Z-C.IQfO IIIK ml" m... s::u"'n,..""""*..W.... tor IIIhI3nInod!C0..HaJi iottuoinooko uAplUfll0 came mt-o existex In o`her wonjds." said Til helpless smile, you created in order [to give her shares!" "V, I-I-Auto: Hun nnnnnn ~ " C` VIII: 1 ,j'.!' `- He came back and rescued Tillizini at a he, '2 period when he was bored -to the point of ;tears. Talhani was very i_mportant and ket ; Vel`y-n1_\'Stl'l0llS'.` He plunged into the crowd lu_ lgalll to find `Y vonne Yiile_ She.i1.ia'y_ha\'e melseen him coming; at any rate Tillizini saw togher look helplessly round. then .face him `he 3 with a scared look. _. H _ to Must you really go, Captain Tzilhztm? I I I Talhnm said that he really must go; he as said why he had'to go, what he had to f"; do; the hours` of anxious -work which lay ' ; ahead of him, and he hint-ed of the destin lies of people which would be affected by an any longer srbsc-ntionfroni their interest. an 5 He spoke of generations ye` unborn whose! , ifatcs were trenihliiig in the b:-ilauce;'he ellaid down the well worn thesis that social ll `djobligtitions .-'l IOll(l be subservient to stern,l 1 economic realities. - . gt If she thought she had seen the lastof I ` `: him after he had so uiiniistakably expressed = his intention of retiring, she was inistziken. ` She did not know Talhain. ' She felt foolish l and resented the cause. People at whom. I speeclics. are made in public invariably '. d feel foolish. . ,( 5 ~ et for all the exhaustive character of I fhis farewell, Talham remembered on his V way home several things he had intended g ll to say, and was half inclined to go back to` S lseay them. All the way to the hotel he H lcould think of nothing else, but her won-= . I . . _ derful eyes, her refinement, her gloriousl O a voice. h 4 She was, he said. the (laughter of an army " officer. who had died suddenly a few years ` 9 before, leaving the second wife and diiugli~ I I * ter the most meagre of incomes. This was; 5` the text on which he delivered an address. -dealing with the duty of the state and thel ':grudging gratitude of the nation. So far 3_as Tillizini was able to trace. Yvonneis 7 father was a colonel of infantry, who had.` |'speut some twenty years in various parts: 5 of the globe, missing active service thel ' whole of his life, and finishing up with the! l command of a militia depot. Under these circumstances. Talhain s heroics about the ichililren of England s battle-scarred de-I .. lfenders" were beside the point. p l _Mis. Yale. ' hesaid impressively. was; `. .a woiiderful woinan, a splendid woman. a` I l' 'business woman. I can only hope. that] vYvonne inherits her splendid qualities. l Ugh *Talham nwlm-ml H. .......i.i .. i.:- l Ell ;..cmuuu uuu lallell [Or it. - i It is a subtle form of flattery emplc zby dowagers, who could not` hint at [physical attractions of their niiddle-; angl bald-headed admirers, and still re itheirself-respect; and who find in oblique tribute to their business capac an effpctive and profitable substitute. But Tnlilmm ulna nnf ...:.I.ll.. ..._-J v IVOIIHG mnenrs her splendid Wli ;`n `Tulham ordered his world to his ow_n satisfaction he was not above adjust- ling the laws of progeniture. Mrs. Yale hadi isought his advice as to her investments,` !'I`alham had fallen for it. It in n ....kcl.. t'...___ -1- n .. - - ls-U apcun wun auunomy. I She was one of those women who have _ a den, half study. half boudoir. all` roll- ltop desks and`Liberty knick-knacks. She prided herself upon being a Atvhorough bus- iness woman, with a head for figures. which meant periodical ilisputes between hex-`and her broker. which induced piles of tragic correspondence between herself and her bank. and explained to a very large ex- tent `the domestic cataclysms which were =of such frequent occurrence in her house- lhold. l- m . . ,.-,u.