has granted 4,000,000 travelling exposivion in I IIUIIC. . , ' V No, not` quite all. One man slowly pac-3 ing the street of a prairie .!own was the- exception. With hamls thruht deep in his; \pockets, head bowed, eyes seeing` nothing; but the side-walk at his feetphe loiteredl glqnmily along. Good-morning. friend. It s a glorious VVUIC IICKII I IUI VJ lIl|`Il lll CIII SITE. all`-U cla..~'.e.~`., Some were uni\m$it_v grz_1duatesL'1l Others had but scanty common school edu-1 cution. Most were ,_ more or less closelygl connected with the church. But: some had`. : serious doubts on accepted ideas of the Bible ,-` and religion, and one or two professed un- ;` belief. The minister led the class, but hisil` method was to make it an open forum..'? rather .tHan a lecture. Men brought up i their difficulties and dibeliefs. ,They were 5` IIIIV 5I`VIUU yC|- | No; it is half an hour early. If youf care to take a walk and (mine back 2ignin.,i I'll have a seat for you?` " i I shall be her}! again tltieleven." ' l He was there on time.. and the bright"-_i faced mun welt-lomed [him with =u lmurtyi handshake, and showed him to a saat- in: a full `church. During the service -an invi-Q tation was given to atiend a Mt-.n s Bible: Class in the afternoon. He came._ Thfre were nearly forty men of all ages andf ,. .. nlnnunu Qnnun uvnrn nnlvzn-aifv arr-nrlnufnn . knew all'th ciitzens. - T A ,1 DUI? llUUI'WlI"u ` 1 You re a stranger in town," he said! with the asaulrance nf an o!d resident who? Yes; I-came only last eveniw,'." , `I V Well, we welcome you to thn towxm 9 u u l and well welcome you to tlus church. If you care to Come in." . ` -~'m......1, ....... 1 _.1..m 'n...A :- :.. ..... .:...-! yllll UHIC VII \a\)llIU III: ' "Thank you; I 511311. But` i: is nnt time! for service yet." . M... :4 :LI L...Ic' .... 1.-.... ......|.. 1'6` .-.....L \lUU\.I'|II\II lllllsn . Without nuticing it he had conw to a; large church. Its front doors s`t?>otl=\,wide - open to the morning sunshine. A'bx`ighI;-l faced. midle ngml m:m\was stantling in; the doorway. ' M ' ` I Vim. (urn u uivunnnr :n Gnuvn " ho nah`! IIIUI Hills: _ I The man looked up. startled out of - his reverie, and answered mechanically, Good-morning." wifknuuf nnf:n:nn `i `an `mull nnrnn in n` 5 I VTIEA sraamcan . ;: It was a bright. Sunday morning in the 7` month of April." All nature was.c'Qming to life i` the annual miracle of spring.` Laugh- {'1 her was in the sunshine, in the` song of birds, ` in the bursting buds and the subtle scents` ` of spring. It was an early and promising? season, and all the prairie. world was -full`! of hope. ` Mn nnf nllhn n" (\nn n1on uhnuylv nun. Il`UlIIIIy uIUlIo Good-mormug. I V V mornmg. nu nmun `nnl!nl' nn THURSDAY, :APRIL 5, I923 Crood Uucli ` "S111-ABA"` is thought t6 g`o.a_Dl'on way. but + -Good qjuddment doe; 1'9:-that-. T .'1`o%-um; % % .15 (OODJUTl`)i(;Ml_5jNT.' Q am Ted that ig `always Rgliuble.` ; APRIL 5. 1923. I I glorious p - h."lL._n.... I.-..... IVE '5 - - `TIE T --_; `.-IIUUID UI lJ\lIlalUn _ f Ignatz Swug`uiski.` a St. Louis, Mo., but- j cher. is` in the Ahospial with a bullet wound jinflicted by his wife in a fight over soap E wrappers they. `had been saving for a p'mn I ium. ` '1 .. ;um Iuulg. uu um wuu lute p1`u\uu:c1'5.. _ The mistake` that man made, the niisrskei a ` all of his type make, is to think that man lives` by_ Breed alone. `They think that amun needs only fokod, shelter and securizv, `with all their physical "accessories. 