Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1923, p. 14

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Of course w-'n- from pulpit It` is the durlinu our desire. But when .I wr- the cash thzu I nomehuw few-I r me`n's iirr-d And sommimr-~= I we reach rh That man will L8di(`.~ Aid J `IE : I] IVVK >-`ill . . for sewn V And then they"! carpet for No, it isn't ju.~`I from _\-our `Tl1L___ .1, I 1' IIUJII \" "When tho - ,: fun `I- They`ll giw :: ton. and z.- " They'll bukv -. tons of Cr: 'I'hoy II bog mu 6'..- ORDER F XICUI ll It carries 1: n1ilo.- : It COSC (1 (`H the hm WC, pi1_\ Aid the _ CCU ||l II We; got a 1}` ody is 1 And `vhvn \ hear the `A Ifyouro just as_ s And Kl; : ' the 1 Wc`ve gm nut .. n I {III III? |()' And when `mun ten Ihous: That is. WP nu There are nm to raise nmne-_\-' jects. who will poetry in the fa of Lisbon. low: We'\'e put :1 f: church at We just tho I- and dome. It Heats :1 (hut):- 8" H10 luv I-...I _,,L_, `. $$%- gm%&- .'.munsoA1 Bavenind CH [HP l,:|l "'e'H m j Sold` By All Drug Stores In_ Barrio--II Aandale: Patterson : Drug Store V L Ross \\'.c I nr pun ' d`d . his I (Ill \ L Ih(' thm \uu1 znrdo: lRZ`:""a'-t` For`:-:s'1;1-'e-1:e'li.:f try that famous old_ remedz "Page Fgurtun .2. VJ Chicago Board 013 Trade have bought big radio broadcasting station and will send gain quotations every 30 minutes during . am-ket hours. 7.... ...a v\tA`.Iu|(l|l\lll. auIJ_|CUL LU US c0nl !'Ol. "The Presby:erian Church in Canada" would be no more, ministers. and members would be subject to the direction and dis- cipline of a Church they had never accepted and, to escape that yoke, would have to ask and receive certificates declaring that! they were members of a Church they had never joined." ` ' ' For six months, until it could be known! how many congregationswould vote. them-I slves out and a Commission could be up-I j V .. .,...,..uu.ucu, ms green: women s soclet-l lies, east and west. with all theirfunds and} Vwork, would at once become part of this? {One Big Corporation. subject to its control. I " I`l-m Dnnnk--o-_:-_ `Bl... I 1- I Ills |ucu1acj\ C5 OUE. l .a These four points woixld work out as] follows: The_ moment this bill became law;| the Presbyterian Church. all its property; [and persons. its colleges anll churches, its} Endowment Funds of all kinds, no `matterj how bequeathed. its great Women Societ-l ies. east and want. mltln on H...:.. :...._n_ -..,I :7 3 W106 UUl'pUl'>lIiI0n. 4. It provides for a commission of nine. three from either side and three chosen! .by, these` sixpto dec?dc how much of their` {ox-vn `property shall be given to those vot- ing themselves out." . vm....... en..- __:.7. - ` 5 . I `;AvaUylc1`lll unurcn. . 3. It provides that within six months Viavny congregation may vote itself out of} g tho` Corporation. g I 4 ' . provides cnllihlissinn nf hm 111115 tun` mt-.I_n. ,"-V The Bill" is long.vbut its four main ; provfsions are simple and plain. - j _I. It creates and ixlcorpprateg the 0.B.U. 2. Lt hands ovr to that cbrporarion the Presbyterian Church. * `J ; 2 `H ...... .. LL_L MI- THE "CHURCH UNION" BILL pointed, all these persons and things. every I To the Editor of The Examiner ', T doll? Of 9\'?T?'.FU'|d; 11)" th9f0leE9S- PTO- c Sir: The latest in Church coercion is f"9's' m'".`j`"S' .". 5'".5' _h"` ml the mun by 8 legal Committee of which rliireign. retiied ininisters, widows and or- Mr. N. W. Rowell, a prominent Methodist, P atmf "cry _f"e E'pl;t':`dC;]vhlll1y `fr is chairman, which proposes by Act of g" (';'"t;"-V bu; 0 9 lugci 8uB' Parliament, to drive the Presbyterian U` '1" 3' (`re o`;e:1td.".":dt . e ' Church into the One Big Union. " '0 8 mp or 's'"'` 8' "S M ' - - ' V " 'berty" to vote them- This bill has been approved by the Meth- _ But what of. 1. . . . odist C0nm,ence_ It may come before isclies out? This liberty (`?l is not for in- next General Assembly, and may seek the offigsgitins and its sanction of Parliament a year hence. ' V i ` Nowise Legislature will create a great EH"-V hutch w9ld bel"3 to the 0' reli8ious`coi'poi'ation to dominate in pol- If t. '"h]3gi.Y"":re.ti'tlled}..