Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 9

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. nucuur uzuuc.\>1'I-.nu.ul lllv ouuuy Day. uunu of Midland; Constable Fenton followedl snowshoe tracks to the summer residence of : Dr. A. H. Abbott. The constable, who! was accompanied by his wife, sent his dngl into the house. A few seconds later a hand holding a revolver was seen to slip past the door jamb. Fenton fired at the hand and lo the gun dropped. Williams wasgiven first` aid by Mrs. Fenton and was taken to -Pen-l etang on a dog sled. After a hearing before the magistrate at Penetang, the prisoner was brought to Barrie. , Fan O-L.-on nvnn`.-n 'D-r.unn..I l\N'........ TIT... l IIC ID CII` "lC\`CIII `Ill }Illl\IlCa i -- ------V- H. St-oddart, governor of the County.` "W - 7- Mn` hail. believes that Williams was incarceratedJlTNEY' la... .1... :..:1 ..L....L LL--- -.___ --, -_J .L-. 1, IIIFHN 1* I I` 45- A AA 1*" \JIUWlIo ' "A patent for a burglar-proof safe. The `combination can -be blown off and yet the- !safe cannot be opened. stated Williams. Ll':n-n Ivnn nivnuu nmnul :59" ....I....-! LY...` ...t....w -4. --..`. `....-.~. -.-~-V--. Previous to his talk on the highways, Mr. 5 Moore gave much valunble information on arranging, planting and growing of annuals. 1\I `I? Y,_,, ,__.. _`_l__.L _,,-,, ,I_-2,,,_,__, ,,__,| ISEVEN BALL TEAMS | IN 5. SIMCOE LEAGUE, The South Simcoe Baseball Association} held a. meeting for the preparation of al schedule for 1923 in the =Barrie Club Rooms, 3 last Tuesday afternoon. .Beeton and Allis-i -ton will be included in the schedule this, year. Representatives were present from Beeton. Axllisuon; Cbolatown, Thornton, Ivy, Knock and Barrie. 1 I I 'n I I 1' -.1 .1 l co1'rAc1-: BREAKER nmcnan LIBRARIES; \.'l'JVVlI Illa: LIU UIUUEILD AIClCo . | l Williams, who was arrested by Constable? Fenton in a sensational manner two aeeksf ago on a charge of break`.ng and entering} the summer cottage of Dr. A. -H. -Abbott? of Toronto. seemed unconcerned as to his, fate, and remarked that he wanted Magis-5 trate Jeffs to settle the whole business so he could get to work. \m..... ....I....4 I... .1... n......{.. :c I... 1...: 1 I 3 Il lJUUJll EC -I IIVJ WUIR. . ' i When asked _by the Crown if he had: any money Williams said. .No_. but I have? a patent which I could sell if anyone wanted : to buy it." 9 --\xn...+ ;g +1.- .;...+....49" .......:..,u 14...: vu uu._y u. _ 3 .What is the patent.?" queried the ' Crown. ' ? . A`, I I r 1- run I D1113 UUIUIUII DU UPQHICU. smleu VV II 51115. ; L a ` `Have you ever tested 1t?" asked the; press. A RT.-. lmuc T burn" It All u--1. " ....4....5..A .1] C133: No. but I know it will work, retorted; `the prisoner. 7:`l;nv\nn t!1\n`n\nAr' 6|-"LA LA .12.! _..L .... .-.---..u._B, r-------B ._-.. --..--u V- --------.-. Philip Love, president, was chairman and the Public Library Hall was well filled by interested horticulturists, A single schedule will be played with the l two high teams playing home-and-home games for possession of the Felt Cup. ' The same rules as in 1922.will be `used. I The officers elected were, T. H. Banting, Ivy, president; R. D; Henry, Thornton, vice-president; and George B. Henry, Thorn- ton, secretary-treasurer. Claiming to be a self educated man .V and: without friends, Sydney Williams, of nni permanent abode, faced bMagistrate Jeffsj on three separate charges in police mun? this (Thursday) morning and was remanded? until April 26, until witnesses for the; Crown may be brought here. 1 . mm:....... ,1... ....... ........m..i kn n,..._`+....1..: The cusoms and excise receipts for Barrie for the fiscal year are the biggest on record. The free goods passed at this port for the past year amounted to $181,913 and the dutiabie to $186,378. The total revenue was $63,598.11. T. T, Young, local cus- toms officer, in making reference to the