re he'was in. d :1 little." he men under he house than uucuagcu w1u_u .!ulUJUUliEl0!l. Being an, enterpnsing taxlor, Charles Gxumbley, in `jail at Detroit charged v`v'tth -Wife abandonment, within a week had mnnanrul 1`) fAnII1_nh:annnna 9.... l,0L....;:.._, "nu auuuuuumcuu, -wuuul u WEEK naa [measured 12 fellow-prisoners for quiing` lout" raiment. ` 1 mack noise, a yrs.,\anver. IMPLE'MEN'I`S.-Massey-Harris binder. 6-ft., with truck and sheaf-carrier; Massey- Harris-. mower, 5-ft.; Massey-Harris hay rake, .12-ft.; Massey-Harris 15-disc drill, nearly new; hay rack, Frost & Wood seed drill, Phost & Wood crown gang plow, tur- nip; pulper, two-furrow riding plow, farm- er s Friend, 21 bottom; Verity No. 7 walk: ing plow; Wilkinson IXL walking plow, four-row potato sprayer, O.K.; Verity tur- nip drill, set .light seed harrows, set lever barrows, set disc harrowsn Frost & Wood scuffler. spring-tooth cultivator, pea har- vester. Bain wagon, gray buggy and pole, Cockshutt buggy, nearly new; light dent!)- crat, 2 cutters. set heavy sloop sleighs. set light bob sleighs, set light sleighs hay fork, Toronto fanning-mill, set scales, 2000 lbs.; set work harness, set plow harness, ret light driving harness, 2 sets single harness. set slings, hay rope, 110 ft.; Louden hay car, Magnet cream sep- arator, No. 3, 700 lbs.; grinding stone, Magnet gasoline engine, 12-h.p.; Magnet grinder and bagger, 10-in.; Magnet roller, 14-in.; line shaft, pulley, belting; `many other articles too numerous to mention. I nu` `on: an -A----- ._-:-_j-__ .---u---1r 7 The following: CATTLE+-l Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs., milk- ing; 1 HoL cow, 7 yrs..'fresh; 2 cows,` due in May; 1 cow, 3, milking; 3 heifers, rising 2 yrs: 1 steer, 'rising 2 yrs.; calf; 1 " Registered Shorthorn bull, pedigree `given at time of sale; 2 steers, rising 2 yrs. PIGS--l Y orkshire sow, due in April. HORSES-1 brown mare, 9 yrs., gen- eral purpose; 1 brown mare, 5 yrs., general pimpose; 1 bay mare, aged, general pur- pose; 1 gray horse, 7 yrs., general purpose; 1 black horse, 5 yrs.,\driver. TMDl .`E`,Mli`1\1'lQ_M..m.m. u'......:.. l..:....l.... .5 IMPLEMEN'l`S--1 Frost & Wood bindenl 36-ft. cut; 1 Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; 1{ {disc drill, Cockshutt; 1 sulky rake. nearlyl new; 1 Culiifator, Deering; 1 2- furrow' plow; Cockshutt; 1 single plow. Fleury No.! .313; I set 12-bull harrows; 1 scuffler, Ii [Adams wagon. 2 cutters, I nearly new; 2; ;ibuggies. I nearly new; 1 wagon box. 1 hay! .lrack, 1 stock rack. 1 fanning-mill, 1 set .}2000 lb.`scales. 1 cutting box. 1 root pulper. : 51 horse power and spindles, 1 set sloop`- ;-sleighs, 1 hay fork, Lbuggy pole. 1 cutterj ['pole_, 1 Melotte cream separator, nearly; _ new ;` I ;~:et- steel wheels, 1 pea harvester. ; inf Hnrnvv lnnn hum l~.n-nnnu ' . , __ _..,.~, ....-- ......._, sun. uuu-u.u.u. l Terms of 'Sale~--Fowl, feed. grain and all_ [sums of $10.00 and undei. cash; Qver that 1 lzunuunt 8 montlm credit. will be givian, ro` lnarties fu1'nishing0apprq\`ed joint notes, 5; per cent. per annum off for cash on cu"-edit I sums. All will be sold without reserve." i`Sale at 1 pm. W. A McC0 nkey, Auct. V ' n |'I`he umiersigncd has received instructions I from " ll-Uclo ` 1` Also forks. shogls. robe. grindstone. '"u'rar..kettle eavs and man th ' t` l l.~_. _ , yo eramces. I 4 . .. "I1_,,_,,, ,1-.n I 1-` I n I R Il(lIIl`-\.\`- . I I FEED--A quan-`Ity of hay, u quuntnty of` 3 sheaf oats, a quantity 9f barley. I ; _ WOOI)-Quantit_v green wood in the lng,= 125 cedar posts, a quantity of lumber. g 4 HHITQFHDI n wnnmvrrmw 0' :....:..M... ` ' IL\.I\JnJl..'4l1\!l.lJ J. LI1\1V.l1 UI\X3r-` l)t .