Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1923, p. 5

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e life S, so ebird ; IIIIIHJ LU Vlll Ill EU, I Mr . Vance of.Barrie and Mrs; bWm. Tay-. Hot of New York are guests: at. Rev. A. 3Rintoul's this week. F 1 ____ A. .. .. Ln- __-L-_I :.'_"_.--..-_ -1 Apvt-il, l0.`--Miss Mary Mcllwraith of` 3 Perth returned. home last week after spend- `ing a few days at Rev. A. Rintoul's. Minn an-nun Mnanbnn Inc} An .qIl.IIl-Ania Ills CI IV" llll)-` Ell IIX7Vn {In IUIIIWJUI D- ? Miss Grace McMackon left on Saturday j to teachschool in Toronto. 'FL.u. l`....a.... ......-..L 4.. I....l........ .. Q-` IIU IIUUUII Fl"-Il`Ul)| III IUl'UIll'Uu Thos. Carterwem, to Lucknow on Sat- L urday to visit his son, M... 17...... ..c n......:.. ;....a u... ur... av... ; ll ``-lUl`lllUl uuuuu llllu urengul again. 3 3 . Rev, H. Berry conducted th services in I phe Methodist church here on Sunday even- ,mg . - Auvur Duuuuy uxgulc ' I 5' Mrs. Simpson of Elmvale spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Simpson her-e.u 5 J05. Gordon i recovering from a slight ?stroke of paralysis. T I` Ahnuf fuvnnfu l..A:... snub n6 LL- LA..- f VVUIV Luuug ICBI: W`UBo V '. Mrs, Fred Wright is able to be out again! 5 aito[_ a __'s_e_ve1-e` a,tt_ack_of inuenza. : . `. and Mrs, Robt. Black -attended the ifuneral `of Mrs. Sum Fagan in Toronto on -Tuesday. Min Tkn fin:-Ann ll` All....A..l.. 3.. .-....-.;J ' uu . . | !- l:)win`gv to the bad condition of the roads,! .RCV.~J. S. Stevenson` remained in Gilford 1'/over Sunday night. ' ' r Qirnnnnh l\` Winn:-nln a.`A_L .. 8.-.. 2 A uuiuuy . T Mm, Thoiz. Gordon of Allandale is ma. !-ing a few, days with her sister, Mm. Chas. Rnbertaon. 1 II ... I _L:._-___ :, _I-,,,I,_ , , - vi` ;\uuUl'u.`Uuu 1 Wm. Lat-imer is slowly recovering. M His "many friends hope to see him restored to ; his former health and strength again. Av " Ronny 1-nnnnlmcl Hug` ag-..:..... :1: 3N0 :1 French ' UV llllovllll WIll_l\lllE Ull IIIIU UUUIB. ` Mrs. (Dr.) McKin1 of Tolfonto visited Mrs. Wm. Young last week. - 1 I Ila. I`-aul TIT-I.`-L6 1. ..LI.. 4... I..- ....n. -__:_1 E April l0.--Wilfred Sutherland rturned to 1* Sudbury aftgr holidaying with friends here. t Thos, Kissock has gone to Midland; where - he intends working on the boats. 5 M... tn. \ 11.11:... ..c vr........,. ..:..:....: u... Shop where you're; A shp. Mgrjggmg $1'A'noN 930 smzu SHANTY BAY STROUD ANGUS IA-llllI`:'BXlv1NBll' ' +IrTAid Estore it; [. Ilast. week. `ll - , ' Adm: wcms. ` ` I Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Tomntvj visited `at C. Mm-ritt s last week. aurur nu-J :2.wcK~ or rypnom. I 3 Harry Squibb had to have one toe ampu- ltated as a result of an accident with a gas- loline engine at a sawing bee. He, is doing nicely. A ` l Miss T. Donnelly of Lefroy has returned: { home after nursing Douglas Nelson. - I | R, L. Davidson has purchased a general: 'store in [Aurora and commenced business` . last. week, ` nun. uunuc LJIIVIUSUII. T Miss M. Blanchard has returned after spending the Easter vacation at her home near Allist-tn, r[n__ _____-, 1,), I I I` - -` - uczu :ulla'L'Pll_ ` , The many friends of` Douglas Nelson are glad to know that he is steadily improving : after his :r;tnck- of typhoid. Harv-v Rnnilnk Inn! 9.. 1.....- ...... 4..