returns stated that if the merchants would import more goods `from Great Britain, they would-help to increase the revenue so that Barrie would become a chief `port in- stead of an out-port of Toronto. `Mystery Picked H` customs necsnrrs cnowmc y Williams :ed Houses, ` Best Books. ; Says with He; g qN;oN_j3ANK OFCANADA Mr. Walker, travelling in a new motor car, when near the B.C.I. made an attempt to pass the jitney which was travelling at 18 miles an hour, according to the evidence. The jitney driver at the same time attempts. ed to avoid some thick ice on the street ' and turned towards the centre of the road- lway. resulting in. the Walker car coming l in contact with the bus. Damage to the ex- *tent of a small (lint in the front nludguarl and a broken huh cap was done to the car `driven by Mr. Walker, who estimated his `damage at $25. Fwuun AM nnnn u Pnoon- nu-`rd I D ' DI\I n KIKIIIIIIEC Cl` THU. l Crown Attorney Cotter and J. R." Boys `had numerous tilts during the morning ses- sion. The Crown attempted to prove that E two rival jiineys hud been racing a few min- Iutes prior. to the accident. Both jitney drivers_ testified that there had been in race. 117 A |t-_,,L_,n ._3,.:t:_.I A`_,,L L, 1_,,_,., f In. order to avoid shaking his paseengers William A. Marshall, 21 jitney driver, turned ghis bus to the centre of the road to clear lan accumulation of ice while on Bradford j.~street.. last Thursday. His act cost him 5 $10 and costs. amounting to $18.75 in police court Wednesday, when Magistrate Jeffs I presided over a three~hour hearing. l A II `I7 II .I I ' I . 9 t , _ 2 _. __ _______c_ A. G. Walker was the chief witness for l the Crown and through a complaint laid by ihim the Town `authorities took action `T against the jitney driver and charged him` |wi:h reckless driving. II? II . l(l\)Co W. A. Marshall tetified that he knew nothing of any accident until he reached Allandale and Mr. Walker approached him land showed him the dents in his car. __-.. _...v.. _ .,, _-_.-.. __ __ 1 _ " " , , ' Hunter 'Huxta-ble was driving a jitney some distance behind the Marshall bus. He said he saw Mr. Walker attempt to pass` the Marshall bus, but his front wheel struck the curb and the car bounced into the side of the bus and then rebounded into lthe curbing. Without stopping, Mr. Walker {continued until he reached Allandale. Wit- ness also swore that Mr. Walker was tra- velling at 25 to 35 miles an hour. What do you wtimate the damage to Walker's car at? asked J. R. -Boys. l `m. cm" lIll'l`K` .......m .......... ..n H... CIRCULATION ' y} U5I\UU 1 . IN: 'L)UyDc Oh fifty cents would cover all the `damage: done, replied the witness. `rt, 9 ,1] AI_, ....._-_a- _. --r__-_ -_v ._-.__..... Reginald-1-X dams, 9. witness for the de- fence, who was standing on the sidewalk, when the collision occurred, testied that M. fnlluun nvna I--nunllinn on` an vr\:'nn nu-I WIIUII 011.17 UUILIBIUII UUU ullcu, CUIlIUl.I UIIGII Mr. Walker was travelling at 30 miles an hour and that in attempting to pass the biib he struck the curb, bounced into the bus ,and rebounded into the curbing." When asked by the Crown how he had been such a close obser"er of the accident, witness stated that he was'on` his way to Allan- dale when he stopped, attracted -by the roar of a speeding motor car, and that he knew there was going to be a_ collision by the ,position the cars were in. I Tnonnk Tnlsnntnn and D-..nl- UT.-.Il-.... .1... T The programme in` the Senior Epworth League of Collier St. Methodist church on Monday evening last, given by the Junior lEpworth League, was one of special interest. .'l'l'1n Jnninr 'Ii`.n1-unu-flu Tnunun und..