PURE` 20.15 2 Pmnesi Seedle Speialj Special Sglect ` Breal-:fa4 Back B Shop w HOT? msu *ncp< T110 Su cos grat bah` ver Ill: Ip.|.v\Iu" \.rv-n-av...--V.` v----.,__., , I chard and barn. 1 1 I have over 100 more houses, market gardens and farms. all sizes; bus- iness places and stores. -. "Hr you fro; ` ncoitl _Clarks<.m House BIoclV(. 7 Phone 31W H. if HENRY REAL ESTA'_l'E MAN THE people whom we have served are telling others that ours is. an exceedingly e satisfactory` eye -glass ser- vice. Our optometrist`twill examine the inner workings of your eye for possible opaqueness of the cornea or crystalline lens and_ will de- termine your near and far sight range. He will also discover if you have `an as- tigma_tism--where the rays of light do not converge properly, upon the retina. ,----A. Modem ! Pedestal Lavatory 0.11. RiiK;bph.n ADDREs: 38` `Elizabeth Street, Next Door to Singer Sewing Machine Co; anu lllillly ULIICI IIJILUICD Lila-I. will go far towards making your bathroom a place of health and comfort. - - Harry Barron A pedestal virash basin puts that nishmg touch that means so much to every bathroom. The wash basin is used_ more than an .other xture m the modern throom. There s something substantial in its appearance and although it costs a gittle more, it's worth it many times over. We can supply you with this and many other xtures that urn` an far 1-nnml-I`e`n1nI.r;na' unnu- _ OFFERS: . ` At $4500---Fine home, well located. At $4300--Strictly modern home`. At $4200--A ne brick house, cen- . A..._I ..... 11 nnntyarnnfltln H. A. HENl_{_Y Phone 143 good cottages, orchard IVKILILI O Street, Barrio rooms, all con- solid brick, ev- rep of the wreck. ` - ,. From the outset, the L. R. Steel I1 proposition did not look good to ex-.}] perienced business men. Toronto '1 Saturday Night and other nancial 4 papers warned the public in the '3 plainest terms not to have anything ' to do with it. Yet in the face of this eizpert opinion and disinterestedad-T `vice, thousands of M thrifty people yielded to the smooth-tongued sales-` man and parted with funds, repre- senting in imany cases the savings` pf a lifetime- It is to prevent such tragedies as these that the proposed Blue Sky legislation is being in- itroduced into the Ontario Legis-- zlature. ' _,_-1__ :_ J.:...... n"`l\i\ yarn Inning `nature. .. It surely, is time steps were being`: `taken to curb the operation of these expert salesmen---and saleswomen- `who prey upon _the public by the sale: of worthless securities. While there are, admittedly, difficulties in the away of providing legislationthat will |safeguard unsophisticated investors ' and yet will not discourage or ham- per legitimate commercial and indus- trial enterprises, it should be possible I ito frame a measure that will "assure the public such information concern- !ing stock issues as will afford the in- `vestor an adequate measure of pro-I tection against such robberies as `have been committed in recent years? `through the operations of` conscience-i qless` sellers of stock having little or ino value. I On Tuesday of this week the Or-I illia Times reached the half-century mark. its first issue [having been dat- ted Mar. 13, 1873._ It succeeded-the iExpositor,'which came into existence! [in 1867. The Times ranks amon::' the leading town Weeklies of Canada and fully merits the large and grow- ing patronage it enjoys. ~ . i (luv yes-uvv -_ - tral, every convenience. V At $4000-Steam heated modern: home, beautiful grounds. ! I At $3800-A ggod home, terms to n T . . I The Glo_be s plan. for advertising` ithe towns of Ontario by special pages` has not been received with much en-g vthusiasm here. While we are strong: believers in advertising. we cannot! `;see that this form of publicity isi {worth to Barrie the, amount asked.{ There are other methods of advertis- ing in which Barrie ould invest. $500 `to much better advantage. 