Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1923, p. 10

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uauuawu smile. i My daughter is in the next room.'", She led the way and knocked at the door.` 'but again there was no necessity foi' knock- , ing: the door was half open.` She entered, I "followed without invitation by Tillizini who, was too anx pus as to the girl's safety to f stand _upon c\ remony. ' - i The land um. A!V\r\fIv 1.... .-.-. Lt- L ,- usulc. ` .`Which room" does your daughter oc-V cupy?" asked Tillizini. ' She" recognised Talham with .an em- barrassed smile. cal.-__ _|,..-._L4__ :, - .u . H uuucu aux: mun ugnb, * l Tlllizini guessed that the best bodroo `would be at the back, and that Mrs. Yale would occupy it._ . ` ' Heknocked on the door; " Who's there. asked a muffled (mice. Open please, said Tillizini, I am an `officer of police, and I iwant to see you `very urgently." Mr: Val. nnrnn run 4.... 41... l:_L4. -1` AL- vI:l_y I-II`U"`1yu Mrs, Yale came out to the light of the detective s lamp and presented an unhappy, figure. `nn.:;.|. _--_~ .1- , I v- | He slipped a revoglvoxf from his hip -pocket! ! and went up the stairs, two at- a time, {for Talham had found the switch which con- I trolled the stair light, ' I onncuul Hunt 63". Lacs Inn.-I....n.... "rbom wasvuntenanted, and S00 and jconnued on page 14) upuu u rexuony. I `bed was empty, he put his hand} was RH uvnrnu A nn$..'l- ..l.......-Y `was following its umv tn Um ....._, ..uun I ' I Youngstown. 0., reports outpu `and steel this week will reach -a gequalled _even in war boom" days. I Two five-year-old boys were foo ;search party upright under the [hands clasped. in a pool in a c ` New London, Conn. " mom; c. BROWN- a a uaancl . Wood was selling at $9 to $12 a cord,` 3 according to size and quality_ `But-ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60c. lb. Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-35c dozen Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30c lb- [Older fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28c lb. [Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30c lb. Beets / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . .. 20c - Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20-25c basket Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c basket Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch `Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 5c ;Cabbages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-15c each Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20c peck Wealthy apples . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c basket Snow apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c basket Spy apples . . . . .; . . . . . . . . .. 45c basket [Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . .. per ton s13.oo-15.oo :._..---_.-_._ A father and his son a divorce in the same cot An.....:...... n_: . A ul \- In UK: III `we court at Los A T American Debt Commission has, Finland practically the same debt as Great Britain. Al? nggles . `J-;\.v-v Jllllralllo I A New York deputy policej his pocket picked of $135 wh Way train_ _- .... .v vv vvull-u u uvuuu. I Poultry was fairly plentiful, and the de- imand was good; Chickens were retailing : at 30_ cents a pound, while older birds were I bringing 28 cents. \7._.__.-L:,, - -o- - Vegetables were plentiful_..but the de-l ,mand was not brisk. Cabbages were selling lat 10 to 15 cents each, turnips at 3 to 5 cents each. -beets at 20 cents a basket and `onions at 25 cents for -a small basket. A, `few apples were offered at 25 to 35 cents ` a `basket. 1`lT__.I ,, V II` ` ` ' I _--..,,..., .. w....,. I I Sixty cents a pound was being asked for . butter on the local market Saturday. Farm- ers state there is a shortage `and it is not ,likely that the price will drop much until `it is possible to pasture the cows. This is the highest price that butter has been selling at this year. Eggs are more plentiful and the prices have declined during the past `two weeks. Saturday they were being of- fered at 30 to 35 cents a dozen. ` 11 1. $&&%w$aw$mmm&&$ SATU R HAY` MA KAET - %%$%%%%%%&%%$$ THE MARKETS 3; --vp mun nuuulclloo, nIlovolnl- Oll- loul ` ul-not conulpa glllolw. '.ruuptIy* wluuntly. BARRlE."0NT. .'