- --m~ Mrs. William.Scott. of Huntsville, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with` her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Davidson. 11:-.. ll DI---Al--' ` ' ' ` uu (`U I/lI.l`H_ WCCK I /Merritt made a busixiess trip to Tor- onto this_wek. Ilia `|I7:II2-.._ Q--4. _rvv, . -n . - The funeral. of the me W. 0. W. McCul- on Friday afternoon last. A short service at the house, conducted by Rev. J, W. Totten. of Tottenham, and Rev. A. Thib- ladeau, of Toronto, was followed by the {service at the Methodist church. The lat- ter was taken by Rev. J. B, Stevenson, I assisted by Rev. C. E. Manning of Toronto, ' an old friend of the family, and Rev. H. E. _l lopgh took" place from the family residence Wellwood of Barrie. Suitable music was provided by the choir. A large number of friends followed the remains of this highly respected citizen to Strond cemetery. Among the friends from a distance who at- tended the funeral were noticed, Mrs.Walk- er and W. lGreenaway, Toronto; H. Greenaway, Loa Angeles, Cal.; Rev. N. St. . John. Newtonbrook; Mrs. and Miss Smith, Barrie; W. L. Smith, Barrie; W. Tanner, Winninezr Mr. and Mr: L... n-...u....u IJDITIV} W, U. I Winnipeg; Mr. trial I I ClIUWUo ' Hugh Allingham has returned home from California. , The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church met at the parsonage last Thursday when gthe `annual election of officers took place. `The following were elected :_ Pres.. Mrs. J. Fellows; lst Vice Pres.. Mrs. E. J. Metcalf; -2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. K. Noble; Secy., Mrs.` .Robert Reid;'Treas., Mrs. Thos. A. Stone, I M... W v A....l_...-.. -.. J L... Auuuuny. Mrs, Mary Murray spent tb weekend at Oro Statioq. V (VI.-- B . _ _ . _ _, 1,9,9. I to - . -- ,_--_..-- --....., -.vuw., 4-vxln. suva. ta. DI.-U110, Mrs. W. V. Anderson and daughter have returned home from Toronto. I April 9.--Don;t'fail to come to the svup-I per and concert to be held in the Angiican church Friday evening. April 13. 7 ~ I `Han-v Knnnll `Aft bun blag 117...; I..-` Luuusudy. ' Mrs. J. M, Fellows and son were "in Tor--l onto a couple of lays last week. 7 Mrs- Robert Reid` wpj; in Tomato last week. V ` The W.A, of thoimiglican church held their meeting at Mrs. George 0'Brien a on llionday. "Ira nun II-I-nu... ..__..A a.I..` _--__I- -_.l - Uxu cwuuuu. Chas. Simpson `visited his sister, . Mrs.` Fellows. `,Y.. _L I II! I U - ' ` ` luuuuzu rnuuy evening. A`p!'ll 16. Harry Kendall left for the west last Thursday. Mac `I M D..n....... .....: ...._ -... ... .:._ u-__ Come_ in and see these l;andsome,'economica1, re- resisti-ng-shingles. Let_ t1s_ give you anfestimate on a complete new rdof. The cost is moderate. ____________ annnnnnannutnv, \IlIlo Hardware, Lnmlr and Builien' Supply `Dealers everYWl|' Coinpany _ omeaahapnnuuz fang}. Vsulohn. N. 8.. Halifax. N. s.. Winnipeg. ` _ gr You can lay these massive re-resistant shingles. `right over the old roof. (Use 1%" galvanized roong nails.) They are made and laid 3 to a strip. Think of i the savings` in money, labor and trouble. fme 962 Barrett %EverlasticGiiat.1t Shingles _ For Han/dsome, Durable, Fire-Resistgnt. Roof} `:5 They're `mineral-surfaced in three shades--red, green or blue-black. Thanks to this mineral surface they are highly re-resis ting--need no painting or staining. o n 52 " ""`' Barrett Everlastic Giant Shingles stand staunch and tight against storm and blizzard throhghout the years. Their base is a heavy waterproofed roong-fe1t. No better time of -`year thanthis to put a new roof on your camp, home-. or garage. Re-roof now-with Barrett Everlastic Giant Shingles. ' -"WKF-STONE nzmnsbii um of amxm, Barrie; W. Tanner, ` and Mrs. Long. Bradford. HUBBARD S HARDWARE J.