I 2 I4. . I . `The Home of G6od'Musi;: Corngr Elizabeth and Mary Sis. T I vvuvvululllul - 0 0 9 o All Blue Amlsevrvblu'Rb-rEl,?egL1lar 75 each, 4 for`$2.00 Po1iular!Sh`e[ Music 25 Cnts 1 Columbia Pho11ograph, full cabinet size, regiilar $135.00, now `(with 20 selections) $95.00 All D1..,. A...:-M-v n.., L vv ux AUG}! house comfortable now till New Year s. SOLD BY LadieVs'{ mL1cl Men %sL Tailpr Columbia Phonograph % `by purchasing 5s'40.00_worth of Records Block, gmie (up;z.au) % .% Rhone 731 \ . MUSIC RoLL X7r`HAL1-` PRICE V I. Greene Music Co. (regu1ar`3S cents a c0'py): UKELELE S,L BANJOS, MUSIC CASES, 'rc., ETC. 20 MULCASTER ST. FREE Barrie I J. cuucl cu ~ t1pUl0gy Sarvis at this stage statedthat he and Q 19 men were not to blame. that they were the machinery that was put in motion by headquarters. In the evening Staff In- spector Paxton called and apologized for the raid Hed admittrd that the wrong number ;had been gix en S8_I'ViS. and stated that the {mistake had beerfmade in the department. TI-Ie sayed for=an hour and a half and ex- fplained that the` liquor being searched for ;was believed to be stored in a garage be- jhindra house and that another; squad of mm ihad watched the housedurin the morning. . I __,I,' I ` , Vu uuuzc uuu mat aziovtnerl; squad houseduring morning, [which was on` the other side of Huron St. tDuring the afternoon Just-ice Lennox had ,teIepboned for General Williams, but al- gthough General W`lliams got `hr answer {he did not call. leaving a message `that he `was too busy. Inspector Paxton said that !his.visit wps not official. About eleven (o'clock that night General Williams called .`= Justice Lennox and was very apologetic in ' his attitude. ' A V G"; n . - Lenno ' ._..- curl uyu uunulul. 110011` elevell io'clock 1: his" Sf alled an Inquiry _ The following Sgturday Aarrangemenfs 2 were; made for an investigation. Headquart- V 83...... ....,....s ucniulluell or -inspector Sarvisl :`be_ that he show. his warrant and escertaiiill umps before proceed1ng_..furtl1er with the indignity D S. that the right house had been entered. I from; __ Are you sure that you have got the! ,hfed_ M rig`ht'nu1'nber?" asked Mrs; Morris. Ve' Yes, replied Sarvis. _ I No Name Didn't Matter lkelyli Well. have you the right name?" I 11133 _ What difference does the name n1ake?'~'-I i the I asked Sarvistg We have the right place; 'oad- ; all right." 1 n_11` 1' What are you doing,here`?W next asked} W10` ; Mrs.,Morris. ' ; -Sarvis replied that he was looking for! " q-whiskey, and when asked if he had a war-} frant he replied that he had. but declined` in iat this juncture to produce or show it. .g l Mrs. Morris then asked that before the I ?search proceeded any further that she be 31- tlowed to telephone her father. Mr. Justieeg .7 Lennox. Her statement that the judge was fher father was apparently not bel eved `by `;the inspector. wh8 demanded `that Mrs. Morris produce the liquor or the men would ;find it. In the meantime men were al- ;ready ransacking the ups"airs and cellar .'of the house. Mrs. Morris protested at the g indignity and Inspector Sar,vis and the man {still with him laughed at this joke," and _: the extra man was despatelied to search the . ;ground floor rooms, . ` By -this time the man hail reurned from the cellar and reported that no liquor was ` ,to he found. One bottle of French brandy ` ,` and a small quantity of rum was found.