3 3 i Out in Minnesota, any person who fwilfully supplies a false statement] {to a newspaper makes himself liable` `to punishment by law. As the Far-i| ;_mers Sun says, the law is a goody} lone that ought to be widely copied._'i-ti iThe average newspaper aims at re-5` liability, but it_ is forced to place ai.` certain amount of dependence on the! lhonesty of those who furnishit with i I 1 _'"` I . 1; news. A lawyer by the name of Denberg`?-N who was refused admission to the . Bar in Manitoba is seeking to nd an} "entrance into the profession in On-E tario by means of an act `of Parlia-I ment and against the wishes of thei Law Society. The bill should be kill-j ed. Ontario is already well supplied} `with lawyers and if one desiring to I enter practice here cannot nd en- trance in `the usual way the Legislat-l ure should not be a party to loading: `him upon the legal profession of the Law 30018.2) . 111}: uxu suuunu uc nu;-l 4 led. already Peter . . Good spender terfeit money for bootleg whiskey` with one 'Kinca1.din Repbrter: `In 1919 the looks more like a square deal than, cannot debt of this p1.0vince waS $97 000,__a crime. _ L trance usual Legisl_at- [ 000. Todayqt is $240,000,000, and ` . lure loadmgsthis is some. increase to face_- We Can : Afford [2 the remember passing H0n_ peters farm} Comngwood Bunetin, when 3. i'Vi"e' ,in Hay Tp. once. andwe must admitimerchant talks about affording ad~'5 i ';'that while we admired it for a tidy,[vertising, he is getting ready for the= I` `A Dieaeiiig` feature Of the i10Cke.Vinifty place, we never dreamed that'live merchant to take his trade awavl `inatch between East-,01`0 and 00!`0:Pete would develop into such aifrom him. People do not a"ord` iSii8t.i0Ti iast Friday night Was theispendthrift. That King Tank theyiadvertising any more than. a man; Igdod sportsmanship shown. An 1111- I have been digging up recently hadiwho needs a suit of clothes affords; ipleasant situation such as that whichinothing on the Treasurer of i this them. It is not a question of af-1 i(ieVe10Ped - We!` the disputed E081 `Province, except` perhaps that he took 0 fording advertising; it_is a vital neg: gmight have caused much r,ancour---iithe money outright from the people. lcessity. . 1 l . 1 I EU in am: woum prouuuu uuvc Ilvuc .- an .O.H.A. match--but instead of} protesting a `decision on which the! iss_ue of the match might have de- pended, the Qro Station team went ahead, played out the game and ac-. cepted the `result. T '! `_'.l'n0Se WHO IllIVC_UclI out: DUI-stays; -- `hockey teams play this winter could ltt not help observing that some very il `promising players `are being deve1- goped in the townships.` Members of 11 {these teams. are generally in prime 11 lcondition and a number show ne 0 ._`bursts of speed . With proper coach- 1) . sing and more practice to develop e L combination and accuracy in shoot-`'`i1 : ing,'these lads from the country will ,iI ; be able to hold their own againstgh ; most of the town teams. It may be 11 .i that, before many years pass, from I 3 out of some of these township teams `V . will come a successor to Frank Foy :5 . ston, probably the world's greatest}! 5 hockeyist today, who made his startl in Canada's great winter game at his I` 1 ilhome village of Minesing. 1 w 1 1 I Since Fred W. Grant's articles our old days in Barrie began appearing,` in The Examiner, we have had a very ll large .number of appreciative re-U marks and letters from subscribers,? .while there have been many compli-; mentary newspaper references to the it stories. Examinerreaders will heart-l ily endorse the following editorial. `note which appeared in last week s Collingwood Bulletin: Any weekly-_ newspaper might congratulate itself` ;on a correspondent such as Fred W. Grant, who contributes from far-! away `Victoria. -B.C.. to The Barrie] Examiner. His articles are largely lreminiscent of bygone davs in our county town -and to the neople ofi .iBarrie cannot but be -highlv accept-I table. A correspondent at home