Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1923, p. 8

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MEN S 4-BUCKLE OVERSHOES $4.00 PAIR %$$%% Misses H i g h Boots in g u n metal leather, with round toe< and rubber heel, "high top, sizes 11 to 2, $3.10 pair >X<>X1>X X<>X< V Boys Kip Blucher, solid leather soles and counters, round toe, a sturdy school shoe . . . . . . $3.75 a pair Miner Rubbers, best -sizes 1 to 5 ' The 3.1;. Shoe Store *$*%&$%%&iw' 0PP0site l3ryson s C. E. DUTCHER s, quality; to` t . . . O ; . . $l.00 a pair ' Top Rubbers, sizes 1 `to 78 Dunlop Si, Shop where" you're invited to ; Buy advertised things. -W. A. Lowe & Son have a big` rock of mattresses and springs on and. Call and see them. 85tfc~ Confectionery THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1923 INSURANCE &*%&%w A growing g'ir1 s or school girl's high boot, made of select .ca1f leather and good last, Chums, in sizes` 3% to 6- Black $6.50 pair Brown, $7.00, $7.25 >X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X :., BARRIE,\Phone 406 -----$2.25 sh0P- THIS cmclq .Ch'am]` `(I r W {@6130 ,S;1ccessor to J .T A;-nojld srll Wil '1-`lag; msumw "c3'w` PURE PORK SAU_SAGE FRESH DAILY % Phone 145 . Goods `delivered Promptly . Elizabeth St. coon 1=1vE.s'r1uNc BROOMS 5 - . ~ ~ ~ ~ - 47 Fresh Soda Biscuits 17c lb Clover Honey, 5 lbs. 70c Crown Syrup, '10 lbs. 75c Good Cooking Figs-C- `) 1!... AI`. SPECIAL `NOTICE '08: 511! T E Autq Lifg-uses, lERlAL BLEND BLACK TEA - . . - 54C 1-8. 4 lbs. Family Rice` .; .`25c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 35:: 2 lbs. Choice Dates . . 25c 2 cans French Sardines-- - ' -250 HINDS BROS. PURE FOOD GROCERY ----_3'lbs. 25 Luunum, auuu mynn, A. NICUUHOII ,S,ixtherland, W113. -Dinwoody, Wm. I I'aVnd- Oongreg-at'o al~ Secfet ', Fly'x_u,I: Treasurer: xflohn Fl_vn1:? M and Budget 'l'reasmT-er,` W, Hopper. cvutu vuuu uuwe HUSH Wera accomplished in such a manner as to leave the congrega-_ tion free of debt. The following officers were elected: Board of Mnnagcrs, J. Corrigan (chair- man), Wm. Patterson (secretary), R. J. McAfee, John Flynn, A. McCullough, J. Wm. Wm Quilting-I i 7 7 7 1 T was renovated inside and out. I`! auccesul year A On Thursday evening last the annual meeting of the Cookstown Presbyterian l Church was held. In spite of unsatisfactory financial conditions in the community, the past year was one of the most successful, from a financial point of view". in many years. Reports from the various organiza- tions were presented and adopted; Each report showed a substantial increase over the preceding year. Altogetheredouble the amount of the previous year was raised. During the year many advances were made in regard to organization and equipment. The church received needed attention, and In addi- tion an electric blower was attached to the organ.` In passing it .might be well to state that these things were accomplished ` such 8. mnnnnr an In loam: 4-L. ................ --5- v . In religion she was a Presbyterian. Her remains were buried at Wilson's Hill Ceme- tery on Saturday. The-pall-bearers were Lorne Arnold, E. Neilly, H. Corbett, H. Goodwin, Wm. Spindloel and Milt Sherman. I . Death of Mrs. Ed. Mills ! The many friends of Mrs. Ed. Mills re- gretted to hear. of her death which jook place at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Bar- rie, on January 17. Mrs. Mills suffered a serious illness for the past three months. About ten days previous to her death she was moved to the Barrie Hospital. She was only twenty-one years of age. Her maiden name was Miss Marjorie Ar- nold._ About three years ago she was mar~ ried to ;.Edward Mills. She was a very bright and energetic person and will be sadly missed by her many friends. She is survived by her husband, her father, Wm. Arnold, and one sister,` Mrs. Swan of Ham- ilton, and one brother, Ewart of Pene- tang. uvvu, tang. l l . Vestry Meeting .~ . -. ' l The Vestry meetings of St; , Luke's l Church, Pinkerton, and St.` John s Church,-.[ Cookstown, were held on Monday. The new wardens appointed for St, Luke's are Jos- eph` Andrews and Chas. MacDonald. The old wardens of St. John's Church were re- elected, namely, C, H. fCan1pbell.and K. Lawrence. The financial affairs of both churches were found in good condition. ulucuso ` ' Illustrated lantern pictures `of the life!