Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1923, p. 14

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Feels New Life and Strength < _ *Keene,'N. H.--I was weaknnd run- xsldown and ha_d backache and all sorts of nnbles which women have. I found - in relief when taking Lydia E. Pink- `e Vegetable Com und and_I also , * swed Lydxa E. ' '3 Sanative `e 'W&'.ash. I am able todo mywork and feel "7". {anew life and stre from the Vegeta- - -Ealble Compound. am doin all I can to tildvertise it. - Mrs. `A. . HAMMOND, `EH2 Carpenter Street, Keene, N. H. - 7inlr and nilina wnmnn nvnrvuhnnn t "It is pa-rhaps only world of nwn wnultl nu of putting the -1--nwl same scale with m ft 5 xyunrlerful vffnrl. F: wry? Such n r_-rn-1- m" cm prt-.-I-m.:n1'r-.u\I Sim W'hy. any old wnmtm It take-.4 2: man. :1 m:-u to give such :1 lc-vt'.u':- A-u(.5n ;.',|II v-1.-v n. it child. .\`nIlH'lH'({}`l vvithnn one of her < a soul who know or Kxnglish. HP kn-w - uuge-. and (!hPI'l'l'(} :11 ]1Il\'-Pd mu. Yes. lh:nt'.~' lrzu-. I soul and soul culture 1 with u fan-'gn ('})i|l. Each of thesv mm: w line of his nwn tlc-w choice. Each do.-zt-r-cu L ,,. ', , .l, I` I Il\\3. l.'l(lIll Ill'."V'l 1 I ll \ he was doing. lfnch -2 well his country and hi first received :1 ~|nr;z0 nu-9 has given I So I E`;-eateg Just a trace ing Boracic it the perfect mother, baby the family. IN!-`A DELI lT S CEMLET A cJA V0AF gpuj Gal\au-|l;:!," ;)aln;ed. Starr. `.Brlok-,- or Clapboard pattorns. Jnolponslvo and Quickly Lald. 1-.....l 1... tu--..l... ,0! \ \|l N[('.~ `_`N_le tj.:]lic': Sldlng _.. __ ..4..l 24-..- In mz3I;ab1e t'an:3;C '67; Pills can bring you instent releup] from pnln, because they are the most eective kidney remedy in the world- They quickly relieve the congestion and inammation and restore-- healthy condi- L3--- Sick kidneys are responsible for those nagging pains in your back-and sides, which make-your daily wotk such 4.. S..A._I_...-I.I- I._._.I-_ III- 2 XICZ II. IHUCIVI II '?)"u..r Meaclicines Mei" BLDG BIIUWBBLIUUUICU i for two years with % aleeplessness. I tried many medicines, but nothing did me an real good. While was hving in Wash- ington I was recom- mendedbyastranglezr to take L dia . Pinkham's e eta- --uu n4--A--.- ._ .2..-` DIE LIUIIIIIUIII-IU UCUIIUHU I was tired and run- down. I had head- aches and no Igne- tite andwastrou ed 0.. 4-..- .......... ...lLL , IILIU BUIIIIUKIL5 I have thought of all that, said Yvonne, with a little smile. "I do not relish the prospect any more than you. If Mr. de Costa does this disgraceful thing, she shrugged her lshoulders---"'what `else can I do but endure? Under any rciroum- stances"---she-faced the old man squarely- I will not tell you what I `know about Captain Talham's plans." ' _ _.`. .-.-_- _._---.._-. .. r........ The oposition he was encountering had fanned the fury of the old man to a white heat of rage. The veins in his forehead were swelling, his voice trembled when he `addressed her, uv _.:n L._____|H L- __:J `An , an 1, ,uuuL raecu ucr, "I will know! _ he said. 4I `will know what that bracelet said. If you don t tell me I ll find a way- "A afnnn an:-`An-slur n-`A Inn`;..A nu-.. LL- IIIIT III1IIU3 I Fydie E.Pinkham s Vegetable Com- :po1:`n`l Brought Relief When __, II I! 0 I!,II I nu: A u uuu I; wu.y-- He stoped suddenly, and looked over the girl'seshou'1der at the doorway, his mouth open, his eyes"sta.ring---for Talham had brushed asigle the agitated Martha Ann; and had stood there,` unannounced for quite a mingte. _3_! .II-,' A` I` .