrivecl-A New Lot of Dresses in tricotine, Can- ton crepe and All-Thyme crepe, sizes 16 to 44. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $25.00 10 only Flannel Dresses in navy, henna, bright blue and tan, sizes 16 to 42, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $9.98, One Lot of Beautiful Ribbons, including Dresdens, taf- feta and satin, some were regular $1.25, 50 yd. 10 only Winter Coats, all Our stock, for . . . $5.00 each All Cotton Batting for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c roll Pure Linen Table Cloth for . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.40 yard Children s Hand-Embroidered White Dresses, sizes 2 to '5, some regular $5.00, all to clear at . . $1.25_ each Mixed Linen and Cotton Huck Towels . . . . 25 piece All Linen Towelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c yard Ladies Silk Bloomers, maize, alice, Cerise, Copenhagen, pink, also shantung in natural shadepvery special price for this sale this week-end `. . . . . $2.99 pair One Table including Ginghuns, Shakers, Dress Goods, all at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c yard on; Table of Trimmed Hats, black and all colors, $5.00 l)0MlNl0N S'[0RES,LimiIed Come early. BackBacon,-Tb 45 Pur;Lardlb . . . . ..l9c ghonenin, 2'0 lbs . $3.53 I! IL _ 9|\_ `?:'u;,' 511.3; '.":'s; Crown Syrup, 10 lbs. 77c Lyle : Syrup, tin . . . 30c Maxle Syngp-- Qflnll Finest Sliced ' BACON, 1b.... , in Cial 'da Biscuiu,1b A. .. 15 Arrowroot Biscuits, 15 29c Billy Burke Biscuits, 23 Shiris Jelly Powders-- ' 50!` 25C suawbenyJam,Z1i.T.l Plums,2tins.,.... 25c VPinapple,tin 23 VERY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY BIG DOUBLE SALE POWELL.& CO. at Powell & Co. s WE sxau. TO `SATISIVVY 33 `SQ so; In connection with the 104th anniversary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows a. euchre party and dance was held in the Temple on Monday evening. The officers d.ispensed.with the usual program of speech- es and made the event simply a. social one There were more than 100 present. A. G: ` Bricker was winner of the gentleman`; prim `in the euchre contest and Mrs. E. Burgln" carried off the lady's prize.` Charles Kc- Martin furnished the music for the dance. During the evening refreshments were served. ` Sale Prices for Only. Shop where you're invited to shop. Peanut Butter, Tb . . . 23 Eagle Salmon, lb tin 25c - 1 IL 0'7- 1-Tb tin . . . . . . . . 49 Shrimps, tin 23 Lobster, tin . 29c and 47c Crossed Fish Sardines 23 W now:-nanny-ca --w as--- 1:- T' ersalmo -1-lb. . 27 Clgvir almon--_ PERFECTION FLOUR, 24 lbs. . Waxtite Quaker 19C Com Flakes, 2 pkgs. lAmmonia,3pkgs. 25c ;"...:`z:;:.'g:.`. :`. ; : : 23; Palmolivg S9ap_- ' chase to be and balance e on comple- |.0.0.F. IV-{AS socuu. EVENING .imited Page .Thirtecn_ $1.05 [03. V HOOD, .0. "Box 246, `Q 10;.` V Limitezl arrie and I urn irrie Un HIV, 18-19c` THURS., FRIDAY, SATURDAY . MAY 3,4,5 D WANDA HAWLEY ; ADDED DERACTIDN J0tS Eb}! ` izes 21-sy .50 `Bobbed Hair i Miss Hawlcy seldom has been seen : to ner advantage than in the role` of a romantic-minded girl who tires of home life and lands in a futuristic art colony with interesting results. This is a picture that appeals byvthel humor of its situations as well as by; the drama of its story. Ithas beenil excellently produced and the support-I ing company headed by Wm. Boyd, Wm. P. Carleton and Ethel `Wales is quite capable. ' V THURSDAY, _ MAY` .3, 1923 MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 ~ HEINTZMAN Arthur E. Patterson Sole Disti-ibutdr. for the Heintzman ' & co; Piano, Barrie and Distrigt ` J SHOWROOM: ALLANDALE Prices at uu`nl: 15c and 25:: 181 Toronto St.,AB.u1'ie Estimates furnished V Good work at reasonable. prices c. w. ROBINSON her pec- .75 4 Bi VLBa_rgains_ in Phonogrgphs This Week 121.3ne. 698 ._.1N_ `Come and laugh at the King of ail! Comedians, He s funnier than a! `a barrel of monkeys. I` I I KlNDLEDb-EIOURAGE - 7 Very Soon---When. Knight- hood Was in Flower _ .Mondny, T\_1esd-ny 3:; Wednesday Q..