or` ilabroad such` as Grant is indeed a val- uable asset or acquisition, whichever you prefer, to the staff of a news-I paper. | _ N ";:.:;"" " i At $3600-La1-ge grounds, ne house. At $350`0--Central, modern, 6 rooms, At $3300--V-7 rooms, brick, every con-Q I&&m&&&&w$&&a&$} lg. AMONG EXCHANGES g} [am&&a%w&%%$maw&%. We'll Get It Soon, 1 Wihchester Press: The most sat-._ isfactory substitute for coal is sp1fing`.T[ I l ` Or Are More" Truthful V ` Winchester Press: V Some men, ihaven t spent a cent for repairs since '-{they bought their cars in 1921, a d`| ;`isome haveebetter memories. ' WBiARRlE S';AMA'I'EUR mas PIANS Suitable Sentence 1 Owen Sound Sun-Times: Ten {years would not" be too much of a {sentence for those engaged in peddl- Eing flarcotics. - d l i i itually discovering that it is unpop-i `ular throughout the province of On -! Titario, and its papers are asking why` ,with an air` of surprise. Why has, `}Torontn_ been known as Hogtown ' i throughout Ontario for the last thir- - -.. 1.-....a... ..'....w_-`) Qhnnlir `|\n nm1n. TorontoiAliasWl-logtdwn V + Alliston Herald : `Toronto is ac- 3 -Oshawa Telegrainz It is really not! `good business to tell yomvwife ev-` werything; she likes to nd out some! !things for herself. ' } ~ I !|Enl`()ugllUul. \JllloG.llU .l.U1 Inn Asauv v---- 1 ,ty or forty years? Simply because! tit is .a hog of 9; town. I . .Don t Spoil the Fun venience. At $3000--9 rooms, ery convenience. At $2800--Brick, 6 ....`n- An Ann VVl'l\(uJ VVlI\l_ ~ i sin GIILBERT PARKER ' I ieeeeeweeeeeeeeaw; E I Sir Gilbert Parker is claimed by` Canadians `as one of themselves,` dweller in the heart of the Empire ; and a member of the British Parlia-` ment. As a resident of`Be1levi11e in, his younger days and later a curate} 2.. u... A.....l:nun nnwnvnnnn at T1-en-: D18 younger uuya uuu aaun a x...........{ in the Anglican communion at Tren-` ,ton and elsewhere, A Sir Gilbert be-lg longs_[to Canada, although later a call from Sydney, Australia, led him, into journalism in that far-oft` cor- ner of the Empire. on the other side. `of the planet, where he made his im- press as a~writer. But London call-, \ ed, and in due time he was added to} .-`its many-million population. Polit- _!ical as well as literary life gained -,;his adherence and for twenty years he has" represented the one constit- uency of Gravesend, and during the! war his pen and voice rendered good` :service on behalf of Britain and her -` tiallies. But it is as a novelist that I,=he isebest known in the Dominion. 3'One is not sure of the number of` books thus far to his .credit, for a new one has recently appeared, but 3 the book shelf of the Parker works ;`of ction reects credit on their ygauthor as well as on the country of ;-his birth, especially as many of the ;, ?scenes are laid in this Britain of the =_- West. It is satisfactory to know that eithis chief talent combined with the lnualitv of hard work has brought its tangible rewards and the Knight of Belleville may well regard his life work as a novelist as successful. ' \ I 2 I ll Y. 'gMAKRs or CANADA} 1 Brief Biographical Sketches of Some of the Dominion : Big Men who E_ Have Passed Away. Thirty years after Champlain -es- \ tablished a fort and trading post on the Isle of Montreal. where a great 5 commercial metropolis was after- a wards to arise, another great French- man, Maisonneuve, explored the St. -Lawrence and landed at the I-Ioch- elaga of Cartier. and the fort and tr`ding'= post of Champlain. A little mission house and _a cluster of_ log and bark huts formed the primitive settlement, but the intrepid overseas ltravellcr started to build a city with la handful of fty-seven men. The ~ Governor at Quebec tried to dissuade him from settling at such an exposed! and dangerous point. but Maison-` neuve replied that he had been sent ` from France to take possession of .the place, and that if everv tree on ` lthe Island were an Iroquois he still`: i would 2o-and pro he (lid. For a 1.