`:'d; ties, to win the battle" in the religio- '13. 3 "`f3 lgfs 0 h W! e 'fS .`:i 5 1 political realm" as hasiheen so frankly ' pm es or 3 C 8" mm ' n ( avowed by Dr. Chown, the head of the l .t-hose i"1(;he,"gre-mg" i," lf{`uw;lt` of H]; Mmhodist Church. `ion: cou on since ings, nee a er wee .Fu"her, no just Legislature will do u | until the ll|u]?`l`ll_`V, present at some meeting thing so unrighteous as to diaband the`huld `om " `. C ; Presbyterian Church on the demand of `it the `. "d f 5` ".`"thS' any "gr"',` one-third of its iiieiiibersliip andlhand over ' g"s whwh hffd Sunwed thf "deM` and to a new organisation, on a different basis. liver? Ow Out ` would be "V"`h"t Organ" its property. and peisoiis, its very name 'za_:m_` or funds` If they cmlld gt`t.' and right to exist. But Presbyterian g_et ei they might appoint three. coinmis-, should see and km" wk some `re plam sioners. The 0.B.U._would appoint three. ing for them These six would appoint three. and the 'i~i...~i.,p:m';, .,_,_ .. A .. - _ .,i..i.. 4.. AL--- -- -- - ..........v.. u. . tuuuulcllb :1 year n!_IC8. ` No`wiseTLegislature _ I the` Methodist Chureh. H ` _ I I`n..ol..'.... .. -..--. u vuv uuc L115 UIIIUKI. V (`This-b.ill.l` has Me bef seek_ Mn ` vino I ....L.l......_ .._:n - ._.. .4-u-.-.u up Luc Ezltullllllf by Committee, the THO km pm. 1.... - - A- ;-=vua=:- THE UNION 9:... um. I .... A gnvcucna. ' Must we saythen that if in a moment of misery and madness some wretched crea- ture declares that the` good deeds of God are the work of the devil. that unfortunate has signed his death-warrant forever, and put himself beyond the possibility `of par- don? Must we believe thathy one mad I act that. wretched soul has flung himself i outside of the bounds of God's love and 1 care? Has one mad moment fixed his : tdestiny for eternity? I V says that ior such -there is no forgiveness. i '0 '".5". w" "A` d"ll- were 8`1DF9m`ly ` ~ Here we have the key to this mysterious 5e'8f'd' .N` "` `"e`' h' COTNDT. how and terrible sin. With their eyes open ,0 `W89. how bitter and cruel they were 5 the facts . with fun evidence bt-are them. they thought that thev could do no wrong` with complete knowledge of the living gran; They had lost the sense of sin in theni: from which this unfortunate was rescued. Selves and "sq"`l.V had l09t- the the enemies of Jesus knowingly, deliberately power to repent. ,In losing power to re-l aiidwilfull v rd h Deiit. ihe_ h ll t th ' " _ clared that ywhlhetrlitildebeetn Sloglelllgl tzgdpolil ' 8lV9nss. vTh:i~eiiiosthey ehil:l)F lire er of the good God, wasvthe black art of Unforgivable Sin, 7 the devil. It is this moral blindne ' sh` So long as men ar d c (`if ' Derversion of the whole idea of rigs}: and "'l"S. so long use tilt)? l:\l:l`l iiliig fem. 1 Wrong. this calling white. black and good despise themselves so Ion ti, `ufmn evil. which constitutes the blasiihemv for` that divine unrest `which isgthgsgpreo Eff]! ggvzcnlzsglesus said there could be no for- :`"F_tl_"!1gS--thgeyvare in little danger of - oininittiiig the sin against the Holy Snii-it_ \l....L --.- __,_-.1 .1 . .. . - urn mu. \grurK 0: 16-297 it This is a hard saying. a It is one of thei] N most terrible words ever uttered. And the lj very mystery of it makes it more terrible. . 1 "for Jesus does not define what constitutes V this siri for which there is no forgiveness. ii Yet we can infer it from the circumstances. ( A poor creature had been brought to`) Him. blind and dumb and apparently ofge unsound mind. Jesus healed this man and ! , sent him forth in his right mind to seef; the beauty of the `earth. the glory of the 1'} skies.- the kindly faces of parents, fanilygg and friends, and with a full- heart to singgs the praises of God: It was a deed ofjf, divine love and power. But His enemies; declared that He whodid this holy and? beautiful thingawas Himself a devil, and was able to do this act through the power. supplied to Him -by Beelzebub. the Princei of the Devils. This Jesus describes as.` blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and 5 says that for such -there forgiveness. Se` We have `(ll tn fhin nxuvntan-3.-.... uuu uurcuceulng rs tms:- -' Verily I say unto you, all their sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and their `blasphemies wherewith oever they} shall blaspheme, but whosoever shall blas-. pheme against the Holy Spirit hath never forgiveness.. but is guilty` of~ an eternal sin." (Mark 3: 28-29 This :a .. l.......l' ....-.:.... 1'- ' - ' l u-- vs` vniirib 9"`- There are some startling statements in the Bible, and all the more startling be- cause the sternest of them are uttered by Jesus Christ. If they had been spoken by some narrow-minded fanatic, some _ -hell- fire pulpit pounder, we might pass them; by as the Wormwood of his own bitter} spirit.- But when they are quietly and- deliberately ' uttered by Jesus Christ, the gentlest soul the world has ever known. thev mmr um" cant] n nlnill 5.. 4L. L-_..L ~P ,5cuu!.75l: auul me world has known. they may well send a chill to the heal:-t of _,the transgressor. Of all these statements the most terrible and threatening is this :- ' - Vnrilv T unit ....4.. ....._~ .1: .1 ,- - l 'rHi-:- UN;-'0RGl\:IABLE sm. are are nmm. gm.-tI:.'.. .+'..o....,....` - . <-.y anvulasvutlvll U] L '5 SWW . 0" 3 etemallgood. that` at last`Mey\Ieii the distinction be- 28-29) V ' tween these qualities becomes lost to him. I3 8By|"8- 18 0? 0 th0iHis moral sense is"perverted. His `vision >!'dS Alidfhe is inverted. To him light is darkness, and iii terrible darkness is light. To him truth is false- IOV Gonstitutesihood. and falsehood is truth. To him good Oh f01'8iV9T155-'is evil, and evil is good. He has become `it one of that class of whom the prophe" We t,Isaiah wrote:--Woe unto them that call of? J h Id th_ i.evil good. and good evil; that put dark- esus eae is ant _ _ _ . Eness for light. and light for darkness; that "1 EM "mid 399 put -bitter forsweet. and sweet for bitter." 18`88l"`h- 8101') t_h9iHe has` reached that state which is de- 7 faces P8l'"t5 fa-11`lY!scriberl by Milton as being the mind of Sing:- Satan when he found himself cast down Gm`: 1? _0f from Paradise into -_the pit:-- enemies- e andi S0 farewell hope, and with hope fare- w_as Hiniself a and} well fear. _.- .. ,....,....._y un nuuua. I `' But the end is not yet. If Presbyterians --like the returned exiles from Babylon- should gather and begin to build up'once more the ruins of their Zion, a spiritual i Church and not a legal corporation, and ishould" fondly" call it The .Presb_vterian| `Church in Canada as abranch of thci iworld-wide Presbyterian family, they would (find that this name belongs to the O.B.U.. I which cannot use it, but will not permit its Le VI nI|IIllI\l VULU 1[| - `I )f t end of any congre-V, _l_ gaiions had the ordeal. ; lwere now "out". without ization funds. they gette- N gether might appoint three commis- ._ sioners. 0.B.U._would appoint six appoint and n dole to those outside would be considered. Five of these commissioners would be' P. a quorum. Three would be a majority and ,,'would decide. From their decision there i I would-be no appeal. On the one side would e.be scattered congregations with no legal standing, no organization, no zreasuryt yet 5 having to share the expense -of the Com- f l mission. On the other side would be a great {legal corporation having everything under. _ fits control, at its command a great church! , Treasury. and officials ever ready to at-; ,.~tend as commissioners. What the dole} would he may be left to fancy, , .If at the end of six months there should ;]be no congregations remaining out, there V t[would be no c `mission appointed and no 'division of property. If half the Presbyter-I I I :}ian people in Canada should gatherand 'jclaim_ some share of the churches and `funds they and their fathers had helped} [to build up. it would he in ma. 'm...u ,.uuua Iucy unu U161!