(_l!'()()I' ;suites, 1 I-ndeboard, 6 dining chairs, 2 sofas, I6 kitchen-chairs, 1 hull rack. 1 kitchen cab- lhmo 0 ......l..,......l,. 1 --__.-:_ _,;,,,.,u, ,, SWIFT E61 L`iLTi:Z""' g west Tojfonto !u -uu,ucu- UuuIIa_. 1 null |`21m\. 1 ruuzuen C210- ihnet-. 2 cupboards. 1 curtain stretcher, 1 . Royal Jewel range, 1 Quebec heater, nearly }new; 1 Daisy barrel churn, No. 3. nearly `new; 1 Rex washing machine. 1 ice cream ffreezer. II 1-: u u . .. I I r ucvv , 1 Ett nwcx wm:t:l.s, 1 pet: narvester. ; HAR.NESS--1 Set heavy Iong-tug harm.-s-4, } ; 5 set. heavy harnes=. rope tug; 1 set single, gzharnesa. nearly new; 1 set double driving I [ harness. ' 1 ,-. .- . - LUU lUlIU\\ lHg; > CATTLE--1 grey cow. 7 yrs. old, due June 1; 1 grey cow, 5 yrs. old. fresh; 1 iheifer, 3 yrs. old. fresh; 3 heifexs, 3 yrs. gold, in calf; 3 steers. 2 yrs, old; 3 heifers. 31 yr. old; llred steer, 1 yr: old; 1 calf. I 2.2 months old. PIGS AND POULTRY,--1 brood sow. (lue . I [April 10; 30 Barred Rock hens; 25 Rhode! Island Red hens; 6 Barred Rock cockcrels. : I-l'IJQ1?Q,,,1 L. .... .... 1.....,... 0 ....~ ..1.I. 1: i u rmuu uwu um-:u:`, u 1)'dlTUll RQCK CUCK(`)`lS. 3 HORSES--l brown horse, 8 yxs. old; 1 bay mare, 10 yrs. old; 1 `buy mare, 13 yrs. old. . - "m '3II"1`VfI\(I 1 V1 .. ..- ... v Axuulzlull ; East Con. [Essa THURSDAY, `APRIL 5 4 `The undersigned has received instructions ' from , _.._ __A_ __W - u vcual puma, :3 qunuluy U1 xumuer. I HOUSEHOI. F'URNITURE--2' bedmmn ` ..:o...- 1 ..:.I..L.........I c .I:_:___ _L-:__ n _f or FARVM STOCK A.[gi)'(l;/IPLEMENTS ._...;._._. ...~,.;,. : nan -nan; FARM STO:E-K /{n IMPLEMENTS to Se] by Public Auction at Lot 39, Con. I, Vespra "I"! `ll':'Dl\ A It A I'!I\II on munsn. muicu 29, iszs. .,,.__QBEDIT SALE -`ARM cTnr!I( Ann IMDI cu I [Ulll MRS." `SPRQULE v `av-, TV .-I A, VII -'l:UESDAY, APRIK3" TL- l.',`lI... _ . __-._- wonawu pun nI\I\raal to sell by Public Auction at @555 STERLING BM: 9I.a<>_-".i'_iI~.IN!E QZEDlT SALE ' jCo%nfidential Loans -_-_:-..-, ._- The following: .1 nrnxu ..m.`. '7 AIlditionalfunds can prone a_powe1l-ful aid-_in placing your farming methods on a more profitable basis. The .ocalr Manager of thesterling Bank will gladly discuss--in_ fullest confidence-,--your plans and needs in this connection. SWIFT fE*5iT!LIzERs` gouge; . -go __ ._ _ (`QR F 39 . ` .0. 015 CANADA ll IMPLEMENTS--~Fi'o.-'.t & ,Wood binder, y , 7-ft.. new; Frost & Wood mower, 5-ft. cut; V Massey-Harris manure spreader, nearly new; 1;Mawey-Hzirris sulky rake; Frost & Wood ;.spring-tooth cult.i\'at0r. 17-tooth, new; In- _lternatiunnl stiff-t.oo1.h cult';va'or, nearly ,'ne\v; scuffler. Massey-llnrris stm-l"r'oller, set iron harrows, \6 sections; Mime}/-Harris : jsreed drill, 15-spout; two-drill turnip sower; , `Oliver single-furrow sulky plow, nezu-ly new; open buggy. Gockshut-t two-furrow gang pplow. 2 plows; No. 21 Fleury; dm_nocrat_ gBissell disc hurrmvs, grinder, 16-ft. wagon `rack, wheelbarrow, steel wheel truck (Em- pire), combination wagon box, hay rack and stockmack, pump jack, rubber-I,iro.:Ll top buggy, new; one-horse cutter, cutting-box, 40-ft. extension ladder, new; set heavy sloop sleighe, new; Chatham fanning-mill .with bagger, 2000-lb. scales, root pulper, 5-H.P. ,Lister engine, 1000-lb. Sharples separator. new; Hinnun milking machine, .'coi)1plex:vith shafting, two-unit, new; milk mi. and a quantity of dairy utensils, new Sam on tractor, '10-20; new 3.10- inch bottom Cockshutt tractor plow; 2 logging chains, No. grain `bags, power horse clippers. I-IADKTIPQQ . QM L .... .. .)