` of Daniel will be shown in the Methodist; Church on Su_nday-`evening. - he Trail] Rangers_ will form part of-the choir. ' A Valentine tea and social` under the auspices`"of the Women s Institute will be `ihcld on Wednesday, February 7, in` the l Town Hall. Amongthe special features fori the occasion will be a fortune-telling booth, I an Old Curiosity Shop, Valentine ndveltiesi and a booth for homemade cooking audl candy. Any donations of baking will bei appreciated. Tea will be served from 4i 'o .`cTbck.--(Advt.) v Q , auu mm. vvm. nenson. . . A cook-_kitchen has been installed in 1` the publie~.school here, so the kiddies from the country will now enjoy a hot lunch. I The St. John's Sunday School concert and tea held "on Friday evening of lan.st.week,h was_ much enjoyed by the kiddies and, others. " ` . 1 *nI_._L_.,., I I - - ` `and Mrs. Wm. Henson. A mucau on net motner. . a J. Plt of Barrie spentlover Sunday with 3 his wife at the home of'her parents, Mr. I f M..l,,I.:...1..... I.-- L. - *- ' .. .-. ., ..a...uu was a settlement of alll` y accounts.-(Advt.) . _ Bert Marwood of Barrie _spent the week- end with his`parents here, Frank Agnew, mail clerk, was a week-. endvisitor at his home here. i Melville McFadden. spent a few days in Toronto during the pastweek. Wallace Dinwoody of Toronto University; spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Job Nevills celebrated their; silver wedding on Thursday of this week. Miss Hannah Pugsley of Toronto visited} at the home of her brother, J. M. Pugsley, last week. ' - Mrs. Wm. Dinwoody, who recently under- went an operation in Toronto, returned;. home last week. " Miss Gazey Kidd hasresigned her.posi- H tion as school teacher here owing to the` . I illness of her mother. * I 3 I 1313:; ..t n-._'- . V - '- - ` ` ,, _ _ _ '5` '5` 'A` Richard Jones is visiting friends in Barrie. Miss Langman spent the week-end in Toronto, ' Stephen Gould made a trip to Thornbury this week-. Overstocked. Big reductions in all lines! at Fisher's, I 11:`- 1-nu. ` av run I U, ' ' Miss cKilkenny spent a few week at Lisle. u m n.._I-:_ ---7 Memorial Tablets, A Corner Stones, Markers, Granite and Marble Monuments .7`, ucu. r. xnompson, Representative )m &w&$&&mm&&m&mm I!_I_, __.______ gmwwwwmwwwwwwgl Ea"s't':i'e `., &;`,3`TT`7 Eax 332 Large Bottle O Ceda_r _Oil Luii, 3 pkgs, for . .. Dutch Cleanser, 3 for _3cA `f`....L!l.. 04--.. -I 13 lbs. OnionS' . . . .. 25c 2 lbs, Shortening . . . . 35c Quaker Oats, large . . 27c `Choice Breakfast Bacon--' 7C`;I f) A Succesgful Year m-lg... .........__ ---L A uwgc. Rankin asks a Settlement of all .-(Advt-l '7 _ v --:-u-- CD33 . ' 79 Bayiield St. ei'e ;')h-')'ne 734 ---_._--curs` I E`. Thompson, Representative I i$&%%&&mmmmm uunauuuupgu, J. y, Suther- uulno.-'-. |--- ":-50c_ days last I uuulsl` your. The following ofce; were elected for the ensuing year :-- President, Walter Rowley; 1;: Vice-Pres.. W. K..Ritchie; 2nd Vice-Pres" Geo-. White; Sec.Tm_ . .'I rI`VIlU|A.I` -YV--Al--- i ...u ngv,u_uuu.uIu aocluy The annual meeting of the F105 Agricul-' ~ tural Society was held in the A.0.U.W. Hall on Saturday, 20th inst. President * Walter _Rowley, occupying the chair, con- gratulated the officers and members of` the society on the successful year which has just closed. He stated, owing to the fact that a new horse stable had been erected and a new roof replaced the old roof on one half the main building, that the financer did not _show any balance this year; also ` owing to the fact that more was paid/for f the talent for the concert than-everbefore, I the surplus. from this source was less than _I . in nrevimm vnnrn 'n ............ L- ..--- ----- ` , enterta.inment_ regeived. It ' ,__- ..-.r. ...,,....v urn auuluc was less man in previous years. However, he was sure ' the public were well ,satisfied with the I _ is expected that tlie eitra expenditures will make the Fair more prosperous than ever an- other year. -` 7 ' ' ` 'l'l.- c..n.....:.... ..n:_. ._ _,,z - - - - I inson. 