Be sure to use emsugh to get the big lasting suds,Atl1at give , the water a sdapy fcl all through. 1 V A (300) Put your hand in V a tub of Rihso Suds. You can feel` that the water is actually soapy all through, A ' LEVER BROTHFRS LIMITED, TORONTO % 1:3 made by the largest soap makers in the worrlci It is soldeveryuhere. [IIUIIIUCI Pllllllcu IUI KIIDIIIIIJLII-'l\IlI. ' i 3. That Councillors Davidson and. Bates `be -a committee to attend to the fencing of the road at Tory Hill. A 'l'l...+ 41.... ...... ......i 1... ..,i.:...: 4- 11"! VIII: . E 1. That the Reeve and Clerk sign the api- ,proval of Plan McB. submitted by A. G. Ardagh, O.L.S. 0 'm... 44... ....A:n~.... ...m.... .. 1000 .... ruungu, U.u.o. 2. That the auditors report on 1922 ac- ieounts be placed on file and the necessary inumber printed for distribution. i Q nf r`nnnn:"nI-u nn1t:r'ann nu :-l `Dnhm fure bred Holstein cow,_ due by (_late,of sale. Pure bred Holstein cow, with .;:1_alV.gt4-foot. Pure Holstein cow, -w,itlui.`_!=a.!.f~. at foot- Holstgin ,cow,.:5 yr, old, d in? "some 86 contracts having been executed. Tlan *`nl`nlIr:nn I-tn:-nlu:nnn uvnrn nnaam IDULIIC UU UUIIIIIEXUID IIIIVIIIE UCCII cncuubcu. The `following resolutions were passed, v1z.: ` 7IVI,,4 AI,,I'\,, , ,,lI1I,,I, S, I` |s'ld\C UIIIIGIKI. `XVIII 19 I35! 5. That the Clerk sign on behalf of the municipality the applications presented for rural electric Iservice at Wasaga Beach as per by-law and agreelnent. 'I`lu. 6'nII.u....... .............c.. ....._.. .....:..l ..._ . PCI |JJ'IlVV llll CIEICCIIICIIUO - The following accounts were pznd, v1z.: Trustees of S. S. 1, advance $250.; trus- tees of ' S. S. 4, advance $200.; trustees, ..c Q q R ..,u.......... no: . nun -17....-- I l.'I_IU IUUIJ GU LUIJ lllllt ` 4. That five per cent. be added to all; ` taxes unpaid April 1, l923_ : rm... n... m....1, ..:.... .... u...1...uc ,.c n..'.. vccm L1. '2, auvauuc amuv. , uluabrcai of 6, :a.(lV-ance $125.; E.- C. Vance, Whatever motive inuences your paint buying--whether you paint for appearance or to save the surface--you will nd CANADA PAINT to be really `fthe paint of merit, and the most satisfactqry from every point of view. `With. Elephant Brand White Lead as the pigment basis, the quality of Canada Paint is absolutely assured. Easy spreading under the brush, it is far more durable and willcover more space than the so-called cheap paints. The Quantity Required _.-.. _L'f`A\YAT\A `!1y\`l\Y'f` ,,,#,,:__,l We carry a complete stock of Canada Paint and other C.P. Produccs`, in- cluding the famous SUN VARNISHES. `It will ha 4: [;i.'as:1rc to as-s;`.~z you with color cards and detailed information concerning Um particular jot.` you have in view. " , W. A. LOWE & SON mama ;Th'e Paint for Appearahce -.` and Protection % CANADA PAINT Durham eow,w.A5' ix`:-s.-olcl~, calf at o_ot. TERMS OF ALE-Six, mohth"3 Durham cpw, 6 yrs. old. calf, at toot. creditgwill. be giver; `to parties. fur-E Durham cow, 6 yrs. old,'_due'.Mgr.~ .17. 'n_i;sh'ii1g'.approvd joint notes. 6 per . Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, dug 1. icetgt: g")_e_rj'a__n_m1,m off_or`cash; The abqv'e' cows are all` in good.-comiitionhnd are an extra high-class lot of ._covy. Anyone wgnting real` gopd cqwmshonld be -sure and. attend LL35 nQ`a| ' All -41] `I..- ..-I.l ...&L....L ......-...-- `_' "T"' '-""I "" I`"'`"' To estimate the amountof CANADA. PAINT required. add the number of feet in width of from and rear to m:m- bet of feet in length of building (both sides}, multiply by the average height and divide by 425 i;~,._- two co-..:.s. Eagda is Z aVoriz`e) Cleansing soap in every drop of wate} ;Co_ dog tags, $13.25; Wm. Clark, auditor, {$20.00; Jno. Matthews, auditor, $20.00; Edgar Culham, repairs to snow plow, $6.50; gravel for con. 2; S. Corbett, $30.