Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1923, p. 5

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re, yet I` :1 should portance uch plain- druggist would so 8%`: GIVINGUPBUSINESSSALE AFTER ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IN BARRIE, THE FIRM OF POWELL & I GO. HAVE -DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT. WE HAVE HAD EXCEPTIONAL OFFERS FOR THIS BUS- INESS EN BLOC, BUT HAVE COME TO THIS DECISION :- ' TO.GIVE THE PEOPLE OF BARRIE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY BY PLACING THE STOCK AT THEIR DISPOSAL AT A RATE ON THE DOLLAR. `NOTHING IS RESERVED,` EVERYTHING TO GO. THIS IS A GENUINE, I HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SALE, AND THE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED OUT IN TWO MONTHS. g- iimrcoons BELOW cos'r Tab1e'.P.rints a`nZTc(iTZ1Ginghams, new `spring goods, all to go, 19c yd. 10 pieces Plaiciz Dress Goods, feg. price $1.40, sale .... . .. 79 5 pieces Priest1ey s Dress Goods, -.b1ack only, values tip to $3.00 yard, for $1.89 yard = . -10 pieces Cloaking, 54 and.S6 in. wide, reg. $4.50 and $5.50, sale price $2.75yard 20 pieces Dress Goods, .va1ue_s pp '-to $17.50, poplins, lustres, wo6f > voiles, all to go at . . . 75 yard 42-in. All Wool Cashmere in %bIue_and red, 'ieg,.'$1.40, at 85c THORNTON ID I8V0l' 01 um uuuw octuu. Nurse MacLelland is attending Master Earl Leigh, secondsun of James Leigh of 0m, in Orilliu. 'l`Irm IY W0 dnnml u mnlmu of -mixed New Voiles, all to go at 55c They are regular up to $1.25 yd. New Ginghams, sale price, 29/; Reg. Soc Zephyrjsfor .. No Refunii_s_ Cash Only` raw 0% 'I'HEBARGAlNS WE HAVE m s'roRi: FOR YOU. Com: TO SALE T!-IURSDAY MORNING` AND BE couvmcm. .3`_ D_ THE BARRIE EXAMINER PICTURES TO snow PHONE OPERATIONS !Model Switchboard and Qther Features in Telephone Demonstration._ um, m urunu. The U.F.0. shipped a. carloud of mixed stock on Monday. The Bell Telephone Company has pre- pared, ior demonstration purposes, a model switchboard, which can be set up in halls, Sunday School rooms, Clubeor Lodge qua:-~ ters and other meeting places. _The and- ience is given a very interesting and enter- taining demonstration in connection with the operation of a modern telephone system. In mldioinn tn Hm clnmnmatrntion board. U18 OPOTEHOXI 01 8 uioueru bclcpuvuc nyovvua. In addition to the demonstration board. there is a moving picture machine. and several reels of moving pictures, which are designed to show something about that more or lea~ mysterious world behind the telephone. These pictures are en- titled The Transmission of Intelligence," Waves of Communication, Mr. Ruff learns his Lesson" and The World behind your Telephone." .'l"|.:g Agmnnnntrnnn I-mm-A and mnvinvl your 1 ewpuuue. 1 \This demonstration board and moving picture machine have been secured by Mr.` Bruce, manager of the Bell Company, Bar- ..:.. ....1 ...:n. +3.. Mm: nn.nnAI-nfinn nf tlm nruce, manager 01 Due Dun vuuxpnnly, um- tie, and with the kind co-operation of the R following Societies, arrangements have been made to put on several". demonstrations in Barrie and Allandale on the dates mention- ed below: ur,.I.__....I..-. f............ 91 Q nn n m __I Cu UUIUWQ . I Wednesday, January 31, 8.00 p.m.-| `Catholic Parish Hall--Yo ung \ People :-s Society. 1 '1W\In-urlnv v`nJ'n~IInI'v 1 n.nL---Sf.. leuy. - Thursday, February 1, 8.00 p.m.---St. Andrew`s* Presbyterian Memorial Sunday Schonl---Young People's Society I `h`_:.l.... 'li`.u|-...un-poo 0 `CIT:-In QM`-anal Ant- I()X'lullI---`I01 rugn Duumn Dvuucuua. . Tuesday, February 6. 8.00 p.m.--St.