..!` * :--. -:.`...."*'~..~-*2-2 n o n n ollmlna on. Improve nppotlu, `OI IIOICICHOO, I'D" NF CONDO! xlIlIl.:n.llnn- Tomorrow` Avh-lglu Relieves bag, gar- gt, spider or infection of the teat, also thrush in horses feet, `fistula, etc. Stops bleeding at once. `Removes prom! esh, soreness and swell- ing. V At all Dealers and Druggists. MBHUIECCUPEG only ny DOUGLAS & CO.. NAPANEE. Ont. Ti-IE FARMER S 1=Rua:1_N_D Manufactinred only by -nu.-1 2. an uunnnunm l were each granted asame court Los Angeles. zbt Commission given :alIv thp samp dam n........ ...u_ya vvcu: IUUHU I Ice. quan UNDERTAKERS . . . . JUC .. . . um uulpul DI Il'0Il point un- nm ' (Inna icejnspector had while on a sub- ..... UUC. ID. lb. V f')ulld by_ hp 3:-n n..LL ....:-nu u_y. ll 3 wlth quarry at A bill ilatroduced in Kansas prdvidea um bootleggers sollirg liquor poisonous enoU'|i~ to cause death all be guilty of first do`- zree murder. ' uunnwc lilo IVIGPIIIIIIII FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRH3 0ver~Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Barrie. " ' ' , LAWSON, WELCI-I I; CAMPBELL chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874-. 59 Yonge St., Toronto. H. J. Welch. C.A. G. D. Campbell, C. A. T. E. Lawless, C. A. W-. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer. Manager Cast and Efficiency Department. _____________.____________ I` DOHOTHY .1. SARJEANT. A.T.C.M. TEACHER op PIANO - V Telephone 151.` Barrie ` P. 0. Box 88 > c.s._sm%itn&co. 4 MAUD E.. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.C.M. degree. Studio`--King Block. Phone 424.. j i EDMUND HARDY,Mus.Ba_c., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ. Vocal. and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew s Presbvterian Church. Gold x_nedalist of Tor9nto_Conservatory of II3 Worslev St- ` n----'4" musu: am) or tn I I3 Worsley St. .-uo I-I \la IUNNDULL [Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence---Corner Elizabeth and l LBradford Sm. Rm-rip Dim m= \.lllll}C auu .[1eSlOenCe-"[1'0l'I Bradford Sts., Barrie. Office hours--9-10 a.m., l DR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie.) Late Surgeon Specialist with the . Imperial Army. 47} years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especiaily. Oice---15 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 710. P. O. Box 1075. _________________________ I Office 2 -... n-vnvuul_r\ I-IV!` 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. will be as 91 Owen St..oBarrie. every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, ar,_ Nose and Throat. Consultation hours---ll am. to 5 D.m.' Ba.rrie,'phone 2, Toronto. North 3826. , PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION Special attention to younger children. Hvfl QVI Ill-as-I-n Muss E. cosnsv TAILORESS Suits. Topcoats. Dresses. Etc., Etc. T 2 Adelaide Stroet; Allandale. Simcoe Marble Works 20'Owen St., Bhrrie G. W. J. EASTMAN, PROP. Phone 277 R. -c. `MANUEL, MGR. Phone 721 cu-n A-IIl|.l_ (I. LJIILL Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Ont. Office and Residenc`e--4_7. Maple Ave. Office hours:- 1 to 3 p.m._. 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little. M_.D. W. C. Little M.B. -j urauuute 0! Loromo Unl\'er.~'it_\' Phone 61 OFfice--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 n.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 p.m. ___________.___________._____ 7... guy vs :vuIIIr1I-I- Associate Coroner County of Simcoe Office and Residence~--Corner Toronto and Elizabeth S!s., opp. Central Church. `Telephone 167 l_ :0. W, Plaxton. .`--......vu tu _vUull5CI' C BOYD SYLVESTER Bandmaster Barrie Citizens' ' `l`)n D....c..I.: Q. I BA`I{'I':I:l;.`li.v SV(.)vI:I"(3.;'-I-`Z)I{. ETC. `MONEY T0 LOAN Ross Block. Barrie Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and administration. and General Solicitor. N otary. Conveyancer. em. Office--Hinds' Block, 8 Dunlop'8t., Birth. MONEY T0 LOAN ,. Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public Conveyancers. Etc. . Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. O_ice--l3 Owen St., in Masdic Temple Building. Barrie. Branch OFfice-EImvale `W. A. Boys, K.C.. M.P. D. C. Murchison Graduates and members of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Torontp. ()ir-e: Over Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Entrance on Owen SI. Phones: Office 241, Res. 314, P1 ). Box 133 W. Richardson. L.D.S.. l).D.S. W. Randall Richardsom. L.l).S.. D.D.S. - ` -._.--..._..... .-.u.- s_4.-Au\:;va.\.a LILUULDUIEIIXB 3 PHONE 406 or call at oice for information . on any disease. - wen Dllll ZVCI IIIIILBII UUIUVIFI in'.'Ev.oe (in arrears 32.50): Irma U008. 82.50 per year in advance. Botlreld ndnev Uddreess should be given when of sddres is requested. CANCEL- |A.T 0N8-We nd that most of `our sub mien prefer '-not. to have their subecrip ns interrupted in once they fail to remit helere expiration. While eubscrip'tions will not be carried in `arrears over an eitended ptiod, yet, nnlem we are notied to cancel. we mums the "subscriber wishes the service eennued. Remittances should be madeh: leghtered letter, money order, or cheque peyeble at per in l'3srrie. A Il....Y -_-_ .\.I2L-_ Una. nun-no In DUHNO 78 Dunlop Street Over Reeve's Jewelry Store. NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISORDERS DLIGIIE l .... An.` -1. -82-- t-,, 3,: I L. J.[ smpsou, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Time and Residence--Collier St.. corner of Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 275. ._____________..____.____- R. J. EDWARDS &. EDWARDS ` I8 Toronto St.. Toronto. M R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards, B.A.So_ -, -... ww. rs. |-|..IIIO Surgery and Diseasesof Women Associate Coroner County of Simone ._onr`_,, , nAo:NHunT 3. HAMMOND- BA'RR1s1*-Ens. SOLICITORS. ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DRS. W. AND R. RICHARDSON \____I.,, ; PLAXTON PLAXTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. ntnnn. 7n-/Q 1!--. D..:I_1:_, ,, Miss M. McArI:hur Dlztinnninr v I-\1\ . --_ ___ DONALD hiss. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. l`Gl\'\;lI 'I`.nn..I.. D..2l-l:__ ~n-_-:, ..,,.,.,.,.... uu-uucn \JU;.ll|l.\ Ill DHIICI -and~- DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto Uni\'er. In R1 ncr:_- an n u- :14 |l\l\Ila lal\f'llVlllVl4I\. Thursday ufternoo at in nu om"f; {.m, Burris. sub':'enpuoa Mu-Cancun and am: Britain 82.00.90! 103 in advance mm. M m CIA. IIAQI :n nnluvnngn `ASK :1-`A uruuuu 1. ran, auuxul 1 Un, IL 1 b . Masonic Temple -Building. Barrie Mnnrrv Tn IDAM lllllnll) 1. nun. auuxuj. 1 U110. 1`; 1 Oicesz 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. I plnvfnn I`. ('1...-.-1.... DI- DUNCAN F.WNicCUAIG, B.A. gum-nncnr fn r-nauyinbo I. Dal! vunvnn r. IVILUUHIII, D.H. Successor to Creswicke dz Bell .A1\-rue:-urn-nus an- -...-._.\_r `DR. E. G. TURNBULL .. .: \l_n:n vv - - ons. Lmu: 3. urn: A.-._- _--J 5 DR. rhoafnmen LYON ..__ tn I1 ons.T sinus & susms 7 nnlnlnn Q6-and CHIROPRACTIC I)!!! I It Ullllel "T20 Bayeld St. Phones:- Office li63,' vi;s-i`d;e;ce 353 `ALEXANDER COWIW eovs &. Munciiion on. H; T. ARNALL DR. A. LEWIS `IIU LCIIIIHC 'l llIlul" ' MONEY TO I.O.~\?I' Agncunrn-:cTs MED_ICAL `MUSIC DENTAL \I\Il nun unmuucbu lint] rrie. Phone 105. ., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm. - The Double Track Rout between T TORONTO DETROIT FY... - -5.-32* EH1CA.G0_T * , \I|llu G. Gordon Plaxton 1 U1 UlllrU. Phone 663 Band. ll|l\(' IN ! the men I` 1 .TVl7l III!` that Gvru to Inukt- "her rt`- g-u will hr 4 France .n ]__,,,r III III .1!` Rulnj. ti; !nlin(-(I 1 Eur Izzrgr Ivelim: in the cri.~E.~ will 1-mm` III I whiv `Ur?! hill!!!" 11 of H10 in thr 1 Hiutu m r,vfzwh<>n .lnt.ion. of the (- Thvrv l\ Italy w 2: bnfwm-1; l't:pl"(`~`A-H on... .. Ale Well Supplied` II (III thv 1 mm IIIIIK _:.