Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1923, p. 12

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FOR SAl.F`r-?-Pedigreed Collie log. sable and white. from prize-winning stock. age 2% _v~:n-s. good disposition. weighs 50 lbs.. reas- -n,-able price. Apply Mrs, Rwhins. Cundles, Barrie. 15p `FOR SALE-Building lots on Vespra SL. [two cents per foot.--Wamed sail or motor `boat, Lew Howe, Lewiston, New York _ A v1ot,r\ 50'-Xcwfcizs PASTURE LAND for sale, lot `II ...... 10 I'....:..:u m...-.-- -: __-..._ ,.._u, l -~-Millinery---People ,. wishing satisfaction I !and value should visit Doris Comwell s, `the new millinery parlor. West End.` before purchasing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10-15c! `Y, ,,_,, I : `I7, ; , I INI II `I ! Norman B. West and Clarence Cauthers.,' `dtjuggista at 'Sta.yner. were each fined $60.00! _ and costs by Magistrate Jeffs in the Stayner, {police court, when charged, with accepting; lirregular prescriptions for liquor. ` . III! I ~ I. A -I `A .1 vru I I "};:;;'Ti;;.;;;;;';.;;h;;"A`,;:i1';;., the ma ]wanis Club will `hold its second Ladies ! nNigh-t. This will be an eveningaffair and" !will be held in the I.0.0.F. "banquet room.` |M.- winlnmnn nf M;m.....u mm 1`. +1.. a......1._ . `Wlll UU IICIU Ill lIl_|U lo\J-Uni`. UUUQUUE I'UUIH- Mr. Finlayson of Midland will be the speak- i H. J. Moore of Toronto will give a_._f_1_'eel `illustrated garden talk on `Growing of Am lnuals and Vegetables next Monday night lin the Library Hall. All who heard Mr.l Moore leciure last year will be glad to have .a chance of hearing him again. A l `I v r1,.,,_,e ,, .1 1- .1 -* " '"`"' """ ` "'=::_`" I i ' J. L. Garvin was the winner of the second lprize at the Ontario Checker Tournament. iheld at Hamilton from April 2 to 9. There V were 25 entries. W. Gibson of Hamilton was the winner of the first prize, with Angus Crawford, of Alton, third and Mr. Liddy, of Orangeville, `agourth. ' , no Hm ........`.io- I-\2...c:.... at skann..-` \xr....l. PRESTON GARAGE for sale. 10 ft._ by * ft. Apply Brown's Bakery. lotfc. George Jackman of Serlgewick. Alberta.'l in renewing \/ his subscription, writes: I ! lwouldn't like to be without The Examiner {as it is like an old friend to us. G00!) COW for sale. font. also 1 cow. due cow due by April 29. phone 65`). --_..._..........-. """V " " "-""'.' 4V"--"fa ""9 r""a` "/"'.`. - St. Andrew's choir is getting up Hia- wa.tha s Wedding -Feast" which is to be given early in May. ' Iv ;! , ,,,I,:, ,, , I I , . Is` ' "` ""`d- ` "-"v ' --Notice--For plumbing and heating. ring 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and furnaces. 15-17:: 15 VI ' , ,. AI .I 1' I -__.- ------_, V.`-.---u,--v-------5 ---- ---v -- Keep Thursday, April 19, for T;-i}t'y' V Sunday School concert--ParishVHall--mu.s- no," moving pictures, etc. Admission, 35c. T 15c AA .. ...--A.!.._ -2 AL- I\2 _ . . A _ __ _ LL- T)-_ I Ara meeting of the Directors of the Bar- rie Agricultural Society. Tuesday, commit- tees were appointed and `plans for the year discussed. VW, L. Sniiih will be the speaker at. the Kiwanis luncheon this week, ' Miss Beardsley has tendered her resigna- tion as caretaker of the court house. Highest car-lot prices paid for wheat and fonts at Fisher Flour Mills. Limited. ` 15 Your veterinary has the required spring tonic for the horses `during the spring work. an 1,, 1_,,,,J, ,I_,:_ ,_ -_L;:,,_ _.,_'5C/Y1 ! '"1'{"i1.