$251953 $856.36 33531;; uu U`: s}95 HINDS BROS. Here they elect a new Congress in Novem- ber and the old Congress keeps on legislat- ing until the following March. At Ottawa the members of the Cabinet are responsible to Parliament. but here they are responsible solely to the President. Mr. Cleveland may not have been courteoue. but he was cer- tainly accurate, in describing members of the Cabinet as "merely my clerks." *---v-".W-- . i It's dis way. boss," he groaned. Ah |so'e de biggest turtle Ah gver dicl see wig- 'gIin` his haid in de mud, an Ah took de spade and cracked him on de huid, and. boss. Ah done out off mah hig toe."~-Ex. "cram aljqzt i 2: each H6 H1` I III. III\\ll`\I I un I LB _ Mose Pot-ts was an old colored ditch dig- iger on the farm of a well-known Virginia aplanter. One morning, after having been I at work only a few hours. he was seen ap- gproaching the farm-house with a peculiar limp and an unusual rapidity. i Wl\oO : 41... .....u.... M[.-.....`)`` ..,.i...,: L.:,. L i l null: auu an uuuauzu lupll.lll\ What s the matter, M055?" asked his ! I employer. `-``n`.. 4:. ....... L\I\r\1\ L- ,...n....-.1 HAL . PURE PORK SAUSAGE FRESH DAILY `Phone 145 - Goods delivered Promptly - Elizabeth St. --2 lbs. for 35 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 35c 13 lbs. Onions 25: Large Cabbage . . . . . i10c Fancy Jam-Jam Biscuit ~1I-_ 1` H 2 lbs. Shortening . . . . 35c 3-lb. pail Shortening . 51c 5-lb. pail Shortening . 85c 10-lb. Shortening, $1.70 20-lb. Shortening, $3.40 IMFERIAL BLEND BLACK TEA 54 LB. CHOICE CELERY AND HEAD LETTUCE PURE FOOD GROCERY THE WRONG TURTLE D..LL.. ....... .._ -I-I -_I._.,,l I Id--Judge M.P., and MORE YOU SPEND MORE % YOU SAVE OOOOOO EXTRA For SATURDAY Only we are oering 25 dozen pairs Men s Sox, 21 good work sox, for only . 10c FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER In the Estate of Sylvester Moore, Thorn- ton, Ontario. Tendcxs will be received by the under- signed up to 4 p.m., Saturday, `eb. 10, 1923, for the purchase of following valuable farm _n;'opert.y. u Acust.` uaun Uilfll. , TER.V1S-Ten per cent. must accompany the offer as a deposit. to be returned if un- accepted: Balance of purchase price to be paid within 30 days. `Highest or any tender not xnec-e:<. accr>pt.-d. n -r -my-rs-ow.-. 5-60 South half of lots 9 and 10 in the 8th con- cession in the Tp. of Innisfil in the County of Simone. cnntaining 200 acres more or le:\"~'. On the premises are two houses and a large bank burn. "*L`I)\/IQ I".... Fresh CL1rr:1 nts,lL1,g. Carrots, peck . . . . Turnips, peck . . . . Aylmer Corn, 2 for . . 25c Aylmer Tomatoes, large-- --15c Tiger Catsup, qts. .. 22c Tiger Salmon, fb-tin. 26c 1 t1..-..1. /~ New Hallowi Dates,- -2 lbs. for 25 .nn\.uI.|blA,, . Eaten, owell. E. son, Geo. V Men s Fine Sox, black ` and Colors. in botany yarns, reg. up to $1.50, for only .. .. 59c \ , A Another Bunch of Combinations, all sizes, some pure wool, some eece-lined, values up` to 36.00, while they last .. .. .. .. $1.00 Fine Shirts iii a great assortment colors and materials, former price up to $2.75, for $1.19 The Bankruptcy A4; `15[3.` `I'iiaBURN. _ Authorized Trustee`, Barrie, Ont.` 57 $i`.'66 Page Five Rollit. ey, D. J. H11 CV -' Examine; `v $3.89 1, 1923. W; u', 8 pair terns, 7./U JUUH6 UUWI I have a treat in store for you, a demon- i stration by Miss Wright and Mr. Jarrett. Mi.