Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1923, p. 16

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cvUu,1oJA .U ' up to Janu- I . . . . . .$60,l 00.27 by collector 1n`n in ucil met` in stmudl members present, ' I `Electric Power a official audit of the Satuzjday. He brought , usvuuy .. 22.48 . 2,391.23 -..._.__.___._ $65, 152 .02 A :m) L. nun JIDI4 119.00 money , 00 A0 ._____._._ : sun 01 10l`0 $65,152.02 i home here. ,. 1...... I M... u GUIIUI . 133.53 2380.51 IZ..L "$50.01 { ....uu no pom servnces. Ladies invited, Next Monday evenmg 1n connection ` the Y.P.L. A. F. A. Malcomson will the speaker. A good; programme is b ,,_ -__a-u vvvv, U J13. Clue 1 April 1; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., due April 4; Durham cow, 8 yrs., due April 8; Durham cow, 7 'yrs., due April 7; registered Ayr- shire cow, 5 yrs., due by date of, sale; 2 heifers, rising 3 yrs. old; heifer rising 25 years old. PIGS AND POULTRY--3 sows, due in` Hay; sow, in pig; 4 store pigs, 75 good Juana `and evening. In the mcming his `address will be especially to boys on the subject The Alito Youth. In the evening his subject will be Man's Biggest Job'. Male choir at both services. Ladies ' Next Mondav evnnina :. ......---A:-- - section to leave` at 4.30 o'clock on March 29, ahead of the regular evening C.N.R; train from Toronto will carry Bar- rieites home for the Easter holidays. Mrs. Charles Farnfield of Brock street is a seriously ill at the Royal Victoria Hospital. -Mrs; Anderson, Tiffin street is also a pa- tient at `the hospital, but her illness is not serious. ' Ed. Pugh, who has been managing the branch here of the Imperial Oil 'Co.,` has {been moved to Peterboro. His family are ` `leaving for their new home, Monday. :1 ibrother of Mr. Pugh will take over the 1 com pany s management here. gzuuuuu, accompamed by Mrs. McConke_v V Bert Walker hasybeen appointed conduc- tor on the Beeton-Collingwood mail train in place of the late Robt. Canning and is moving to Collingwood. I `A snecinl snntinn 4.. 1-....- A A -A ' - um ncucuzug man and! comn1en:-eN(_i"l;i:|: on Monday. Miss Webb, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Mcconkey, has returned to, Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Walker has hpnn ..m...:..4...I ---4-- vuc WHILUF 'WlFn l`el.atlVS. _ Norris Webb has secu man's posmon on the P commenced his duties 1 Mine won. ...I.. .L-i I uuulc ll (5. Mrs. u. Campbell ha from Toronto where she . the winter with relatives. Nnrria urnm. I. .~ ..=,..cm I.-uc weex-enuvwxth fr; 1 Allan Plantt of Toronto, Iwith his sister, Mrs. Walte Street. ll", Irv A- uul CC I`. Mrs. Wm. Carson and Miss Thelr .son of Toronto spent the week-end \ ,`home here. _ _ _ - -~-"'A"A"A" Dalton `'-`White is spending a few days in la. a f J. S. Brunton was in Hamilton lass `ween `Mrs. R. Scanlon of Toronto is visiting her `sisters here 1, . ' I Mrs. Bert Manuel of Hamilton is visit- , 'ing Mrs. Alex. Stunden, here. _ i Mrs. A. Paddison spent 9. short holiday with relatives in Everett this week. ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Charles St., I` spent a few days in Toronto this week. Bert Travis is acting as yardmaster dur-l ing the temporary absence of E. Welte. . W. Robinson has completed his new res- idence and -will be occupying it next week. Mr. and Mrs. E. McFadden and baby jspent the week-end-with friends in Toronto. Plantt nf Tnrrmfn ........ .. :---. Am v I. I I I = B [ti 4_....--.. -u v AtU\lu_ Next evening in with r will be speaker. good; programme being vided' ` ' ` , . * m%$m&&&&mm$%$m QVI lu nverevv mls week. i , ! M.20.-Et D ' tt ddOr ' Walter Smlth .CharlS [ Granari Lodge ~ats (even aS`o1f1n?i 1:132: iveekfmge Y5 m .T"nt "5 week G. H. Speers and his daughter, Elsie, '5 chug spent the week-end in Toronto { my Welt Mr. and Mrs. J. Keown entertained a: bhas completgd neWkmS' number of friends one evening this wee eoccupying 1t wee . M _ R, J, C 1: ' van: :1: .......I s. and balm. -. 