- 41.. | Miss Florida Adams passed the Business iEducat0rs examinations and has accepted a, good position in _Toronto. U man 1741...] nornhor vunnnnlluv n.u.n...L...l EUUKL }lUBl|/lUI.I Ill LULUlllU- Miss Ethel Barnhart recently In position with the Dominion isupply Co.. Toronto. man I ,nnu-n Innrnunn Dunn`-nvuau \JU-v &UIUllIlUo M185 Laura Jacques, Penetang, this week. '.I.'lPVVUl.lu. ucuguc, W225 one 01 specuu Interest. The Junior Epworth League under the capable leadership of Misses Eunice Park- house and Marion Partridge is one of the live organizations of the church. Tl... `I'....:..... 1.-.... ........1....: u...:_ ...:..-:-.. IIJLEIIIIUII IILIC U.I VVCIU 111- Joseph Johnston and Frank Walker, who were riding in the motor car at the time of `the accident, also gave evidence. It -. . inn 1 1 In giving` judgment, Magistrate Jeffs de- clared that the onus was on the man ahead iand if any other ruling could be found ;that he would not take -a license out for I his own car because it would be too danger- } ous travelling. 4275 eornasa uvc uxgaxuzanuuuu 01 but: cuurcu. The Jumors have reached thelr mission- ary objective of $50.00 for this conference COLLIER STREET_PWORTH LEAGUE Shop where you're invited to shop.` n1u.-n -94,124--v`- -y-- `HITS CAR; $1o.oo FINE Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes . Thornton Branch - - - - Cookstown Branch - - - - BUSINESS COLLEGE NEWS No. 16 .\._2!_! EE_ {making orward If you havo mastere-d the art of saving, you can forecast with reasonable accur- acy how. much of a factor you will be in the days of opportunity which are drawing near. sou. Ya; BARRIE. CANADA; THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1923. The more you think about the future, and about Opportunity and Success. the more enthusiastic you become about being a money saver. accepted Foundry enrolled nruanvc Uulun null pl c\'l'JlL hue My HUIHIILICC. The Sanitary Inspector has been Instruct. ed to rigidly enforce the above` bylaw. (Signed) R; A. Stephens, Chairman. 1-_1Rn A '1` Hui- unu _`7--:: -" ar- -Q `r-wk NOTICE` is hereby given pursuant to 11.80., 1914, Chapter 121, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the Estate of "John T. Lucas, late of the Town- ship of Sunnidale, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, are required on or be- fore the 19th day of May. 1923, to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to Stewart & Stewart. of Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administratrix of said Estate, their full names and addresses, a full statement of their claims duly verified and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, after which date the. said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to those claims of which she shall then have notice. `l\..4....J -4. `D.......:._ ;I.3_ 1ou_ ,r___ .1 A ,.:I Every householder and every ho- tel keeper or other persons shall die- pose of all garbage for the di6poe- al of which he is responsible either by burning the same or by placing it in a proper covered receptacle, the contents of which shall be reg- ularly removed at least twice a week." A Arrangements for colledtion and dis- posal of garbage can be made with Jan. A. Johnston, (phone 611-31) Garbage collector. ' nnrknan pl-in" nnv Ln kn.-inn` nu nII:...m.l Iv au;uuA_uuzu: ll] ynlu, uuo-uuuumgp, EEC. Parties not employing the Collector can place their garbage on the town dumps on Cotter Ave., Iunisfil and Jane Streets, or other dumps selected by Boardbf Health. and must cover the same with-earth, ashm or other suitable material, to keep away of- fensive odors and prevent the fly nuisance. Tho gnliif-av-1' 'nunnnOnv- kuu I-unnn Cu.-6-nab I16-18c \un l Householders a.ttent.inn is directed to Ithp following Town By-law: ..g_a 1 cu . - p uuuuavuu, \puuu1:= U1 1'01] um H2151: UUIIUBMJT. Garbage shall not be buried or allowed to accumulate in yards-, out-buildings, etc. parting nnf, DlII?\ll\I7;I\lr Okla !"nllm.4n.. tin!