Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1923, p. 12

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PRIVATE SALE of household furniture at 11 Granville St... Allandale; one Victor piano, 3 upholstered chairs. 2 rocking chairs. one steel bed couch, one oak side- boazd. on kitchen cupboard, one ki.`chen table and a quautitygof glassware and lt-l clxen utensils. -ll-l2_c| l \/truth?` ll-12 ULICID mi `FOR RENT OR SALE~-West % Int 15. con. 19. `Vespia Tp. Possession M once. For g f particulars apply to owner. Peter Seadon. on` ;\x'emises. or .\Iichac=l Seadon, 19 Rocs 1 Barrie. ' l`2l3p A I `.::._ I l q1L`l KIIUAIQ I 'll\u'| I.\J LIIJLV L (ll KIIU LJlalIUlI,4 I lake front. 86 acres. .-\ppl_v 104 Argyle St.. ; Toronto. Phone Parkdale` 200$. 1:2-13p ); i _ _ I Coilene Corset Company have sent a quantity of corsets to be dispoeed of through this agency. Now. there _are bargains here for .you.` They will go on sale Sa`ur-V day morning. The bargain sale will con-l tinue until all are sold. Don't miss this. __I- IE 3368 B? ELEEIE ` ` II 1-I i = j TO RENT---Sui`e of rooms over the office; of the Union Bank of Canada. Anuly to the A .manager. ` 3tfc ; .__._ {PA URE FARMTO RENT at Oro Station, 23..-... no ._-_____ 1.... __ 1n: c___.l_ D- I own your own farm home in Western Cana- l~:la's rich open prair?es. fertile park belts. lor irrigated lands that are yielding new wealth to men who, not so long ago. mayl have been -your unsatisfied. toiling neigh-l ' bors. Good soil, good climate. good schools, `churches. and varied amusements make l farm life" there des`ra,l`.le and attractive-.l Terms 10% cash-_. the balance in twentyl veers. Special terms to actual settlers.` For information_ and literature. apply 10 C. L. Norwood. Land Agent. Desk Q. Canadian i Pacific Railway Company. Windsor Station.` Montreal. 5-13c C.1>.R." FARM LANDS. You can now] l l LIIIUC lllllll ll HIST -`\'||l. sale. I5 ROSS s'r., BARRIIAET a ~- 1 lF.\R.\I FOR S."-\LE--I17 acres. 100 cleared; 1 "cenxainder in hardwood bush. brick house. {bank am 6Q'.=10. young orchard, is wellg ;:zd:1pt.e for grain or stock. in good cu]-' E Li\'at.ion.AEast parts lot 24 and 25, con. 5. :Ox'o. Sam. Bagshaw, Om Station. . 11-12;) I : , _. FOR S.-\LE-V-400 acres land,flm;~' 7 am! 8. con. 1'3. \ ospra.' Timbered with ~:of?'n1aplr.'. elm and ash. A150 100 acres \V.H. lv` 13. nun `'1 \7mm.... Ann ......L:..- L..--.. [FARM FOR SALE-100 acres. 10: 15: con; 1'. I7_____b. AL-..` an _._-_ ' Lo`lla'l I.\. L\- \Jn1IJIJ:'lUU GKVICC. IK." 1". LL7|lo1 7. Vespra; about 20 acre: h`.1!`.'l\\'rm.'l bush; 15 acres seeded; 12 acres fail whea`. school i and church `on arljoinixlg farm. Ap- [pI_\' to Angus -McDouAgall. R`. R. 2. Barrio. itelephoue 612111. ' ' I 12p l ! 5 I 4 ' ROO.\IS--Three tmftxrni.-ha-d rooms to rennf Apply 74 Worsley St. 12p II II.` Ll_ILl"-L?Lllall. Qlllul IIIPIICU l\lUlIb` UH ` 1 ground floor, space for ; Apply Box 5 an-L-u 5 AW.-;\'TED--Sn1all. unfurnished room- .__....-..I l.'l...\.. .-........ 1.`..- .s.\.... I.-.-l-_ `D `~--W..A. Lowe & Son have a big stock of inattresses "and springs on: hand. Call and see them. tfcl ---V.'1ll accept" a limited number of orders for coal for present delivery atA$16.-30 per ton.--J. G. Scott. 12c us. uy_y an-5 1v- +-Hot + Buns for GoodFriday, best Vquality, delivered in time fori breakfast, 25 per dozen. Phone 250.; Brown's eBakery.. ` 12c ! E. H. Menhennitt, son-in-law of -Judge" Vance, was one of those whose I office was destroyed in the re on| Adelaide St., Toronto, Monday morn- i mg. M ` `ll'llI....