'| "W Wuvwms ,_._...-.. up! lIJt.t6)(Eif)l`C`S the Congregational . - , view In atlu . ' `questions: (a) D9 you behave your Ins cfimcluding he reminded his hearers t at: This movement has not been the` outcome of impulse and inexperience. ' romoters and leaders haver ripe age and large service ;l be whose wisdom and safntliness are recognized ' zeal for the glory of God, ]Qve for in all the churches, Side by side with them ( - have been mature men of .the_ present age. 3:: :;3$:t`iIoe:u:fC:i: an((:)d:S1l;e_ yfcfg principals and professors of colleges, preach- persuaded that the.Holy Scriptures crs and `pastors, I t _ n . H H d trin re men and business le con am Asu icxen y a oc . es-_ - quired for -eternal salvation in our ing mandates of th Lord Jesus Christ and a . , again, behind these have ed out of the said Scriptures to in- been the desires 8 awyers, Judges. states- struct the people committed to your _ -. . 1` 3'! me 0` they charge and to teach nothing which .h"h- ~3"`l f* "5 '9 hEva:`l (`ii`l`]`a;`l`l is 710!` agreeable there??" 1 b has been the Spirit of} What more than this can any in-, telligent and conscientious minister l n doubt the issue? _ `B L ', ` fnf:edSb.\V8ihf0l`i need? What more can any evangel. it mm. o A - ----- -- ...._, ........u. ue narmonized. But it --- v-- --W" "`-"' 3"atlha.s`ibeen proved that in the three nego- I creeds and confessions of the past, ' l h h .th ] tiating-chlurchw such differences do not any` then whosoever" says -t is as ex er [longer so exist as to bar the way to the ,not read or not understood or--for organic unity of:_those who by the good` [purposes of debate--has wilfully mis- Pl 0`~'ldece 0` God have bee . _ . . ` I . represented the `.`." ;SU`3dpdW" "` . 3itJ: ??s'1n3`$3"47z4'.i'2o ?, `Z`s"`u.;` It 'ith" r:"p8:d liaiezded care chuches are concerned the -proposed Basis; 9 SD93 97 0 \ ` 0 mon pr 1`-ul_and unbiased study `of the ar-_ seems the best solution of the' great proble I ticles and their preamble would dem- m and opens out for them im- measurable opportunities of progressive ser-X onstrate their value as a t wo_rlnng'IV ~ nnnfnuinn A: .11 ALA; . I l . I ~ (Continued from page 1) ~` "t(1) In regard to doctrine, it is objected that according to the pro- :- posed `.`basis the United Churchi `would be a church withoutva creed?!` I If this means that the United Church -} cuts itself off {ft m alltthe great 1 . _' CU`fO.I `ll ECII-`I501: j cre1()eand duchess satin, ., up to $4.00, for . . . ..-. __________.._ All Kinds of Ladies Sumxm I Ladies; Beautiful Camisoles, crenplrm-I A...~1.m... I\1'|": A '-`dies . Ladi} l.aflie_s_ Q adies Silk HO8i{el"y" all ' colors, fancy stitches and plain, ;regular price was $1.50, sale price . .`.- . . . . . 98c pair _ V l ' K adies Pun -sesgmany di`ernt styles, real leather, special prices, $2.50 and $2.98 _____________ ___, _- -__---..,.., .. .a`uon can only be cording differencw in be! ;he Church (according to ch <,:reed.J`gl"_"`~` "b 5 t Church, tbs :`e';,""c m ;`:n -from - rssions the n'ast.uP:'5- bee? pr-`Wed Summer. Underwear, . . . . . . . . . ..35cupto65c --__:-.---.- qghams, double width, reg. 1., will be sold for 40 yd. -----2: { .,.. 5 yds. for $1.00 D A115 DU (file we 9 The scores a _ follows; . T. Villiers [ H. Greenwood , Wolfendun T. Rogers Z. Rupert . . Mr. Goodwin special price . intends holding i unnrlll. GUN Weather permitting the Barrie GI.` ts annual Good . shoot on the new range on Elizabe opposite the race course. In previou outside teams have visited Barrie 4 holiday for a friendly shoot, but n preparations have been made this ye ing to the weather, , T . n p gnnwno -A '-~` WX._lr`eport of Mr. I-Iipkin': dealing with the history 4 will be found on page 7. ucv us won: 101' It 2 it with the prayer, Thy will be done, earth." ._...--.w J vice. v l`aI`7\-I tion . J!l_, 1-uvufs 1'! Referring to the ut at nm -I-~-~' ttin, `reg/gizirv $1.98 _.-- v--vvb I :1: me authoritative and encoura dates the supreme courts of the And, and hopes and prayers of S of Pan`: n.-...I 1-,-I - - tuvtlvl , at last week's shoot * nl ___________ Ladies Suits in up-to-4 from $11 _ M ..-...u-an uuuu rnaay} new Elizabeth St., ace previous years : on the! no such! IEVO been In nrh. A.L:_ -, made from _-. an uuu) ~re'has of; who can 1. it, and if needs be. wait forf `er, Thy Kingdom come.; ne, as in heaven, so on wuuuv, UU5 no 8` year I _-Sgot at Broke ." uuuuu W611! as` 50 39 25 ` 19 50 33 25 18 I I 45 27 AE " BARRIE, ONTARIO 33 25 05' money.` 2 Gun I nnl fln-J ""' Men : All Tweed Pan $5.00, sale_price ._________._____ ts, regular pnce was . . ; . . $3.75pr. Men s All W001 Blue Serge Suits, n:2l.ci-E in .many different styles; these suits are very cheap at $45.00; our price for Easter will be . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.50 It will pay you to come from a distance` to Ref 0119 (`If H1Acn m.24... -4. u-- - yuj JUL! lU CU] 6 one of these 7 T . Ladies Spring Coats i_n the latest styles, ma de from good velours by the best. manufacturers; according to our prices you save from_ $5 to $10 on each coat you buy her`e";' prices range from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `$13.95 up to $29.50 _____________ ______, I SEPARATE: COATS--%- T , ine, Veiour or P010 Cloth, 2 H and stylestn choose frog}. 'ants, price was ` $3.75pr. ___- ..vnn| u LIIJIGIILC suits at this price. - Trico_tine, Sued- 1, a host of colors Boys Suits, the be-s-t- prices from . . . . . . Men's Police Braces _______________.____ Men s Dress Shirts--,_ Benkly Brand; the regular price of these shirts was $2.95; they willbe sold for Easter at . . $1.69 _.____________ _ -/ Men s' Dress he best value you can get _$5.50[up to $9.00 Shirts for .._...'.....39Cpf. jj 3II Store opposite the I`!-__- ~ WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS. Bell` 'Ir'-':rl;1')-l;:>n::-I` Suits up-to-date styles, priced I-3di3' . . .. $19.50 up to` $29.00 V I ` _-.--.-:_-._.--- ----' j . . . . . . . . .. 98c & Dri ;'2 to 6, all woq]