3'5 u er '5' ua acuureu me * baggage- Penetang mail and iPS nn Mnnuur I . ... uusuuzi one evening this week I iii}? Coulter is very ill and con-' `fined to her bed. ` I I A number ofethe boys went over to Al- 1 liston on Saturday evening t6 skate, tak-1| ing advantage of the last? of the ice. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry of Thornton spent a couple of days with `their daughter, Mrs. E. Davis. ` 11- 7 C1, " {- weather of Sundayeaused the ice tofreeze ' around. the rails, tieing the tragls for I hours. A few derailments were also caused `through ice covered rails. It was not until; Wednesday that the trains were able to ! continue on schedule time. G`.T.R. Earnings Show Big Increase Traffic earnin V- Vault .001. Ur corresponding 1/uvla. - .Mr er, M .._.__..:._.___ Shop where you're ' auuvv yusw, 120 bus. seed oats, tatoes, and many-other articles. Terms of Sale"---Poultry and grain,` cash; months credit on_ sums over $10.00. 6 per cent. per annum off for cashon credif sums. All will be sold without reserve, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A.`McConkey, Auct. 25 bags 30' - -- .,......;._y caused me Ice tofreezel . wer I h sday trains mam -44 *~` - __....vnu vwxu orbett, last week. Miller of Barrie st week. . va uu.i7O &` period last invited to shop _ ..-... an Luv! as compared M st year. called on , ..., ...y...ru_y Ac lcll. A f takes place on Jhis late residence I tery. Orange __" aek. U I: March 20.-Ml _ ' a week in Honey` ed Leslie Tupling Quite a numbe ad 0011"} sale at John Bra i day. ALI A. T. Arnold, `9, Wk`! last week. Miss Eunice M n spent: the wool.-_...,r ...: ` ,, ,_- ...,v.. ..u.\.n all: [us UUVVII In 8 Chan` "9?-`*3 ! near the stove just dropped dead. Great W1) I sympathy is felt for his widow. The funeral I place Thxlrsrlnv .m............ :---~ \J I ll`! ea 20.--Mrs. E. Newell is spending Honeywood with her sister, Mrs. } number from here attended the l_. isale Brown s Con. 5, last Thurs- LI Arnold_unloaded a car of brick I` McMaster of Barrie spent t the week-endi with her brother, Wilfred . v--~-- -v-nan '-WW3` churn, Renfrew cream separator, nearly V new; 20 grain bags, 300 feet lumber, 100 Ience posts, 125 bus. seed bags po and_ n_1a1y other articles. suuuxnabcf George Ellis has returned home spending a week with his father in H ton. The many friends of Mr. Ellis W glad to know he is improving, though Iv .. , ,--,,-..._, ... ..... Aux um wxuow. '1'ne mneral lace Thursda afternoon from I P y hrs residence to the Sixth Line ceme- f tery. Q-lldl l\\ll H. . March 21.-The sudden death of Stephen I Marshall on Tuesday from acute indigestion iwas a great shock to the community. He `had suffered all winter from rheumatism but seemed in fair health on Monday though he didn t sleep well that night complaining of gas on his stomach. Upon rising in the morning he had pains in his chest and arms and soon after sit ing down in chair [near Just lsvmmatlw in fan c..- L:_ -- -'~' - THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 91'??? E.-E.`_Y _-_.... \II 4.11:. nuts wuz D : slow A cultivator, spring-tooth cul ..~ yum; o steers, rising 2 yrs.; calf, 5 PIGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY--l sow, sheep,` 25 hens, 3 geese; " ' IMPLEMENTS--Deering binder, 6_-ft.` oe drill, Deering mower, 5-ft.; -ecuffler, 'Deering hay rake, root pulper, Superior disc drill, wagon, Frost & Wood siff-tooth tivaor, set Fleury disc harrows, double plow, Fleury No. 6; -gang plow, Fleury No. 2' , cutter, single. walking plow, No. 13; set iron harrowa, V gravel box, set Renfrew scales, 2000 lb_s., Chatham fanning-mill, stock rack with bottom, set short-tug harness, set long-tug ' `isreeching harness, set double driving liar am, set single driving harness, rubber-tired buggy, hay rack, steel-tired buggy, barrel ulmrn, Renfrew fee nests. 