-.-. 1 )..,~...1'.. --.,.L1..... ._..L:- The Simcoe County "Potato Grow-! j ers" `Co-Operative Socity report thatvf they have disposed of last year's; I potato crop and lately have been se1l- ! ; ing potatoes for non-members. It - 1 A. E Ads`.--ir1'tl1":s-c-<)I-un1rx- ;ord. &$a&&&&$$m$&*w&] ,In'.`_<'.~ on lots if Vriosired an .re;1-somlule` r:uc.<. | 'I`I'{li .\I.:\Pl.E GR(")\'E--I.m.- for sale. for . ex .~'u1unmr `home. uverlnnking Lake Sinzcoe. g and hr-=i.'lv the Tmvnship park on the 81h. cvxi. of Im\i.=fiI.' O'.\'z'er.= `will hui'd co:-`J Ap:*!y m-.'nm`=. H. H:~..~`rng.-`. Lefroy or T. H.'t.~"ting~`. 74 Sanford FL. Burrie. 11-12p; .:;----.--.. 1 --Notiz-.e-For plumbingand heat- ing, ring 214; J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves andl furnaces. ' 10-130 A. H. West has purchased Ernest Walfoz-d?s house at 41 Worsley St. I Mr. Walford and family have moved ' to Toronto`. Q .1 I .1 .1. up ' ----Mil1ine1'_\'--;PeoD1'e wishing` satis-` faction and value should'visit Doris, ;Cornwe1l s, the new millinery parlor 1_V\;estt.End, befoge 111'chasiz1g. OS1at-i IS ac Ion guaran ee . - 1 - Sc; 3V The estimatevof last} fall for the {Red and Mammoth clover" crop was: small. but buyers report that there; `was a fty per cent. increase above! ithe original estimate. 5&&m&&&m&&&a&*&&& R . & --The young stock requires your! attention these days. - 12c` - The" Fire` "Brigade is holding its annual At Home this (Thursday) evening at Vair s. U 11' A r_-.._ 0. a... L._.. _'L:_ In: A V; vnnvvo Chas. Hook of the "sixth: line, Ves-'5 pra,_ has- bought Frank GoTodwin s: property in Bwayeld St. and is now `occupying it. - 11-4. . 13...... :-.. n.-...1 tw..:.J..-- Raw Furs Hides N. M.MYERS JOS. MARRIN Rooms and Board Property To Let .I:R\'_;{-.:RD\\"O0D_` ind! long. for sale. Anply in Jznuos (`outts. phnne 601r21. ll 13p A ' Farms For Sale LADIES T Sucessor to fl`!-!.l:. BARRIE [EXAMINER T1-'12"c' i I "`3i."}{.li $}1=II'3oE.'Q ':J;-'ix;3ia1;;;{.3~;,=i. tothank their many friends and neighbors. for kindness and sympathy shown in thei hour of their recent sad bereavement. 12c Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craven and familyxi 131 Bradford St.. wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness; "sympathy and beaiftiful floral tributes in: their recent bereavement. _ . 12pi Q Mis Bowers wishes to thank her manyi ffriends and neighbors for the kindness and? ;sympathy shown to her in the_ sad be- {reavement in the death of her mother. 12p .-- o lARNOLD--In loving n-mor_\' of our dear? I mother. Mrs. Thos. Arnold, who pa.s=edf i away March 23. I919. ` I 1 . . . ' ' iV\e X11155 you at 3 thousand turns i -`Along life sweary way- - For life is no: the same to us Since you were" called a'.\'ay.A 12;): 5 R Sadly missed by Husband and Daughter him . V igwu JCGIE uavu ll(h`n`I.\l uuu uun C uuc `Friends `may think the woundiias healed, But little do they know the longing Deep. within our hearts concealed. :2;=-oo i FARM FOR SALE~--90 acres of pmuref: land, with qu.~mtlt_v of wood and logs on: T Int. or-.-ek runs through farm. Eats)` terms. _ .-3. Apply to Gordon `Henderson. '.\Iidhurst. -3 Ont, - ' . * 12-14;) x I 4` . -' ' ""'_'-'_ _'_"'-' """ 3 a 2 cents per word; mxmnmm 50 cem.= 1 i % ROLLI-.V'Cl`v--In loving memory of Isaac R.nl- ling, who was called to`-rest, March 19,3. ! 