- U: ucr searcn nan been accomplished. She was Yvonne Yale s step-mother. be- ing the second.wife of the gallant colonel, who had long since passed over to the majority. Mrs. Yale's, poetical way of put- ting it. was that he had taken his sword ` to heaven, but as to this it is imposiblel no speak with authority. I She mum mui nf f`n1\L~n .........._ ...L, I I uuc uuul 21 guest I0 1115 11051538. . Fortunately. Mrs. Yale came to the res~` `cue. Shewss engaged in that process which is" described in the society columns as mixing up her guests." In other words. she was making her slow way through the crowded little room, giving a nod here, a smile there; some comment, generally mis~ placedfelsewhere. She left behind her a trail of bachelors, who had. in acknow- ledging her tender enquiries after their wives. inferentially admitted such posses- sions. She found Talham, and from the manner in which she pounced upon him and led him fort-h, Tillizini gathered that the ob-' ject of her Search had been accomplished. I was Yvonnn V.-ah- e Qfan_rv\nO1~.n- L- _---c ..,....`...-. _ uuu unyeuerluub` (Continued on page 10) "`l:illizini sueceeded, however, in giving (the girl an opportunity for escape, but he drew down upon himself all the heavy weapons in ` Talham s arsenal, It was absolutely necessary for him to seek out Mrs. Yale, _and pay her that little attention which is ' due from a guest to his hostess. pnrtnnutnlu M..- v..I- -...- L -' lCIIU' self. 'I`,`1 unnanfxkaas books of ` travel. `when a devoted serirant sets himself the thankless task of attracting the attention of a tiger, feeding upon his fellow creature, to his plump and trembling i CHAPTER Vlll PL- AI. -7, rt `U. mld nm; mm ..+ elm` flatte-ry employed wuu uuu In mus capacities lhlll. llhal-uh: ` uavvcI_y clplyeu` d the` niiddle-agecl I rg_ and ell .-.:o..:..| uuuulC'2l5Ull I St!" rtami ;,_,J :_ `L1, envl IUUD ` t r army a_a 48 | till] this uc. Iuulvu an "a vzlpulf. ma3IStMr5.ttM. Steartro, of; 645 `S`(7r1}1|erset an .. . awa, n .. savs: ` en I I It first heard of Vicks VapoRub I de- ?f cided to try it._as I had a severe cold :;`_i: in my chest `and catarrh inthe nose.] ngd I had been bothered with catarrh for in ;over a year and every time I got in therthe least draught it seemed to settle ake oi: my chest. I applid Vicks on mv f_0f gioseh and chest and rubbed it well. ' n t e morning there was a change. L`,I anplied it on my chest for three ; l a `nights and on the fourth day my cold myiwvas better. I applied it on my nose Qfor-one week for the catarrh and the 1 r.uu.catarrh is all `gone. I haven't had a I `cold this winter and thecatarrh did- n t. come back. I highly recommend- Vicks VapoRub."- 3 AL`..n .:...-_ -4, -- - ~ - ti Th'ough\Vicks is new in Canada, i* -em'o_vs a remarkable sale. Over 17 Ismillion jars used- yearI_v`; 9-G-_8m%ifn&0bT u auzxu v uyULUuUo At'a!l;drug stores. 50c a jar. For a free test size package, write V ick Chemical Co.. 344 St. Paul St. West Montreal. P Q. n_.A___,1_ Y?` I ...uu5--u yczlnlgtllcllb uenent. ' Vicks is a quick-acting treatment _ for all cold troubles-'--absorbed like r.a linimcnt and at _the same time in- _{haled as-a vapor. ' _: M,,, M (u....-.__ .- ...- ... -nvvv Au wgcaxa um H830. ' I 1 Czitarrh sufferers seem to think ithey have to endure it- forever be- ;cause they live in a catarrhiclim-" ate. The disease is hard to get rid of, but Vicks brings welcome relief gand in many cases persistent use has {wrought permanent benet. 1 `Rain. L. .. .---!-I- ~-- `Melt a little Vicks VapoRub in al spbon. Inhale the vapor. Then in- sert some in nostrils, snuffing it well} _back. You will be delighted to see; ihow it clearshthe head. T A 7 I (`.`L......L ---1!'- - VapoRub Salve is a. Real Boon for Catarrh Sufferers I CLEARS THEiiE.iB ` INSTANTANEOUSLY p I uuvcl no 010 8 I011, ' i 7 The attendance was much larger than. 'on -the previous week, /the change in the` ~ temperat_ure and the recent snow putting , the roads in fairly good conditionafter -, i the mild weather" two weeks ago. - . Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40-55c lb. {Eggs..._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c dozen` . Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 22-28c lb. l I Older fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20-25c lb. Ducks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30: lb. Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20: Carrots . . . . . . ., . . . . . .. . . . . 20-25c basket E Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c basket. E . Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c hunch l Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 5c , Cabbages ..' . . . . . . . . . . 5-15c each ' Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20c -peck l Wealthy apples .A . . . . . . 25c lmsket I 9now apples . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c basket Spy apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45c basket I Hay . . . . . . . per ton $13.00-15.00 ,_ cues. whether a small met. or whether one of the dreaded for-me-the torment of eczema or the hold scales of pcoriuiu-et 1 bottle at once on our guarantee met if it doesn't relieve yon Rut money ml] be refunded. 81.00 a bottle. 7 D. D. D. soon. too. 12:: Indian 9... em. `I\.:_-.._ -- .-. j twi 7 n The greatlnent ofukin digeueu (eczema) and dlleuel of the octlp as known to be glmcult." write: Dr. W. L. Randolph. However. there in one remedy that in known {to be entirely dependable in this diutreumg and $ouble|o1ne.din-cue. I pater to D. `D. D. rescriptlon." If you have never tried D. D. D. for skin diu- euee. whether ghe _dreeded torment of .-M...... .. __ .__..-....._... --- nu-nnvruanu Unlll IIIUI Herbert G. Robertson, Druggist, I.-uva. 1 Timothy hay was going at $15 a ton and clover at 313 a ton, ,- , rm... ....-.-.n--._- - - - qunul-_y' uuu \'arIeI~y_ l 7 Dressed lamb was selling at 28 cents a,` pound for binds and 22 cents a pound for; fronts. Beef was selling at. 12 cents for binds and '10 cents a pound for fronts. Pork was being retailed at 18 cents a pound` _ for hinds and 16 cents a pdnd for front; 1 outs. ucu-5 znrneu guucruuy. ' There -was a good offering of vegetables` beets. onions. and potatoes were selling at! 20 to 25 cents :1 basket. Apples were bring , iug 20 to 45 cents a basket, according toi quality and variety_ nrnaan Ln-nln nvnn: :...Il:.... .. no --_.;_ _ IIUIIIIJCI o ' The price of eggs was the only thing that? remained steady and 45 cents a dozen was? being asked generally. A Tharp -unm u nnnrl ..N`.....'.... ..f .........4..Ll..~. i SATURDAY MARKET Buyers on the local market last Sat- urday were required to do much question- ing and bargaining to obtain their re- quirements at prices more nearly to` their Iliking. Not Ih7s year havepriccs fluctuated, so quickly as they did last Saturday morn-"l ing. One seller raised.dre.`\=ed poultry fromi 20 cents a pound for fowl and 22 cents ah pound for Ithickens to '25 cents for fowl and 28 cents for chickens in the course of` fifteen minutes. Butter. started at 40 cents a pound and two hours later asl high as 55 cents a pound was being asked,' although, with some bargaining, buyers could purchase buffer at 45 cents a pound. but 55 cents was requested by quite a number. i "FL- ` r !&&wa$aammm$&$mf g&m&&&w&m&mww$&gf THE MARKETS III! III" IIU cniuxcuonx Elm mp: horns. one application deal it. Apply to calves 3 3,010 days old. 50. a Pas or at your t|II1- MIN Blllll. 435 lclungton I. 1'0:-onto The 'DoubleHTracl Route You'll like Oh way Fuxmws cnnncA1.onn mu unnllcauon . . . . UL'i basket; . I | ;g, Barrie V dozen ` lb.` ..nu:u_u55cn.w BCHHI5 uquur p()lSO0llS enough to cause death shall be guilty of `first de- gree murder. ' I n uul muuuuceu m nansas provides that bootlpggers selling liquor poisonous enough to death shall hp mmeu n5 4:... .4- -van-vv AVID IVIDFIIIIIIIIV FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIREB Over. Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Barrie. ... ... ncnuu. um. u. u. uampbell, C. A. T. E. Lawless. C. A. W. S. Hulhig. Production Engineer. Manager Cost and Efficiency Department. j YII-I SUI C Phone Main 5874. H. J. Welch. C.A. fl rs I Simcoe Marbleworks 20 Owen St., Barrie _________________ I MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of MUSIC examinations leading up to and including the A.'I`.C.M. degree. 'Studio'--King Block. Phone 424. _______________________________ A bill introduced in Kansas provides that ootlezgersz snllina nnnr m~.:m......o .... ...L 4__.______._..._.._.__.__._ EDMUND HARDY, Mus.Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano. Organ. Vocal. and Musical l Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St, Andrew s Presbvterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory of Music and of the University of Toronto. II3 Worsley St. Phone 683 ` 1:11-:Z lxzuluc auu LQ.