- -1. -nn:uJ\1I ' THE cH,o1c1=. or GREAT -ARTISTS, 1-`on TONE `AND; %smc.1N ' . QUAu:nr MAN` one MT'ANn wn-*1-'. . -ro OPERATE MINE.'l'I"S PARK. Apply in person to either IJ. Little, Pres., or A I"n...... Cnnuc Liberal a11oyvanc"e' 'fof your square br _upright. `piano on a T-beautiful .He_intzma'n Cash or`easy terms. . 5. 1923 Barrie- CHARLIE CHAPLIN suNNVs1bE ? WANTED n-[noun AND ONLY 'iib6`F'ciisoN .._IN...... coM1Ng.=__ Xvi-lenry, Secy. ender Doner undersigned day of May, Fourteen and . Oakvjew. fronts on the well on the 1. Mrs. Mary Agnes Lynch, widow of Dr. : W. B. L L ch,-dxedpsuddenly Monday morn- ? ing, Apr: 30, atthe residence of her broth- er, Frank McGuirk, 59 McDonald street. _ Mrs. Lynch had been in moderately good` health and her sudden death came as a great .shock to her large circle of friends. She had been a. resident of Barrie practically all, her life except for aifew years spent `at `Lindsay where her` husband died 18 years ago. Mrs. Lynch was a valued member of 3 St. `Mary's parish, being very active among`! ; its -different departments. Besides her bro- ther she is survived by one son, Urban Lynch. a druggist in Toronto. I W"-an fcuvfnwnl yo: Wnrxnenv nirirninrrl uyucu.- u u1`ug51;5u ul Lunuuua. I The funeral was held Wednesday mornmg! 'at_ eight o'clock. Requiem high mass. was celebrated by Dean Sweeney and interment '; was mde at St. Mary s Cemetery. 7 Mrs. Hannah Armstrong. widow of John! Armstrong, died at 8.30 o`clock this morn-' ing, May 3, at the residence of her daugh-l ter. Mrs. J. T. Clark. 191 Bradford street,` after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Armstrong. ,had been practically an invalid for the past! `six years, but was` taken seriously ill a} week ago resulting in her death. She was] lborn in Newcastle, England, and came to Canada 46 years ago, taking up residence in Barrie. She was in her 71st year. Her husband predeceased her in 1906. Mrs. Armstrong was a member` of the Essa-St.` Presbyterian Church and up:to six years] * ago was very active in the various depart- ments of the church. She is survived, by -four sons, John of Pittsburg, Thomas and` 'nr:n:...... ...: 'I"...m..4.-. nu.-l Iomm mlman nl-n.| -IOUT SOUS, JUUH U1 l.'llIaUl|15_, Luuuxao auu Vzilliamof Toronto and James whose pre- s nt address is unknown; also five daugh- ters. Mrs. J. T. Clark of Barrie, Mrs. L. G. Poucher of Winnipeg. Mrs. E. W. Chamberlain of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. C. C. 'Warne of Pittsburg, and Miss Diana Arm- strong of Brandon. Thu Fnnnru` 117; ha hob} Rnhn-duv Eff`??- conducted at the residence of Mrs. J. T. strong 01 nrvanuuu. The funeral .will be held Saturday after-I ' noon at 2.30 o c1ock. The services will be ilark. 191 Bradfordnstreet. at 2 o clock by` `the Rev. W. J. Watt, interment to be `made in the Union Cengetery. ' GEORGE REEDY George Reedy, who for over twenty. years was actively` associated with the 7 business life of Barrie, died very suddenly,` Saturday morning. April 28, at his resi- dence, I54 Madison Ave., Toronto. Appar- ently in excellent health, Mr. Reedy went upstairs from the breakfast room and, with- out warning. collapsed. Before the mem- bers of his household could reach him, he had passed away. 'l`I\n Into Mr Rnnrlv wan` R4 vnnn: hf anal NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R.S.0., 1914, Chapter 121, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the Estate of John T. Lucas, late of the Town- ship of Sunnidale, in the County of Simcoe, -Farmer deceased, are re uired on or he`- : Q fore the 19th day of May, 1923, to send by. post prepaid, or to deliver to Stewart Stewart. of Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for| LL, A.l....!..:.4..n4-Iv AC nah` Watnfn Hun?! of Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors 10)` the Administratrix of said Estate, their` full -names -and addresses, a full statement of their claims duly verified and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, after which date the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate among the parties entitled tlirto,l having regard only to those claims of which 3 she shall then have notice. l - 1-744.. `L2- 101.