BUGGY 1-`on SALE. ` Apply` to Dr. Dunn, 48 Bqyfield St. _ . T 17p ---0-.-----_--!--j------ ' CHEVROLET TOURING CAR FOR SALE, good condition. Bfand new tires. Phone 301. ' 16-17;: I STRAWBERRY PLANTS for ale. Phone l895M. ' V. V .17-18 FORD TOURING CAR for sale. Apply evenings at 67 Victoria St. ~17-18p KITCHEN STOVE and heater foi- sale, in nnn nnnian Anniu IQ Dana RI -\ 17-` LIGHT SPRING DEMOCRAT WAGON for I sale. ,87 MapJ.9Ave. Phone No; 567.16-17p g Rooms iipd Bondy A For II-IV Ill)` 15-20; - uuuu ruu. wnuxy--~*u()un n-rqomea 1101188 -and a good garden wxth fruit trees. in good repair. Apply Examiner office. _ 17p` --:---: . 1' reliable 1 .l `IJ-..-..4 "i'5'?? IIUIIU 17c PIANO TUNIISG--For first--class piano tun- ing phone Harold Webb at 400, or leave orders at W. `B. Webb s jewelry store, Al- landale. " . 17-22c FOR PAINTING, paperhanging, graining and general house decorating, apply to A. ' Berry, -21 Gowan St., Allandale. Phone 539W. 14-19p GARAGE-'--Repairing a specialty; also tires, tubes and accessories. Browning's garage. half mile north of Churchill_. - 15-20p KEEP YOUR ORDER handy for your` friend for service. The Rewleigh Retailer. A. C. Firman, 13 Bradford St_. Phone 592. 13-18vp . DO YOUR SPRING CLEANING properly! by having your chimneys cleaned. S.z Jones. 113 Maple Ave., phone 540.1. 16-2lc_ { _ FOR SALFr--8-roomed brick house with all onnxmienqea, on Burton Ave. For partic- u`a1$ apply to Mrs. A. M`. LeGear. 79 Blake St. Plinnn QRJF` - ""-- LOST. Thursday, 19th., in jitney on `way` to Allaudale or between terminus and Sim-f l we Hall, brown leather bag containing; small purse with small sum of money. Re-x ward. 80 Mary St. _ T 17p: I prosecuted. 17c | 7 LOS'I`--Black cooker Spaniel. 8. nnonthsl old. Finder please r,eturn to C. A. Fir- man, 90 Burton Av_e.', Allimdale. Anyone- detaining this dog after this notice will be: o-vwugu Va. A ULUIlhUo ', 'Thei'ee are three Vcharges against,-H Williams, -and although he has plead-f fed not guilty to the whole three be` elected summary trial at last week s' hearing. Crown Attorney Cotter? stated that he will be prepared to go; ;ahead with the trial next Thursday. 5 . e-~---_-- "*'."" ----'-"-`W-" 3 Sidney Williams, the mysteryg man from Penetang, faced Magis-I trate Jeffs in police. court `thisf (Thursday) morning, V but was re-l manded until May 3 .until"the' Crown can obtain J, Watson, Chief'of the -Penetang po1ice_ force, and Constable,` Fenton of Go-_Home Bay,_ who arrest.-"S ed. -Williams in the summer cottage `at Go-Home Bay owned by Dr. H. `Abbott of Toronto. V ` A ` ' 'rn1.__'_- Work Board. Monday night, it was! decided to engage Dalton White as] a part time secretary and physical: instructor in connection with bo_vs & work activities in town. Mr. White has had considerable experience ing Y.M.C.A. work and should make; good in the position. The Boys i Town Council have taken in hand: the problem of. raising the money re- quired to nancethe. scheme and; should meet with a hearty response; from all interested in work among` the boys. ' V f Atla siiecial meeting oi: the"l3`oys" .. ..___-_-c --. 9.... vnvllllvac ` A The annual tea and entertainment' in connection with `Collier St. Meth-I odist Sunday School, held last Mon- day night, was well attended and suc- cessful in every way. In the excel-1 lent" program, two particularly goodxj numbers were a reading. Hiawatha s|` Wooing, by Miss Marion Partridge and another by Miss Helen Arm-1 strong from Pickwick Papers. Wal-l ter Sarjeant was chairman. ` Annvla In V The redepartmept answered two calls this week. Tuesday they were called to extinguish a chimney re at 99 Cumberland St.; and on Wed- nesday they answered an alarm from. 53 Cumberland St.