\`l(18C6--U01`! ` Bradford Sts.. Barrie. [Office hours-9-10 a.m.. 1- ! Irflilno ll. IUHNUULL Graduate of McGill University. Montreal- [Office and lHeidence--Corner Elizabeth and I Sfs_. m..-.-:. m..-- m- mss E. GOSNEY4 uits. Topc TAILORESS ,. oats. Dresses. Eta. Etc. 2 `Adelaide Street, Aandale. Office and Residence--ColIier St Clapperton St.. Barrie. an;1AN AND SURGEON ., co:-mar of Phone 275 .~ ru-uvu HNU VIULIN TUITION Special attention to younger chifdren. ' gnvn rnnu-n-..- Ullll'- ` Phone 710. (Formerly of Drs. Ross &-Ros.<. Barrie.) Late Surgeon Specialist. with the . Imperial Army. 41- years. `Genera! Surgery and Obstetrics epecially. Office--15 Owen St., Barrie. Iphnnp 710 " " " " Phones:-- 0i fi;:$ Residence 353. _..._...____.._ .,-_'_..._.. ,,,,,_.___..- v... -uvuu IIIlI .r\ LYUN I122 Bloor St. West. Toronto. will he . 91 Owen St.. Barrie. eve'r_v Saturday. Diseaseszof Eye, Ear, Nose and Throa Consultation hours+-l1 am. to 5 mm. 3Ba.n-ie, phone 2. Toronto. North 33: T------------r DOROTHY J. SARJEANT, A.` TEACHER. OF PIANO 'l"..|..;.L - .7 ` ,. -..v. u.uunI.:.II LIIILI. ` Physicians ,and surgeons, Barrie Ont. Office and Residence-47 Maple Ave. Office hours:- 1 to 3 p.mL. 7 to 9 p.m.,` on by appointment. Phone 213. IA. T. Little. M.D. W. C. Little M.B. i u; guuuxcr cnnuren BOYD SVLVESTER \Bandnmster Barrie Citizens` Band. 120 Bayeld St-. ,,___._________ LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants n... u..:_ so-n 1 urzuulzt` (I l'Ph0ne 61 |Hours: 8-9 a.m.` ---. -up In rIIIIVl'\|-l- ll Associate Coroner County of Simcoe ;O'ice and Residence--Corner Toronto a: I f 1 II Elizabeth Stsu. opp. Central Church. Telephone 167 _._..___._.__..__._...___________, 4 Y "L, :31 C. W, Plaxton. re Well supalai s.sT:iiif.%i:1iI' : I MONEY To LOAN !Bar1"i.-tc-r. Solicitor for nbtiiining probate of wills. guardianship and urlministration. and I General Solicitor. N otarv. Couveyancer. em. nfm;_`lI`:..A.' I..-I. O f\.-_I._ Q; `II__ 2, 1 Barristers. Solicitors. Notary Public ` ' Conveyancers. Etc. .-Muney to loan 3.` lowest rates of interest. |Of'fice--l3 Owen St., in` Masonic Temple Building. Barrie. Branch ()t`fice---Elxm'ale W. A. Boys. K.C.. M.P. D. C. Murchison uenerzu aoucgzor. Notary. Uouvcyancer. Ofce--Hinds' Block, 8 Dunlap BL, Barrio. , MONEY TO LOAN i:-- Puma AND VIOLIN `TUITION necial atfpntinn fn ....... ._ .L`f-' |Graduates and members of Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office: Over Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Entrance on Owen S1. Phones: Office 241. Res.-314. RU. Box 133 VV. Richardson. L.D.S.. D.D.S. lw. Randall Richardson. L.n.s.. 0.0.5.` IJI1Us QUTIIIO X DUNN _ 78 Dunlop Street .Over Reeve's Jewelry Store. NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISORDERS DLIAAIE Ann -_ -..n _. ,a':_. :3.` :..c v\r\/\J .-uu va:.;.n.u.s-v unuvguuunuu -PIQSNE 406 or call at office for information . onLany disease. R..J. EDWARBS &. "EDWARDS * V I8 Toronto $1.. Toronto. R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards. B.A.So Miss M. McAIfthur Y)TT`Ill'\`l'\rI1 1 ruvs . nu-5 ___. vuvfwuuullll Illll III DYWIII UZJKLW in advance (in arrears $2.50); United- 82.50 per your in advance. Both old` Dd new eddresses should be given when nfv of nddrelu is requested. V CANCEL: LN? OHS--We find that most of our nib prior: prefer not to have their subecrip ne interrupted in case they fail to remix before `expiration. While subscriptions wilt not be carried in arrears over en extendec period. yet, unless we are notied to cancel- we mums the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remimncesfehould be made b) reghtored letter, money order, or cheque payable at per in Barrie. I A ll..-1__-_ uej-,., --u Iv. I1. I.-l;.IIlv) Surgery and Disease.'- of Women Associate Coroner County of Simone ~-and~-. DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto Univer:-zity nn'n R1 Am . RADEQHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS. S(_)l.I(.`-ITORS. ETC. -. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN PLAXTON{ B.\RR.IS I'IRS. E 0522--., -A" 4 DRS. W. W. R. RICHARDSON L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICYAN AND SURGEON 9 and RAei:Inn...