Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 10

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The boy rose after a while and looked at [his watch, a uununl Iuuuulraa. l $51 _.___A.._ I l,,l l,,LA__ , I I U I ""31 think," he said softly, that that M a mutual fondness." ' `BL- L--- ..-__ -4__ - __L!I, A) I. L, 1 "G. F. DOYLE. Superintepdent THIS BARBIE` EXAMINER Iuuuuu. was mue more man an uneven track. That Is our objectxve," said one of the horsemen. T ` II - I--I__.l _.,.,_ I I .1 . - -- I a snug: U1 xuw mus, wen: nuu veueu m mist. Dreary paddy fields stretched left and right, and the roadway that led down into the village from the slope on which they_ stood. was little more than an uneven track. 'l`1mo :.- ...... ..l..:....4.:..- " _..:_! __.- -n xt- He looked round for the escort, and the mule caravan which was following leisurely behind. There was no sign of either. Five li back. there was a particularly difficult niece of road to negotiate, and he gathered that with true Chinese philosophy and im- nerturlmbili_ty, the muleteers were waiting for the rain to stop. . . 'nm+ :n 44.`. ..:n...... .: `m... 1.9.... " ..-:.: lUI' LHC rulu BU HEUEY. That is the village of Ch-a--k eo_." said the taller of the men. ML--. ....._.. L..u. _n._____; :__ .1- - lzLll' IMIIXUI UI DUE IHCYI. - They were both dressed in the convention- al costume of China--`hick felt shoes. and white stockings, wedded silk coats. and.,pad- tied skirts. On the breast of one was en_1- broidered a fantastic pleasant. and on the IR- , 4', n -uunula, VUIIJII6, lllllll-Illla, V10?! Lnvugun, Tanh, etc. We, cnrrynin stock a large `assortment of` Rough an Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done -mmmptly. f`.KnnI|It no milk ununn Inn;-Inn cHAPTEl=l-;Vlll. In Hoos-Sin The landscape which the travellers beheld was an especially uninviting one; the coun- ' try was flat, except about the horizontwhere I a range of low hillswere half veiled in mist. nnhnmv nu.-l.-in `:.-Jpln n&_-L-L...I I.IL __ J - unuun (II 1.36 DVD WCFC SCHIICF W115 Dl0(l"! I Twenty minutes later a constable slowly` [patroling his beat came to the front of the. ihouse do Costa occupied, and automatically; threw the light of his lamp over the front .door. It seemed in order. and he passed on ; he had not gone a dozen yards when he heard a sharp crack, and turned to see a tongue of fire leap from the window of 'he house he had passed, for even as he had stood watching it", the flames were eating their way through the wooden V shutters` which covered the window, and the body of old de Costa lay wrapped in a fiery sheet. IJUC UDUUI] ` "They have not left, said S03 quietly, and withdrew his hands from the voiling Isle-eves. `V / ` n- n--_._ ,_,,. I 0- - -- - - wuuu au I.-um. 1. mm reuu H. please. i Like a man fascinated, de Costa. obeye-d,E iand Soo took a step nearer the table. He! {read the sheet through carefully, without` !moving his hands from the inside of his; }sleeves_. and de Costa wondered why. until] `he remembered that Soo had threatened him `with a concealed `pist/=01. 1 Vnn 1-l:m'+ mm 4.. 4......` ...... H ,3- 11-..... non snoox nus neaa._ 8 Why do you lie," he said, to me. w'!'1o_! crmr; from the land of liars. and am skiile-. in -their detection? I know. because the two men you employed. "and whom I have been trackjhg for the last three weeks. hm-ei confessed. Confessed!" gasped de Costa. A Soo nodded slowly, V But -they have just left." atammered the other. ' T |UflI___- I.__-_ ___4 I,1u VI - I A anrcvtn. 1 De Costa went as white as death, for the hands of Tse 800 were scarlet with blood--| I 'l`umnhy ...:....o..:. 8.4.... .. _-_..;-1_|- ,1, ,1 `will: It uunucmcu pusvm. ` 1 You don't seem to trust me." de Cora put a note of reproach `into his voice. '1 `Mann warn a-nap! -nnupu... C-.. _..L 5--.-` . ut :1 mm: 01 l'EpI'01lC!l`llll&0 ms voice. [ I have very good reasons for not trust-; ng you. de Costs. The last time I was here ou swore to me that you "had not seen this ocumeut-. that you had no idea as to where man I I-unm J2;-nn.v..-4.! ..:..-.. " 1... ._..-LI uuvuuncun-. nun: yuu uuu IIU men as H ! WHEY!) it was. I have di-`-covered since," he went` on medifatvivbly, .that. you had it all the: `time. and that you were directly reuponsible :f(_')l' the treachery of my men, and indirect` !!y for the death of my brother." I Hi: \.-nhoa nron nlrnn nu-ul ....I.