%S.%BRUN'I`-ON. ` A- nal Isl-...I-.._.__ u u n - an - 3.00 up Subscribe for The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. $2.00 a year. Cleaner, Presser and Dyer 109 DUNLOP ST. opp. Barrie Inn mom: 229 ' I AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND` TO ATTEND TO REPAIRS ON ALL CLOTHES Goods called" for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE I have the only dry-cle;ning plant withim your ref; --outside the city. Real Dry cleaning ' IIOIIA I-Ian t\o\`tn Anny ninn-u:..... ..1 THE uumsn FARMERS coibfo. LTD. IQII I\ I T Child's Peb._B'lu.' Bdots-. Special . . . . . r . .T $1.75 Misses" Mah. Side Boot-- Specil . . . . . . . . $3.25 Misses Black Kid Boot-- Special . . . . . . .. $3.00 i Ladies Mah. Side Boot--` Special . . . . . . .. $3.75 1 Ladies? Black Kid Oxford 3 Special . . . . . . .. $3.25 ` Little Gents Mah. Calf ; T Boot--Special. . -$2.40 ` Evaporated Apples, lb.19c Choice Prunes, 2 lb. 29; Evap. Peaches, 2 lbs. 45c Cooking Figs. .3 1bs._25c Bulk Dates. . . .2 lbs. 25c Honey,A-.10-lb.pai,l mxd.95c Jaxm, any avor-- AIL n:__ no, 1 lU. tl UOC Syrup, Lily White-- . 10-lb. pail 90c Syrup, Crown Brand-- 10-lb. pail 85c 1-----------_-_-_--_-_-_.-.- H -s'r.- V 1w . x W. FIRTH BOOTS_ SHOES suns $1175 "435/.4 tin 93 TIYLIA. _ QRQCERIES Q LU]. QUU Gold Dust. . .2 pkgs. 15c Pearline . . . . 2 pkgs. 15c Washing Soda, 2 pkgs.15c Rinso. . . , . . 3 pkgs. 25c GilIett s Lye. .per tin 15c Gem Lye . . . . 2 tinsV25c Boys llaaic CalfV Boot--;" Special . . . . . . .. $3.50 Men's Black Calf Boot-- Special . . . . . . .. $5.35 Boys Heavy Work Boot, plain toe-Special 3.25 Boys Heavy Work Boot, toe cap--Special $3.25 - Men's Heavy Work Boot, plain toe--Special 4.25 Men's Heavy Work Boot, `toe cap-Special $4.25 -:----_-...__---------:. J. I. a. non Koohng (Seventeen Inch Salvage-Edy: Rooji nu) Total width of roll 3'. inches. l5'ofthc width ofroll i . mineral- nurfaccd. 17' of the width is olain surfaced to insure rm L I cut- ing of the ovcriap. A roof of S. I. S. is uouble' fhi:-In`:-an Bon Ami, cake or tin-- 2 for 25 I`_I.I T\__-L I-nu. _F'.7-7,g'I 3'..' K l 711% Old Dutch Clegnser-- 2 tins 25c I3-_ A___3 ,,I, - Laundry Soaps, assorted I! 1...... AK. . -_ v. ,-\.-.u. Everlauic Liquid Roofing Cement Gives new durable surface to worn-out rubbr.-r" and other prepared rool's-stops all leaks. Planie Ellllivllm Pa!chin3 `Cement Stops leaks in roofs; repairs aahings. gutters. cisterns. etc. Stick: to wet or dry surfaces. Easy to apply and economical. Creonoid Fly-Oil and Cow Spray An eective, economical fly- oil. lice-destroyer and cow spray. It is safe and easy to use. ' Barrett Produ"s are made in .Canada by Canadians -us ul we overlap. A mo! 01 I. uoublc' thickess throughout with weather-proof. re-resisting mineral surface in red or green. Mineral 5urfnco- Plain Surface- 5. I. S. Roll Roofing eon Incl: Snln.....r.:..