` Iatners had helped} up, would be in vam. The' iBill does not know them. They would [have no` right to a stick_or a stone or a. ] dollar of properly or funds. ` ` l ` Dun. `L- -...l 1 ` Q -_ - ` . . . . . . . . . - u u new: a If'_vou have in you the heart that you ure a sinner needing the ing love of God. you can face ev terrible declaration of Christ and dir-unayecl, You are still far fro Unforgivable Sin. ' Eivwucaa. uierein mey nan committed The EiUnfpr'givable . 1 , are dissatisfied with them- 1 i as they ever and zmnn themselves. long as they feel that which is the spur to all holier things, they are in committing sin against the Holy Spirit. Whenever a man is so foolish as to think that he is as good as there is any need to be. whenever he thinks that he has no sin of which he needs to repent. he is in im- I minent danger. _[ ` `H . _.-,. i I ' ` --....... uvua l It is possible for a man to continue `so long resisting every appeal to higher things. every call to repentance, every warning against sin, every glorification of good. that last` even His lis t him H...,...i .4 .-J - . ---_- --) -vr-us-wuuvu. uvuc JUL PBKUUII [ell { No: that is not themeaning. Many a man has in an hour of wretchedness and despair, done things just as insane, just 'as blasphemous as that. Afterwards he ghas repented in` shame and tears, and at ionce has been forgiven. It is something far `more fundamental, much more persistent and far-reaching than that. It is some- thing which has persisted in a `man's character until he has lost the moral sense; until he has ceased to be able to disting- uish beiween good and evil where the `question of his particular sin or prejudice I is concerned. Is there no place Left fgr repentance, none for pardon left?" N... on... :- ..... .L_ -- Herbert G. Robertson. Druggm, Barrio. fen}, Farewell remorse: all good to me i Evil, be thou my good." v c"""" The men who ascribed the work of Jesus 3 `the power of the devil. elf-satisfied. N0 malter hnw nnrrnnf Fm`- I n to feel` pardon- )d. VOU mm fnnn nunn &L::. _ -_v. gu-yu \a vuu llll I f not be far from The Aug IIIC pI'(l0I'l- even this 354 mu! -4-A '-- 3 ,\ `rue nuuugu-: rzxamuan e is lost ; uuun U6 : on nun. ,,_, .....~ .-u-uuucu uj mw. The passing of this "Bill of the most iniquitous cha} -luse to others. . - . `But surely this could not be? Could it` not? This,Bill disbands the Presbyterian `Church, takes its property andtrights. takes away its very name. And as the O.B.U. would -be dominated by those opposed to any Presbyterian Church continuing in the,` field, if they could prevant. the name, Can-y` ada would have the sinister distinction of being the only country in the world` where a Presbyterian Church of that coun- M try was forbidden by law. Thu nm...2-.. A1.` .L,- ur----H this Bill would -be one chapters in all` ' , `._.-- .. _ \rI\A `gun-3. If you are at all concerned about buying a Ford this year make it your business to let the Ford Company km gx about it. g-nun Ilf\'1'0l\I'\ --A----A ---- -`- _- ---_ -v ----o--av-o--av`: Ill 573* We are absolutely frankwith the public when we say that the present low rices are not justified by present production but` only by`the production it is hoped will result rom them. The present low prices for Ford Cars are based on maximum production onl . To-day : market on steel and other raw material that goes in_to the manufacture of Ford are will not warrant these prices cxccpt at peak production. Ford prices must go up unless they are juatled by increased production. . , Everybody : Business ' V You Can Set. the Price! The Ford Car is e`{en__bOdy,s Car__the Ford Fill in the memorandum below and mail business is everybodyrs buSineSS_ You and to the Ford dealer whose name appears below. - - - . . This mere] si nies vour intention to buy your neighbor, and his neighbor ar ll v t ll Y 3 . _ - . affected by the price of Ford Cam 83 ' a Y H fnF`?`l"fl, Car and obligates you in no manner It _______ -..