-_.LI._ n_,_.__ gale at 1 'f).ii1.` ....-..- .......v..., uv av. 57-1: uuuc Terms of Sale-All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be given, to parties furnishing ap. proved joint-notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as proprietor has sold his fam1.A Llllllcyo FURNITURE, ETC.--Kitchen steel range, new hot vwa`er_ front, washing ma~ chine, 3-burner coal oil stove, new; kitchen cuplioard, lawn mower, leather sofa, new; hall lamp, 2 Aladdin hanging lamps, Dodge touringear, 4 new tires, all overhauled, water barrels, 50-ft. 1-in. hose. HARNES:S--~Set heavy double }ong-tug," set. long-tug, set plow hzggncass, set single harness.-nearly new, 4 new collars, pads. mn:I||IunG:6ur 6:`:-uh-... ,uu1 rt: bllllplfl. namess.-nearly 4 new collars, pads. GRAIN, FEED, ETC.--Quantity turnips and potatoes, 400 bushels mixed oats and barley. ITI T'D\YI'l"lTDl'.` INIVV 11:4 ,1. _ . I u.uu -`u'1'1_. 1 _yI UH! Anyone wanting good cow`; will ah well :20 attend this sale, as the _ubove are an ex- tra choice lot of~cow.<. A ; PIGS AND POULTRY--- Yr)rIc~thErv .-`ow, ;due May 1; Yorkshire sow, due April `.20; `Yorkshire sow. due June 10; Yorkshire sow, `due June 21; pure bred Y0l'kb'hii`C boar. 2 live 0 On g-nu-n ninmu (`Allin .l..... L-...l.._i. .'...-- j/QTCQ 1' `wan-an ' JIIJQV III?) I Il`\I With the Etropgest V Tower Built It's the "Toronto" Self-Oiling Windmil|-requiring. "oil only `once a year". All gears operate in a` bath of special oil affected by ` * ' `neither heat. nor cold--every bearing and , ,.? ,.. lubricated. ` _ r ' ' If you have a. Toronto" Windmill now. you can obtain M, . this self-oiling feature by interchanging the head and I " A using` your present wheel. --Most Toronto Windmills. too, can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. QThe "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heavicsnstrongest and best-bracedone built for any windmill. - See this new Mill now--or get my booklet. eworkuing part tlioroughly and automatically nun-u vun, nnucu. u Jun. Uul, A pun: uncu fllolstein heifers. 2 yrs. old, fresh; pure bred ?Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old, due May 10; 2 `pure bred Holstein heifers, 1 yr.; pure bred gllolstyein bull, 2 yr.--. old; 2 grade Du_;ham The-ifers. 2 yrs. old, due in Nov.; grmle Dur- hzun steer, 1 yr. old. 1 A.nm.-.n .......41.... .....\..I -....... -..:n .14 ___n uuc uuuc 5-A, pun: IIICII 1Un\> IIlf_C uuur. 4 yrs.; 20 store pzgs; Collie dog (bet-let); I - ;number of hens; 3 Guinea fowl. I 1'11! wunwsnvnva un . .. ... . . . . I - _-_-tl-Ie_ l() llo.u:l-rig: lold; Percheron horse, 6 yrs. old; H. D. fmare, 10 yrs. old. in foal to Percheron (lriving mare, 10 yrs. old. lVA7I"'I1II 3 11 1 n 111 HORSES~-General.purpose mare, 6 yrs. Horse Hermit; bay horse, 11.11., 9 yrs. old; - -- _,_-. ... i C.A\i;I?Tl:Ii'3i_-;-,Pure bred ilolstein cow, dried [May 15; pure bred Holstein cow, due June 12; pure bred Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, lfresh ; pure bred Holstein cow, due May 10; [Holstein cow; 4 yrs, due April 16; Hol- lstein cow, 4 yrs., due April 15; Holstein lcow, fresh, '4 yrs. old; Holstein cow, fresh, :4 yrs. old; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., dn/e May 1; Holstein` cow, 5 yrs., due April 14; Hol- _stein cow, fresh. 5 yrs. old; 2 pure bred ,' Holstein innlufniux luxifnr 0 ul-4. ALI .l.... 1]..-. 1n. I ) !of Pure Bred Hoi_s;ei`n_ Cattle, IF arm Stock and Implements (`he undersigned has received instructions from Lot is, c'.}}{f jviiinil ' One mile south of Stroud F RIDAY,\'A_PRlL 6 .