- I .I ||llIILlI4Cu ' The_girl, following the direction of the old man s eyes, looked round. Her. face any Bil/UKFll\Illo There is no profit .in talking to me like that, Mother," she said, quietly. You do not help me or help Mr. de Costa. The honour of the house, you may be sure, is safely in my keeping," she said, with her little chin tilted upward proudly. It is indeed more` in my keeping than it is in yours." Duct &L:..1. AC LL... ........L LL:_`- -0 AL- [ u:33ht, think of the court, think of me] newspapers." wailed Mrs. Yale, "think of the scandal! . ' I EST L4- L1,__._,`,L .1` ,II A` . 39 -I ...-u.. -...u. v\I.II\4\a vv u--v u...- | Yvonne," she said, with proper sadness, I have never yet exercised that authority which my - osition and my ageand the` regard in w ich I was held by that hero,-`l Heaven,l - (she dwbbed her eyes automatic- who has long .since.carried his sword toi- firmly, as she drew herself erect, that I must, in this prwent instance, insist upon your taking a ceriain line of conduct-a line of conduct which will be benefcial to us all, and which will be creditebe and: worthy of the name you bear. Mr. de Costa has honoured me with his confidence. l 'l'\L..-... ....... .. Inn- -__..L,._.__ -13 L._.__ L- lally), entitles me.. Yet I feel," she said vwccu hue uwu. i ! He has told me what steps he would take in certain ev_entualities._ For the hon- our of the House-! she, laid her hand with dramatic effect on the girl s shoulder. Yvonne heaved a deep sigh. She put up her hand and took that of her mother. It` was `not so much to demonstrate her affec- tion as to relieve an intolerably, melodram- atic situation. ' br|'\|____ __ __ ___,p:L 2,, .,n,!_, , 1 PI nan LIUIIULIIUIJ INC Wlbll I113` Uuuuucucu. There `was a little exchange of bows be- tween the two; [1. L... A._I_I .;.- __L..L _A._.__ `L- .... __l_l nu Juu. vv-nu OJU|xIk.l\Ilv Inlv nu Ana uu4I'l\Io- You may be sure, Mr. de Costa," said] the lady, fer.vently,- elhat whatever action] you take you have the aproval of one who` is not only a fond and dotipg mother, but] is also sufficiently a woman of .'.`1e' world! to re`z3.li_se the disinterestedness of your ac- tion.` ' TL 4..-- .. ._.____l_ _I_.___L ___._Al___ _I IIIAI Wlut. was a speech almost. worthy of Tal-N ham. She turned to the girl. * (`.17 `H I - I I \....--.-.- ...-. -...- _,.~...... .- .. f``I here is no court of` law in -England that would force me to say what I did not wish to say," she said firmly, legally, however unfortunate it was your son should have given it to me---it was mine. It is now out of n1y,hands; _I cannot tell you anything about it without Captain Tal- ha.in's permission." T T De Costa shrugged. Your refusal to answer will be accepted as. an answer unfavourable to the prisoner. If you lie . the judges and the jury" will know." l6I Y__., _. 2--- 99 ._-L- ,._2.I I.-.-_L41l__v ' SICK uuu CHILI` Wulucu UVWIJWIIGIU the Dominion should try L dis E. . . inkham s Vegetable Compaun ' c IIUUUELID IIU Jlllllly uuu UUlI3"o ' Ah!" she said pleasantly. with a genial smile which comprehended. both the old man and her stepdaughter. I see you have succeeded in persuading my obstinate daughter. ` `*1 `noun I-uni 171:5 nl`uI'n " nah`! (ha nnnfn J uuuguwr. I have not yet, Madam," said de Costa, putting on his mask of courtesy. I do not doubt we-_shall succeed eventually," he added with a smile.