-as Wright won the Championship `at the: (`.:1nadimi National Exhibition lastiyoar andi Mr, .Iurrmt is the Canadian Champion I 'I`_vpi.-t and Miss Wright is in pursuit of that r.it.lu. Some of us had the privilege of see- ing; Miss Wright operate the typewriter at the Kiwanis Club at noon to-(iiiy and i`; win: T]1lll'\f .ii()US to see the c-aae_with which : she wrote 140 words per minute without. an error. and wo thank Mr. Wuuchope that V he has provider] that some of us see this demonstration this evening. . 3 0I'!\ nnrrv Hun Mr Quin. L. ....nlnin I-A` `IJl}ll1\IlI5|'ll||l|UlI Pllh`. K7\Ul|Ig. , , 3 am sorry that Mr. Seitz is unable to? be present through illnexe. .Hc4is ~:a man? who has nwdo 2: succes of life and I know: his:_address would l`1aw-. been 2: wonderful` inmimtion to us.` ' \|DZ._- 1IY_.:__LL ,__ I \l,, 1, ,.. .1 .,` wepe.-t-l of 128 and 124 words per minute. In-`\;l.I`lI\|U|I In rm. l -Miss Wright and Mr. .larret_t then wmtel for it period of five minutes making H net` Misc Wright then wrote from matter with which she was familiar eat a rate of 144; worsls per minute makingonly two errors and on a test for one minute on familiar; work wrote at the rate of 192 words per minute. When you er>n.~'itler that euchf word `avm-ages six letters it. means writing} H.'2 letters per minute; allowing for s;~ac- ` "mp, it shows that alimxt twenty finger stir:-Iii-5 are mmle` per :4:-coml. This de- _1zn":.-"~ of SxIN ll is ziquiretl by conscientimls ]iI'lL(`ll(`t" that has been well (lirected. `ML. T......,.6o LL-.. L.J.I AI`- .u..ll..n;.,. 4L.\4- `llli\lll(' |II|Il' IIII.` |I('l`ll VVl'-ll `ll|K`\}|C|la Mr. Jam-tt then told the audience that`: xhr-re wue nothing inm world to prevent; pH's~3n wviting over 100 wm'd< per minute. 1 T! Lmkr` diffilxlt to one uxmcquainted with; vvloucao vuc yncncnnuatlull ul pnzca. A. W. Smith, Town Clerk and Treasurer, Q was chairman `and in his introductory re: marks said `I am sure we all congratulate I Mr. Wauchope on the fine quarters and good business college that he has in a town` like this. It is of great value to a town like Barrie and it is a boon to young people and those `privileged to attend Barrie Bus- iuess College. It is a great thing to. be able to learn better methods and modern ways A of doing business and thus avoid errors that- one sometimes has to learn to overcome by ezeperience. These el'l`Ole`_ are often very coutly. It is a great thing to be young at this time and a great thing to be a Cana- dian. It is to our advantage, when a h ti.Ie olde_r. on looking back over:-1 few! years of our lives. to. note the most wonder- } ful changes in the few years and if we: have any imagination t.o look forward, we . - _car.-. imagine the opportunities that the` years ahead of us hold. Y nr\\ -`A0 nnnn Iv nlul ....L L; I ,:.- A, R yruuo auuau U: u-` uunu. . "I am not very old yet, but- I can remem- ber, as a boy, watching my mother makingi candles. I have. the moulds yet and tow day I treasure them very highly but W6? have advanced and I repeat it is great to; be young now. I hang n #1-Ant :u\ lI`l\ht| 5.... uu... _ .I-...