` George s Memorial Hall, Allundale"--Young People`s Societies-Anglican. Methodist and g_Presbyt.er1an Churches combined. A '1`-`\I!IIc3t`nIy nnkrunounv Q Q tn | I` nuuy , I: uuruury a,-".I.u5u uuuux `tnrium---for High School Students. n~..-n.:.... n..;........... a sum r\ g_l'resuyl.er1uu Uuul'cuc& uuuuuucu. Thursday, February 8. 8.00-p.m.--Trinit.yl `Parish HalI---Young People s Society. I:t'nIv `TAR:-nun-I7 0 9 M `n m ___V M (1 A ! . I|lllH'UTl III 1 l`\lli1lllR_|lU. Monday, February 12, 8.00 pm .-Baptist. CIxufch~-Su11da_\' School room--Yougng People s Society. : Tuunazlouv Ti`nkv-non-v `IR Q n n 111 ..(`.pn. Jan, 22.--Mrs. Wm. Holt died this morning at 10 o clock. Deep sympathy is extended to Mr. Holt, who has beena vary devoted` attndunt through the many years of her feebleness. , A nu-nuf nllhnhnr A` {kn nnnnln RI"! 1'8l'ISn nan-- I Dung reuple 5 Duclcuy . ' Friday. February 9. 8.00 p.m.---Y.M.C.A. [Audit-orium. Allandale, u-_..J.,_. r.~_|__....__. 1n 0 nn .. .. `l)....o:..+ i Sault Ste. Marie Sm: A forecast that Al- ; M D` l goma will become a permanent headquarters i f .A l_ for the manufact.ure_of motion pictures was l Wm" imade by Ernest Shipman before he left for The `,Toronto to arrange for the showing of 1 353` 3 The Rapids" in larger centres. Mr. Ship 1Tb man said that never in his exnerience had l S he received such splendid local cooperation l m as he had received here. He attributed the : 0g l success of The Rapids" as much to the d local ' c.nm\er.ati0n as to the professional= = stage. Mr. Shi-pman declared that he was proud of the picture, saying that it was-a `. fasci v-strong. virile. dignified production, with thel are lromance and love interest intelligently and} grax POWELL & C0. 'Cn()DI""` I oung l'EUplU S I3UUlBL_V Friday, February 2,--High School Audi- nv-:IIv\x...`r1\I` T>T::v1\ Q1-hon] .qf.IIl`Pnf.H, THE RAPIDS FILMED IN ALGOMA nRYcooT)s mow cost Big assortmentof laces at" . . . . . . .. . . .. 25cperdozenyards -Worre1'1 s Vclveteens, reg. up to $1.50 yd.. all shades, to go, 75c Mulls and Bridal Cloths, pink, blue, mauve and white, sale, 45 yard up wun severe cums. I Mrs. Warner` of Toronto 1:: spendmg some time wi h her mother, Mrs. Geo. Priest. I u- 11..- D A II... Inc emu "co...-- Beautiful patterns in Curtain Nets, ' new and all on sale. 36-in. Nets, reg. 50c-75c, 39 yd. 38-in. Nets, reg. to $1.25 70-yd.` 40-in. Nets, reg. to $1.S085c yd. All Embroideries and Hlnsertions are to be sold atone price, 8c yd. Cui'tai`nVScrims at .... . . 20 yud `Factory Yarn, all colors, 2 and 3- ply at . . . . . . . . . . ._,,. . 75 9/ 4 Sheeting, reg. . .59c 8/4 Sheeting, reg. 75c, sale . .524: 10- pieces Sheeting, reg ./`5*0c, at 39: Vszooo STILL FOUND, $1000 FINES LEVIED I [vile SI.-Ill. i Revenue Preventive Officer Edward 'flFloorl_v arranged for the sale of some cf the ;piping used in connection with the st11l for ' 3 , `) . `$.00. A Customs Officer Floody of Toronto seized a large distilling apparatus on the farm of Simon Silverman, Essa. Township, Sat- urday. The plant is the largest ever cap- tured in the County of Simcoe `and was installed at a cost of probably $2,000. A large rotary engine and boiler was used to do the distilling, the still having a capacity of 150 gallons. . ' - Tkn nun-Han uvnu-A nunnlfnnhn-inn flxnir. years or ner Ieel)1ene.~As. A great, number of the people are laid up with severe colds. ` ` Urn ufnrnn n` Tnrrmfn ht mmndhm SOYHE | ;of Allandale, V in renewing his` subscription |writ.es: I read with interest thehews in Barrie Examiner-every week and old I associations are constantly brought to mind. f1The appearance of -Dunlop and Elizabeth Sts has improved in recent years, and I ...... ..l..A tn mu. Han 41-... nonro` nncnn Dr. "I;ox:o_n't;o_:`forn1erlyi I U1 IOU EHHUIIS. ' ! The parties were manufacturing their own malt-_and had 3 malt floor similar to a large malt house. About 100 gallons of spirits were found and 150 gallons of mash. Four of the parties were arrested. Wknn flu: noun nyan lunar!