\..I...... .....I I-- a; nu um uczuu U1 xny uruwer. His voice was even and colorless. and he spoke like "a man rccitmg a lesson. vnn urn IIIIAIIII " vvnn nun vur-1\-Q: _.._ -u-I - wvuvvur vv -wt, When Your Eyes feel Dull and Heavy. use Muri . I I . subtly Rclievcsuha H25 rJ,z;.',` - tkea them (Jest. Brkzhr m. | :_uuM: luv: 3 man u`.':u~Ing 8 1685011. 3 You are wrong--you are wrong." pro-I tested de Costa. violently. I know nothing- lwhatever about it. This paper nul_'.' came` togne a few days ago. Ivtried to find you; _... I De Costa turned out` his pockets.` and I` ve him a handful of silver and gold. 55l1A___ 4, 0 L. 99 I `I (5 1 ---V --- - o-s-pug-you vn wlnvvu u-aux: avnua Come tomorrow night. he said. at the some hour, and I will let you know exactly what plan; I `have made_ for_ you. Is there any` danger until to-marrow?" This small man shook his head. You will find your way out, you know [the way,'. said de Costa. I _will come ` down later and bolt the door after you." Nninnlnaalu flu: 1-uyn I-nnn loft Hag unnvn UUVVII IGDUI IHU UUII1 one UUUT IIIIUF you. Noiselesslyl the two men left t e room and de Costa sat at.his desk in no nviable lmood. He thought he heard the two men: speaking `together as they went down the" latairs to the basement. In his state of ten- `sionlehe imagined that one had called to 'him sharply, and he opened the door and lstepped out into" the hall. ' YTLI `nu-. nnnnIp9 I... ...-.l....l ..-..l .. -2-.. -_....- --v -....v_.-..- --u .,.-n.. u....-_;, .v-1. He`had waited to hear the door open. but realised that so `perfectly had it been prepared for midnight visitors that_no sound would reach him, and he returned to his !desk again. i Thain` vnnn rnnaf kn ant -CA AF in n" has, uw`I`lIhave been speaking nothing but Chin- ` ese for the last week or two, he said. and 1 I was afraid of my English get-ting stale. Do `you mind if I practise on you?" I I-1 . man an nffnkin ant` an Cu-innlu blunt .VU|l Illlll II I [ll'UIalU Ull XUUZ He was so affable, and so friendly that [dc Costa lost some of his apprehension. ` . Y or. slot` n can tynn " Rn'nn:nI T unu- U UUHDH IUHIJ UUIIIU U1 U1 upI)l'enen.`5l01l. . I` I am glad to see you." he `said, I was 3 afraid you` had got into serious trouble. l Soo shook his head, * "No indeed," he said lightly, one npver igets into serious trouble: I got into 9. par- - Iticularly foul`canal, which compares very ` favourably with some of the streams of my `native land. ` 1!- J!) __A _LA_,, . . -. I I 1-: Q unuu uwclcauug uuuuuu:IIl.- yuu IIBVC uuere 1 l _ DeCosta would have snatched up the` translation from the a`b_l_e, -but there was a cold menace in the Chinaman's eye which, `prevented him. ` It s a liftle thing," he said vaguely. I So I see," replied the other. `'I'urn it round so that loan read it. please." I.ll{'A R ,mnn fnunlnnfn (`A pnnn Aknuuul : pp_cu uuu uuu hue uuu. "Did you speak? he asked, and a voice `from the basement answered briey, No. B . - I__J _._1A__l 4. 1,, .I - Wary Eyg` When Your Run {MI n..n gucl.-A again. i These` men must be got rid of at all haz- ards, he wondered how. Perhaps now that the attention had been directed towards Soo they [might be smuggled out of the country. They had escaped Soo, that was something. for S00 -would make shortwork of them" if 3!... 1.--... 1...... ---_..|__ L- 1.-.: L___ L _____ _, c nucvv uuw gtuamy uc uuu 15:81.1 ueuruyeu. The translation of the stolen document ;still lay on his desk before him`, and he [folded it up carefully. : :n of on`: u-nlrn 5}:-1l\iu\l\`;|:-\lI 7`. L- uauvu uulu. V ' He did not attempt to sit down; he did lnotv even move from where he stood, or: change his attitude. 1 till. ..... ........ ..I......9" ....!...J .1. n_...... . uuaxugc ma nu-uuuv. I What are your plans?" asked de Costa.; I sunpose you know that the police are, ! searching for you. , t : Q... .....:.a...a V . g.` 2 uu muu, auruuulcuuy. Can I be of any assistance to you?"; askkd de Costa. ' i Soouhook his head. I'm afraid that you are absolutely use- [less to me." he said quietly. What is `that interesting document. you have there?" } 11. Pnufn nynnlol Loam anal-AL.-ml um 51... 2 { Ul.l|Ull [L U}! lid-lCllLlly. I ' This. at any rate, is something. he said aloud. But not all_..7' answered a quiet voice. He looked up startled. Before him. in the centre of the room. with his arms folded so that his hands were concealed in his sleeves, stood Tse Soo. i and there was a smile upon his face which was not pleasant to see. l "n....