Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1923, p. 14

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:.n\JI.uJ41.LVlJD_Ul Lanaalans have tried T.R.(`. s and found they .do drive out rheumatism, and all `similar pains. l`.R.C. sV reach the seat of pain, for their medicinal pow- der is cnrriedin the blood. $1.00 at your di'uggist s. Free sample Temple- ton Co., Toronto. Canada's standard Remedy lore Paln. Sold By Wm.vCroasland. In Allaudale. by` A. E. Patterson. _ uull HM!-` 1 nun I H1} Made to " Ger" Rllmatlsl Most other pain: are my. _ , W1 III] 0] "Ya1e-" TI`- I., you: He jerked thedast werd. ' She rose slowly. and. ooked down at him still in the same attjtu e in which he had` y0u!~!1 J GIT He leaub fbrward, hands tightly clasped, his face tense and drawn, a new Taiham and a. Talham she had never seen before-t-he strong, clean soul of the man shone in his face. ~ I want a partner,"'he said. I want--- vnni" uuw mars: ` ' ' ``_'Why, oh why, have you come? she ' asked. T ` You are entitled to know that`,"Ksa1d \ Talham. "'1 must hurry forward all myf `arrangements and go babk to China. ~I, ;cannot go back until! know one thing. I 11 caimot wait a day," he said, `vehemently, (4 .with one doubt in my` mind. Mioil 'Ya1...." "- .-5-no ul ayrupuuly was In 118]` eyes. B118 sat on on of those hard, straight-backed chairs whic are to be found in London drawing-rooms. and are designed to dis- courage lengithy ,visits, her hands clasping her crossed knees, as step by step, conceal iing nothing, exaggerating nothing, omit7 .ting nothing--except perhaps his own fore- }sight and resourcefulness--Talham took her .through the act of his just piracy_ as he described it. He went on to tell the full story of the Emperor's 'I`omb.'/ When he `had finished. there was a pause. Then she said. gently :--.- I understand. Captain Talham, and f appreciate your confidence, I am glad you lhave told me, because Mr. de Costa himself `sent me aversion last night which was not as coniplinientary towyourself as you have; made it." She frowned a little as at some `unpleasant memory. ,De `Costa had threat- i ene cl her~'-she did not tell him this. Now`, If in a -panic she realised `that. the information ;. for which the old man had asked and which 1' she had not at the moment possessed, was ` now hers! ' UuI'lYL-- ;l_ ,,1 I - - _.__ .. xavuuruio uuuxo Aunuuulu He went on to give particulars of that interview. She seemedomore than ordinar- ily interested. It was rather as though she were eager for all he could tell her. The light of ?sympathy was in her eyes. She sat nn (me if men hm-A .=+....:...i.u.....i,...: said Talham. gravely. on a most import- aut matter. She` nodded and waited. Last pight I had an interview" with a Mr. de Costa," said Talham. ` YT, - . ."-`IJ'11`:_aV-\;'ceWcvza.l.lveU(Ai.fo see you, Miss Yal," yuucu vuc uuullu up. . | In five minutes the `girl came in.` She wore.a long" kimono of dark -blue, edged: with Russian embroidery, and she had hid-I den the gloryof her hair under a boudoir` cap. ' ` | Clan lnnI...A ..:.......I.....l-. L-_..;:1'_.I `I I-" -I _3 "' From Pain to_ Ease with I'.R.C{`.s." l'I1lI(\lYQA\Yno .1 n ucvcr acuu nu`-I more 80. - | She was worried too. Naturally she could; only interpret -this unexpec`ed call into a` ,recurrence of the.perils which she had al- _ready- exprienced. \ 61"L, II I \ --- -- -- -- ua . ' he lookedsingularly beautif_ul--'-he him! nevex` seen her more so. ` Rim mm. . .... ..:....I L..