1921. _- . >1 &Two years have passed and how we missl ' ' ! `1;n\ ' [ Mr. Lachlan Cameron and family wish `to thank their friends and neighbors for` their -kindness and sympathy; also the 7th line U.F.O. Club for their beautiful wreath. during their recent sad bereavement_ 1-2p hi 1`: 11 I I\ no iCLARK--In loving memory of our dear? mother. Mrs. Clark. of Innisfil. who diedf i March 22, 1915. This world may. change from year to _\'e~.n-. And friends from day to day; But never shall the one we love From memory pass away, ` 12p --F:m.:l_\'. E 12;) II I ` l\O!\' . F rm... zzuuxx '('.t'u:1r -.=h}:.p \m=2`.:!_ make cmwnt T-:.~'eru. 1* spring wntnr nea church. nus` nffiee Boyce, Midhnrst. QAR_DS_OF With Every Dollar Purchase we give a 5c. Coupon. Se the nice goods at small prices Make youfself ct SPRING SUIT tlyat is. really ali erent Buy Standard-Designer Patterns with The Belrobe TRAIGHT from Paris comes this new costume suit with its wra -around skirt, its` owing cape s eeves V that can be detached, thus revealin a sleeveless coat. You will End suitable materials---serge, Can- ton crepe, broadcloth-at out piece- oods counter, and you will nd the pattern at our Standatd~Designer Pattern counter. All the unusual fea- tures in this remarltable suit are fully explained in The Bel- robe, that wonderful sewing . guide enclosed with all Standard- Designer Patterns. The sewing on of the cape sleeves is de- scribed in words and pictures. SUTCLIFFE S ---Wife,V Son and Daughter ! Jxrlu asax. ncpalla [U L`Lu\tl l., con. l. Mrs. S, J. Terry. 50 rods wire fence . 12.50 Thos. Dempster. repairs to snow plow 6.00 fGeo. Elliott. repairs to culvert , con. 11. lot 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50;` In? 95 1 : nn 1 [Owen Sound;.is to hav a m.illion-bushel? ._elevator. It :5 expected that it will be 'comgIeted_in time to handle part of this year s_ gram crop. ` '\U(U. LJlll\'ll. Acpaue |U ULu\tIl, CUH. ll. . _lot25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 J. R. Goodwin. wire fence, 58 rods. con..10. lot 17 . . . . . . . . .. 1-: TR. Keown, gravel, con. 8. lot 2-! .. 7- Municipal World. supplies . . . . . . .. 41 ;Jno. Alderson, 60 yards gravel .. .. 1 i N, R. Kerr. grzxvel and repairs. con. 3 , nu -}-1`:-j\:;:IC FOR S._-U.E- -H:s;\py` Thmight. gm cnndi ion, S60." Apply S (`-olliex`_St. V _l2c ` ; . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 . `-'1') Frank .~\rnold . valuing sheep . . . . . . i;\'Ir. ~.\icCague. grant to Slmrrr Course class in Agriculture, Thornton .. 10,00 - {.\ resolution was presented by Board of `Health asking the sanction of the couucii requt-sting the consideration by tlie l1oth~ ers Allowance Board to Mrs. Peacy. of l`.-Xngus Village. which was unanimously, v-adopt:-d. tm.n..;l m-I2.-..........-I n. ........ ... 'n|__,,o- 3 No. 2 Fall Wheat (new) _ goats . . . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . ` Barley . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . Rye . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . Peas .1 . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes, per bag . . .' . . . . Unu - nor fnn [ f'|i1\ . pr: tuu . . . . .` . Butter, per pound . . Eggs. per dozen_. . . . j Chickens. spring . . ; Hogs . . . . . . . .' : . . . : Lamb skins . . . . . .. ` Horse hides V . . . . . . Hnrse hair . . . . . . . . ; Esta Council met at Thornton on Tues- ,da_v. March 6. with all the members present." Minutes -of last meeting read and con- ;rmed. ` v . AI: i Accb.1111ts we}e pased as follows: : Ingham Sharpe. 