|;ili:; thrnu 12 Soho inst:-um nnr Q.-in _ I If .`('I he-Ipixu: Ullifw.-1 ohm-1;. mnnt 1- l`(`1I.~'Ni IR} .....,- udnp v-4.u..., Prepnr plan :~' far :4: rcztnlrn -vvu u` `THE VBARRIE ex_;_xM1Ni-:_I3_. n..|.|:.n.-.: -..-__ I (`H5011 -0`Hf. 4 Al _ Agi` the p eeeuio is fru James Colon" of get I~'0Ur(,'l' demux . and ago cx pence {B31 FHov~ Proof THL Tht Order your monument now and have it ready to set early in the spring. Our stock of , imported and domestic granite is well assorted, and prices `right. { YOUR READING NEEDS Morgue and Chapel in CONNECTION ron 1*1=: `BEST IN BAKER'S BREAD uomammz sumo nnnuru nan A - j-j:u oven DAY AND meat Lpuy. Consult us with your building fI'|IlI\c\ Iusa-u-I-`an. DO NOT DELAY ,rHds;"ii6" sco1"r's ; sooxsromz Established 86; ` I IJDIIIEU J. A. MacLaren. Edibl- W. C. Walls, Manger. -Phone 32 J at- "13'3&d's Kidney Pills make healthy` . kidneys. Ask your neighbors about the ] }Dodd_'s rinediesx b ` 7 luv: 1 V50 ' Rheumatism is caused by Uric Ac- id in the blood. The natural way to treat it is to strengthen the kidneys 530 that they will do their full work and strain all the uric acid out of the blood. ' M 7s. 1 II can . ---A ` -..... ucucvcl UL uuuu S xuaney runs. ' I was troubled with rheumatism for 18 months. I could not lay on my right side. I tried several boxes ,of Dodd s Kidney Pills and -got relief. 'After the eighth box my trouble_com- pletely disappeared and I have not felt it since. I `always keep them in _ the house. I `shall always remain a friend of Dodd a Kidhey Pills." Statements like these speak for them- ` selves. . _ i ' v..... n. o. uuunuunn tells now U_odd'I` Kidney Pills Relieved him from his Trouble. - T ~. Munson, Alta Mar. 19. (Special). --Mr. Biermann, well-known" and [highly respected resident here is a [firm believer of Dodd s Kidney Pills. I ma: fr-n11Rha:I oil-In ..I...........|.:...._ EM:-. A. .1. Biermnnn tells how ooaau} D3". D-`2__.__I [2 `I Albert Man hmoms Staunch A riendi of Dodd s Kidney T I iAcEn SIXTYJ`-`OUR, NOW RELIEVED OF l_{_H_UMATlSM uqunuu as bu H18 Illlllfe, and IX vague 88 to the present-. She finished her work at `lhalf~past eleven and sfgned her" mother s `name with a flourish, enclosed the letters in envelopes. and placed them on the hall table ready for posting. She mnrln l-mr .nmom........ -.....-.I -4` -' uauus nsuuy I0!` posting. 1 She made her customary round of the housewtheir one servant was In bed at: that 'hour---and went to her room feeling j `lacs auupc U] plll3!'OHg. ' I Yvonne- s self-respect led her to tone -down the letters, to make them less op- timistic a_s to the future, and le'ss[vague nresent. Shp ninhnrl 1.... ..`.....1. .. U, mu.-. 1 me nerseu was sumcient for two. She went to bed, leaving Yvonne` half a . dozen letters to `answer whiqh regretted the inabilify of Mrs. Yale to settle an account, but promised next month" not only -to clear off existing liabilities, but to extend her scope of patronage." l Yvnmw a Enl`_Ilnnt-not-5 1...! L-.. L- A yvu-.uu._v-uvu emumgs. I l 5 After dinner, Mrs, Yale announced the- fact that she was dead tired ;' she implied the filrther fact that the exertions of the day. shared by her daughter, had not af- fected her. and that the energy dissipated by Mrs. Yale herself was sufficient for She went in lvuul |nm:m. V .... --` I--11` - l "GB HUI. urcnuxuuon wmcn sne OIt8`8u0W' l led'herself. Mrs. Yale took shopping very. `seriously, and would follow a will-o'~the-A` wisp of a `five Shilling bargain through en-- ticing marshes of other departments where scarcely a weed grew which was not lzibelled twenty-five shillings. V Affnr Innnnr Moon V:-in -~----A--- ~ ' V` The Abduction I , Yvonne Yale had spent a tiring and a `busy day shopping with her mother. It._ {was not arelaxation which she often~allow- lerI'h(-.rcmIf Mra vnln Iran`: ..I.......:.... ----- ' I CHAPTER, IX ` , I I I I Synopsis V ' While the China Mail boat `is homeward bound three attempts are made to burgle the Captain's safe, -and Tillizini, who in- vestigates the matter, learns that the safe contained a. green mail bag addressed to the Chinese Ambassador.