NEW ODELS cu vuc uuucuas OI HE Mi`. and Mm. young people of evening. } .Mm `gnu.-- :- . _-ju Q 30`? Match V27.--Mr.~'. Geo. Clarkgwho has been with r`elatives in Chatham and London for the winter months, is home again. jM1"s. Metcnlf was called to Barrie owing to the illness of her niece. Mrs. Bnwerman: Butlr entertained the the village last Friday] _ evening. v A uuuu liuvlz Ull d. Yards, afe ' "SATURDAY, MARCH `31 "BI... t_II__._:_. ,, vunuty nay. Pearl Jnslin is nan Ira .v.. l.aua_vyvucu I: I -Mivb -1... c..n.....:..-' ....L:. ._ APiiz.*} M1NEsmg_c STATION `CREISIT SALE L~ of Horses and Cattle to sell by Public Auction at. I. I I -9 ._ _--' won a &CYII_ near andal has been postponed t.i_ll Il\`Il\ Air . n --c--- 1!ii3.i*PHY de all` your have some at 40c doz. unkist" Ot- ll`I, I __spending a few days in in Toronto for a few nu: BARRIE EXAMINER lot/GJIIIE Wlbll lV1l'S. Malhll, Mrs. T. Donnelly and Mrs. Arlie John~ ston spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. Duncan, in Oro. - Mrs. T. Jack is in Toronto. Mrs. Reid returned to her home in Tot`- onto on Monday, having been up for the funeral of her brothervin-law, S. Marshall. Miss` Donnelly has gone to Bethesda to nulse Douglas Nelson, who is ill with ty- phoid fever. A. Kirkpatrick was in Toronto over the weekend. ' _Service will b held on Good Friday in 1:1: Man-.mI;a+ m.......L .L In A- _aerv1ce wul be `held Church at 10.45 am.` William Allan has rented his 1101368, .....u-.. u1..Lvu'S. Joe. meld, diet} on Sat He had bee_n ill a long time. Beatty Moore is not able to be his room yet.- Miss Ruth Moriarity of Coula6n s staying with Mrs. Marshall. I T nnnn||., ..___I It March 27.-Mr. father of,_Mrs. Jos. I -Mr. Bdwman of 1m: Dob! .l:...I -, Lipes. ookmgs IVTITI l'l`l0b. A n;t"a1;l'e out of 0,45 4: m - Hill is S. Modeland and intends going in a week or two to live with `his son, Fred, at Churchill. V Thg Presbyterian W.M.S. met to-(lay __at __ I I the home of Mrs William Chapin. Cl-IIROPRACITORS OVER REEVES : B! As the great golden sun breaks over the horizon and ushers in each new day and new hope, am also does Chiropractic lend hops- and cheer to those who are ill. SUNRISE on THE ROAD TO HEALTH Read The Examiner Adlet Column. FIARCH, 29. 1923 DRS. Bums & Bums I-I-BARRIE lating` Vvised f the busi- g the. hone Ont. -.2 vu-AIDIIJU `II ` % better and ur customers )CK- We ialize in oats 1 oo"1i'fga C.P.R. Easter way is UVING {Y DAY DWI S- -=-%uz - Read` the advta.--l_t' pan. Office: 46 Bayeid St., Barrie `P. O. Box 1011 .,.. ...... .. uvuuusuo, uuusucoa unucn-'3 and Businesses. We also have` 18 Houses and 3 good Building Lots in the_ city of Toronto. See our full list-one of the best north of Toronto.- Dozens of satised customers. " Why not you? D FARM paoranrv We have some exceptionally good values. Here is one:-<-` 100 acres,` good bank` barn, good house, 15 acres bush, one mile from good shipping point, $3800 3 Or can be bought as going` concern if desired; owner has made ontthis farm enough to retire on; farm is in good state of cultihtion; don't miss it. ' . Also Market Gardens; Vacant Lots, Summer Cottages, Business Blocks asap: I).....: _ . _ _ __ u-` 11' 1s A TOWN HOME We have the very one you are look-- ing for; prices range from $900 tn $12,000; any location you desire; on very easy terms. ` Q RGEST BEST RTED ' CK OF % 1125' % ATS % FOUND ARRIE. fRe;l`-Estate "Agents H Brown & Co. Phones: Office 861, Reniience 8644!`; "1s"ii'",7 W5 Karswood s P_oultry `Spice Grain and .Chopped'Feed A` n I.I_A- U\r\.