yourself rouble of ale notes, produce you can The Bank I41 IVI I I Lil Toronto rage Fi frees W ` J}!-'."w3_ [ Ease with T.R.C. .s. S of Canadians have rheumatism, and all . qypr 1., ........I. 4;- .C. s and found they` icotia Wm. Crossland. 'by A. E. Patterson.` mm swan-qt` 'Mostnt:muluutuuy. ucumuuulu, am! an 'l`.R.C. s reach the flinir nuoalinl-...I ---- De Lama:-tine, the French poet and his-i torian. tells in a bookoi travels in the -Orient, many stories of the skill of Arabs! in horse-stealing. It was considered by them no crime to steal a lmr.~`o. Indeed it was: looked upon as a mark of ability. Every! man who owned a good "horse had'to guard` it day and night, or some of his clevel neighbors would steal it. and add insult to injury by telling afterwards what an easy mark be was. . A..- A_-1. "...I .. ......4.:....l....l.. 6:..- km.-an ova Scotia `ervice for nd invites mselves of One Arab Hha particularly fine horse and another -boasted that he would ,.steal it. He tried many devices, but the owner was . too watchful. One day while riding his beautiful steed along a desert trail, he came on a man lying by the way apparently perishing of wouhds and thirst. The unfort- unate begged to be helped to a plgce of safety. T 117:1` nlmllu knln vnn" culrl the Hnrsxn. "SAMBA" But I cannot mount- I arn too badly` injured even to walk." I! u ,,,:L-L|, L_..__......_ .I:.._.........:....l ......l Surety. I will gladly help you. said the horse- man. Mount, "behind me." |I|Ju|\:u \;\\.u su "gun. The charitable horseman dismounted and lifting the wounded man in his afms placed him on his horse. Instantly the thief, for it was he disguised, struck the home with_ his heels and rode off. .jeering at the dis- comfitiure of the owner. Il\|__ I-LA__. _..II_.I Li. lnnnl; Qnnno-o. In colniullre U1 IHU UVVll,Ul`o ' The latter called him back. Secure In _ the speed of his `horse-the thief rode back to within talking distance; I ............h.lnh; unn coir! Hun numnr WILD! _tu~lKlng (lllllllcu I congratulate you. said the owner now left to walk. It was cleverly done. But I have one request to make of you. Pure Green Tea- THURSDAY, MARCH 8,` 1923 F amous for ifs "Flavo1-`-J ut ,t1T-y ursample. ` . Lamp. 5 I880 me or their medicinal pow- in the blood. $1.00 at '. Free sample Temple- to. - _ dard Remedy tor Pain, |'@@n(;y@,3wE -e is guarqnkeed the finest when it bears the name IRA!Nf9!]U9F55 Pnpon tor I huilnuum at L `T 18 Schools in Tomnm Imam individual `instruction in all business subjects. at} oug Schaoln or by mail. Write for prop ` I . It owm Yo coucn-on. com: unannou- CHITII WHEN TREATID WITH fill? wououruux Il P'lc1`Iv nouunou: IIMIDY THE ARAB Hons: `mu-:r um I . uamosn. cum Prineipni `or collec- em auto-. d,to your elicf} DR Biualo) FTC TI T -W VWhat is it? sgid the other. _ Do Tnot. tell anyone how yoy got the} `horse. For if you do, travellers will be`; afraid to give help to unfortunates by the! wayside, and some honest man in sore} Qneednmay perish because of yogi` clever-; I manna | HESS . I Q ' Lamurtine tells us that the thief was so s`ruck by the other s request that he re-i turned the horse, retaining only the barren: honor `of having once stolen it. V . H II -I - -I ,.- M--- n.: _..-_ 13-..: IIUIIVI us suuvuua vuuu uyu-yu --. l . Would that therewere more thieves like 1 him. thieves having some smatch of honor ` left. But most of them have none; A 3` These are hard times. `In every city there i are honest men out of .work, and the fam- , ilies of honest men in very real need. The , hard lots of these honest men and women i` are made harder still by the dishbnest men is and women who are preying oncharitable. people so as to get a living without work. Some of them are regular rounders who become pretty well known through time.