Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1923, p. 13

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I nun la M- ` entered l l Taste for Artistic in Films is Growing I The Sign on the Door." with beautiful [and alluring Norma Talrnadge as the star. ; will be seen at New Dreamland theatre Wed- the Channing Pollock play is one of the most -popular photodramas shown in this locality -in -adecade. Splendidly enacted and well directed. it has demonstrated that the public taste is keen for the artistic as well las the dramatic in motion picture produc- tion. And The Sign on the Door is not only a triumph from the purely artistic ;aide but it is a strong, dramatic, compelling Ithing that brings both laughter "and tears i and tugs at the heart-strings. l 1 I I 1 nesday and Thursday. The screen version of n Subscribe for The Barrie Ex. miner and get all the news. $2 a ynar. ORO AG RICULTURAL SOCIETY March-Under the Double Eagle. Waltz-Land of` Dreams . .~. . . . . Caprice--Garden of Love ; . . . . . . Waltz-Tres Jolie . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March-_-A Frangesal . . . . . . . . . . . . Wa1tz-A-Ninetta . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . Intermezzo--Vanity , . . . . . . . . . . . . March---Crescent Queen . . . . . . . . Waltz-Oriental Roses . .b . . . . . . .. Waltz---Danube Waves . . .` . . . . . . Serenade--`fSan Diego . . . . . . . . . . GaIop-Cirus . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . DO YOU LIKE GOOD MUSIC? IN 1-1. H. VAN LOAN S MASTERPIECE . . . . .. I Hear the following musical numbers by our own orchestra, Jan. 26 and 27 `ATTENDANCE REWARDS AT ST. A_NDREW S s. s.` ;;;s..,.... In Good Music. Refreshments Served. r David Jamieson, Mary Johnston. Jean Lay, - Helen Luck, Vera Lyons, Maurice MacLar- V Church attendance certificates and pins were distributed last Sunday morning to those children of St. .-\ndrew s Sunday!` School who had attended church 46 Sundays I l or more during 1922. The showing was; an exceedingly good one, 53 children re- I] ceiving certificates and all but half ai` `dozen winning the pins givenvby the Ses- "` sion to those present 50 Sundays or more More than half of these did not miss a Sunday. Those receiving certificates were: Edna Asaph, Laura Asaph,Donald Bell, Stewart Bell, Walt-er Bell, Margaret Black- stock, Douglas Brown, Malcolm Brown, Stewart Brown. Gwynneth Brown, Kath- erine ldrown. Marjorie Byrnes, Alex; Clel- and. Alvin Cleland, Wallwin Fisher, Irene Goddard, George Guest. Constance Hardy, K I . c 1 1 4 J A John Lay. Rosabelle Lay, Alfred Liscuxnb, en. Helen McConkey, Evelyn McDonald, Jean McDonald. Leone McDonald, Arthur McKenzie. Neil McKenzie. Austin Mc- Knight, Mildred McKnigl1t, Arthur Mc- Lean, Beatrice _McMaster, Angus McNab, Marion McNab. Helen Newman, Velma Orok, Ronald Hardy. Adam McKenzie, Bob- bie Orok. Geo. Robertson, Lillian Robertson. Betty Robson, Doris Simpson, Lenore-Simp- son, lsabel Smith, Mary Tribble, Margaret "l\...:.... 11.. -2-.. I'\..L=;- E i Hours of Prekentation: 7.30 and 9 P.M.:, I L'lIll Iu. AVA: u, a-uc Twlss. Manon Twxss. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ` JAN. 25, 26 AND 27 s'r.% MA1'i'YjsI l_ ARI_S`Ij __HA_._1_.L__1=R_11)AY, JAN. 26 iirislge, Eshr=. and Dance Oil` -QAXUR '*'\`*' IE 1' -4 F. A Rogue s Romance Attention! A Big Night's Entertainmeint -: Come. .J. F. Wagner . . . . J. S. Cox . Ascher-Mahl E. Waldteufel .{ P. M. Costa C. W. Bennett J. V. Mathews . . F. H. Losey .. . J. Ivanovici J. Ivanovici . . G. Edwards . F. Donnawell Auspics Ctholic WomerI_'s League` ___ - 1. 