` l Other men came and reported to Sarxis that ` no liquor was in the house. Men from the cellar evidently began to believe a` this point that a mistake had been made ` and began to question the maid Wh ose House Is This?" ` | . Whose house is this?" one of them saslmrl n-n_y u5m~ [0 De nere. ' V She t.here\u_non-called her father and was `asked if the men had a warrant. She re~ plied thitlnone had been shown `to her. -whereupon,'Sarvis_. who had overheard her lconversation called to one of the men to {bring -the document. Sarvis then com~ imenced to read what purported to be a ,warrant but did_ not show it to Mrs. Morris. ;He claimed even then that he had the ;right number and that vthe search was for `somethingvlike 100 cases of liquor that was supposed to be stored for sale in the house `gar on the premises. - ' I ucl:\Cu u Col. Morris ,"' she answered. "Col. Morrison s? Is that the Col. Morris of the Jail Farm? No, Col. .W. 0.` Morris. son-in-law of Justice Lennox. . At this point representations were made to Sarvis, who :then asked Mrs. Morris: 5`\Vhose house is this?" Since you do not know," replied Mrs. , orrls.- I'll tell you. It is the home `of Col. W. 0. Morris. I ail going to tele- phone my `father now and see if -you have any right to be here." Qhn 61....-........... __n-,| I A -- i uigutcuulg uur main. and proceeding! ;to search the rear of the` houve with-nut] :stating their business or showing their an-I thority. When Mrs. Morris opened the} jfront door. In.snec.or Sarvis entered, fnl-V rlowed by either t-wo or three men. Two of "the men at once went up=tai1s""' and pro-'5 ceedecl with -the search of the` upstairs ;ronms. "opening all the drawers of bureaus.; _ _ and entering every ruom. In the niezuitinie, lMrs."`Morris demanded of -Inspector Sarvisd` how warrant. ascertainl ,M,_`__ .. . .. .4 A former resident of Barrie andia ladyl Examiner was subjected to great indignities,- vwhen. through the blundering stupidity of` I very well known to "many "readers of The I I I O.T.A. enforcement officers, her home in Toronto was raided in a vain search for liquor on Feb. 14. _The lady who suffered, from the groas` rudeness, carelessness and` -inefficiency of the "officers is Mrs. W. O.' -Morris, formerly Miss Ma_r_jon'e Lennox. Idaughter of Mr. Justice Huughton Lennoxi I l ;occurred a month ago, it was only lal. and Mrs. Lennox. `Although the affairl week that a newspaper reporter got hold. of the story, which he related as follows z--; I About 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Feb.,i I14 Inspector Sarvis and his squad raidedi Ithe home of Col. W. 0. Morris. 290 Huronl ;stre'et. while Mrs. -Morris, who is a daugh- flter of Mr. Justice Lennox, and her childrcn .l and a maid were alone in the house. Dur- ing the raid Mrs, Morris claims she was; subjected to unwarranted indignities, her} house was searched in e\'t. I`_\'~l`()0n1 from cell lar to attic. protestations on her part thati ,the wrong house had been entered being; iignored and her statement laughed at that? ginnocent parties were being made subject} jto depurtniental ineffic':ency. I I I Admit Mi-tgal 7 Upon the matter being taken up with; ;General Williams and Inispcetor Puxton.I was admitted that a niistake. had heenl made. Verbal apologies were made and ae , promise was made that following Saturday Gian inv'estigation would be held at which. -;members of the Morris family might at-I 8. tend. A telephone message from Insxpeetnrj lII axt-on. however. postponed the investi-I - Igation until the follow"--ng Monday; Thatl _ the Morris family until March "15 when, ' Kb) theil` own enquiries, they di:~:coverrd from I C General Williams that a private inquiry had? ?been conducted and that Inspector Sarvisl 4 and his men had been reprimanded. ' Five Men Entered I Whenher door bell rang"Mrs. Morris,` expecting a visitor. answered, While reach- I ring the front. door she he: xi~rI_ :2 gi'e:ut comm ! motion in the kitchen occasioned by two of; -`the liquorsleuths having entered the back I idoor. frightening the maid. and proceedingl search the` ham m:+1.q...i .1w:is the last heard of the investigation byI ` V {Daughter ofifijuvstie Lnnox`! ` Suffers `GrossvRug_eness . A from Oicia1-s. - ` \ , 4._.