` I have to taka a very serious line with Miss Yale, and I know that you. will support me in my action." LL17 1 . an I A`! . H . I" U19 0111 X11811. I know what you threaten." said the girl, steadily, that you will have Captain Talham arrested, and that you will sub- poena me_. and force me to tell you what was inshrjbed on` the bracelet." The old man nodded. " Yes,'.' he said, that is my intention : You cansave your friend a lot of trouble, ; and-save me a great deal of mconvenmece: by telling me all you know." She was silent. By hook or by crook, I am going to` learn what you here to tell," said de Costa, savagely. This man has done me a griev- ous wrong, and I intend repaying myself. for all the inconvenience to which he has put me, and for all the money which I have `inst as a result of his act of theft--t1ie bracelet was not yours: it is not his." un-u . ,9 1 - ,1- , 1 RHUWn Have no fear, she said haughtily; I shall not say anything which is not 9 "true." . to ....... ..L u...L L........ ............c 51...; `ll... IIIUC. It was at that tense moment that Mrs. Yale came in. She boasted her ability to take in a situation at a. "glance. Now she thought to justify that boasr. AH! aha nnhvl nlnonnnflur uf-`*1 n anvoll I was not y'>r'epared7to give uy`ou yesterday," said the girl, quietly. I could not, even if I knew, put you in possession of` the De Costa shrugged his shoulders. * "It means such a lot to you, he said, and to your mother. I am sure she would I Ainforma:`ion_. you require. ' persuade you--" Mu mnthnr 1-nu! nnt mu-mmdp me to ensuuue you-- My mother could not persuade me to do anything I thought was dishonourable and unworthy," she replied. with a note `of hauleur in her voice. \ . saw... 1...... 41.... ...... ..... ...........9" .'-l..A [DI nauleur In net vuwe. \ 7 You know the consequences?" aakad the old man. on I-._..--. .-.L..; ...... ;L.....,...... "` .`..:}l H... *%$&**%$**&&&%*&&&*&*&**% %w&&&&&*%*&&&&&%&&&&*&$&&%* 5: A`mnnn+orMn : v- '~-'"' rmKnam's ve eta- znle Compound. I am stron er an feel -tne` since then and am `abe to "do my . housework. I am willing for you"to "muse `these facts as a testimonial. -Mrs. C. GREAVES, Port Mann, B. C. (Continued from Page 10) ouuun uuc \'UL_v ucxllrlc U1 um wzuuu 111111. For thefirst time in `his life Talham was speechless. He could say nothing; his tongue refused its duty, and Yvonne Yale was in no better case. For her throat had gone dry and husky; it sounded queerly hoarse when she spoke, and she was short of breath though she had made` no recent or unusual exertion. 5$fV____;___:_ r|1_|1____ H ,L_ ...__._._,1 1 IUCII JUIJI He shook his head. Even that possibility did not lend him words. - I Ha.-___-_- LL--- ___.-,,. ,, H 1 -ulu HUI IUHU Illlll VVUFUS. Suppose they arrest you, she went on `in her new, breathless way, with her eyes shining and moist, and her lips parted be cause of the very physical discomfort of breathing, suppose they ask me to go to the_witness stand to testify against you- there is a lawin England, do you know it- -that no-no-" A_...,'._ _L, L .1 I I-1- IIUUIII RIIIU. SU lLlll.IU$lUIB. , There in law in England," she went on again, that a wife cannot testify against her husband."-. The lkastwords `werAin a whisper. \ .' ' Ul UHUSUZII U}1Ul.'lvIUHo ' Captain Talham," she managed to say. `.`I wanted to tell you something-that La why I sent for you. It is a. very extraordin- ary thing I want to say. Suppose they ar- 'rest you ? no nknnlr `-\::- Kan;-l Divan LLc.& an.-n:L:I:4-. aguu, ucvcr, ucvcl . Talham was looking at her in perturba- tion. -It was a. new Yvonne Yale he saw; I such a one as he had never dreamt of. She took his -breath away; he felt himself shaking from head to foot, and at that moment he cursed what he thought was a recurrence of malarial fever. But there was no malarial germ in Talhnm s veins at that moment. There was something within her that spoke to him_. some mes- sage which went out in vibrant waves and shook the very centre of life within him. Wnr fl-an Finn! G-inn; in -15`. III "I"..!l........ ......~. I` Again she stoped; the words were so dif-` ficult and so impossible. ` Thorn :5`): `unv ;u'\ .t`u-union.-I `, ukn cc-nut IK-5 Ill :-"" l I know, she said hastily, I knowll But I'm afraid of what they will-do; that they will force me to go out as witness against you, but I will never tell," she said, nave:-, never." 'P..n....... ...... 1.....1.:.... .. 1;... :.. ...._.....x... nuuunuuua `(A013) was ouruure (U 1161'. I I As for Mrs. Yale, that wonderful and ad- ] aptable lady, she became the sole audience; |as far as Talham was concerned. It was [she whosuplied the murmured applause. `who agreedwith the deductions he made. and inferences he assumed, though they! were tolerably incomprehensive to her. Sheg sat with the proud and happy smile of the `well tested friend who had seen her loyaltyyi vindicated. - * At last Talham's address came to an end. I want to see you alone, -' said Yvonne-.! i There was hardly `a `break between his ;last words and her request. so quick she `was to take advantage of the silence. HT liuun n nvvxlrn -nvl-nu Y n-C-uul 4... CIIKII WEB la!) MUSE uuvum-age OI we sucnce. _ -I have to explain why wired to you, - "he said. ` T Mrs.bYale tiptoed from the room `with 0.5- tentatious discretion, ` Hf ___g____] L_ __A__~H , ,,'I `I - I . I 9 uuulauuuu uwcruuuu, ' I wired to you, said the girl at last. because I wanted to speak to you." t He nodded. ' I These people weren t worrying you, lwere they? be asked, because you need A, n }lUVI\`.o . Evidently de Costa was not anxious to hear the conclusion of the speech. He had long left the room before Talham reached his peroration, which hevhad so skilfulfy and adroitly adjusted as to render the presence of the other unnecessary to its dramatic. effect. . _. _ I 'I'L_ _!_I l!_A_, , J `AI UV ICUCIVUU ll'UllI Ullllllla We shall be ready to answer any charge ` you may bring against us," said Talham, and we would remark `that it is no part of our desire to shrink from the ordeal of a public trial.` We have supreme and com- plete faith in the justice of our cause, and we do nbt shrink from the judgment of our V 9 . nnnrn W'i'3f girl listened with patience which was beyond praise, though her mind and her Iheart were in 9. ferment, and though every moment s delay was torture to her. Ac `nun Mpg vnln {Rab .nn`n.I....f..I .....l ....l I UIHII lllll(lU 85 ll UU 1:0. . You shall hear again from me, Captain Talhaxn." he breathed. Although I ad- mit the warrant has not been granted, yet in :1 day or two` the necessary affidavits will be received from China." 6`f_ ___II L- _-__l_- L- ____._,. _, l . We are under the impre.~:siou." he saidl Aregally, that you have already applied` for the warrant, but thatvvthe authorities! have refused to supply you with the neces- 'sary instrument to remove us. As forthe bracelet." he smiled again, we are pre- pared, a this moment to tell you exactly the wording on that extraordinary orna- ment--but alas! it is in the hands of our excellent friend Tillizini." There was an awkward pause. The old man made as if to go. ' van aka `nan: nlhn:n funny ruin l"..