}}iJn:`}}$e7c'{ }}f{I1I= LBLJAQ Life. fell oh the icy walk on East: St. last Sunday evening. breaking his left wrist. vr nu , `I en E III Ads. in this oluxnn 74c. per word. Property For Sale FOR S.-\IJ buy driving mare, 8 year old, for sale, cut will exchange for: cutie. Wo.~'lo_v Lackie. R.R. '2. Barri": phone 609r23. 15p Lost dud Found Miscellanous NEWS ma minnl: suntan nyyI_v 14-16c I CARD OF THANKS Mrs. McCullough and Miss Edith Mc- K Cullough. Lefroy, wish to express their deep 3 appreciation of the kindness and sympathy shown to them in connection with their re- cent bereavement. - 'l5c i April 10.-~George Shannon. representing this school section, attended the trustees convention in Toronto last week. ; u:__ n..;... xn..1!........ `L- c......I...... 1...-.. I UUIIVCIIIIUII Ill Luluulu IGDL wcI:l\.. 3 Miss Reta McKever. the teacher here,` attended the Ontario Educational Associa- ton in Toronto during vacation. III... II Vanna uykn Loo nnnnO {kn n1;nfnv Mrs. M. Knapp, who has spent the winter at the Soo with her daughter. Mrs. Mc- Cormick, spent a few days visiting friends] lat Cundles on her way to Toronto. i e..L....1 .... .-.: .... M.....x.... ..,:+1. .. .....-.4 LUII Ill LUIUIIIU Llul Ills VG\4a|rl\lII K 'COW FOR SALE-Red cow, purev bred` Durham. Miss Lady." Al(ire<.~' Nwi Lmvell, Box 197 or phone line 70 ring 12. Creemore exchange. V 15p uupruuug axuwny. _ _ I The cold weather. with :he bad roads. ls making business dull. b g ZILLUIIIIUIIUC IIILCI l'llC uuuuu_vn. D. Knapp. who has had a serious attack of the flu, is able to be around agan. Ml... nu-HI ll-n Monk nknnl an nlcnol urn U1 lllc llu, lb HUIU |U UC l|IUI.IlI GEXJI. Mrf and Mrs. Nash are about as u'sual, improving slowly. Thu nnltl vuynoknr uyifk 0111: Hot` rnuaa `G UL uuuunm Uu 11:: way u; xunuuu. School opened on Mnnday..w1th a good attendance after the holidays. I n 11...... ...I.... L..- l.....I .. m...:...... ..H....1.. Men s Grebesolid Leather _Work' Boots, black and brown", Blucher cut, sizes 6 to 11, sizes andhalf sizes; this boot: is big value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50 xx--. ..1.-_'_1.1 --- 2; With Every Dollar Purchase we give a Coupon. See the nice goods at small prices HEADLIGHT.` OVERALLS puN13LEs 'Yo`.u' ri($:i1&1'e' it: . - .......--_-c-.-.--v~ MAID WANTED, for housework. J plaipl cooking and no washing. Apply imme lime- ly between 11 am. and 3 p.Iu. Phone 495.) gr apply to Mrs. Maurice Eaten. 36 Blake t. 15;) :"1nd_W'hite Stripe Smocks, iii sizes 38, 40 and 42, price was $3.50. Clearing price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 )i'ien s' Khaki Work Pants, sizes 32 to 38, r_eguiar $2.50. Special price . . . $1.95 'Men s Fine Khaki Pants, with belt loops and turn-up cuifs, sizes 32 to 44. Special value` . . . . $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 Men_ s Fine Dongoia `-Bails. with rubber. heels; Black Vici Kid Blucher Cut; and Men s Black Box Calf Boots, Biucher cut and round toe; sizes and half sizes 6 to 10; these boots are extra value at $9.50. Special price _. . . . . . .. $6.75 --_..__- MH s Recieding Toe Black Box ca1fBa1, sizes and half sizes 6 to 10, reg. $9.00. a Special value . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . $6.00 Youths Grebe Boots, sizes 11 to frown. . Special value . . . . . . . . _-... `..-_._ Boys Work Boots,-Grain and Split B037; sizes 3, 4 and 5 only; this boot `rs extra value at $3.50. Special price . . $2.99 Grebe `Shoe Co., Limited, Box Calf Blu- cher Cut Boats, with rubber heels, in sizes 6 to, 10. Extra value . . $6.00 ! 