4S _vtL=. gravel ....$ 1Herb Agar. repairs to cu_l\-ert, con. 7. 3- Inf In ;L(iU.3|1'\Ku ' _ Cnuncil adjourned to-meet. at Thornton inn Tuesda_v_._ April 10. at_ 1 _n.m. - ILULGLUKB, pun 1 F-(av; per ton nun... run run! IHURSDAV WHOLESALE PRWES BARRlE_MRKE'l`S ESSA COUNCIL FOR SALI.- ~S-mowed brick hou;~'*. 53 H01-E gut:-.(\`L.. \-ml": double lot and garden. also barn .~'mta1`:!0 for garage. 'Apply. to R. T.,- vMuth-.ws. Napier St., C-ollingwond. 12-13c.` Will Soon Be Here AND TO STIMULATE EARLY BUYING WE ARE OFFERING ATTRACTIVE NEW RATINES, CREPES, ANDERSON S FINE GINGHAMS, . AND NEW PRINTS ARibbonArtBooks-How to make hundreds of dainty and practical things of ribbon; illus- trated in colors with detailed instructions, 25c `-' .V Ladies Mercury Full-Fashioned Black and Brown Silk and Wool Hose, sizes 836 to 10, special $2.25 pr.` Laies MercuryTFuil-Fashioned Hose, Drtig Hue .:md'b1'own cashmere, sizes 83/3 to 10, at $1.25 Fancy.Coat Linings, 38 in. wide, reg. SL25 for 75 BrownLinen, Holland, 30 in. wide. reg. 73C, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c yd. Brown Linen fir fancy table runners, 22 in. wide, extra value at 75c, special price . . . . 50c yd. Hand Knitting Instruction Books, price J. & P. Coates Filet Crochet Books . . . Have You Seen These New -Homespuns? We have 38 different colorings, fine quality, keg. $2.50 per yard for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 They make handsome suits and one-piece dresses, chi1dren _s suits and ladies skirts; Barbour s Linen Thread, drab and white, N05. 35. 50 and 60, 100` yards, reg. 23c. for . . . . 15c Coates Thread, 200 yards, white N35. 10 to 130. black Nos? 10 to 60, price . . . . '8c, 2 for 15 Buy the Belrobe Patterns, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, Standard Designer Needlework Books, Spring. 35c Standard Designer Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c The Designer and the Woman's Magazine f0r'Apri1 V _is here, price .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c run uuu :I.~u. :u.'~U IUU L|L'I'P.~` '.H. I!" 13.; mm. 13, Vespru. Any parties tresp.-.~`-rug rm ` the above land will he prosecute-... S. 13,1 Turner, Barrie. A ~ 1`)-17;; La Frane Casiile Soap, 33'; -02.. T;g..5C, 7 for 25 EASTER ` u o I 0 9 3 '\l \l\; 312.00.15.00 .... .. 50-52 .... .-. 2530:: 25-28 .....'$ll.25' zn D2- - $715 45-50c .....5o.soc* 75-80 ' ' .254. .40 L any -I-_ o IlU`OI$ '2.oo-3.oo ..... .. 40 ; Ladies Glove Silk Hose, Cnlors black, white. silver. navy and brown, regular $4.25. and 84.50, special. $3.50 pr." a`(`I-ia(`- 40 50c T kI\IEl'\l\ `Kl 6S_ ma ,3.-XLF.--Gom'i `Mrs. R. K. Rankin, 115 .\ICGill St.. Toronto. Ont._, says: Last fall I had :a very bad attack of bronchitis.- 1 *saw Vicks VapoRub advertised and tried it according to directions. I could not exaggerate about your `val- uable medicine. It is a most pleas- ant and effective relief for any kind "of colds; .I will alxvays` keep it in the house." `.. . -- _ . ;.;1Al!lI\.l I. sin. I \{'. 1 1 Though Vioks is new in (`anndzn it Menjoys a renuu-I-table sale. Over 17 ; million jars used '3'em~ly. Alex Crgig. who has been keeping stow in Wyevale, Has mlired from mercautilo life and has moved to a farm". II||lI\I\\\Vs By. invitation of the manufactur- 'ers. fifteen thousand families in Can- {ada tried Vicks last. winter for cold troubles. __that. they would report results. The only condition` being The jabmfe is just one of these enthusi- astic reports received. At all drug stores. 