-aqarter of a` century thereafter the A few inhabitants dared. not leave the nalisaded fort without risking their\ {lives from the sudden attacks of the red men. and many a paleface _met a horrible death at "the hands of" the lgtigers of the forest. It was Maison- ? gneuve who consented to Doulac and This little band of two-score followers; attackine the Iroquois near the Long` Sault rapids` on the Upper Ottawa.- fromwhich none escaped. and which. '- .has given to earlv Canadian history if ione of its most thrilling annals. A; I-,strikin9; monument to the memory; Yinf Maisonneuve faces Notre Dame`; LS;C`hurch in the great Canadian com- l 11 lmercial metropolis he founded. 1 a Square Deal London Advertiser: Paying coun- whiskey a than. - : MAI SONNEUVE At the end of 1922 Bell telephones. in service in. Ontario and Quebec. as shown by the Company's annual report, were some 34,000 more than at the_end of 1921; To achieve this net gain, more telephones were ac- tually connected than in any other year in the Compan_y s history. To be exact, 123,032 telephones were I-LIALF-A-MILLION TEL!-ZVPHONES -v`eTf1ie7nces. At $2600--6 rooms, brick, good 1ot.: At $2500--Comfortable, '5 acres of E .......I ou|aAIIU\A 4 | V Jgame assnoermm. scuoon. FOR aims ntarjo Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French emphasized; Outdoor games and sports. I jmih-A number: -_,r W ,, Health record excellent. I REPEATED PROMISES?`-1)-E).-l"lOT PAY ACCOUNTS. If this interests you, write at once for particulars. WE CAN HELP YOU. - THE QQLLECTIQN `_SERYlCE OF CANADA - -- - ` nIt\I\t\|lI'l`t'\ I\1l"l' \II1aQu:c-9-u ia omce, 165 B1eecE.:T7s}{, -"'o1i6N"ro, ONT. Have you_ any outstanding accounts you cannot collect? Are your collections slow? Is that lien note past due? Do you hold a judgment which has not been settled ' in full? ` EASTER You will ndhere a very fine range of Coats and; Suits to choose from. _ SPECIAL Fox mus WEEK-END- DOES THIS CONCERN YOU? HATS . was . LADIES cons and surrs (`Kb !PhUUU*\.l\Iuu.L\-nvu-wow, -. ..---_ _ . good ground. . I E At $2350---8-room house, barn. dou-13 ble lot. At $2250---'7 rooms, conveniences, l,__L`- I..L SIMMONS & C0. NEWEST Moons AND MATERIALS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES , venbenC1`,.o__l_Alegg% NEWEST POLO COATS? priced` at $13.50 to $16.50. These are wonderful values. ` ALSO 50 NEW WRAP_ STYLE COATS just arrived and at very reduced prices. NEWEST SUITS IN BALKAN _ : is 1 ti! ETC" "0 ..1.<.-\ `kn 4-A TIVLVVILDI DUIID ll` 11111.41`:-nan ... LOOSE BACK STYLES, also the tailor`e-d models. Prices from $22.00 to $35.00. FUR CHOKERS in Mink, Squirrel, Op- possum, Marten and Fitch. A . SANITARY PLUMBING IS FINE In lg ' For Prospectus ...FOR... $1.151; 10. j A At $2000--Good house, well 1ocated.1 At $1600--Brick house, stable, chic-i 1--.. 1.-....` apply to Principals installed at new locations. Although this gure includes telephones moved and re-installed elsewhere, it gives an impressive idea of the immense amount of work and material neces- sary. At December 31st last there were actually in service in the two provinces 434,223 Bell telephones and 119,821 on connecting company systems---a total of Bell and connect- ing instruments of 554,044. Limited number: -THURSDAY, ` `7-room brie central . "7-room t'r:u central `7-room stuc garage . 6-room. bri nice loca 7-room bri( AI! 1.! Exclusive PMUM Allsjnlnd-211.1; 6-room cott 6-room \f`| vv... lot 6-room ~ Illa '{).l.\r\I\r" .1; ken house. At $1500-2 -__.1 1.-.... 5-room '1-room 5-room 5,-room 7-room Hri stable. 9: fruit. ni .6-room hr? ~ st . ' you 2ll'(' 13-r00_m 1 venic-nce no beta- Nice 66-ft quick 52: `fee `our 1' u ket garden iness D0! PART} Office: Phones: 0` Heinz Heinz Honey, Hony, Pumpki Campb ,|'L\4 q'L{I\r\r -. Buy -.._..'3_,, and ham. 7 I At $1450---2 cottages. good grounds. 1 At $1200--6-room brick, easy terms ` At $1000--Comfortab1e cottage, Tor- I, ,A.:J -..J 1.-.-..