- vnu E. BOBINSQN ;.o sell by public auction at _ n-n Am A - - A CREDIT `sin; llfter Every Meal .'sharp. W. A. McConkey, Auct. I EXTENSIVE PW` 107 , _._. .__.- ..... - tuna:-IAAJ l.J`l\IJ.A L l`4'lL\ Put in a certain amount of.wirc fencing every year until your whole farm is tted with hog-tight, horse high, full strength Champion Brand CANADIAN Fence strung on American Steel Posts, This is true economy. V We sell Champion Brand CAN_A.'3IAN fence with the utmost condence in its satisfaction on your farm; Right Prices--Right Quality, Right Service-- backed `by the guarantee of The Canadian Steel & Wire Cof, Limited, Hamilton, Ontario, i Use_ Ontario Fen-tilt izers on your `crops [ this spring. ` E: cocKsHUTI __n1sci nAjR_RQws n no plot or 1 omaroes on wmcn the heavy application of feiti 50$ bottot than when no fertjligor was applied; the plants `-0 little injury from blight and proplmost a perfect stand." I `H3113 IIISQA `no-I-:1:-ya..- I-.. 4.1.- .__-L 1'3 -4 - - uuuv uquny IIUIII uugul lulu yrqalmosr pence: stand. " "' "I h_a\fe used fertilizers for the past 12 years with. my wheat. obtanmng an mcgease of 5 to 7 bushels per acre on the average, and gettnng a better catgh of clover. - ` %4%SELl_-`_-:_();lL!N(--r _SELF_-REGILJLAT/ING ,,,_ ____ __.. --j--c---cw urn nvliltlllllso A Tomato rower writes: I must saytthat the results in this case die most striking. The plof o Tomatoes on which the heavy application of feitilizers" was made is 50 bO1'fOl Il`l when [ID ferliwnr uinn nnnlin:-I - oln- `lnlnnfa --- L--loLu L--- Sold by % HUB:BARD SV HARDWARE, Bmae, onggzo. I V ? -";4.9`T`%"_7.?".-1'?1`?.. {`.qo` Ont;a:'..;. The No. 3 Out-thrpw Harrow. is a most efficient `implement. Its spring pressure prevents discs from rising in centre and secures uniform discing under all conditions. Has high grade, dust-proof bearings. Forecarriage or pole as desired. ` -' ` ' Come in and see this and other tgipes` of 3 ring implemen ts or write or telephonsjor cata ogue. 1o: If you .ap-preeiate the velue of a goed seed Vhed-`- and if you want to make one in the shortest `possible time and with a minimum of 1abor-you l1 nd the sdlution of your fkoblem in the purchase of a Cdck-' shutt Disc Harrow, A. - IS PROBABLY OPEN IN YOUR SECTION W!-1 szu. HIGH` GRADE: RELIABCE FERTILIZERS - LIBERAL COMMISSIONS f ' Agents wanted wherevei we are not rgpresented. 4* 7 Drop_us a line tod'ay.`L w.A. MccoNK1a'Y, Barrie AGENT COCKSHUTT QUALITY VIMPLEMENTS Q"l' (NI Alli nor:-nun-an o-..._---__ `We .A?9T %R=PrSe.nted Are th: - 0`; `-f:;t"1..l.izing. `I nrnxuno \ur:OAa - I m...a ..-.. 4l..`.. 4... --_._I.- 2 . - Wm: {AT LEAST soM"1}.KEH EXI2- ..a._1._ _ `- -v---- in a number of good sctionsf THE OPPORTUNITY TO HANDLE -g g.` A ___ ___-:4 n We want Agents where not repfesentezi Send for our Booklet " Ptoven lnvestmcms " and Prices I I\If\ IWIWI\U'I"II 'll')l'II\ru u . . Quality anfl _ , lill lsiwni II S'.I_`. CLAIR` sriuanr, TORONTO. J.` H. McCA\_V, Barri; dnt.- % / . Get the big high`- Zg quality yields. uuzgcxa wan muut: 18 are healthy, show Orila of Clarissa Jane Rose, widow of the late Isaac Orser, occurred at the home of her son, Frank Orser, of Edgar, on Monday, _March 12. ` Mrs. Orser was born in Gobourg in 1838, and ,when 18 years of age was married to Isaac Orser. of Port Perry. For five years they lived at Price's Corners, where they came in _l864; then we years were npent" at Mai-chrnont Jbefore ,moving to Jarrett, where, they -kept thevstbt for thi1-`y years. In 1905 Mr. `Orser died, and since that timevrs.` Orser has lived alternately withxher two *.Il8,'fFI'8llkl hf Edwar, and Huge... ..l A. u'..'