-.A-n2... uuu. \J(._lVV5llJlUU WIS HUI! ULIC U1 LIIUIU. . . . I mentioned your name, he said, _ loudiy, and I am telling you now. Cap- tain Talham, what I have told this young lady; that if you restore that bracele which you have purloined I am prepared :7-totake no further action. but otherwise. EI shall apply for a warrant for your arresti" ! It ,was of course,._tihe maddest kind` of ;bluff to put on a man of Talham's calibre. Indeed!" ' g Talhamwas monstrousiy polite. The girl s `;eyes were fixed on him and her face was a little drawn` with anxiety. He smiled at her.` an encouraging and an understanding` smie, H117, ,,, ,,, I .1 - - 1! 0 -:1 nuuw. , I thought I heard my name mentioned." he said softly. I intrude for the second ' time this day`but. I come to take farewell----" Lr- .lfJ _ .::_-_u-- _..1.x____ 1r____, I-Lilli; Ill-llv uu. IJUIJ I UUHIU l Unt l.3ri:`VCIl""" He d`d no 7 dnrectly address Yvonne, nor did he look at her. I`I 7L..A._.___._ l....I4._ 4k. _I_I _,__., J, __A_ Port Mann, B. C.--I took Lydia E. ' inkham s Vegetable Compoundbecause 1' man u-Ad and run. (llll MU lUU!\ HE HUT. Whatever faults the old man de Costa had. cowardice was not one of them. ' NY .__,__..L:._.,.,_,I ____ .. __..__._ `7 L- __2.I I unclasped about her crumpled han{ike1'chief. I-In Ann-in `nrnyuu-r` nl-L `g aunnulplnnn Lnnt IJIIUIKFUI-I ILUUUII IIUK VI LNHIPIUU Illnlcluulclo He came forward with his shoulders bent a little forward, his eyes peering from left {to right, a trick of his when he was facing in peril, the extnt of which he did not know. 661 u____;L.vI_-, ,1 ,,,,,,, .- nnl wuxua wen: useu, New York is seeking young men who want to become flying cops. They will! be given a thorough avintor s course. _ I Whnn l-1:4: lnnv-nnqunn ......'.LI.. A... _l......L: uc snvcu u uuuruugu avmwrs COUTSC. When his horse "was unable to plough": [through the snow drifts, a Massachusetts! farmer hitched himself to the sleigh and. ldragged his sick wife eight miles to a 1103- [ pital. E `amongst us and to assure you of the high; Dear Friends :--We_. your friends and neighborshave gathered here on this third day of April, 1923, to bid you farewell. While you are not going very far away makes us feel that we shall still have an op- portunity to -keep our acquaintance freslgl with you, your departure means a loss t us `of neighbors that we can .ill afford to lose, You are of the best and most trusted neighbors in this district. Therefore, in asking you to `acce is these presents, we wish to thank you gr your services while esteem in which you have been held in this district. Also we wish you many years of unbroken happiness in your new home. Signed on behalf of your friends and neigh- bors, Chsrles H, Degear. `ll... 'Il..__.I_,_ _,,_B , 7.._.., ._.....v... _-. .'-1,-.--. ! Mr. Murphy received an auto-strap safetyi razor. while Mrs. Murphy received two dif' I ferent. sets of silver. These were suitably acknowledged by the recipients. A cllnnnr fnllnnrnn-I ah-an unkinl. .l.......... awnuuwluugcu. uy uuc Icclplclll. R A supper followed, after which dancing continued until the wee sma hours of the morning. Everyone went home feeling per- fectly satisfied with the good time Mrs. `Enoch Degear had given them. ` i I A 9-year-old boy at Sunbury, Pa.. spelled! down 200 High School students and many; elders in a contest in which more than 200! Iwords were used, _ i \T..... `7__l- 2- ,, I` | ' For a. moment _their eyes met; he held! E them -for a breathing space-- ' (To be Continued.) jrwenx. numm ANIJ AILING -` ""`-""" " "" """"" 1 What is the difference between the school boys -from the country and the town school boys? Is it a conundrum? No, it is an. eyesore to the citizens who take pride in; beautiful Barrie to see