- `Y..L...__II__ ,m u v The servant `came. down again in her` wrapper and` led him to -the drawing-room.| Taiham, with deplorpble familiarity,. Tn fivn rninntnn Hun `n'I..| ........... :.. . mt.-. pulled the blinds up. - ....- - any Auualuavo He had knocked half a dozen times be- fore the shufflingof slippered feet told him that his efforts had succeeded.` A'slee'py servant admitted him, albeit reluctantly.} She asked him to stand in the hall, while! she went to arouse her mistress. i "Remember," said Talham solemni, that it is _only Miss Yvonne. that I wish] to see." . A | F'I1L- , _,,,, l..llUl|IlUsn ` This statement is made in 9111 seriousness because it is true. At this outrageous hour? Captain Talham. a tall, handsome figure! of a man; tanned and debonair, knocked at! the door of the Yale menage. / 1'1. 1...] 1...-_1__.I *L,u I .- - I CHAPTER `XV. ' . \Talham Proposes` , : Talham had proposed to Yvonne Ya-le. It had followed many meetings, many calls at the house in Upper Curzon Street, many lengthy oratione o the future of applied mechanics delivered to Mrs. Yale, who took what might be termed a shat-eholder s in-_! terest in such matters, and the end of _)',t~" was xat. Talham after a sleepless niglit, called upon the Yales at 5 o'clock in the morning. 'l"1;c n.nnvnnn :5 -nap`- 3.. N ----f ------ -- IlI\!UUHCu No, there would be no evidence to con- , vict the respectable Raymond .de Costa-tin A that, or he would have been. arrested by_ now. Besides, he was a-` known antiquarian and ii collect of Chinese objects, art and literature. _ere would be every excuse for his being in possession of such a thing. He had the transcription and the document had no value now save to the antiquarian. He must `act at once. v-~- "'r"'u r:"""` "--'-n'",n V"; ` _As_ '-he -proceeded de Costa s face was al study. He realized grow how the paper came to be'lost. . ' Q- rn!1|:_:;- 1 u .1 >' - - - ' So Tlizihi had the paper, and had too, evidence as to his_ complicity in the Em- bassy robbery. But had he`: Nobody wmld be able to identify the documents which wre stolen, it had been stated so at the inquest. . Mn Ghana iunillll kn u|A ....:.I....-.. L- -___ uuurvmcwu -WW ruuueu 01 may POUIICIS. I don't want to; hear about it,"'. growled the old man; - ' , - Then curiosity got the better ofhim. I suppose you re aching to tell me, he, said un'graciously.,,`-`How was it? V .-- It happened in`: the West End, said the ` valet, `a n1an,was writing a note with a fountain pen in t-he vestibule of one of the cafes. he hayipejied to shake it, and some drops fell on the, gentleman s shirt. The gentleman who did it was very sorry, and Wined it off with his own silk handker- chief, but my master~lost h bundle of notes from the inside pocket of his coat whilst I the wipingprrocess wasgoing on.. 3~ A. .t..._....-.......I..,I .1- n__L_9; L,-,, 6 auto GU41-46568 Wllrl la-U38 " TH6iIsA.Nns of Canadians h.ave' _t1_'ied thev tfeticay, V`VIT wasn t' smiling at the shirt; I as "just remembering how a gentleman I_ once-vazleted -was robbed of fifty pounds." I rlnn'f want {If lunar nhnuf NV" nrnmlnel V / ' ' - . w %*%$**$$$%%&*&g$&&%****&&w] , . nu-n:nn n6 I-`nu TI`...