- 00; C. Switzer, 830.00; J_ Matthews, $16.- 25; P. Hogan, $17.50; G. Schell, $17.50; Jno__ Schell, $3.75; Wm. Redpath, $2.50; G. Truen. 318.00. ACouncil adjourned to meet at Sunnidnle Corners first-Thursdav in April at 11 3.111. iAuto Licenses wm -Cjjf1jV 7 Owen St. Masonic Temple Building W. BELL, Issuer Successor to J. Arnold FIREJNSURANCE _'l'HURS12 auu Va. ._vvvIuu tnugvuc VVQIIUIII. lvql ally`; 1aqvvu;auvu_u_A UV 'Bul.C auuwavlavllu this sale. " ' L - All will be sold without reserve. sale a 1 mm. % % w. A. Mccomgzv, Auctioneer. St ['04 Not ron ma lN\ dor IE4 %*%$%$&*&a$%$%&&&%%*%&&&& I `I4 NEWS FROM NE.lGHBORlNG%T0'WNSHlPS $*%***%**%&$&$%$%$&%&m*&&%j |Ll7 llI/IIIU I\ll IIUI IICVV Illllllcu The young people around here are having! a good time these moonlight nights, sleigh- 5 riding and snowshoeing. I nurnl1' M:-`(nrnun Hun 1-nlnrnntl knnun `nil _ VVIIILI IKIIII lull Uuutull. Pure-bred Clydesdale gelding, rising 3, years. i ' Big `bay/hackney gelding,.4 years old. Chestnut hackney gelding, 6 years old. Large chestnut hackney gelding, 8 ye_ars '9 ewes, with `lambs and to lamb. ' 9 months -credit on approved joint notes, I 5 per cent. off purchase price for cash. ' Sale at 1 pm. W. A. McConkey, Auct. IUI III IIIIU fllllo ` Mrs. Hunter I8 vnsmng her sister-In-law. Mrs, (Dr.) Hanna. ' o___.._ The undersigned has rec}-._i\'ed instructions ' from ` Is.t`ate of Rte `A.`_Co`utts } `(Too Late for Last Week) A 5 March 8. ~--The sick =peo_ple here are alli improving. I`|unn -uvnu nn nl-.......l. gm.-uh... In... an ,Q..... '. IIUIHE uuu HIIUWDIIUUIIIS. X Darcy McKernan has returned home for[ a few (lays, 11.4 'I`.. _....... 2,. .. L...._. ___.._ AL_.._ .I____ l rt |U'VV uayn, I Jim Travers IS a bgsy man these days.- haulmg wood to town. -v----- -- nv-u-uc`l- -1 '.lThe following: ` Registered Clydesdale nlare," born June! 10. 1910. bred by S. Kissock. Oro Station,! with foal to Clarion. _ _ . ` 0...... L..-.l ru__-:__;_a- u-,,, uupluvlus. There was no church service here on ?Sun-, day on account of the bad roads. "l`Ln 7 nI':nn' ALI run! .6 5|... Inn-nu. Al` II-:- |I_) |JlI U\)\2|lll.llIr Ul IJIC uuu Illllll-`.3 The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs.l Eben Harris on Wednesday, March 7, and presented Mxfs. W_ Switzer with a sugar! bowl and creamjoitcher. on the eve at her; departure for her new home. ' `Flu. Irl\nv\n nnnnln n-n.u'n.I Lam. n-.. l.....:.... Rgadiuz the advts. is time well smut. to geli by Public Auction at Martin's Yards, Barrie SATURDAY,~MARCl-`I 17 $'A|l.....:..... . Use Ontario A Fertis . lizers on your crops ' this spring and` make most money. . I Practical Growers write: ' Money Crops eazife Money _M'al(ers V H You can get Best_Retums only when you fertilize libetallyv ' `.` Besides the manure we use ,l00l) lbs. per acre _ `_ of a good fertilizer--about a. 4-8-4 analysis." _ T ` It has been our custom tofertilize quite heavily with ubiareinyaredqmanute andhigh gifade fertilizers. . , AT MARRlN S YARl5'S;iA.RRlE SATURD_._A`Y_,l/[ARCH 1.7 O .' - - - - - ` j --- _iToo Late for Last Week) March 7.--Having qualied to enter the finals in the Inter~Church League, Clearview boys"met the Methodistteam in the first game of the finals a week. ago and in a match that was not sparkling with fast hockey held the unbeaten team to a tie, the score being 2. Wm. Belcher of Col- lingwood handled the game to the satis- faction of all, letting nothing pass that mas questionable. Tlmn nnnin Hun mirnl-inn nf H11: cnnsnn The undersigned has received instrnuctions from ' .GRENFEL ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, Limited STAYNER _noLsT1Ns ' We wnt Agent: whet not representdi. Send for our Booklet " Proven Investments" and ptioea. RUSSELL PEAKE due 155+ gate} to sll by F'ubli71A&:1<-:ti-c;n- I41:----: -Q4-3: - - (IUUSIJIUIIIIUIU. Then came the surprise of the season when it was learned that there would be no game Friday night. the Methodists hav- ing defaulted to Clearview, thus allowing the clover-kickers" to prance away home with the silverware, after one final battle _ fqr victory. ' 'I"lso nun urlann r-Atulnml Cnr flu-ma vnnr: -st. cum: s`r., TORONTO the follyowing: _ old. A old, - old, March l2.