.. n...__ I.-.` c__-_ iviztli hi-' 65" B$}7ia`:2k;`}'E'&L}f'n'3v Norton, of . in. Mrs. Orser had been I: `n_lnnn Il .o|\..A:.c 111)" were run- to-day, and .`,' OBITUARY . noaanr NEY Midland Free Press--Rnbert Ney, after a lingering illness, died on the 14th inst. at the home of his brother in Minesing, in his 83rd.year. He came -from Cavan, Ireland, with his, parents in 1848, and settled in Darlington, some years later moving -to Tay. I-`no ufn 11.-Inks!`-n `ronnnnus nu-nrlnnnnan.-I IJQIINIEUUII, ouulc yum raver UIUVIHE -M) lliy. _ His wife, Elizabeth Vaneamp, predeceased him `over four years, and a brother, the lite George Ney, three months. He is survived by three brothers and one sister: Wm., of Old Fort; John, of Minesing, and Thomas, with Mrs. R. J. Wilson, of Port McNicolL ` . rm... l..........I ...._..:.._ .-_.... L-l_I _. LL. 1_._,__ 1 UI ll JIIVLVJUUII. ' The funeral service was held at the home of_his nephew, Wm. Ney, Third St" conduct'edby Rev. ll. *McNab. The pall- bearers were nephews of the deceased :- [Edgar and Will Ney, Port McNicoll, Wil- son Ney, Old Fort, Thomas G. Ney, El- llnf.f. n any-nm-1: `Inlay: I onrl T Tnalln `Mm: uuu .lV6_Y, Ulu run, ,1nom_us U. Rey, 15!- liott s Gorners, `John J. and J, Leslie Ney, of Midla-nd. T \` 1 Au uuc uuuuuy nuguieer. e other highway referred to by Mr. Johnston is that which runs from Whitby to Oril_lia_. which is a, provincial road. Mr. Johnston s idea is to have this road built. from Orillia to Goldwater, Fesserton and ' Waubaushene, " through `Midland to Pene- tang. If this road were built it would be necessary .for. the government to spend from $46,000` to $50,000 on the par"t running through Midland, which wouldigreatly im- prove a portion of the streets. `He sug- gested that a delegation composed of grem- bers of the town council` and other munici- palities interested wait on the-lnister of Roads and explainwvhat was needed. He aleoauggested that Mr. Campbell, the coun- E engineer, -asked to come to `Midland 'to discuss tliematter. 4;... .:\ul.|\n . ;uc acuuuu ucuwccll uruwu ullll an H.j%sdaIe is to be improved this year; by the ounty Engineer. ` Tho nfknv L;nI-uunuv o`.nCn.-_...l L- .L.. 11. cuuuc was a. rwrung argument I01` gooa roaas. I Them is 9.`. present a provincial highway from Tomnto to Barrie and a. County Provincial rpnd from Barrie to Mid- land and Penetang, running through! Higsdale. .The section between"C1-own Hill nuI...i..x.. :. 4.. L... :.-_.._-..-4 m_:_ __,-_' `llowfng to say regarding roads in East Sim- -*5 3 gum r.$.'.u115 u mccuug lu mlumnu recent- *1 Hy, .1. B. Johnst.oh, M.L.A.,. has the fol-`ls I l Thur! should be good Provincialje lxoads from Midland to ABarrie, and 5 lfrom Midland ` to ' Orillia. ' Good,a l'roa:ls nleam increased tourist traffic. Ita [had been estimated that every touristvpartyl E I travellinog' `by automobile would spend am If l average oubout $50 in each town in which` `they. st.a.ye_H a day or over night. This alone was 9. strong argument for good roads. Thom in Q`: nrnnwnf u nu-nulnniul Link .... ul i Despite t._h.=~ 0p]K).`.~`itiOll which `greeted the momma for a - co-0pm"ai\'e societyi forl potato gruwegs in Simcoe County, the so-g ck.-.ty has met with much success. Accord- ing to a `report issued [Ty the local branch - of he Department of Azriculture, 23,000! bags of putavtoes werfhandled by the society during the past year. Those participafingt 3are reported to have benefitted greatly fthrough the operations of the society which i Shes its headquar-ters at Craighurst. It is itho intention of the directors to erect a flerge farehouse for the storing of potatoes; "awaiting shifiment. The society's annual; ?n_1eet:ing.will be held on April 3. Clifford; ;VVhit.aker of Edgar is president. i ,_._ I ifo IMPROVE PENETANG ROAD _ . , NORTH or cnown HILL THIS Y_EAR' I 1923 her niother and sister here. I Eeft for their home in the West on Monday E Plans and preparations are under way for: Mic: R1-.ta?