*.4 o......I.. ........ ........I...._" 1... ....:..x VVCIB HUI: pxuaanuu l'U ECU. 1` ``Don t touch your revolver," he said. x"for I can shoot you through my sleeve :with the greatest of ease." T Ihhnnnkf vnn flllllh :n Avv\nnn:nn " aha... `WJLII I/HC SIVCHHQEI: (H (9388: i I thought you were in America," stam- meted de Costa. i I suppose you did," said the other. He spoke easily in F sh. a fact which {he evidently thought caued for some com- ment. 65? LA,,_ L_-._ ,,_-,`l-!,,_, , A` ` , I A III I ` mm uuuueu. } I have reason to believe that they are. he said. sardonically. ' ` Can I kg at nun .....:.o........ 4.. ......-2: v! uu uuu ~wuI.uu uuuu: 5u()l'(wW()l'lE ()1 (00111 I] he knew how grossly he had tyzen betrayed. [ trausl2_1t_ion_ o_f he_ stolen document Siincoe Marble Works A 20 Owen`St., Barrie UCI Vllllls IUI J 0 S00 nodded Y L.._.. _-,._ Soov shook his head. `Ell..- .l.. ---.. 1:- 7' L- _ _ -.....-......... I...-.---av--v Mu!-I -(Continued on pm-'14). r.Parsnips j Turnips . . . . . ._ ; Cabbages . . . . . . 5 Potatoes . . . . . . . Wealthy apples Tolman Sweets . 1 1'l..__.-A..A V1: -4 qunuvcs nu. a ucuvuxy. 7 Dodd s Kidney Pills act'direct]y on? the kidneys, strengthening them so] that they do their full work of strain- 5- im; all the impurities out of the` blood. Uric acid crystallizing in the muscles causes the pains known as rheumatism. With no uric acid in the blood there can be no rheuma- tism. A` III .|A\ :1. co.- U IIII so Ask your neighbors if Dodd s Kid- ney Pills do not make sound kidneys. Dodd?s Kidney Pills are no experi- ment. They have been relieving kid- ney disease in all parts of Canada for over a quarter of `a century. _~ h'nA.-D.-. 11:4..- `D:n.. ....4.`.a:......a.1.. ._ . uA\. udululyu vv IJCO I |tKQl\\illl Mrs. Mary McLean, who lives here,E :makes this statement. She says that. Dodd s Kidney Pills are/all that they are claimed to be ' 0 1\ ,1 II V7! 1 - vs-on Mn. Mary McLean Msnerecl fl-din Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble and Wu Relieved by Dodd's Kid-u ney Pills. - The. Point, West Bay, Richmond Co.', N.S., Apr. 16 (Specia.l)-I sum fered from rheumatism and kidney trouble and after spending a consid- erable amount of money on other medicines, I tried Dodd s Kidney Pills. They have done me more good` vthgn any other medicine I have everl gtaken." PHONE c. BROWN isAM1a,oLD STORY; T 1 FROM NOVA scom -1.2553 ..... Chickens . .Old_er fowl- Ducks . . I)-_A.L ---wv --wu--v nur- i The Ontario Motor League has issued a i fnew 1923 road map. It is thoroughly`re- I ivised and shows in accurate red outline; ` the Provincial Highway System of Ontarioi g, and the best roads in Western Quebec, New } 1 York State and Eastern Michigan and gives the location of all the cities and principali ' towns. lakes, rivers and summer resorts in this area of over 200.000 square miles. The ; roads shown extend all the way from New I t York City to Sault Ste. Marie and from 100 I lmiles -east of Montreal to 100 miles west of Detroit. A motorist planning a trip any- where in this district will find the 0.M.L.| I road map of great assistance. 9 `cxjeased attendance at the market. . Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 `lb. {ll 'lU~UU H lllll-a ' The 1m-prox ement In the condition of the ' roads is given as the reason for the in-I A proclamation is being issued from Ot- tawa. declaring King George's birthday, ;June 3, to be a national holiday. This year June 3 falls on Sunday so Monday following . will probably be observed. We'll soon have! as many holidays to observe as our United ; iStates neighbors; ~ A I %Dodd s Kid`ne`y\ Pills Gave Re- : lief When Other Medicines 1 % 1' range % 2 UEUI5 0 u o u g Spy apples . 3 Hay . . . . . . .` . i Maple syrup ` -..-----... .... .-_ | There was a larger attendance than usual i at the local market last Saturday. Butterf and eggs were offered in large quantitiesi and maple syrup made its first appearance? at 33.00 a gallon and 75 cents a quart.I There was a fair offering of poultry. Year-! old chickens were selling at 32 cents ai pound. Eggs were selling at 28 to 30: cents a dozen, while butter was being of-, fered at 55 to_60 cents a pound. There` was a good, offering of vegetables. but the, prices remained unchanged. Pork was sel- ling at 16 cents a pound for fronts and 18 cents for hinds. Hay is quoted at $13.00, to 815.00 a ton. ` "FL- 2...