`--Dan. McLellan, who was en- gaged with the Tudhope Co; of Orillia at nne of their camps in the Parry Sound district, has returned iooking as sleek as -a polar- seal. Dan. says he remained through un- til the last log was -dumped on the ice. as. vy II A ._-_.. -_-..r-...-, -- 7--____, .__-__ Mrs, Frank Corrigan of Guelph was visit- . in'g her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Buckley. last week. 1_,,-,.u_ n__..__.1 -2 m-_-_.;_ _..L- ._.-_ L-__| KHKUII XII4 'PI'1ClI II Wllill 111175315. {INC All`: KY: O'Neill of Craighurst, called on his sister. in nkn: Mnn:nn:e 9-noun}!!! Wllall Ulll`. Llllllls B lltlllilllo . ' '. Burdette Longd sold his dandy driver last week; also harness and buggy. T and `Pu-:t'n1v cl 7 n I\\ O`... vnnnnnv-in I-1111:, qnvupykfnl _vn(vv,..v Jzuvn saga, uuc II pun: . of sdle. . . . { . _ Holsteih cow, 6 yrs. old, due Mar. 21. Holstgin. 999], 6. yrs. old. d,I_1A.e-. g2. 23. Ho1sts:ir1;;(.e1nw. .6 yrs... old. due.. _a.r-.26-.. Pure ,b1-_eV Hqlpteiu 1ggifer,_ T due 28. ~ . .. . . `_"mw.'? _. _. -1 5: AYRSHIRES 7Ayrshire cow, 4 .yrs. old,'with calf. at foot. This cow has a record of 14 lbs. 5oz. butter in 7 days. Ayrshife cow, 5 old, with calf at _` foot. This cow has a record .of c 17 lbs. 6"_oz. l_n_1_tte1: in 7 days. Ayrshire cow, 5 ygzsh. old, due Mar; 24 Aygghire cow, 5 old, due Mar. 27 .Ax!h.i,t".e c9.w.. .6 yrs;o1.d'. due Mr. 21 `Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs. old, due Mar. 18 , Ay:1fs.1:\irg,_,co;vv, 6 yrs, old, due Mar. 29' . SHEEP Q... ._-_.1 n.'_1-_._1 __.-_ 3--'|-..'.L IHSI. \V UCRO Joseph Berhard of Toronto. whoewas here assisting in attending his father, returned last week. as his father was much improved , Wu: 'IJ..`[(.m.m n` Tnunnn -nrhn {:3 an. IUFI` wccn. CID IIIB IKIUIICI WCB IIIUUU ILIIPIUVCLI Wm. McKeown of Toronto, who is en- gaged at -present with Messrs, Buckley 8: (\ KTa: n` -(`.1-ninkuur;-0 nanny` nn L`: a:anr ULVCIII Ul \Jl'llIsUlll`l, UIIIICU Ul Mrs. Chas. McGiVnnis. recently \l n- nn.-I Ilnn nlnnnnnn Tn:-. Mrs. Chas. McGiVnnis. recently.` Mr.` and Mrs. Clarence Laing Sundayedi with Mrs. Laing s parents. I ' nnuuinffn Invun nn`r` `n: 4-`nut-`Iv r'r:u'-nu I `NED CUB, RIB`! llR1III$E llll Last Friday at 7 am. the mercury regis- tered 14 below zero. rather a low temper; ature for March. The stmng easterly wind that prevailed Friday night was the reason for the railway company despatching the snnwplow up the line, as heavy drifts were piled here and there by the force of c the wind. The morning train crew stated :they would have been unable to make the irun without the assistance of the Plow. It; `is to be hoped another trip will not be gnecessary this season. At the time of !writing the weather is` wearing :1 spring-I jlike appearance. and thereeis no doubt ithere are others as well as the railway men ;who will be glad to see the last of the isnow disappear for this spring. and to i again welcome the balmy, sunshiny days. I i Man} Dknlncl-nn:nnn nun :i\lI`:I\nI` in I-`\:n`ri ll` ll '.l llI5 LIIVKIJIICKII The eom m_nnity was badly shocked lastl week. when word was receivedof the sud- den death of George Downey of the 6th; line. Only a few days previously. your` correspondent was in -conversation with: him lat the depot here. and he appeared to be` in `the best of health. Mr, Downey was! well known in this village, and very highly respected as heyalways carried a pleasant lsmile and made it agreeable for everyone` who formed his acquaintance. He was; never-known to have an unkind word for} anybody, and shunned slander of any kind.