Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1923, p. 4

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_ COATS TO BE FOUND IN BARRIE. PRICES ROCK`-"O BOTTOM We Specialize in Coats MODELS ' customers NI. I have Dc dozen. Peck Office : 46. W'e also hm`. Building Tjotr` See our full Y--W mun-pa1uuvel_V new house, strictly modern. V ` $3500--8 good homes to choose from $3600--Modetjn brick with acreage, barn. garage. ` don't mi.<.- Also Mzn-km Summer ("at -We have valuv; 100 lL'l,'S, house, 1:3 from 9:00: 01' can In- if dz-.. farm mun IF IT `V0 haw-. fh ing` for; pri $12,000; an Timothv 1 Red, Alsi 5.1% Exclusive Grain am of Phones: CHI PARTRI ....q many other tixtuges. that will go_ far towards making your bathroom a lace of health and comfort. - -Pr:1tt s BI Karswohdl SEE U5 Blzttchfu B]ZltCh3.1 Full-0 -Pc Coal Oil Elevctric A FEW . LINES IN THURS .$2800---Solid brick `home, good investments; 2 good houses in the $4000 class; any!" reasonable offer will be acceptable. See these two. ` ` _ Acottage-with large.gar'Hen, the best! value in Barrie at the price, $1450; easytterms. ] $2300--Two go6d homes with -con-' veniences. $1600--Brick house, barn", large gar- den; a snap. ' ' $1900---Brick house, central, veniences. $2600-`-BI`i(`.k ho 0 ience. ` _ ..........- uuubcb`, mouu and $1700, l con-I . ' j A use, every conven-}: strictly I 1' modern. ; V ' ' F1 $3000--A very modern home, .A1 1 condition. $3300-~Comparativel_v house, 8t)`i(!Hv wnnrlnun 0.R.l 43 E14 S1 n :16: r strum "tho '1: you \ trzxtv. we (`fl bitinn: im: cw image ihr? 2'0 when- source. rmism `FAB In as appe_arance and_althougH it costs a gntgle more, xt's worth it many txmes over. We `can supply you with this and many other xtures. will go towards mam... ..-.._ ance; will build you a hbme to your Each week my sales are" increasing. I have some real good buys in houses, farms and market gardens. If you can make a reasonable payment. I will arrange the financing of the bal- specications. 2 double houses, $1500 and $1700, avnn inxvnnt... .- L Ed. Bryson s CONFECTIONERY Barrie - Allandale _ ___ j-j of high grad cT.oco`1ates -Half pound box, 25 . Pound box, 50 Easter ' Noveltjes __v-.7w-v -vv \JI wuplll "Prices reasonable. . Buik, pint 30c`,*quart' 60 T Bricks, any avor, 35 , `Buy it at our fountains today, or phone 135 -for _ delivery. V .-----A Moaem % R Pedesial Lavatory-_ nmzonucmc mm ICE CREAM The richest and most de- licious_ A Ice "Cream. `mad_e. swbfnibm Block. Phone 3lW` tlfe bst homes ih. ne. choice ' acreage. at varying prices water heating. Allandale Canadians are taking a lively in- terest in the investigations now be ling` condiicted in the United States into the cause 9f the i'apid rise in sugar prices and the `threats which are being made to boost them" still hither. What happens in the United States market affects our own_domes; tic supply, and Canadian `consumers will have ev ry right to feel ind-igna- 4 tionand diesEust if the charges so j freely made against the manipulat. I : ors -are proven. It issaii thatan at: V1 tempt was made to limitthe-'C_uban ` 31128.1` Cfhn tn n nv-nrlnnl-..- 1344:. en Clarkso House -_.- ... tum. unmet` uay ls always `the first day after the full moon wwhich happens upon, or next after, lthe twenty-first day of March; and if the full moon happens,up'on Sun- , day, Easter, Day is the Sunday af- E ter. This `year, accordingwto the ' Canadian Aimanac, the full moon occurs at ten minutes past eight on` _ -Sunday, Apr. 1. A correspondent *' noints out that according to rule 1 I Easter should therefore be on Sun-r - day. the 8th. The astronomerswill `doubtless have some good `expl,ana- 1 `tion for the apparent anomaly. -A few years ago, Easter was on the correct day in England and Canada, but a week `too early in Australia. When the rulewas made, such complica- tions were probably nev_er anticipat- ed. In this case the divergence from the usual practice will perhaps serve to give animpetus to the movement to have Easter made a xedinstead of a moveable feast. ` - uuv v An unusual conditiori arises` in con- nection with the date of Easter this `year, says the Orillia Packet. The rule is that Easter Day is always first dav n{-'+m- H... run ...