` `II `flan Alnnfnn When the cas_e_ws heard in `the Alliston Police ` Court before Magistrate Jeffs of Barrie, fines, totalling 31,100. were levied. Silverman was fined $300 and costs; S. .Rowsick, $200 and costs; Tony Padroga. H200 and costs and Jos. Soznoski, $400 and costs. Soznoski, it was claimed. _insta.lledl ,the still. [ ! `D.........._ D..........L:.... n:c:...... E`:-`unrnrrx TOUT Ul LHC pill !/[CB WCIC lltblcu. L `DIAS H213 IlllplU\'Ull In ICU!`-IIL _VCIl_. auu J. iam glad to see that the financial position 2_of the town under the mayoralty of my {old colleague. John Little, is splendid." I fascinatingly developed. The small parts I a joy, he said, adding that the photo- ` { graphywas 100 per cent. I Spratt s Dog Biscuits, 20c TPrunes,2lbs. . . . . ..29c Figs, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . 25c Seedless or SeedEd__Ra.is_is |)0MlNl0N STORES, Liiniled ucvwv-uuvwv V- -wwww-V: o-----v- , .._21b.. 357; Finest Bacon-- - , ` --Tb 37 a BROOMS .. .. 59 5-string, weight % Pure Strawbi-ry or Rasp- be"n'y Jam, 4 lbs. 74: 33106 W] II He!` IIIOIIIEF, Mrs, UCU. xrlcavu I Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Kent left this after- `norm for Toronto where Mr. Kent intak- ing up his annual duties at the Legislative Asaenxbly`. Sqckeye Salmon, '1-ib 40 _8p_aragus,_ 1-Y5 tins iizc kiln: nalarv U-nu 25-Fish gdin}:Q`,: C Si; '1}LIlv}'c"12'3:{;; '" " -4 for 25 WE DELIVER ORDERS OF $10.00 OR OVER news IT WITH INTEREST Tc;A1tADA's LARGEST RETAIL caocnns nmrcoons BELOW COST Terry Cloths, reg. $2.25, for $1.50 Fahcy Sateen; reg. 90c-$1.00, 69c _Cret reg. 85c, sale, P1ajn.Voi1e, all colors, at 40.; yard Plain White Bath Towels, reg. $1.25 pair .. .. .. .. ..69c Huge Colored Bath Towels, 95c pr. 32-in. Anderso;1 s Ginghams, Soc yd., sale price" . . . . . . . Linen Hand Towelling, reg. 29c, sale price . . . . . . . . . '. 19: yard Heavy Motor priced to $18, sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 Broadcloth Suitings, S0-ini, nice `assortment of shades, reg. price $4.50. sale: \ . . . . . . . $2.79 yard Colored Scrims, reg. 73, Sale 49 XII?!-9 Iwuua-3-, --v - u - .G1ng' er-Crisp Biscuits, Arrowroot Biscuits, Tb 29c Fry sCocoa,%-1'btin25c BulkCocoa,2lbs...25c Bull-:Co`ee,tb ....39c TI I II Jan. 2-}.~-Mrs. George Lockhart and daughter, Mildr`ed_. have gone to Toronto to spend a week wi*.h friends there. ' .. (lam-an T.n(-khurf has gone to work in! ggaas int-`b.ulk, gs 15 KDAH3. |BREA1).. 15 LOAF Mal-de-mer and prohibition clash in "The Seventh Day," the current feature at the Dreamland theatre, with interesting results_ A party of New York society dandiea and flappers have taken a yachting trip to escape the penalties of the Volstead act. Outside the three-mile limit, however, the company suffers so severely from seasicknesa that the unanimous cry is for land, prohi- bition or no prohibition. The Seventh Day" marks Richard Barthelmess' second appearance as a star of First National at- tractions. following Tol'able David." A: in the latter;. the star has a role that call: for intensely human and sympathetic por trayal of character. Cooking Eggs, dozen 42 Shredded VA/heat, 2 for 25 II II ,, :9 --v-.., -. --- ._- '1'<'11'Jg" om Flam- '"'-'-?3} 29 Pure Lard, fl : . . . . . . 20c -Cri-sco,3-1,5-gin. I . . .1 73 1,754,929 )3. Increase fer "Salads". This gure, which represents the `tremendous progress in public fa- --- ---L:-L uo..1...:..n km. mmln Anrincr trelllexluuus PLUELCDD Ill yuunnv -- vor which Salada has made during 1922, .can be attributed only to its `invariably high quality and teapot I satisfaction. 