[ lMan_v years ago when the village had ser-; ,vices in the little church Mr. Downey used` `to walk down the railroad. and take active; - service in `both Church and Sunday.School,( l but of late years he has been seen very little `in the village, as Elmvale was his place of 1. worship. Nevertheless all `will-miss him and deep sympathy is -whole-heartedly extended There, is no. doubt Elmvale will miss him to the remaining family in their great loss. `very much in their church affairs. -as he .was an active memberbf the Methodistl l church. I `I ; ___r.,:, I, 1 . .1 - 1 C . l- D'Arcy Kelly. who underwent an opera- tion in Barrie Hospital, is doing nicely. II T` I I1 ,,,,, I I\,_,I,.1. _,,_._ 4.2-3; XI! HQ 518 `good Ozbrfolx-d; e_jv_es,. in`. lamb. :1-'lll |'lIC UIIGIIUCB U1 ICUCIVIII6 ILJUIU PUWCI [in the near future are very slim.` At [present there is muchetalk of installing al `lighting plant. of our own, and if _all join` _in with the scheme there is no reason for a delay in an immediate installation. Fig-' uring the cost from every angle. I believe it a paying investment,` 'l`L.. '... .....>.m....:o.. mm. 1.....ll.. ..L....!....l l..... . Durham cow, . 4 . Durham -cow, 1 cow, 1 ' l`lrU'lI WCIUIPIIIU IIIIB IJUIIII", auusuuly uuya. | Most Phelpstonians are inclined to think] that the chances of receiving Hydro power inn {Jan nnovt `nfnrn. own uni-n nnnn A6 LIIUIVIIQ It certainly starts one thinking. when 21!` neighbor is`so suddenly. called away. Here| VPHELPSTON L Ontario Fertilizrs, "have won hjgh re- putation forauality. . . . 21 . . l ' , "we are in this little; oldworld, with some of our neighbors talking and _,working against us all they can, others jealous of every move, or if another appears to be` getting along better` or more prosperously' than `them; others that will tell another gneighbor -an untruth if they can help to ginjure. someone. And what ,does it all` 1 amount to? In the` long run is there any- 3 ' thing gained? Each one is some day bound 1 to cross the valley and know neither "the; day not the` hour that the call is coming.l 1 Is "there really enough in the games of ' ingtoinjure _your neighbor. to make it pay? 1 Let uslook into the future, and ask our] .eelves. Does`it really pay? Probably; {we are blind to the fact that we are only` iinjuring ourselves. ' up I I L, ,, , I,__I IIIIU ICUII ID WU Will LIIIVKJ IU IUVISC [TIC IWJCGI It is as out of fashion as a red annel petticoat, or a `pair of lace mitts. Let's! make it ripple` thus, In the spring a young lman s fancy lightly turns to automobiles."l When in the cityor town, walk around any balmy day now, and you will be amaz- ] ed at the number of young men engaged at] [the delightful occupation of window shop- lping. Youwill find them browsing aroundl the salesrooms collecting catalogues and ltrying not to look dejected when the dapper lsalesman assigned to their case mentions the price. Then they go home and study plans of transmission and gear shifts. Are! , they bothered about a stroll around -with a` blonde. or sitting on the parlor "sofa withl -the wonderygirl. studying those thrilling` [plans for $750 cottages? Scarcely. When! `thawing time comes, when the puwy wil-.5 glows fuzz from their little brown buds,i [when the breast of the robin flames orange red, and the smell of the mothball is strong in the land, when