- z>.., 9, uouvn noun 6 bars 45c Page Fin ievice * HATS 1on t aris- 5 de- onger othes W33 ash- bred ; &_\`-wu: I tn I TCIIFI-Ci `Call and get my special offer on, tires and tubes . - I. ! Aufro ACCESSORES, msouna, `ou.s, cm-:Asas * ` 9 T VULCANIZINGSHOPT 4, , G. AMOOYC S 57 Elizabeth sc., swag ` 15'-16c Box 1103, Orillja. - V..- - - . n v o u n V nnsu Iwtlllvvi "' R for a farmer. V . . There will be no reserve. as the Es- E .tate has to be wound up. _For 'full list, terms and other particu-. Iars, address: ' - ' I J. A. SIIATER, Auctioner, . - ---..-.- -..L,.~.- I\lI _.-,.-.... . .ti0n. ` - 4 Grade` Cows, in calf. 1 Shorthom Heifer-. . ' _ f 2 Grade Durham Steers. | I All the Implements required `An A CA alumna.` '-v7- w-r-c--, c--- -u--- nun: the farm stock and implements, including: 1 Brown`Mare, Dolly Corin-i inthian, Registered Clydes- dale, 5 years old.` 1 Yearling Colt, Birchburn Corinthian, eligible for reg- istration. ` V 2 Gray Horses. | 2 purebred Durham Cows, registered, 9 and 7 years, Straw- berry No. 117141 and Hazel of Stony Ridge III No. 129114. 3 Heifers eligible for _'registra- u-.. I The undersigned has _received in4 structions from the Executors of the Estate of the 3-wv , w--v vy -7ww----- >-----r (one mile north of Orillia Town) to sell by public auction on -gg--- .-- .._1'..- _.v LA'i`EmR. -A'.mI`.I-2'l-iMANm' N Lot 5, Con. 5," South Orillia I___ .._l- _,-__AI_ _ l'\__!II2- 'I',_.__,\ . --E-l:l-ZABE'I:H Sf _ Phdne 65w, T Eve. 885 lhe spark. Special Spring `SaieI.E; ;% `W .r Auto Tires L WANTED- Feed and Seed Grain. of all kinds. Highest- market price paid. . 12% lbs. Grit, chick size . '25:: 5 lbs. Charcoal, chick size, 25 Roup Cure, pkg. . . . . . `. . . 30 Cholera Remedy, pkg. . . . . 30: Insect Powder, pkg. 35 & 75 Poultry Tonic, pkg. 40 & 75 Karswood . . . . . . . . 25 & 50: A full line of Feeds of all kinds` always on hand. WE DELIVER II /3 `I75! LUVIIICC \IIQVU O O 13% 6 lbs. Baby Chick Feed` .. . 25 4 lbs. Milk Mash . . . . . . . . 25: 10 lbs.` Oyster Shell, chick size BABY cmcxs need thej best of Feeds 5% lbs. Rolled Oats . . ID IL. V5-1.-- l`|L_I_ Y3--.) PURE BRED STOCK % TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION FEED S1f(_)_REW MONDVALY, Alina; 23 L... J-`.-....... ..L....I.. ......I .....I.......-...4.- BRETT S AIRED The Flies Will Soon be Here The Ball Planing Mill Company, Limited EVERYTHING IN LUMBER Phone 109 ` ` , .'Reidence- 642 and 390 If you ordef nowf yqu-f will bp `sure of prom-pt de1ive`ry%.% T - We will be plea/tsed to measure,` your windows and quote` you prices. ` Order Your Screens - f,"'A_PRl'L~`? `:2 . .1913. a ef- % ating rcing rics, agic 11 age % NOW uuuv 25 25c nuns, vunuus. tcuuulctltlra zulu uuwr 1l_I'(l(.'a1U3. f Terms of Sale--All sums of $10.00 and` under, cash; over that amount 8' montha l credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- ? proved joint notes; 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be? sold without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. ; ` ' `k ' . Sale at '1 p.m._ W. A Mcconkey, Auct. gnu] uusuc. 10 ycura mu. CATTLE----1 Durham cow. 9 yrs. old, milking; 1 Durham cow, 7 yrs. old. milk- ing; 1 Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due in July; 1 Holstein oow, 5 yrs. old. milking;i 1 Durham cow, due by date of sale; 1; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due April 30; 1: Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old, milking; 1 Ayr-E shire heifer, 2 yrs, old, milking; 1 steel-.,} 3 years old; 1 heifer. 