15-1. I -us-v will IIIRVII ll Gertrude Constance, youngest -child of lMr. and Mrs. Walter Drinkill, Townline, il died on Wednesday, Jan. 17 after only at l few days illness. Connie as she was called, ( was one year and six months old, and wasa 5 , sweet, pretty little child and will be greatly ; 3 missed in the home. A large number of?` friends gathered at the Methodist. Church,l 3* Waverley, on Friday, Jan. .19, where the; 3: iuneral service was held, being conductedi Rev. Mr. Fry of Hillsdale. Intermentl * l tdolc place in Waverley Methodist Cemetery S * The sympathy of the community is ex: "x` tended to the bereaved ones. I w. n..mtcme; 2nd Vice`-,Prea.. Geo-. White; Sec.-Tress" Jas, McUermott;Directors. A.` 3; Bishop, '1`. E. j`,'Smith, Geo. McGinnis, BarrieMarbleWoT! Major J. I. Hartt Addresses L.0.L.i '1' Last week Major J , I. Hartt, Past Grandi l g Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West _ fialve addrtlassesdat HillI`s`d'i:1le, Vasely, Wyivale, a i t. 1 B i.e"7"r3ime"ria`Iif Ei'u.?;i,f.' ` mi ? 3m ; '3 all public meetings though held under the auspicesof the local Loyal Orange Lodges]! ' ` On Friday night Harry Guest, -Past District ! Master, presided. The local ministers, Rev. 1 [l.Messrs. Hanna, Stubbs and Morton briefly addressed the meeting. For over an hour . Major Hartt set forth some of the political \ problems as viewed from the standpoint Fgr militant l;iI'otestan.tisn(ii represerited tlloly r;i,.t2i3e`i`i $`s' his iuT5Ethmi.gi%ii?"?s 52* 4 ioutlined the various issues at stake, especial- t ly in the realm of education in the Province of Ontario. He closed by an appeal to the ' _] men of _the_ Order in Elmvale to.be true to J their principles, to staiidhy their churches J and to be ready to sacrifice past political S I affiliations that certain interests-might not 5 gsuffer. - hi _- Anderson Bishop Mcoull ; Hanna ` Tyrer Fl Pearson Ritchie V I Dutcher 1 Foster . u ' I 11111010 `I Simpson l g Currie IIEUII . Referee. Knupp. C Ulla ounded ' 'l'VL_ L`, Interest at the curling rink "has not abated in the least.- Several games for the McCarthy Cup have been played this! [week and keener interest is being shown! as the schedule advances. The standing of the rinks up to and including Tuesday of this week is: A 117; ' uuuupyxxng melt new nome in battle . . 2 A very interesting and instructive meet- ` ing was held in -the Presbyterian Church on; Thursda y afternoon of the past week. under = the auspices-of the Women's Missionary So- ciety, when Mrs. N. H. McGilli\`ray of [ Orillia addressed the ladies. During the A !meeting the W.M.S, mem-bexjs made Mrs. I C. S. Burton `:3 life member. I J: u:u_uu . i Mrs._ C. Fraser had the misfortune to! fall on the street last week and break one? wrist. She had the bone set at the Barrie; Hospital the following day. ?- I Mr. and Mrs`, J. H. McCaw returhed thisf [week and are spending` a few days with ' Mrs. McCaw s mother, Mrs. S. Kerr. before; occupying their new home in Barrie vnru `val-nronbinn ......I :....A_---1-1--r vvuu uxcuua mare. I Mr. and Mrs. -Elwood" French `of Kirk Lake are spending a few days at the home! of the former s' parents,` Mr. and Mrs. G.` French. _ { II -.. I` '1 Life - Fire - Sick - Accident" We have opened an office in Elmvale, opposite the Standard Bank, and are prepared to take risks in a` number of the best companies. Call or phone be- fore placing your insurance." Phone No. 95 T - u. xxcu `u . - - ! Jan. 2`.:i.-:5-Mrs. McMackon and daughter, f Miss Grace, of Angus, spent a few days} lwith friends here. 11.. .....I It... in -' v` ' - --- ' I Win,` Eade of Newtbn Robinson is visit- ing zit E. Houghton s.L . .Mr` and Mr: A I` n:_..L.... ...... --:_:L:.m 5 av 12. .u.uu5uLun 6. -Mr; and Mrs. A. C, Bishop .are visiting; in Tottenham and Richmond Hill this week. ` Mrs. Evarts of Lindsay and. Mrs. Jas.` Prentice of Midland spent last week at; G. French's. T I T-.. 0') II__, II II www:w__'L"1 K>1<$>1<$>B$>I ELMVALE NEWS E Ftank C. BiShDD_ RnfARDnfnf;\7a m I Re; In: zit`? E 1 , resen a we rI X<>I X<>I<>X<>I<>I g C. Bisho PX! .w ----- - - ! >X0I0X<>X0X< `$&agwm&&&&%m&mg Flo: Agricultural Society mmml mn.o:.... .: 4.1.- 1.1-, A Minesing 7, Elmvaie 4. .1...