`Hoover' has returned home! iafter spending two weeks with Mr. and _Mrs,,. J. Allison at Maple. Rev. John Peacock of -Niaga_r_'a district. 1, wm<'ca!l'1:g``nn friends` week. Bfss Minnie Bond of London is visiting Frir. a'nd Garfield Gordon and family ` -`fir: 1-.::.':d'-ng of` a new school in S roud thfs -' , .:umzr:er. V V I ; ` Mi..~`.~x Jean Boake of Tottenham is a visitor 2: fix!` ".x`.a~-n 1.? Ln. ..m.`.\,.lL`..LL.._ |._.L,_,,. 23,9310 BAGS OF SPUDS " = HANDLED CO-OPERATIVELYI 5;-:.'ul3u, S.hH.~..3' Bay pevple are sorry to lose Mr. ' :m.. z`.v. Dalziel from the village._, They xvi?! be rvrmh rnisseti as ihey were much I`?- A.-mr-c`s=:i by r-va-r_\tnne. Our loss will be W0od- : .`t:wlr. a gziin. All jnin'm be"t wishes for hm: 3:: their new sphere in life. I o..- d. u. uu. ztlln ' . .:;.r"u-. wil! be held in the Method`s` _1'3n :rc}x on Good. Friday at 8$_`clock; also F-`.9!-'(Zi{s!_E3Stl' service next Sunday. with e`;`=o:T-a Imzsfc by the cho 1'. Q t":vz`grz-ztlrfations. \_f0 Andrew Wall - who c -elebrated his 84th birt.h%a_v on March 23. ` ` E RH.-i rT-vlzate is taking the spring move. (`*-::...~`. Rcrlnson, Qfh con.` has sold his farm in S5"m Brvey, rnd Arthtxr Green has pur-" <.-2'-`-T! 9..`.e_ ya?-rirhnoe of Mr. Broley. on T~1!:;.-55' Ave." Mr. Rubinsozi intends moving in B m_)d grug into the hardware llfarch 26,--`Miss Lettie Hart of Orillial i.::i1.v'd\\v'th her pzufentts lately. . R.ejv. E. T. Douglas })1'eabI)e(l in the Meth- 3 vdtst. c}u:r;`1 on Sund-a._v last. and the pulpit -in Has: ?r . 4v.n will by. suppl"ed by Rev.` 1!. E, Wt-lhvnnd of ..Collier St.. Barrie. A 3rod Baker of Orillia spent over Sunday v."..h `Mr. rsnd.\lrs. Abner Bull. - a ` M-.. u:r.. ..-..n `L-,, .-H _ _Rage'9 is. _Y-:;(`k .1! the flu. n.-mu yarn. nuI1>.ul.5. ALPl!Cf .D!ll.\. `~. I N`:-.~'.. Mifs and `her laughter Emelie have! :u'r'neri home after spending three months in Tor:-mo. ' ' CL 11 ' ' 7 V Iv .:u.9It'-C . J-xv, Black has returned to the West. 'af:er :~'p<=nding the winter with relqti\'es` I 11.`-: 0'. ' \ . ' . an . - ,:>x<'>x x<>x<>x<>Vx<-x<>x >11-x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>;>x:x<'.>x<>x<>x<: 1 3; NEWS FROM NEIGHBORINCTOWNSHIPS ;; y - u I .1 \_..\..-`nag 5_;A.\`\1 :.r- -sorv .'.m1 den ~\h1m_ Warnica) '5` . ' ` , _,. " \ * 3 a*$$%%%%*%*%&$&%&&$$%*&%*; STROUD \ | % EDGAR, T 1 _7:t~r"umny relatives unh friends here` ' 3'? (`.'*.e,nly grrfeverl last week to hear of " Hr. `rnv-u g-n.!.l.n. .!..n4L "E `III... M':__,:., 1 March 26.-W.`ddiI;g are ringing zmrrik ! .1 Addressing a` in Midlam/I recent- ] R In!-.m~on;. M! A 1.... LL. and um` -n';1n uuunu U1 l.UI.[BI![l8H1 IS VISIEOT I thr Z2m::e of her grandfather, Andrewll "turn" ` ' I ns. ISAAC onsan sHANffLi`KY xsuffering from a` severe at- Cu nan wt:rrL LU uuur OI death of Mrs. H9ggins. in Texas. V p . . I Provmcmlj Orillia.' Good, It} _ _L__I ..... .. L....__' _L _ `rm: mam:-: EXAMINER " vaanltlvillllv UL .|l|`.'."C "I. Ill} Ask vo ur neisrbhrzrs if,.I1:d s Kid-. ney Pills do not heal and strengthen the, kidneys. V r ' ,........;.uuvc \.u1u!J.I.I:laU1y. uma.pp\-sareu." _It is statements like the above` that have made Dodd s Kidney Pills a household remedy throughout Can-.. ada. . i ' ' The satisfaction. Dodd s Kidney Pills are giving as a remedy for kid- 'n`ey troubles is shown by the large number of people who keep. them always at hand.