Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 16

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T PM V l will be -held in ! Hill, under the auspices II. on April 25. I `es, with boxes, free. ` Ad- ! I : . Annnmsf 43 Ilinbuth St. ` : nusunvpd Va. vua Ilvvau V76 vuu otnmhae in a thoroughly Ideutlc manner your eye- ct:-ucttmu and "build for you the (kiln that will help you visualize and concen- `Q. h F in known to. all that the energy abonnding every- when his tllejsun as its 00111130, and unless the mech- . anlsm of our eyes is work- in; correctly so that a clear image may be thrown upon . the retina-Icreen of our eyes we cannot develop the am- bition! of (.111: lives. We will M .'.....x... LI. -_--- J,- Barrie .._----.~ vvv uuunutul F0 lIl9IlBl'0l1. Hay, g-rain; fowl and sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will. be given to parties furnishing ap- . proved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit sums. " 3 `Sale at 1 para. w. A. MccONKEY, Aucz.`; _-....,, ......, . lunacy-narnc rake, 10-ft.; 1 wagon and box. complete; 1 set of aleighe, 1 Oliver riding plough, single-fur row; 1 No. 13 Fleury walking plough, 1 turnip .-pulper, Massey-Harris; 1 fanning- mill, Jackson; 1 set of iron hat-rows; .1 `Frost 6: Wood spring-tooth cultivator; 1' hay rack; 1 stock rack;- about 160 ft.` hay fork rope, I set of sling ropes, 1_ set of long~tug harness,-a quantity of hay, about 200-bushels of oats, a quantity of barley, also chains, neokyokes, forks and other articles too numerous to mention. I "nu an-uin:..' 1'----` -~ u.uaeyna.rr1s mscf drill, 13-hoe, 7 nearly new; 1 Tudhope-`Anderson manure spreader, nearby new; 1 Massey-Harris rake, 10-ft.; l__wjagon box. comnletar 1 ..+ .4- --.-ua vuvuv, I Byflllg CHIVC8. V i-`IGS--7 store pigs; 2 pure-bred York- shire sows, due by date of sale. - A number of well bred Barred ' IMPLEMEN'l`_S_--1 Frost & Wood binder, 6-ft. cut, on trucks; 1 Frost & Wood mow- er, 5-ft.; lVMassey-Harris .disc- hart-ow; 1 Masseyd-Ia.rris discf drill, new 3 mamm .n......A... ......., .. manor, 2'. years, d4ue.in June; I ,ateer, 2 years old; .3 heifers, 2 years old; 5 yearling cattle, 4 spring calves. PT(:.Q._'7 .a-- -:--- - - - vuc IUIIQWIIIS: ' HORSES-1 black mare, 6 years old, heavy; 1 bay mere, 5 years old. heavy; 1 black mere, 8 years old, general purpose. OA'I`TLE--l roan cow. fresh; 1 red cow,` fresh; 1 black cow; 1 I-Iolstein cow, due June 28; 1{I-Iolstein cow, fat; 1 red cow", 1'-resh; 1 part `Jersey cow, fresh; 1 red cow, fresh; 1 heifer, 2 years, d4ue.in steer. vears old! 3 l...;c...... o -----z -' am THURSDAY: APRIL 26' MRS. W. H. ' i at 79; Toronto St., Barrie _"'iVl sellb public auction all ' house old furniture, con- ; sistlng _of Nordheimer piano, 3 2` parlor furniture, dining-room ffumiturc, bedroom suites, kit- < then furniture, carpets, rugs: wroictures, dishes, cutlery, etc. . V I < Sale at .1 p.m. c '~ W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer F Caw. II . -...--..u nunc, LU"l|n, mmplete; : Harris: 1 fnnninn We ,watahed you wear youreelf away, But you were father to-the last. . You bore it all with_ that paternal smile Our heaxjts aching all the while Till [we meet in heaven `with you. gsadly missed by Wife, Son, and Daughter. > ' l_.-......g u. cnueuce and drafting of averdict flaking in all something less than half an our. ' A Two co-workers with the victim and eye-: witnesses of the tragedy, Thomas O'Darel and Joseph Connelly, were the principal: W `witnesses. They statedithat they had been ue conversingwith Stoner shortly before the M accident. Stoner had walked away from_ W, them and directly in-front of the oncoming] C.N.R. passenger train from London. The 1. bell of the train was ringing, a warning to ' which Stoner with his 25 yea ' in train yards, was accustomed. When 0 - l ' Dare and Connelly realized that their com _d panion was walking in front of the engine. ' and unaware of his danger, they shouted. P But this warning was too late. Stoner was l 7 I rushed to Grace Hospital, where he died 1' shortly after admittance. I : 1d, a I w1LLMo1'r-In J loving memory of bur dear , father, George Willmott. who died_ April 24, 1922, at Orillia. . I l.