Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 13

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TENNIS CLUB Already these bargains are being appreciated. iDoubtless yoL'1`,`/too, benet by this sale. It s imperative, ~ then,that you act quickly! .1 Phone 123 Never before have we been in a position to offer such astonishing values in high grade Aluminum Cooking Utensils. Don t be skeptical regarding quality when you note the extremely low prices. After you have seen and examined these beau- tiful. utensils, you will admit such skepticism should never have existed. 7_Everyday needs such as illustrated are being offered at sale prices and shall remain so until stocks are earl-umuzlnrl __. - V. ---J u-vuuuu vnavll It ILIIIGSI `so until stocks are exhausted. Illlll-f,"'}' 10-`qt. Kettles T 8-cup Percoiators 21/2-qt. Buffet Pans Sale Price $1.59 each Sale .Price $1.69 each Sale Price 79c and; .6-cup Teapots Sale Price $1.49 ' ` 5-`qt. Tea Kettles Q-l- D..:_- an 4-La clettes';t- 75c yard Aluminum Cooking Utensils `C `U0 A V Jbivtl Sale Price $1.98 ;ch %*on`Disp1ay This Week and sapphire blue, 1 yard wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.75 $2 If'y_ou are preparing yonr. w'ardrobevfor_ the warmer days, . _ don t forget that you, will need, apretty Ratine Dress to make it complete. _ We are showing such` a variety this season that there will be no difficulty in makin g a choice. The newer cloths are Sponge Cloth, Silk Ratine and Fancy Ratine. - PLAIN RATINE, 1 yard wide, in white," blue, mauve, pale blue, delf, pink, grey, spring green and sand, two prices ' . . . . . 60cand$1.00pctyanl- CHECK AND STRIPE RATINE, in gre ' ` at Astounding Bargains IN CHEFS OWN" AND WENTWORTH" BRANDS EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED l_{E-ORGANIZES The Third rself at the pr. 30, ~May` 10.. OttonHardw,a1;e Co. : --Presto1ine.Piano Gloss is spec- ially prepared for pianos, phono- graphs and furniture which have highly polished surfaces. It will in no way crack or check the finest n-R ish. The best polish on earth for; }automobiles. 25c and 50c bottle. ;Sold by J. G. Keenan, opposite post: ioffice. *4-' I vv vino The orchestra, consisting`. of Mrs. iMossington, F. Kennedy, Chas. Saso, VChas. Crossland and Clarence Jones, !added greatly to the success of the affair. .... -v....c nu. uu: uucaslon - I M Aftef the banquet,` the ladies in` charge, Mrs. W. L. Patterson, Mrs. Wm. Crossland, Mrs. Mossington and Miss T. Cavanagh, were each pre- sented with an armful of American Beauty roses by the boys and girls` they had trained so faithfully and! `well. _ V _ I ._ -- ---,....,...u nu. uuc i?`ohowing the Revue, 2 at which eighty-three sat `served, the Altar Boys also iin force for the occasion. I Anm; 41... I-------4 -' ,,.`-_- .vuuvvva l\l'aVUI3 f On Tuesday afternoon a repeat lperformance of the Musical Revue {was given in St. Mary's Parish Hall, rill honor of the Sisters of St. Joseph, !who attended, and they expressed themselves delighted with the efforts; of the performers, most of whom are pupils or ex-pupils of the Sisters. 'l:`nn......'.__. 41; '- BANQUET r~`ou .ows REVUE n... rn..-...v--- in A New English Wash4Fabric, ratine, four shades only, pink, 54 inches wide, light weight a other Drjzgoods, Clothing 1ESd2\I dnrirmr Mn`. 