9'0 .._ .l.().C ).(_ 1 51111: B. B. sums STORE Thro;v zway therubbers and put your boys and girls into a pair of solid leather shoes or oxfords. Growing Girls Black Calf Oxford `in Fine Q inn 5: CK 9E _ _-2.. EULL FOR/SALE--0ne registered Short- hnrn Durham bull, 14 months old. Apply to Benj. Webb. Stroud, 8tfc `Women's Patent; f)xfo_rds and _Strapped Shoes are very much in vogue. All sxzes m each_l1ne, ranging in prices from . --$3.50 to $6.75 a pair \Vnn1nn u Virl nvfnrc and Qfvanncul Qkfiti ...`I...',.L -._- _---._, . 1 Men s Knee-Height Rubber --q.;.au I0 coda a pair Women's Kid. Oxfords and Strapped Shoes which are more staple in sty1e'and yet trim enough for any occasion. moderately priced from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 to $6.00 a pair Buy Ovetalls Now AT OLD PRICES ' AND SAVE MONEY Headlight Overalls, with bib, black, plainblue, and blue and white stripes,` siges 32 to 44. Special Q\uncr\;\ ll El\ Smocks to match. .$2.50 Blue and Wliite' Siriire -Overalls, with bib, `sizes 34 to 44; blue stripe Smockshto match, sizes 38 to 44, regular $2.75. Special price . . . $1.75 ---_--- Men s Vvhite Duck Over- Falls, sies 34 to 46; Men s White Duck Smocks, in sizes 40 to 48. _Specia1 Value . . . . $1.75 CHUMS! CHUMS! Opposite Bryson s Confectionery 30 YOUNG YORKSHIRE PIGS for sale; alum annrrn nnnlr nnnu (I 00 nu... ....4-92.... Boys Brown Grebc;\Nork $35, 8-inch leg, sizes 1 to 5%, regular $6.00. Special price . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . $5.00 43%, $1 an Leather I rhwlzllbber The ideal combination for soles and hcels~-leathcr next to the foot 4- rubber next to the ground. -Phillips Military Soles and VH9.-els turn the trick-give you an ideal so1e-make your shoes last twice as long--give double the satisfaction. Fifteen Million Sets of Phillips Military Soles and Heels were sold in Great Britain last year. Men s Phillips Soles Tl-IURQSDAY, APRIL 12. 1923. Can be Attached to Any Shoe. 1:233:31 Q} iyont-:h& dealer or repair man. He will attacii them uu l\lLlL`\.I I.\ILIa.l.Us:ull.l.Ial`4 IIUD ll)!` Hlu; also Barred Rock eggs. $1.00 per setting. Apply H. Dyment. Barrio. phone 368. 1 :+4'.. All sizes and weights ,I,jL__ ,_,__I-_ in a nnivnuztcsf $4.50 a Very little uswi specially equippv bumper, 1'q(li:1t;r cost $105().()()-----p -lkoadster, (mverhl new crank sha less than the gm` ,buggy . . . . . . .. In A1 condition, a real snap; x.-ust price now . . . . . . Can be u1'mng'<-d cars. They am- for :1 quivk vh- Let me hear frm THURSDAY, A1 COMPETENT GENERAL WANTED. Fam-l ily of two. Apply Mrs. 0, H. Lyon, 91 Owen St., Barrie. - ' '15-16p CARRIE! - TERM FOUL? (`I COMIP Monday, GOOD ' ALSO coon Cast inc I CARELI.`-AK.ER wanted for Essa Street Pree- byterigh Church, -Apply. to E. `W. Kzu-ns,, secretafy, 43-Button Ave. * '15`-16c j 566 ])(H'* herself u in :1 pic! prairies. (:()\\~'lN`:_\' with rid} eitller, h tic spnt i CHE? Phone THU] F ULL' (WEI Phone] The (3 FOR SALFr~Fou1-teen `pure-bred young Wy- andattes and cook. Two vdollars each V. 92 Penetang St. - V 15p Fl AT 1'o'1,1:TT{{y/ the first of May. `All mnnvnnnnr-in: IR Dunn Qt `Dknna R70 1:. The Lu'.uLnL1'u\luIJ D11Uu1(lUI\1V DUULA. `I yrs. old, for-sale, cheap. Apply R. N. Hick- ling. phone 606r2. 