`] Others are birds of passage who do the` ge`;-away-quick act as soon as they have I got their swag. Here are some of them. '1 There is the hard-luck homesteader who`, lives eight miles from a station on the`, .Oak Point branch of the C.N.R. He hast. a bunch of sick children at home without}, food or clothing or medicine, and one of], them (lied that very day. Judging by thei , stories he has been telling for some _veur;s._ now he -must have a family as-numerous as Brigham Young's and at thickly populated cemetery all his own. There is the re: turned soldier who never, saw France. butl deftly pulls up his trousers to show a shrap- nel wound in the calf of his leg. It looks like the teeth marks of an honest watch-I dog. There is the once successful commer-{ cial traveller who gets an order for bed- and breakfast on a cheap boarding-house,i [cleverly alters" it and presents it at the `costliest hotel in the city. He is very comfortable" here. and the benevolent one ' pays the shot. There is the filial but un- fortunate young man who is robbed of his! `money and ticketas he is hurrying to the bed-side of his dying mother in Port Arthur.`- The help he is given never gets him nearer his mother than Point Douglas. There is the honest laborerout of work and his! family starving. who the next day rambles . past in his littleold Ford. while the charit- ably disposed who made a donation plodis 1 along on foot. . I '1"-`nan on-ul anal: an Hanan urn flu: flaiovna. I {H0115 Ull IUUI. I These and such as these are thethieve.-: whose cleverness" dries up the stream of help which would flow to the de.=.erving'I poor and un-fortunate. And no act of I Parliament will cure this type of c1e_verncss.] It needs something more radical._ No sane man will say that our.present; l industrial and commercial systems are ideal. l There is too great a discrepancy between the; wealth of the `few and the poverty of. the many. But neither will any man who knows human nature imagine that it is ail` going to be put to right by legislative en- actments or economic changes. `I -an-euuul lnnininfinn :n1nI-nun:-I anniol nan- ucurusiuzs U1 cuuuuuuu uuaugce. Improved legislation. improved social con- ditions can improve the situation of honest workers, workers in all spheres of activity. mental as well as manual. But no Act of Parliament, no Utopian dream of universal equality can make a lazy man industrious. -`a shiftlessman provident. nor a dishonest; man straight in his dealings with his neigh-` bor. Only religion can do that`. the reli-. gion which believes in the miracle of re~ deemed characters and transformed lives! Under any laws, however just and fair, the ` unjust man will be unjust still. the idle man will be idle still, and the filthy man` will be lthy` still. Under the same laws the man who has caught a vision of God /will do unto his neighbor as he would that his neighbor should do to him. I V At New York a woman claimed $280 for boarding the baby of a roomer. and held the child as hostage for her bill. _ I A ............ nullnafnr` no `Diulnu-a in niasu-17.: `me calm as noswge lUI' urn mu. A womanerrested at Pittsburg'is charg-l ed with.defrauding the Government during the war. by collection of money allotted her by {our husbands. three of them sol-` iers` and one a sailor, ` :I.1_II:_.; 1...`. Ant 4;: n ..-...b:n- nknrr en marsh am; one a suuur_ Falling back out of,a rocking chair in which he was standing. 16-months-old Heu- ry Rhul. of Keady, Ont., died. from in- jurimi received, _ . IIMI. Ila, Brown. of North Oxford. Jun-wq; receweu_ While Ike. Brown, of NorthVOxford. 0nt.., was helping to do milking at the _barn,..a thief stole $150 worth of her'clot!x- 1 . _ SAY soulzmmc coon `Pick put the folks _vou like the least and; 3, watch `on; for a while. ' _ ;an 'I'hey never waste a kindly word. the_vj8. 3 never waste a smile; . ' {I2 ;'I'hey criticise their fellowmen at` every 3 15 ; chance they get. u `$40 The_v never found a human just to suit. : their fancy yet." ` jFrom them I guess you`d learn some to _ ~t-hinge, if they were pointed out-- - pl` {Some ihings that everyone of us should 1 know a lot- about, When someone knocks a brother. "pass a- .