-_ ` swan EXHIBITION GIVENLY 'l`YPlSTS_ Miss Olive Newxidan Receives Bronze Medal; Spelling % Awards at B.B.C. V About 200 persons-studn1s, parents and i business men--~a=sembled at the Barrie} Business College rooms last Friday evening 1 to see the typewriting speed exhibition and witness the `presentation of prizes. A `U Rvnivh Tnmn "lamb and '.I" ...... ..._ S .7_UL' yard *, \\ Il_S yard f (-:on- Bar- each \'eStS rguin '7" of? label, 1.98 $1.49 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1923. _ OOO5O Another Lot of SHIRTS Men s Work Shirts, mil- itary annel, reg. $1.50, price.-wrecking sale, 89c ALL OVERCOATS AND MACKINAWS AT JUST` ABOUT HALF PRICE. YOU CAN SAVE ON THESE." THE MORE YOU SPEND THE MORE YOU SAVE 0... "*~*~""""'"""""'"'" `FOR THIS WEEK-END AND NExT WEEK, ARE OFFERING VALUES Ex "WWWWW EXT R A SPECIALS EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABO HIS SALE. VALUES ARE BE - E XTR A SSW SHIRTS REREEEVERV DAY THAT BEAT FORMER VALUES. HUNDR or PEOP AME SS Work ' Is, mil-_ _ 4 _ we_ ofring annex - STOCK. cosTs AND PROFITS ARE GOTTEN. R SUIT VALuEs THE ; sex] 31 gggd ""`~9 89? BEST WE 0R ANYHOUSE EVER ERED AND OUR GUARANTEE STANDS W 0 0 * A A on EVEN AT SALE TIMES. GETTHAT SUIT S READ THIS LIST NOW ANDSAVEQ \/ //j SQ OF BIG SPECIALS %OOO Bruwn sPrice-Wrecking Sale Continues Suits that sold at former prices` up -to $19 for . . . . . `. $12.00J .t C rsuits. that sold at former prices up to $23 for . . . . $15.00 \ , ,,,., fS-uits-that sold atzformer prices`. kllp to $40 for . . . . '. . $26.00J THE LUCKYMAN Mr. Chas. Brock, R. R. 1, Allandale, was the 27th customer _ on Saturday, and received his purchase free. This is his purchase: At these prices you have the greatest opportunity ever offer- ed in` Simcoe County to buy high class men s clothing at reductions never before heard of, -quality considered. Pr. DI-, Dr, Pl-, 1 want to and mas- of all lay our child- has been and timv distrust. e educ_a- e for all nder the tizc-nship. Sale Price Reg. Price Min: $ .75 $1.25 `Sox .. A.so _- .90 .503: .. .10 _ .35 Pants ._ 3.95 `6.00 5126 56 ' ulc u.1J.\z. Muuruta. - : Dr. L. J. Simpson, Secretary of Simcoe ;C0unt.y Educational Association, then pre- sented thespecial prizes to the winners` of ?the spellinz mmtest that had been running ifor the past two and one-huh months. Dr. I Simpson` emphasized the importance of i ; the use of good Englih and correct spelling and explained the method by wh'ch the jpmper use of English and good spelling vus . :t(-,cm11pllsh('(l'in the Barrie Business College. , ` The first prize, 21 Waterman fountain .pen. went to Miss Violet Elliott of Eden- rvule who made an average of 95.98%. lMis.~` .Iessie Cmucher of Port Carling. Mus- .kok-a. was 11 close secoml making an average inf 95.96%. her prize was a Waterman ' ;Eversharp pencil. Miss Gladys Caldwell of . ;Barrie was third with an average of 94.7. . :while Harold E. Smith of Bond Head was lnext with an average of 94.3%. In mark-L ;ing the -papers five marks. were de for each iiiissgxelletl word, one off for each ichanged word and ten deducted for lack `of; i neatness. . ` 'Y`Lf.. ___... ;lI..,_.._I L__ ,. _.,.._2-.I _,.___,L___~ ; ucnuncan. I 2 ' - This was follmve(l by 21 musical .uum-ber : 6 by the Hawaiian troupe. . '1 2 12'"... u w \xn.n.....m: .1... ,..,n...xI ` |J.\ I'll!