1 year" old. - ; PIGS--l good sow. 3 IM.PLEMEN'lS--1 binder. 6-ft. cut, Deer- ; ing, nearly new; 1 Deering disc drill, nearly new; I sulky rake, Deering; 1 cultivator, 1 scuffler, 1 set iron harrowsbl set disc: harrows, 1 single plow, Cockshutt; 1 2-fur-_ 3 row plow, Cockshutt, Fleury; 1 buggy. 1; cutter; 1 set sloop sleighs, 1 wagon. l cut-j ting `box, 1 root pulper, 1 hay rack, _I set; -scales, 2000 lbs.; 1 set double harness, 1~ set short-tug harness. 2 sets single harness, 1 grindstone, 1 sugar kettle,*1 wheelbar-it row, 1 barrel chum. 1 Melotte cream separ-. ator, in good order. -1 coal 'heater,'falso{ forks, chains. doubletrees and other articles._= M.-m. Al Rah. All ......... ..L' Qandn _...\. - HORSES-~l".;3l(l-i"ri?,'"-.;rs'. old, generlilfl purpose; 1 gelding, 7 yrs. old, Percheron; 1| mare, aged; 1 Percheron colt. rising 2 yrs. ol%lmI"gl1flroIi' filly 1 yeark .1! cow, yrs. 0 , (ue pf!` 30; 1 col\(vl,. (3 yrsold,4dula April %2 ; 1 colwi, ' yrs. 0 , U81. ay ; cow, yrs. o(., calf at foot; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old, call` at foot;I 1 cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 12. 2 calves, rising 1 year old. TMDI l.`.M.'l.'a`1\Y'I'Q, 1 l.:...!.... 'u.......... u.._..:-v - -.-------, --Jinan XV T The following`: ' } HORSES--l bay horse, 12 years old; 1% grey horse, 13 years old. nuuvknwu nu-nu n -n--- -l-I . the` following: . HORSES-~l gelding, 8 yrs. 1 old ; 1 Percheron` filly, year 1 l (Inn: 0 urn nl Ham; 1 year 010. ` IMPLEMKENTSWI binder. [Massey-Harris, ; nearly (new, 7-ft. cut; 1 mower, 5-ft, c1_1t.,[ lMa1d%g\ljIurris; 1 disc drill, VanBrunt, `near-f ly n` _ `f;-"'1 sulky rake, Frost & Wood ;` 15 stiff-tooth cultivator. Frost & Wood; 1. scuffler, 1 2-furrow plow; 1 Fleury plow. No. (13; 1 Fleury plow, No. 21; 1 riding; plow. John Deere, No.32; 1 set harrowa. 1 democrat,`l top buggy, 1`cut'ter, 1 wagon! and box, In mail box, 1 set sloop sleighs. I 3 gravel box, 1 stoneboat, 1 fanning mill, Ii set scales, 1 root pulper. 1 barrel churn, 1` car, rope and--pulleys, 70 lbs. binder twlne,l 1`Magnet creamrseparator, 3 water barrels. ant lnna-h1n kannnnn uvlvtln bu sen Dy puuuc auction at Lot 26, Con. 1, Oro (Dalston) I WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 LL- ..II-...2_ _ . ; anaynuu urumulucpuruwr, 0 water Darrexs. HARN-ESS---1 set long-t-ug hqrnw, with breaching; 1 set short-tug. harness, `I set single harness, 100 bushels oats, a number] of fowl, 1 Collie dog. 2 string: bells. 1 box? stove, 1 range, nearly new; 1 heating atovmg coal or wood; qxiantity of household furni .` i ture and manyother particles, 3 Tnima at _Qol..__AlI `......... gr. Qunnn ..._.I: |best. ._ uu nun UUBM uu Ufcull. sums. i All will be sold without reserve as thei proprietor is giving up farming. 9 `Sale at 1 pain. W. A; McCONKEY, Auct. ; , - V M 1 uuw uuu uuuny umur articles i o Terms of Sale--All Sums on $10.00 and; under, cash; over. that amount 10 months ! credit will .be given to parties furnishing ap- 5 `proved joint notes.. 5 per cent. traight! .P off for cash on credit sums. . I All quill I... ....I..l ...:gI..... ..---_..