`, where a garage; at the rear of a house owned by Mrs; ' Fred Dollery had become ignited; from rubbish burning in the v`icinity. fI\|__ _ _ _ _ __I . N. M.MYERS ya. vnvun ' The old shopjfront which haadonei duty for 85 or 40 y'ears'-ghigs` given} place to a modem plate glags front; in Walter _Ur1-y Vs sporting goods store, making a marked improve- ment. ' ' A ' _>_-' __`._. _v. .u or`- - --- ~--~v-~-- . . 1 -Notice: For plumbing am; heat-[ ing, ring 214; J. J. V Neelgnds, 48, Blake `St. Repairs fer a1l.st6ves and: furnaces. , A ' 15-17c` Next Sunday eveningthe members bf Barrie'Lodge, I.0.0.F., will attend divine service in Burton Ave. Meth- , odist Church. Rev. S. M. Beach will! preach. 7 ' I VIIL- -1: .1... 'a._.._. _1.,-.1 u`, u 1 wan.` apply bu Lvlfv Sm. Phone 9841?. des Hi Raw Furs - - yo ---- - --- -~,-y--"-_-- """"J'] Afternoon .t';a and sale of baking! in St. Andre_w s Presbyterian Qhurch. Saturday afte}-noon, Apr.28. * 16-17c ` J: A. Hicks 'of Owen Soond "has taken a position in C. T. Dev1in s dry goods store. LT..--` -.`.`... -I.2-'_-._ _`__ _I_'-_- I I QVIISIS U\IL'C0 ~ ` --l_H'ave yotir chimneys cleaned and prevent res. E; S. Jones,.11_8AMaple' Ave., phone 540:. ` I16-21cI Although the 'bay.wgs not entirely` "clear of ice, some candeis were out enjoying the open water;-on Monday.| AA.__..--.. A_'__ -__; , . u .. WILLIAMS AGAIN REMANDED soars womc sacasunf JOS.MAR%RlN /Ads.'i'n this column 4c. per xivord. `T ;7'..T.TE Miscellaneous .u.-ru.uu.-ruul un l.u1\ l`lUU\`.5l`4 I0!` sale. 31' so some household furniture. Apply 34 Tif- n St., Allandale. - . ' 17p Successor to * By defeating the Mongolians" by a score of 29 to 24. the Hebrews are the winners of the championship in the B.C.I. senior Lbusketbali series completed Monday ' night. Prizes will be awarded the winners by A. R. Girdwood. principal of the` B.C.I. The scorers. for the Hebrews" in the final game were: Simpson, 8; H. Smith: (Captain), 17. and L. Simpson. 4. The scorers for the Mongolians" were: J. Ross, 6;_ C. Carson, 6; A. Walker (Captain), 8,i and H. Partridge, 4; - The line-up: _ _ Hebrews~--Forwards. E; Simpson, D. Ir-` ` wine; centre, H. Smith; defence,'.; Simp-` son, J. Reid; spare, R. Stone. ` u ` Mong'olians_-_ForwaI'ds, J. Ross, 0. Car-` i No. 2 Fall Wheat Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat Potatoes, per bag . ;.. Hay, per ton Butter, per pound Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . Chickens. spring . . . . Ann uuy . . . . . . . Lamb skins ~. . Horse hides .. Horse hair .. Haan`Ews" BASKETEERS won THURSDAY wi-idI.T:sAL: PRICES BARRlE_M_._RKE`l'S Lindsy 7 7 T T T We cannot give you any coupons on these small. prices. You want to _ ~ T ` soon if you want to save big money. i.'ddi5:E|- nous: FOR SALE--~Gond 6-roonlxed hous/e -and n crnml arm-rim. "mill-. l....:4 ....;... .-. ...-__1 . . ."."'35E 31251.40 .... 75-77 EA- 81I'HCU $11.25 EA 2!. .' 