50: a jar. `For a free test. site package; write V'i Chonxival Co.` 3-H St. Paul St. West. .MontreaI. P Q. ' 'N...~.....L \.v:..v-- :_ _ 9, I3 ` b Vic-ks VapoRub comes in s'1\'e form. and for. head or chest colds. Iyou just. apply it over throat and chest andecover with a warm flannel cloth. The body heat. releases vapow that are inhAaIed'al1.night long into the throaitrand lung-s-.\Ientho1. (`am- V'ph_or. Thyme. Eucalyptus and Tur- pentine; Vieks is ' also absorbed through and stimulatesithe "skin. aid- :ing the vapors to relieve congestion. 2Usnal1_\' colds go in one night and rcroup is commm)1_\' relieved in 13 Eminutes. V A Very` Effective Relief," L Says This Toronto Lady. I-{ER BRONCHITlSw mzws T0 VICKS FOR SALE~-Happ_v 'Inmighr rimgp i per. {Pct 0l`dt`T.`8l-`O tgs range and hesuer. , Ap- rilv 119 Cnllinr Q}. . ' .11 19.. ovt- FOR SALE-White \\_'cker'bab_\' carriage.` newly upholstered: 5-piece parlor suite.` large pictures. A}1ply,.\iI`s. A. LeGear. 125 . Burton Ave. Phone 647.}. 12p! THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1923. 10c f!9~oc~ooooo o `to :4 _ __ WW `C5127 Embalmer, HERMAI*?HI2 All` .. seth, wi1l ln_; 1-4 day of April. SCh()O1 Bmlnl. ford, R. 11. `J. tions In21_\"l:<? ~ tary; north 11:: cumsc-th. I. -H Il.8`.`CS>`zll2n.\' um For erection Union School `(\ vvv ,| \I|t - sh. re; A '=i'7'I%"':;.'. FOR SALEr"I'i3[))I_\" Thought 1-;mge_ gag! hp -fr-r, glen am I-qmm nl! ISL-9 nnuv Am..l..5 i'`.'"i'w11'"k}[{. 'n' I .1-`mt .<.\ I._1~: $7-'.iJ(;:_` l',._ 01 1`! .Uu. fur finish. t\A'wo .- 511'! "'l'I nlzule nf in brown wnl s(*('tinn. reg.- three-light ish. f(lIl(`_' , . I 5....< 6076. 11-11;: liyzlats. nlal $28.25. .fn pllxgs. reg. rest. 50-. i 35c. for 1!` Lwu. Iuulv x : mulch. Hir.. golden irri:lo~.~.- for $15.35; N brush hr:1.~.~ f .sprL-zul. Imp g1:1.~`;: . l'Il;zth :1: I onn .\- rs vnu. nu I.--I. um cleaner xx"-' ments. 1'(-_u. 9'3 and lamps dvlix demonstratinn v with vzwuum c! articles hi!-.0 Eur cost. Aflor g-1' there will 1w 1:. get your ml.-r pointment: :xl.~n tric range `or me before _\'0'.l 1 esting prn;m.~`3i}r you may \\`:mr it is in Hm c-lo y0U.L T(`l(`|l}llv! 12.30 and 1_2 .( 7.45 pm. .1. \ er Jz Comrru-rm` Barrie. Ont. nu -nu . .. `Vc-.~'tin;:}1(n for .Q.9.9'J'. 310. {Mr g ,._ ,I Opp. W Healthiest ;)I:u' best vezatilaiion cooking. Cumt BUI_I.DING ' Also .-`znuil ~`: 'A1vp!_\f 18$ ` 725.1. ' THURSDAY, LEFROY 181 Tom VE.\:tim;r! G()()L1 \\'<>i" HORSE OR Real Estate Icing` Suxzur Soap, 12% wk Nails, k(`;.'_` ()5. A. K1121 ELECTRI , 49(- SEALEI .__._.._j._..._......-_.. * FUR SALFT-~Buil<,ling lm.. on \'espr:_\.St..g twu cP_n`.~- gm! fnm. ~W:mrod `sail or nmtori lunar. Lew Howe. I.e\\'is!a>n. New York.- ` ` ` 10xfc f$r7ea'*4 THO.`-{N iiml Genera ELEC CON"! 'hPh: Ph} I;x| S-RUOMIQD BRICK H01-`SF for sale. . I ' s nnn\'nn;nr.nn.< A ..-. .. \l..- A I ..f`-..__ \. ..`u.,.uu-,g a1A|L\.l_x u.uI.'wJ`. nu Suit. cmn'eniem~e.<. Apply Mrs. A. LeGear. Burton Aw. Phone 647J. - ' a4.'xu,yrI'; I L`llAVLC'-ll.l'1_lJ IIKIL;-.`l.`4 \\tIlll!'U H)!` summer in Barrie or Allandale for. Tea Kettlelnn. Must be on or very near nmix: motor highway. Mrs. H, C. Hnghes,T36 Albany Ave.. Toronto. ' 10-1-Sp` -THREE HOUSES FOR SALE. brick. flramef .2md cot_t.ngo.,c=ntral. Apply `Box A" Ex~ ` amier. _ 12;`: V FOR. SAI.