` On the boa-t is: Cap- tain Talham, an officer of Irregular Horse during the South African war, and after- wards a general in the Chinese army. Tal- ham is instrumental in saving, a remarkable girl, Yvonne Yale, from the attentions of three Chinamen, who follow-her. in Hyde Park, obviously to`secure possession of an ancient jade bracelet covered with inscrip- tions in Chinese. -The inscription refers to an Emperor, and Talham, understanding its importance, takes charge- of the bracelet. The green mail bag contained a document giving the exact locality of the tomb of the A first Emperor of China. This. tomb con- tains a large quantity of gold and precious stones. The Chinese Ambassador who is an historian of some note had written for the document -to be sent to him to assist him in writing an article. This muchVTil- lizini discovers when he calls, upon the Am- bassador. Leaving the Ambassador Tillizini descends to discover Talham waiting for an interview with the former. Whilst Til- lizini and the Captain are talking a shot is heard. They rush upstairs to discover the Ambassador dead--but strangled. The mys- tcry of the shotis unravelled when in the ` drawer of the `bureau is discovered` the body of a Chinaman. The precious docu-. ment has disappeared. Gregory de Costa,\; f the son of Raymond de Costa, is in love with Yvonne Yale, but Captain Talliamv appears on the scene and hands over a bracelet to him. When, however, Ray- mond de Costa shows this bracelet to a lhinaman called Soc of the Society of Good Intention the latter tells him it is the M wrong one. Soo finds that the man who 5 was shot in the Ambassar.ior s house was! his brother, who was sent with two other Chinamen to secure the document, The other men have disappeared. Ah unsuc- cessful attempt is made on the lives of Tillizini and Talham. Later they'.'maks an afternoon -call together at the Y-ales` house. Talham and Tillizini make the ac- quaintance of Mrs. Yale. J I i Full information from any Grand} `Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. `Horn-' tug, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. i%&$%$*$$*&%*%$$*$%$%%& :*%&%%%$%&%%&%*$&&*&+&*i I`ris'%'uR% .NCE Cchdl-'i*AN.Y IJ'I-ICL unucuucllla I':Rl:IWN LIFE .N=I.IALIFlI1 ggggjn - -1] nanawoa-J` VV \I-A (Author of The Four Just Men, Tatham island, etc). , _. iv] -.----$2-Luv 7 L `II-L` You can` take out a life insurance policy in the Crown Life that arantees payment of twice its face value if you shoul die by accident. Ask us about this specially. attractive policy. Telephone now 789 Branch Oice for Ncrth Oiitario -- King Block. Barrie . \ . A or MEN J. H. NIXON/. I,`o. MATSON By EDGAR WALLACE 'l`Ln `l:`....... 1.....4. II... n nr'n-.u.__._ Unexceiled Dining Car Service` Sieping cars on Night Train: and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trainm] -.- vu rd vc1\.a\I (All Rights Reserved) :_uuu_. nuu uulu men, unevenrrul career. Just as the car passed out of sight, a taxi. came flying round the corner and pulled up at the door of Mrs. Ya`e s dwell- ing. Two men got out and made straight_ for the door. Tlfe first of these was Til-1 "lizini: he had his: hand upon the knockers when he felt the door yield to his touch, and herpuahed it- open. _ . ` M `He turned to the pale-faced Tallmm. . "Hy God,-he said they've been here 1 cu cue uu_ur OI HID HOUSE. She was hustled inside, and the two` men sprang in after her. With a jerk the car started on the most -adventurous journey that Yvonne Yale had ever `taken in _her short, and until then, uneventful Jun! an Hm mun n..-....l ....L -1 -!--|-- uuwu Inc HHIIIS ant) 11130 "18 street. . _ A little distance from the door was a motor car; the second man went out, and at a signal the car drew across the road to the door of the house. lm .....'