1...... or cars pur- imcoe Coun- to the Rec ston, Barrie. obevfor the days, forge~thatA s make are e making and ` a vb;-nquet, three down, was > being out. nr|('s:inn and Furnishing Stores, V; `June, July, August, September. 2-qt. Double Boilers Sale Price $1.49 each E VALUE OF 00-OPERATION Oshawa Reformer--Tho old ' competition is the life of trade" gbe supplanted by a new one that "00- ` ation is the life of tndo" '1 vim- W, H_ Wnnrl mr_m-..:.l....o ..c .n.- tn... that thou!!! an 1 "Archie Burton, Harry Thollltu. ` and Cumming Scott loft lllt week an an extensive pronpocnt hip in r ,Northe1'n Ontario. They went Dy ltrain to Stackpool, north of Sudliu-y. A very enjoyable social evening` was spent by the members of it Junior Baraca Class and the 8!!- shine Beavers at the home of H1`. and Mrs. O. Shank, Collier 81;, Friday. Apr. 13. After game! and other amusements had been enjoyed, dain- }ty refreshments were served. D D. IOOIDB. I I _ April 22,1923. . ' Sunday School Anninnm Services at 1.00 .-..:n., 8. pa. 7.00 p.-m. in t e Grand ODCI lier St. The `Rev. Dr. B. B. minister of Woodgreen Tlnnado, the preacher for the day. Monday evening, Apfil tea and entertainment in odist S.S. rooms. Tim n..I|:-.. IsA_--- I -' ry; good 0c each J, would like 66' .r'"a.*.-' prices own; 160 ..---woujrwjurjujujujqp 3 THE B. B.Sii612 STORE- 0PP03it BI`yson s Confectionery \ "l'Lll'.' DI ADI: Urn nun; n. n. -....._.-.._. 5 5 I\IlVlI lJ\IlV "_ "E:t-:rz"'r'I'rncA1'r:o Embalmer &* Funeral Director I THORNTON, ONT. --vnuvuoulv Ill`! HERMAN M. VTHVOMPSON l\:'D'rIeInA-I-I-In Cashmere gular 75c, . 50c pair ERN. IioL1'oN OUR MOTTO:. CI-It--It--un-on-nu--I SHOP IN .When tirrie p . something very = buvimr nnn u an Infants Boo'ts, size 2 to 5. `--791: `to $2.25 pr. Children's Boots, sizes 4 to 7 `A. ` 1-81.95 to 84.00 pr- Girls Boots, sizes 8 to` 10%. --$2.35 to $5.00 pr. mumu uurrucners, D. W. Moore. I Musical Numbers-Prelude, Ddwn in Sunny 'l`ennesaee,". Company; Lovin'] auu. qvu. 1`l'lCKl'. The ~Harmonist.s:--W. Randall Richard- son, Walter Cooper, Jack Cooper,'Gordon Reeve, Georg;-,Folster, Jack Rodgers. Geo.-' Hubbard. Frank H. Hurlburt. Chas-. Smith. John D. Wisdom. Tom Wauchope, Frank Hammond, Ed. Sutcliffe. Harold Wardman, Eldred Carruthers, S. W. Moore. Muainnl M.....k..... n...|...:_ Hrs; - I -See our west window for a bargain-`--Strains and j Oxfords in brown, , black and combina- tions of colors, black and tan, patent and tan, patent and grey. Space will not permit to explain them all as to shape, heels, etc, uuunur. um: nruwn. 'l'he -Balladists:---J. RL Trend. D. R. Hill. Geo. Fricker. Tho .1-[av-nxnnhulua `I l)......I..ll n!_L...,,I AVI 1. Minstrel Land" The Interlooutor . . . . G. Oliver Cameron. I The End-men':---Haz-ry J. Twiss, A. How- ard Felt, Harry Barron, Ernest A. Ryan. Ray P. Hoover, Harry Shannon, Al. C.- Bricker. Tom Brown ` . 'l'I...' `D..ll...l:..;.. . I h` m J I v\ V- Men s Hear} _Urus Calf Boots in black, with toe caps and without, all sizes. . .. . . -. .. $5.00 a pair Men s Calf Boots; with toe caps,. black and tan,` four lines to choose from . . .` . . . . . ..~$4.00 a pair Several other lines popularly priced. . ed Cotton ,'/2, 9 and KIWANIS MINSTREL !3:mM;;:5 snow NEXT WEEK %`,:::;3%= E !P. Hoover | '5 , , 93 V HORSE OR MOTOR EQUIPMENT Phone: Ivy-Thornton v r---~ ~- V.