| - ...... -...,,,,,.,,. . of all kinds `Red, Alsike, S{veet and Alfalfa Clover . Seed, Timothy and other Grass`. Seeds. [ A_RTRlDGE &GlLROYl sans us BEFORE YOU BUY on s1-zu. ' Electric` ` Incubators` and Brooders Coal Oil Incubators and Brooders B1atc_hford s `Milk Mash ~Blatchford s_ Egg Mash Full-0 -Pep Laying Mash Pratt's Bu_t_ter_miik Chick AFEW or inn; MANY um-:s we CARRY ;lN s'rocx: Tl-IURSDAIY. MARCH 29_?. 1923. .=,~-Head and adishes, Rhu- en Peppers, , Green On- 15, Cabbage, bers--a1ways 0.R. RUSK, 0pI..n. A I\u\u-`ungua- 43 ElizaL-e:t|: Elm : Barrie Next Door to - Singer Sewing Machine Co. T is knownto all that the energy abounding every- where has the sun as its source, and unless the mech- anism of our eyes is work- ing correctly so that a clear . image may be thrown upon the retina-screen of our eye: we cannot develop .the am- bjtions of our lives. We will examine in a thoroughly scientic manner your eye- structures and build for you the glasses that will help you visualize and concen- trate. ADDRES: Phone 143 vv vuv uuc IuUl- uuul . ' The school children had a lpliday last week pwing to the teapher being indisposed' for a feiw days, ' ,_ | Harvey Tiffin of Toronto visited his `brother, Joe. Tiffin, recently. ` Miss Belle Miller spent Friday with her brother, Allen Miller. ' vuw W CUR Ewart `Jemiett entertain.c-d` a few young friends with a birthday party` one :night last week. \ Anal. wean. \ ` While cuthg wood for George Ellis t-his week, Dan McFadden had t!_1e"misfortune to cut one foot badly. ' nnhnnl ..L:m...... I-....l L. |._1:.I--- INA uuouvu uI."-JlllB. .l.'lhl'Vy Uunus 01 um` gmve V'isited.her `sister, Mrs. George Ellis, this week. ' V - `[.`.......A 'l-,_,f .. . . . . - ntion. nu ulr`. nuwueu me 1&3 ICW GUYS. ' The robine which were seen on March 11 are having a rough time thi.s,_.last week. it I . in being so stormy and cold. . II F n n`|;nnn:` ny"An_ I.....l -1 .__:_,, I . r vvxn. nuson or '1'norntqn_. last week. 1 Master Crawford -Leigh fell on the ice last week and gut} his mouth so that he had to have a couplg of stitches put in. Jas. McArt_hu:-is going on, the mail routes for Mr. Mitchell the last few days. ' Tha fobin warn noun An `'---5`- uuug nu uwrmy anu cola. U.F.0. shipped a"car load of rngixed stoi_:k,' Saturday. . , vuvu LIUBB `LVIUMIIIII. ' Miss Ellen Ellson visited `her I Wm. Ellson of Thornton, last week. 1 Master Crawford Iain). toll .. A Ma !-ch 27.-M'ws E. '1`. Bagshaw. of the Westminster Military Hospi-tal. don. visited her father and spent F with Miss 'McMinn. . 11;... `BIL... `nu- , vvclc CIIJUJUU Dy 8". I I understand that G. H. Murdoch. M.P.A P.. has promised Reeve Wilson five thous-f and trout fry to be placed in the Willowt Creek 'for_..the early spring. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ney have movedtol their new home rec`en'.`ly occupied by J. D. 3 Knapp. 7 Mrs. D. J. Kenny of Torontoiis spending a -month at her home here . V Lilli`. u. a. nanny or Toronto is spending! a-month here 1 Mrs. W. F. Richardson and children visiting at -her home in Midlagd. . 9 March 27-Mm Ella Ney of Midland is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Mayes. I .~ Oliver Wilson of Toronto spent a few! days `last week at his home here. A` business meeting was held in the Union Church on Monday evening. After` the business, refreshments werevserved and} were enjoyed by all. ' l I Ilnnns.-fnnrl 61...; IV 1'1 1:, n I --- ' (Too Late For Last Week) "ii March 21.