'I he_v T; entirely.ail to realize that man is `a spirit- ' ual being to-whom the unseen ele1nen:s ilove, h ' ifaith, sympathy, iiispirellvm. ~4;1'dcalisni . of fiyst importange. `Even in Ithe--Vpriosiac process `of making a. _li\jingath_ey ' `are more important`than` the mere physlcal ! ability to. earn food and rainient. , ! If man were only an aiilnialfhe would ht icontent with `h's provender. Because he iv innt nnly an animal but a. man, he must vhuvei"-soul satisfnctio . ' i 'I\L:.. 1,. ...L..A. _._I.._ ._ LJCA7 VTVLE- 1, ,,_l_,,A B . 3 : ' IIIIVI" '5.`Ul1l DlIh1a3luU|'lUIIu _ 3 This is what religion does. This is what- lon. to strive on; to fight on till 4lxey "ESE from animal-like to man-like. and e\'.nmt- ually to God-like. To the Stranger who had made a-wreck of life`. and who saw no as capev from i`s wreckagmexcept by suicide. religion ga\'c-'the assurance of an)rh~.-r -\chunce,.nnd the Hope of victory. A . [the Church does. It inspires men to lwpc . SIIVU IIIP UWII` uuawcr. You are producmg nothmg. You are 'just living off` us who are ['u_'oducers.`.` Tho vnicfni` tho} n-sun nun-In OLA nahrcbn i Whippinglpost `as ti restraining innfldnce 3 on" wife-heaters is. favored by probation of- 3. l .ficers of Buffalo n `l __.'.4_ Q .... ._`_-.!..l.!A .. DA I __.2_ ll. 1...; U ` EU ll s`l`I`IIsCla I You m'a_vlrcmem`her, that in the month of ..-kpfll a man giving his namei `as William g Jones cmne `to your church and Bible Class Hot two Sundays. I am that man. William ; Jones is not my name. I was trying to hide `frn:n_ \'el'_\`l)Nl)'. even from myself. I had `made as wreck of life. I had resolved to lesfroy _all identification marks an(1,0llll1ll`l; isuicide. b That first Sunday morning I was lout by myself perfecting my plans; when iymif Sunday School Superintendent spoke" ;tu me 2.` the church door. Lulu .u u -' 1-- .... . \..-\..-nu \lul\rI . The welcome he gave me, the friendli- V, ness of the-men of the Bible Class, and the 'w(_)_r_(ls of cheer and encouragement there `and in the church services. have given me {-21 [new outlook _on `life. I did not need :financial help. I d`.d"n'eed sympathy ml ehnpe, and I got them. I*huve made a new istart in life..and I believe that `this time 1 shall make good. , ' bi] _1,u __._:u _______g,, ,_,_,,,,,,,,,: I, r~ vl 11 shall make 2000. T T -I shall. still remain anonymous. bu? I ;felt that I mustthank you and the men :.i your church for what they did for \ ` ` A qfrnixnnuv , I I ] . I ,'.ylI|ll Lllultll IUI VVlIII| I'llC Illll I\'I' `\ A Stranger. -T iIecent.l_v a riarijxvho was zmtagonistic {to religion and to the Church asked a.clerv `gyman: V _ ; - `What are you producing? What vzmr gorganizatimi protluci-ng`?" ' ., Then without waiting for a response he [gave -his own, answer: ` Van urn nu-nrI.m2n.. .v.n+l.l..... ' \ .\.. ...... IJUCII DH 3" ' You will be surpri.-`ed to receive .thi_s let- ter; but`! feel that it is my duty to write Ho7you to thank you, `and through you to thank the men of your church. for kintlness to a stranger. i "nu rI'1'(nr rnn\nn\1\Ar Qhuli in 9": ninnfi-A l\.` i :'C\'l1"lUlI'.i HIIU IIU PIUUB UUllVUl!l`l|Illtll.|I.lXo- -- At the close all `the members of the clngs ! {met the stranger and gave him a welcome {and an invitation to come agam. Jones. ~'-~W1llizun Jones" he gave his name. 9 Ir! . n I u 1 __ ,g_ imct` fran`kl_v. honestly. wizh no Smooth ?e`\'a~'ion.-1 and no pious c0m`entionalities.. ` A0 I-Ln nIn.n all Wk- ynnnu-hora AF Han nlnnu .....-... .-u...,... ... 5...`. .-.. . . _ . . . -. E `The next Sunday he was again at churcia `, and at Bible Class. Then he disappeared. | . inn... .......okn'l..n... Ll... .1-.imm. IInnl\:\vA:I' llll UIIJJIUIU \JIl|Bn`. l.lIl7ll Ll! |lll|ll!|\ .llCl|o Some ,mont.b.~2.'later the minister received .u lett.er pos;ed in Winnipeg. It ran thus: . "Dear Sir:-- ` \I._ . . . _ .:ll L- ....__...2.....l 4... .......l.... LLL. l..L l Orilliu Packet.