-.n.J.. Li. `I... -_`.l _ I nantinnnu I tunan IN I $%$$a%%w*&$%%$%%&&$%*wa& >14 g an IIJITER `o%r4u;u4+ gg Ihnnfhalxnd fi`-Rm Dba 1m '. (`Continued /{Jam Page 10) l .V. .V. .7. .7. .W- .V. _w` .v_ .w_ ,w ,u l mu .puwt:1` ux xuummanon. ` It was absurd to say that she was cold. I i All.women are cold--just as all men are liars. In a. dark room a diamond is.undis- ctinguishablefrom half a brick. People who, wwhen groping in the gloom of ignorance inl ,a vain Search for-thelfurnace, which they} {felt -must burn within the heart of the l girl, not infrequently came up against the .- refrigerating plant," and retired in disorder, composing wicked little epigrams. Sh nfnntl far 11 Inner 4-hymn l\- ol... L..I_.._--l James L. Holden, 90, known as the most travelled man in the world, is dead at Aurora, Ill. As a railroad fire insurance adljluater` he travelled more than 1,000,000 m as in 35 years and avenaged 150 nights a -year on\a sloepex-_ . - wmpumug -wwxeg mu_e eplgrama. 1 She stood for 3 long time on the balcony| -then, returned to the room. - ` (To be Continued.) It-uc mcnuul\ U: u newer_e1eu1ent.. j But Talham had,done` all the leaping, the. girl hadbeen but the passive agent. a. screen ` I td reflect his brilliancy'-Talham was a rlazz- I .ling Search-light that played on Yvonne} iYa1e. She._ herself, produced no incre_ase in} I the power of illumination. '4` runs alga.-_J L- ____ L1,; 1 - - I an nah algal.-, vuougu me term 1s hateful. '. l 'l?o fulfil the requvirementsxof the /ideal.` those two souls hould have leaped together; to light, as two chemical elements dormant apart, .will; on impac`. forl their inde- pendent properties and mingle riotously in ;the creatiop of a newer_eleu1ent. | Rn}. Tnlkm I-.4-ul 41....-. ..n n_- 1._,,2, -- wuss-Java `gun, 5 01;: Though Vicks is new in Canada, itl enjoys a remarkable sale. Over 1.7 million jars`us`ed yearly. L -, nlIuQ Ulr- A I She walked to the`French windows and opening them, stepped out on to the little stone balcony. She looked up and down the street; theref was nobody in sight-; it would belittle short of a social crime for any of the inhabitants of Upper Curzon Street to be seen abroad at that hour, save in evening dress. .- . Insensibly, she found herself looking long, and a little wistfully in the direction which she knew Talham must `have taken. "9 \I7nn.-:nInAl>l~.:rCn um-.._.. 1... I.-- Al nut: nucw uunuln must nave taken. He was--somethin g more to her .than a `friend, though he was not even a friend in the accepted sense. The confidences.'which mark the growth_ of friendship, had been all one-sided. It had been `Talham who had talked--be sure of that. She had listened. exc`ellentlv_ ' cawcuuuuy. . Talhan s passion was an~msp1rat1on, a `thing born of a momentary glance ;---love at rst sight, though the'term is hateful. . n fulfil Hm v-nnni.-.nn....4.. -1: `L- _-_1_,I ! \ NIUUICLH uu nuuger. _ i Where did he stand? At that moment of ,time" she had no feeling of love, no quick- jening of the pulse at his approach, 110 blot- , ting out of her soul's sun at his departure-- no gnawing ache, or uns'a'fisfied voidance of soul lit h`s continued absence. ` Inrlnn aka knnI -..\..... -1` LL. ;, ..----, V. uuuunnwnnuu I UIUGHUC Iof t bsence. j lndeet she had none of the conventional symptoms, and might be excused the belief that, so far as love wastconcerned. there was no bond between Talham and her. And yet-- ' SE4: wnllmr! fn H....1:*........1. ...:...1---._ W 1| "Jo any umcu a. place Wltn her. He lled a niche,-no other man had oc- i could occupy, to do Talham justice,` lqtilramtgfure does not create duplicates ofhis I n`_\rnnI-luv u.L....