the town school boys; racing across the bouleyards for a short cut "to school. The boulevards could not be any worse mangled up if a drove of cat-9 t-le had rushed over them in the springtime] when the earth is soft` and spongy. Yet the ; boys'_ are allowed to do this four timesevery : school day, while the manly little country` boys are content to use the good cement: sidewall-toto travel on. Who is to blame for; the slothfulrhabits of these `town boys? 19! it the fault ofetheir teachers or is it the! .children s own fault or would it be their! parents that would not trouble themselvvsf so much as to` teach their` children the; way they should walk the n'ar_row paih to; school? There s no kick coming about the ~g `little tots whose patter is harmless and in- g l nocent. i 'IVL,_L3, , ,, II 111-. p u I . U . I | April 9.--0n the nightof April 3 a very] ` pleasant surprise party was held at the homo; I of Mrs. Enoch Degear in honor of Mr. hand .Mrs. Thomas Murphy, who are leaving this `district. Dancing -passed the hours pleas- ! antly untiI`midnight when the following` 1ad- 5 `dress wasread: 3 IIUUCIIUQ i Thanking you'._Mr, Editor, for your val- ` uable space, I leave this with your readers. 1 AN OBSERVER To `the .Edit-('1;-'o.f 'l;h-e Examiner :` NINTH LINE, ' VESPRA DESTROYI NG BOULEVAR DS BL CH EV | Mrs. Cora Lilley, of East St. Louis, whr. `has been called America's champion divor- cee, has just received her eleventh decree of divorce, ` . C`_I_,_L!,_ A,, , ,A lVI,' 0 I Your Backache -the Cause { Salvation Army at Chieago-, received a cheque for 850, representing the wages of No. 2321, a lifer" in the Minnesota State prison. ' . - V w"-'; j_m , 25c-40 pill: in _boxes 50c--90 pills The young farmer WVan your shnnach is T tnwt Take .y--v- It i; the policy of this Bank to lend `its assistance generously to young Canadian Farmers who are thrifty and ambitions to succeed. BAN IQFTORONTO who is anxious to make a success of his life workswill receive every encouragement if he will open "an account with The Bank of Toronto. A Fafmet must be successfui A prosperous if Canada is to be "proa- perous. T . I `BRANCH-IES BARRIE ALLANDALET ELMVALE 'f"f:;;.:;:;..:a.:c.:.:;7:;: "f `The'Meta||lc Roofing co. Llnllbcl 402 #1194 King st. W... Toronto A - Beecham s Pills act as a splendidtonic to the digestive organs. They remove acidity and fermentation and excess of bile from the stomach and bowels and promote the secretion of the gastric juices. In thus" correcting morbid conditions and stimulat- ing the digestive processes Beecham s Pills naturally have an excellent effect upon the general health. If you have lost your ap- petite or are suffering from nausea, sick headache, constipation, or giddiness EWI NGM, Opp. Wellington Hotel iealthiest place in town. Absolutely ur-st ventilation. Choicest food. Best 'ooking. Come and try it. 51-26;) O. K. CAFE 148 5, THURSDAY, APRIL Two men who had hm `other met. yezus uftcm country town. Both "1: stud:-nta` in l`.0Hc;:c and In: I)` equal .~'ht'.rIW of llullzvl`. medal.-t. Aftvr Irwin: z lay apart. One had lu- fnnxous mun, knuwn my men, and even an thv gn- ocean to ocvan. [Iv w ;< i ploy. and dra-w .1 l;xr;:- nu... n.-Gui.-01.- .. .. .J...-, town. on a wry mmh man lectured tlm` 1-. it)` on smn{- nutivmul :'.~`t tn.`-in fnlYn\'.`I-I! 'frnm the zu .1ni:11';_' 1- .-1:-vu.' him to `thv Iruin lumpi-ta] Io sit lhv r frm-Egn girl v.'h:~.\ :-.~ ,. ..1.:|,a .........l ....l.-`. amount onus 1. cHEmc_AL on. as manna. umrzo. TORONTO.

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