5333: IIE (IO- Il\J'I.IIII.I A. Moffatt, Plumber and Heater _ VSOLEAGENT FOR HECLA FURNACES Phone:531 Office, 19-12 Owen St. " SIX-ROOMEI) BRICK HOUSE for sale. al- Izn ililn hnuunlunlkl humid-...... A....I-. in mm ...... DID vv|lIl\.C3 until: 111 ? eezg on the buildings of _owners who entrust this most .important work to us. No that s good enough methods suice in` our shop when we cut, shape and t tin or sheet metal work for . our patrons. This accounts for ogr tight roofs, :leak- proof gutters and weather- resisting cornices that are anon ._ LL - L __ 2| 1- - `THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923. WI-2 yvpnx BY Trenton come G04 181 FJXRM` FOR. SAl4E--~-78 acres. lot 18. con. 8. \ e. 70 acres cleared. 8 acres fall wheat, '25 acres seeded down. ploug`\ing all done. good buildings. 3:} miles from Barrie. Apply `tn Wm. Coupland. Barrie 'P.0. Plmne 6(l7r33. - 16-21;)` __*__ M bier what sell. She and If Are] uju-2 FOR. SAl.l'J---400 acra land, lots 7 and 3 Mn, 12. \ e.aprn. Timbared `with snft maple. elm and ash. Also 100 acres WH. ln`,*l 2. mm. I3, Vespra. Any parties tresp:ns~:m;: rm tlw ubnvo land will be prosecutoro. S. E. 'l`urnor, Bm-rle. . ~a- 12-Yip] 70`_'A(`Rl*5S; `lot `-9. hon. 5. Innisfik clay lruxm...-._.Jz`z . l;:..w:_m-._re acres `orchard; gmiil `hric hnuse.- bmxk burn 36i driv- inp: shed; poultry Muse. Apply John Mz1yes.Thbrn1`0n. . 14tfc mm ma SALl?}-- Lot 9.` Con. u,*In': . nisfil. App'!y to Mrs.` John Robinson. R. R. No. 2, Allundale. - 16-21p -.---.- ~~~ . uuuu raa1`un.u}u1s--275 acre tux}, well fenced, never fanlqxg spring creek. prices for `all "numbering ovr 5` head, 500; per moxithv `Jm-season. under 5 head 65 per month (9: any length of time. Apply to Mrs. Ida % 2 PURE-BRED young Hereford _buIis for sale, sired -by first prize bull at Barrie for two yvars. Choice ones` at a. bargain. Ap- ply to David Clarke. Thornton R.R. 1.. l6~l8p .uvu ouxxrnwsxxuxxzj uuuua wr- sale. Ii year old, at real bargain prices, see` them ' before you buy elsewhere; also Barred Rock eggs, $1100 per setting. H.`M. Dyment, Barrie, phone 868. - 12tfc OLYDESDALE HORSES for sale, mare, 7 years oid; mare, 3 years old, and gelding, 6 yars old. Ed. Armstrong. Bradford, Ont. Phone 4730 V ~ T 17p .._... -..a- TWO souwnonn 1_aUL1_.s tor. sale.` 1! `Hana !|'l. no mnnl Ixllinanxnn-\ .....-.... ..-_ AL __, . FOR SALE 5-year-old driving mare, goqd locker, ' cum! and quiet. in every way. and` grand vpper. Apply to Box 1083, Barrie P.O. 17p GOOD COW for sale, calf 3 Weeks ~ . foot, also 1 now. due by , April 30, cow due by April 29. Apply E, M. I phone 652. - FOR 8ALE--Home, paffectly quiet, also_ buggy and harnem. Apply 89 Worsley St. - 17tfc BULL FOR SALE--One registered Short- horn Durham bull, 14 months old. Apply to Benji Webb , Stroud. .T . l7tfc Tum W NTED. Apply to Supt. Royal Victoria capital, Barrie. __ 16-17c WOMAN WANTED to clean. Apply Ed. Bryson -s confectionery, Elizabeth St. 17c - =PAS'l'TURE--Big creek .-paaturage, two ~hun4 dred acres, mile w`estof Stroud. Limited _number of cattle taken. Salt furnished and. charge moderate; would rent 1' null. Apply gay. B. F. Quantn, 55 Man? St.,g-:39`; F, SQ! FURNISHED HOUSE with all corfvenienc- ea, in Barrie, wanted by widow with son of seven, {fir July and August . Apply to Mrs. Geo. Hewaon, Stroud, Ont. - 17-18p VEMPIGYIIHVT WANTED by" elderly coup- le, as iihffbr, hhndyman; woman-as house- keeper, including washing. Appty et~:1;is nfan ANTED `1UBEN'l`--Small houae in vicin-j 24-. .` ml`:--L` EL-LA no-6:Ann|n-an ll...