Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1923, p. 2

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. ll'. .bugg_\` at, Welland. ('0n.~.ci0us. ht: 1:911 wan/I , IK_ 1 __ "PI! 15% EH Uluun 5l>o>-2 The mat bqx. D i Stro yyon 'sta Non the_ glo Fift f 111 safe [Sn St Alo best for home se. -/"At all Gfocer: JELLY POWD Ii ' NCE the uesof nafsteel range- are attacked by rust, its day: are numbered. ' V ' _ `T The Kootenay resisrs `rust `and. corrosion at every vital point by being built of Armco Iron further protected -at vital points by porce- lain enamel. This exclusive Mc- Cla.ry s feature prolongs the lite of T the Kooienay, ' T V. This protection makes the Koote- inay a sensible investment `for the . housewife. V T , set it at the McCIary s de'aIer s. '7 White %NicI%:eled ;.Oven Heats Quickly % JIEEQARIYSA IIARDWAIIE l"i)}'."E_ V. Mccollum by experimentally feedin'g animals of the same species and of the sqne age purified diets which differed only In form of fat given, found what growthcould be secured only when the fat lin the mixture was butter fat, whereas no growth could be-- secured when the butter ifat wasefeplaced by lard, olive oil or o:..er -yegetable` fats." T / l N` l\ kA- 45.5.. ...... .......1 _-.. ..I-_, -1 I..,-A . When. 'ba'co_n choose that with thin rind and with fat of pinkish white. I A ...... -1.` .._1-_ _I..--_1 3., L`,, nu, Three-_venr-old Mildred Underwood, of '3 Bridgeport, Ont., was burned to deuth,when hcr~clotbe:.~' ignited from coal-oil stove. . Although providing for 2,000 pupils more than last year, the trustees of Winnipeg School District No. 1 announce a school lgvy of 34,00 less in 1923. If it is necessary to have -your hands in water a great deal, keep a perfumebottle of vinegar handy. Shake a little on your hands each time you dry them. It will keep them white en}! smooth. ' .--y u no vuuvuvuau . As a source of energy, one ound of butter is" equal to 4?: pounds beefsteak oz 38 eggs. and althaugh" other fats sold as gbutter substitutes are equal in energy pro- ducing value, no substance which does not cnntain the vital growth element can sub stitut-c butter fat in the `child-'3' diet. '\vv5cLauu:7 Ialgbn "V7 1 Itlother. fats are .used in place of !ui('er for the children, more milk and cream in 1 their diet is essential. .... ..-..- -.~u v. `aauaugun u;nu\u gnu of coke placed in the refrigerator will cause all odors" to evaporate. (1 .... ....I L..-...I_ -___ |:._L.; I I - _ There is no real "substitute for butter. `Butter is made from cream and is 80 per 'cent.- fat, not merely fat, but f_at which contains the necessmy factor, fa!-soluble A. l No other fat, with the exception of cod liver oil and, to some. extent, beef suet. supplies this growth essential. For thii reason. no other fat can. take the place of `butter. .. _-- ,_...,..`, .... `...`g.p: "|J` \;vpI'.(I.(||u|U\.. ` ` Commeal breads are lighter when made with 1 buttermilk, .'l'|vPS T0 HOUSEWIVES aotenay I BUTTER FOR SALE BY. -- ----.-u u uuvuu u-I-I-IIIIIIIIII Seyeral` interesting developments have taken place in Great Britain in the electric - heating of water on a large scale. The elec- tric locomotives on a section of railway linked up with an ordinary steam railway are fitted with electric boilers -to supply steam for `heating caq-iages which run from the steam line over the electrified system. Again, in a Londondistrict experiments are being made in the electric heating. of water for the public baths, current for this pur- pose being taken during the night at very low rates." `In a. large sanatorium in the Midlands the. hot water for the domwtic circulation system is electrically heated for a considerable part of the year. The sana- torium possesses its own hydro-electric plant. and electric heating is used whenever there is any current to spare. At other times an ordinary coke boiler is. employed, .The clgctric calorifiers."` as the heaters are called. `are built with copper and gun~ r'netal-'tirbu'lar electric. heat elements and are controlled by a thermostat. which switches the current off when` the water reaches`a,certain temperature and. converse- point. ly, switches the currenton should the tem- A prxitufe of he water: fall below the desired ' ...-. -v-u --can 1`:-III-In In boiling up a kettle, or in cooking in M avsaucepan, the heat has to pass from the fire or gas ring or electric hot plate through the bottom of the utensil into the water. The more easily this flow of heat takes place. the lower the cost of fuel for cook- ing. All sorts of deviceshave -been invented to save fuel and heat in this way. but quite the most original and interesting is that recently l.i.scovererl\ by a British firm.