--. -_._..L 2.. LL- -__.l:A:__ -1` EL- Relieves caked bag, gar- get, spider or. infection of the teat, also thrush in horses feet, stula, etc. Stops bleeding at oncea, Removes proud llesh, soreness and swell- rm: FARMERS FRI_EN_D -----vv Iuwwr Plfmnu:-- Olco` I63, Resid;og 353 saw -no can-uv-w -..- --..,____- ' Manufactured only by DOUGLAS & C0 NAPAN. Ont. At SATURDAY MARKET NEW ROAD MAP . . . . . . . . . 20-25c basket i . . . . . . . . . .. 250 basket; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch 5 . . . . . 2 for 5c 2 , . . . . . . . . . . 5-15c` each . . . . .. 15-20c peck; . . . . . . . . . .. 25 basket . . . . . . . . . . .. 35c basket? ......... .. 35 basket} . . . . . 35c basket] . per ton $13.00-15.00; 75c qt . . . . . .. 83.00 gal.i and o VUU \| o ' 4 28-30c dozen} .....28clb. 25c1b.% 30 1b.! nn_.' ynvlvnlrlw vnunrl U! lIUl.3 . Barrie Brancy Miss Lilian E. Nave, Nurse 67 -McDonald Street. Telephone 681. Application for the nurse's services may be Imade direct or through your doctor. 'l3tlo - Miss M. McArthu FURS REMODELIET) AND REPAIRED ntvor uIIrlkIlrf`n CL... CA... I)___:, umsncreu Accountlnls Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St.. Toronto. H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. "Campbell, 0. A. T. E. Lawless. C. A. ' W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer. Manager Cost and Efficiency Departmentn --- ! mun E. CLAXTON, L.T.c.u. g Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leading un to _ ' and including tlfe A.T.C.M. degree. Studio--King Block. Phone 424. ______________________.__ . ,,,( I souuno HARDY, Mus.Bac., r.1'.c,u. Teacher of Piano, Organ. Vocal, and Musicnl Theory. Organist and Choirmaater of St. Andrew s Presbvterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory oi Music and of the Univemiltv of 'l'nrm.o.. .....w uuu n.cs1uence--UOI nel' Elizabeth and Bradford St.s., Barrie. Phone 105. Oice hours--9-I0 a.m.. 1-3 .m., 7-8 pm. uvlu mcuuusl or roronto Uonservatory University of Toronto. `H3 Worsley 81. Phone 683 l___________________________._ I Oice : l`I_, DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence---Corner Elizabe Bradford Sm R...-.:. 111...... ms l Graduates and members of Royal College of ! Dental Surgeons. Toronto. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Entrance on Owen St-; I`Dl......... 113:-.. run n._ on; nn n__ -Inn IDHLFBHSC on UWBII D1 Phone: Oice 241. Res. 314, P.L0. Box 133 W. Richardson, L.D.S., I).D.S. W. Randall Richardson, L.l).S., _D.D.S. | Barristers, Solicitors. Notary Public Conveyancers, Etc. Money to'loan at lowest rates of interest. |Oice--13 Owen St., in Masonic Temple `Building, Barrie. `Branch Ofce-ElmvaJe. ;W. A. Boys, K.C._. M.P. D. C. Mm-d1iso._n. Ulllc Phone 710. V%6.8.98m%ith%g_&%cn.% -.....- .. vv-~v-_, ~-..-vu NERV()'IiS'- AND CHRONIC DISORDERS PHONE 408 or call at oice for information on any disease. l .-__.....,_.... --..n.. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of !wills. guardianship and administration. and ! Oonnral Solicitor. Notary. Cnnveyanoer. etc. 3 Offxce--H1uub Block, 8 Dunlap 81., Barrio. ! MONEY T0 LOAN . I C. W. Plaxton.' "u U9 BII"f\f\I'l ; I8 1'omm- 3?; ronto. ;} R. J.Edwarda. _ G. R.` Edwnrds. B.A.8o. UIIPIUIUU v_--.....v- ...-u-4"-vunu sat navu i. BARRISTEIQ: SOLICITOR, ETC. I`MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrio. un. n. u. nnnnu. , Associate Coroner County of Sim-coo` {Office and Residence--Corner Toronto and | Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. E Telephone 167 ` uppomtment. - Phone 213. A."r. ne, M.D. w. 0. Little M.B. .__________________ v--. ouvn I Iwln L1 U!` 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. will be as 91 Owen BL. Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation ~houm--ll am. to 5 Dan. Barrie, phone 2, Toronto. North 3326. I , DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simmo ~-nnd-- DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 O!'fice--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.3(L8 p.m. . DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons,- Buric OM-. Oice and Residence--47 Maple Ave. {Office hours:- I to 3 p.m.. 7 to 9'p.m., or by appointment. Phone 213. LA. T. T.5tHn M TI III IV 'l:4.