`..4L.... ...- - 16 u`,_, _ is-noa_y, interment taking -placeat Minesing. ` M` "M wiCORDELL--AtiSt1-atford [Ontario on `Wed. sshe is sumved by four -daughters, Mm a `:2 James Donald) to Mr-.;. and Mrs. S. Son John R Jo'nes'of Minesin V I .hThconne11y, Cordell, (nee vim Elliott). . ' . ' . _ '5` I eyetatedithat ' CRUMB--In the R; V. Hospital, on Mon- . 'Swith day April 16, 1:23, a son to Mr. and I toner from A. J. Crum . - ` 7 ...___ _ oncoming HIRLEHEY---Ip Barrie, on Tuesday, April - ' - 2 __ _ Wb ~ 1 4 ssenger 3, 1923, to .`Mr. an`d_Mrs. Albert. Hirle-"Ft:g?: 1:p?,1,-nis?' E3, stojagla ;(_.),Ep,e , ` hey. Frederick St., a daughter (Mildred, ' .,,..... u-:- -. 1 W m - ---- * nor years nxnm-i........ bu!-||\ . Family 4 or VALUABLE uousauow AFURNITURE5 ____. noiu mrnmire. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. `l MRs_ wM_ JONES g McConkey, auctioneer. A r , . . i I After an illness of some months, Mm Thursday, April 26.--Lance_Beelby, north; Margaret Jones, a resident of Vespra Town- hm. 1. 3 - 3 Innis: farm Swcki ship for the past thirty years, died wed_ and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A.] uncsday morning. April 18 at the residence G 5- a`ie1'- ' ` 7 of her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Orchard, lot 5, ; Friday- April 27---Angus Gamer9n.- lot 17.] com 9, Ve8pra_ Mm Jones was ggyears of con. 6. Oro, farm stock and implenients. . age, `and through her pleasing personality Sale at 1 P-'m- W- A- MCk93 a A1 - v had made a large circle of friends." She had i Monday, April 30.-Mrs. David McMackon . been a life-long Methodist. Mrs. Jones had! and Leonard Lee. a joint sale. of house-I been a resident in Essa prior to moving to hold furniture. farm stock and imp.:.~ Vespra. She was the widow of the late ments, lot 31, con. 2. Ess William Jones. The funeral will be held- on .Sale. at l p.m. W. A. McConkey, Auct: g\ V ........ .. use-lung muwuuusn. Mrs. Jones had: nvnL`Il\I\4II-VIIJ -McKER.NAN-BLACKMAN-In Castor, AL 1 berta, on Wednesday, April 4; 1923, Francis McKernan, '-son of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKernan of Alliance. Alta., (former- ly of Vespra) to Miss Kathzirine Black- man of Swift Creek, B.C. Rev. Father D Le Conteofficiated. I ____ -..........;5. uzunc, on Luesaay, April` an`d'Mrs. Hide.-j 3' `daughter (Mildred I Isabell). PUR.CHASE--On April 15, 1923. toM1v'.l ' and Mrs. George Purchase, Egbert, a son. OBIT/UARY I nuvute. D516 31? _ . I Conkey, Aauctionet _ Thursday, April 26 Y 79 Toronto St., J hold furniture. 5 55 auctiox mohths, Mm; 26.` Veep half4_lot. 3, con. 1 ,8, xmplements. Grose. `I-nknud I... E IFHARV Any-H 0'7 I .....4 ., .w,..a. mun stool: and 1mple~! ment. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Me- `auctioneer. ~ 26.--Mrs. W. H; Myers,l Barrie, valuable house~ Sale 26.--Lance Beelby, north; half4lot .3, 8, A.] ul-nan c.u.o:........_ AUCTION SALE} Friday, "April 20.-eEd. Wbax-ram," lot 4, con. 14, Inhisfil, farm stock and i.'nple~ ments. Sale at 1pm. W. A. MdConke_v. Auct. ' `Monday, A.pril 23.--Estate bf John Lucas, lo_t 9,.con. 3, Sunnidale, farm stock and implements. Sale at I p.m. W. A.] McConkey, Auctioneer. Wednesday. April 25.--P. Sadon, lot 15,! con.` 9, Vespra. farm Astok and imple~l ments. g auctioneer. "Plain:-aria A......:l no In -' -- -` aux, luv '2, . `_ ADVANCED PRICES uuaun men` many friend shbwn them; also for _ceived, during their re lment, Ii` Wm. McKeowh takes this oppor lthanking his many friends for th. `ms to his wife during her illness 1 ipathy in his recent- bereavement. ONE YEAR TO MAKE A Picture SO BIG MARKET SQUARE 1 McLean and family, Edgar. their manv friends: cm 41... 1. new and family, friends for the [12 aka far tl......I .__-1, Succeuof `to takes opportunitym their kin . ing and sym< t- 1612 ----1 uuua xur we Kllldnl-7 )1` oral tributes re- recent and bereave- 16 Ll`, wish to . 1.:...a_-... w. .l._ nifclamns lg W151! ll) Agent-fc;v McClary s Furnaces 52 Elizabeth St. Phone 952W. 0.1:. 1_{iig;0ph.n. Next Door: to Singer Sewing Machine Co.

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