-'---J ` Cor. Collier and Clepperton` Stu. Phone 67 : Cal: and Delivery n onavu uucsxaca uz ucuvy l `per tin . . . . Red Raspberries, pet tin Strawberries, per tin . . . Pure Cocoa, per lb. . . . . Or .. . . . . .. Slln. for time permits, there is very satisfying in buying one s groceries in per- son. The very convenient lo-_ cation of Litster's at the corner of Collier and Clapperton Sts. makes it easy to drop in in the course of _a shopping expedition and the personal and pleasant attendance affords greater sat- isfaction to the patron. White Cherries in heavy syrup, 'r.m~ tin ' 03- 1-1; 1335:; 3? ".... n_n:___ _-, J n s__[Io1>_ IN PERSON 3- I-1T5_'1.'E.R $3.95 A PAIR Broadway high,`a.n;1m1.<.)x; vl.i f`e :-gold-digging vaimp end innocent girl from the country;--all New York at its best` and worst lives in this gripping mystery-melodrama. an - -----v-- 3 -`gonadal `U The lovely leading woman of Humoresque in` the gripping ' Cosmopolitan Magazine love:melodrama by - Arthur Somers Roche. 13..-- 4---- to Opposite K V THE PLACE TO BUY HEAVY FOOTWEAR. `FIND THE WOMAN CH1!-.I>AR_EN's (Continued from pgg' ACT 1. Il....A.._| I --_ J" muasoav. "Ann-. 19, 1923. PANT;["cEs VXU'6ETr'1i;L-"'KN_-`-- cuusn ruunsmxv, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY srzcnu. COSMOPOl..lTAN,PlCTURE Eshblished I849` j-_ ALSO A GOO COMEDY I-`QR KIDS u a . x z -- 5: 15 ' " _S-a;u;d:3-r` 2.30. GOOD MUSIC `. - - -_-.. .., ....,--Io, 25 rs, '. 35? er .... 35 rlb. 25: 5 lbs. $1.00 VALUE AND SERVICE.` '1) 'WlTH 5 uuun uvuula "A `Court Attendant . . . . . . . . ,Walter Cooper The King of Gazook . . . . . t. . . R. P. Hoover `The. Queen of Gazook . . . . . . J. D. Wisdom The Royal Fan Bearer .. Eldred Carrnthers Billee Barton . . . . . . . . . . .. Guida Burton Will B. Dunn . . . . . . . . .. W. R. Richardson Trixie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mabel Gill . Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. G. L. Reeve l Vivette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Florence A1-nold . Archibald Doolittle Glen Slesser I Sylvia Madeline Ripley .. Edith Creswicke Jun Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. A. Ryan ` Court Attendants, Dancing Girls. etc. . Musical Numbers :-Temple Dance, The King's Dancers; Jungo-land" Florence_Ar- nold and Chorus; Finale. Ensemble. Geo. L. Stevens . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Director W. P. Harford ........ ..'Musical Director Miss Goodall . . . . . - . . . . . A. . Assistant pianist All these are Goodyear Welts, in black and brown, round com- fortable toes and other -toe all sizes from 6 to 10. ` ' SEE ova SPECIAL - % roam ide, ne 2c yard --__.--..., uyugau &`llUl\UIu 7 Musical Numbers:--Opening Chorus. When You Pack Your Little Grip. Bell- boys and Tourists; Oh `Here we come," Dunn's Musical Comedy Girls and Boys ;` Oh, For the Life of a Fireman," Glen Slesaer: He's Me Kiddo," Florence Ax-~ nold, G; L. Reeve. and Bowery Dancers; '.Fina-le," Ensemble. . V ~ a Scene _2:-Before- the-Curtains. Harry J. Twins, who talks about this and that. ' ` l Scene 3::-In the Palace of the King of` Gazook. ' V Characters .A.r nuwzgra. vxtna Uooper, Mae Walker, dreth Lennox, Messrs. Wa1ter Cooper. dred Carrut-hers, Harold Wardman, Gar Reeve. Jack Cooper, George Fo1ster,..l ! Rodgers, George Fr_icker.e ; Il....2__I \v, 1 A _._--_ --vnarvq vvvu ' xi Personnel of Chorus :-Mi.sses Mary Daley, [Phyllis Campbell, Kathleen Powell. Thelma `Young, Clara Curtis, Kathleen Kennedy, `Nora DeHurt, Lelia Dougall. Bessie De-' Hart, Edith Smith, Margaret Coultet, Janet Edward. Edna Cooper, Mae Hil- Lenllxt. M Wuhan {`AI~-A- 7-" ` . . . . . . GuidaBur-ton! Vivette, her seemingly French maid ' . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Florence Arnold ' Bell boys, Tom-ists.VMembers of Dunn's I Opera Troupe, etc. ' ' ' I n ..... ,.I Pl\I --. ` -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Glen Slesser Will 8. Dunn, owner of the Dunn Opera Troupe` . . . . . . . . .. W. R. Richardson .-jazz Johnson, a porter .` . . . . . . . E. A. Ryan lBillee Barton, 21 yong woman of wealth ` _ V Ila-LI.` D....A.-__ !S8m,".Tom Brown; Call Me Back. 1 {Of Mine," Geo. Fricker; Carolina in 1 -3 Morning," Harry Shannon; Mother: 5 Imlnnrl " I ) D um. ``'I'... .......-..... `V vvvv :1. Scene l:-Lobby of the Inside Inn. . Trixie, a stenographer . . . . . . . . Mabel Gill Buttons. 8 bell boy . . . . . . G. L. Reeve- Svlvia Mlldlinn Rinlmy +1.. ..:u ....... -:_ VJ. I-Jo I\EUVe' v1"iiy')l.e.,\l.. . ltllxl-.,."\zillage gossip .. . . . . . . . . . . Edith Creswicke Archibald Doolittle, a gentle hotel clerk _ _ _ _ _ V 7 III... Ql-._.___ uluwll. 'fllIl'l'y DH ;' Hill and Company. yanvusuu. u. n.. nlu; 10-morrow_.`_' R. Hoover; Love Sends4A Little Gift. of i Roses," J. R. Treend; Lay Low, Lizzie! Brownff -Harry Barron; Finale." D. R. :1-[ill and nnmnnnu bun. 19. 1923. `M0l'!1m8." Harry Shannon; Mother 5Il`018!1d." D. R. Hill; To-marrow." JP. Hnnvm-2 Lnvn Qnvula A I,:ul.. it. _ -.-$5.75 a. pair Act 2. \v I. .l.'l.UOVCl' .7. '0. Wisdom Carrixthers `|l...L..l run uunau U: wean-u . . Guida Burton Ann`: on ..:.I E 7 uuncl IJIGFK Glen Slesser I53}. Gordon er, Jack Important Business _BE PRESENT Moliday, April 23rd, at 4 pan. Department of Agriculture Rooms `D. Quinlan, Pres. H..;A. Henry, Sec. The convenors of the various com- mittees, together with the president. vice-president and secretary, will form atcentral executive to conduct the affairs of the organization and determine its policy. \JAvL It: The convenors of committees to organize sports are :- Baseball. E. Kearnis; cricket, W. Blogg; football, F. `Johnson; eld sports, G. Clark; hockey, '1`. Copeland; lacrosse, A. E. Clark. money-`- 1l!_ ___ __j ........... u VILALOLB I The` officers of the new association are :--- - . Patron---Mayor John Little. { Hon. Pres.---.W. E. Weegar, Supt.` Hon. Vice-Pres.--T. H. Horner,! Supt. of Tracks. Pres.---F.. Foster. Gen. Foreman. Vice-Pres.-L. E. McMi1lin, Secy. L R.R.Y.M.C.A. Secy.-Treas.--W. N. Du , Chief Clerk. - ' ~-nv Social and entertainment features; will also be dealt with. The annual! C.N.R. picnic will in the future be: handled by this association, which in- tends to make it _a bigger and better! event than ever. Since the organiz-i ation of the association a couple of weeks ago, rapid strideshave been} made and everything will be in readi- ness as soon as the weather permits outdoor sports. _-_. _.rr v . . . v u u ; un I/Lluu VV`-ILIXIE The association has xed its fee` of "membership at $2.00 a year `for! railroadmen. Associate members will, be admitted at the same fee and`e have all the privileges of the associ-2 ation except participating in certain! railroad competitions. An_v_1-esidenti ofBarrie' may become an associate! member. A special fee has been set ' for railroadmen not resident in Bar- c TIA _ ....wyu Lcyullacll uxcy were pl`ep8I'Illg" a schedule and arranging for teams- M Other committees made many recom- M mendations to the executive. The Aquatic Committee will probably. have the biggest job on their hands.