Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1923, p. 8

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_._ .._._, . .-_.-u. \aIvuI\A,ID cunvun, Anne. ullcllb. owin'g"z"o the bad roads Rev. R. H. Som- erville didn t get to Ivy or Baxter on Sun- day. ` u:;.;. mu--- n-n:_u_-,, ,, . .. . . . |-[OJ I _ ' Miss E-ilene Callighan and Master Jack have returned to Barrie after visiting friends here. ` LIRVC here. ` If , Ruth Orr has returned to her home lin Beeton after visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. }Givns. a ruv-u 1 - - uuuu, Ann: uuuufll . Mrs. Johnson of Detroit has returned home aftervisiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wright. Mr and Mn. 'l.\;...| n......:.._L.._. A aw! `THORNTON PI! 2* HN.Iiss McKenzie is spending a few days in Barrie. f.V._-.._I_ A_,,, . I p -| ' n .1 -.1 .. unnuc. ' Frank Ayers: and familyuof ph_e 5th linel have moved to Toronto. ll. ._ J `I... I 71 `I - uxcuu: nu nuuyule ms: WEEK. A Mrs. Lucas and Miss Herrell have re- turned home from New Lowell; I u.- .....I' ll... AI--- :u-___~. L . -I uuucu uuyxe u'u|n new _u0weu.' : Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart have returned] home after visiting friends in` Toronto II. _'___I \l,, r\ I v 4- v\ . -- J 3. ABTRlPG.E_& alum! VII VUIIBO Miss Eugenie Webb has rturned to Stroud -after spend'ng the Easter vacation with her aunt, Mrs Coburn. ` I,___ ]_|_______ ,p v\ . 0. u -| lauu Aura. 1. vvngm. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunmngham of Sask- atoon are visiting Mr and Mrs. C.W. Cun-_ ningham and other friends 'I`l-un nu: ........-a.:__ -1 .I_, try I v %&&&&&&$%&&a&& I I I `rm ' '1` %&%%&$%%%%%%&%$% Round the advts.--It Daya. Russell Sfranaghan 7 years of age Isabel] Walton 8 years of age Lldyd Walton 5 years of age vRoy Walton 2 years of age ~ PEDLAR Galvanized Shingles, per square-- _ ` T $3.75 and $8.90 PEDLAR Ga1v d Corrugated Iron, per square, $7.00 SPECIAL nus WEEK Phone 88 or 94 % CLEAN UP THIS MONTH WE HAUL ASHES. LEAVE YOUR ORDER TODAY. :There are two excellent reasons why you should do so --one is, you can use them satisfactorily in either stove or_ furnace and without any clinkersor waste--the other reason is that you save two dollars" and a half ($2.50) 1r)`er ton by using this fuel instead of ordinary Anthracite. no 7 l`...II ...,... -...._ 2-- ..-._..__ ___,._-.. A .. .. A A ~ CUT AND SPLIT fro ORDER , TAMARACK. 5 . . . .pr load $6.00,, per half load $3.00 Bqdy Hardwood. . .~ . per load $7.50, per half load $3.75 `Cedar .Kindlii1g and ` Soft Wood Slabs . . . .per load $5.00, per `half load $2.50 voulll 511:.) ILIBI llls)L\r(.l\.l KJI LIILIIIACIIJ Fllllllll LI.\alI.\-*1 WINTER at, per ton T . . . . . . . . . .~. . PEA COAL bums heatltifhlly with Bouletsnzmd the pnce `is the same. T ` Eo_ai.v" 1~"will pgy you in many ways toput in a few tons NOW for NEX 1 4 O BURN "BOULE'l'S" We have that (3001: BLUE SERGE in . Tpre-wa`r quality, guaranteed color. We have a fullnrange of SPRING OVER- COATING for your inspection. We are showing TW EEDS and HOME- ` SPUNS in all the leading shlades. A Good Showing of Seasonahle Cloths ' %F*%s-mas, :m.e..% ` S w LLFOR LE SARJEANT S GALVANIZED ROOFING DRY woon Mary St. _Y_ard n CIRCULAQ 114:5 WE LYGNES E LMO BARB- LOUIS --.-v- an av -no VVJIII " Lilli` IJIIJBII, ,IJCI_l'I_e INSURANCE--l;;re, Life, Casualty, Plat; Glut, Automobile. TICKET AG!