` All `that has to be done is to coat the bo`tom of the utensil with a special substance which dries on like enamel. This layer helps the heat to flow through the bottom of the uten- sil. Tests have shown that `an electric ket- tle which will boil up on a hotiplate in about eight minutes in the ordinary way will come to the boil in five minutes, when treated with this wonderful composition. The material is being marketed in tins large enough to treat all the utensils in an ordin ary kitchen, and as it can be- supplied easily with a brush it should form c very useful aid to the housewife who is concerned about keeping her bills for gas. coal, or electricity at the lowest possible level. - -....-- _..... ..... u.....-B |_l\r vuu a.uvvu ` The Bresident reported that the Agricul- ture Rooms would not -be available for the nurse's hendquarters this year. A commit tee was named to enquire for available rooms on th ground floor in a central lo- cation. When.su Itabl_e premises are found. it is the intention to hold child welfare clinics. a..l.-_._:-.2_.: I! . < .. . V. - Dr, Lit-`tile stated that he had `just come from a meeting of the Board of .Health .where information was asked for and given in regard to the work of-the Victorian Or- der of Nurses. It was suggested that the Medical Health Officer be asked to mention in his monthly reports the work being done along public health lines each month by our nurse. In this way both the Town Council and the citizens generally would be made aware of the value of the mlrse s services from, this point of iiiew apart from the mere nursing `side of the work, import ant although that is, and in this way they would find out the v._aluable work being don e and the saving to the Town. ll, .15 II vluuvu, - V S1xbs<:riptioh`lists are in the hands of all It-he banks where donations may be handed ._.-_.., _.-... ........v -u-. uu.-uouuv-vy we-Ilvuu The entertainment `committee reported that for family andother reasons the com- mittee was unable to make arrangements forthe dance at present. This is therefore postponed` for 3 short time. ' I'\ I- Members of the Admiral Kempenfeldt Chapter of the I.0.D.E. were kept busy on Friday and Saturday of last week when they held their rummage sale, which was a great Vsuccess. Many new and second-hand artic- les were donated by merchants and others to whom -the thanks of the Chapter are ex- tended. The net sum of $163.30 was real- ized, of which $100.00, was sent.td the Sec.`-Treas. of the Barrie Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. The hal:=.nce will be used for materials and.eupplies `for the nurse as she may require them. or for "acme other patriotic purpose. ` f'I'\L_ I`L__L___ _._ , L_Il! , v\ Wait not until the Spirit's fled To `praise its many deeds; ' Thoaerords through life were better said To heal the heart that bleeds. Wait not!" but make the living day Of loved ones clear and bright. ` Kind words and deeds strew o'er their way The flowers of_ delight. =\`"='N'.v |uvng1nl.: JELLY ..---- .. v__..._ `V _-r-...... - _ Tlv1ewCl`\`a;;-t2r Vphrposes holding a Rum- mage Sale each year, and will be [glad it clllothes or other `articles will be saved for I: am, ' 5A-..- _,!II L ,,,,,, ,. n . I . an ` Nearly all the members of the executive of the V0. Nursing Associatinxt were pres- ent'at the monthly meeting. Monday after- noon.` Dr. Turubull presided. . 1 Y T? 1'I72I_ , ._ , J. H. Wilson. secretary-treasurer. repent- ed 490members with several lists still out- ". u..a-uu.- a standing because of unfavorable weather and sickness. Owing to the Town Council refusing assistance to the wot-k_.`it will be necessary to secure every possible member and it is hoped to canvass the whole town thoroughly . may nu-A OK); nnnnn a-nu- L..- --..-._-.A E-- `JllllI|llI!III . ' Miss Neve. the nurse. gave her report for the ten days ending March 31 which showed that she had in that short period attended .3_ medical. ltsurgical and 3 pre-natal. cas- es. She had attended one operation. and made 20 visits to patients . She had also visited 3.social service cases, 13 tubercular cases, and made two instructive visits. IIII Oh, give not flowe to`the clay, One rose, while there is breath, Will help the soul more {on its way Than twenty after death. _Wait not uhtil the lips are sealed L" To press them with a kiss; Alm, that balm which" might have healed`-` Seemstthen to be amiss. DAUGHTERS or ETMPIRE MAKE $163 FROM SALE lv. 0. NURSING ASSOCN 1 I NOW HAS 490 MEMBERS I them, Store will be open next Saturday at. 10 am. to sell remaining articles at greatly reduced prices. . . ` . HOT WATER rhia ELECTRICITY PAINT FORTHE KETTLE Doctors . Prescribe and ~ Hospitals Use WAIT NOT, -Monroe Sonpwchein} uncut Iur cctu 1808. I Af`er wearing kid gloves once, turn the fingers inside out, and apply bits of court? plaster to each tip. This prevents the thread from ripping and prolong the life of the glove wonderfully. An nnnn an n mlnin. ......