--The Programme and_Noxn-l inati-ng Committees of East Siincoe Wo- 3 men's Institute met last Fridaylin the Pub-3 lic"`Librar_v, Orillia, to arrange for the trict Convention at Eady next June. `In' the absence of the lrcsident-. Mrs, Stocking. ` and the Acting President. Miss Kent. Eady. * "the `chair wee occupied by Miss Rixnft Crown Hill. The Nominating Committee` qsubmitted their report, which is to go( be-l fore the branches. before being presented to, t t'he_convention. The music .for the Con- [ V vention was left to Miss Madden. .Printe(_l;_ programmes were.\to ,be ordered, arrange-3 . merits therefor being left until the Presi-.3 t dentis return from the West. The date de- n "cided on_.v June 29th, was contingent upon}, its suiting Eady. This date was chose'n out; of courtesy to Mrs, Todd, who clould not be b ncl( from the East until then"; Thosei present were.` Miss Rix. Crown Hill; Miss; `I:eQuyer, Washago; Mrs. Robert Scott. Or- . illi; Mrs. McCall, Waubaushene; Mrs. Dun-f ~.~ ern Bridge. 1 I . llop. -Vie'toria Harbour ; Mrs. Wallace, Uh-5 thoff; Mrs. W. W. McPhee. Miss Madden; `and Mrs. Todd, of Orillia. Regrets for un. avoidable absence were read from Mrs.j C_ampbell. Guthrie, and Mrs. Wiggins. Sev-` 1 }.GE I5? IJIC UIQU |l&VlUlI u , 1 The budget prepared/biy the executive] council and reported to the annual meeting of the board of governors, carried unanim- ously. It provided for an outlay of $60,- 403 for the`_Vear ending May 1, 1924. The !, executive recognized the need for more and better service for headquarters along sever-, _al lines, namely, more frequent visits tol nursingeentres by inspectors or supervjs- ors representing the chief lady'superintend-- c ant," or someone representing the council,i granting of` scholarships or other means to` ensure a sufficient supply of graduate nurs- es- for the needs of the Order, educational publicity; and business administration en- suring the full time or part time services of a'dirl-ctor-general. Yn. 1-aid` nanny} nu Ifnnnionii-inn-n of-gaunt` Mrs. Robert` Boyes acted us't0ast-mistress?` and proposed the following toasts. which; were duly honored and r_;;pnnderl.to: Thel Bride-elect ;" M:.itrInmnml Slaves" by Mrs. , Orville Todd; Unclaimed Jewels." by` Missl Winter and Miss Cora Canning. The bestl wishes of many friends go. out to thel youngscouple whnse nuptials take Place} shortly. T . I I ~.-.v-u.. ...`... . V.-- . Another feature of- the afternoon session` was the presentation -of 9. comprehensive` report of `a survey- of the need for a nurs-1 ing service in Canada to see how far that need `is met Ky any existing agency." made by Dr, MacEachern,`director-general of the . Order. " ` n-:- r:\_--_n-;.__. .L- n-..-;_-_n--;.--Ii ---v--...---- he hostess -fo-`pal . very pretty shower given by about forty of the young people from Churchill on Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Jessie Allan. The gifts. wh-ich were numerous and beau- tiful, were wheeled into the parlorr'on`"a pret- tily decorated wagon by three cousins of the bride-elect-, Grace. Jean and Dorothy] 511.... . -~ 1 The excellent work perfrmed by the: mmbers of the Victorian Order of Niirsesi of Canada in nursing, and in educational5 clinics_,wa strikingly illustrated in ffilm] which was shown for the first time at! the annu'ia.l meeting of the \- 0'rder held in` [Ottawa last week. _n V ' I . .. .. . I UTUUT. - . His Excellency. the Governor-General,` I:ord"Byng of Vimy. presided at the after: noo'n session. and evinced keen interest in` i the diecussion. A own a u .4` ,1 LL .1 ".2, _| N UIIVVI Ul"5UllCI'lIl o ` In his report, Dr. MacEachern stressed! the need for cooperation between all bbdies, engaged T publie health work: ! Allan . I IIU III AIL- 5113'". ' ' After the gifts were duly admiredi the hostess, assisted `by Miss Sturgeon and the daughters of t'he.house,_served lunch. The; ride's table was centered by 9. be utiful rainbow (after the shower. the a inbow)i this with its [tiny pots of gold made a very! artistic decoration. ' ' AK FORAA` sunvzv or uinsmc. ' . sanvncs In common or CANADA; {tween 12 and 24 hours old and will whip Crqgm for'lv`1li'pping.shoulc'l glantain abduti 30 per cent. Butter fat; It`is better be- more easily if chilled to below 40`.degreee~ Fahrenheit-. ' YB 41.. -`.._-__ 2- 1.