- ....._ 4L,. - I n nu . } \aI|-IUJII/ya . - i Exactly where was that niche? This [speculation puzzled her. . If she could have answered that question after long delibera- ltion and self,-analysis, the broblem was a problem no longer. 1 Whnrn kn cfn-`pl 9 AL LL..L .., ., - !ful daughter. There were timesiwhen she` 1` `came perilously near being glad that she uuv uccu ul'_UUS8(l Dy U18 summons. Yvonne Yale hoped that she was .a du:i-. was not. This was a moment when the presence of her mother would have sent her; to her rooi. ~ It was good to be here alone, in the .sil- ience and in the sweet light of the` early lday, to ..t'hink this problem over---for Tal- lham had become a problem. ' ' l A fortnight ago, she would have dismissed! his proposal with a laugh-and have found relief -in the sight of his tuijtappearing back. But HOW this=tall. hrn man with hi nvucl Ill um sign: ox ms an appearing back. this-'tpll, bro man_.__with,his : obvious sincerity, his intergninae speches, ibis earnestness which verged~.upon pompos- it.y. had taken a place with her. I HP` II n:n`In nn J\v\n- --`M LAJ cl u uu net numono. ` lb J P She was thankful, at that moment, that her mother was a heavy sleeper, `-and had not been arpused by the ` Yvnnnn Vain lmnml 41...; -1... -...... - J, - At all drug stores, 50c"a jar. For I free test size package, write Vick Chemical Co., 344 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, P.Q. l 'I'\L.u....L `Y.`..1-.. 1.. ._---- 3.. l'I_._-.I- 2A. uc} . mu previous year. -` " Yvonne had taken aseat by the window and was sitting 0;; it sideways. one arm; ' thrown across the back and the other twist- _ing and untwisting a. piece of loose embroid- eryupon her kimono. n` Q3; um.` Ll......l-t.`.-l _L 41,. - - un aWllI5'l'UUlH . . . 3 ` It was not an apartment which shone in! the merciiess grey `lightef earbi morning.l -At such an hour, you saw the mark of the: I where an amateur varnisher had end-eavmnn cleanez-'s vacuum-brush---the discolrnzrntionsi 1 ed to renovate ihe chipped chairs-t_he thm-I ness of the carpet here and there, and most`; appalling of all, the blatant artificialy ofj the `fGloir de Dijon" roses, "which Mrs.1 Yale had brought back from Ostend mt}; her. the previous year. Vvnnnn hurl tab-.. .. ......4 .l-.. `L- v 'xuu.1unWSl5lc and trultless quest. Yvonne? Yale sat for quite up/longltvime in the little drawing-room. If Inna nab nus ....._._L-_A--i ` ' ` ` m vn ox mumerence,:1t_ was Just `Oh."' when Talham left/the house that memor- able morning, to return to .the hotel after his. fantastic and fritless Yvonne: Stitiffnr nnitn 9/`nu-an Oimn :01 LL- l:'u.l..! auuun ucr uuuu Bl0Wly. ` Then a` paus e--`-one of those.seem`.ng!y yin- terminnble pawsiso trying to the nerves. Neither of the two spoke: Tat.1am's eyes were on t-he`floor; hers, filled with pity, were on his face. It seemed that five min- } utes passed. like this, though as a matter` of fact: the period wasless. ` Then .Talham _said -Oh! That was an he saief. It was nnt an Oh of pain, or an Oh of surprise, or! an'.`.`Oh" 6f indifference,> it just `0h."' When Talham lafiffhn Yunnan Hunt r--n-~~n- I I 'madex~his plea--and alookof pity and soine--{~ _ thingelse came over her face. ' I anrs rrjr, Captain THEME ."' she` said in a lowgirqice. 