4 A storyof gay life in Paris-with its cafes and taverns, its Latin quar- ter and its wonderful police system. Did you ever see Rodolph Valei1- tino in an Apache Dance? See A Rogue's Romance. A Rogue s Romance is easily the most unusual play in which Earle Williams and Ro`do1ph Valentino have ever appeared. ' It-will be talk- ed about. It is different. The Management of The Grand Opera VHous'e take pleasure in an- nouncing that they have secured at liig expense, one `of the rst show- ings in Canada of the famous Cana- dian picture, made in Canada by Canadians, entitled made at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Remember the dates: Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday, Feb. 8, 9 and" 10. This is the second of the series of Canadian pictures following The Man from Glengarry. Some other Canadian pictures to be` shown soon are : Glengarry School Days, Blue Water, The Patrol of the Sundance Trail. Watch for fur- ther announcements. A Picture YOU Want to Se! Orillia curlers won the champion- .ship of Group 12, District Cup, Tues- lday afternoon on Orillia ice, winning !out from Barrie after an exciting land keen contest. A splendid exhib- lition of curling was displayed by the `contestants and the score throughout lwas, close, ,with the lead alternating from one side to the other. Orillia. looked fairly safe at the end of the lfteenth end, but Barrie came through strong in the next two ends and held a lead of two at the end of the seventeenth and only one end to_ go. The Orillia rinks, however, by > clever play, counted two in the last end and won out by two of a major- ity. The score :- ` * BARRIE CLUB LOSE DISTRICT cup GROUP T0 ORILLIA BY z_ T HE RAPIDS ` T Oriilia Barrie lnr. C. A. Harvie F. Loth `Joe Hinds Geo. Hubbard Dr. Carson Fred W. Otton A.B.Thomp_son, 18 O.G.Cameron, 16 Robt. Swinton W. A_ Twiss C. E. McCon'key H. Arnold Geo. Sinclair Phil Love Dr.Kirkpatrick, 13 C. H. Beelby, 13 Total. Ladies 25c. Gentlemen 50. Pracs_:_2_\_d_u1u_ gc. "1{aiI.;I` 132 '31. Page Thirtgen Total 29 Fe homo ad died are so TIIICI UIJ ` 1922. U (3 W8?!`- 11-e CLARKSON HOUSE DINING-ROOM 1 will ojp;1H1:a.turday, 27$: 7 ~- ----._-..A -3 I Banana Pudding ' Tea or Cotfe lJI3I)JEnl\ I Apple, Raisin a'nd' Lemon Pie I VEGETABLES Creamed Potatoes Can Will meet in the Public Library% Hall on FRIDAY,` FEB. 2, at; 8 p.m., for the election of offi-3 -cersand other business; . i" | S. G. Underhiii, Presidenti V. S. Hambiy, Secretary`.i . I Ladies warm Restroom in connection: ma BARRIE LIBERAL; ASSOCIATION g at 8' o clock under the auspices of United Empire L.O.L. No.452 l Addresses will be given by J.. I. HART, Orillia, and others- ` Musical Program , EVE'RYBODY- \\ ELCOMVE WEDNESDAY, JAN. 31;: 5 Mom`lay,'Jzm. 29, Jno. Ney at lot 10, con,l 5, Fssa, will hold a credit sale of farm shock and implements. Sale at l p.m. W. A. McConkey. Auctioneer. Wednes 3l-~C. Hyde and B. Wil-i arm, executors of the astute of the late Hiram Conn, farm stock and implements at east 7 half lot 9, con. 5, Essa, at which time the above-mentioned proper- ty. containing 100 acres more or less, will be sol(l._ Sole at 1 pm. H. A. Grose, Auctioneer. Saturday, January 27, at 10 11.121. there will be an auction sale at the nmrket, Barrie, 3 good driving outfit. W. A. Mconkey, Auctioneer. T ` Tuesday, January 30.-vJ. B. Gallinger. lot 23, con. 9, Essa, farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A, McConkey, Auctioneer. A Wednesday. January 3l.--D. J. Reburni trustee for the estate of G. C. Luck_.'l at lot 23, con. 5, Oro, will hold a: credit ` sale of fax-mystock and implements. Sale at 1.30 pan. W, A. McOonkey, Auction- Short Ordu Served at All Hours l' H101`!!