`. J-.. -8 A....:l l 5113 511511 oucu uuvc uvvnvvq , ` Dated at Barriel, this 18th day of April,3 A.D{, 1923. ' ' ' STEWART & STEWART, , an on- -I:.L-.... C..- AA-A:-\:nfun`D:C ' I 18-11% y you from f this fende. ' p rails times 1 e a s s ' ycur .ction. erless MRS. MARY AGNES LYNVCI-I "MRS. JOHN ARMSTRONG 1:.vv:uu. u_u:.nvvnn;, 5 `Solicitors for Administratrix. THE BARBIE EXAMINER "` wE CLOSE WEDNESDAYS AT Noo'N >11. Miss Irene Parrisli is viiting relatives in` Montreal for a few weeks.` l . u:_.. A.._:.. 1)--.- L..- ...-L--_.__.I ;_ m_____L_ , LILUIIIIIUIII IUI G [CW WCURHQ ! ' Miss Annie Boys has retiirned to Toronto r `after visiting her sister. Mrs. T. N. Hobleygl `Ill..- 1'.` 1"I_-____I.I,, _ LL- TI-4,.f. Y1 l\ ,4 ,!P Ianvva ........., .... ......-.. .....,. -. ... .--...-_..l Miss E. Reynolds of the Barrie P.0. staff ` spent the week-end with friends in Tor- ionfg. 7_ ` - IV h-L-_.L,_,, 'I\ A. I` II ! W131." G. Robertson, B. A'., of Toronto,` visited his home in Worsley St. for the week~end. ' ` `II_._, 117 T.` Il,,,,,,r T`|,., ]f, ,I C`: I uux. uuu Iuvvun Paula v. ....-_y- ii Huntsville -Forester--Duncan M. Reid.` ,;brother of Jas. G. Reid. Manager of Big-. I win Inn, has come from Toronto to identify ; 5'himself with the Anglo Canadian Concert ;Band. Mr. Reid has had many years mus- ; ical experience with the Toronto Symphony t Orchestra, and `with several of the Tor- Jj onto theatres, latterly with Shea s Hippo- .idrome. `her hoe Q3.` "c1\c/I`;s`:mV. E. Mayes; Bradford St., has! returned from__spendi'ng a week in Toronto! and Hamilton. T '15.... rr-___- 1..__.___ ___I _L._,1_L_.. _: Gllll Llulllll UUIIo Mrs. I.-Iorace Lawson and daughter of Kingston are visiting with Judge Wismer `and Mrs. Wismer. II__ `I___. __ II-` _.___LI3__ -1 A __L-._ Il2Il_ ' ""i'a.`jaIL2';"`FiLaughun of V Anton ms! and Mrs. D. Kenny of Toronto called on! `Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark recently. I ' ml. 111]. AVLIB. IV l1l|aCl \JllIl.l\ IISUCIII./I]: 1 `Mrs; W. J ..Peach and Miss Gladys Peach .of Rockwood are visiting the former s par. ents. `Mr. and Mrs. B; W. Rhinehart. n n rz,.....a..u 1. . n . . ..: ...... .....,x L:.. 4.. : CIIIF, LVII. Elllll U113. 11 WV: IIAIIIIULIIIII/a C. R. Kendall has again assumed hxs du- .,ties at the local Customs offlce after rel1ev- ling for a month at the Guelph Customs. . Man 1111!` Mrc I`. 1-! Wcfnn Inf} Run-I-in nn Ills IUI (I IIIUHUII lllr IJJU \JUCIPlI \JuDUUlIIB- ` Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Esten left Barrie on, Monday for. a "visit to Great Britain audi l Europe. They will be away until August. 15.. ....,x M... .44.... n..:,a .....a 1.... u'...._ 1115, WIH UC away Ulllll IIUEUBII-Y nurupc. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reid and Jack Ken- nedy of Orillia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark, 72 Codrington i Street. I II __ _._.I II..- I\..-.2_I...._ ....._l ..-._ L...... 'Dl-FEED. | Mr. and Mrs. Davxdson and son have; greturned to Toronto after three weeks with ;Mrs. Davidson s parents, Judge Vance and Mrs. Vance. It... 11' A 01.... 1.1:; t_, r.1I:-..L..a.I. X1 1' I lVlI'5. VZIIICC. , Mrs. H.,A. Sims left for Elizabeth, N.J., yestr-rd.`1_v afternoon in response to a tele- gram which stated that her mother, Mrs. =Kells. was ve'ryi`ll. 1 Mrs. John Fr` er. wife of rshe caretaker =neIus. was \'ery_J}r. . 1 3 Mrs. Frziser, the caretaker! `bf the `R0. building, leaves on Friday` for! Detroit, taking her daughter, Miss.Maud.l to a specialist for a very serious operation` a ;on her eyes. 1 :M.- and M :-n H I (11-uunff nnrl Mine? ots, cial ;UU XIUIV |`4') C5- ! Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Grasett and Mix} iGrasett have returned home after spendingf ` the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida. Theyi ;had a delightful motor trip home. not hav-1 ing trouble of any kind. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sarjeant announce zthe engagement of their daughter. Dorothy! :Jane. to Mr. John Henry Rodgers. son of ; 5Mr. J. `D. Rodgers. the marriage to take! place the latter part of May. ' . -n-1-_._.._,,:II, r.\-_-_;__. `n .... ._ ll `D..:.l} ; At the annual meeting of the Barrie. ;Women s Canadian Club, held Monday` afternoon, the reports presented were of a ;satisfactory nature. The treasurer's state- ;ment showed a balance of about 340. l Officers were elected as follows :-Hon. 7Pres., Mrs. W. A. Boys; Pres., Miss E. M. -Elgood; Vice Pres._. Miss E. Booth; Secy., ,Mrs. J. A. MacLaren; Treas., Miss G. Long- lman; Committee-.-Miss E. S. Currie. Mrs. `L. R. Ord, Mrs. Creswicke, Miss Ribey. `Mrs. Donald Ross and Mrs. Laidman.. uvlfuuuun vvuu -v t A wedding took place. `at noon, Monday, April v 30, when Edith M.,- daughter 10: Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis. of Barrie,` TOnt.. was married to Mr. Harry G.. Milne, {son of the late Mr. Alex Milne and Mrs. Milne, of Barrie. The marriage was quietly isolemnized at the home of the Rev. C. W`. Reynolds, 92 Clinton "street, Toronto. The bride was given away by her father, and looked charming in a travelling suit of navy mohair. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mary E. Curtis. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. George M. Wiseman. Immediately after the ceremony, the hap- ..... ........!.. Inn fmn Nam Vm-lr nnrl Atlnntin blue poiret twill and a pretty hat of black ' unmetnaneny mu-.1 mu uuwuxuu_y, vuc nup- py couple left for New York and Atlantic! City. Upon their return they; will take up` residence in Barrie. IIII- U11 run - u .. ! On Thursday, ay 10, at 3 p.m., a sale} of work will be held in the Salvation Army Hall, 60". Collier St... when needlework,'i `homemade "baking and refreshments will ;be disposed of. The le will be continued: `in the evening at 7.3 pm". Intervals of `piano selectnons, songs_ and solos _-by young people. Come and -brmg your fnends. u A rummage stall also included. 18c i III-VUl_ I_UI vn TI: u----w- __ , Dean sHalIat Hillsdale was picked tol gcapacity Wednesday evening when the St. iMary s Musical Revue was presented. The ,play proved as big a_ success as when pre- Ieented here a few weeks ago. Motor cars conveyed the player's from;Barrie to Hills-' ,dale and return. Following the Revue 3 dance was held. ' nevus; PUT on AT. H|LLSDALbE / I,,j v v v ii} a " `A TIMELY BUYING` OPPORTUNITY C0l\iGf)LEUM'RUGS_are beautiful in` design and coloring. Cleaned by lightly mopping the smooth surface. No tiresome beating or sweeping. No tacks to drive. CONGOLEUM4 RUGS lie at on.the oor without fastening of any kind. They never curl at the edges. ' . I__ A .I 0 0|!!! Is- 5ARJEs.1{I,<.n!!11S}.z. Lim . -I ' _,._,a_.`_,._ _ V A O . . . ,v '`, '.`:";I:'._.`. . smsmcI1onanmmt.m ' .qgtvouu.uom-:yay.\cx cation to the 9x6 .ft.--Reg. $9.00. . .`.`.".. 1.'7$;.55"'M'3x3.:. $13.50. . . . . .$11.95 9x7Vg ft.-Reg. $H.2S.......$`9.95 ' 9x`1OV2 ft.-Reg. $15.75'......$13.95 ' , 9x12 ft.---Reg. $18.00 . . . . . . . . ..$l5.95 womsws CANADIAN ELUB THE sXLvATIoN ARMY Here Are the Special Sale I rices: n Ali `r\_ (\ rz The Mackenzie King Liberal Club held its final social evening of the season at the I.0.0.`F Temple, Monday evening. The time` was spent in euchre followed by an impromptu dance. Refreshments were also served. Those who were- largely respon- sible for the success of the evening were: Mis I. Parrish and Miss A. Booth on the ` refreshment committee and A. C. Bricker and Mrs. W. O. McKinnon in charge of the ieuchre tables. T MEMBERS OF LIBERAL CLUB v ENJOY CARDS AND DANCING iecessarily ac-