|- 51 II UNDERTARERS on. u --by I'\ I'|Vi9 | (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Rom, Barrie.) I Late Surgeon Specialistjwith the , Imperial Army, 41: years. General Surgery and Obstetrics cspecially. Oice--~l5\ Owen St., Barrie. Phnnn 710 D " , an-n munsnmr, APRIL 19,1923. nnnu nnu VIULIN IUIIIUN Special attention to youneer children. Bl'|\ll\ a\:| Ina-A--up noiomv J. SARJEANT, A.T.C.M. TEACHER OF PIANO Telephone 151. Barrie < P. 0. Box 88 V 1.`1llJ\Il`i.l`.DD Suitsl. Tm~cnatsz.- Dresses. E`tc.. Etc. 2 Adeiaide Street, Allandale. Juu l.\.l.':LI.!\}l'[`1.l4l;l`;Vl ALVIJ N.|`.'J!'ll`C} Over Hur!hnrt's Shoe Store, Barns. vncTdnaAN om:-:'n` or uunsts Danni. B.--_-I. Dis. W} AND w. R. mcrmaoson _ ,__.. _--.... 1 uuu'.'cx UIIHUICU B0YB"S;L\JIESTER . Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band. , 120 Bayeld St. ..._...___.___._______....._._... LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL f'2||a|-On:-gal A .... ._a--a_ - uv vvuv IARRIE. ONT. THE BARRIE EXAMINER ; l*dEed_Tuve:-y 'l'hundnyx afternoon `at thl lg -Ufipa-Squats, `Barrio. Sulgsoription and Great B1-itam- 82.00 u... -.h- .- `J..--g- I:-n nnnnni 9' L..I. smvson, u.a. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON iice and Residence--Collier St., comer ~ Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 225. j - PLAXTONWZ Pugxxrou BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Oices: 707-`8 Kent Buildig Toronto, Ont. W plnvfnn I`. (`En-An- DI..-A.. RABETJHURST :. mmuouo BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN n. J. EDWARDS\& aowanos IR Tamnhr SL3` 1'omn1n_ DONALD noss. LL.a. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN nuucnm F. McCUAlG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell 1 I I\I\I'(`!I\I-1" a-.5- -....._A_ ___.__ unv. DIJIVIUII C DUIVIVO 78 Dunlop Street Over R.eeve's Jewelry Store. ' vrnvvtv Atvvx l'Vl'?I\I\|'?R I\9\A\Iu DRS. BURNS G. BURNS `IO f\....I-_ Q4-_-A CHIROPRACTIC _ PIES, T A:Eas"'AB PXSTRY Bakery and Saleshop . Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sta. DR. MORTIMER LYON ._ GA TI? 7 A urn, vvcI.\.vI'I G DEM?! chartered Accountants 5.. :97: :n v-..-- 0; ALEXANDER COWAINT BOYS &. MURCHISON ARCHITECTS MISS E. GOSNEY TA ILORESS '...._p...L._ IN ____ -_ Y-`A on. Eizo A. ROSS .. ..f'\_ 7| on. H. Ki`. ARNALL 4.. n .... .... rv-..--- r A `MEDICAL Aie Well Supplied at-- "`61Trr_Af Music` , VIII; G. Gordon Piaxton. rm, nutnc. P, 0. Box 1075. Wmteudml :1 To Lhn l iiml. oppnrzv I91` th(":'.h;'I the: men: 1 Gmwral in to UN: :tui.( Prmidvm n. rt-fq.~ e }-Pr stat-mm-nl that it w:~ the (-.mmtr_v w unturn- A.~ d(-t:{'l_-: General mu the t)lIL~'.ixl itmsifie-s. ' nnsisu-..i in c'mm'.h In 1 vvrll p'~\u. `I that Hwy ha (`lured ,:h*_\' a .~in;:l- uh: against. tho) and ilIxpr'..~'n as.- .rtinn.t} namely. 1}) religion. ( obs`:-.rv'en~ Ls er ahildx-on take "pun church. I roud; new , I ll W hi('h H.Tl_\'()IH` Defe .~l'au>1)1mx the British ` somewhat seru-r~'. H min is no THURS scofT's BOOKSTORE FI re, ` Proof- Wt"'k no Wrilcf. I4! Order your monnment now and have it ready to r set early in the spring. Our stock of imported and. domestic granite is well assorted`. and prices "right. G. W. J. EAS'tMAN,_ nor. . Hume 277 R. G. MANUEL. MGR; YOUR READING NEEDS l"". ' . . . Consult us with your bmldmg . Htijli Iuaanuuuna DO NOT DELAY Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION j OPEN DAY AND NIGHT I-`uvll"ir1`fo`1`:'_nation.. from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent; or C. E.~Horn- sing, District Passenger Agt.`, Toronto Dunn u snug`- --- won TEE `BEST -. IN BAKER-s BREAD uomammn BREAD I')II'1I XX} If I III ZIVI 3 3-313 ."'3novw7~3'"3nzA _ SANDWICH BREAD "i6sL"i'6"cRs" MONTREAL TORONTO ' DETROIT and CHICAGO ".'.'.E' I ii nE3'"I' esuuimm `mi _ Pllono 721' " .1. a. snLLi zihfi'v`"""' Dcpot Agent Phone 63 Barrio Hf: M|acLa|-`en, Editor. , W. C. Walk, Manager, 'VP||0l lO .3 We will back a jar of Vicks Vapo- Rub against any cold in Barrie and vicinity. - Here's our liberal offer. ` Get a 50 jar "of Vicks at your druggist s. Use all or part of it. If you are not delighted .with the re- sults mail the top of the carton to Vick Chemical Co., 344 St. Paul St. West, Montreal. and we will gladly refund the ptirchase price. . . _ 11;... u o....L:.. -4! n............. 13--.: ICJ.\aIIl\I VIIG yusulluav 1151!