-.l ..l..;....`. . _ . . .:A :_ ', _- . __._ ..--.......-5 vu nu II\llvV\lIlln Corn" meal will clean lace that is much .soiled; Rub the lace and the mealtngether between the hands, then shake out well, us- ing white meal fdr white lace and yellow meal for ecrq lace. A;.,__ __,,_,______ I-:.n -4, gulvc wuuucnuuy. As soon as a white-wool dress or suit is taken off, rub over it lightly, wherever even slightly soiled, with unscented white talcum powder and do not brush off until just before putting it on again. This will keep the garment clean indefinitely. 3 1 Chopped dates are a deliciohs addition to cereal. , ' . - I A l.__._ .I.__,,_ ,1- 1 vclclll. 2 A few drops of lemon juice makes cake 1 frosting` very white. I Roll En Hm An... .....I.... I....l-:.._ 5:-.. _.:n {uuouug vary wulw. Salt in the oven nder baking tins will pmvent sc_orch.ing on the bottom. (`I___. ___-I -,,2u ,- Handsome_ Mattress] Cover - % reewith every purchase of a V A Spoof}; `McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE "ms T6 Housewives _ A Imagine the world` of satisfaction in a wonclerfnllyl made mattress with about a thousand resilient springs, conforming to every movement and pressure of the body, because` each little sprmg works independently of all others. V - - The Marshall is always resi- lient and sletep-inducing. No `sag. No lumps, and you need turn it but once or twice a year`. N ow_ for real permanent` com- fort the Marshall way.-See the free mattress cover. net the dealer `explain every detail. No obligation incurred.` ' Ma1;hal1 VENIILAIED This special `offer closes promptly the last selling hour of April. Make certain you secure your Marshall Mattress in time to get this Mattress Cover free. ~ V Do it right away and you decid once-for-all for cgrnfortablg, health-giving sleeg! \ Time is Flying. Decide -Once you hrave erxjoyed Marshall comfort, many "times its price woufd never persuade you-to part with your Marshall Mattress. ` ' VVhat every complexion needs `Economical and easy to make. Marshall Ventilated Mattress` Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario Hated `of the M arsball Ventilated Mattress, tye Marsbglldown Mattress, the Marshglfelt Mattress. Marshall Shock-Absorbmg Cushions for_AutomobiIes. Pain and clinic alla- utbiug cIu-:iuv nature : green color to Palmolive Sup. _`l_)IS'I`RIBUTOR FOR BARRIE V G.G. SMITH & CO. _ You can buy Palmolive Soap-at all rst-class dC\.A..s`.o I Today these oils are blended to produce the most famous of all modern soaps-Palmolive. It produces a profuse creamy lather which is as smooth as .3 lotion. It penetrates every tiny pore and removes every trace of dirt, oil and cosmetics, leaving the skin wonderfully smooth, fresh and rosy. -~ . on :.$'..mo I: sort! m}1_Ae or A For this cleansing you must use a mild soap. Palmolive is made from Palm and Olive oils. For thousandsof years these rare oils have been used" by famous beauties. They were highly prized by Cleopatra. ` ' ' A because of its -`purity, wh ole s o m e nourishment, and delicate avor. Every tiny pore must be freed from clogging accum_ul'ations, so that the network of minute glands can do their necessary work. If you fail to cleanse the skin daily it will et sluggish and inactive, lifeless and sallow. lackheads will develop, the lled up pores will enlarge into un- attractive coarseness and dirt infections, irrita- tion and pimples will result. ' Oncc every day your skin "should be gently ' but thoroughly cleansed of all accumulations of dirt, perspiration, cold cream, rouge and powder. Give th'em to Baby ? 4 Sod Him G1-ow&\$\\`\\ lIImuu\'\\\\\\%\\ \ in An-ow`root Food . \ . _ Value. \\ Give them 'V/,,__ and Him G1-ow.A`\\\\ Volume audiciaucy Product 25-cut ' 0801511.!!! -Iv-:"' """` f . . -7` M.,,.;.., Noon 3941 Night` Q wig Delight MadciuChad Inf itAha{sn't this trademark . it isn't I Marshall `Oe package serves eight people. Costs only one cent. a "serving. . --_--..--.. .-wanna. {UH can wash it cTver and .over again. Be sure to see it at the Marshall AAn1--n dealers. will protect your valu- able mattresses from dust, stains and wear. `It is made from_ best q u a 1 i t y- Sea Island cotton with double stitched seams. You P2?! Circus`. :1; :`--- V This Mattres; Coier 10 muizsnm, Wilfrc-d Pt fnrxnerly of 1 . ed in Suskutr Made" by McLARENS LIMITED, Hamilton nnd Winnipeg.

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