--_ "C uuuer-.uux I30 uo-a noble thing; Nobly we began it, and then--clear- ` ed out and played the safe and selsh xgame. If we believed. the -whole I country felt as the politicians do, we should be ashamed of our country. [The nationglike the individual. that will save its life will lose it. We are already losing ours'._'~' i From the magazine `A`Our!Dumbl ;Animals we take this comment on the present attitude of the United -States with respect to European af- ` fairs: A etknow how many of the I politicians feelabout America's play- ` ing a neighbor's part in the sad plight ! in which Europe is left_after_ the war. (We undertook to do.a noble thing. Noblv we began i+ nnr` +1.... -1--.- J Half a page in a Toronto "evening paper was devoted to Meyer Bren- ner's experiences in the penitentiary. If Brennerewants to give the public something _ of decided interest, let him tell the inside story of the polit- ical pull which opened -thepeniten- _ tiary doors for him gix years sooner than his sentence called for. This information is 4something the people "are keen to have but not at all likely . to get if those who manipulated the lrelease can prevent it. " .1 l I r E c The citizens who refuse to. do ' community service because there's I no money in it, or not enough money i in it, or they hav"n. t the time, or for! one of the many other reasons they ' alwaysnhagre dreadyd tdo express, hcan .genera y e epen e upon 0 s me 5 as a star of the first magnitude when ' harsh criticism of those who are will-i ling to do their duty, and that of! these citizens as well, is being dealt out. The knockers are found in ev- - `ery town.--Acton Free Press. . Bradford has a very live horticul- tural society, with a large member- ship. This winter its members have enjoyed a number of illustrated gar- den talks. ' Many members of the Barrie society. have been dis'apf)oint- ed thatnone of these lectures have been held during the last six months. In omitting to. hold these lectures ;the directors of the local society are [overlooking a very..val~uablee means !of maintaining interest in horticul- ltural matters. ' ` T I V An expenditure of $7,552,752 last year--an increase `of $2,343,673 over the year previous-is a huge amount to be devoted `to education in On-` tario. With an increase of nearly $6000 in the school levy this. year, 1Barrie ratepayers have good reason to realize the high cost of education. And there are plenty of criticsvwho doubt if the results achieved are in I keeping with the` increased expend--' 1 itures. -. _ I g - ' A New York contemporary avers that if only the people can be got to sing, it will drive away their trou- bles." [That may be, provided they are not like Artemq_s~Ward, who said, I m saddest when I sing-andI so are other people. - 1 Plumbing -9- Leating Tinsmithing ' ' Exclusive Agent for V BE A GI! Isl Inn: . --- Bracebridge Board of Education presented fountain pens to the mem- bers of the hockey team which won the interscholastic - championship. Just/a gentle hint to the youths that the pen is more potential than the `hockey stick. ' 5 Whatever may b_ the, outconge, members of the Town Council can- not `Be accused of slecting a Chief I of Police without due ,deliberation. I A lbwer .tax rate for arrfe had] been expected this year-_-until__the' school estimates were announced.. I _ _.