-Up Mrs. H. Scobie of Peterson Road, Kitchener, Ont., writes: I certainly like Vicks VapoRu.b.fine and can "highly praise it for colds on the chest. I had quite a severe cold andlused it every night for a week, after which ' time my cold was gone. I certainly can't praise it too highly. ' 11.'..l... :. Ll... ....a..........I .l.'......A. L......L ---absorbed like a liniment--and, at UIIII U lJJ.ClLC IV II\l\.I IIIEIIIJI Vicks is the external, direct treat- ment for all cold troubles-rubbed on the same time, inhaled as a vapor. TIT.` .....b'.. 4-1.. .-.I........ ..Q.... 1.. .... ...`.. valw HIQIIAU vnalnu, Llluulvu GB B VGyULn . We mnkethe above offer because Vicks certainly does give quick relief. the majoritf of cages. A4. -1! Am... ..a.......'.. zn. .. :.... '13..-. .IlU VIIC IIIGUJV-l&lU V-I& VCIEGEU At all drug stores, 50 a` jar. For a free test size package, write Vick Chemical 00., 344 St. Paul St. West,- Montreal. P.Q. vm._....I. u:.1.- .2- _'..... :_ 'n_.._.:_ :. `::l.l`x,;1i;1:2"l`1 is riew in `Canada. it enjoys a Vemarkable sale. "W ~ million jars sold yearly. n uzu- lUl' yuu In aermyn BI-ret." ` ' The young man played with a salt cellar moodily. I , ` I'd rather go withyou." he said. `That's impossible," said deC_osta hur- riedly, I've got to go into a country where all sorts of privations and discomfortshave to be encountered, and you're not fit for it.- You're a young man. I know." he said gently. "but I've had the life. I have lived in most of these wild place, and my pres- ent_ position is due to the fact. In my young days I undertook certain risks and under- went certain hardships. I have no wish that you should haveahy of the experiences . which were mine as a young man.'.' . Gregory looked at his father curiously. I suppose you had a -pretty rotten life. didn't you. when you were young?"_ _j WE LLBAC%K won? AGAINST ANY cow IN BARRII-Ii I'TT"U1N1I Ill `UNIS l3l'|iIII.I- Cy-VI! E yengtfh edvenee (in arreeu~82_.50);' , ates, 82.80 per year in` advance. Both old and new eddtmeee should be given when of address is requested. GAN- GE 1 TI , 3-We nd that most of our mheuenz prefer notto have their subscrip- Bohailtemlpted in case they fail to remit below expiration. ` While subscription: will not be cnrried'in,nrreaI'e over; an "extended period,-at, unljwe are notied to eancel, the `subscriber wishes the service Remittance: ehould he made by registered letter, money order, or cheque. marble at per in Barrie. ' J A Ilnnlmrnn PARA! Vlllllr Uy (Vile loultl. I don t k`now;" he said_. I'm just sick of things, -`hat s all." ` After dining with Soumerez?" Gergory shook his head. No. he said. Soumerez bores me, and I don t feel that I copld sit down to dinner at the same table to-night." urn ulna ch 1366!- .-!I........ AL... AL. |U'lllsllIIu There was 6. little silence. then the young man asked:--- nn... A- ....`.. ....._A ___- A- .1- ,_I'I yuuug mun usxm 3" What do you want me to do while you're away?" "n.-.9" .....I:..A I..:. :..u...- u_.L-. .v- .-.1.4L you rt` away I ' Do?" replied his father, why do what _vou've.heen doing for the last year or two, just fool around London. I have taken a flat. for you in Jermyn Street." The vmma vnnn alumni mu). .. .'...I. --n.._ ""1"{'a1t my through din_ner.G1-egory de cm. ~ ta paid him an unexpected visit. For two. weeks Gregory had seldom been at home ex- cept to sleep, and that night, as the old man knew, he had an engagement to dine with a party at a fashionable West End restaurant, ` Hull'o,," said the old man; not unkind- Aly. What has happened to you?" `Thu vnilna mun nonlr alnnal1v int- .. UIIUUU III llU\lll|Jg _ _ ` " -I Armed with the information which he` was able to give them. his ex-ploravion part- ilffi would soon boon their way to Mount; 1.. CIVL- 1.--`-.. _-.L:-L _.-_- __-._ L- l'l\!II!_E_.!l IIIIU l.`Jll|[lI7I\|l' . ` 7 His house was in disorder; holland sheets covered most of the furniture, hie valuables had been removed to the bank, and his heavy baggage stood roped and corded for the journey whigh he had set himself. I II. 3_.L-.._I-_a .____-n2__ -- I xy. vvuuu uas nuppeueu to your `The young man sank liatlessly into {I chairby the table. ` ' I'I\I:" L`-gnu-- In. ..:J Y'._ 2....