nature drapes her face: with a veil of lacy` green. than does the lpulse of. the young manquicken. As he swings down the street this early springo morning, there is a smile" in his eyes. a song on his lips. How he has skimped and saved for his_heart's desire and `now it is to be his. -He can afford it. Afford what? Not matrimony. but a motor car. Weddingl rings--why that stuff was good when Wa:h- 1 lington chopped cherry trees. The questionl is not whether he can -afford to marry, and: if so whether it will be Margaret or Muriel, l but can he afford to maintain a motor car, . `and if so. oh, why speak of wives when; I there are cars -to -be bought? The only hope; left `to maido `. matrimonially inclined the high cost gets much higher, motors will pass out of the picture. and the young man's fancy will perforce return to the les~' em-it.i1ig sport of You ll take me and I ll . take you." ` I x r.`..:....,i.. I. ......... .. ..i........i Ln .......: :.. vm...! comes from the igh cost of gasoline." If !""" '"""' 1 An effort is being_ made by some local} business men` to have the Sterling Bank re-open here.. The few hours . service a week now being given from the bank in` `Elmvale is not considered adequate to the requirements of the village. i What has become of the old-fashioned [poets who used to pipe things like In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love?" Very. very` sweet and very, very pretty, Mr. Poet, butl the fact is we will have to revise the idea.` 1- ,- _._L -1 l__L!,__ _._ A __.I II-____-I Friends here were pleased to read in The Examiner of last week of the promotion of Grant Martin to teller in. the Barrie branch] of the Bank of Commerce. Grant lived in! Elmvale at one time and was an occasiouali visitor to this village. 3 :6 nun. I...........l i lClI\K7 Jllllo ` To ...m_- ...-one .....m. 1.....- ...l..... _ Collingwood News--There is a provi-ncial election in the offing and signs point `to Conservatives. This week 'two of the or ganizing force were in town centering their activities on securing a meeting of a num- ber of the active spirits in West Simcoe. Owing .to the contemplated withdrawal of the present member the hope is to get an organization in line that will be able to xmduce some other` `good citizen to throw in his; lot with -Hon. Howard Ferguson and his- lieutenants. The move here would in- dicate that the party contemplates an elec-- tion either in the early summer or the the first move in this `section made by the l early. fall. A ' IQI VlUlAUl_) o V The cup when retained. for three years in succession, becomes the` propeljty of the ` team. Look out for more hockey. `Ink:-u uunnknn `nun hnnn uuynrrlnl` I-Rn Jinn.` the. hotel noted as`: place for good food. She developed such skill in carving steaks from -the sides of heavy beef that the tender cuts which she` served soon became known as f`Porter House steaks." Mrs. Remich was 87 years of ;_age, and a.native of Low- ell, Mass. - ' \IDllUI I'll |lIlD VIIIIISUI It was great news here when it was learned! that the` Elmvale girls went to Midlandl and beat them on their own rink. The sar- lcasm of the two Midland ladies, who took [so much pleasure in making fun of the [small rink at Elmvale, gave some of the! Elmvale players the idea that when` they! went to Midland they were going to be on; `some high class rink. But they got the surprise of their -lives to find it was not equal to their own; nor was the ice in as` good condition. The deliberate way in: {which those couple of Midland players used; I their hockey sticks was both disgraceful and 5 5 unladylike, and was very highly condemned by many of their own spectators. Elmvale girls can certainly boast of putting up a l l lgood. square. clean game and Midland l deserved all she got. 5 -_ guuu, u.. unum. David Pugsley of Toronto was up last ;week for a few days. . Min {lam-..:.'