[C_--Good'6-r(m1md house and Iot% whh fruit : -9'~u :1 good cook stnve. Va snap.5 Apply at 55 D:.nald_Sr. _ 12-13p One cent a word, cash, each insertion ~(ininimum charge. 25c); six insertions for the price of-four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies . are directed to Examiner Oice. F WANTED TO RENT---Six-room house. ' with conveniences. centrallocation; posses- sion by May 1st. Write Box 957, Barrie. 101: I ..._....._..._._--____........_._._.._.. GOOD DELIVERY WAGON for sale. ' Suit- able for grocery store. a bargain; also `a pen of White Leghorn pullets for. sale or exchange for incubator. .(~`.has. Kelly. 64 Bgyfield or 18 McDonald St. A 12p LIVE -POULTRY WANTED-I*Iighest` prices puidg Phone C3": paid from local! party lines. M. Alexander, 1-12 Bradford` St. Phone 322. ` .10-15p I I I A\J\JLV\l vv v.u(|L1 vvuuuuf. \VUll\ in Int.` cum [I tel-noon or evenmg, would take charge of. children or do hgbt housework. Apply? Box L" Barrie Examiner. A 12p; I POULTRY WANTED and feathers. we: pay highest prices. Write for price list. We] loan crates. Establirhed over 30 years. Srork & Sons, 9H St. Patrick`s Marketu; Toronto, H . 8-l3pj i.ARGE FURNISHED HOUSE wanted for; . D . o n u n . n a n - . n n _ _ . A ._ AIl.....l..l.. I-.. I'lV-;, ;s1;;c31:,m; WANTED by _voung lady, about two hours employment as bookkeeper each afteruoomf From three to five preferred. Apply Box; H" Examiner office. 12` YOUNG WOMAN muting workvin the af- fpl-nnnn nr n\'nn;nn uynnlrl rol-n n1\n1InA AC &&&&$&&&&&$&$$g HOUSE WANTED to buy or rent, with 7` or 8 rooms, Central. Apply Box G" Ex-. aminer office. 12c I FOWL WAN'I`ED--Good demand for fowl, Highest price paid. Phone 384 or write VH. Levit, Barrie. A 10-15;) lTL|' \Jl|I('|. (ll-`(I {SE13 p`l_v 118 Collier Si. CLERICAL POSITION wanted by mmied| man, with salesmanship experience. 'Apply' to Box 834, Barrie. 12p ! T - _ T w&aa&$&&&&&$&&&$| Page Twglfe _u.xux.--\_n.;:m I'l|I Iu HUIISC tillll I sf rzrurdc-n land in the village of Mid- 9 (`mod stable. pig" ;.~:'::. hen hnuse._; acnudrelar and orchard, large work- . nmke a zoo?! blacksmith shop. PM (-:.~'eru. pump` in kitchcn and sink}; 12 nearhr hand. near school., -ch, nf`Ii(`e_ and store.` Apply W. W.` re. Midhnnat 7tfc_ Property For Sale _.7......____...__..___._____ I L01`f\` fur sale. facing the Iake._ ~`:u!!~.o::t. cheap if !_:a'. at once. M KPIII;-Pllflth Srre-ex. or phone - 11-12p_l ,. : For Sale Wantei 7-rrrm house and 1` uh.` nu on... 1.-..-- LIILVIIKIII IJIIEI`. ll.` all like new, Apply} ' 11-12 : a \un uil lllgjllavbl) I he -tor. also gut range. 123 Collic-r.St_._, Barrie. `mt; ``. i` fence: 1 trac-5 L I33:-t 48-14y.` . all "125; 1 A : x `K: .1? \I) ' 1 I! BULL FOR SALE--One registered Short-1 7? hnrn Durham bulI_,14 months old. Apply s r-- Benj. Webb. S_zroud_ ' . Stfc] - : FOR SALE--Pen nf silver laced Wyandoi-5 -. ' re.-'. nne cock and six pull`:-ts, show. birds` _-and la_ver.<. $18.00.. W. J. Broley, Cook:`-- ' town. Om. ll-12c PAIR OF `CHINIEE GEESE for sale.-. Phone 929Wf _ 12p LII an _. utlln _vl:AIUn Lzuulf uUS\ ' V _ .\,.._.. :. _ . . . _ 3 short t:nl.'ans_wer1ng to mama of Barney.l A speclal servlce was held by St; `.1 Information regarding dog will be rewarded`. f Andrew's Sunday S(.h001 last g'undm~ T !,Pl`_E_ 3643` ` - 131* 3 afternoon in connection with the f-V 2: f H 7`. - itieth annive1*sa1'_v of the inauguratior. -A ggs 0" T at? "13 iof the Presb_vte1'ian mission in For-Q 3 ' 1 l T > v ~ ` '1 3 E EGGS FOR HATCHL\,G_,hife ,yand0t_ ; mosa by the late Re\.oGeo1ge Le=l1o ) res. White Leghorns. heavy wintr layers. 