-- 1.1.1.. L- _;_I._. - _.__-Il| I` Ell] CIIIICI l.`o If the cream is too thin to whip, a small am unt of sour cream, .or about one-half teas :1 lemon juice to`uue cup of cream ` will remedy it. Cream should double its` "bulk vlwlzen w ped. The regular meeting of thissociefy-wasi held at the home of Wes Agnes J. Allanl on Thursday afternoon last with twenty-j five'lad'es present. After the usual business; discussion`; papers ,nLere read by Mrs. John: Lucas (by request`); followed by a good! pra6ticnl`~talk on poultry raising by Mrs.- Robert Sawyer- af-ter which Miss Georgie! Reive read a paper on An April fool; Party." Musical numbers were conttibutedi by Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. G.__C. Allan_._ af-1 ter which_Miss Winter and Mrs. John Bayes? demonstrated coffee-making. The hostess! then served a dainty glunch after which thel meeting was brought `-to a close in the nal manner. , 5 VIVL- _.-_.L _.__1___ .E .L:_ Q.-_2_L__ A.-I__-. nal i The next meeting of this Society takes place `at the home of Mrs. Ha!1;._Thnmas the fourth Wednesday in April. w'}1en Rev. Dr. C_r_msinx'~' will be the speaker for the after- I noon. Everybody welcome. `Vinegar [.will ren1t5\'e inf: Btaina very easily. . M _ L So lovingly he watches. when. With quick response they d9 his will, And in his garden. kneeling there. With busy hands.`*care slips away, And peace comes like an answered prayer_. Y!IIE,,, TY,,,,A,,.I IV-" So lovingly he waits until Awakened by a thousand sounds. With tender outstretched `arms they rise, And struggle to their feet", to find An eager welcome in his -eyes. _ So.'lo\'ingl_v he`holds;within His hand-the tinyseeds and sees A vision of bright fairy things: That soon will flutter in the sun, Like butteries on flaming wings. So ioinly he lays them down` 'u'Knn"a nr{nAn an`? ant` nyorrn fn DO IOTIIIKIY D8 ly tnem CIOWD _ Inbeds made soft and warm _to sleep, A'nd carefully above their heads, For fqar of bitter wind and storm. Aqnugic coverlet he spreads. |%"v3omsmm"e wwwm-w`www_w`w .1 EAST smcba WOMEN'S [NSTITUTE &wi&&%&&$i&aa ' 'THE_ QABDENER , F,- &am&%&&&&w&$&&a&] & 1 . &- SHOWER FOR MISS JESSILALLAN CHURCHILL W0'MEN"SH INSTITJJIE WHIRPED CREAI ' 1:1-1'13; "i'1}\L1r "c'o}}` I nu-: BABKIE sxauunza , Ike. `/-1 Let help` you /; . LEVVER`B_R0'l`I-IEKRS iI;1Mi'ri~:15. 'r6RoN'ro J. `IL `n vv\J\Jl\rnI\I }.s}3i.i1y 1;'1;3 ;1" A For silken scarfs; for lingerie; for hosiery, Then cqme right from these dainty uses To washing dishes-toweIs, aprons, wood- A. \.r vv yous;---D naounnvv av v v wanna warn \.r|lI, v v go`. work. LUX gives splendid results; wherever , soap is needed. Why this `general goodness? Simply this-- No soap of the absolute purity of L._UX I.-- L--- , A. V`: \.!\J|-5.1 \ra. van? so-snap`:-we-uv .4`... Air 7 1.:-. .-L4.`\/4 L has been Commercially possible until the LUX process of Manufacture was invented. The satin smooth, `Tissue-`paper thin akes are ne soap- Purest of the pure. Instant suds for any purpose. There is no soaplike LUX. For Washing your dainty things--~ For washing cherished woolns-- . . _ _ -Z-II__ L_L__9,. in hundreds of ways-. Here are a few: Page F i ea) L_1o