. `I:(.....I..n l\: n......:.. :.; 1.-...- 2 vuuluuugc, ., uuu ncr COOKIES E1808 4 the. hotel nontzluaa` a. place for food.l She devplnned mm}: sh-ill ;n new-vino ntnnlml _(T6o Laf for Last Wic-itailic) March 8.--Mrs. E. J. Metcalf is home after having spent the winter with Mrs. _B'urt, N.. Orillia. I 1\.._.:_I n_____I_,, P FIV . I `Mrs; Anna g F, Rpmich, who brought famg to apnrtioular cut of beefstenk, died I at Milford, N. H.-, last week. Shortly after the clog: of, the civil .war*Mra. Remich be- camo cook at the Porter House in North Icambridge, Mass., andher cooking made` uh Hnfni IIAOAJ on`. nlnnn `nu auuul CA.-nl z vvccn IUI ll [CW uuys. Miss Georgia Kendall of Barrie is home for a while. In-.. n-._._n LL12, 2, - 1 nu n wuuc. _ MISS Pearl Joslibn is visiting her sister in Barrie, It. mL-,, A cu, . 11- . nu uauxc. `1 Mrs. -Thos. A. Sgoxie and Viola spent. a! -few days in Toronto with relatives. ` I Miss Nellie Smith is visiting in Toronto. | Miss Orma Johnston entertained the C.G. I and Boys Club last Wednesday even.- ` lllg. ` no `D-.. TII..l.....A..Z..l. .: t\.__ a4.-L:-_ ` Ills: Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrick of Oro Station spent a day last week at `her home here.- VUHIII. IJUUR `FIJI: IUI UIUIC LIUUl\U o Uohn Hughes has been awarded th'e con-' tract for the `extension being made to D. _A. McLean's Tea Rooms at Wasaga_ Beach. `Rooming accommodation willTbe provided for in the plans. MFA` txnntnr :1: uiuifinn '11:!` u;:for_;n_l-luv l V March_l2.---In' thia absence of Rev, S. Martin next Sunday, the Methodist pulpit will be supplied by Collier Street Church. Barrie. `ll ..- 1.,,, II . . .1 . on n V11.`-Ul\ run ucn lnuuucl HI Ul'llllZ1._ A. W. Palk is visiting for a few days atl ' Stroud. - T i Ll - .....I `ll-.. AL--- l)_.n _: n__,___, 17:11 JJIJJIIIII Mrs. Jauuxs Hart spent the most of last week wih her brother in Orillia_ A `KY `l)..Il- 2- --!..:L2__ t-.. _ 1'-_,, ,I_, ' \JIIlU\IlII Mr, and Mrs. Abner Ball of Crown Hill! have lately moved into this village. ' Mr unrl III-6" Wi Allflfrla nnnnlr Qnnr`nu- , TORIES SEEKING` CANDIDATE T FOR `WEST SIMCOE RIDING uavc sunny auuvcu muu tuna yluugc. | Mr. and Mrsf Wm. Adams spent Sunday m Hawkestone With Mr. and Mrs. Fellows. ORIGIN OF "PORTERHOUSE STEAK HAWKESTONE SHANTY BAY ` V CREDIT SALE High-Class Horses and Sheepi 135 SIGN `FOR HYDRO ; AT VVASAGA BEACH The Municipal Council of Sunnidale met at New Lowell, March 1, `with all the members present and 'the Reeve in the chair_ i A The following communications were pre-g lsented, viz: _W~alter McMackon, re timber lon road, etc.; Boys & Murchison, re ac- ;count ,of T. Duckworth, advising that if his claim -be not paid, etc.; C. J, McRae; ask- ing that Council consider the question of ,a ,proper survey of Con._ .16, etc.; trustees of {several school sections asking an advance. EA number of accounts were received; The engineers of the Hydro Electric Com- I mission addressed the Council regarding ; contracis entered into by residents of Wasa- | ga Beach for electric light and power, M `*==v N?7onAvvAuNK5"` Q 31.!- as 9RgpAgEp mm? L This is one reason why Rinso soaks clothes clean without chard rubbing. T - `MA few rninutes at night-V--ju,st the little time. you need to put the clothes to soakin these rich suds, and Rinso suds work down into every fold and bre, loosening _ the dirt without weakening a single thread. `i ' Just a [light rubbing with Rinso on cuff edges, neck bands and the like, ' gets theft: "clean--t'h`e dirt ig lVo os.>ene:cl.'. Auction Sale of 19 High clgssl Cows and%1$ Oxford Sheep