` l.l.lLlVlIllI.ll uuupr. A Row H. E. Wellwnnd was then called! {upon to present. a Business `Educators E jA.~`socia'tinn diploma to Miss Olive Newman. ithe first student to pass the independenti emmtination set by the Association since 5 Mr- Wauchnpe has had the College affiliated fwith the As.~tociat.ion. Mr_ Wellwood ex-it jplililll that the di-plmna of the Ascnciatiun . `nmant something and said he cnngratulatedi ; Mr. Wa'u(-hope on the splomlitl work ho was ` Edoing that: wzirrzuited the school being re-i ceivc-d into ineinlwrship in the Association; `which is Canadian-wide and whose examin- , :_1tinns are stmulanlizeil and dinloma recog-I f nized from the Atlantic, to the `Pacific. Mr. v ;W(=l!wond urged the young people to take I --- -.._, ........, ufruuu Ivuuvvc vvwu pl'lI_\5l-IUC- . Mr. Jarrett mentioned the various awards `for speed_ and accuracy thatwere given by `his Company and also told of the necessity of young people practising thoroughness in all work. While it was necessary to get `work out quickly for the busy bu-sines< man, Ill: was absolutely essential that the work _be. neat and accurate. No business man wants to pay. a stenographer to write letters that he does not want to sign on account of inaccuracy, errors in English and spelling. The stenographer who got work out quickly `most and business men were willing to pay a good salary to a good stenographor but that they did not want to `be bothered with the self-styled stenographer who had the idea that she could do the work but, un- a and accurately was the one who was worth ` fortunately, did not. measure up to standard- when given a trial. Mr. Jarrett urged the lstudents who were present to put forth ievery effort to take advantage of opportuni- Eties presented by the college to become well Iqualified. capable and accurate st.enogra- `[)l]el'S and typists_ l l.l_ `l..._..L-' " l....,..- uuu uJ luau`, Mr. Jnrr`et's remarks were followed by `a vocal solo by Miss Florence Arnold. (mg of A "the B.B.C. students. " l 'l\.. I Y Q!,,, , _ , n _ pn- a typewriter. This speed is obtained, by. constant. practice and concentriztion and following definite instructions. The key- board of the machine is divided into two halves so that each hand has a given part to take care of and each finger has its own key or keys to strike. It is difficult to! make the finger `strike the wrong key ifi the operator has been properly trained.` Each" finger has only three or `four keys to 3 strike and as we have eight fingem working in rhythm, speed follows with practice. Mr Yuu-unto -u.u.41A.....l AL. ..._!A ` rdztrk belted $4.45 DON T MISS? THIS CHANCE TO BUY HIGH GRADE CLOTHING AT MONEY-SAVING I I `PRICES. PROMPT ACIT ION WILL DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS. SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, FEB. 10, AT 10 P.M. I A Brown s Men s Wear THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY _ Bell Ill ll Aug\'.}I|I\rllU \)lIo I.C.'.lllClIC........ Constmcnn labor .. . . . . . . . . Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Interest. on loan ............ Priming. po.iage and .s-tationery .. Telephone Co.. switching and Hun vvnnl ul -lJUl1`' J.Jlh\ hlIUl' u(lwi.nt.:v_.'e of the present-day opportunities! and to stick to their studies until they had I .won the diploniza which was a sign of! ;knowledge. that would he of everyday use; "to them ii: busine.