-- a-VIOIIVL aqua U.l. HIS Hay and I tion. Other books -soon followed from the same pen in Sam .Sliek s Wise Saws," Modern Instances and Nature, and Human Nature. The sayings and doings_ of this_supposi- tious Yankee pedlar caught the fancy of_ the publig of that day, as they recognized in him_ a well known type` of a shrewd,` philosophic production! of the country,- for it was the era of ` . the pedlar.,The revelationythe author 4 . made. under theguise of_ the pedlar s ` ; Wis om, of the characteristics of the 1 . countryside were recognized as life- : . like to a degree and that fact assist- l [ ed in their popularity. Theauthdr 1 was Thomas Chandler Haliburton. a 9 judge of the Nova Scotian courts fort` 5 many years and also the author of 3 a History of Nova Scotia, Born and I educated in Nova Scotia, he spent 1 his last years in England, where he r; held a seat in Parliament. His ~ Clockmaker was hailed as the rst .E original work of Ameria and was T-1 freely .comn_ared with the. works of S Dilcfensy that appeared about the E same time., .` a: ........ w. oucxvlue," at was realized` that a new gure had emerged in the literary world as one of the success- ful humorists; of his` day and genera-, Other books soon iundet-_the title of The Clockmaker, .or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel 1 that a view avni-n he"! ..............i -'.- Al --___. ...-....-uu;\:\Jn ' E In 1835 an unknownwriter began issuing in the Nova Scotian" of Hal- ifax a series of humorous sketches; that at once struck the popular fancy; and aroused great interest inthe an- onymous author. His fame soon" spread to the United States, follow-l ing the reproduction of his amusing`; articles, while. curiosity grew regard-} ing the unknown scribe. When they appeared a year later in lfbok form, Slick of Slickville," it realized` MAKERS or CANADA ` Brief Biographical` Sketches of So of the Domini3n's Big Men W Have Panel Away. ---uuvw FISUII` I'D! FEASE FURNACES . hone 180 : 133 Duniop St. v- ---GOV g|.l\r' - v-_--i nu I IAPI V l.`l.4I_I'a CD ' 5 . V icess. .7 re One of the few hereditary baron-" _ . These men are doing work of the; 1S ties5.esl5Wed by Great Britain 0 `-;` highest character and they deserve ai Il- Canadians VV'3`s"'g`iVeR t0 Sir .J0seDh.5 great deal of credit, stated J. F.! Flavelle _of Toronto, as a recognition Ga;-dhel-_ in replying to the toast, I for, the war ser_vice he _rendered in; Reeve S_ J_ Fisher said the re de. [0 connection with the production of J . . . I I : partment was very efficient and their! .3 munitions of war during the great: efficiency had a great deal to do with ' V stl`U8`8`1e- AS One learns Of the 713' gekeeping re insurance rates down to _`1.,tui'e and value of this service, it is 3 a minimum. A evident that the recipient won the: Speaks from Experience ` distinction to the fullest degree. Not; J_ D, Wisdom said he probably was. C, only wasthe Munitions Board, of` ` . inla better position to judge the re n which he was the head, responsibl 9? department than any of 4-the others L! for the saving of millions , but ' ' Iii present, as he had occasion "to use; fjspeeded up production. as in Grea ' ti their services a .short time ago when t `Britain. at 3 time` When the `Verb ! his store was the scene of a bad re. Jslsues afhthe V_i;ai'_ hung ;1lP3Dtt;1ets\I_3*i& The remen s good work certainly} P- en 1 is P808 e 8 1!`-kept the loss down to a l11lY1lmul11,g' -70391311 gave his services free through I and `despite the damage done I was; , this channel `and met and overcamel ; able to start operations again within; _ obstacles of no small dimensions, he twenty_four hears," `_ " [ _ is worthy`. oqe~rep.eats. of whatever! A. B. Coutts thanked the remen`: , 1'e08`nil5lD Game 130 hint Si!