__P..|I:..- an 7 - DONALD nbss. LL.B. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC . Masonic. Temple Building. Barrie . Mnnmv Tn tnnxr -...-...--Jaw \ll 1 1:1 Telephone 151. B3 I . O. Box 88 ll.l`ll-l\7 I lklh`. n Oices: 707-: T__-_ 4 o_n, r:. G. TURNBULL . -4` llursen Iv - - DUNCAN F. McTCUAlG, B.A. gllnnpuurnr In Pro-_--"Sal.-A .9. D..ll urnn\|\u.. _ul\J1|ll.V DIV 2333:: undu nftornoo It in has omJ"3..', Barrio. Sublsicrluiu hlIO-_Cnmd| and Gust Britain 82.00.90! III Advance (in AI-mun 325m - n..;..a. llIJl`lll'\l` T- Sucoessor to I DRS. UTTLE &. LITTLE n A n - _ . -_J R, DR. MORTIMER LYGN .... Q. 117, . nu on. i'RED A. Boss ._ ._t l\, I` 1>'Rsi1au'nNs % & sunus a-....A CHIROPRACTIC ALEXANDER COV;Il:NV DR.VH. T} ARNALL DR. W. LEWIS Bovs & MURCHISON TO`rder` you} /mMo;;1;nent now and have "it ready to set `early in the spring. Our stock of imported` and `domestic granite is- well assorted, and prices right. ` Ivun I..l LJ named M ' . m...' ?3Mm`A?.`f:` Drugglau. orcranulated, lotus. Safefor "J .. `9 B- uur Avlupn: nuuuuug. MON EY TO LOAN ARCHITECIS MUSIC {MEDICAL ;4n\-V. u_\;1.1\I1l\I1\-`. 1'11 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. ,. r: n.....u.... nu- 593-{;)Ange St... Toronto. G. D.?'Campbell, C. A. . A awlnca `DENTAL f `Toronto Office-58 Collier St. 12.30? p.m.. 5.30-8 p.m_ ___.___._________ i & PLAXTONW SOLICITORS ETC. 5'0 If--.` T)..!IJ2 A s(')'1`.'iVr9.i"17(')1:..1:Vi:(:. Morgue and Chapel >' IN CONNECTION u III|a\I\lI'\l`l, D13: Creswicke & .Bell .-u. -4: nu: IJGLIIIIIH . Ir, Throat. v-ll mm. 3326.` : .,.....u unmuucun am! rne. Phone 105. .. 1-3 p.m.. 7-8 pm. .________.______ ' \IllI.- G. Gordon Plaxton `L1 '1 1'\I1\.. 1'; I 1:. Ross Block. Barrie. rlvtllvl UDVCCIIIIY. t., P. 0. Box 1075. A'.T.d.: at [and voun Aaagqmc NEEDS (ht; I 4-loch: that y [III \ who thc-ir plum-4 PFHH on-:u DAV mo mom G. W. J. EASTMAN, PROP. Phone_277 npuly. , Consult us with your building 'T'l;Il'\lV IIl\tIl-Inn -r-vuc uuw between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO QAl`l\JV l'\:__.. -, ti pouor DELAY vllvll IJUIIILIII` %`i"ii:_sl"'i'zt')c:|-:Rs scofrs BOOKSTORE R. `c._,MANUE1.,T Phone 721 Nlglut and Morning. Have Clcamcdl Even. If they Tire, H,/~1tch, Smart or.Burn,x ` if Sore, Irritated, In- amed orGtanulated, Sulphu- Established mi` I ucuuc. J. A. Mac_LareI. Editol W. C. Walls, Manna `Phone MGR.` at- val`: lJ\l\I.Vu > I If you have not used Dodd s Kid- ney Pills for kidney txouble, ask your .ne_ighbors about _them. ` ' 11c xavvcvv auu lCCp well." ` ll " Dodd s Kidney Pills strengthen the {kidneys and put them in shape to do ;their full work of straining the` im- `purities out of the blood. With pure blood there is good health all over the body. ' ul-vwvvu IACI C. I have suffered for nine years and 'tried all kinds of remedies. It was Dodd s Kidney 'Pills that restored me to good health. I am now able to get about on _the farm, have a good ap- petite and sleep well. nnrlA u TI.l.....-- `run - ._._._. I Mr. P. Boiuino aunts Everyzpnel to Know Hm! Benet He Re-I ' ceived from Dod_d'n Kidney Pills. 3` La Broquerie, Man., March 12th (Special)--- Befo`r-_ taking `V Dodd s' Kidney Pills I was not able t`o'work or sleep and now I am completely relieved of my kidney trouble. These are the words of Mr. P. R.\~ *'Boissino._ well known and highly rel-_ ispected here. T . 1 ct? LA__ 1" ' ` ` ! Full'ln1'ormation from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. 1!. Born- Ing, District Passenger Agt., Taronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY. Depot Agent Pllone Cb Barrio Man Finds Sret of II }' ' Healthin Dodd s Kidney .. Dl- 4 .. " l uwnen people. She said -this with a gentle note of mock- ery. but as usual Talham took her very seriously. ` Whatever view: you may `hold ne- garding my friend," he said gravely, you tinguished. I hope, Miss Yale. that youg and I shall be great friends; I will have - no artificial `barriers erected` which may lseparate to any extent two people anxious lto grow in acquaintance." ' ' The girl looked puzzled; She had uttered : ; I ucl VI: lv|Ull'Dl8. I am glad to see you again. Captain Talham." she said with a" dazzling smile; which showed two rows of pearly teeth. "We do not often entertain such tlisfing-` uished people." ` I Rho nlrl .636.