4c Bptillu ll V\'cvI\ wltu unuuuu |-Iu.3|\. George Lockhart has gone to 0m for some time. ll- \l-(",......n Jun nuurnkcncn Reading the advts. is time well spent. Seasickness and Prohibition Clash PHONE c. BROWN FOR THE BEST IN BAKER'S BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD and a full line of PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sts. } Thursday, 1st Feb y Page Five " 25 Zia UFO 101' SONIC UNIV. ' , I Mr. Mc.Gurra, who purohused the old 1, McCabe property some time ago, has sold[ to a Mr. Brown of Barrie, There are other properties changing hand: soon. The debate at the school on Friday night was well contested. The subject was, i Which is preferable, city. town or country 1 life?" The points noted by the judges were about evenybut rather favored city life. FRI... |Ih4:1 ....l4.. ...-an-ninnt Kano nnl` nnvnrai i e magis- g a ne. ith costs rmed." {Cg/' BDOVUE CV81] > `DUI rumer HSVURSU uu:_v Inc. The fluis quite prevalent here and several are confined to their homes. Jan. 23.--Mise Blanchard spent the week- l end at I. Nelson's. _ ` The many friends of Mia: Vera Gilmore in this community extend to her their deepest sympathy in the death of her moth- er, which took place suddenly at her home near Alliston on Saturday, 1--.... n.....:.I...... nxolln u kuainaua +1-rn. to `roronto msr ween. - . Albert Crozier has returned :nfter'holiday- ing with friends at St. Thomas. mm Twine Mnmsmmr inanufferinz from an attack 0! - glmlmuar wver. `Charles Parker cut one foot severely while chopping in the bush last week. 'n....`o `nu-an} O`-an nnnnnrf. nnrl Rllllner to I163!` AIIISDUH uu althulxxny, ' Lorne Da-vxdson made a busmess trip to Toronto last week. AIL--. n......:.... ....`ommm! nG'onr"hn|ir|nv. mg Wltn Irwnns at DI`. Lnuuma. Muss Irene McMaster iswuffering from attack of glmxdxilar fever. -m....I.... D....l..... All Ana fnnt. nave:-elv W-nue cnoppmg m we uuxsu luau wcvn. Don't. forget the concert and supper to be held in.the church ori"the evening of; "Friday, Feb. 2. A good programme is being ` I`\DlrI`\I')I1 QII'l`\I'\P cmrvnl` frnm to 8. I Friday, l"P.h. Z. A good pwgraulme no man; prepared. Supper served from 5.30 to Admission 50 "and 25 centa.~-(Advt.) FRIDAY EVENING; JAN.26,` AT 3 o*cLocK `MR. FRED JARRCETT, Canadian Champion Typist, and MISS IRENE wmcm will put on a dem-` onstration of SPEP_and ACCURACY. .. -- ' LTD. MR. J. J: SEITZ, of Toronto, will also give an interestingand instructive address. . ` A special and interesting program is being pre-` pared. No charge is being made. The public are invited. Embalmev . Direct or THORNTON, Speed Demonstration Has built our business to its present proportions If you are not already a customer, a trial will convince .you CHOICE MEATS` OF ALL KINDS ._ V AND POULTRY `HORSE OR JIOTOR .E0_UlPIlENT . Phone: Ivy-Thomon Quality and Service % Barrie Business College BRENNAWS Meat Market "W-1-PAE'; FF-T_`*'?5A CUNDLES 2 Established I849 .;:EE|.`F|.FlcATED -A. w. SMITH, Chairman- work in i AT THE l sister, `Mrs. John Banting. . V I I mg. . _Jos_ Chappel of -Minesing called on friends here this week. Mrs. M. Lennoxef Barrie is visiting her 1.... Ilnl ..n.. :n Lnnlinn nu-ova` On `In- I Owing to an accident, Miss Jessie Alex- under will not appear at the hot fish e_up- per in the Union Church "here on Jun, 31. . Her place, though, will be taken by Miss Barrett, a graduate of Owen Smiley. There will also be other musical talent. A good time is anticipated:--(Advt_,)' Dmminr and Mn Dr-nrv nlifnrtninnrl time Is anucxpzueu.