-:NT--Canadian Pacic Railway and Steamship Lines. Likewise Cunard, Anchor" and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. Bookings to every part of the world. Service unexcelled. Travel C.P.R. \ DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY `ORDERS 1'.._|....|........ , nm..- 1&1 n--:_I-._-- zu- AT SP1 Xduft ' A .%,7`=%$ 1.lll'(` ` A-11 on ro man or turn: Oxvitixzg Writtu: Usual Love" er lm New vv up u------- cw] -w-l- . . lbo . '. . . . . . . . Soap Flakes, 2 lbs... . Plantol Soap, 3 cakes ; Sasfile . . 7 for \\ ---v -vvwuly u u u av- garvaiush, tin . . . . . iseeates Raisins. zn. Cleaned Currants,- 15. Evap. "Peaches, Tb . . Prams, 2 . . . . . . PIumI,`2_tins Pendles, 2 tins Pears, 2 tins . . . . . O Cedar Polish `. . LEMONS per dgaz. 25c MILD CHEESE 15 33 Crown Brand syrup If it is a Town Home or a Gountry Home, a Summer Home, a `Market Garden, a Vacant Lot, A Business or a Business Block-a call will convince you that` our list is sec- ond to none. . cr3J.'i3a'n'd'Sr}i: A in II DRS. BURNS & BURNS CHIROPRACTORS f will remove from 78 Dunlop St. to.Anew and modern quarters at No . 60 Elizabeth, on or about Saturday, April "14. V , ' OVER BINNINGS PHOTO STUDIO MORE SP-ACE_ T QUICKER SERVICE. HAMPTON E. Jomr .% King B1ock,B3r;ie l,:`A P--u-II.-7 DI_a.- BI--- uvuunlun n_Al'l\l:.D IVIUINLI UKIJISKS Telephones: ' Oice 183, Reuidenqe 549 es, Ib .. uc_ 5 .. 29 3 . . . . . . 25 tins . 45 ish .. 25 77c 27c 25c .25c 39 1 36 .2oc Ffive-room Stucco Cottage, large gar- ` age ahd workshop, cellar full size of house, cement. walks, half acre choice garden soil, small fruit; 9. nice little home for old couple. Make us an offer. Possession in less than a week. NOTICE is hereby given -pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons-having claims against the Estate of` Esther .Goodfellow, late of the Township ,of Innisl, in the County of Simcoe, Widow, who died on or about the Twenty-fifth _,day of February, 1923, are requested .to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be-` fore the twelfth day of May, 1923, after which date the Administratrix will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that she will not -be responsible to any per- son for the assets -of said Estate whose claims shall not then have been received, `NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustees -Act, that all persons having claims against the estateof Robert LeGear of the Town of Barrie in the Cou'nty of Simcoe, Conductor, deceased, who_ died on the l Twelfth day of February, 1923, are re- quested tosend particulars` of their claims , to the undersigned on or before the 1st day {of May, 1923, after which date the Admin- istratrix will `distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of .which she shall then have notice and will not be responsible to anv others. ESTEN & ESTEN, Barrie, 15-17c Solicitors for the Administratrix.` I Dated April 10, 1923. Dated April` 11, 1923. ,.__._.j__ :- NOTICE `is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all persons having claims against the Estate of George Healey, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, who died on or about the sixteenth day of February, 1923, v are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersignedon or before the fifth day of May, 1923, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that he will not be responsible to any person for the assets` of said estate whose claims shall not thenghave been received. 