19.: L... .......I -- - 4 I 1 ( ( t 2, 1923. to sellby Public Auction at Martin's Yards, Barrie _, SATURDAY, MAR. 31 -V to sell by public auctiofnt at Lot 3, Con. 11, Innisl ' "Essa Road - ' THURSDAY, MARCH 29 A `Allan-3.. -- - _ yrs. old. "uulking; 2 steers, __..---_., nvarIl\o `ID The following: HORSES--Brown horse, 7 yrs. heavy; `bay horse, 6 yrs. old, heavy mare 11 yrs. old, in foal; bay CATTLE-Red cow, 6 yrs. old, due April 5; red cow, 7 yrs. old, fresh; red cow, 7 yrs. old, milking; white cow, 7 yrs. old, ' rising 3 yrs.; heifer rising 3 steers, rising 2 yrs. ; mos. POIlT.'l'RV_. 1 ----- _ old, ` ; bay driver, 4 3 yrs.; 4 l The undersigned has received from T -.... .vava\.I I I I Public `j ___AO Q "I wanna-mounted. TERMS OF SALE--All sums of 810.00 and under, cash; over thatamount nine months` credit will be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes. 6 _per cent. per annum off for cash on credit sums. I .Bnle at 1 p.m. W.` A. Mcconkey. Auct, V hm, cutter, walking plow, 2 cistern pumps cu, uue npru 12. , ' PIGS AND POULTRY--Yorkshire sow, due April 15, Yorkshire sow,.due April 17; number of Barred Rock` hens. IMPLEMENTS--McCormick binder, cut `two crops; Deering mower, cut two crops; diff-tooth cultivator, nearly new; disc har- mw; truck wagon, set 4-bull diamond har- ` mws, fanning-mill and bagger, heavy wag- . on, nearly new; hay rake, buggy and pole, ' gong plow, set heavy sleighs and ice bot- and piping, engine pump, new; 4 scythes, not long-tug harness, 2 sets single harness, looneboat, new; doubletrees, logging chains, 1 neckyoke, 2 heavy backbands and bridles, I mounted. WWPDIIQ l'\l'a` C` ` 7 "` v1\ulJ.l I OF FARM STOCK ANDIMPLEMENTS DALE: unde _ 7:`:--- ov.rII`%II `' ' V the following: _ . HORSES- -Bay m`are, rising 6 yrs., 1400 Ihm, eligible for registration; bay mare, ris- ing 5 yrs.; bay horse, rising 6 yrs. `T _CA'ITLE---Holstein cow,_ 7 yrs. old, milk- ing; Holstein cow, 4 yrs., calf rat foot ; am cow, 6 yrs-., calf at foot; Polled- Angus cow, 1 yr. old; pure bred Jersey heif- ` er, due April 12. PHIQ Ann nnrrrmnu .. . . IIULII MURRAY HUNTER` . to sell by Public Auction at Lot 21, Can} 8, lnnisl WEDNESDAY, MAR. '28 following: I Inn nwn - lnts-lwl:'iu2: :`1`1`u'II':o`ii::1:'llaai`Rosd near AlInndale . V TUESDAY, MARCH 27 9 ol... :..n`..'._:_ _, _.- . ovals 1: 1J|\ll.V io auction -A '5 r` ` ` _ --.--_ xdersigncd has I_, , Il'0!n `M. MURPH__Y an" Inn D..LlL A vnualll I Qlilali or FARM STOCK AND VIMPLEMENTSV ED. Miiiiivlxxn u an" Ln ....Ll:_ , -' WE ';NKEY WCREDIT SALE 'l'nl\l1 A ul\. 4.... - to sell by PublicAAucti6n at 1ll13 1' (H from LII list cnzorr ill QTBBII Ann has received instructions from W -woo-Illlvlso if McCONKEY, Auct. - , wuLLlJ Aunc, rrost & new; Cockshutt 13- -.nltiuo+m. 1..._..-_. instructions --- I IMPLEMENTSE 5 yrs. 5141,! id. mm H u J15. mu, :1, 1200 lbs a A u... ` -L-- as the instructions .ru IUD: ` E , rising 2 yrs. old; 6 calves, rising 1 year . old; registered Durham bull, 3 yrs. _ 1 set double harness.` . ` Terms of Sale--All sums of 8l0.00.and I M under, cash; over that amount 9 months` credit will be `given to parties furnishing, ap- proved joint notes. 6 per cent, per snnum` off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold . without xeserve as proprietor is giving up ; farming. n-u-.._, '... - --- _ , _ _ . _.---A lVlt'II\o 0)]. The following: HOR8ES-Black horse; 9 yrs., 1450 lbs.; A horse, 9 yrs., 1460 lbs. ; bay mare, 5 $113, 1500 lbs.; bay colt, rising 3 yrs. old; cAd1r'1'lv"_Z old; bay driver, 6 yrs.