5 MacKa`v' ` ` A 5.31.50 for setting of 15. $4.00 {or 50. Ap-l P1'e-wmnmnion Se1`iCS Will _be l pl_` 23 Theresa St. Telephone 13-1, 1-3.13l held at `-St . Andrew s Presbytenan 1. r 5_ QFT,],N(` EGCQ FOR an F Rh Li I _Ch.urch. on Wednesday, Thursday and 7 _ ` ` ' "T *- ` `_ ` `-9 5' Friday nights of next week. The ser-E lnml Rods. Barred Rocks. White Le horns. ` , v , .- : ' Whhe Rocks. Singmconlb Amconasg These: \-Me on \\ 9d!l`S-(la_\ ulll be conducted v ` are from all hrize-winning birds and guar-5 by Re ' C` H` McDonald of -Cree" zmteetl fertile. 15 eggs for $1.50; 50 eggs. f'm_"e - `md. `m the fn'mg' t' 9"` -$4.50 :1 100 eggs,` $3.00. Clucking hens; enmgsby Rev. Geo. A. Brown. n.- 5.... \ I` A,,, ` ` `..ll.;... 19-)` n.._.-_. x --.-_..--- FOR SALE. cheap. 1 (`hatham incubator. 1`20e;:g size: aylsn two 100-chick brooders. new. J. L. Marrow, 14 con.. Innisfil, Phone`: 63-1r'2. . - 8-13p I `l'I'E.-\.\iING of all kiulls done. Price reason- able: Chas. Hook, phohe 864M 12p HOUSES REMODELLED and repaired. chimneys Built. "Call and see m_vbook'of plans for new houses and summer cottages. | Phone 9551, > .. 10-15 F0R SALE--Holstein bull calf. one month old. registered. nicely marked.lhalf black l and white,-from a good cow.'0rmsby strain. {and -an Echo Sylvia bull. Priced to sell. Phone Cookstown. 3'2r6. or better fsll come and see him. Lorne L. David- i son. R.R.gNo.-1. Cookstown. 12c intanzt uuuooauu uune UV mus. U. U. | Howard. Bring your combing: and have a good switch made. 138 Peel St. or 24 I Mulcaster St. ltfc EBABY CHICKS and hatching egg`, o.A'.c.! gstraiu S.(`-. White Leghoms from. healthy? gstock-. April hatchcd chicks $18.00 per! hundred. A batch every week. Book your `order now for future delivery. T. E. Sim- ; kins. Crossland. I0-12p WOOD CUITING done in town or country. Prices right. See Gordon How. Allandale. or phone l032W. ` 10~15p ? FOR SALE: 4 black )Iixxorc:? 'c~ckrols`. choice birds. J. Sutcliffe. 169` ' Bnyfield Sm telephone 288.} or 161 12-13;) I * PIGS FOR S.LE---Choice young Yorkshire; 1 _ with six pigs. Price 350. W. M. Camp-i gbell. Shanty Bay. Ont. Phone 910 On). 1:21); v 1 TWO SHORTHORN `BULLS for sale, ll 1..-..- ..I..I -4. _..-..| L...._,.:_. __ _-_ , 1 {FOR S.~\LE-One `Prcheron mare. good! looking. in good condition, sound and right ,in every way. Terms reasonable. Apply to` `:J_ V. Brown. Burton Farm. Allandale. ! shone 383. T ` . lltfc I.I'MBER FOR SALE--Rnugh building! I-zvnhor. dry ln9:\!v. beech, `birch. oak and` ;.\"m-. Prime right. Allan Johnston. H0) .; Phmw I'\gv. _ S-l3p| HORSES FOR SALE-:\ team of Clydes- .x..1.. 1 -2 x .--<. 2 . `..-...,~n.-. .~ l\`P' T_l,.._..`. nu vuu.u1uu1\.V DULLC 1Ul' sale, I} Lvear old. at real bargaxn pm-es.. see them` ilmforo you _buy elsewhere; H. M. Dy- mem. Barrie. phone 368. T 12tfc TYORKSHIRE sow and nine `pm my sale; I ,fuur weeks old. Appl,V' `V. N. Livingstor... ;' Minesing. Ont. 12-l3p[ X I 1 !Trace,\'. Hidhurst. HEREFORD BULL for sale, four-year-old. registered. good pedigree. Apply Henry j ll.\l.l\L`1'.s3 1` uu C:x1A1r"`. i 1:13]: Imrses, 3 j.':'s. old. =18. con. 4. F105, phone 5 " . - - 1 HORSES. FOR SALE--Tea1u. well-bred; `r`|...4.....:.,x.. :...,...,: .....-.. ..'..,: 1.