~s life and in becoming} useful citizens of Canada. He congratulated i gMi..\v Newman on being the Fist one to pass ithe examination since B.B.C. had become; - :1 nieniher and wished her every success int he: life s work. . . I I I _ VV llll\.aIlll!1UH IIIBI. 5Ill\lLIfIl'C` V . Miss Newman was also the recipient. of 2: bronze medal for speed in t_vpewriting.; ;Tho medal was presented by Mr. `Jarrett. g I nun 1- a v\ . -I I 9 IJUII. LUIWIIIIUIIC \l\ .q n`Wl line rental .... . .. Maintenance . . . . . . . . Balance cash on hand ."", "`V' " " """ ' ` .Miss Newman replied `briefly that she was i { pleased to have the honour of being Mr. ; Wmlchopefs first graduat.e_ I Mzm. M............ L... n... ......:..:.,... Ix: `ll -`I`ll\|(`ll|` IJI III!) \JU|n'v5,\:, i Muse Florence Arnold gave another solo` ;and the Hawaiian troupe another. musical; lnumhr-r which concluded the programme. i 'I`L.. ...\...... nnnnln 61. n....um,l n onninl `. red ur 1r';{':1i12 each lllIlll|'l'I V` IIIUH UlIHUI\l\lC`| |.l|L' lllU5IllIll|Uc 3 The young people then enjoyed :1 socxali hour of (music and dancing. V I 3 Miss Marion Partridge then gave :1`: , lulmnmus rccitatmn which was followed by; H five-minute dmnonstrutinlu nf t_vpcwriting! iby students of the College. . I NHL-m Y4`Innnnnn \~nnLl .-.u~n ..nnOLnu ornln` 'l3lVU.lU` _ .Expenditures i Balance overdraft. Jan. 1, 19?? ..$ 39.61 Salaries and allnwzmces . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 E Bell 'l`el_ephnue C0., Long Distance nu": '24`: n-J IJUIIUFUW U" I]! c-hing . . . Miscellant-nus IUIIIJ IIIU IlII5'\III. I I _ Receipts ` Proceeds of debentures sold . . . . ..$ 990.00 Collected '-by Township . . . . . . . . . . 855.89 Supplies sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.25, Long Distance calls . . . . . . . . . . 271.50 i Bonuses on `new phones and swit- -greutt_`st troube wi:h the service was thati -_-.. .77`. . - . . - . u w - u - . v u :1, There wiere very few complaints as to the service, the secretary pointing out that the parties! using the phone neglected toting} off. He recommended the subscribers to; read the instructions printed and pastedi in the firstepage of the directory explaining! fully the ring-off. I Dnnn:n\la .w"'l;he Telephone .Commisibners', Wm. L.{ Russell, Walter Teesdale, and Ben. Parr,` were re~elected, and A. A. Garvin and Wm. ' J. Cole appointed auditors, ' ! The auditors report and the report of ' the Secretary-Treasurer were pre ented andl ,adopted. Three subscribers' houses were 3 destroyed by fire during the year; in one` case the instrument was saved, in -the other two the full equipment was lost. A new phone has been installed in one of the cases, ; in the other [there has been no request as} yet. ~ T - FIVL. 11,: .1 A -- --- - FEW COMPLAINTS AS 10 VESPRA PHONE SERVICE} I The annual meeting of the subscribers [of 1 she Vespra Municipal Telephone System i was held in the Police Court on Saturday. 1 Jan. 27, with Jas. Don-an in the chair. I I 'I'L,, _ , I`. V |d<-n, Thos. Our Suit Values Au; Making rages F91` Us 5 THE BARRIE EXAMINER $2196.55 ! $2196.79 1082.50 ` 223.00 123.05 , - \l,l.\ I lll( I`\./`(llltlkllllll V.ln` lL'l. ll(' VVE1-` .