` foot; Holstein cow, _3 yrs., calf at foot; red now, 6 ym.V, due in 3 dllxle by: sales data; red ooiv, 6 yrs. ___________ JUDGMENT RESERVED I In the case of Carr vs; Laokie, an action arising out of the sale of a farm, which who heard by Hie Honor Judge Wismer on Wednesday, judgment was; reserved. 5' 1 nuts DQ111581`. Mrs. ,Rachel'Chase was, the widoxv of the late Edgar Chase and was born in (Prince Edward County a little over seventy years ago. 1 She is survived by five children, Mrs. J. Stacey, of Waverley; Mrs. J, Drinkell, of Elmvale; Mrs. D. Mconkey. of Midland _: and two sons. Frank nc u:..n.....u V - ----u Mrs. Edgar Chase" Midland Free Press.--Death removed Mrs, ` -March 11, at Elmvale, where she was visiting with "her daughter, Mrs J, Drinkell.+i.=.She had spent V thirty-four years of her life in this neigh- borhood, and consequently had a lot of personal` friends by whom she will be great- ly missed. ' The body was brought to Midland to r the home of her son-in-law, D. Mcconkey, ~ Fourth'St., the funeral taking place from I there on Tuesday afternoon to Lakeview 1 Cemetery, when the services were conducted by Rev. W. `F. Spiddell. The 'pall-bearers E were Wm. Offord, Robt_ Wilson,- James I Bawks, George B-awks, `E. .DrIolet and Frank Banter. 5 was widow p _ its original depth, ......eu uy meaning out the outlet ditch to The matter was well dis- ltcusssed, and a basis of agreement arrived at by those present. Should the proposed a- greement be unanimously signednthe council cheaper Drainage for Phelpston Marsh? A meeting of a large number of the own- ers of Rhelpston marsh lands, was held in the Township Clerk's Office at Elmvale on Saturday last, March 17-, to discuss the ques- -tion of drainage of `said lands. Three awards have been made, that of J. J. New- manbeing adopted by the council. A ma- jority in numbers however, of the owners, seem to be of the opinion that the New- man award is of too expensive a character, ` ,and that satisfactory drainegecan be ob- ; `tained by cleaning out the depth. The mntfmc ...... ...-n J:- J. ~ T. Foster A. CV. Bishop skip 17 C. E._ ,Geo. Dutch Methodist Curlers Vlfin Great interest was taken at the curling rink this week when the first games of `the church schedule between the players of the three churches were played. Up to Monday night the Preabyterians and Methodists were tied with 4 wins and 2 losses each. To de- cide the winner a picked team from each of the two churches was chosen to play the deciding game, Shortly after the game commenced the Ms-n...,:..+. ..1. av - - i av, uuvuu urgamzea - C The Boy Scouts have been organized in `yet commenced, about thirty boys have enrolled. An interesting meeting was held on Thursday night, March 15, which was in charge of E. 'dson, field secretary of the movement. This has ed` in Elmvale and will be the boys. been long need-`i < appreciated` by t I , The undersigned has received frnm - r---- -' a"""b- James McDermott, as a delegate from, Elmvale, is attending the meeting of the l()3'v1iaz.!nrtlh_Lodgekof !'lI;O.U.tW. which is being e 18 wee in oron o. Died, at his home, lot 17, concession 6, , Tiny, on Tuesday, March 20, Murdoch 'Mc- I L Rae, in his 68th year. Funeral will be . held on Thursday, March,22, interment in 1 [ Wyevale cemetery of Wycliffe Church Sunday School for their 3 Easter cantata, Easter Gladness, which t .will be given in the parish hall on Easter C _Sundayaafternoon. From the appearance of t the last. rehearsal they intend to . exceed their efforts of last year w received. S hich were so well h Grand Lodge of A.O.U.W. held this week in Toronto. Did. 91 . his Ln... 1-4. 1:- v 171106, U11`. Simqoe St. . moving his family to Barrie Mnv Rlllb Inna :- `D---J` unu M Ken McKenzie to James B rs. 5. 1:}. Camp bell.` has sold his residence on lack and intends shortlz. ` _ t I ,.,.-_., .-...- vvvu umuug RD me B01118 Of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Drysdale. T. Lorne Campbell of Toronto University spent the week-end'at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Campbell.