Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 12

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[1-`ARM FOR SALE-- L1: 9. Con. 11. In-: [ nisfil. Apply to Mrs. John Robinson. R. R. ` iN0. 2. Allundale. 16-21;); `-70 ACRES. lot 9. con. 5. Innisfil. clayf loam. well watered. two acres orchard. good brick house, bank barn 36x56. driv-I ing shed. poultry house. Apply John" Mayes, Thornton. _ 1-itfci so ACRES PASTURE I.-AND for sale, 10:. ...... 10 Y.....Z,.C2l -DI-..s.. Al ....4.._ .....l3 {FOR S.-\LE-Brick'hnuse.*7. rooms. town. ioonvenieuces. 121 acres good garden. For {particulars addres Box 943. Barrie. 15-16p I T . FOR SALE-A-To close the estate of the late Wm. Bowexs we would offer the property at ' `226 Elizabeth St.. Barrie. a? $2200.00. There is a. ne-._ garden connected with this and a stable for four animals." ' T. W.: Brumby. A817 Pape Ave.. Toronto. l6pE FOR QUICK S.-\LEr-In Town of Orillia : 10-room brick house, very modern in every." respect. large windows; very_ attractive, architectural design and appearance: twoi nd one-half storeys. `on good high stone; foundation. At present prices would costi about $8000. Offer for $5000 cash. Apply} to Box 92. Orillia. ' 14-16c 3 l {FOR S.-\LE---Building lots on Vespra Sn.` g two cams-per foot.----Wamed sail or motor` boat. Lew Howe, Lexvistozn, New York- ` T 10tfc . I , _,,, W, , # , UU -'l\ll\L'4L7 .l4T1K`lL}l\-LU IJIXAVLJ IUI WRIT, l\ll. I 11. con, 12. Inmsfxl. `Plenty of \\ :1`.(`l' muli sgood fences. Apply to J. H. Nixon`. Bax} 5 1044. Barri. telephone 917W. L 15-20;. | . ` ply to Mrs. A." Le.Gear_. 79 Blake St. Phone 98-1F.` - 16p S-ROOMED: HOUSE with all conveniences. V for sale on Burton Ave. For particulars ap- . FOR S.-\LE---Two Wasaga beach lots. ideal; dtuatinn. price reasonable; a wicket baby carriage. turntable gear. nearly new; one [Iron Age garden scuffler and seeder. new.. `Apply R.` A. Gibson, Eiizabeth St.. West." IVIAIU Wnlilluu uy Luny au, nu svucuu housework, family of four. Apply Mrs. H. A. Sims, `Owen St., or do the Bmk nf 'I`1n\nmfn `n . Ads; in this columxi 4c. per word. Property For Sale Lost and Found Farms ForASale 1 . 3 --1000 young la_dies wanted to sell tickets for The Third` Alarm, (two Hp:-izes). For information apply to -;Ra_v Simmons} 16c ` --See. see, see The Third Alarm" hat the Grand Opera House, Barrie; 3 Apr. :30. May In and 2, under auspices -`Barrie Fire Brigade. ' ` 16c f l With Every Dollar Purchase we give a Sc. Coupon. See the nice goods at small prices All the. spring shades that yoii could possibly desire are offered in these Full-`Fashioned, Pure Silk Hose. They are serviceable and good-looking. Offered. at veryreasonable markings, too, are Silk Lisle Hose, Silk Hose with cotton garter tops, Venus Silk Hose with lisle tops; colors: Black, White, Beige, Beaver, Dove, Cor- _ dovan; sizes 8% to'- 10, price . .' . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Ladies Black Silk Hose with white clocks Ladies Black Cot and Ladies White Silk Hose with black `. 