- Permannt -Price coma AND cw:-: US A TRIAL Thursday, February l.--L. C. Srigley, lot 7, con. 12, Innisfil, farm stock. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer- Wednesday, Feb. 14.`-John Campbell, east half lot 8, con. 4, Eaa, farm stock and implements. "Sale at 12.30 sharp. H. A. Grose, "Auctioneer. V l Tuesday, Feb. 20.-W. H. Meredith, north V "half lot 2, con, 8,'Innisfi|, [arm stock - end implements. Sale at 1 pm. H. A. Groae, Auctioneer. ` THURSDAY, JANUARY 25; l9_23 the O'ddfellow_s Temple ; ROAST 2 Leg of Pork Apple Sauce Roast Beef Brown Gravy Leg of Lamb Green Peas .SATURDA1_Y"_S MENU . vrw-- --v---~-~ under the manngemeht of I I I! I'll A D A PUBLIC MEETING Look? s, sieep, oil and PRICES WILL BE LOWER THANFOR YEARS. I Inc Illcllugcnu:-as B H. E. CHAPMAN SOUP Cream of ' Tomato CREDIT SALES _DESSVERfl' ANNUAL SARJEANT & KING, LIMITED `E09 Canneci Corn A Wonderful Assemblage of White Goods bought Specially for the Sale PERSONAL 3! $1 WU WULII that are Miss Marion Marshall of London is visit- ing `in town. :1 F unnnu :5 1v:c:9:I\n `vi nfonxn ttfk %g%&&&m&&&$$i&&ag Miss E. Kenny is visiting in Ottawa with her brother, J. Kenny. ` ; mna Val. A` :n |y:aifnn I-gar` `An; In tuw_II. ` I ucn uxucuu, :1. Lxcauy. ; 1 3 Miss Kels of Millbrook is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. A. Sims. 1 Rev. W. T. Bunt attended the Home Mis- . sion Board meeting in Toronto last week Mr. and` Mrs. Arthur -W. Fletcher are spending a month with their son in Ottawa. ll, !\ II II .1 - 9 II II I , . in . ` . . _ wl |>X0X0X0X<>X0I0X<>I<>X0X0I<&>X0X0X0X<` ]""'"""' " "'""' "' """ ""' ' I Mrs. Russell Ma:.hews' of Collingw')_od--;s'i visiting her mother, Mrs. Fix-man, 70 Bur_ton i Avenue. T \ l II_ -__I `II..- 117 A l'I__I___ -1` \Y-_.` miatmand Mrs. W. A. Corrleyx of New-J market were at A. B, CarIey s over the weekend. ' 7 II... II I `II._._._. .._..I `J..-...LL__ -1 VI`-.. IV CUA'CII\Iu ' - I Mrs. M. J; Kenny and. daughter of Tor-| onto are guests of Mrs. John Flaherty. Bradford St. 6 " I V H. T. McLeod `of Cleveland wasin town over` Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cowen. - II`..- I'D I'!___I, _II ._ LL- _IL.__-. -....`I-! 1 1 ! | 31188. \JUWl ll I Mrs. B. Hinds M1 on the; slippery walk ,on Mulcaster St. last Saturday and (gs- glqcated one shoulder. . . . ' S. G. Underhill and F. H. Hurlburt were: l\`UlpCll UIIC uuuuxuur. S. G. Underhill and F. H. :Hurlburt wer"eg in Montreal last week at.tend ng the big . !_ convention of shoe manufacturers. ` i hearts, all part. -...-........ .,. _- .........._-...--.,. | A; E. Moffatt went to [Preston this week Ito attend the annual gathering and ban! tquet of the Hecla furnace sales force. i II n | In 1 __,,,,r_ ,1 __..I (1.... 1.... "I""" "' ""' """""' ""'`V' "'`'H "W'."' | l Mrs. R. F. Lowrie of Ivy and Mrs. Jas.l 3Smart of Tot`enham spent the week-endl lwith Mrs. S, C. Walker, Mulcaster St. i I Mr. and Mrs. John L., Cnfieldl and Mrs.; iA. J. Cofiqld of Buffalo are visiting the; '|ntter's s?ste1's_. M":~:. J. C. Elliott and Mrs. l `George Peacock, High St. | Y T t`'.......... 1'11 11-nrlfnrtl Q} `off nn UCOWEU IUKGOUK, 111513 DP. ' ' E W. J. Craven, 13! Bradford St-n,]eft` on , I Wednesday morning for Chatham where he` ,was calied for a conference on plans for; 1 the season's work along with other foreman of Libby, McNeil! & Libby. pickle manu-I gac'urers. He is foreman of the district.I . ' ., I ncludmg Allaxxdze, Angus and Stayner. A ; Miuv I7-my` I` {.1Iono1`x1\v nnr` ntin `nuu-n `AF I `are sorry that she is leaving town. HCILH.UHK 4`\Il2Hlllll'lf, Angus nuu Dutyucx. Mrs. Fred C. Graslv and son leave for` Toronto on Monday to make a short visit; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James} |Vair. before going to Montreal, wher ML; Grasely. has, been in business for some time, l A number of teas and other functions were; given in Mrs. Grasely.