` One cent a word, cash. each ineertien (minimum charge, 2150); six insertion! for-'_ the price of four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies Ire directed to Exuniner Oiee. _ CLERICAL P$I'l'ION wanted by niartied man. wifh salmmanahip experience. Apply to Box'884,'B`n'rie. T - - 12-Vlv7p_ j emu. PLACE WANTED. or 3 rooms .._';L I-....- _....l-_ A__I.. I'll 'l`.n..I. `D.--, Wulil 'I.lI IIl4lV I.""llllIll HUI} Ill VIVII-I` ity of Ilidhulm. State particulars. Box - 842, Barrie. 17-22p - PLAIN NEEDLEWORK .wanted. chn.' alien : clothes, etc. 74 Worslay St. C We KBITION >WANTED as general by Scotch ~ girl. but` of references. Phone 430 or `(xv R99! I711 G00` D AsrU Inn}-nod IIAIVIII fail}..- ......2_.. --._|- B..lIIlI.l ITIRIIJD VVTIIVI-llo E III` I) IUU with large: garden. Apply w. Tuck, B3: -3. (Su ` I7n ADLBT cowmn g&&&m&w$i&imiwE -?--- V . REN'I'~~Good house and lot neat +tt'o.AlW.D. .- ...`;_._'._ 2" "":z~ :21. ga&w&w$m&&&%$w$g . Property For Sale `Live Stock or Sale Property Let TAKER` WANTED toaanie Bowl- en. Apply A. Bricker, Secretary.l7u Farms For Sgle HOUSE TO LET, furnished. for summer season. all modern conveniences. four bed- rooms, sitting-mom, dining-room andtwo large vierandas. Appiy 48 Louisa St. I6-17p - Help Wanted auu, at 13-18;) ` old at and 1 Freak, l4ptfc 17c } lIi|l7\; I L I??? BRED-TO-LAY Barred Plymouth Rooks -`--Forty females of Canada's famous Get~ tea" strain. Muted. toV3 males, was of Gelco," a 272 egg hen. Eggs for atching $1.50 pet 15, 88.00.96: 100. 309 your orders early. T. L. Wobb, Coqkstown. `int. [ T _l3~l8c PAS'l`URE--200 acres of good paatulfo with running water; rates 65 cents a month for year-olds. 85 cents a month for two and threeryear-olda. o R. J. Grose, Churghill. ' M 1 -221: .s.c. wnim LEGHORNS hatdhixig from hilh Droducinn ank, `Rm-um L I` .S.C. WHITE LHEHORNS hatching high producing shook, Barron & Ferris strain. 81.00 per setting, 86.00 per hun- ired. Also `choice Delaware potatoes. J. L`. Man-ow, 14th com, Innkl. Phone 634 r2. 4 1: on.` EGGS won IrlATCHING--'Blaol: Qrpxngton. good layers, imported first` priue cockerel from breeder in Leamington- `$1.00 for 13 eggs. Apply 15! Owen Sn, Barrie. Thos. Milbee. _ , 14-19p . EGGS FOR HA'!`CH_ING--White Wyandot~ tea. White Leghorns. heavywvinter layers. 81.30 setting of 15, 84.00 for 50. Orders booked for day-old chicks. Mrs. Calderwood, Barrie. ffelophone 134; . - A 14-17;: EGGSFOR HAmHir:G-4>1ymoush Rock; bred-to-`lay; pen headed by fine cock` of famous Bradley strain.` 13 eggs for 81.00. W. K. Knowles, 118 Penetang St~;, phone |894F. -::u:--:- WHITE WYANDOTPE EGGS--Bred-to-lay strains from Guildvand McLeod. $1.50 per 13. A. Malcomson. Barrie, phone 447. 14-220 --:y macs ma HATCHING-from 2 choice mm`: nf Ran-mi Dmeb. .....:... t.....I L..-.I A- ROOMS T0 RENT at 23 Owen Sh. by day or week with home privileges. Phone 186. I 17-22c ___..._.._._._._..______...._._._.._ _-- -FURNISHED ROOM T0 RENT, central. Men preferred. Apply Examiner` Office. V . 17-18p f `BOARDERST WANTED -by day 5:. week. f I Apply at 77 McDonald St. ' 15-20p l -* FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, Agply at Eimmiuer office. 1 -1.. 'BOA_RDERS WANTED. Apply at. 24 am. 1 ford St. 16c . . l.'6Ul uuu lulu II wanteu Churchill. phone Lefroy. man runu ,ouutuV run SALE), double? Hesslor shocks. dash light..speedometer. tire carrier. 1923 license. large Nebil steering wheel, new 'pai1x'g. job. ;Private. _ A~_p ply 107 Tiffin St., Ahandale. '17c j I wuuvuwu run o.~um.