91/2 and 10, sp clocks, price . . . . . . . . , . . . $2.25 pair Chan A 11.4 I Ladies Black Silk Hose with tops, sizes 9, 91/5 and 10, special, $1.00 pair White Cotton, 1 yard wide,'special prices . . . . . . .. 20c, 25c, 30c ma 35 yard Special value WAl@?`1l)--~A male junior clerk by a local bank. Applicant please give 330.` refer- ences gnd particulars of education. Apply to ! .0. Box 782, Barrie. . 16p Ladies Italian Silk Hose, stainless dy; blackand brown, sizes 8%, 9, 93/; and -10, extra value . . . . . . . . pair Nainsook, fine quality, 40 inches wide, easy priced . T. . . 45c, 50c and 65 yard 0x4 White Sheeting, special value at 75c Brown Linen for Runners", 22 incpes wide, `special price . . . . . . . . . 50 yard Brown Linen_f0r fancy work, 36 inches wide, reg. $1.00, for . . . . . . 75 yard <"4_\-Vhite Sheeting, special Values at . El\-_ ll- _,._I 01 All English A`./\/l1ite Sheeting`, 8x4, special value at . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90 yard Brown Holland, value at . . . . Hosiery of Dependable Quality Barrie Kiwanis Club T FOR SAM`:--Iiigh class pony and cart to be sold at. a sacrifice. P.0. Box 938. 16p `TheJolliesof 1923 . ."."."6c,' 6'i{d' i`.Ef0a}& SPECIAL SCENERY ' BEAUTY CHORUS 01-` SIXTEEN, FUNNY END-MEN, i swm SINGERS . in Mill Ends of Cotton . . . . . . . . Easy Priced E A MINSTREL MUSICAL COMEDY REVUE FOR BENEFIT OF UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN 30 inches wide, spatial , ` El'\- , 50--BARRIE STARS--50 --lNCLUDING- PRESENTS TWO SHORTHORN BUl.l..S for mac. 1} .._-_ -lJ -3 _._..l L.___...__ .__.--,. --- AL-.. Girls Fine 1x-1s Ribbd BlackCashmere ` Hose, sizes 8, 8% and 9%, regular 75c, i _ special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 pair Cotton Hose,'sizes 8V2, `-3, 791/2 special price .. 25c pan` i Girls and Boys Blackkhzci Ribbed Cotton ; T Hose, sizes 5%, 6, 6%, 7, 814, 9 and : 9%, special price . . . . . . . .. 25: pair Eircular Pillow C0tton,T42 inches xiride, special value . . . . . 50c and 60 yard Special values in Colored Flannelettesj at an. on- 9:- .415. ___.l HE- --_...I I-3-;.0wn Holland, very ne wide, priced at . . . .-; . . Buy Grey. Cotton nowvand save money- 31-in. Grey Cotton, price . . 15 yard V 36-in. Grey Cotton, price ..v25c yard 36-in Grey Cotton, extra heavy for sheeting, price- . . . . . . . . . . . . 35:: yard Fine Quality White Flannelette. 33 inches- wide, special value T . . . . . . . . 29 yard White Flannelette, 27 inches wide, ne quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c yard Mop Cloths, 18x22 `inches, heavy: good `value . . . . . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . 30 each I V'\' \VIl\ I\ I Il\Il\~l` .L L'IlI4\` |\Il FNIC. I year old. at real bargain prices. -see them` before yau buy elwewhero; also Barred Rock I eggs, SL00 par setting. H. M. D_\'ment.I_ Barrio, phone 368. l2tfcli Zircular Pillow Cotton, 45 inches wide, special value . .` . . . . . . . . . . . 75c yard I\r\v ttlhdiru Ann l\.Il A guy you . hoe, 29c, 33c, 33c 2i"75 yai l ` --Who will send in The Third - Alarm? See for yourself at the :uGr-and Opera House. Apr. 30. May ;l1iand 2. 