` ~Th,ey have learned that the proper way to avoid serious forms of kidney disease; such has . rheumatism; diabetes drovwv and-' heart disease. isto correct +`n~ early symptoms of kidnev trmble. A -1- --_'.-_. _-.'_.l_`l_____ :1! 1-`. `,1 ,1: Ir-1 I nana auu u1uuiaIe1y.wms ner love. ' ,' I Always t.he`re`1s Fomething doing in this` ,story. The characters are real human be-f yings. loving and fighting and loving some` imore. There's`not a bowing puppet in the! 'ipicture. It's the rapid_-fire drama. told! '1s'\viftl_v'_against a background as colorful 2151 3 show at the New York Hinpodrorne, i To Have; and Tn unmv 4.- `M--. - " "% v1_!:-i-*J`l). E(`)l`J'I:J`l`)' 'R"a1.1"" Fl `That : Why clovissenoigchua I L Speaks So Highly of Dodd s | [)0 1 run: She Suffered with Pain: .in AHer Kid- "neys; After Taking Docld's Kidney Pills Her Pains Disappeared. ' Mistassini, Que., Mar.`26 (Special) --I was not able -to work for the pains in my back, states Madame Clovisse Bouchard, a well-known re- sident here. I..'took a few boxes and Was table to stdrt work again, After continuing taking the pills; my pains have completely disappeared. T+ Sc cfufnrnnvnl-cu 1:1... J.`l..;. -1.--`- U1 um I.;u1uIul career. " I When you see Betty Compson you `won't wonder that Bert Lytell, seen as the hero, fought all over Virginia, England and the Atlanticocean to keep Lord Carnal (Theo- dore Kosloff) from getting her. - A hungry horse in the stable. neighing to `attract _ its owner's attention. caused neighbors to investigate and find James O - Donnell, a Connecticut farmer, dead in bed. Mrs. Silas Hubbell, who weighs 300 pounds, fell three.stoi-ies from a porch to the ground and escaped practically uninjur- ed. vi Every scene in the picture is a Fitzmaur- ice triu'I'nph.e Famous for the beauty of his! productions, he has here a type of story] {made to order for lavish settings and beau-' .tiful comp3sition. The cast is tremend- IOIIR nnnlnann nn D)...L 'I-.A.- ---- ` lungland. ' I |I:ALul uuuxpumuuu. 1118 cast, IS tremend- Ious. Betty Compson and Bert Lytell are` wonderful in this romance of romances] Theodore Kosloff, who is seen as the ven-' omous King s favorite, has the finest part. of his` colorful career. `Illa... -..... _-_ 13-.., A ` ` ` KIDNEY uzousu L.I\ IWIRI/IQIIQ I51: -1 u nuuw no me new 10I'K'I'1ll)p0(ll`0IYl8.\` I `_`To Have and To Hold" was the n}pst5 iexpensiveepicture ever made in the Lakyl Studio at Hollywood. Ships were bought! gum!` re-built and blo`vn ug, whilehundreds - iof pirates and Indians took part in the lmass fighting. A whole shipload of beau i-`, lful girls were laiided in the wife~market' `scenes. In a massive set is shown a color- ful orgy at the court of King James 1 of IEngland., _ . D ......... - 3 AL 0 _ . u-.-. vu_uuL.<.`_. mun: auspt-use. more acnon. _ And there you" have George, FitzInaurie's i` Paramoun` -pmdzuction of To Have and` to Hold," featuring` Betty Compson and; !Bert Lytell, which comes to the New Dream- I gland Theatrg Friday -and Saturday. Betty: I Cnmpson. never Jovelier. in pearl and bro-}v Lcades one moment._._ in a hastily improvised} {bathing dress the next. in gowns low cut and gorgeous and in gowns more modest; and dainty, ,has the best role of her screeni icareer. " ` ' i i on. 5 uzuccl. ] She is the girl who_.'rather than marry; Lord Carnal ,escapes to Virg?nia to wed: ;the first man who asks for her hand. Bert-I iLytell. romantic hero. swordsman _ unex- ;celled.. brave and daring, ;-is the man who` asks and ultimately, wins her love. I I 1' Al\x.'uve f]'|n'I-n"?u \ 3,, .I ' A m......sI..:..... -1..:_. __ uuc M .5, a ucu-uc Ul"lWB("Il 21 man-() -war mid a pirate ship, g1'9at swordsnmnship. gowns ithat it took sixty drcs.