`s `honor. the past] `two weeks. Her "many friends in Barrie, V -' I (St. Petershurg (Fla Independent)` 5 When Kiwanian Pro Boys, of Barric,i Ontario, spoke before the Kiwanis Club at- its luncheon yesterday, he brought with him a .bre'ath of the zestful northern climate of his home town. ` L 11- -..-.1- ..........1.....x.. ,.c.....l .... olud. Qnno` XKIWANMN PRO aovs SPEAKS I TO ST. PETERSBURG (FLA.) CLUB~l H15 HUI"? l'UWll. ' He made everybodystand on then` toes with real enthusiasm when he spoke of the Hine spirit that permeates St. Petersburg. _ I T-In nnn\v\"vnnnfnl`l Han nih! nn H: nlmmi ' [HIE spun. uml. pcnucuuza Dl. Lclcxnutug. _- He complimented the city on its clean` streets, is fine institutions and HS un-E 1'ivalled recreation opportunities. 1 `And if it 4.-I-.nnIil~ an ku-nnnnn fknf in IIHVQ3 1 l'l\'ku1t'|l l't'Cl't:uuu1I uppuulunuita. .| | `And if it slmuld so happen that in days to come, when I may be blessed with an amplitude of this w.orld s goods, so I can afford to spend the time, I would like nothing better than the privilege of livingi three months of every winter in, the Sun-I lshine City." he said. R'iu...non nnnn iannalnnuirynrl nnn fhintr fhnl . SHUIP Kllly. HC sum. Kiwanian Boys emphasized one thing that is often overlooked in enumerating the at- tractions of St. ~Petersbu`i'g. He spoke of the pure water that is derived from the municipal waterworks plant. 7 Vm. Honk: ac Hm: mnfnr an mu` arm- I"athe1V'T, muunclpm Wm:t'.|'wunus puuu. -_ You have as {me water as our arts- sion well waterln Barrie, Outario,"`he said, and that is acknowledged to be about the purest water in the province. You don't realize the wonderful asset you` have in your 1.`- unlimited supply of pure artesian well Wat.-T 9 g IIa\| v-ws nun .. l Mr. Boysis a member of Parliament, chief whip of his pary in the house of commons. a king's counL=el_. a benchetf of the law societiy--and a lot of other things, besidw being a good, all around fellow. lie was voted an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Kiwanis Club. Mr. Boyewas a school-fellow of Frederick Williamson, vice president of the `club, whose boyhood `home was in Barrie, Ontario. \ R Chiropractic for the Flu` statistics `at lwashington D.C. proved it to be the .... nub: nnhannn hr: Rurnn RIIPHR. 4C I-PU I/UV Wasnlngton u.\.a. pruvuu u. w ' superior science. Drs. Bums ,& Burns. 4c I'. I _ - And that was a good point to dwell on. 1- I'\ ,._,,L-_ A Y`l..._Il.._..... Cottons, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Ginghams, Prints, Dresses, Underwear ALL TO BE SOLD DURING SALE AT SAVING PRICES For the. Flu SARJEANT & KING S Cofne with the Crowd to !DlAMON_D WEDDING or g CAPT. AND VMRS. `SYME3 Few couples have the joy of spendingl sixty years of married life together and! when such anniversaries do ocgpr the friends 3 of the sixty-year bride and groom delight to mark the occasion. One `of these happy gatherings took place last Saturday after-` noon, Jan. 20, when a large number of. friends called at the home of Capt. and; |;\'lrs. .l_ M. Syme. Owen St, totextenrl feli- I citations on the diamond marital annivers-i ary having been reached and to voice most, cordial wishes that the estimable! couple might `enjoy together many happyi years yet in the sunset ofltheir lives. 5 l n,, L o.`__..- 1....i 1...... ....&`t....'..... .........`.... 