{ Plans are being made for regattas; and other water sports. Field sportsi will not be neglected and_ a commit-I tee `has been appointed for that work. l'l'!`L. ., V . l` Backed strongly by the residents ~ `lot Ward Six, the c. N. R. officials! g of the Allandale terminal have now -' i got the ` C. N." Athletic Association A ` well` under way. Ata meeting onll Wednesday night, presided over by!. F. Foster, president, plans were dis-; cussed and the committees already] appointed made very favorable re-5 `ports. The Grounds Committee ex-" pect to" start operations at once inj placing the recreation park in a\suit- `. able condition. The Baseball Com-_ mittee reported they were preparing" 3. Shdllln sin!` nvronminn -l-`Au 4...-..-.- New ATHi]i:T1c"AssocN. 3 (5.01:-:s WITH coon swmc; an Lnvnu vvauu uuu LU]. u Vlallu _ ` Rev. R. J. D. Simpson,.secretary of the superannuation fund of the Methodist Church, received the hon-I A orary degree of doctor of divinity at] the jubilee convocation of Wesleyan` theological - college, Montreal, this Iweek. Rev. Dr. Simpson is a brother of Dr. L. J." Simpson of Barrie. A AssocIA .'ation An_nual Meeting [1 6 UL ulluuo Jas. Simpson of Gravenhurst, al! former resident of Barrie, spent his 98th" birthday (Apr. 12) with his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Meakin, 159 Maple Ave. His daughters,` Mrs. I Collins of Toronto and Mrs. Bolitho *- of Gravenhurst, and his son Thomas also were present. Thos. Holdsworth of Oakdale, Ne- braska, is visiting his cousins, Mrs. J.` S. Johnston. Maple Ave., and C. H. Holdsworth, Ellen St. Mr. Holds-I worth. was born in Barrie 80 yearsii ago, leaving this townoin 1865. Hisi1 ,cousin,.Herbert Rolston of Toronto, [is here with him for a visit. i `D--- `n 1' *r\ n2,.,, I r 3 inches 29c yard John R. Todd of Victoria, B.C., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Crew for the week-end- ,and had the pleasure of meeting a,! number of old friends. He came east"; to attend a convention of Dominion Express Co. employees, meeting in` Toonto;`_ ' .-._i l S.` Mc`Quay' And Mrs. Wm. Banting of Ivyare` visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Speers. vnI1'nuo A Association Officers ll, ' nu-: sum:-: EXAMINER ....u._. I\aa-\ll\\I!\lV ILIL3 The annual meeting of the Barrie lTennis Club was held in the Police; ` Court Chambers on Thursday, Apr. ']12, at which the following officers were e1ected:-- A V I Hon, Pres.-W.A. Boys, K.C., M.P.'; President--Rev.tA. R. Beverley. ' Vice-President---J. H. Wilson. , ' 3 Secy.-Treas.--Miss E. Creswicke. ` Captain---J. R. Boys. ' 't Executive Committee----Mrs. Bev- Ierley, Mis_s D. Boys, Dr. W. C. Little gand W. Armstrong. , n | A3-rnnn-nnnnnl-.. L----- L- ~~ an 1 ' Bl4Ul.'Uo r? Gar1'__ett s purchase gives him the vacant lots on Elizabeth St., the; old Wilkinson residence and the pro- |pert_v running south as _far as Lewis` & Co. s coal `office. i n... 4].... _.__-,,_ . .. . _` R. F. GARRETT IS TO BUILD ANOTHER MOVIE THEATRE I R. F. Garrett has purchased the old I `Wilkinson property, with'the excep-I jtion of the store premises now oc-! Palmer,- and which has been bought by Chas.- Robinson, who purposes, opening a hardware and electrical] supply store. M_ fV___,,,4nI - I 1es `wide, 75 yard .

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