` McKenzie has nnlrl M. ...,.:.:....-- ~- "'"" es`E"i:'ii'i,m:"'i1e ord is visiting with` his brother, Frank El V i Elwood Lennox returned to his home in . 3- the West on Tueeday. ` ' `Fred Webster -of Richmond Hill wash: week-end visitor in Elmvale ,~ ' Robt. Black has rented his farm to his two sons, Bert and Wilmot., e A 1 Mrs. John Corbett of Thornton is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Currie. l Thos. Tural of Toronto, formerly of- Wav- , erley, is spending a few days in the vicinity. Next Sunday morning Rev. R. M. Hanna t and Rev. R; E. Morton exchange pulpits; c . Mrs. Hdwarth and Mrs. Kilbank of in I (liiillsdale visited Mr. and Mrs. Burt on '.s~m., ` , ay. . T - v _ I. C. Merritt of the Reforestation Dept., o Midhurst, visited last week at the parson- I Mr..and T c. T Tn-nn l'1.........L_II I In - - -- ` Frank C.. Bishop, Representative >I0I0X0X0X1K / w Mr. and A. Beardsallspent Sunday at Craighurst. Born on March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ansley, 3 son. _ - ` James McD_ermott was in Hillsdale last Friday on business. - ' Ii`.-no.4 t:\n:.. `-1 It- gal-ZLMVALEV ws v _ F_rank C. Bishop. Renresentntivn >11 &$$$&waa&$&%&$&g ,.-....... ,9... uooes. 0 per cent. per off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve proprietor is giving up farming. Sale at 1 p.m. W..A. uj--1 Boy Scouts Organized y .Q:m.o.. 1.....- L ; I can) L61`! {HIE Dr. Tyre! Jas. Hill Ritchie . Dutcher skip 5 uuun we Lean I The rmks were Presbyteri ans D. 'l'`----- .wuu. savory, won: on con. 7, and No. 10 * * sideline (1922) 35.00 0 Sylvester Reynolds, c'e}1a'r'.&:la'd;$;3uea 4 f railing on No. 10 sideline . . 3.60 or Fred3Clarlmon,_ -repairing culvert, con. I U I I I I `I - ` E 3" coI...'.n 'z;ijb.tI.r.11.a;lt;>' 1; on Monday, April: 2, 1923. II` 11-1 . usu wumsuiar rarx syndicate, ll Regist-rar`General certified that the divi- a sion registrar had registered 59 births, 7` 3 marriages and 29 deaths during 1922. I A By-law was passed naming road over- seers, sheep valuators,' fence viewers and- 9 pound keepers for the year 1923. 1 Committee on Finance ordered. cheques; I to be issued to the amount of $266.75, I Committee on Roads -and bridges recom- mended that the following be paid:- Wheelock & Christie, preparing plans, bill of steel and for bridge at corner of con. 5, and No. 10 sideline $30.00 W, T, Hillock, balance on work done 5 2 on.No. 10 sideline 48.00 ' Joe. Corby, balance due on`rv.o 1-it. H522) - ...... ..V ........ .. 17.50} Robt. Story, work on can 7, and 10` A, sideline (19221 ~ .. .. s $65,152.02 Allan-Reynold.s--That plan No. 593 be amended in accordance with the communi-i cation of F. H. Gooch, and that lots 170 and 181, plan 593; be accepted -and approv- ed as streets by this council as designated by the Peninsular Park Syndicate, ` i Rae1ist.rnr'Gnnm-gl ......m::...: u.-. u, -- - .....a. U1 pun.-euvages on cheques, orders not mailed in time . Collected since January 1, 1923 A other articles. audit will be given to r 41 .... .._, ucvv, ouuiy raxe, Frost & Wood muwel`, nearly disc drill, spring~toot_h cultivator, barrow curt, set iron harrows, Oliver-single plow; fanning-mill, set scales, 2000 lbs.; wagon, er, riding plow, wagon, nearly new; buggy, cutter, set democrat sleighs, set sloop ighs, set long-tug harness, set single har- ness, Acme steel range, nearlynew; and a quantity household furniture and many Terms of SaIe-~AI sums of 810.00 and or, cash; over that amount 8 months -parties furnishing ap- annum j . $65,152 1 Taxes paid in by collector ary 1, 1923 ., . . . . . . . . ..$60,l00 `Amount of percentage paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Defaulters list . 