` Joseph; for the invitation to attend their an- . `is `a type of the successful Business iiual function and wished them every, m8n:7st81'tiTl8' in 3 Small Way and, success in their valuable work. I making headway until he established; Rev_. Geo_ Brown spoke and helpedto maintain a large whole- I _ p _ \ _ ;of the work the firemen are doingl] ;[ sale and retail food-producing busi- `I Y! . [and how they are risking their lives! nesslacross Canada-and in the Un-;` in order to save property and 1ife__I ited Kingdom. At the same time hei He greatly amused the guests with Q; became a leader in nancial opera-_` some stories. One he told on `the re gf 5595 and 0mP8Y1les and is t0da.V 8! department. He said they were apsi ' iparently afraid of water. In explain- i '; I thing his remarki he said that some 1 i` . gtime ago one __of the officials of thel ' rendered a distinct service in church i department telephoned him and said t and philanthropic directions and oneg that on the following Sunday the tie. '0f the best Pesllts Of his generosity S partment would attend his church in; n is the Toronto General Hosnital. one I e hedv_ of course, I was very . of the largest and best equipped in . _ lmuch pleased. but on Sunday morn-' the Dominion. V He is still an active t_ _ _ I f Bl ing I received another telephone call par icipant in many ines to pu ic: . _ , from the same official saying the fire- j 0 service and has proved himself to b _ _ e 3 men would. be unable to, attend the I :8 Cltlzen ofhigh tYP- lmorning service as it was raininhr. ! holder of stock in 3a big commercial undertaking. addition he has ever o O >3 >33 V`? *! & I I w&&&m&&&wm%&m&a; gg OUR CANADIAN VVHO S WHO __.v 1 SIRJOSEPH FLAVELLE nlhnn 7.1 LL A` I ( d I and so to increase the price of the e `-commodity. The plan failed, we are told, but -the desired result was brought aboyt by the speculators, just the same, who prevailed upon "Congress to increase the duty on fl sugar imports. Theimmediate causei of the rise is attributed to an official` statement published by the United 1 States Department of Comnierce to this effect: Production for 192i3~on- I 1y 125,000 tons higher than last year. Consumption needs estimated V at 725,000 tons above production. ,_ `Cutting the sugar duty in half in! ' order toj increase available supplies is suggested by the People's Legis- lative Service, which` is demanding an investigation. The Department} of Justice promises . to institute _ a} thorough inquiry" and. action will,` be taken if the facts appear to just: ' ify it. `It is.incidents such as these; iwhich discredit "the systems undergf` which we live, and furnish gimmun-.,` ' ition for those~who stand ever readyi ` to .attackit. It is said that -the new.` 4 crop is coming in, but instead of be-' 1 . ing` used to makeup the shortage'l these fresh supplies are being put 3? into sto{age until such time as the;1 price reaches a height which will5 satisfy the cupidity of the speculat'- '4 ors--'-if such a thing is possible--who} \' will then graciously assent to the `_ _ sugar passing _i_nto the hands.-of the; f 'people who really want it--at a big; prot to themselves, of course. D '1 7 JUDGE HALIBURTON `IC)l\P , l, responsible`; depar on iij prese] G1'eat,'t-heir en "very! st( lpon the sup-_ led that Sir! kept 1 through ! ~d nd ov'rcam'e{ 1;. mensions, he 3 1-wanh I the U11-;` save p}3}3`i~'Zy life.` e with; i111 5 ap-,1 8. 8 181`8`ei_parently Immercial thing some; 3 8V8`-`g time the! Church} . 3 de-ll .'e"el`0SitY in` "ital. Oela bodv. very; lipped ; much pleased. morn- an activei Of frond thn nsn-no nH'a n:.-.l .------=----- J-`- - `nu-. muum.-: 1-:x`Am1Nzr Some Who ' _,l. ---... ....u uuocuncnfua Clea!