16c Three new Reo motor cars pur ; chased by residents of Simcoe Coun- , ty have been delivered to the Rec ) agent, Frank W. Livingston, Barrie. quality, 36 in. . $1.25 yard commons oil] '1 (III. III! Ray P. Hm Hricker. Tun run l\ I The Harm son. Wultor Pcevr-. Gem` Hubbard, Fr: John D. Wi. 'Hunnnnnd. I" }*,'.ldred (`arru Il., ' I L7 The End In 1.rd Felt. Ila A.:1ILIr.1l \ (II I U Musical N Sunny T;-nu --- %~ I '2 PURE-BRF.IV young Hereford bulls for . sale, sir'cd by first prize bull at Barrie for} two yals. (`.hoice mws at a bargain. Ap- ply to David Clarke. Thornt-mx R.R..,l.| 16-18}: | KIWI lIIll:l'\T7I- Inn The Bxlllzu Hill. (jot). Fri "l"l... 11......` nouxnzwa Z HERMA; Embalme A . THC The lmerlo _ of Collit ` isfaction VVh(-n somethir buying: son. T cation 0 makes it COIIYSL` O and the attendan White 0 per ti` `D-.,l D...J '\.l Ml` Red RM lIv\,\4 Ahtlvy Strawhel Pure (Id 02' CAPABLE WOMAN wines housework or _I....:_.. I... Ann 4`: ulna`! Ar 3. `III!-in car. con Phone 6` Prices HORSE THURS TH `FI The I gfippil Broad iI1H(')Cc best :1`: Me11 51 Mclfsi bargair in broq tions 0 patent grey. to exp! heels, ULEILIUAIJ rumuuu wauwu uy muruuu mm. with aslmnanship experience. Apply to BoxT834. Barrio. 12p4tc 51-I0` Infan Girls Childm- (Cunti SH( WANTED TO RENT before May 1, six or seven-roomed house, with ponveniences. Ap- ply at Examiner Office. 16 :: CATHE WAN'l`ED--Wanted to buy, a few young oate or dry coxys to put 9n the gun. Apply G. W. Atkmson, Bame. One cent a word. each, each ineertion (minimum charge. 2513); six insertions for the price of four. 10 cents extra when charged ; also 10 cents extra when replies ere ditectechto Examiner Oioe. . mun WANTED. Apply to Supt. Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie. 16-17c `$1 I`: Kllll of Toronto. TWO C-ORNISH .(`-()CI\'El$El.S for sale. 0"! nn _-_l. A . Q; l)......:. each. Apply 31 John St. Barrie. 15-16;! \'\II\l` IIVII _ \'\ \JI\I'.ll\I`JI\` l\l| ;Vb\l| -. ' BULL FOR `SALE--0ne re-gi.~`t.ored Short` hurn Durham bull, 14 months old. Apply tn Benj. Webb. Stroud, : Stfc `.001? COW for sale. foot, also I cow. due cow due by April `.39. phone 65'). HORSE FOR SALE--Big. strong, quiet." chestnut driver, six years old. or would suit] for third home on a farm. Will give good tornns. Phone 732J. 16p l"()R S.-\l.FI vl gr:1_\-' l or({h`rm\ horse (day! I plod) 9 yrs. old. 1450 lb~`.: 1 gray Percher- nu mun-. 4 yrs, nld: I buy horse; 9 yrs.| old. I450 |hs.: l-horse wugu_u. nonrly new. - with box and spring .~`(":\t. John Calldwell. Shunt) Buy. RR. 2. - - 154611 FOR S. \l:l*) 3~_\'(`!Il'~(ll(l hvifcr. will be in l~_v tlme this .~pp~.ar.~'; heifer. duo about May; I5; \'url .~1\w and 7 pigs, one month: old; 11 Start` pigs from 75 tn 100 lbs.;._nlll `in gum! gmwim: condition. Prices Arexwnn-l able. J. J. lukley. RR. 1. Amen .\{ills. phone Minesing 412. - . v lpi Wl{I'l`l. \\"\'.&NDOI'I`E l~`.(}(`vS~~Bred-to-lay ! cl:-nine `I-nun (`.n'uL`l anal `In! and C1 Kn nnv-I OOMPETENT GENERAL WANTED. Fam- ily of two. Apply Mrs. O. H. Lyon, 91 Owen se., Barrie. ' V 15-16p o n |ll ll`: 11 l ."Ll1l \Il I 1`; l`l\.lL'\""`Dl'l'~1'l'|U`liIy: strains from Guild-and McLeod. 