---\nuu_,; Premier and Mrs. Drury entertained` `about fifzy of the Young People's Club to an oyster supper on Friday last. uvucnu vu:-u-- . 3 Jan. 22.4-A. Ronald is on the sick list. Mrs. Smith of Markham is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fortner. "BI... snub nnllm-l ui tho Lnnun nf Mr and SIHIUT, LVITH. l`UI'lll|`l'. The stork called at the home of -Mr. and Mrs_ J. D. Roe last Friday and left. a baby boy. Cougrat-ulat-ion's. M|I.nrn\v ,)nno`t` mun knnnn Finn` Qhurnnr Huy DU) . \JUlIgl`l'UllI|'lUlIB. I ` VMuvrra_v Ronald was home from Stayner over Sunday. I VI"!-.4: lnnul knnlrnu fnolu v:'n;fnr` than hnvn nf I OVCT aunuay. ' The local hockey team visited the boys of Elmvaleflast Friday evening. and although the scorewas 4-2 in favor of Elmvale at the end of the second period. it finished 7-4 `in favor of thevisiting team. The return match in to be played this week. Tl"; \XInu..nn u Tnahnn In-A nlnuniua -an HHSIJUII IN LU UK? pluycu ltlll \Vl:l'.'l\o The Women's Instltme are plaumng -an I At Home to be held next week. 7111,." I'!..l_-._ IN- 1.....- L..-.... 4.. ....4 u. IYICHUH uere. . . Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Lennox entertained a number bf their friends on Thursday even- ing. ` . Ina (`L nnnnl AF Miuxnainu nnilml nn frhulrln 1 ` Jan. 22.---M-ts. Black (Maggie Leimox) : from the West is spending some time with friends here. 11_ ....l 11..- I I.` t--......-. ....L......:.....Jv.. {IL IJUIIIC IU UK: urlu uv.`At vvuon. Th Basket Co. have begun to get their stock of logs once more. SIHIUY, HITS. JUIJII Dllllllsa ` Joe. McLean is hauling gravel to .im- prove his house in the village in the com- ing summer. A V . My girl in nnnfinml In tho hnlinn Mr. Reid is confined -to the house with` Ia bad cold. ML- mu-.- --_ -2 it- ...~'.l 11.... La... [H13 Bllllllllfo IXCUWII 15 III no lung Ul wuuu. - V The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held on'Friday afternoon. A very good crowd attended. The auditors` found the church books in good--- shape. everything moving along in a prosperous way. `W. J. Thompson is treasurer again thisyear for he is a- good man and in the right place. ' T 3 Dan coxu. V The young son of Mr, and Mrs. John Keown is ill at time of writing. I "I'VL.. ..... ..I .........4:.... AC olun Du-nakuhnvzun Silver` Wedding A A Mr. and -Mrs. Jas. Readman entertained tat their home on Jan. 10 a number of itheir friends, itbeing the occasion of their lsilver wedding anniversary. About sixty i guests were present. After dinner was served the,Rev. Mr. McEwen took the chair and called upon '-G. C. Gaston to propose the toast to the bride and groom. This was ably responded to `by Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Readman. Rev. Mr. >1-Iermanthen spoke on religion in the home and referred to the . high` esteem in which the bride and groom . are held by their many friends. A member ; of each family prwent also responded to ; their names. Many reminiscences of bygone ; days. were told causing much mirth and ` ullaughter. Among those present from a distance were Mrs. M. Hill, Toronto;sMr. and Mrs. Samuel Hill,` Orillia`; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Readman, Gravenhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill, Alliston. Mr. Allen Hill was groomsman twenty-five years ago whe_n.`the event A took place in St. John s Church, Craighurst. The bride was A'the recipient of many useful and costly presents. Their friends wish them -many more years of health, happiness and pros- nay-:01! Illlll V J : penty. Iirlnaa I \In v Jan. 23.