-..vu -an a uuu. __ _ __J no lJ\IIIIII\I\W9 HE Ford Motor Company has made'a genuine attempt to give t _ie public automobile t;anhs- ortation at a price withinthe reach ofvall. It has carried out the ideals of the 1nven_tor o t e ord Car, Henry For`d,nd has placed the Ford Motor Company In the P051000 0f Per forming a public service to the people of Canada. . _ _ C_ Q. . It has denitely made Fordproducts a national institution--bemg such, the Ford Motor Company believes it is justified in telling the public it serves, how the present low price of Ford Caro can be maintained in 1923. - .zo.Whi|e other oh1mdditie`have goneup 37 to us %- -40 over l9|4 prices, the FORD Tounme CAR has dropped. am % BELOW -n `ruin XVEUIIICI Wrltea the Nam who finally med o.o; D. ernoaeaud It had become diancured. since me o! D. . D. her eyebrow: are growing. ller nooa and taco have assumed their natural caaee can be neat you from your own vi- clulty. Write for teetlmonalo. or aecure a bottle 0! D. D. D. today. Why outer itching torment another moment! I You don't set relief on the em bottle we will refund without heaitation. 81.00 a bottle. Try D. D. D. Soap. too. `D ::---- I xNI|NIO - MODI TIES .- T 1 BARRIE MOTOR CAR co., BARRIE, om. . I understand that Mr. Ford and the Ford Motor Company have reduced the pric Cars to a point never before conceived to be possible, and that these prices are not ju the we.-u-.nt volume of business, but that they have to bring about a larger volume 01 to justify these prices. ' ~' While I am not immediately prepared to bu a at. I will want a... ............................ .. M I elite to get it at these reduced prices uutlmrize you to inform the Ford Motor Com y that I intend to bu ' a Ford unless a unfnn-.s-.en happens. and am advancing thiqin ormntlon so that the For Motor Company ceerl and manufacture this car during the winter xnontha. so that I may have prompt dc _'the time I dciirc it. ` Mr`. .= unint new-r hr-fnr Everybody Bgsipegs .-..... _.._um-.v vn mn..r\ DUI l|.l'. They were standing on the front stoop . and he was ready to depart. She fondled his i hand and` then held it tightly for a moment. [Gazing into her deep blue eyes he begged `her for a farewell ki$, and blushing, she consented provided he would keep it quiet. He leaned forward, perhaps a bit too anxious, Alas, he had done it! Kissed` her? No, kicked over three empty milk `bottles. -Holstein-Friesian World. 1- iChurch History. ,5 Montreal, Jan. 15. WHAT BECOMES OF MILK BOTTLES Thu. .......- .4-.--I1-- NAME`..- 7 T 3 it `_`VERY'BODY'S CAR Face. Disfigured F50"! E!-fzema , , T -j T jun : rm in and mail at once to- the This merely signies your a Ford Car you in ' to buy. . ' The Ford Company must know how many cars are wanted in 1923 in order to maintain `Elie prices. Yotan hclgf you act at once. An` ' IllI'!`IFI'\ I'~l\I\!\ 4\----- ---- 1 I will ............................................. .. prices. this win uy_t_hat ir_m-nd_ buy unless nmnthina ._, _ -_...... III nuns ucnccu year, WHICH IS regard- ed ed as certain to affect U.S.`agricultural in- ik dustry favorably. Higher prices are fore- d. casted. : __________.. Representatives of U, S. Department of Commerce abroad declare positively Euro- pean grain import requirements will e _those of last cereal year, which is regard- ]ed affect U.S--mn-im-lhm-l 3-- There was a young` man from the city Who met what he thought was 3 Kitty. He gave it a pat And said, Nice little cat-!" . And they buried his clothes out of pity. ; un... ...-L ml . ' ` - ` ofiefxrractafdllwrirl % 1 : For cogm-as.coLos ' 5 F -- .... .. nvuu uu|r_aa milell e Fora may pro- ` delivery at THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1923 :- pnces justified by . of business E'iii&i"i}3?"}3F3&'F~'i"i%$?i - juetied business rse th!sv`V"i'!'i something Comminy mav nm. PUSS ! PUSS! Dishes that hm llways hr` rixmvci washing. I.` to tono Ind otnn hon `tho o no of dluotlonnand ollmlno on. Improvo oppotlto. stop olok hoadoolloo. rollovo tall- loulnoo oou-not oonotlpotlon. The no romptly pleasantly. mil ly. yo (thoroughly. Tomorrow Ah-lglpt L

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