` _-I_ g*%**%*%*$&*%*%%i$***$**%g{ Soo Returns When de Costa went back to his house he was determined at all costs to revenge him- self upon the man who had elighted him and who had brought such misery to his CHAPTER XVII. T I Unexcelled Dining Cgr Serwiice Sleeping Cats on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on Principal Day Trains He was prepared to brave any conse-{ quences; for an angry man is neither logical: nor reasonable, andeuntil his temper oooledei he was wilfully blind to the danger which] he himself might incur through the public-1 ity of a trial. That was his -mood when he reached the gloomy house in Kensington. Over a frugal dinner he reviewed all the. IUUUIIUV-I IIIIU gguvlny IIUUBU ll-I l\CIIBIlI5l'UIIu I V Over a frugal dinner he reviewed the. happenings of the past `few weeks, and bit--i terly cursed hie luck. Yet the planning and the scheming of years had not altogether` ended in nought. Apn\n4-l uni!` Oh.` enfnv-vnnO:nn In-:1`-n`: kn: the Emperor, wine books which were open to Tilliainil were open `equally to him. Within a rough radius he also had located the mountain of `I-u lnum- man In AI-nod... |...|ln...l ..l.-.&. I-Ie intended travelling across the 'l`rans~ Siberian Railway, and sending his trunks on to Shanghai to -a trusted agent. The, tickets necessary for the journey were in his desk, and his sleeping berth had been booked for some weeks past. This thought` made the old man pause, it might be three, weeksor a month before he could bringl I Talham to. trial,- even supposing that he persuaded the Public Prosecutor to act, and, a month was a long time. He de'cided to sleep on it before taking any further ac- tion. ' 1`I-IA __-_'_ AL_A,,_g`_ II An I A i*ii%%%w%&$%$**%a$&*&%%$%i A Du13!%.,,1ZYIi9nt } ,91icv - V-.. anon on pg A--- - --A -A-- -- % s'u+R-.5CN+c_E_ E 0-5132. N17 QVIFGL IIIUVVEIHCIIU --- L L j. A, A __ _ j-g .\You can takeotxt a life insurtance policy it: the Crown Life that guarantees payment of twice .its face _value if you shoul die by accident. Ask .us about this specially attractive policy. Telephonenow 79 . (Author of_ T-l:'e"F- 'rg1;'x Island, etc). . sunny xscnlcvcunatl iredlfcclilt -Make: them c.lcat..Br1gut an Spukllna. Harmlcss. Sold and .Ra9(naxendcd by All Dxusaxua. `55 HlI'\ -nr`-- J-. I-I. NIXON 1. .o_. MATSON Bunch Ofico for Non-VII: _Ontu-io K.i:s_a: Block. `Ban-io` A uuuttn or MEI By EDGAR WALLACE VIII... Faun Incl "an `""n0`-an-an (All Righte Reserved) De Cbsta's mind worked quickly; he had been in some neculiarly dangerous sit- uations before. He must get these men 8\V`r as quickly as possible, All IIYnI'I+ an`!-nn I-nnnnny Y 3III\I\lI|\n `, Ln me spoke in the hissing Can-`on dialect. They shuffled uneasily, and -the smaller n of the two asked sullenly, Where were we to go, master? for though we escaped the` police. yet Tee S00 has set his society against us, and we have-been turned from one refuge to another." _ Why didn't you leave the country?" Lord. it was impossible." said the other, there were men watching boats and -trains;l we were warned." , . ! You can't stay .here." said de I Costa. They offered no. alternative suggestion, and heled the way upstairs to his room. There they sat on the edge of two chairs, forlorn, miserable, with that peculiar hunt- ed; -haggard look which criminals of all classes assume from necessity. . ' I grin in in Amnrinn nnny '.' 110:!" ['13 (`Anon away us,qIuuKIy ua P0881018, V You want some money, I suppose." he said. and the smaller man. who seemed to Hr the ruling spirit, answered monr-azyllabim I "Ely. ` `x 11 ug: uutuu get away wny snoman I you ."' I `~Master, we were warned." said the. taller man zigain. `A servant from the boat told. Hophee," he gave the small man hisipicknunxe, that they `were looking for] H5, - I I was no sound. ' The bolts were always kept uuul um urea. nu we uervallm uomam. i He crept to the door and listened; there well oiled`. He slipped them hack noise- lessly and opened the door. Two` men were` standing there; two small men who made no sound. I G6fQ____AA 3,, H L, -1 1 . .-n .1 . My (`uh U H5318 . V fol)/000 EYES 4 vuulu II} I.-IIUII UWII language. _ He waited until they had closed the door` behind. and turning on the electric switch, he ooded the passage with light. . You! `he gasped. ` Well might he be surprised for these were, the two -agents of his who he thought were. on their way to China, the men who called! lthemselves Happy Child" and Hope of` Spring" who were wanted by the police for! the murder of the'Chinese Ambassador, and greatly wanted by Tee` Soo, for the treach- egous slaughter of their comracle--his bro- t er. . I` H1I1L_. J- -.