Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1923, p. 6

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=39 zuzxzr ST. for the Masonic Success FIRE Ohtar bushe per ac Mrmuri `Ital: Perfect Corrffort on . the Longest Tour A n_....;.;..:;i;;;:......'.yom o! in. Mama!` or Siile -_..---. -----n; :31: yvulil Q3 [7II'KIUII|I_I .. Prot on - A Investment There are 15 McLaughlin-A M Limited O - Established 1388" , BOND DEALERS FOR OVER 35 YEARS 36 King St. East I: L TORONTO % 0;. A. _sT1MspN & C`O. Income Charge Debentures DUE: MAY 6,-1930_ I Secured by .a mortgage on the Canadian National Railway System, now owned and operated by the Government of the DOMINION or CANADA 0 , , 2. 75% 10.50% `;::.1,:::";::: -`Over `T lllil Is'"unA'iI5I: coumuvi Price 91: applicdtion A Long and lowtinwappearance, it provides perfect riding ease for live passengers. Its well-knit chassis, new cantilever springs and strong frame take up the jars and joltsjof the country road. Broad plate glass windows give" a wide vision to all occupants while protecting them from chilling winds; added warmth is provided by a heater. n_ Comfort for summer is assured by -cowl `ventilator and adjustable windows and windshield. `The interior of the Fishefbuilt body is nished in handsome plush with individual seats in front. Driving conveniences arelassured by a longer steering column at` a lower angle, complete instrument panel and longer gear shift lever. M This smart McLaughlin-Buick six- cylihder touring.._sedan offers unsur- . `passed comfort [for country tquping and city driving` as we! . - ` - ` ` lin-8.m'cIz Model: H Chooic Froni v TPHo1E 730 #5.: 4 I ` :.., , w Iuuu Bllvlcly uuus. I New maple syrup was offered for sale! about Midland last week by the Greigsoni brothers who have alarge number of trees tapped just across from Tiffi. They have _a very modern evaporatiifg plant and for al number of years have been producing an 5 immense quantity of high class sugar and syrup. Weather conditions to date have} ._ been none`too.-favorable for` the work. _ A Durham. 6'w, belonging to George Ir- wid, Lot .3, 2nd line west, Mono, about a _ mile west of Orangeville, last `week gave birth to a two headed calf. -The calf which was unusually large and heavy had a single body and the usual complement of limbs but carried two heads,` two pairs of eyes, two mouths and the protuberancesfor ;two pair of horns. It lived about five !minutes after birth, - i .` Z 096:5... E..- LL- `I1 ID I -- _ H the retailgflour and feed business. -__ ..-..-., -v.vuI/va The Copeland Milling Co. have closed down their grist millyzit Penetang and the Midland. Argus "understands they will com- mence to take out" the machinery in same this week. `A They have also gone out ofl _ 1 It is stated that there will be twenty- . , five'or thirty new steamers (upon the Great !Lakes, this su1nn1er', m'ost'_ of which havel , been `built in Englaixd. Some of these ves- Isels have been added to the fleet_of the i Great Lakes Transportation Co, j Prov. Police Constable Gardner. has re~ i 1% ceived instructions to make his headquarters g 1 at Stayner, and unless some change of plans I l'by the ,Cen-tral authorities is .u1.ade.,in the I {near future, will shortly remove from Col- ilingwood to that :town,. 7 l ` _ A I . .. . The residence of ' David: Williams, editor i of the Qollingwootl Bullet-in,-.. was 'co`nsid- f erably damaged by fire `on Good Friday} `night. Included inthe losswere a= nun1ber I ~-og scrap 1 books," `lover -,-a '-hundred -historical _ pictures pertaining-to-;the town, and many I books of ' reference` totally '"destroyed.' Many `of the books and-pictures cannot be re- ; placed. ` l Gravenhurst has practically arranged for ; the erection of a $40,000 school building to replace the building destroyedrecently by `fire. The old building and contents" were; `insured for but $8,000, which means a- |severe loss. School instruction resumed I after the Easter holidays in several church [ liund society halls. Nam vnnnl- n........ ._.