2380 6' n - - u o - o o o v u -q Loss of percentage on defaulters list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Loss of percentages cheques, ordersnot mhilm-I :.. um- nn Perceg 'd'u'e ' v\IuCUlaUl'. I Accouuted for as follows: 1 Total taxes on cbllector s roll ..$64,851.03 5 Amt, H. Cook s tgaxes.on1itted from roll nnnnl . . . . . . . . . . . . N vut GI xwpresenratlve. The colector s roll was ` collector. A _ _ _ _ _, I ., --_ tural Representative. The .ml....4....v.. ..-n (M ,, -_ -___. --- `r\J\JL`\JJ Innisfil Municipal Council meti on March 12 with all the members The Reeve in the chair. TnlTIIln;lInf:nnn ..-...l -A-- ._, uyprculllluc uoolgstown minstrelsf pre-i sented an enjoyable varietyf. Space would? not permit the detailed mention of each-' number, but throughout the entire evening every item on the programme was a proof that those taking part displayed unusual` talent and this first concert in the new.` hall will always be remembered for its? excellence by those who had the pleasure of attending it. - vnvul xcuuc Dy , . I nan. The programme was a very long one, but each number was so well rendered and so enjoyable that the large audience seemed` 1 not to notice the passing time. The music . was of the very highest order. Great credit , t is due to the splendid orchestra and to,5 9 those who sang in the quartettes, trios and} I solos. The instrumental solos and duets! : were greatly enjoyed. Several delightful! - tableaux were `featured by the smaller} 3` children and the readings showed that the, A. community is rich in dramatic talent. _ large tableaux, depicting a reception byi lFather Time and. Mother Nature to the. seasons and holidays of theyear, was feat-! ured by beautiful costumes and splendid! choruses, and readings. It presented al cast of thirty-eight characters and was great. i l_y appreciated. Cookstowu minstrels pre-i varietv. Sham`: m....:,i! I 5 J UIJUI7. The formal opening was an address 'byl H. Couse, chairman of the men's committee, [ who on behalf of the` committee, thanked all a those who assisted by free labour and in other ways, the work of -building. He also thanked the Women .s Institute for their] splendid donation of opera chairs for the" hall. , - PIGS in liens. .IMPLEM!EN'IE--Massey-Harris binder. 6-ft. cut, nearly new; sulky rake, Frost & Wood_ nearlv new: mlral---H 1 uuul tute. VI. New Town Hall. Opened aCool=<,stov_vn s new town hall was bpened on Wednesday evening, March 14, by a splendid programme of home talent, put on under the auspices of th tute. ~ I e Women s Insti-' I _--........ ....... uu we and une of Innist'il,l 1, which he recently purchased. If The auditor of the Hydro Electric Commission made his y Hydro books here on Saturday. '- with him a credit note to $1361.79, this being a revision in their 1 accounting system frpm the commenc rient 3 of operations to 31st of Oct. 1921.. be `r 13th power bill, which is not yet to hand, I is expected to be a credit. 3 Rev. John J. Cpulter, Danforth Avenue . Methodist Church, Toronto, and a former; : pastor of Cookstown Methodist Church, has ' r refused invitations to allow his name to be `submitted for calls to two prominent church- es. McDougall, in Edmonton, and Askin St., ! London, subject to the approval of the! St-ationing Committee, Toronto conference. Rev. Mr.-Coulter will remain with his pres- ent church, for the fifth year. owing to building operations. i --.,._....unu ungualzfvls PFC-5 would: atmit each 1-, item programme um .. mm: ,_-.-.. .-.uu uu I ..... .. 20.93` as per auditors report . . . . onnm , meet in Allandaie ea vac, VV. 1. IUUOCK, McCague, Agncul- accepted from the! ,-___.'_, ovll'IJ\Il I A the following: HORSES--Percheron mare, `I300 lbs.; bay horse, 7 yrs. old, CA'l'I`LE--Polled Angus cow, 6 yrs; April Apr cow. 8 vrn, .1... A...-u o- n

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