---1ne Ol rename! I Preston Roofing and accessories. anrl Brant- ford Ready roofing, one of the best. Sold right and laid if wanted by R.~J. Grose,` Churchill. nhnm-. Lnfrnv 1! -+0-. |uo0FING' FOR SALE- 1`h_e old prnutnn Dnn-u. nnA .............._.-.. -- -I "W . I 1920 FORD SEDAN won SALE, double' Hemlnr shnnln: thank Ho}-sf nI\nor'Ignnn6n-n H-..` GAS RANGE for sale. cabinet style, four burners; 2 ovens, warmi_ng'\ sh'alf,. used one year, _in periect,conditio'n.;_b $25 forquick` sale. Phone 568 _or `call at Mrs. Smith s. 9 Albpt St. .. ' 1?-21p` RASPBERRY CANES for sale, St. Regis Ever-bearing. Pla_nt your canes in the spring` and.have btfries in the fall. $1.00 per dolen. J. A. Caldwell,-149 Blake St., Barrie, ` ` V 16-17p _ FORD COUPE for sale, late model, with self starter. newly painted and overhauled, ex- cellent. condi`ion. Bargain for quick buy- er. McLean's garage. Bayfield St-. 17c :::p r }.u.\LI.uJx11`4U I'll office. `strawberry plants; also Irish Cobbler seed` FOR SALE---Sevral good varieties of potatoes; also table potatoes. A Wm. W. Hall, 8 North St., Barrie. _ 17-19p CLEVELAND BICYCLE for sale. Latest` accessories, almost new. Bargain for `quick sale. $35.00 cash. Regular price $52.50. Apply Box B">Examiner. ' 17p I JEWEL GAS RANGE FOR SALE. Four gburners, cabinet oven; Nor reasonable of- fer refused. 4 Apply Mrs. Armstrong, 172 Elizabeth St. or pho_ne 174W;' 17p DAHLIA ROOTS {or sale. mixed colors, 5 for $1.00, special colored, 25c per root. Postage ex`tra. Apply to Fredwin Thomp- son, R.R. 2. Stroud. 13-18p FOR SALE+-1922 Ford touring car, newly overhauled; shock absorbem, starter, etc. Apply at 92 Cumberland St., Allandale or phone 808.W.v 15-17c STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale. Variety that produces largest crops of fine fruit. Write or apply W. F. Shepherd, Tollendal, Allandale_P.O. .' 16-21p FOR SALE-Happy Thought range, heater, also gas range. All like new.- . my 123 Collier St. _ M .' THREE-PIECE MAHOGANY LIVING- ROOM SET forsale, A1 condition. Call 72 William. Phong _600W, 17p FOR SALE--One cultivator and one digc in-`mm lmol. ...........l L--.) A__I-. n run. uaun--juuu uutuvuwr uuu one (M80 harrow, both second-hand. Apply D. 0. Howard, 24 Mulcaster St. T A 17 I BVIII IUIHLI I -"WJK Vine station. A; landale, R.R. 2. uvuu UIIVIULIL ` run! U, CIIOBID; eewmg machine and other articlea.'_ 145 Dunlop St-., (upatairs)L.' ' V 17p FOR SALE--Gurney 3-burner gas range; also green carpet. Apply 80 Sanford St. or phone 736J. ' , 17p vzuurun. "Luann Dun! ' on 101' sale, in goodboondition. Phone 361W or 91 Bayeld St. v . ' 17c rust: L7r|.ul:I"'l.Il-Vi UUll'l~00l.ll CIIIHVIIIOT, 9 teeth, nearly new. Apply Chas. Dawson. Phone 611:4. ; ~ V ~ 17p .ILl.I\lLl.I.`l&V IULKIVIH III IIUHIMK lUI' CHIC good condition. Apply 33 Ross St. '3 17'; 'cm.m1t wxcxm BABY cmman for gala 3n noun` nu.-HIILG`-u BL--- OAITIT -_ A1 FOR SALE-I.H.C.~ stiff-`tooth cultivator, 9 fpntk nan!-Iv nan: Annlu (`J-nu Thnnn--. GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO, cheap; sewing msmhinn and nmr n.+.;..t..' 14.: n....I.... SHETLAND PONY, wagon and harness to sale. Apply Ancona Heights, Barrie. Phone 442. 2 H ~. ' 17p DOORS AND wnvnow BASH, second- hand, for sale. Apply. 129V Wo_rsley_ St.,` Rm-I-ii, 1 '71- . ....--_--..*. ._.. 50 ACRES PASTURE LAND for sale, lo` 11. con, 12, Inniafil. Plenty of water and gnod fences. Apply to J. H. Nixon. Box 1044. Barrie. telephone 917W. 15-20p '