` OI l'l1DD_lSn, 1 it would in my opinion reduce the 3 loss by re 75 per cent. He urged that an efficient inspector be ap- pointed to watch for these veritable . re traps. t J The Fire Chief also briefly outlin- ied-the nature and objects of the pro- ' posed benet fund for remen. The department is at -present short of funds. _They have installed a radio- set, ~which, however. `he thought a great asset beoause it keeps a num- J benrfof the men in the ball during 1 the evening`. and` in case of a re '1 they are right on the job. ' Chief ,Shrub'=ole -said the department is planning an entertainment for the purpose of/raising funds whih he honed` `would. have the loyal support ' of the citizens, L 1y___j , 1 .- I \dV -..., uuulcs at varymg prices- to choose from. U $1500---Spendid market garden. _ $2000---Six acres of ground, new! house. `, ; $2500-Good house, several" acres of` garden. barn, etc. ` $1000---Cot_tag'e, orchard, barn, a good buy`. ' A Busnesees and business , pronerties. " If it is Real Estete.vI handle it. ! I avvll DUI!` lca. _ In acknowledging` the toast,` De- p'uty-Reeve 0. B. Patterson spoke r briefly on what-`the remen are`try- rging to accomplish and the interest (they take. in their work; He made 'an appeal for contributions for the !F'iremen`s Benet Fund, which he` said would protect remen in case of illness or accident. b _ I 1 Fires Due to Carelessness Chief Shrubsole spoke of the in- ~ creased re" loss of last year, which he charged to carelessness. If peo-] ple would keep their back-yards, at~ Itics and- basements clear of rubbish, lit would in mv nnininn .....x..-- LL- 5 4 ..., . LCLCIVCU anocner telephone 1; re- *imen was raning.f i Pleasure with Business` I J. H. Wilson tendered a little ad-I Tvice for longevity. He urged every-.' body to combine pleasure with` busi- H ness in their lives. It will make you 'l' more useful and more healthful, be If gS8l . E E -' The final toast of the evening,l_ "Members of the Fire Brigade, was proposed by Deputy-Reeve H. G. Robertson-, who added his mede of: lpraise and incidentally told a few] {good stories. Ll ;.,..w..u.~a nu uncus vanuame WOPK. 3 Geo. A. highly} {of remen doing! {in life._ z 1"|'_ AW - .._.... - I Tfmese of the: ' character deserve a! .= credit, 1 1 to 1 li pnnvn Q T 'D..L.... ..,_1_I .1, n 1 ......._y uuuuauuu ul .D2i.l'l'le. I The toast to The Visitors,,`,wasA proposed by Al F. C. Lower. He! ,}thanked those present for accepting .,5 the `invitation to the At Home" and` jhelping to make it such a huge suc- ,cess.. ' M` 1;:-u fke J, IVQLJKIKI u; uuC_ xaL._cpayel'S." 33 Ald. Coles, speaking to the same? =_;' toast, said that he could go back in` the history of Barrie even farther '1' than Ald.`Wal1win. He gave remin- igmannna 4.4? H-r}. 4-.......,.v,. .....-I-_ J H ' v...... cnnu. vvauwul. ne gave remin- i iscences of the town's early days and `recalled many famous Canadian characters who had received their :early education in Barrie. "I"Inn 6-......A. L- urn`. in -- -- _.- -..- .uu-uynyal ulahlluuhlllti I anii sehools. .'He also paid high trib- jaute to the work of the re brigade. ,9 Councilup `to Average Ald. E. J. Byrne in replying to the toast said that as far as he knew no- ;thing but harmony existed between itlie "different civic bodies. He said` . a great deal of the responsibility `rested with._the ratepayers, as the Lpersonnel of the Town Council is ex- sactly what` the people make it; If i believe the Town Council is up to the` faverage, and `in their deliberations Ethey do their best to carry out the I Wishma nf Hm r-;+.m....,..... H ;u.u,; uu uucu IICSL LU C3.l'l'] 1 wishes of the_ ratepayers. Alt` (`Alon nr\n-\`-:-<- L~ Ha rry' Barron ` vvvtv Anna \.uuc1uu1_ng xjemarxs. . In proposing the toast to municipal `institutions, Ex-Mayor J. F. `Craig remarked that every efficiency is re-` quired in our municipal institutions ; and schools. . He ute brigade.