1 I.V\/us-7 y\.l nu x n s` \I. ....- - ..... l Capt. S'me _had- been suffering from an` acute attack of bronchitis -but was happily well recovered. He was in splend d spirits! and the numerous friends present were de-3 light-ed to see both him and Mrs. Syme looking so well. A nIIlI\kAI' n `\nI\l`lnn1lI Ulff lPI'D' ff`.-'l: lomung EU WCII. ' A number of handsome gifts were re-T`; cei_ved. including a great. many beau.`iful' flowers of which they both are very- fond. .\"6n--`Ann inn nun: an:-1-nr` and !`DD`\t.' HOWGTS OI WHICH may DUI-u are vcty-Luuu. l Afternoon tea was served and delight-I ful social intercourse was enjoyed by all` present. Those from out of town included Mrs. George Pyke of Toronto. Mrs, Turner i and Miss McAllister of Hamilton. 1 zuou Jlln .vLuxn|u-*v\.u un Capt. John McLeod Syme is a Scotchman, ` born near Preston Pans, Scotland, in 1834. 1 He is a [son of Capt. George Symeof the ' Royal Navy, who fought against France in i? the days of Napoleon. At the time of the- battle of Preston Pans soldiers were gar- risoned in the Syme homestead. As a young . man John M. Syme signed up for naval service but was transferred to the merch- ant marine. For a number of years he `served on the` London-Hong Kong _route,i rising to the rank of first officer. When Q 28 years of age Capt, Syme settled on the l second concession of 0ro._ This was in 1862; Next year he married Miss Margaretl Robson. daughter of Capt. John Robsoml Can RodoIp(h--?tlentino dance? -~ See A Rogu s Romance. Gay Scenes of Night Life in Paris- Apache Dances-Thn'lling Escape: and an Appeaiing Love Story. ' A story of Paris_a:1d its gay night 'life, `gorgeous afe and tavern scenes-Mystery~, adventure Md ro- mance blended into a story with the_ atmosphere of Paris and itsenvirons. Rodolph, Valentino, as The Ferret in A Rogue's Romance `does an Apache dance that is one of the highlights in the `production, The story is one of Paris with its gay 'night life, its cabarets, its cafes and its taverns. Earle Williams has -one of the most interesting roles of his career in the production. ' comm; FEB. 2;--THE HAM- BURG TRIO -- Auspiceg Lady Teachefs Association. of our his life comma FEB. 5 M 7--.B. c. 1. STUDENTS ENTERTAINMENT, presenting A NAUTICAL KNOT BETTY COMPSON in ``OVER THE BORDER, and CHARLIE .CHAP-` LIN in THE IDLE CLASS.. load Comedy __for `the Kid:-.v Rudolph Valentino -soo}4:- rm.-: -nmuzu-: Tgxgmmsk HICIIK SIIUVVUII 11 UHIUIIUC U1 3 UuU.Ua'a. ,! Geo. C-rmvford was elected president for a third term. Other officers elected were: , lst Vice, H. I. Barnhardt; 2nd Vice. Gar- eld Rouse: Secy.-'I`reas.. Irwin McMahon; 1 .!'.I)irecmrs. H. Graham, W. I, Clark, T. H. ['McMahrm. Jas. Brandon, W. Thom:-ipn. Thos. Fletcher. Wm. Jarratt. Archie Oint- . 1 rie, Bert Guest. Penetang'Road, Ve-pra`. Sixty years ago they started life together on the bush ,farm which Capt. Syme had taken. There `for half a century they carried on farm- ing, enduring in the earlier years the iharships which werde so bravely borne by .the pioneers. In 1911 they left the farm `and becameiresidents of Barrie.. With! them are residing their daughters, Miss Sarah J. S_vme and Mrs. C. W. Blackstock, `By all who know them. Captand Mrs. Syme : are greatly respected and the best wi=hes ofi iall go with them for continued happiness ifor the remainder of their life. . . ..._ _ i The animal meeting of Om Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall, Om. ;on Friday. Jan. 19. The nancial state'- ment showed a balance of $633.92. n,_ n___._:.....) ....... ..l....s...I ......,.2.-l....L tn-

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