-'I'he Guild of the Presb_vter~ ian Church held a St. Patrick s social on`: Friday night. A varied programme of c music, community singing and Irish stories was given.` A Mystic Lunch" was served a la cafeteria. bring-hug to a close one of the most enjoyable evenings` given by the5 Guild. ` V X I II __ '17 n` no ' I uuuu. Mrs. W. B. Toronto. ' IS IN. I have to 50 dozen. awberrien on eason and ex- March 27.-Mts. Harvy ;)ux1 cla of Elm . mve x-inituI..lsm- `g:=o-.. u-. 14..---- mug- I uuvuuuay In name. Mr. and Mrs. Jno.'Boyes entertained a, number of young people. Cards and damp` ing were enjoyed by all and everybody had a delightful time. I ,The_st-orm on Sunday made good sleighing is here again. - - I The W. A. of the Anglican Church held` a very successful parlor social at the home; of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson. The pro-g gramme consisted of vocal and instrumental{ music, recitations and contests. all of which were much enjoyed. A splendid tea was] served by the ladies and all had a fine, social evening. Two rinks of Bradford curlers played here ' on Tuesday Inst. Churchill won out in. the round. 1 1* . -4 - -~A mm-ucr m.~'Eer at rort Wxlliam. I Churchill is pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. R. Slban home again. I A] [Fred an and Percy Browning spent! Saturday in Barrie. M. ....A u-- I ~ -_..w------n-an-I ! -March`.27.---Miss Violet Longhurst return- ed last week after spending two months with-her sister at Fort William. Chnr:-hill in nl.........l 4.- '-A-| V " ...... xuua. Ly0IlS. ueep sympathy is ex- tendd to the sorrowing parents. The =Mi:-tees Whit of Cookstown visit- ed Miss Irene Lowrie on Friday of last week. Ma"thew Low:-in vinifnrl ..:.....I- .. n- cu Avxusa -uene uowne on Friday of 5 Lowrie visited friends at Bee- ron and sang at a St. Patrick s'eocx`al in the Presbyterian church... M ro` uauulg menus gm Toronto. A goodfcrowd attended the sale .at-Wm. Cl_oughEy's last Thursday. Ivy friends are glad that Mr and Mrs. Cloughley; are still! going to remain on the farm. I Q'\;ALln Al` X-l ....t-__) I -up vu- heie. Ilf, `stung {U remain On the farm. Miss Shields of Meaford and Mrs. W. A. Miller of Barrie spent a, day with friends! at 25c pound. 1 ' March 26.--~Mr.V and Mrs. H.` Davis are visiting friends ip Toronto. I A Unnrl hnvuvrl ..u......l-J U ' - "' .;_-._:-1 $$$w**%$g**$$%%$%$$&&**$& E NEWS mom NEIGHBORING 'rowNsH1Ps} E '*+&&& %*w****$&%$%$$*%%&*} IVY Ay_vxuf.s'roNE j , March 26.---Ml'_v and Mr: H ` h....:.. .._.{ nr ORQ S:FA_TION cnugcf. worm Sloan spent the week-end brgither, ton. Inst unfair Basshgw. R.N. I-L-......&..l `I ._ , at 50c peck mu, mwunuuu rrom Mrs. F. A. Arnold. was conducted in? 11 1119 Dntv D V` o2B?z2i. -L331 Friday - _......... val nu v-uvvn urulul: B01115 nt-l p.m. W. A. Mcconkoy. Au'ct.` U1 l.l.lUl,lUlaC'Jo - - . TELIMS OF SALE--All sums of 810.00 Sand under, casli; over that amount nine months` credit viillibe given to pargties fur- nishing approved joint- notes. , 6 per cent. per annum o for eaah.on` credit sums. Hg]- -4 I _ _, Ian A nu A uur uu nnrreu ILUCK nens. IMPLEMEN.'PS~--Mqcormick binder, cut J-two crops ; Deering mower, out two crops; gstiff-tooth cultivator, nearly-new'}"disc har- !row, truck wagon, set 4-bull diamond har- fxows, fanning-mill and'bag ger, heavy wag- on, nearly new; `hay rake, buggy and pole, gang plow, set heavy sieighs and ice. bot- tom`, cutter, walking plow, 2 cistern pumps ` and piping. engine pump, new; 4 scythes, set` long-tug harness. 