.. I.....;.I-.1 :.._:J- . I -- aytauuulg uuuulness. `It may not be necpssary," saidgthe man, to tell you that any crywill bring your mother and the maid--in which case I shall destroy not only you. but the people you a'larm." `He guided her pest her mother's door. down the stairs and into the street. A ltfln t':nnnIn\ `-A-- `-'-- 34- `nu-cl sue; nuu (l.l'P5SC(I. ' There `was a heavy cloak hanging in the wardrobe of the room, she drew this on over her other things, and twisting her `hair into a knot at the top of her head, fixed a hat over what she knew was a moat appalling untidiness. I may necaanm-V. snitlha mum 3 PU IALIU U001`. [ Remember, he said as his vice-like; grip released her arm, `any attempt to raise; \_ an alarm will result in your immediate ,death, there are no men .in this house as I know. Captain Talham on whom you `.may unreasonably depend is quite`uncon~ lncious of your predicament. I am going_ to take you away from here and I swear, to you that you shall not be harmed. Are you going to take my word? `l`There is no alternative," answered thep gnr . V _ i With `trembling hands she drew on her`? `clothes. That she should be dressing her-ii _self in the presence of two Chinamen; forvi a Chinaman the first speaker was in spite of .'his perfect English, didnot strike her at the moment as being so much a sjab- ' ject for-dismay, as to what would happen } after she.had dressed. TL--- \.....,.. _ I____._, 1 1 u o . ,. 1 uu vuc _ ugula. I She groped for her clothes,` thankful to, dress in the dark, and the man walked over to the dodr. ' I ' H])__________|__,, 3! I 7 . u- now. ' _l .The girlmade no reply. She was dis- mayed when she realised that Talham s de- , ception had been discovered, and she felt herself. a guilty partyto the deception _ I have not got`it." she said. . .. Who has?" The voice was sharp and authoritative. " ' Captain Talham has it," she said be- fore she realised that she was betraying the strange man. He was nothing to her. yet even in the moment of her peril, she ` understood that perhaps she might be en- dangering him, and was sorry she had spok- en. . There was a little silence. then--- Put on your. clothes," said the man. Why? she asked startled, . Don't argue, you can dress in the dark. Put `on your clothes, if you can t I'll turn on the light." . Q`-min llltnnno` I-.. L-.. -`-L'__ .1 1 A - ` There was nothing to do but obey. She rose from her bed and stood on the floor! shaking in every limb. `She was thankful for the darkness which perhaps hid the full extent of her danger. I Vnn `Hum: 11 1\rona`n6 can-n.n..I....... 77 ---11 euuu uy . V I 1. I?:.` a1LL:NcsT,Ewr: Depot Agent { Phone Cb `tun czucnt 0! I18!` aanger. You have a bracelet somewhere," saxd `the man who hadspoken fixst, It was 1 given to you by young de Costa, where is it now." [ | "I'\L. V" ` ' ' u: wurun, men--~ I Get up!" said the man by her side shortly. i Thom. mm. ....LL:...... .- .1- L44; 1 mi 1 luuuutculy WUIU. Then ~w1th a slckenmg sense. of danger she realised that the language was Chinese_ I Slap hmu-cl Hm anh '1-"ml." at 41.. A ----- -- lauc wauwu may we language Umnese_ I She heard the soft hush of the drawer, as it opened. she saw the flash `of light as: the "man swept it "over her belongings. Then the man at -. the drawer spoke over his shoulder. There was a quick exchange. of words, then--~ Ila; ...~.W ....:.: LL- ..--_ I." I -- u uu uac uqulu LU lue OCCBBIOH. The man muttered some words in :1 Ian? ' guage which she could not understand, but she gathered `that he was "addressing the second man in the room, for two there un- doubtedly were. 'r`|nn 11v:d-`\ n n:..I-....I._._ -4... P ` auuauuu. uuwueu on xvonne 3 nice. ~ I - `In the top drawer of my.bureau," she said, and might have added, such as they are." but even her sense of humor could not rise equal to the occasion. Thin vnon Inn-nun.I ..,...... ........l_ in A '7 uuc. mun wuu nelu net, In a now voice. The ghostof a smile, In splte of the tragic situation. dawned on Yvonne face. | `L. .1... 4.... .:-......._ A _.-- H - lICI' HlUUl'llo _ Be silent, said a voice in her -ear, you make a noise I will kill you. Slut. foal}. n an-in nn lm... H....\..a. ......I you uuuu: :1 noise 1 Wlll Klll She felt a grip on her throat and layl paralysed with terror, she had neither the will nor the ability to scream. At last she found her voice. 