| ......... vvuu c1LyClllV and cruaexf | Ald. Wallwin said he didn't think the education given in the local schools adequate. .We should have, domestic science classes for the girls _i and mechahical classes for the boys."i1 `were his concluding remarks. 1 Th "II`I\l\I\1v:I\t-I I-L... L....._L L- V- ' g > (Continued from page one\ 1 indust1;ies,- what `are here are stal)_le. 1 There_ is, however,._ ample room for progress. The Council today, must be alive to the things required. `-`In Barrie we have only two or three good. streets, he remarked, the rest are in poor condition.` They all i need much repairing; in the past the , methods of repairing our reads have I been both expensive and crude. A11` \x7..n...:.. ....:.I L- .131 9. .v- 1 --`.-.. -uyyuuac hill: 1' ;u an: uuulgl . . ,like the avor 0} them. These peo-5 :5 the`; 13.95 pie have acquired an invaluable habit. y an `.6 -.---a`n orange daily in some lusciousi eSl`5 form. Sunkist Oranges for break-1' Id the E fast will insure your health and add! 33; were.` 5.`p"i to the number of years you will live. I .d Ehegp am A refreshing glass of orange juice! licia]SaofS0311::iS at oncbe cooling and refreshing, _ . , , Remember, Sunkist Oranges are "m i` the verv best on the market and no "fda-V d.e',i matter where you buy oranges insist! us in I 5 on having Sunkist. very. s ndav mom . Look at the prices-from 25 to` i dephone e per dozen for the very lalgestl ring oranges on the market. These 6061 [attend theioranges are regular $1.00 a dozen.4`: . . Oran es are down to re-war ricer. 1 as raining, g` p ' ' p `i _. Sunkist Oranges are a house-' ainess ' " -' Ihnlri wnwl in on I..- ..... ... LL I V A -oubyu azc uuwu Lu pre_-war prxces. Oranges house- hold word in all houses in the United ' States and Canada. The. reason is-- ; always uniformly good. Insist on i Sunkist" Oranges when youhuy. I. . I 4 I --v-un\nI 5 i Easter Lilies `and Cut Flowers for: jyour table decorations. ' ' g fasler Fruils 51iiiCi Irflc%)i%1?1:'s -.-5 naval I?!` lie INSURANCE--l'-`ire, *1. TlC_KET ` AG!-2NT-Canz Likewise Cunard,~Ancl ' Tto every part of the nnunannu manta FRUIT MARKET Phone your order fo 34_l`l and it will receive 1 .1. -vvV' `Lu AU modern. $4300--Good home. Over 125 homes varyim 4- -L---- - n. not vvater At the Easter. holiday season, when you have re- latives at home,fyou want the very best Cut Flowers and Fruits for your table. . John Saso s service every day in every way is gett-ing___better and better. " T Just look at the following list before buying FLOWERS I `FRUITS . ` ' " nu . - Easter Lilies and rim mn......... c..--: - - Coats and Suits for Easter If you`have not made all your [marmalade yet, we will have some `real good bitter oranges at 40c doz. Every day ask for Sunkist Or- anges and you will feel better and better." - --_:-:-- Easter Greetings to all our 4 1'-II uuu--.|u.UUCl: _Dl'l barn, garage. 1 $3800---One of the Barrie. ` $4000--Brick. hot I`V|I\t'1\-nus _ ______ _. r.;cau auu iLeaf Lettuce, Celery, Radishes, Rhu- barb, Cauliower, Green Peppers, Parsley, Sweet Potatoes, Green On- ions, Spinach, Asparagus, Cabbage, fspanish On-ions, Cucumbers--always i the lowest prices. g Fresh ripe Torhatoe All ' kinds `of vegetal Leaf ! barb. nnnnuu... f Large Floriid'2:Grape Fruit, 2 and for 25. '21: `Apples, good cooking, at 50c THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923 VEGETABLES prompt attention. M Tomatoes at 25c pound. )f vegetab1es---Head and I nnionu "D.-..l.'..'I--- 7\` YOU WILL FIND HERE THELARGEST AND `BEST ASSORTED STOCK or -- ---v-_vu~t\ll ' pgclestal wash basin puts that nishing. touch that. means so much" to`every bathroom . The wash basin is used' more than an otlucrxture in .the. modern throom. 'l`here s something" sbstintial in its appe_arance and'although it little worth It many tims over-

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