81.50 per[ 13. A. Mulcmnson. Barrie. phon 447. 14-22 Collier St. ' A 16-21:: P`.(}:`uS `FDR IIATC-IlING~~-frnn1'2 choice! pens nf Barred Racks. prize fowl. bred-to lay. 81.00 for 13. Apply S. J. sher. 6-1 rzabs ma uncurwc. gal.-ck 0z",f:11"ton. good layers. imported first `prize cockerel` from breeder in Leamington. `$1.00 'for' 1 13 eggs. Apply `151 Owen Sn. Barrie. Thai. Milbex-. T ` H-19p. mus ma H.5.'I `CHING--White wyaudm. ..... IlrL:c.. I ....l...._.... I.-. . . . . . . _:_.,__ I .... _, rnvun rxut ll."ll\-'1lllV\V""VV Ink` VV_\'{uI(lUl- `ma, White lpghnrxxs. heavy winter layers; 31:50 setting of 15. $4.00 for 50. Orders > booked for diuy-old chicks} Mrs. Calderwood. Barrie; Telephone 134. 14-17;)! g%&m&&&x&&%m&$ 5$%*&&$$i&&%w%mE 1\ ___L -..-L :I|AQD.: ADLET COLUMN -Live Stock For Sal: Eggs for Hatching MAID WANTED. for homework, plain cooking and no washing. Apply immc_linte- ly between 11 mm. and 3 p.m. Phone 495.! or apply to Mrs. Maurice Eaten. 36 Blake St. ' ` AUWUMOBILE DF.ALlR wanted to handle the most. popular car in Canada. Elmvale Allie" and surrounding territory. $3500 to $5000 , required. Excellent opportunity to ostab~_ lish permanent and most. profitable business. Apply Box R" Examiner. 16p Help Wanted calf 34wecks old at by April 30. and I Apply E. M. Freak. Mptfc .IIIIII\ 16p guv l6P WARDROBE for sale, Apply 98 Collie: Street. ` `_ . 16p aZ's"s'movE. 010.00 buyavit, Apply 172 Elixabgth se_.-- . ' mp REED BABY CARR-IAGE for sale. ply 121 Owen Street. . UIIIH V IVUIJIIII L_\IIJvl\OLLV\X `VIII ` good condition. `Phone , 301. FOR SALE-Top buggy, in first-class con- ditinn. Apply W. T. Clarke, Brentwood, phone 32r33, or -D'Arcy Gauley, Barrie. phone 637. . 16-21 1 caavaourr TOURING ma Fj_0R SALE, ---.| -.._.m.:.... 91.-.... um ., fa. YOUNG WOMAN;WAN'l`S light work by day or week. Apply Box 907, Barrie P.0. CHOICE oooK1NG-APPLES for me," ;;f the season. Phone orders jo 6051-6; LIGHT spams DEMOCRAT waoon for" ' sale. , 87 Maple Ave, Phone No. 567.16-17p UIUC X'an'dg1e. CLEVELAND BICYCLE for sale, new` 1920, in good condition. 828.00. Apply 106 Sophia St. ` ' 18p FOR. TSALE--1922 Ford touring car, newly overhgxuled. shock absorbers. starter. etc. Apply at 92 Cumberland S-`... Allandule or phone 808W. V 157170 Tz I STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale. . Variety that produces largest crops of fine fruit. Write or apply W. F. Shepherd, Tollendal, CHEVROLET CAR FOR SALE--New tires, newly overhauled and painted, cheap for quick sale. $300.00. Apply Kelly's garage,_Ba_vfield St-.V _ V _ 16p FOR SALE-30 ninc~frame hives with ex-I tracting supers, also 40 shallow supero`; l some are new and will be sold at bargain! price. Apply 17 Eugenia St. 16p! HAPPY `THOUGHT RANGE romxe. Ap- gllylv l"8 `East Mucus St., off Caroline j I FOR SALE--Dominion organ in` first-`class condition, walnut finhh. Apply at Extin- iner - office. ' 16p Ul'l|Dl4l`4 W unnn Willa! uvuncwuus vn domain; by day or week. Box 654,` Barrie, Ont. . . . A T 16p i s'$-'saIJia`. 