` _ For three weeks, Provincial Officers Wm. Rich and Gardner searched the vicinity of` Sandy Bay seeking the man who broke into Jas. Watson's cottage_ some time -ago` and later threatenedi the life of two men. The prisoner at first. it is alleged, maintain- W1` IJI\!U5llU UK) I-Jlllco l l 1 ed that he was never near Watson's cot- ; tage. but later, it is said. told officers that ,he had no intention of shooting the two. `men unless they hindered his escape. b l `NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Esther Goodfellow, `late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, Widow, who died on or about the Twenty-fifth day of February, 1923, are requested to send particulars of their claims to.the undersigned on or be- fore the twelfth day of May, 1923, -after which date the Administratrix will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that she will not be responsible to any per- son for the -assets of said Estate whose claims shall not then have been received, XNALU l{(SS, Administratrix Solicitor. Barrie, Ont. Dated April 10, 1923. 15-170 auc DIIGII hucu uavc HUDHJC. Dated at Barrie, this 18th day of April, A.D., 1923. QFIVIZVIITA nm 9. C4VYI'r.VI1r A nm tut: :.i uaI/cc nub 611812 811 persons DBVIHE claims against the Estate of George Henley, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, who died on or` about the sixteenth day of February, 1923, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the fth day of May, 1923, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that he wilt not be responsible` to any person for the assets of said estate whose claim shall [not then have been received. the_ Dated April 11.. 1923. 16-19c 1 NOTICE :rQ CREDITORS \IVIV'lYr.\ _'_ NOTICE fro CREDITORS \Y1\rI-V1 :wv~ - Nanci: TO CREDITORS 5 `I \rl.\.lJlJl I %I\hJ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to he Af. fhf. Q" nan-cnnn `nnuun HIGHWAY APPROACI-IESi snouua BE BEAUTIFIEDE NOTICE Board of Health, Bafrie I5 I` I I1 Ivl-L~vA:I lb uuruuy gzven pursuant (0 Trustee Act that all persons having THE it wfnfn A`. (longing 'l1....I... "Double uour Savings; ' IDIVLIPAA I1.-4 IIUUUKC "OUT oavmg I? CAN be Done. Re - A. Leslie, Manager H. J. Thompson, Manager ' - `T. McMillan, Manager " STEWART & STEWART, gnnilnrn (run A !'nr\:n:n.nnC I.u.uvvn..n.1 0!. o.l1!:VV'!1I1.l, Solicitors for Administratrix. !5 DONALD ROSS, ' greater will be the number of tourists com- The importance of town beautification both from the economic` and aesthetic standpoints was emphasized in the address of J. H.'Moore to members of the Horticultura. Society.` Monday night. Mr. Moore is in` charge of the work of tree planting and beautification in connection with th'e Pro- vincial Highways. His views showed a number of beauty spots already made under his direction. He urged that steps be taken to improve the Barrie entrances on the Provincial Highway. If Barrie will under-I take to give proper maintenance after the improvements are made, the Dept. Willi prepare the plans for planting, etc.. and do the work. A beautiful town like Barrie should try to make the most of its advan-] tages. The more attractive the town the ing to spend their money in it. - A town`s reputation-good or -bad-spreads far and wide. The Ontario Horticultural Associa- i tion is the largest amateur organization of its kind in the world and 'm doing much to put Ontario on a par with the great beauty spots of the United States. L! JJL -__ AL, l_!._.L,,___,, `IRA .Executor`s Solicitor. Barrie. Ont. 23. 15-170 Llluilllblln` \JuaIllI.Inu, A. T. Lilue. M.O.H. -uuu. ucucnrs lllZ IL vvlulullhs was uuzuruerzucu 1` l in the jail about three years ago and that he; acted as cook during his term. TWi1liamsE denied that he had ever been in this jail. j I The Crown will have a sanity test. Caught Near Midland _Williams was apprehended by Con-I, stable J2m1es>Fenton at Sandy Bay. north; nf Midland naxnufnhuln pnvufnn 4`nllm.m.I i

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