--u'-._-.. :_-___ ;CriIc1 FOR SALE--S. C. White Leghorn` ` baby chicks, :20 cents each. bredfronx Penis -' `Z65-300 egg strain, Apply .17. H. .~\rm- ftrong. Allandale. RR; 1. T 11-12p ---:---- HAIR. imassmc done bv Mrs. D. c I-Inn-on-A nu-:nn `nun- -nn.L__- ......l I__-.- _ `EL'F.\'E1\' CATTLE for sale. D. Biruie. Barrie. [uLu\cL'.o. run D:1uL`4-f1L`:1Ill._ wen-urea; (,`l_\'desdale brood mare and hackney hon=e,: 6 years old. weiaht 1300 lbs. Apply to! Alex. (`ampbelI.TShant_v Bay. __ 121.11 I `ma 'sALF.-.sm-I shingles. steel posts and a 18x20 "Waterloo" steam M tiun engine, new 1910. Norman Pratt, .:.. n no o I l.`,L4J. I xnu uuus,` 1`\.I1.\ u.`.11.X`.'-.Ill_NlE` 1S- Leghornaf Anconas. These. 15 eggs. 5 $4.50: eggs, $3.00. hens: for sale. A. G; Walker, 13? Burton Ave-..} L Allandale. phone 475. 11-l2.p :STR.&YED from 261 Bayfield St.. Satur- ?da_\'. March 17, dark yellow Collie dog. tail." answering Barney. `Phone Information LJIJIIJV-I OTTE, the most `reliable and satisfactory. easiest turning and best skimming cream separator in`1he world, the most popular machine ever sold in Canada. ~ l,000.000 in ;use the world over. sold in Canada by us [for 30 years; Lister Milking Machines, Lis~ I UGIILI lcl INC \JlIal\IL&V'\lJ- Lilli lL.I'Jl4' fer Farm Engines, Grinders and Blower `Boxes. Lister Electric Lighting Plants.` "all the best of their kind. Splendidopportunity i for local machine man or farmerls son with good mechanical- knowledge and selling |abilit_v-n1ust pos the best of character. !be well known in locality and be prepared ; to drivethe district continuously. A splen- ,did opportunity for men who understand `their job and are not afraid of work. Sal-` may and commission with good advertising, { assistance from Head Office given. Apply. fstating. age. references and full particulars 3 to R. A, Lister dz Company (Canada! Ltd., f58 Stewart Street. Toronto. 12c. LOST--White bull-dog. black ear. twist in tail. and `lump under right jaw. two 11105.: old. Phone 887 or call at 34 Toronto St.l ` ' ` 7 121); I x ~ I 3 DOG STRAYED to premises of J; D Birnie. son` Sunday. March 18. `Owner may have! }same by proving property and paying ex`j {pens9.s'. Jj D. Birnie, Barrie. Ipli LVIIXLIJ '7 IXLV l Devlxn, 53 Maple Ave. HOUSEKEEPE-R WANT_ED., apply by let; iter only. T. Oscar Sparrow, 193 Bradford (St. llctf i MAID WANTED for light housework. Good wvages. Apply Mrs. C. C. Hinds, 87 Tor- 'onto St., phone 162 j T 12c MARRIED COUPLE wanted to work on farm. wife as housekeeper. Apply Will Warnicz}, Allandale, RR. 1. _ 11-13p. MAID WAN'I'ED-Apply to Mrs. Chas. n....I:.. :2 M...-.1. Am. Inc`.- ROOFING FOR SALE-The old reliable prncfnlx nnnnn an.-U an.-..m.\.\..!..,.. .....l D_.._.;' MAID WANTED Apply Mrs. s. W. Moore, 166 Bayfield St., Barrie. 12c ` |WAN l'ED-Won_x_en to demonstrate food. Apply Box `M"* Examiner office. 120 `WANTED-Local representatives in all I parts of Ontario to sell direct to the farmer .onA n;-an +3.4: HDYQYNAI RETIIITAM MRI- i HUIKU Ul \JlI|v`CIlU J BC]! \.|ICV|I IV VH5 IDIIIICI `fgtjnuser the ORIGINAL BELGIAN MEL~ LL- __,_A'._-l:_l.I- -.._I _,a_:_-_L-_.__ Live Stock Foi Sal; Lost and Found _ Miscellaneous Help Wanted 1 |\'aIlI UI \JI_\ lIC\." i Harry I.uftu.~'. lot ! 521`-1 12p j LuJ\Ir1u\I run 5.11.1`.---llle DIG rename. Preston Roofing and acccsories. and Brunt-I ford Ready roofing", one of the best. Soldi right and laid if wanted by R. J. -Grose.' Churchill. phone Lefroy. ' 9-14

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