-'n1ak`ers a. month to `prepare, startling yhotography, more ro- m_ance_. more suspense. more action. I And Ham-n I'nn' km... 11...... Ir:._,,_ ' visited friends here receptly. Mziich 26.-;W. M. Sh:.rp"of- Tottenham M'ss M5`.-`y Dixon gave a party to _her" friends last Friday night. _ ' Jnhn flilriln-{pt :. ........ ..:.... ..t.A.. 17' I-'- . : . ` . Act-Ion. love, suspense, flghts, blnwmg. up a ship, a court org) . a bride market. beau- . ty, bloodshed. sex interest, comedy. marvel- : i ous sets, a `battle between a man-0 and} 9 nirnfn align nvnoi`mun:-,l....\.......L:_. ._.- nu lucu HUW HUIH8 UH U18 [rWi n.`h.llnC,`i recently- _nurchased_ frnm T. Maguire. ~3 ,R0la.1)d Miles _and family of Scott. Sask, are moving to Mr. Dix0n s farm. ' .'On Wednesda_v evening, May 14, thel friends and` neighbors of the 11th l ne met! 711% the home"\9f Mrs. John Maw to bid them; good-bye and wish them success in theirf new home. The evening was spent very? pleasantly in games, music. speeches and: songs. after wh`ch dainty refreghxnents {were served by the ladies. ` ` ' \` I I ` -`Dav Q NI 1` D,._L-__._ :,,;, 1 1 B I vvvdu gun v\..u_ u_y unz: UIHRCS. ` v \ -Rev. S. 3. T. `Former intends having` Bible study` ithe Union Church On Wed- o {nesda_v evening. Everyone is invited` to lat-tend. T .-% V * 1 {To HAVE ANT) TO HOLD ~ ` ~ HAS ACTION, LOVE, THRILL- ; I B_etty`Compson.and Bert Lytell Featurd in; New George Fitzmaurice Produqtion uusuua Lust rrluuy nlgnt. ` John Gjlln'ist_ is recovering ufxeg his! rr-cent, illness. ' ` ' Mrs John Maw and sons havu mnved: to their new home mi the t.wa=l?'i h _ line, I'P(`.Pn\LhlH'IJ1!acnr' Fm`... '1" \l.......I..- ` USA, mm. au_me5 LU(l8I'.. recently. The W.I. met at the home. of `the Secy.-T Treas._. Mrs. Wm. Hayes. on Wednesday {with a large attendance A splendid pro- - gramme was given and all enjoyed the de- bate. Resolved that i is more advantag-l leous to _be tall than to be short. Mrs. I Steeleiand Mrs. C. ,Hmlge.__t.o_nk the positive 3 and Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. G70. Kissick thel nezative side. The positive won by a. few! `ooints. The next regular _meeting will be` held at the home of the Preaident. Mtg, Jo=. Kissick, on Wednesday afternoon. April 11. I I .5 unuuupx, nu . Iv ull. umer. ' Robert Carscaddcgx of `Bradford called` on lfriends here last week. . 1 Mrs. Hickey of Toronto visited her sis- ter. Mrs; Ja_mes Lauder. recently . T119 W I rnbf of flu: Imnun A6` `cl... 0....-. .ucuu_v. _ . . Mrs. Watson of Toronfo is visi_ting her brother, Mr. Whittaker D.J......4 l'V.._..___I.I___ .211 up u u - --3&0-I. I Miirch 26.-Mi Tudhope of Haxvkestbxie visited her" aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cockburn, re- jcently. ' l M.-. 117.4... .: m....'.._;- :- M2,,-A2 I EDENVAL; '" ' "I Hairry Bennett, of Newton, Pa., was found sleeping contentedly but almost froz- rn on h`.s truck loaded with ice. When Zthawd out,in a police station. he was `changed with intoxicgtion. D53- an ....a............_.. ;._:1__ n1__n__ --....... ...-...y. vv\I uuuuuuua uu Lucuuuu. | Terms o Sale---AH sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will'be given to parties furnishing ap- nroved joint notes. ,6 per cent. per annum off fo1-`cgsh n credit sums. All will be sold without reserge as proprietor has sold his farm. ` Sale. at 1 W. A Mcf`o;ikey, Auct.l --