--Mr, and Mrs. H. Moore of St. Ann's are here for `the Church-Brown wedding and `are visiting the latter`e par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown. `(In-my nnurann km: raturnnd tn Toronto aster Vlslung at ms name nuns. Gordon Dawson entettainqd a number of his school friends at a bxrthday party on Saturday afternoon; . on... n 1. 1...: .. .......1...-...I;.m.nt at W. ems. ml`. anu Mrs. W. :4. Dwwu. Harry Dawson has returned to Toronto after visiting at his hoxixe here. an-Ann n.um.m nntnrhntu` n nnrnher wuunsnmr, JANUARY 25,` 1923 Saturday axcernoon. The E.L, held a mock-parliament at W. E. Brown : home last Thursday night. It `was very much enjoyed by all. 1 :9: D RI-nnnn nf FADQF `MIR been Visit` was very mucn enyoyeu lay an -1 Miss R. Brandon of.Edgar his been visit- ing at H. Bertrenfa. I (From Another Correspondent) The young people of Collier St. League, Barrie, visited the Dalston League on Monday evening. A very entertaining pro- gramme of two hours was given, and en- joyed by all -who attended, . n '~I`hnI-anv mmninxr a debate will be [joyeq by all who attenaea, On Thursday evening a debate held between the -young people of Crown Hill and Dalston. The subject is to be, .Resolved that it is in the best interests of Canada to discourage immigration for the next fifteen years." _ u- -..A M... u` um. um visiting at Mrs. Moore 5 nome new `tor a. wwn. V John Jory'a have moved into theirnew` house. _ ` ' _ The family of Goo. Thmpson are now out of quuajntina. ; . . ' the next mmeen years. _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore are vxsltmg His. Moore's home here -for a week _ 1-1.- 1--. - 1.....- .........I irn their new` CRAIGHURST W;N3`.N _ .P-`J-.S.T!.. $&w%*&&&w;%{%%&%%&%w&*&**1 * c E NEWS mom Nlzlcusomuc TOWNSHIPS E-% Mr, and Mns. D. Henry; have returned home from Detroit. Their many friends are pleased to note that Mr. Henry is much improved inhealth. T . Dan I} `N and Mr: Rnn'mr\'in and UHPTOVEQ IX] neuuu. - Rev. B. H. and Some:-ville and Miss Regina Milligan attended the concert; given by Viggo Kihl and Leo Smith in" Barrie, Tuesday evening; ' T Illa: llnnguhum Ynmiaann nnnnf that WAD`:- nnrne, Luwuuy evening, Miss Genevieve -Jamieson spent the week-. end with Miss Anah McKinley in Barrie. Mrs. P, W. Scott is ill at time of writing. ' About fty young ladies of Thornton and the vicinity are taking the short course in domestic science and are enjoying it immensely. ' -'FI-nu I-`nun nf nnlvin Show`: I-`Stile, uumensely . -The boys of Calvih Shaw s school class.` accompanied by their-teacher, Miss Sharpe, and some other friends went on a snow- -shoe party` to the Shaw home on Tuesday evening. 'I'Iu. Mianhnn hmln mi nxnnf. at the VClHHu ` The Mission Circle will meet. at the home of Mrs. Adams on Wednesday. Jan. 31. 'I`his`is a very important meeting so a full attendance is requested. `Flu. -vault:-\lv,v\-nnI\'u ..;..:..nln..ml ulnar! IIAMPDA ll lull HIICUUIIIGP 15 nsquesuzn. The young-men's agricultural short course is proving very interesting. In addition to the lectures the -boys have been judging stock at the farms of` Messrs. A. McKenzie, Patton, J. W. `Ht-nry, Clarke, Charles Hen~ ry and Thos. Scythes. A I-nun nlnnnunf lII.'lIl\:l\lI ran Dl \&I\. at V. ry uuu Anus. vuyyuua. A` very pleasant evening was spent at Y. P.C. last-' Tuesday. The program -was in charge of Mabel Herrill. G. Jamieson gave. a solo and M. Spencer a reading. after'\ wh'=ch an adverti.~`ement contest was held.` i Jzin, 23.--~M-i'sa_' -l5cV>;o5xy Harper spent: `over Sunday with friends in Barrie. A nun\I-nu: nf qfrnlll` ..:H-gm-.u nun lo?!` IlI'\ UVCT Duuuuy V\ l|`ll ILICHILD III lJIllIIUc A number of St-roud citizens are laid up lwxth bud colds. A -I-:._1_I..-.1 ..r'...-.._.. .