1900 GRAVITY WASHER'for sale, good as new, with encased ball-bearing wringer, will be sold separately if desired, in bargain. Phone 802J, . 15-lc VI FIIU UK DPPKV Allandale P.0. DAI-{LIA ROOTS for sale. mixedoolors. 5 `for $1.00, special colored. 25 per root. Postage extra. Apply to Fredwin Thomp- lsoll. .R.R. 2. St-roud. l3~lSp FOR S\ALE---Whi'te whnle reed baby car- .riage. Lloyd Princms style. wicker bassin- ette; also wiinger. `:| in good condition. Apply 121 Bayfield St. . 16p S'I`R-AWBERRY PLANTS for sale, very best. of three varieties, special prices on [hn11:u1d lots. Apply toAFred Huse. Ne-I; {son and Codrington Sts.. East End. 16p i I GAS RANGE for sale. cabinet style. four! burners. '2 ovens; warming shelf. used one] year. in perfect condition. 3'25 for quick! lsale. Phone 568 ox-At-all at Mrs, Thos. IS_1nith7s. 9. Albert ,St. 16c I ._._-___-... iBR.I(`K HOUSE :0 let.Ti n .~\ll:mdale. mod!` `em conveniences. Apply The Sarjoant (`n.. Ltd. 160 g `FARM T0 RENT-~100 ubres. all clean: 10 acres of fall wheat in bank-barn. `frame house. 50-rods from school and church. Ap- ply J. R- Hubbert. .159 Mary St. Barrie. . ' A15-16p I P.-\STUR.E--Big creek pastnrnge. two hun- dred acres, mile west of- Stroud. Limited number of cattle" taken. `Salt furnished and charges moderate; wnuld rem or sell. Apply early. B..F. Quantz, 55 Mary St., Barrie. _ .15-20p CLEBIOAL POSITION waoted by married _.-_ _JI]. --In-unnnaluin ACMQIIDI Annlu IPASTUR.-XGE-~50 acres good pasture at Brentwood;.south half lo! 26. c.on..1.A W.S. R.. good shade and running water; limited `number of cattle taken. or will rent. Ap- lply W. '1'. Clarke. Bretmvood. phone 32:33 l or D'Arcy Gadley. Barrie, phone-637.16-21 OREQM WICKER BABY CARRIAGE for -._l- ... _-...I --...l:L:.... ISL--.4 95111! as 01 uxvnnu vvu.-nun. nan; \Jl'Il\LI;lA`L\Jl3 IUI sale, in good condition. Phone 361W or 91! `ll nnfinlnl Rt I n SNARE-DRUM for aale, ' practically -new, reasonably priced, terms cash. Apply Box 162, Barrie, Ontario. . 16p RASPBERRY CANES for sale. St. Regis Ever"-bearing. Plan: your canes in the spring ' and have berries in the fall. $1.00 per dozen. J. A. Caldwell, 149 Blake'St... Barrie. V 16-17 ROOFING FOR S.~\I.E--The old reliable Preston Roofing and acctwories. and Brant- lfnrd Ready roofing. one of the best. Sold. lright and laid`if wanted by R. J. Grose.` :(`.hurchill. plume Lefroy. l5tfc iron SALE--Exten.sion table with 7 chairs;[ ,`Wilmn rug, almost new, 3 by 4 _\'ds;; iron. Jhedstead. with heavy springs; Vquantity of` ipicvure molding. Eggs for setting from` f_l1red~to-lay Barred Books, 31.00 for 15. iJ. A. Lennox. '2 North. St.. phone 3S'g'".` i b __ 16 | I ma. REN'I'--Good house` and lot m-mi Vine. station. Apply W. D. Cochrane. Al-` H:md:ile.- R..R. 2. . 13-lSp_ 3.1-`on. Iii-:N'r-s:eam hated residential "sum! :md office space; central location. Anply; :H:1mpt0n Jory. over (`-an. Nat`. Telegraphl i office. 7 I6-18c I I . , `HOUSE TO LET. furmshed. for` summer` ~`easm1. hll modern cnnveniences. fnurvbed- rooms. si`ting~r0om. dining-room ard two ilarge verandns. Apply 48 Louisa St. 16-1"p T WAN'l`ED--A steward or stewardess by the Barrie Golf Club. Apply to Box 762, `D .. -in , 1 n For To I.