-._.._._ V..- . . .___ ; o. T. A; ( )FFlCERSM W RAID WRONG HOUSE; ..:____ 1 ;I:e-I:c;;;ed Apology 91.3.. -1.-- _L,;\'u..u t for, asked declingdl nrnrlnnn .... -1.-. --..-a .~..u.uu.A Aux an garage her; ing morning, id nf I-Tin-nu Q! I TH}. BARRIE EXAMINER ,,,_ .. ....u ..u uvnin, , \.l . I During Inspecmr Paxtnxn'.= \i.~i he mid 'C-01. and Mrs. Morris that Survis h:-rd r.`-~ partied to-him that he had entmed the w u ,g- house. and that he hm! at once u'jt.Hlr:m'.:; 2- --- -- '3 ictc umcuus arumnea -that ;.~T2a1`\'i.< :-hm! {have shown his warrant, and that 2: ;.r,=::1 n1i:~`!:xko had been xmxde. Hznw.-.\'m~. the i vestigation was postpcned an:I mover hon {of again until it was all over. [ n . - wAz;zmpL12 301:/cs cvcrq decorating mohlcm `ix X urn-} ' v-_.---- nag;-Uvgw These pap_ers--widely known for their originality and charm-~include a ne as sortment: of the plain, seltoned papers so well suited to walbpanelling. This treat ment has become a popular feature of home decoration. -- You will nd the old type of Wa Paper exceeded in width by the new Boxer . Papers, By 2 % inchesewhigh WALL ` PAPER.` means everything to the successful decoration of the ' home/.' Make sure of having designs and colorings tha.t.-accord with your own ideas as to what is cor red: and beautxful. Select your patterns ftom.the great vanety produced by j T `-1 -in - PAPER.means everything of havina riptiana MA .-.-.I.-....'........ .1.-- - _ _/---v..-.. 5...... vuucuy 1.110 / BOXERD "jl...4....I.l.--- .1117, nth _ Q a---7 \l1 3.1..../L\_ ast alalcws gf Wall Papas n I-...__-._ t. ,, .1 : 1`:-. ' 'l'Z`fI_ um he-nu w::I;onc=d, and the mn did not leave Imtil they all re- `-~.r.` :1 in hm-\.-as that they could find no Ehgunr. Tn Mrs. Morris. In.-spegtor Pax- !I-]; .-`f'.:dZ ' hi~' men. Thzlf was not true. Mrs. Ms)rr`7.= stared, as the whole house had been search- ` -.;:_: .-' age: r:u.~::c}-:m!. `I'M: c!1`ldrex1. who `-2 MW -wlzwts. hall he-0:: wzkom-d_. .\'n2`\.-gs that rhm- n....l.l r:...: _- _ "Survis should h.'n'e retired 2:! / not only makes possible greater charm of design, but also means fewer seams and consequently improved appearance. Easiv er hanging is another important feature of these wider papers--also economy, as a. result of the fewer rolls required. ' Those who are usi1ig`theA Sun Fire would not be without one for twice the cost. In-stzlll one of these grates now and keep the hahmce `of your c0al_for se- vere. weather next winter.` The Sun Fire will keep your from urzco when Dffli "Ho tr:2a`o(l mu ning a blind pig. ' 1n_._L:,, , ..-, m oulrllllhtfll [-0 ll.'-'( . ms Ht` .-\ccm'din_.'1 to Mrs. Morris, him behaw-(1 botzcr while in did S2m'i. -.. --- h<- .~.:2'.v what kind of :1 hrvu.-:c he was in. He is supposed to use his head 3 httle." the men under bottnr whila h. .1... 1.-..-- .1... 1 Ar Behax ed Badly 2 nm 85 if I really were run- ; pig._ she said to-day, and (Continued on page 7) THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923 unc unru unutat the house than swli Ross it will soon"be here, and Good Friday comes on March 30th. That is the time everyonewants a oew suit. Now, if you will come in, I will be pleased to show you goods that will be pleasing to the eye and also give you`- service, You will be sureto want a light weight loveli- coat to take the placeof the heavy one we are all so glad to lay,aside,. , ` ` smmc IS comma