` round the loving cup, . A `Say something good about him-if you have to make it up! i E 1 4 '%$%%&&*%%%%$&$*$&&**%*$&&: ~x INWOMAINSVREALM -I; E$*$&$$%*%+&%&%$*&$%g$$%&&% U UIIUlIVlIIh- v-w-u-nu: v ---v---'-- . A well attended meeting of this Society ' took place at--the home of Mrs. E. H. Sloan. l on Wednesday last, the President. Mrs. G. `C. Allan in the chair. The chief items on 1 the mogramnxe were 1w_o well p'reparedT ,papers. one by Mrs. John W. Lucas on ' Putting First Things First ;" the other by ;Miss Agnes Allan on Bee Culture. Both jwore much enjoyed and by requesl may be ;repeated, at a later meeting./, A` delightful 5 I piano solo was rendered by Miss Mary Sloan_ ' i After the meeting a daimy luncheon was e:_ served by the hostess. 3 hurt rnnn-`nu mun` kn Hf flu: Hnmn 1 ~ :The eyes that peek and peer to find the '3 worst ahrother holds, 5 The tongue that speaks in bitternes, that frets and fumesbantl scold-3; . `The `hands that bruise the fallen. though . their strength was made to raise A l_The weaklings who have stumbled at the ` parting of the ways, T ' ; All these should be forgiven, for they know 7 not what they do. T ' `Their hindrance makes a greater work for ` wiser ones than `you. ' So. when they scourge a wretched one who's drained sin's bitter cup. Say something good about him--if you ha\=e`_ to make it up! _ J1 uIH1n min: A n\or;lI'.II\ ELLAN Barrie. 3s`.'Cl'\'U(l U_V LN!` IILNICSS. l Next meeting -will. be held at the home 1 of Miss Allan when Miss Winter will demon- lstrateicoffee-making and there will also be! 1 a millinery demonstration. Everybody wel- come. I Alliston Herald---A woman.` hus- lband` was given six months in jail at iwcllanri recenfly, pleaded that she and her i slxehildren be allowed t-o go to jail with isupport. The woman s plea will serve to lcall attention to it defect in our penal 3 system. It results in many cases _in inflict- iing severer punishment on the innocent Ethan one the guilty. When a man. who is ;the sole `support of his wife and family. is Esent to jail. he is fairly well provided for. {He is deprived of ci:rta_in liberties, but he is- also relieved of responsibilites. He is ifurniahed with food, lodging, clothing and !warmth, and also with medical attendance ' if he should need it. His wife and children. although they have committed no offence against the law. may be left without food. clothing or shelter. except what charity may I supply. im. as without him they had no means of ' wuss: BRIDAL BOQUETS so I In no detail of their weddings do brides; ;reveal more originality than in the dis- `posal ,of their boquets. For while some .still keep . up the picturesque custom of [tossing it down a staircase to be caught by| [admiring,feminine guests, many ',bestow it [otherwise in varied fashion. Perhaps it is {that in these days of apartment houses, Istaircases are going out. Nosegays were lcnnsidered somewhat of an extravagance j during wartime, hence many a bride soothed ther conscience by sending her owers to` military hospitals. Often others have sent them to sick friends who were sadly missetii from the `ceremony, while one bride who had lost a much-loved brother, drove to a local church-yard on her way to the station and placed her bouquet on his grave.--- !Telegram. ' I 1 , DHDY DUHII Vvllrl Ivvv Ir.|:.IrI I In St. Andrew's Hospital, Midland. much interest is being ,taken in the little baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James-Toby. who arrived in the world with two perfectly! . formed teeth in her lower jaw, i ! , IVIJIJI l._\IJ\n.a 5 (Too Lat.e`For "Last Week) A Feb. 27.--R.. Wattie is still on the fishing llist in Barrie trying" his luck again this { week. ' V , rm_. :1 13 n .....-.......a. ....... l....lA :. 4|... ....l..,ml .CK. The U.F.O. concert was held in theschool house last Friday evening with a very good attendance considering the cold_ weather. `A good time is reported. Mina M{}rfIn {`.nni-in nf R1-nrifnrri in file. gum! tune is rcpurucu. `A I Miss Mjwtle Coutts of Bradford is theq `guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Coutts. I A.-akin Mnnfnifk an}! Mina Juan r`.nuH'..\' nf `guest OI Ml`. unu Mrs, ueurge uuuua. ! Archie Monteith and Miss Jean Courts of ] Thornton are visiting Midhurst -friends. I Mrs. W. H. Miller has returned after ;spending nearly a month with her daugh- ! Mrs. D. Taylor of VStr,oud. 1 A l`n.Q|m-nan 3:: I-umu H-man Anus: ncansuinnl fteif. Mrs, U. Luylul` UIVDDIAJUU. .. 