14-15p -... *_ WANTED->-Capable party to look after two | children, good home, other help kept, Mrs. E. T. Bbephens, Stop 47 Yonge St._. Tor- onto. ' 14-15c WAN'l'ED---Girl for general housework, good hame. highest wages, other help kept. Mrs. E. T. Stephens. Stop 47 Yonge St., Toronto. T14-15c I CHINESE GEESE for sale, good` layers, at I 130 Tiffiu St.. phone 929W. 14-15p TW_0 CORNISH COCKERJELS for sale. I 0', nn_......L A..- -. 91 I..L._ Q1. n-___'_ 1vv_Lr uuuuuvll uuLrK\Iu1\J1`4lA`7 lur D1113. $7.001-.ach. Apply 31 John St., Barrie. ' 15-16p Que cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum charge, 250); six insertions for the price of tour. 10 cents extra when "charged; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner Oice. FARM WANTED immediately: about 100 acres well-im-proved clay loam, good build- ings on good road, reasonably close to a town. Reply giving fullest particulars and stating lowest` cash price to Examiner office. 15p MAID WANTED for general housework.| Must be able to ,(lo plain cooking. Apply Examiner, office`. l5~l6c I 141 V 1'4 ruuuzux VV an LI.'JlJ""';JInI:u prices paid. Phone calls paid from -local party lines. M. Alexander, 142 Bradford` St. Phone 822. ' 10-l5pI n a .-nu `LI urn; uy ulr lllb Ul. Luuy. All cnnveniem-.es. 15 Russ St. Phone 572. 15c I TENDERS wanted for digging cellar. Ap plications will `be received for top oil. Frank Livingston, corner Elizabeth St. and Maple Ave. _ 15p ,FOWL WAN'l`ED--Good demand for fowl, '. Highest `price paid. Phone 384 or wtite H. Levit, Barrie. ' 10-15p CLERICAL POSITION wanted by married man, wilt salesmanship experience. Apply to Box 834. Barrie, p 12p-tic FARM WANTED TO R.ENT-l0O acres or more; advertiser has plenty of help and good supply of stock and implements. T. Robbins, RR. 2, Shanty Bay. ' 14-15p LIVE POULTRY WANTED---Highest . .l, . . _ m . n n. Dknnn nnlla nnul `IAIVI Inna] P010 Twelve %$%%$$%i%&%ili:| L A n: nun tun Innn an 3*%&&&$w&immww%| ADLET cowmu -g1 Live Stock For Sale TW6 `SHORTHORN BULl_.S for sale. 1- nun... '5')` -4 _.u;I I..........1-_ -....--. .___ LL-_- A Property To Let Help Wanted wanted V calf 3 weeks old at by April 30. and L Amy E. M. Freek.i 1 And. i 1' I CC: l4ptfc '. UV!)- l5tfc { 70 ACRES. lot 9. con. 5. Innisfil. clay loam. well watered. two acres orchard, good brick house. bank barn 36x56. driv- ing shed. poultry house. Apply John ; Mayes. Thornton. 14tfc is.c. WHITE LEGHORNS hatching eggs `from high producing stock, Barron & Ferris strain. $1.00 per setting; $6.00 per hun- ` rived, Also choice Delaware hntatoes. J. L. Marrow. 14th con.. Innisfil. Phone. 634 j r2. A . 15-20;) IBRED-T0-LAY Barred Plymouth Rocks I -Forty females of Canada`s famous Get- tes" strain. Muted to'3 mziles. sons of Celco." a 272 egg hen. Eggs for hatching $1.50 per. 15. 38.00 per 100. Book your nrders early. '1`. L. Webb. Cookstown; Ont. T ' ' 13-18c ~11! L I ll` K1 I'J\JLl\1 l` \.II\o KVFI lll'o" I\alIl llU 1!` `mid Reds, Barred Rocks. White Leghorns. White Rocks. Singlb-Comhnconas. These are from all prize-winning birds and guar- wnteed fertile. 15 eggs for 31.50;, 50 eggs. $4.50; 100 8888. $8. W. Leghorn cockerels for sale. `A. G. Walker, 132 Burton Ave.. Allandale. phone 475. A 13-16;) _ gnu n1|uu1..u\Iu.n Duuucl IUI` sale. 1'! year old, at real bargain prices. see them` before you buy elsewhere. H. M. Dy-q ment, Barrie, phone 368. 12tfc| haaas FOR HATCHING--Plymouth Ruck. bred-tolay; pen headed by fine cock of famous Bradley strain. 13 eggs for $1.00.! W. K. Knowles. 118 Penetang St.. phone! (89419, - 15;; ..