-.- --...- L_._-nH L, , v , I EMU`: _lWhy do you come here?" he asked `ang- rn y. - 11- nnnlr- :n (OLA k:na.:nn nnru`-nun J!..I....L ` uzursca usbuuw [rum necessrry. | S00 is in America now," said de Costa, - if he could get away why shouldn't you?" I `flrfngfnr, wn warn min-um! " coir! 44..., Now there was only oneinoise like thisi _in the world that he knew. It "was the sound of `the secret buzzer which he _had had installed communicating with a tiny] push near the area door. It had been ape-i cially put in to allow his confederates to. signal their `presence when his servants were` out, as they invariably were when visitorsi of. this kind arrived. [ hm- -_..I.I :; I_-o IV,iA..I, p 1- I I . un._u.u;a luuu. urnveu. _ I Who could it be? He took from his desk! a revolver, and made his .way nolselesslv downslaim to the little hallway which led from the area to the servants` domain. "11 nrnnli On 'C`|n :l1|A|- n...I I:..L-__.I LL---` $15- H ome ih," he said again, addressing them in their own language. He waited until thev had nlnned m Amn- WI*i:9wt`:filil;c.l nway his documents, and was! slipping a rubber band around one little: dossier when F6 stopped. and raised his` head,` listening. _ If ulna fhn n;I|`nn. can...` In A}... L..-L-,ll auuuu. Come in," be said, "but still they made .110 sign, .then he knew that they were Chin- X0 ' un I-ucu putuuuy. He picked up some newspaper cnmings dealingwith Soo, andamiled as agam and, again he came across the phrase which spokei of the bottling up" of the fugitive. Very} well. had -these clever English policemen! bottled up a man whowas now in America} he thought. ` "A nnvnuv KL. An.`-.........L.. .._.I .__-_l zncuu, ualcuulg. ! It was the faintestsound, a tiny hushed} buzz from one corner of the room. .. - i Tiiszsis I all UUIIVF U1 IHB I\lllUu . I ' Not even the bad old traders of the South Sea'Islands could show such a record as his, and even the sanctified odour of Kensington !had not altogether dispersed the sinister at- I lmosphere of his early days,` . I 861'. 2, ,,__ A ,, 91 I 4-, , . M T It is quite impossible for you to come, {he went on, there are all sorts of dangers `to be encountered. This is my last expe~ Idition." T ---W-'f'-V-" v- ----I v---J --4;-H 1 I ! X ._ -......, --.-.- --.. .u--.---no -1; cans: \:II\I\oJc E He spent an hour poring over the trans-h' lation of the document which was now in !'1'uuzini's hands. Had be but the jade ` bracelet, how easy might it be; but he had enough 'to work on. ~ glllan A` Okn -ntn-n-nu-us v\IInn`n:` `.3... `ITI-_..L I Raymond replied with a;nod of his head! His son -had chosen an appropriate word, for rotten" indeed was the life that de Costa had lived. I uau uvcu._ There was not an unsavoury transaction ~ in the -Phillipines or in the far away trading places of Asia with which he had not been` associated. He had financed more purely. .il|egal schemes, had been behind more? lpiratical expeditions. and-had been asao-' lciated with more heartless villainy than ` i any other of his kind. 1 : MAL ....... Ll... l.....l ..I.! 4......l..... -9 LL- Q....4L ` um wuwu, ' I suppose I hadtbetter go along and in-' vent some lie," he said, anyway the dinner will be nearly nished. and I shall be ini i time for whatever fun there is going after.! u_ f-;I____ ___A_,___.__!,_I I_!,,, I i at:-tlixe doom; land watched the disappearing tail-light of} ibis taxi, then. he returned to his study. 5 II- ..._-_A. .... 1.-.... ____.:.___ ,_,,4 . uuuusu uu worn uu. ` { Some of the references puzzled him. What I were the, `-`spirit steps," for instance, and ,what of - those: gigantic cross-bows which were to discharge titanic arrows at the in- truder? Possibly two thousand years of I rust and decay would have robbed them. of their potency. ' H `In ninlnul nun anon`: nnuvannnni ....a6!..f_.. \aIlllUlls , The young man rached out and took a{ I few grapes fromthe silver centre-piece, and ` `ate them thoughtfully. , I am uni-Ir `run. A` unn `V Kn anhl mud ! EIIU IIIUUI uluuguuully. _ _ ' I am very fond of v_ou. he said sud- denly. "The old man did not conceal his pleas- C6rno;"_t_Iia and Mary Street: , Ilnmdacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, fr1M:1;ng, Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, an nhu

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