1jo11I-:_1fO CREDITORS NOTICE. jro_ CR]-3 DlTORSi `U 1`.-.o.-._ 1_~:o1'u_:E, fro cannxrons {Special Blgnd Tea, I5 60- `Richmello Tea, lb ., . 75 kspeifial Blend ; Coffee, 9!`. Back Bacon, `lb . . . . Breakfast Bacon, IT: ._ Creamery Butter,ib . Crisco, 15.. .. Fresh Sodas, lb" . . .. Arrowroot Biscuits 15 Bill)" Burke Biscuits Office: 46 Bayeld St., Barrie P. O. Box 1011 'Sel.l;:t&.B'I-e.x1'l.(:`.<'>f'ffe<'e,-lg E53 Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. for 25" Roman Meal, pkg , . . 33 [Kellogg's Brgn . . . . 20c PURE MAPLE SYRUP-` 4` Pts. 43c ` ' V Qts.75c PRINTED ' Butter Paper NOTICE ' B6} Administratrix Solicitqr, Barrie, Ont. , 15-17c DONALD ROSS, Executor's- Solicitor, Barrie, Ont D3 1 K. 1 `I 559- ts, 23 2% 15 Seven-room Brick House, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, front and back verandas, sunroom. ' ,one of the best locations in town. !-`or quick sale . . . . . . . . .. $4600 53 "15- 1`:7y' I Ric_hard~ Stoner, . a former resident of Allandalefdied in Grace Hospital, Toron-to., 'Wednesday evening, April 4. as the result of being struck by the Chicago flyer at West Toronto station at 5 o'clock that after- noon. ` 11.. cu.,,,,,' , , - -I `IOU. DUIKI WCIJ. _ Dr. Mooney and Miss Maley of Toronto spent last week with Mrs. Jas: Sproule. . M'u,e Anna Hun 1-nfnrnn:-' fn nn:":n upuuo Luau wcun wuu Aura. ans.` opruule. Miss Alice Smith has returned to Orillia after spending -the holidays: with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs'. Thos;- Smith. Miss Janet Nicol of Alliston spent a few (`QUE ufk M1: nnxyn Qn\;l>`\ In:-L uuuul l ' April l0.--E. A. McMaster of the Toronto. Medical College visited his mother during the holidays. . mm. 1311.. u:n....A .: m................ ..._..... n.- IJJI7 IIULILIG B Miss_E11 `Miller of Elmgrove spent theA Easter holidays with her cousins here. A woman Dar:-Iv n""l`n-can!-A g-an-.4 I4".-".6-.. LHLIDIVI uuuuuya vvufu HUI UUUSHIE uere. The Misses Perry of `Toronto spent Easter with their sister, Mrs. Wilfred McMaster. ML... D....i._:.... 13.11 ..t a...n_.._.: -__-_L _ vuuu vucu qwucn, mun. vv lll.1l`Zll ruuxuuauir. A Miss Beatrice Bell of Sudburj `spent a few days last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell. Wilfred McMa.ster made a business trip to Toronto this week. 'I'._ ....h.. -I LL- -._.__. ._l`- V, `I I` Six-room New Brick House, all mod- ern conveniences, hardwood oors downstairs, veranda, balcony; will furnish garage if needed; nice lo- cation. This propeity must be sold this week. _`No reasonable offer refused. Don't miss it. FORMER ALLAN15Is.LEMAN KILLED BY G.T._R. FLYER nuuuxc uappluwa 111- 1161' new 1101118 1 Miss Aielgen .Srigley has returned to North Bay to finish her course at Normal School. - . ' A__l--_ t\___-__ ,2 II, cuu vuvu um uruyucr, uuarcnce, new. A report of the presentation -to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Minnikin is unavoidably held over till next week. IIU LUIUIIUU I/I115 Wcco In spite of the very unfavorable weather a large number turned out to the sale at , Mrs. Jas. SprouIe s on Thursday last. Stock, |etc., sold well. A II Mnnnnur nnpl man '|l..l'.... -3 'IV........L.. Unto. Ull. uuu xuxa. 1HU5.'Dlllll:1I. days