`lv| U|'l\ I 1. En` flu utter rlissix11ilu:-itv. hetwr-en the ' .--Jctun of gmfernnlont we have at \Nas`.1-I ; Q ingtcn and the Parliannentav s_vs:e:n which iuhtnir-..< at O`tawa. I u M In Ottawa the-,Hou:-e is .~".:;.m,-mt an-'1 the i I ;S-nate of less importance; here the Senatel is :IlLpnwerfuI and the House is a. llnwn- mljunct.` In Canada we: dissolve an Ink`. Pzarlimnent before we elect a new one.` `pnnrlcnr at Wzxelngton, D.C., had the lfrknvixng `in his Tuesday`s despat-ch: i W. A. Boys. M.P. for S mth Simcoe. i ;.=tc-m-ed over here one day this month on , his way to Florida. Being a lngslatnr him { self. he naturally put in the time 0b.'~'er\'ing I the rwo Houses of Congreus in action. Like * im-cry 1 Hm` Canadian \{i.~"tor. he was strut-k E `utter rlissix11ilu:-SW` 1 _A _ . \11 I Tom King, the Torontb lobe's corres-I .n.\pv:uulu ll Long distance calls . . | Material .....` . . . . . . . .- I Switching . . . . . . . . .. Maintenance . . . . . . . . . ; Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Priming and postage .' _L0a.ns and interest. paid I `X. kms, nikin, H. J. O'Con- Kendall,( `l.`-s..... ."lUl KVV [`l.`hl'ln` i (`van-h, current . . . . . .` . . . . . . . |Cash_ `savings .... . . . . .. . . . iBills receivable and interest Accounts receivable . . . . . .. L.D. accounts unpaid . . . . . E Liabilities over assets . . . . . . . ; V ' IIUl~lV!' I4lilUllllI[.'` iN0f0 and accrued interest .. B>ll Tel_ Co. L.-D. calls. Dec. lAco nunts payable .. . . . . . . . .. I [Balance cash current `Balance cash savmgs . IICU U.` IIIIU BIIUXCHUIUUIVS. Directors were reelected as follows: Wm. E. Brown, I. H. Luck, Morley Beath. Daniel McLean. Wesley Caldwell. Geo. Baldwin and W. T. Partridge. J. R. Wil- it-101] wa: appointed shareholders auditor. I ' Receipts . `Jan. 1, Cash on hand. current . . . .8 90.27 iCash on hand, savings . . . . . . . . .. 8.71 !Dec. 31. Collections by Bank . . . . 2419.98 [Interest on savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .24 i A by-law passed by the directors in~| `;creasing the capital stock of the company! (`from six to ten thousand dollars was rati-? ified by the shareholders, ' I \ r`;__`_L______ _______ ___|__L__1 ,, 1-, av ' .,u_ - ! _ ...._-- .._.._.v....., . ...`u - .u~.~-uvuw. . I A very favorable report was presented by Tthe auditors, J. R. Wilson and Joseph Quiri- lan.[ - ! , .. ' The annual meeting of the shareholders ` of the Crown Hill Telephone Co. was I; ; iheld in the school house, Dalston,` on Fri-`f ` day. Jan. 26. at 8 p.m. There was a very ` small attendance. Owing to illness I. |Luck, President of the Company. was un-`, ; able to atfend, and the chair was occupied ; iby Daniel McLean, Vice President. I *C-ROWN mu. PHBNE co. ,CAPlTAL is NOW $1o,ooog` MR. BOYS IN VWAASTI-YITITNGTON were c pair nldes, 7!. /3. each. ' Active Liabilities . _ _ . ._..I 2 _ ..L____ A Active As.~aets Expenditures 1-one ' I """ ' ""l" "` """ ""` ico ors, values up to 132.50, for . . . . .. 69 (10 dozen Real Good Ties, former prices up ito 31.25; you should buy at least a half doz- L jen of these .. .. 50`; Men s Caps in assorted Men s Heavy Shirts in a good assort- ment` of colors, reg. up to $2.50, while they last 1. $1.19 .3 618.00` 45.45 192.91 A. Sims, annen, D. F. Jack-. zmderson, yne, Mrs.