--r 31"` ' ` ` ,,,r_ _._...J . _'Rev. H. B. Coumans, pastor of the Bap- tist church and president; of the Ontario and Quebec_'Ba'ptist Association, preached farewell sermons in Collingwood on Sunday, April 1. He goes to Indian Road Baptist Church, Toronto. U uuc. It has Ben officially_ announced that the Midland City, which plyed between Midland and Parry Sound last seasan, three times a week, will `d'u1`ing th season of 1923 make trips daily. `T -n_,_ II n "A ___ _. v-. up you uuu van H] 113 E0!) IOI-S. I } F. A. Allan, who has conducted an im- yplemenf business in Beeton for a number of jyears, has, says the World, sold out to ' Robt. Brown, who -has moved into town. - -DA_,' 7: -[,1 Q.-:.I_n , - - --- I UCHUCI J une.` TLL ,.__-. _._....., uuu qua xuuvcu IIILU LOW-I1. Ref. `W; F. Spidell, pastor of Midland Baptist church for the past four years, has {tendered his resignation to take effect in |June.' ' - j _P_ars_on's `Fair at. 'Meaford was bfoken into last week but the burglars got only $6. Newman-ket voted 8500 to Northern On- tario Fire Relief last week. . `Bradford is to have-ahonse show on May 31 ~ ;l`he woodexi man-in`e leg at` the Midland! `elevator is beiixg replaced-'b'y a `steel;one iwith larger capacity V" ' ` S, J. Mxllikin of Midland last week talked `by phone with `his Son in San F_rancisco. - The lineroute used was 4500 miles. The fuel. situation_ in Midland has be.` ,come quite agsetiouso matter of. late, says the Argus, with up d y wood and coal sell-,] fing at $21 a ton an $22 in half ton lots. I I F A An... ...x.- 1.-- - .- - ' . vn Ian B616 DISTRICT NEWS Tl-ll-I BARRIE EXAMINER nug unvuuay} 5113 run I18 mu v3ry p0_0l', lowing to the continued change in tho_ weath- uusu uuuuruuy currcruueu to go ahead wllahi the draining of. the eo-called Phelpatonj Marsh under the Newman Award, at a price that will cost the ratepayers a nice` sum of money. It is to be hopedthe work this time will prove of -`such great value - thatithwill. not be necessary to again bring ` 7 the `matter before` the Council, and am the result will prove benecial to all.con- Jarnea Lamhie and Wm. Stone have sev- eral trees tapped but up to the day` of writ- ing (Monday) the run has been owing continued nlumrun :. 41.. ....u. .-.. v\l uugvu uun, ._ ..-- I Pupils, students and teachers have re- I turned to their respective plaou; after en- joying the Easter holidays. | I l Iln-ffnn I-`Ln t`.~.......:l -5 LI.-2_ .._ ,-A!r `.f-- uuuv A-cu-wvvl uuuuuyn. I I understand the Council at their meeting last. Saturday concluded to ahead wnh the drninimr nf_ tlm .'n_....ll..l DL-l_-4-_` WUCR U ' Friends" here were sorry to hear of the` accident to Mrs. G. I-Iickling of-Cm.=sland'.' and we trust she will rapidly p-ecover. Her daughter, Mrs. Cunningham, of Winnipeg,l has arrived to nurse her, w -3 .... .,...u.., mus. u. 11.. (won. I J. H, Donnelly anddaughter, Mad , lelaine, spent a few days in Toronto last lweek 15..-__ 3- I, ` .._--- ..-... uwuup Au annuuvu. I Mia; Irene Toner has returned from an extensive visit in Toronto. ` J. P, Roseiof Barrie spent` last Friday visiting his sister, Mrs. R. H. Platt. 1'[_. 7 71- 1-\ April 9.--MissiiM;,,>'gie McVeigh of Port` Credit is visiting her brother, Hy. McVeigh. Miss Evelyn Shanahan is spending, this week with friends in Toronto. 112. `r In The luggage trunk at the rear-.is both hand- some and Practical. It will carry a suit- use or small luggage I0 as not to interfere yith the convenience .0! `the naupemrera. . R121 L: bad fire occurred on Monday nigbt, __-_. -- B- .....u April 2, on the Tecumseth-Albion townline, when the barns of Mike O'Connor and Mr. Morrison were both burned to the ground. The fire started in O Connor s barn and is said to have been caused by the upsetting or explosion of a lantern. A burning ember carried by the wind ignited Morrison s barn and it too fell 9. prey to the ames. Sparks also "carried over to Henry Agnew's and] started several small fires in his barnyard ' but were extinguished before any damage was done.--Tottenham Sentinel. " Treasurer, Miss V. E. Broughton; Secretary, Mrs. S, Martin; Directors--Miss -K. Lukes. ' Charles Batchelor. pMrs L. H. `Campbell. Miss F. Gardner, Rev.`Jos. W. Dudgeon, .George Harman, R. E. Tindall, James lChurch, Mis L. Qavey, Miss Morton. l l The large, well equipped flour and chop- ping millaat Walter" s Falls, owned and op- erated by William Bonnell, of the village, was completely destroyed by fire shortly after midnight on Wednesday. March 28. Not only was the mill and all- the machinery in it destroyed but`also the gran- ary in which was stored seven thousand I `bushels of grain. __V _ ,'_ I 'P_}_iELPS'l"ON For all round service and ood appearance, there s nothing lgike the smart blue suit-`-in serge or unfinished Worsted. And for smartness, there s nothing like Society Brand Style and Tailoring; they give the bluesuit its character. A great variety from $ 2 7A to We have a full assortment of new .suits; also Salt s Majestic Serges fully guaranteed by the Makexjs. , -_ -.... ........ uuum uuuac unns ulgls. The rain of the past few days has been a great benefit to those farmers who have been drawing water from a` distance and others who were driving their live stock daily to the nearest available water. The cisterns; have again received a fairly good I supply. ' ' , ,_ Thee wood-sawing machine made the I rounds of the village last week and succeed- `gun.-U nanny. - I What is the matter with the street light `on the store corner these dark nights? k The: 1-n n` H... .-....-L`A~- ` ` .5 a nun; mr memsewes out or the froz-; en earth. In some peculiar way, unknown` to most of us, they seem to pull through quit-e safely. '[ Ilsa! :n LI... .....1.;_._ __f;I .1 . -- - uumucaa ul uus Stan.` Z The robins, bluebirds, song sparrows and_ other spring birds are with us, and I often: wonder how they stand such `severe weath-1 er as we invariably have after their ap- i pearance. and how they `succeed in scratch- ing` a living` for themselves out of the froz-; earth. In nnnu: n......|:.... ....... ....1---_._ = 10 u , I `It, looks like old times to again seel the blacksmbith shop occupied and `the front doors thrown open, with the ring of the -anvil, and always a few of the boys standing around where the topics of the day are usually discussed. The location is? central, and will be convenient for thosel coming from all directions. There is no doubt that Clarence Laing will do a good business in thi.svstand.- l Tim ...-.I..:.... l..|..-|_:.,J, - Will. 1. land, | ..--v-. .u ..uuuJ ) places is causing large patches of water toi lremain and freeze, that will certainly do much `harm be the wheat and clover. The} backward weather will have a tendency to: threw the seeding back a few weeks whichi will make it bad for the fam{ers on heavy! land, ' ler. The cold north winds that persistently i edliii finishing the work hang on are preventing the snow from mak- I . . . . . . . I understand the Council as made mg a rapxd dlsap earance and also hlnderm ` . . `the frost `from cgming out, which in man; good move` They are `Mend 3 to put to` Eizdgdfor Fhet paint? thqnrailing ,1` freeze. that will m-+n;..Iv An] 88 1118 west 0 t 4-. m mm for all concer STOBIE, FORLONG, & co: "`Il Y\! 3.4;` 1 _ MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE - ' ' Dealers in ' , ._.. r...uuu5 UL uu: rzuung Over O] the bridge just of the village. They "I also intend extending a portion of cement S` walk`,"D`tit have not heard anything about gimproving that piece of walk mentioned in ; ' last week s. it'ems. l I Mr. Yates and family, together with his ,I brother-in-law, Mr, Fountain, intend return- '.' ing to Midland in a few days. Mr. Yates E and Mr. Fountain have been engaged `with ' the Oakville Basket Co., cutting logs and 5 wood during the winter. Owing to the sta- `; tion yard being full of wood a large amount , had to .be left in the bush, but the foreman `informs me it will be drawn in during the , 1 early summer as soon as shipments start. I . we awn and qffeg -$5o0 o0o_oo' I _ .' I C.N. R. 5 per cent. Fully Registered , ucuucla 101" me pamtmg of the railing [the bridge galsg extending nortinn M mama--+ ._._- Buy advertised things. ) THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1923. $40 .e mad one ' intendi out intinz of 9}... .-..n:.... ......- concerned . Auto THURSDAY, The Master Six" `:I'ourix1Mg4..Seda_n Model 23-41 TRY VEEE Dav HILLSDA TIRI Cord and From A p Comp] Satisfaction Ontario F price. pse 4 Ont carbon H: n it's a ncccs Mr. Iv for the sun Costs less t Iizers on this spri Biggest Send for "Proven I and price: NOW is H` Reiievs get, spi "of the t in horse etc. Sta once. R gsh, S0!` ing. At all Do A`.'.l 'll1U -DOUGLAS ` On any f ten hour wearying of my T rest or wherever The one b weather. i 011 only . Toronto w operation. TL - a IT. _ I IIB I `II heaviet. s Let _me ex you can h THE

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