with Miss Olive Smith last week. IUUIIUUI o Arley Greene of *-Barrie speent he week- end with his brother, Clarence, here. A rnnnl-1' A` I-Ra nrnnnnounn .61` IA'.. .......l nuuauwn uuu uluouul, uuna. uuunpueu. - Miss Gladys Srigley has returned to Torrance after spending `the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Srigley. This fribndu in OM35: uh-uinihu nf Iliu- um punuua, nu". unu Mrs. L. U. nngiey. The friends, in this vicinity, of Miss Louvina`-Hopkins,` who was married last week, extend their best wishes for `he future happiness in. her new home ' Mk: Aitnnn Quinlan: Ron -..6..........l L- vv uvy uu Iauu urvul U1 a sun. Miss Reta Campbell has returned to Toronto after apendingthe holidays with her mother and brothr, Chas. Campbell; RI-hvlnv Inna I-nfnu-run-l On April 10.--Ed. Minnikin is moving to Tor; onto, having disposed of his farm. td Mr. Crane of the same place. nnnarnhulnnnn 4n "9 and II... VIVL..- u-`Quin: &1 Oil`? 5 xcliuive Real E:ta`t-e Agent uluuv UL ltuc amuu prune. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wiley on the arrival of a son. M:aa pain (`nun-Jun Ln- ....L..-.....l A- Death of Frederick Beckett Death once more has visited this neigh- borhood, claiming Frederick -Beckett who passed away on Friday, April 6, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wilkinson, -near Alliston. About four weeks ago Mr. Beck- where he almost immediately took ill with pneumonia. It was thought for a time that he would recover but, unfortunately, the effects of the disease had weakened his heart so that. it ,'gave way under the strain. He was 68 years of age lastv oember. His" wife, who formerly. a Miss Clayton, predeceased him about 10 years, The great- er part of Mr. Beckett's life was spent in farming in the Township of Essa. He was a very quiet, unassuming man and was great- ly respected by the entire coxnniunity. In religion he was an Anglican and always took an active part in church work. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from the home of'his sister, Mrs. Malcolm, to St. John s Church. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. McCallum of Alliston and the .pall-beaiers were: Geo. Nixon, Ed. Gra- ett went to visit at the home of his sister,` ham, W. Goodwin, T`. McKnight; W. I-Ioughton and W. Dinwoody. Wnllnnxrm hun nlen-5 Man \I7:Il.:........ -1 Aa_.uu5fuuu auu VV. IJIUWUUU) . He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Wilkinson, of Alliston, andVMrs. Malcolm, of Cookstown. II ... I')_-I__A4 __!II L, _ ___....._ -- -..-~ .-.-av.--n, V: vvuasuuvvvll. Mr. '1_3'ec"ke:t wili be greatly missedby his many friends, um: 05; . The Mission Band held their annual meet- ing and the following officers were elected: Supt., Mrs. W. J. `Bi-oley; Pres.. Marion Banting; lst`Vice Pres.,'Doris Dunning; `Rec.-_SecVy., Marion Robinson; Cor_. Secy., -Arthur Robinson; Treas., M-ary Ingham; "Mite Box Supt, Ralph Broley; Pianist, Margaret McMillan; Delegate to Branch Meeting, Mrs. W.-J. Broley. Wfc ` , _ ' -For spring "ilhplements, new and second- ihana, nee Rankin. ` 15 John Rpbinsonhwho has been seriously ill, *is improved.. ` M "Auk nnnnnii :5 z.nn-3-um Can... .. ua; c v mung. Mrs. Van ahd Mrs. Davies of Sault Ste. Marie are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. u:__ II-._;l_ \1':__-._ ",1, - . . u- -n I nun. uuuu Lwuluaull. I Miss Myrtle Nixon, who is attending Nor- mal.School in Toronto; spent the vacation with hex: mother, Mrs. Allan Nixori. I\__|_|:- _, ,1 Urn! ` M;i;ublicA and High Schools opened, on Mon- day morning with all the teachers on duty. [Stephen Gould lost a valuable horse re- cently. ml... M:...:,... n.....: L..l.l 4...: _____ ._a __- _. 