` L--L--- Mccarthy Cup Games ..4 LL- _,, Won _ protect yourself ' against these ad- On Jan. 6, tires and tubes advanc-I -ed 15%; on the 20th another ad- vance took place If you want to vances, order your tire and tube re- quirements for the coming season at once from G. G. MOORE S, the old- est/vulcanizing and tire shop north of Toronto. Now is the time to have your tires gone over. All work guaranteed; only goods of quality sold. Tires, tubes, accessories, gas~ oline, oils and greases, Laco electric ` bulbs. A t __ 2tfc 1 Little Girl Taikn `nu: nmau-1 axAM1iu".n To Play I 5 , Clarence Woods `and J.- F, Linn as striking at I. of Collingwood refereed the game to the satisfaction of all and, while the game was not rough, Pete was obliged to prove to a few of the boys that _rhe penalty box is the result of tripping. Even the guardian of `the Black and Orange _ net spent a term in that isolated spot on the side of the ice as a result of. using both ends of his stick. The School Board held their inaugural meeting on Wednesday night of last week. All` the members were present except A. H. Campbell, who was-prevented by illness. ` R J. Allen was re-elected chairman, and made a very appropriate address, after which he named Messrs. B. Wheeler. 0. -Weatherup committee. 1 CIILH Methodist Presbyterian Anglican Clearview u. um um game, we second made up for it, | for the Methodists and Anglicans served up. one of the fastest games of hockey that! the fans have seen this year. The Angli- cans, who have not won a game. held the leaders of the League scoreless the first period; the second period found each with a goal to their credit, and although having! much the best "of the play the third period the boys in white failed to make a tally, while the black and orange bulged the cords for an easy goal, winningthe game by the small score of. 2-1. The standing of the League is as fo1lows:~ ` VII; - ,,, uvv - Jan. 23.---Owing to the Presbyterians` defaulting to C1earview,'the first game of the double header on Friday night was turned into an exhibition, Clearview playing against a picked team from the Presbyter- ians and Methodists. Although not as fast as the League matchit was a good game to watch. Only one penalty was" giv- en. The game ended 5-4 in favor of Clearview. If there was anything lacking in the first game, the second made for it, 0!` Methodists ant` Analinann M-rm mruum axuuuumug L0 0100.00. - According to the annual report published by `the Deptkof Agriculture the F105 Agri- cultural Societystands third in the County of Simcoe as to total receipts, etc. With the Society in a good prosperous condition a bigger and better fall fair is looked for this year. mum capcuaca t`0.lU`Z.lO, leaving a balance in bank of $95.64 with` outstanding ac- x cbunts amounting to $130.00. '.-\M-n1-rnn In 4-I-m nnnnn` ........_:. _..LI1 L- I TO CAR OWNERS7 `OF BARRIER AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT: The Secretary was instructed to write "a letter of condolence to Mrs. Simpson, the late Thus- Simpson having been Auditor of the books for a number of years. Tho '1"-1..-.m....... ........._L-_l Al, . .1 . . - _......... .u. u uunuuun Ul JCCIID. The Treasurer reported. that the total receipts for the year were $3200.37. and` total expenses $3104.73, leaving balance bank of 95.64 urir m...m.r:.... .. -._v-.._-..., o "A hearty vote of thanks was tendefed to Dr. W. A. Thompson for his help and en- thusiasm displayed in connection with, the Fair. ' 1Jr., Wm. Porter. R. T. Wallace, J, Har Jno..Kidd, Jr., Jos. Dfysdale. Hugh Friel Jno. Thompson, Fred Drysdule, J . T. Simpl son, Jas, H. Simpson, A. Hartt, W. A. `Malcolm; Auditors, J. T. Foster and Jno. l'1V_IcAuley. STAYNER ._. -y.-v Won 0 __ _ __ ,,,,________ This committee recommended adopting the] I plan of last year that the whole Board ` stock act on every committee with the following Hand. C: as chairman of each: Management, A. D. Campbell; supplies, B. Wheeler; property, . O. Weatherup; finance, J. F. Linn. l W1 5 Mrs, R. R. Smale of Toronto is visiting} . with friends in town. I ad ERN. BOLTON % % % OUR M()TTO: VA_LUE Masor;ic Ealdih

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