-......I.. 4'--. ;&&&m%a**&a%a&&%&%$&&%%*%%} .. QR`? 5TAT?PL.%...gl - CROWN U-L . % A n...:.. . ; e n . a m Almr. I II-ll IJLIU UNIS: _ A sleighload ohuerry young people from I here amended the moccasm dances In Barrie` on Monday evening. ' man Trnnn {`.nnafnI-uln nf Tnrn1\fn cnnnf` UH $'lUUUu UVUIUIIE. MISS Irene Constable of .Toronto spent over Sunday with her parents here. Pnnnmutuuiuvinnn n Gkn Qfrnnrl n`: n` U\(ff L`ul|UuJ Wll IIUK lluICI|I.\3 llCIU~ . Co_ngrat.uIations to the Strand rink of curlers; R. A. Sutherland. L. Guest. A,. W. Green and Thou. Kissock, who journeyed ` to Toronto on Monday ..a_nd defeated the Scottish curlers 18-15. ; ;..I...._ 2.. LL- L....1..... f`\_._I.A 1_,L__-..L _. .. DclH=I.rl5lI UUIIUIB I.0'IU1 ] l Greint interest was taken in the hockey game last Friday night.ibet.weeu t.he Pre.s- hyterians, and oMet.hodist5, the Methodist team coming out victorious. Score 4-0. . | 'ni\nun `Rio:-1: u.-up fhh rnnininn A` n beautiful bouquet of owers last week ac- ltral Methodist Church Sunday School room [CHIN coming OUI VlCl.l|l'l0U5o DUUR2 `l'U. FGODIE S DO(!l8Ia_V. James Black was the recipient of at Tuesday. February 13, 8.00 p.m.--Cen- ` companied by the following address :- ~-Young People's Society. _ Mr. Jas. .Blaek-~Dear sir and brotherzi The demonstrations will be in the hands -We. the officers and members of Innisfil.of the members of the`Barrie local staff, District I4-0-L-9 ssemblvd at our aemi- i and one of the most interesting features annual meeting at Allandale. desire to ex- ! will be a talk by one of the young ladies press one regret at your absence on account ` of the staff in connection with the work of illness; and do earnestly hope that you 4 of operators, and the correct and incorrect may be spared to meet with us again.` methods of placing calls in all their various Please accept these flowers as a token ofiphases. our love and` respect. Signed, G."D. Bant-3 The public are cordially invited to attendi ing. Rec. Sec... Innisfil District. . ithese meetings. and it is anticipated that` The community was shocked on Saturday; a large number of Barrie and Allandalei morning by news of the sudden death of 3 people will take advantage of the oppor-I John Constable, at the home of his niece, tunity of becoming better acquainted withi Mrs. F. Robinson, 8th line. Mr. Constable `; thi:<. very important. public service. and of i retired as usual on Friday evening and the 2; learning more about the tremendous un~ 5 c nnub nun u n . n n u u . n 1- Cnnnrl GA lunun noactud i oAnI\ `unt\vn knhiual flan fnlnnl1nnn i l`8HI'0(1 MB USU! UH rnuaty U\'ClHllg uuu uni ;|curuu1g ulun: nuuun uu: ucuu-u next morning was found to have passedlseen factors behind the telephone, peacefully away during. the night. Deceased was 1n_his 70th year. The funeral nu Mon-V; n1-HE pmpmsn p day to the Sixth Line Cmnetery was largely Sm forecas I I 9'tt.en(.i:_(_i_'_,:_ g ____ __ .__,_ ._A___ ____ __,__,, ;__ hes U-llrUIlLIl`U- ` 1 A Tuxis Square has been organized in[ connection with the Methodist S.S., with` the following officers: Memor. Rev. J. Stevenson. B.A._. B.D; Pretor, Donald Nee-3 lands: Deputy Prctor. Ed. Marquis; Sc.rip- M for. Clifford Fagan: Comptor, Lloyd Rey- noldf. It will meet at 7.15 Wednesday` n.u._-.\_.. evenings. --uvj-1--- ----v V v---....____ 1 box social will be 1151' (in Friday. Feb. I 2. in 7th Line school house. Good pro-' gramme is assured. 1 3.`Z3`?'5[`.'{!"*...1.~".`{'. :';.uV!.A t: f" The first hockey game w:u.~1' ;:1;syed here Friday night between Guthrie and Oro 6-4 in favor of the home team. ' 11..-..- 11....` nnu\ll :5 nifnnlnnu Mnefnr

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