2 sets single harness. stoneboat. new; doubletrees, logging chains, neckyoke, 2 heavy backbande and bridlee; brass-mounted . mantra AI.` (51115 An` - -A- -- 11:5 0 110.; uay 110138. rllng yrs. CATTLE- -Holsteinrcow , .7 yrs. old; milk- ,ing; Holstein cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot; `Durham cow, 6 yrs., can at foot; Polled Angus cow, 1 yr. old; -pure bred Jersey heif er. due April 12. ` A T PIGS AND POULTRY--Yorkshire sow, due Aprilrl5, Yorkshire sow. dueAApril 17; number of Barred Rock hens. mDI.I`n`KY l .'ll.J`l-___: _I, I - I uuuwu 1&0 -O, rll l\lI.d 2 V The following" articles will be sold: HORSEB-Bay mare, rising 6 yrs., 1400 lbs._. eligible for registration; bay mare, rise ing 5 yrs.; bay horse. rising 6 CA.TTLE+` nnw 7 urn Alt!" nv\:'Il ibay driver, 7 yrs old; bay driver. 6 yrs. ~: CA'l'I`LE---Red cow. 4 yrs. old. calf at I ` foot; Holstein cow, 3 yrs., calf at foot; red ff cow, 6_yrs., dire by sale date; red cow, 8 5 yrs., due by sale date; red cow, 6 yrs., I due March 28; red cow. 8 .y:s._. due April 520; red cow. 4 yrs., due May 22; spotted 9`-cow. 9 yrs._. calf at foot; Holstein cow, 6 ._ _vrs._. due March 20; spotted cow, 8 yrs., due I;-April 2; Holstein cow, 3 yrs._. calf at foot; iwhite cow. 3 yrs.. calf atwfoot; red cow, I .... vv ., ...uu5 u _ym. UlU,l 10 yrs., calf at foot; heifer rising 3 yrs. iold; 2 steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 2' heifers, ii-ising 2 yrs. old; 6 calves, rising 1 year 1 old; registered"Dui-ham bull, 3 yrs.` ` 1 set double harness. , ,l Terms of Sale--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties` furnishing tag)- fprbved joint notes. .6 per cent, pereannum I 1 off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold T-without reserve as proprietor is giving up ifarrning. ` ' ,. ` iilnle at '1 pm. W. A. MCCONKEV, Auct. ` I -----____--_-=_---.}----'----'-'--"--``-- _' ~ _ _ _ . _ - w - --7 nvuunisdlltll I ` ' The following: 3 ` HORSES-Blnck horse, 9 yrs`.. 1450 lbs. Ii black horse, 9 yrs., 1450 lbs.; bay mate, 5 ;yrs., 1500 lbs.; bay colt, rising 3 yrs. old; '1 bay `l Anny A Irina 1-IJ --11' -* bl1__8 Auction D818-O!" GABE1McCONKEY -1 I 9 . 9 Lots 1 1:12, o;3Ion_::a_dal Road Postponed CREDIT SALE _OF- FARM STOCK AND lMPLEMENTS_ I . . I The undersigned has received instructions E` from " ' |JUI.`lI a ` 1 F. Knapp of Barrievisited in his home! over Sunday. I T V [ W ClU\H I both. Owing to bad weather on M 29 Auctjon Salaof -... _'. -_.___-__. Au`: uulc U1. \Nl'lHHg. l G. Tracy s sawing machine is busy once | more ,in this place. . Congratulations `to Mr. Murritl, manager of the reforestation plant-ation at Mirlhurst, who has taken unto himself a wife. A hearty welcome to the neighborhood is extended to both. .------I9}! March 27,- A. Knapp is in the hosital having an` opcrutiqn on his tonsils and for other troubles. He is doEng nicely at time of writing. ' Trun\r a nuI|v:v\m .......L:...- 5, L 11:5 wxuuves In me vmago. Missionary servicb will he held United Church on Sunday evening` *8. at 7 o'clock. w-hen__Rev. G. Bel sionary from China, will occupy tl In?!` T! :9 l.....--.I .L_. A wanna. ' : ' Jos. Roe of Toronto is hothe. `T I Mr. and Mrs, Frank L. Patlcxson are :'going to move-to .Walkerton in the near Ifuture. _ ,' Miss Binning enacts to leave for her home in Lisliowel on Thursday. March 29. and Iwill re-npenschool April 10'. _ _ ' ` Miss Esthoel Bagzdhaw ofLLondon is visit- ing relatives in the viiiago. - Mi$i0narv g,,,.`.;,.',, All L... L-u_; - .. I U VWIIIEO Mrs wanm is` Shanty Bay. panrl Y.\..Il.. :. have re- Flowers