1 3 A. Cochrane 1s busy these days assessing` -the townshipof Vespra. I 'l"l-.4. nn:`l` nmnfhnr in nxunl-\ nnnt-nn;ntm| auer Ene cmu spun. A social evening was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wallwin on Mon-` day. Feb. 26, for the Wm. Gavin family, who are leaving Midhurst this week for Crown Hill. There were over one hundred people present, showing the esteem in_which they are held in `the community as neigh- jbors. The address. read to them was as `follows:---, ' 3T0 the Gavin Bros. I\-.... I)...-.. T4 :5 nv-is tron-I-nf nu: 11:11:15 MY. MARCH 3; 1923 =tne EOWnsnIp_oI vespru. - The mild weather is much appreciated Iafter` the cold "spell. I A .ann:n` n\vnn:nlII urn: a-31*:-an nf flan }`In!`\D, Cnimcunii. woMaN's7usTa7u .2 H `To me uavln bros. . I Dear Boys: It is with regret we have learned of your removal from this commun ity. We have gathered this evening to |'spend a social hour together before you `go. We will miss you all as a family very much. You have all endeared yourselves to us as good citizens ever since you came amongst us. It has been the desire of your cam- panions and Sunday School friends to show our appreciation of your kind services and also 'your willingneseto do your part in anything you could, .As Sunday School pupils you have been most faithful in your attendance and have always set a good ex- ample to your associates. Therefore we cannot let you go from our -midst without showing in some tangible way the respect and esteem weibear towards you. We `then ask you Duncan. to accept `th_;es_e_gold `cuff links and to Ralph this Eversharp pen- I-:I .....'.I I:uI.. A...l-J. Hula km: nf nnnfm 1 CU IIIIKS unu DU nmpu bum Auvunounuy pou- cil and little Archie this box of candy These are but slight tolcans of the esteem in which you are held -by your-u.Midhunst friends.` .We sill join in wishing you all success and prosperity in your new home. Signed on behalf of your friends in the Sunday Sliool, C. M. Hickling, hpt. BABY BORN WITH TWO TEETH L. cu A.._I.__.__`_ t`l'......:a...l ll:.ll......l V... unma TO THETVIFE fv.nm_iu,Rs!. ll U; ---Baltimore American. `THE BARRIE EXAMINER 1. cotton; 2, paper; 3, leather; 4, fruitl ; andiflowers ; 5. wooden; 6. sugar; 7, woolen; ' . Q ...l1n....Ll-us... 0 -ruv:l`:-nuns - In n - `II nfnn` - . you're invited _tp shop. , unu-uuwcra ; 0. wuuucu , u. augm , a , wuuxcu , 18. indiarubber; 9, willow; 10. tin; 11, steel; . 12, silk and fine linen; 13, lace; V14, ivor_v;l 3 15, crystal; 20, china; 25, silver; 30, pearlin I *}40."ruby; 50, golden;_60, diamond. IA 12-year-old boy was killed, at Heller-. town while filling a lighted lamp, which ex- `ploded. ' ` WEDDING Aimv:nsARIas In their collection yon will just what you are looking for. The patterns are ap plicable to any interior. These new patterns are 23/2 mcheswider A`... AL- AL` trump Dnnor I 111,11-(`l1 Yourfine silk things Now is the time to freshen and beautify the home interior. Do not 1e without that reedecorating which every home requires. If you would T orations in accord with the latest conceptions of the best authorities, 9 ,`,, A`:`_ ______ TUBVI. uvnvnnv can ing the name ' Lncac ucw Ll-C1110 ac {.72 u,|\.uvo vvuuva. than the old` type of Wall Paper; which, Sold ooy in sealed packets -dust - pro of! Garments which you i-leally pr,ize,i and which you are unWi_`ling `to have Washed in ordinary impure chipped soaps-'Wash them in the pure Lux suds. The pure ne Lux akes,lof gossamer-like thinness, manufactured by our own exclusive process, thor- oughly dissolve into abubbling` lather which will not injure the nest fabrics. 4 i " U yon laesides enabling you to paper 3 room with >king The apv fewer rolls, means eaiier hanging. more beau` - T ' tiful designs and the improved appearance ew which results from fewer seams. rldy Paper ; Look for the name Boxer" on the selvagc. FOR SALE BY BARRIE WALLPAPER & nacokmnc co. BOXEE ; lnlms cf/all Dams ORDER FROM YOUR-NElG.!-IBORHOOD Gnocsg. Double action-Goe_s farther-`-A-T ry_ it and you ll be% cjelighteil` with T the results. %BakmP?7dr let this Spring go by xires. have your new wall f insist on pacer: bear