9KT9`iY!. HAVE YOUR ' EAVETROUGH REPAIRED BEFORE THE "spams RAINS -UI-1 3 Geo. .'l`h'on:p-s-o'n, Representative (4 sYd&&&'&&&& &&&&&&&& `I:[=is-srtlc-:l3Fri;i'e of Barrie was the guest of Miss Margaret Robinson last week for a few days. A V `Q4...-'l.`:..I~.....`..'.....:l l:.;...... .l:....I.... 11:..- m..._1'. . ...-J- .- .v--.. ..-..u vvvvnio Z$`Fisher s~mimnery display. Miss stark, who is in charge, _will be plepsed to show you. 'l"l... nu]- l\III\ -6 A In IA ......:.. _: r-...l 'ih e. Easter meeting of the W.M.S. and Circle was` held at the parsonage on Tues- day evening; . b Mlle `Inn ant` ll:-n T`Inu:;.n Is: Q....IL CL- Ill, I3 I4!ll[ IU_Vl7llo, 1. Mrs. Iiqrb Donnell is suffering from a paralytic stroke. ` Ilia: VA-nu nn1v:n ul..2o...l A.._:.... 1....` _-._..I. I O1 IIIU enunc- Miss Verna Davis visited during last week with friends in Barrie. ' It. __.I 11-, I,__, L 11,1-1' ` n rm u Wllvll IIICHUE Ill IJGIIIIU. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGowan of Schem- bergspent a few days in town last week. IISA, Il.1'\ `I I I uu. 1 V The little son of A. W. Morris of Ivy I `was operated on at the hospital here on Sat- urday. T - 1'1... D....L.... .'........a:..... ..t 51... I17 IKQ ..___I ucu. L`. Luuxupauu, wwpreseutawlva w&w&&mw&m&&&m&| flnonesz Office 86!, Residence 8641 Harry Davis 15:: for Toronto this week. Herb Donnell made a trip to Toronto last vnnlr UTOPIA HOLLY ulc epufb EUUlg. See adverisement for particulars of Wil- lowdale." the three-act play over .which. our young people have been busy for the past two months The date has been fixed` for Friday, April 20, and it is to behopedl that weather and roads will be favorable. cu U U U Ell. b stoyrlc visited Thornton on Sunday, April 8, and brought a little daughter tot ) Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lynn (nee Georgie Patterson) . Congratulations! A vnnnn... l\: cl... `I)....-LAn nL,u - -I I - ...,.uuu.u uuugn nuumuuus: ' A meeting of the Baseball Club is called) for Monday evening, April 16, in_ the] Queen s Hotel, at 8 o clock. All interested are requested to turn out and heip to keep the sport going. Qn ntluap-hm-n....c 4'..- ........:-._I_.__ ,5 nun-u . A nuusuaul auu Ul.llel' IFIEIIUS The next meeting of the Women's Insti- tute will be held at the home of. Mrs. Sam Maile, on Wednesday, April 18. 'I`1.... .Il..4.L_.x:_. I, u- 9 u-u\AAl\J\|I-J, AJPLII LU: ,-,.____, .,.. . I The Methodist Ladies Aid met at the] home of Mrs. J. Crossley on Wednesday afternoon. Besides the regular routine of businew a very pleasant social hour was enjoyed by all. ` T1... ..4n..l.. ..:..:4...J vm. _____ ,, n o uuvc uuncu IU LUIUUIU. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jamieson visited! friends in Elmyale last week. II ... I ..... ....._I II:._ rr__..-n I,,, v-....-.. ..-va-sun Ann Avnvuluu ;1`<;-Mrs. Gould of. Beeton spent "Sat- urday with Mrs. Gould, s sister, Mrs. Givens. f\.__2_._ A- .I ~- -- - SEE US BEFORE Y/(if BUY on SELL

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