` ...24L - --r AI ` ` I Ulla _ She held out her hand frankly "with a lit- tle smile to Talham. arid he took it. He held it. it seemed to Tillizini, an unconscion- able time. The responsibility of piloting |Tulhum through ;the social maze was get- I ring on the nerves of one who was famousl throughout Europe for his freedom from nerve trou-ble. ` | CO1 ____ _r_n . '.m.5_u-u Lur my ruaiencss _ Obeying rather the dictation of his inner lselfthan any suggestion of his friend, Tal- ham we_ut_ towards her. his hand outstretch- Had. I nL Lnxuuxll 5 arm. Imroduce me." he nu ologise for my rudMencss.'A' 1 nhn\rnn -..A`L.... IL- .I!.A CHAPTER vII-concanue&. He [continued to look. and the girl\ must have subconsciously become aware of the unwinking gaze fixed upon her, for she ( turned her head and faced him. a For a moment they stood thus, looking one at the other. then Tillizini saw a deli- cate pink creep into her face and he caught Talham s' arm. ` Introduce muttered. "and a - _ A H . P olozuie for mv rnrlm-new .... .. ..u....c talc, out uaptam '1`aIharn' ` appears on the scene and hands over a ` bracelet to _him. When, however, Ray- mond de Costa shows this bracelet to a Chinmnan called Soc of the Society of Good Intention the latter tells himgit is the wrong one. Son finds that the man who was shot in the Ambassador's house was his brother, who was sent with two other Chinamen to secure the document. -The other men have disappeared. An unsnc-' cessful attempt is made on the livesof `Tillizini and Talham. Later they make {an afternoon call together at the Yalesl * 1 house. i ` gmuu uuu we heard. They I A-....I.........._I.._ J . -.--V Vran\rl'I\I\I ' Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Night Train: and Purlorcara on principal Day Trains, Synopsis` L E the first conventional pleasantry which had.` While the. China Mail boat is homeward l 00136. i"i~0- ht?!` `h -**d- She N`-"9? Fegfdefl A bound three attempts are made -to burglelT``"`3m "3 di3ti"3i5h9d- T0 he heiwas t,- v. f . d Tu` ' ' `h in; a_ man, who. in the moment ofher neces- ggziggiesiutnhz fafieranlearslzihni g,e3afes*:1ty, had rendered a kindly and ch1vai- contained agreen mail bag addressed to the ': ""5 5""ie- ` . Chiese Amba&.ad0r_ on the boat is ()ap_:' . _She turned hurriedly, it seemed to Til-' min Talham` an office, of Irregular Horse, hzzm to introduce her :n_i-other--.,a lady dress- during the South African war. and after-<`(l {" the b1`_Pl. fashmn _`Vl"<`h W35 NE`; wards a general in the Chinese army. Tal-i'ge5"e 0` "`t"`g b"$(` `3iS- `V ham is instrumental in saving a remarkable} Mrs. Yale W38. 8981183 i" the eternal girl, Yvonne Yale, from the attentions ofiquest fol` the missing sezment. It was *1 three ghinamen, who foiiow her in Hydeionly a tiny segment that was required to l park` obvinusiy to secure possession of animake both ends of her "circle meet. She` ancient jade bracelet covered with inscrip- ; Sllecllllited I1l0d9St1Y- 0" We Sllfck Exchllgfa tions in (}),inese_ The inscription refers to i and dreamt dreams of meeting a magm- an Emperor. and Talhain. understanding its -T fiN._ lflndly m!=_|l| Wh W0Uld SW9 1183' ` :7 importance. takes charge` of the bracelet. i the '31P 0` he! Wee The green mail bagcontained a document; Then she would buy shares. '1` ` giving the exact locality of the tomb of the! would undergo some extraordinary evolu- ii: l$.EmP81`0!' Of. Chlw Tliw lomb 0":!tion, and the shares she bought at one: ` tains a large quantity of gold and precious pound. less fortunate people would want in 5 h` stones. The Chinese Amhncuntlnr uylnn ..=n|_.., . n- - l 1 l 1 ( I it E he market . _.-- -.._ -...u.-u -- ntng DIOCK, Darn: olicy'--the safest, wisest kmd of `insurance. Ask us about it. Telephonenow 789 G, F. DOYLE, J. H. NIXON~ I30. MATSON Superintendent \Jl'II\ aux my (Author of 'I`he_Four Just; Branch Oicq for u an IiE%ilW6i'= M in FOR THE BESTWN BAKER'S BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD and : full line of PIES. CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and sum; Stls. (All Rights Reser'ved) Noith om...