-.et_ VIIV ll\lDI, .16 -21p, ---w--~, `last 16;: ,a| 16c l ""171*h."i'a"i?i3i.-i.'I:" mp} you; come and; see '1`he -Third! "Alarm" and help them. - ` 16ci -A `few used organs to clear out: - quickly at your own prices at Keenan I ' ,& Kennedy's. ` a 16: ----Notice: For plumbing and heat- ,ing', ring. 214, J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for allstoves and ` furnaces. 15-17c --Several good organs at bargain? ' prices. See J. G. Keenan. l6cl ; you can get -your tickets promptly | - --East or west, north or south, and conveniently at Malcomson s. ~' Try it. . 16'-17 I Drs. Burns & Burns, chiropractors, `_ have moved} from 78 Dunlop St. to} a new and modern quarters at No. 60! ; Elizabeth St., over Binning"s photo! studio. ' l I 9 yl :0 ,1 (ll!!! --Latest and best sheet music at` J. G. Keenan's. ` lscl Somegolf enthusigstsvhave already starter` play on the local links. Fl... 11...}. 13'}... `D-3:-ad . .I...1..I im-In W,A-NTED for general housework. Family of two, all electrical conveniences. P. 0. Box 126. Barrie. T T 164: u7UI\II\II - . I -?-F'urther particulars re The 2 Third. Alarm" will be given in next! .week s paper. 16c! Judgment for the plaintiffs was. given by Judge AWismer in the Div; .1! G00 53 yullt Avv I in Div; ision Court, Friday, in the case of` Wiseman & McBride vs. Geo. McDon- ` uld. ` The suit was over a meat ac- count. ` . T .I, _ , I , _.! ._-, A...I- ___,__-, i MIIIII5 Ill IIl\IQl\'ZL U9 \lI l\CCllSlll A1. .I.\l\;` Harry Barron has resigned _his pos- i ition as choir leader_ of ' the Collier committee is advertising _for an or-' ganist-choirmaster' to take charge} May 1st. ` ! .._n7_. 1.....- .. 1-..... .........+.'4-.. -: gst. `Methodist Church and the music ! --High grade pianos and` every-: thing in music-at J. G. Keenan's . 16c `l_l'......-. D-__.... 1...... `unmet-Imam` Lin nu i ~'l(I I-DIM -->~vWe have a large: quantity` of phonograph boxes and cases for sale cheap: suitable for chicken coops, beehives, grain boxes, etc. Come in`! and pick out what you want. Keen-I an & Kennedy. . - . 16} F0IIND4~AitVI73va;1'igaficgxi. % lady s % can}! gold chain, ring attached. Apply Box 1092. : `FOR SALE-400 acres land. lots 7 am! 8 - `con. 12. Vespra. Timbered with soft maple. j `elm and ash. Also 100 acres W.-H, lo`. 12., ! con. 13. Vespfa. Any parties trPsp:n.i~`ing on -the above land will be prosecntou. S. E.3 Turner, Barrie. A 12-17p Q `Two GOOD BUILDING LOTS on Ellen snf Cheap for quick sale. .-Xpply 31 John St.. Barrie. V 15-16p ; MONEY LOST--$-10 in bills, between Post Office and Hospital, on Saturday. Reward'_ `M H. J. Buchanan's grocery store. 166% mnii FOR. "SALE-78 acres. lot 18. con? 8, Vespra. 70 acres cleared. 8 acres fall. wheat. 25 at -res seeded down. ploughing all .. `dorie. good buildings, 33 miles from Barrio. ` Apply to Wm. Coupland. `Barrie P.O. Phone 607r33. " 16-21p ; MAID WANTED by May 15.'for general I. Anna-uvnnlp `nrnulv A` `AIIIV Al\l\lV Mk

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