---------------------------a i EGGS FOR I-IATCHING---Black 0r,>'m'.v.ton. I `good layers. imported first prize cockereli lfrom breeder in Leamington. `$1.00 fog $13 eggs. Apply` 151 Owen SL, Barrie. Tm. Milbee. - ' 14.19;; l'J\l\I\J I'\JI\a l|l'II\)lI~lLV\J"'VV IIIIU VVyu"uU|' `tea. White Leghorns, heavy winter layers. "$1.50 setting of 15. $4.00 for 50. Orders booked for day-old chicks. Mrs. Calderwood. ' Barrie. Telephone 134. 14-1711 SET'.l`iNG EGGS FOR SALFI~--Rhode Is- |....'..I I)...l.. I).._..-.l `l1-..I-_ YI7I._!L_ Y__.l_,_._._ -------:------------------ ! WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS--Bred-to-lay [ trains from Guild and` McLeod. 81.50 per 13. A. Malcomson. Barrie, -phone 447.! 14-22c I EGGS FOR HAT-CHING~-WhiVte wyandoe. fa: wk;fn `.Dl?kf|FB `\nu\.-Iv uv:nOnI- `nuvnwo . ,.' . ' , I '*`FENCE.POS'I`S fox-,,sqle., `.Qua,nfuy of goodl icedar fence posts available on good mad` at reasonable price. Apply to Alf. Harri-. sou, R.R. 2, Barrie. 15p 1 `TWO LARGE TAPEST-RY RUGS for `sated nlnn I\i\I\ Gkuuun Lu:--nan mun nfnuvn nnu-J17 nnuv I I " \"$IlI`1`L`JlJ $\J`\rl\J`JL WIUII UUP GIIVJ : leathertrimmings, almost as good as new, for sale. Apply to Jos. Quinlan, -R.R. 1, Barrie. 15p : | 1900 GRAVITYWASHER for sale, good as new, with encased ball-bearing wringer, will I be sold separately .if Adeshired, a bargain. I Phone 802.1-, T I l-5-l6c_ FOR. SALEM-1 gray Percheron horse (dam- pkvh 9 yrs. old, 1450 |h.u.; 1 gray Percher- on mnre. 4 yrs, old; 1 bay horse. 9 yrs. old, 1450 lhs.; 1-horse wagon. nearly. new with lmx and spring seat. John Caldwell. Shanty Bay. R.R. L . -'. 15-16p IFOR SAI,E--51922 Ford touring car. newly I overhauled. shock `absorbers. starter. etc.i Apply at 92 Cumberland _St., Allandale or' phgne 808W. 15-17c I.YV\J LJl'ILb\JL'J Lfll 'J|JIl.\4l l|.lJ\JtJ nu BRIO ! also one three-burner gas stove. nearly new, and one washing machine and wringer. Ap- I ply 189 Bradford St. 7 V 15c FOR SALE--30 nine-frame Langstot hivesi wilh extracting supers; also 40 shallow 5%; supers with Laffman frames. Some arel new. Will sell at bargain (price. Apply? 17 Eugenia St. ` A 15p,` I dale. Phone 400. ' A 150 ELECTRIC BROODEHS made to accom- modate from 100 -to 500 chicks. Prices, from $7.50 to 815.00. ' Fully guaranteed! Apply to Harold Webb, 8 Essa St._. Allan- IVKIKII` IL \' 1' \ll\ LVK'IlJl.'l'-`I.IlC UIU IUIIUUIU I Preston ofing and accessories. and Brant.- ford Ready roofing. one of the best. Sold right and laid if wanted by R. J. Grose. Churchill. phone Lefroy. l5tfc BABY CARRIAGE, white wicker, newly up- holstered. Apply to Mrs. A. LeGear, 79` Blake St.. phone 984F. 15p| PRIVATE SALE of household furniture at 58 Brock St., from April 4 to 14. Call be- tween 9 a.m. and 8 pm? 14-15p DAHLIA ROOTS for sale. mixed colors, 5 for $1.00, special colored. 25 per root. Postage extra. Apply to Fredwin Thomp- lson, 11.11. 2, Stroud. -A 13-18p ma SALE--Whi`te "whole reed baby car} riage, [Lloyd Princess style, wicker bassin-; ette; also wringdr. all in good condition.! Apply 121 Bayfield -St. V 15p! laoovrqg. FOR SALFr--The old reliable _-l!._.. _.__I _______ _l._ .___l !)..._.A. BRICK HOUSE to/lIi*n Allandale, mod- ...... ............:.......... A....I-. rm_- m.._:____ A` QUANTYITY OF FURNITURE for sale at 50 John St. T _ 1 15 S"l-`R:-.AW for sale. VApply John Bemroae, phone 605x23. ' 15p CLIPPERS FOR SALE. Sethond poweri horse clippers and two sets of knives, in! good repair. J. Bingham, 75 Toronto St.15p i TWO-SEATED SURREY with'- top arid! Inn!