4Take whutyou will and go," she said. "Where do you keep your jewels," said- the. man who" held her, in low voice. ! Tho n-lint nf u nrniln :v\ -..:4.. -1 LL- A---L depressed and worried. ' She could not trace her state of mind to any particular course, and she told herself that the reason was purelyphysical. She undressed in re- A card time, jumped into bed,-switched out t e light, and her head had hardly touched it e pillow before she was asleep. How long she had been sleeping she could not tell, but something woke hervwith a start. The room was dark, the only light; being that from the lamp in the street be-` low. She was wide awake and her reas-i oning faculty told her `that something must have occurred--ther_e must have beensome; extraordinary noise_to have brought about this condition of wakefulness. Q1... 1.... ......t'._-i.I-. _;:n v . - - I The Barrie Planing Mill uua uuuuluuu UL WIIKBIUHICSS. She lay perfectly still, listening; for a long time she heard nothing and saw noth- ing, then for a moment she saw a tiny streak of bright light in the room. Rnfnrn clan nnnhl n-ml. :4 I... .....:~:. -_.-_ atvnuun U1 `ungul. ugun 111 me Before she copld t_ouch it her wrist was grasped" and a long bony" hand closed over her mouth. ` |t'[)_ __:|___A 19 ,,-,1 ' `I I "`- A G. F. DOYLE, Superintenderit .... -... nrvanadlll uulo l` They were in complete darkness. There L was a musty, nnwholesome smell. The at~' mosphere of the place filled her with cold ' terror. ` '- `- This way. said S00, He led her unerringly across the ram- shackle cshed. At the far end there was a door, which opened and revealed a room lit by two swinging oil lamps. ' It was poorly furnished, with a table. and h a` couple of chairs, and a fire blazed in a broken `grate in one corner. Some attempt A had been made to produce a sense of com- l-f01'l`,4--tlm nnlmrn nf nnnmf An Al... I--- -- ` ` guau uccu muuc to produce of jefort/--the square of carpet on the oor. and ;the plain table cover `had evidently been newly purchased and still showed their shop greases. , if I been part of the wharfage of a stone met-V uuuuca. The car stopped before a low roofed old building that in its prosperous days had chant. As the car stopped, a door in the wall opened, and S00 flung away the cig- arette which he had smoked during the lat- ter part of the journey, stepped quickly to the ground. and half "dragged and half carried the faintingjgirl into the building. Instantly the car mo\fed- on and the door closed behind her. . ` 'l`l-mu ....:.... ._ -----' A nnvcu uu: uepuum now. It-- continued until it came` to a street which ran parallel with the inor. h bank of the Surrey Cape] and into this it turned. It was a street made up of wharf entrances, of old ahd dilapidated warehouses and stables. rm... -.... _L-,r., v - - nuuvva d Wulllll IS In (1z1ngeI'." His words reassured her somewhat, she `had hardly dared to put her fears into 3words. ` The car swung round Tower Hill and slowed atthe very spot where Tillizini was `destined to stop ten minutes later, but it did not go eastward as Tilliziui had thought, but crossed the bridge, sped down the slope linto Tooley Street. turned again and fol- `lowed the Deptford Road. Ifm nnnfinnnpl unbll 21. ...V- - The Room By The Canal Yvonne Yale had sat in silence during[ that mad rush through the city. -Once in a frenzy of terror she had half risen to throw `herself from the car Instantly Soo s I `hand graspedher. T When I tell you -I will kill you {I .mean'it_." he said quickly, be quiet and no harm will come to you. I tell you this, lthht I am merely holding you as a hostage for the recovery of the `bangle. If I know your friend, he will not hesitate when he knows a woman IS in danger." l W0!'(lS fiillrntl liar m-.........L-L JL CHAPTER X ' I , a ____ -_ corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors. Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, `Tanks, etc. We carry in stock a large assortment of . Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly, r`.nnnnIf um nyiol. nu`... L..1l.l2..__ uunra uncly I uuus. A moment later the c_ab'was follow the trail of an empty cai; on its way to 1 wich to meet the morning boat. l at`itudc of absolute dejection~-he sat hud- x _Au\v.- The tense agony in- Talham s voice, the lldled in a corner of the cab--spoke elo-i I quently of his agony. . At Holhorn Bars, a City Policeman had! seen a car passing swiftly east-ward, and yeti again. and far her on, at the Manaioni House, a patrolling sergeant was able to] direct_them toward Gracechur/ch Street. [ They lost the scent at Tower Hill. T-wo cars had come along at about` the same mo- ment. probably one from Eastcheap Onei had crossed Tower Bridge and gone south- ward. the other had continued its way east- ward. Unfortunately both had been of similar make. ` Tillizini was in a dilemma. We'll take the east road." he said. after a moment's thought. that is the more likely route. A l11nInnn6 `:66..- LL- --`- " " Tillizini madexno reply. Like a white light it suddenly dawned upon him that [this man, the last man in the world that he would have imagined, was smitten with love. ` -uuc uu-mum. UI misery sne may suffer. I J uc W! I_ love.- luu.u ul 1 10lDOl`li. ' . . . _ `Speed up.\ said Tillizmi to the driver, there's just a chance they may have 3| puncture. and we may overtake them." I He rejoined the silent Talham in the cab, I ll` never forgive myself." said the. big man. He sat with his hanrlsclasped together and his face set. ' My dear chap,. it s not your fault. Tillizini laid his hand on the otliefsl shoulder. He had a genuine affection for this eccentric giant with his irrepressible or- atory. and his calm disregard for conven- tion, . v ' It's. a damned bracelet," said Talham hittcrly, the wealth and all the secrets of Ts in are too inadequate compensation for i one moment of misery she suffer." I made-nn rnnlv 1.1. - ---L-h Luv 516:; uluruugnlare was at that moment} in the hands of the scavengers with their; hoses and their Squeegees. There` would be no definite track here, but Tillizini after a search, saw sufficient "evidence to show him which direction the car had taken. I _ At Oxford Circus. a policeman had seen it. "It had turned eastward, and had gone; srnig'ht along Oxford Street in the direc- l tion of Holborn. I uq_______; ___ 99` ,- n rvvnut - - - V i At this point a policeman appeared, and u nuuu 1. HKUU. I I Tillizini gave 'him an order that .set the man running bac}< to the house in Curzon Street. Then Tlllizini went baqk to the, cab, on the taxi went straight ahaadi at full `speed, slowing at the point where` Ifortlalnd Place cut across the route. A E The S`f.l'Pnfn umrn nnuylu .......L_J 1~ 1- ` n_,u|uzuIu rwce cut the The streets were newly washed. Indeed, the great thoroughfare at that moment ` hands Of Hun unnvnnnmw. ...!;L L'L-_'._. `nun wclc pmuuy vlslme. I -T He ran along the roadway carrying she lamp, and reached the thoroughfare which ran to the north and south. There was no evidence that the car had taken either dir- ection. He crossed the` road. the taxi cab f0 Iowing in his rear, Yes. here it was. Iagain. the broad band had} gone straight' on. They would be making now_for Port- land Place. ' (`L LLZ, N, A a.uc --ucu was empty, ne put ms hand} ,inside--it was still warm. A quick glancel round at the open drawers gave evidence of the visitors presence. There was no time to be lost. Your dgaughter has been kidnapped, he said. You must arouse your servants, I will send a policeman to you." ' Into the street again came the two men,e and Tillizini lifted one of "the lamps from the taxi and examined the roadway. There lhad been a sharp shower of rain half an hour previous, and the tracks of the other pear were plainly visible. . "1: F911 nlnnn L. ........I._..._. V ' ` saw-v--unvlrlifl IJREHIJ BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD and a full line of . PIES. CAKESVAND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sta. ./ '

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