-so - auu nu IHJUTEG 8] ' . From sheer huma'nit'. Tillizini 5 the task of diverting Ta_lham s He felt that his` action was inve that heroism which one reads , ----, ......... uuucrgu some extraordinary con-Jtion, one, scious fortunate to! o is ! buy an 258.; then she would sell, and she 1" n forlwould be. exactly fiveshillings per share to! twist the good. ' * I .'m-. And if she had had five thousand shares. S Am-iwhy then she would have one thousand `lizinig two hundred and fifty pounds. ' ; for} It was very simple. , Til-[ On such day dreams as these, men: [03 islgrow rich. -but they, are usually the men; ' r the ' who sell the shares to the dreamers. , mys- But Talham was not to be detached. H ! | t-helxnade '8 little snnm-h tn Hum ----Ll--- - 4 n ...,....c...._;.y. u ume.mgntened. a little- a. very little---_amused. a little---more than a little--bored. - . . As for Gregory de Costa he stood stolidly by. taking no part in the conversation, twirling. his moustache with a determined and an injured an . Tilliziniiset himself 'diVETtinP 'I"nl}mm =. n5`--`~:A ,,_.. --..... uu-u pnmu, me V888` table, mineral and annual kmgdom ~ con- tributed to the illuminations of his argu- ment; and the girl stood looking at him wonderingly`. a little. frightened, little-- very Iittle---amllsnd I: link. -..--- AL-- _ _ , ~~-v<- .........uua auxusb` U16 plain of eterxiity which stand. out---" \ He oratedi on without drawing breath. so to speak. For his imaginary he ransack-~ ...a : .... .L 7 - -- - - - "nu me---some.1and-marks whic the dreary path that meandex He nmtnd nn m:+L....'.'4 .1--- PHONE c. BROWN uuv u.u _Wl.lll?. V ` ' It is more than a pleasure to again meet you, Miss Yale." he began, in his or- atorical manner. There are some events `in lif&-eome.land-marks which rise _abovc dreary path that mnnndnm ....---- A-- uavc smueu pinynngly. v I He diagnosed the girl s half amused em~ Lbarrasment an a natural nervousness in` (being suddenly confronted with aman of ,' his attainments. By some extraordinary [mental convolution which "was peculiarly _ Talhamesque. he credited her with a full! appreciation of his genius, a lurking suspi-1 can of his identity. and -a comfortable ig~l nornnce of the character of his adventures." Like the exigent little boy who demanded [of the storekeeper ten cents `worth of hun- dreds and thousands-`--an infinitesimal can-i dy. about the size of a pin s head, variously -coloured--Talham wanted her to pick him tout all white. Hf. ;_ __A_ .I l 4 1 1 - wcu luau, I Talham had a weightier interest. ,The thought that he might be de trop" never` occurred to him, and if it had been sug-E .gested that his unconventional method of; [interesting others in his career and his oaspiratious was calculated rather to bore, [than to grip their imaginations, he would` ' have smiled pityingly. dinlrnnanrl H... ..:..|*- L-u ,7 .peralS[el'l me other. I 7 If he expected that Talham would be_ satisfied with an exchange of platitudinous` pleasantries with the girl, and then with- draw. he was disappointed. If `he imaginedf he could draw Talham to a discussion on" `so futile a question as his -presence in an` office at some remote period of his life. he gwas mad, "lL.IL,, I I uumuu, saw the young m: | I do not think we have ev\ said Talham with deliberation. In our affine?" a-mam-on-I 1 uultl a.auIutu WILD (I8IlD8l'8ti0I!. g our office?" suggested Mr. dc Costa, an encouraging smile on his thick lips. 3 _We have never been into your office."l v Bald Talham_ I'm perfectly sure thatvl have seen you lthere. persisted the other. If he PYnonfnrI 4|...` rt--n_, -- Do you know Mr. de Costa?" the girl. g ' ' Tal-ham bowed to the young man. a: young man bowed to him, For some reason she did not int: Tillizini. I;.h`nk I have met you before, C1 Talfam, said the` man, I I ,1,` .....4. L.`..I_ uuv Ul MIUHU. V . ` . -1 , He made up for homeimess of face in` , magnificent attire.