- -7 -I! The` undersigned has [received instructions: from 7-ujon Xfiil OF FARM STTOCKVAND 'lMl_ LEMENT$ l: I`he.undersigned ha received instructiox'1.s.l 1 ' from ` _j: _ _:__, I avndlfl I 51 OF FARIFSTOCK AND IMPLEMENTS . ' ALL SIZES , _ ; Dominion, Nobbys and Royal Crcluj (Dunlap, Traction, Fabric` and Cords; Guns" Porch, C'rou'-Tread,` Fabric; -_.I I'_...I- I will guarantee to repair, FREE OF; CHARGE, until Jan. 1st, 1924, the; following first-class list price tires, bqught here during April and May: A I 9 titanium T to.`--s;l`by'I"\:l)-lzo-A`t.1|:`t.i.>.x-:":|at Lot 4; Con. 14, lnnisl` `FRIDAY, APRIL 20' FIVL- _II..___:__ . -row ATTMCEY E numbaru rincipnls I v:u---- -_I -uwnnjd to s"ell "by public auction at IQ f`._ I f`..- II\_I -. u-u ..CRED..A.*!.-_ I . QTQQII A ..CRE'3.;A!_-E. I IUW uuya up HUI` uume Ill'8_ l15B_W66K. ` Miss EdithlDay is nursing Mrs} Wm. [ Brooks of Shanty Bgy. - - .7 ~ ' I, V "|;nn'nr' a non; Inna` A: ".u:.;`:.<.l ..L-Ll-. unuuna U1. uuuulay Day. U.F.O~. [shipped a'cgr noag gg 'i}g;Ed stok' V on Saturdgy; 9 Misses Helen and Bernice Seeds returned 1 to Toronto after spending a week with their sgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Jones. "Ila ' D Dunn n-`A "1... TA- -1" I3- '- gaxnuuyuuwuva, U11. auu Luf. L`. V. J_0neS. 5 Mrs. J. P Rqse and Miss I a. of Barrie "visited Mrs Robert Crawford a few days g last week. ` "|l__;___ r3,_|, 1 ,- I u lll WCUl\u _ ' Master Earle Leigh, who was `under the ; doctor7s care, is better again. ` Mun Joan Ilnlntnllanrl nl nn`:n '........4. - I I l , uuuun -:9 uunu, I5 ucl-u.'l' again. Miss Jenn Ma'cLe1land of 01-illia "spent a few dayzi at her home here_ last week. in. Ddiokth... :. _;..._:_.`_ ' 11-: 1:7,` I00` (Z I llll`l.'l.lI|g. ' I (Additional StroudNews oh Page 7.) I i vwltcu Ill LUWII Lu; as law uuyu HEB WEEK Lxttle baby Davis had the misfortune to fall off the bed last Friday, leaving her un- iconscious for several hours. At time of 5 writing she seems a.little brighter. .' Mr: W `Kmmn vision! I... M... m:-I:....~ April 10.~--Mrs. Jno. Sanderson is home again after a. week's visit in Toronto. Joseph Moore of Painswick visited with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ball last.'iiveek.. ` George Brooks. Sr.. is improving nicely. Mrs. Henry Packard left on Monday for a week s visit with her daughter at Mid- land. M T`... YT Y.` \I7_II____-,l 2,, AL. `I. i 1 (Too..Late For, Last Week) Those visiting for over Easter are Mxs. A.` Johnston. in Barrie; Mrs. E. Walker in Toronto; A. Newman. through the northern 2 country. - V I` Mrs. J. Martin is on the sick list. ` Mr. and Mrs. A. McKee and daughters I 2 visited in town for a few days last week ' Lima hnhu Dawn 1...! +1.. -....:..:....s...... .. a vvuyulg uuu aucuxa uuuue ungmer. ` Mrs, W. Knapp vxsxted her son. Stxrlmg, at Mac'l`ier for Easter. | .ftuhzibzigpzvtvgvigf`ladieshmet at the home! I M .. W h f t 1 I t' :3: o:'?...s2r ..h. s..`?.'...i freiiait `i.`Za.'i. .." [Aid society, held last Wednesday afternoon, Atintil 4. hThe fniiowing_ me-inbem__were. elect; `-8 or t e-`warmus offices. President, Mrs. IW. .J. Reid: lat Vice Pres.. Mrs. .105. 4,Booth; 2nd Vice Pres.. Mrs. Wilson Black; ;'IlJ`:'ea:ui'Ie3er. L:is.adIrean_Wic;I;_ Secretarv: Mrs. co'i..po33?..g s3?e`3;.y 'MaI.3s r.fif.if.I! ; HBPTT; Parsonage Committee. Mrs.'Wils-in; ;Blac . Mrs. 0. `Black. Mrs. George Sher-r 3r-rg, Mrs. Lot Web-J. Mrs. Norman Wine. `Mrs. John I-Ioover-; Auditing Comniittec. gf Mrs. A. W. Green and Mrs. Oswaid Black; 2 Flower Con,nn,it?ee..Miss Meta Hunt-er. Miss !