5`I cannot agree, fhough I recognise how great an honour you have done me." - ` He got.up and [drew a long breath. ' -You cannot agree," he repeated.` . - She did not trust -herself to speak. bu: shook her head slowly. Then n- nnIm o_.'nn.. no` ohm... ..........:..._|._ :_ D 1{Ha'3AIuuaA I.-zxnnmuz` Gliarles Hoppe, formerly a janit.p}\in Colg Ex-service gigeons, which were; under fire French Senate -has granted 4,000,000 orado Springs, Colo., has become a million- several times during the war, have been ; francs fgr Canadian travelling exposition in aire in oil fields near Los Angeles, Calif. _ pensioned by the British War Department. IFranceL`~ Cfmrls jan;;.p}\in mnrln Rn:-inoc J`.nln Lon knnnmn a ....:ll:.... . Vicks with great Vsucce Dr. Osler says pneumonia has tak- en the place of tuberculosis as Cap- Iain of the Men" of Dat , _ to use a qshrase coined by, old John Bunyan. nd inuenza is not far behind. -The germs of these diseases are constant, ly with us. The only-`reliable protec- . tion against them is""the resisting `power conferred by good health.` To avoid these dangerous diseases in winter, don't let yourself be run down, and, above all, never neglect a cold. Break it up in the beginning with Vicksf Vapo,Rub, the external vaporizing treatment for colds. A stitchin time saves nine." i Mrs. J. Merson, of,171 West St,, Brantford, Ont., writes: I have four children varying in ages; from 11 years to 11 months, a d` I ve used on all`of them. One boy, age 8%, had a re- petition "of pneumonia from which he .3u`ered last winter. Vicks`app1ied in time saved him. irst rub at three months. Once his ' little chest seemed complete1y`closed.' My husba_nd.phoned orthe doctor, and I, in the meantime, rubbed him liberally with Vicks, following your directions minutely. The doctor said: `What have you got on him? I told him and he said: `It is very, very good; just leave him now, he is all xed up, and L ll'czill tomorrow. A: vs. ,1! 1 ya- I I. The `babe had his 7 - Canada'sV Best guy - % ngz ECONOMY vAc-wt? (ALso PR`9C;`U!,2AB !A_`E-X2 Jh PA.CKAGE l5 THURSDAY. MQIIL 5, 1923 n-&C1J- l`.R.C. s 5 u n.'l\l' n` u` "I shall In He w::.- I}: faced mun u h."nd.~'h:xkL-. :2 u full (-lnlrrh. tgttinn `w:-.~ 1!: (`ln.~`.~' in the- werv m~:ul_\' ch1.~'~``.~"_ Stun} ()ther.~: hurl In -(:u`tiun. Mwvst (`()lIn8l`l(`4l, \\ :1 serious d(mM:< and r(-ligiun. In-ifof. 'lhv-2 nwfhml '.\'::.~ !::If!H`l` lV:'n thvir tliffi('I1|I"i Con mil iw. ur fur ` as ru. u and wo`l| \- ynu euro in "Thank .\ S. IAIL uUIII\ You : with the- km-w all VI IIIHHII [H large church. `open to the : faced. IIlit'!}r the (lnorw:a_\'. \ - . , 5u(uuuI_v iIIujlp.',. "Goml-murnu morning." _ The mun In his reverie`. zu Good-mnrningz. Witlunnnt luxlit I, 1 `to Tpber\jl6is,- Nbw ' _Peumoinig A ' No, nut mm- ing the .-ml.-I . exception. .\\'.i\'Eu pockets. he-mi l~. but- the sidv-\\':al glqonnily ulmuz. .l\tnl,nn.......... VCI V7116! HI I` in tho l>nr.~ of spring. Eu-a.~`on, uml of hope, It \s"n.~' : mnnth of lifeju thv 2 4-.. __, 51`. am -`1'I\l|'I' _\ `E ' ` Nnpn ,1 1- to tzlkr I .._._ I "3 . 'We~H, I -I. 'rHuRsi5/n prepare the mos careful `c to make and kec richness CAPTAIN or THE MENOF Dana" "The Free Rm.` Writ_c I'D: Limited.` 5 . ll invis will must_ gsedx h 1. u.\` \ tho fl]: out-teen"

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