` `His dress ' famous character, to have been melted and` . poured into it-. In the breast of his shirt c blazed a diamond, almost as big as a hick- ory nut. His links, when he raised his hand C to caress his tiny moustache, radiated light. ,3 His be-jewelled fingers reminded one V ir- - resisti-bly of the illuminations at'Lunajf` Park. I |sY\ 5... nuuJ.'uIlll'(l pleasantly. l . Talham hudinvited her to a concert and. had in his magnetic. plausible way. persuad- ed her_to go. ~ _ - 5 `She altered her position. tapping her foot nervously--un infallible sign that she was embarrassed. She looked from Talham to,` the dark young man at her side. _ 4 Gregory de Costa owed his readmission to the Yale manage to the admiration which, Mrs. Yale. had for his business acumen. There were some subjects which Yvonne did not regard as being worth a quarrel, and Gregory, de Costa's attendance was one of these. D . ----J " l .. wua very mucn Talham. Tlllizini, watching the see eyes, was chuckling and I T I am sure I shall be girl nummnred pleasantly. Talhan) h:1rl'invl+mI I-mu a TheA:!sE!3Ein_%Mi"f vvuu ncu we snares to the ( But ht made little speech to Isl -with deplorable sung froid from the circle. It was un it was very much Talham. Tlllizini umrnk..- L- -A-- - vvannaanrI\aI-I ?Men," Tatham Island, etc). . . l 'nk _mot Captam! , the ever met you." ham deliberation. I IIIUUH lalnanl. V l , scene with his keen learmng. shall he d..1;..z....,: `v u.. Superihtendent King Block. Barrie` Lllls uuu learning. delighted." the )leasnntlv ,. ............ ......-.u was sug- ` 01 such Irequexit :ting bar ` in sales. . .3 engug To this den sh_e led Talham. and in the missing I hnur he spent wlth her he learnt much of_ nent was Lrcquired to ` her _m'ivat.e history, and vmuch_ more of circle mee_ she;-hvr financial standing than she knew her- tly. Stock Exchange, I59"- . L- nu.-I .... ..... ...l r'n!n~ - {HHS nlltllltr 9: mun... . ":2 nnnu: Ban uI\n' vuuuu use &DOVC meanders across the :h stun.-I mu " ~ _ _____..... uvv JAIJIIDCII VI'a_lham attention. invested with me about in uuu nu UC lil/H0119. I19! ch the mothenf, and; ng frond. dismissed her` unpardonable, but Talham , 9 , - V _____----6 uvuu corner Sophia and Mary Street: Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames. Flooring. Ceiling. Moulding. Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber. B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty; Dressing done promptly. f`..~.m...I ...:n. -._.._ `L, -1-- uuu _ did introduce v muaul WUUIG be; If`he on; 4 nuns-.. .. - I ; and the, agked The Chinese Method i . It was a drizzling. iniserable night, the streets were crowded with carsand cabs carrying -their occupants to theatreland. On- the drenched pavements the newspaper boys drove a thriving trade despite the unpromis- ing climatic conditions. Every newsbill} dealt with the one subject---the mysterious; murder in the heart of London of an an! hzissador by some person or persons un-1 known. _ . x\uIlVVll. That it was the Chinese Ambassador 4111-! ded to the general interest. There was` something bizarre` and mysterious abouti V l`~I\I\`-:`-\|c.-n' .- ---`--A _ ,,-_. -..-.-~ aanvu vAIulCIlUC.- wotfds. Tillizii with the company ` ` I ""1 create the company." agred thy tall: man. gravely. W 1 an cu_wm-u unu prontanie substitute. But Talham wasznot middle-aged and 9. the poison of the attery had eaten deeper S D into his system. ` V I am transferring five thousand shares din the Mount Li Exploration Syndica.te."5 "ghesaid, - Tillizini was not easily moved, but now, 3 he gasped. . V I The Mount Li-~? he asked incred-"l elulously. T ' ft The Mount Li Exploration,Syndicate, I ' said Talham firmly. , . 1 `But there isn t such a company," Iro-E 5 tested the other. . - ' v - Talham looked at him a little sadly. . l "It is one of the things'I have overlook- ` ed." he said. "One of the essentials of our " ' communal life. It did not, I confess. oc- ll Hour to me until that extraordinary womanf l was discussing such things as sham? and 1 bonds; then I realised in` a flash that it 1 was impossible for me to help her because ` tno suchshares stood in my name. Have i lnot." he asked impressively. the great 1 [events of history which have transformed the world, been born in a moment's ;( apirait-ion`? Even as I sat there, in'the_t excellently appointed .stud_v---I must make c a note, by the way. -of the furnishing of r that apartment. VI should like" an office 1 arranged on similar lines--th_e Mount Exploration came into existence. .' . uln hm, umk, n.,...:,i vn:n:_:z- -.- '1 V Y aAnau."6u'{"