`Aznes Marquis. Mia Dorothy Harper. A `dainty luncheon was served at the clase of 1!`: meeting. ' . I IAAA:4:......| m........a,vu....... .. n--- 5 ~. iW;Hi;"s<;i:;vl`igisuiigg again after the "holiday and Miss McDermot- is back to 1 her duties and friends. ' A II? f\_.lI_ ..__-._L _ J--. 2,, l;_,__.I ,,',A'1_ {HIP l\`|lV,Is l`lI7. vulluurlllull. . Abner Ball is getting along slowly with ;the cnllar of his new house as the frost is ; so slow in going out ._of the ground, ` ` Rnuc: Pnknrfunn A` Tnrnnfn I-son 1-nhu-not! uunu Wll/ll nus ulotul, Aura, nusavrl rurr. g The `weather has again ' taken another 1' `change and it almost looks as though .'Spring is nearer. The snow at least is dis- iappearing very rapidly but the roads are fin bad shape for there is neither wheeling f or aleighing. ,:` `James Travers is out of the hospital. E Owing to the bad roads there are a `good ; many days when the mail fails to get 1; through. In null Mun -nnnnlpl I` ........ .....l LL..!.. : uuurugq. . 3 Mr. and Mrs.'Donald Ferguson and then-I json Lorne have returned from the West | after spending two years there, [IUI IJl7l'IUlL Ull L'I.UlI|IlI.Vu I Misses Kathleen Cripps-and Leona Mis- !5 'camr-bell left for Burk's'VFalls onsaturday, (1 I Gib. Scottwont to S`aynr on Satm-day.I Mrs. Jas. Cleary went to Toronto lag!!! i week. I . uuut. church last Sunday gave a very able and Helpful sermon. Next Sunday Rev. S. Martin will. ofciatc-. A._-L:- IV_..__L_Il `L. -1` 1__.,,,4_ i a ~Re\-_ H. Wellwood in the Methbdistl ! ll \lDlL IIUIC IUI IIIC W|IIIrUI'a> 5 MISS Hutchlson of Toronto spent a few ?da_v'.e in this village lately. | Tkn nnknnl Run :4: Hana)` unnhv. nfbnu Okay. i April 10.--The Ladies . Aid met at the jhome of Mrs. Isaiah McMasAter on April_ 4. i Misq Viola Scot-t spent the week-end in I town with her sister, Mrs: Russell Parr. "FLA `nu-`sol.-- L n . . . . ... '4..I..._ ..._-LI_-_ flllsu \JIIIllII UCIIIUIUIJ. - . Miss Laura `McKeever of Barrie spent. `the! {Easter holidays with Mlss E`leen Duckworth. Mrs. Jack T:u`Bu.=h and little sons let: for Detroit on Monday. ` ' ' I Il!___, Y)'_LI_I___ I1,,2,,,,1- .,_ J Y.,# II! I ltlllalll WIll- Ull'\5IlIl(`. L Archie Campbell. Jr.. of Toronto. is car- g tying the mail for J. Reevie as the latter's 3 brrvher. Charles, is going back West after i a visit here for the winter. T i Il2__ YY..L_L!..-.. _ lI'V__.-_'n._ ,,.___.; _ _,,, IIUI IIIIIICB auu IIICIILIFJ A. W. .P.`l{ spent a day in St:-onud with his sister. Mrs. VanNorman. I AL--- n-n :.. _-u:._._ 4--.. _u-._.n-- ,._.L ; cu aluvv Iu going Ulu Lul `L-H9 gruunu, t Rose Robertson of Toronto has returned .' home after a few days in Shanty_Bay. ll(llIlCg WIIB Ill IIIIEMB U_lI IUH\ly. The body of the late Harold Mascot. son! g of Wrn. Mascot of Chapleau, and nephew of ;Hugh `Smith of Angus. `was brought to` ?Angus on Monday for interment in thei iAngus Union Cemetery. I man I aura .M..I(n...... A` `luv:-L. cnnvrf -4`-ux | IIlllIlllUI' `I103 W"I.`I\o `,` E, Longman. public school inspector. of Barrie. was in Angus on Monday.` _ "`l-In k\r`I.- nf I-kn `nfn "nIA`? Ilnunnb anus Eowing :--

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