-luau I--:n\vn:nna u`n\nu6 on nnnl` an hour I ORGAN FOR SALE, Bell make, piano case. I Apply 121 Woxfsley St. _ 15p` MOTOR BOAT for sale. For particulars apply P.0. Bo`x5l2, Barrie Ont.` ` 14-15c FOR SALE---Ford roadster iii good condi~ tion. Two hundred` cash. 92 Penetang Street, 15p_ GAS RANGE for sale, white enamel finish, run:-|1n`:nn\"Iv nnunv Dknng 01` AI! nun!!! AR UAD Wulium Jul" Bum, wulw cuuuual uuwu, practically new. Phone 214 or apply 48 Blake. St. _ 15 JWICKER G0-CART. second-hand, wanted. Leave price and particulars at The Examin- er Officg, . 15p" REGISTERED SHORTHORN BULL. 4 yrs. nltl fnl-hunln nlmun Annlu D N I-ab, FOR SALE kitchen table, tapestry 2 12. in good condition. 66 Ecles St, cmcx JEWEL GAS RANGE for me, in first-class condition, at 42 Burton Ave. l5c_ "Eggs fbr Hatching Farms For Sale` ~~ F'59!: rug, .4 is Va 15p WOOD CUTTING done in town or-countvry. Prices right. See Gordon How. Allandale. or phone 1032W. ' 10-15p u uu Lu: `IISOUUU . UIIUF to Box 92, Orillia. uv nuxuuu xrausuula LJIILVIJ 101' Edit}, IUD 11. con, 12, Innisfil. Plenty of water and` good fences. Apply to J. H. Nixon, Box} 1044, Barrie. telephone 917W. 15-20p g I FOR SALE A black cob. 4`y_ear-s, sound- and quiet, also her harness and buggy. Apply to Robins, Cundles. Ont. 15p FOR QUICK SALE-In Town of. Orillia. 1n_I-nnvn kvu:n" I-.........` .. ....I....._ ._ -.._.._- Jruxt Vuxuxx nnun--1ll LUWII U1 uruuu. 10-room brick house,` very modern in every respect. large `windows; very attractive architectural design and appearance; two and one-half storeys. on good high stone foundation. At present prices would- cost about 38000. Offer for $5000 cash. Apply to my 92 Or-illin 1441:.- IFOR SALE-Good 7-roum house and 1' acre of garden land in the village of Mid-_ hurst. Good stable. pig pen. hen house. atc., good cellar and orchard. large work- -shop would make a. good blacksmith `shop, cement cistern, pump in kitchen and sink, spring water near at hand. ne'ar school. church, post office and store. Apply W. W. Boyce. Midhurst. 7tfc Two GOOD BUILDING LOTS on Ellen St. A .....l-. rVl....... :....v....:..z. ....|.. 01 L1... cu 8-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale, with all conveniences. on Burton Ave. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs. A. LeGear, 79 Blake 3 St.. phone 9841*`. 15p ; --12:3 ! HOUSE FOR SALE-Eight-roomed cement lhouse. large lot. water inside. in Village of llvy. For particulars apply Wm. Carrutn- lersglvy -P.0. I`vy telephone. 15c l ......_.. FOR SALE--Brick house, 7 rooms. town `conveniences. H ucres good garden. For, particulars address Box 943, Barrie. 15-16p ` FOR . SALE '1 Massey-Harris 17-spring-tooth cultivator and 1 Maseey-Harris 13-hoe drill. Apply`J. V. Brown, Burton Farm. Allan- dale. V 15p \Il qusvvlllt, `DUI nu. \ At the regunr bageting of 1:he~B`nys Work 3Board, Tuesday? "i/ening, the request of the :'l`uxis Boys that a lacrosse league be formed. [was discussed and favorably received. The lmatter was left in the hands of the athletic icommittee, it -being suggested that sched-` [ules be arranged for both junior and midget ; players. h lLOST--0n - Saturday night`, small purse, lcontaining $2.00 bill. Finder please leave {at Examiner office and receive reward. 15 a. nu uvvu DULUIJILVU uUl.D on nuen DE. Cheap for-`quick sale. Apply 31 John St.. I Barrje. 15-16p ; `FOR SALE good 5-year-old bay driving mare. quiet and xery speedy. Prie reas- onable if said at nnce. Apply 17 Inmsfill St. r 15;;

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