Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1923, p. 8

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-any -u-...n.n-- - The game was xast and Barrie made some `wonderful plays, but through lack of com.- bination they were easily checked. Bertram was the outstanding man of the match. Gray and Keeley also played a good game. Tuck was not in his usual form. but made some good stops. Powell and' Emma did not show up as well as -they did at Cold- water the previous week. i First period-Plav started fast. Mid- . iand's combination was zood and after four minutes` play scored first goal. Mid- land immediately made anotherrush, which was stopped by the Barrie defence. but in a mix-up in front of the goal, Midland e `again tallied. `After a few~ nice rushes" Barrie retaliated` when Livinkston scored the first counter. Bertram and Keeley made some nice rushes, but were stopped by the Midland defence. Gray `made a solo rush and got through but shot high. Score 2-1`. ` Second period--.'l_'hs second. section prmied ' disastrous for. Barrie. One `minute after the play started Midland scored on a long ..`lms' +1.3; 334-bit 'l'..'a$ `als'A.a:;.-5"` -`I:.lla'.`.I` tor what they thinkthe;' car: dn, and thalt V the young person who `can perform office duties.effieiently is never out of employ- ment. n was 19. Lowe, who Adams Furniture Com newed acquaixgtance at T, R. Crayston, a Dictaphone Company 4 the students_lst Ifric thnrnnnvla 6 ---- W .ard of Alliston, former students of the College, have re turned to complete their cour ses. - - Miss E. Lowe, is working with the Ada.m`s Comnanv 5 n "I`n.-n-4 - long, gobd Value at CORSETS 93 THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923. -Get first choice. suave every 1 the_ modern 1. 3`, 23x45 inches, regular . . . . . . . Sale, 69 each The Everyday `needs of the Home may he met at this Sale at Lower Prices Company in Toronto, re- we at the College recently. on, salesmanager of the rany of Toronto, addressed : Friday on the \_'alue of _y 111 9" ....L:, 3, special, 59 yd. subjects for bus- ;rm..-A am L-~ zed their com; lege had a low . s impgssible to posmons. H gt; H-:n- .------- 39 each BACK With .th Irish rz. x. (`A Ch Specia ' Music a THR4 UNI -v-v-- -`aw ~Ivv~Iv "lLLisZ.a.;ia $9.93 All of the better qualities arealsoe` ' greatly reduced. T . L; 7 "Most of duf Winter Coa`t;vi1av been put out in two lots-+-' Anna I A--_` THE ou'n=u1' or A co'rroN GOODS MILL-_ HAD TO BE SOLD `QUICKLY-`AND AS A RESULT` `WE ABOUT 2500,_YARDS OF THE GOODS AT SAVING PRICES- 35 Values in 36'-inch white and colored staple. lines go on.sale from this mill at . . . . 23; yd.- Another -lot of Drills, .Bejach_ Cloths, Repps,_ Efc., ' 28 to. 36 inches Wide, same as you are buymg at from 39c to 75 per yard. . .. Sale 29 yd.- _; COAIS $4.93 AND $9.98 Scores of T Seasbnblei ii lines not included in this Advertisement are here at Reduced Prices n `Islands!!! 5 I10 lvfili-`Ends. of Fine Cotton and Nainsook, suitable for your spring needs. T PILLOW CASES, 40, 42 and 44_ inche-s,'on FRINGED BEDSPREADS,Vmarked $5.50 ea MILL ENDS OFbPRIN'l` . . . . . . .. Extra specialyvalue in a 36-in." WHITE LO.-\` Fine Naihsook, 15 End: nf phln l`n6no Midland. defeated Barrie by K scofe of 5 to 2 in the second game of the Inter- mediate 0.H;A; series olaved at Midland last 9Thu}sday. . Q novnu urn: Inn} our` ninth: o\mnt`n anon- Looixcovm THESE BARGAINS 15, yd. LONGCLOTH, 21 ; pr. an uv'up . - ~\ _ - ` `Ban-ie-`~,-Goal, Tuckfright defense, Keel- ey; left defense, Bertram; right wing, Pow- ell; left wing, Emma; centre, Armstrong; ubs., Livingston and Gray. . _; Mftunnrlftlnn` I--"~- -` ` ' ' ` " - ' injured after `four minutes wuu Lvllulllllu three goals in the lead. Third pe'riod-Barrie came out weak in the final period. The hard checkings be- gan to tell on Armstrong who was playing with an injured hand and the strain was also showing on Livingstn who had just recovered from an illness. Armstrong vvas play and had to retire. `After seven minutes play Gray scared, but the referee `claimed it to be an off side and the goal was disallowed. In the last few minutes of the period Barrie . rained shots at the Midland goal. and many rushes were made which were only checked at the net. _ ` Score--Midland` 5, Barrie "' Midland have a strong tean i~ with a strong good working forward line _ together, combination work featuring in nearly all their plays. Burgie, the centre man, is a fast skater and a goal getter. MacDonald is one of the old set, having guarded the net for years. Line-up: .. -I)___`- 1'` defense and g a ` .\l\`._` [I I( ' is 11 2 l t Brown replaced Powell and Emma `with Gray and Livingston, but Tuck again failed to see a long ghot and Midland scored another. Bertram made one of the prettiest solo rushes in the game and scored` Barrie's second and lust goal.` The period ended with Midland three goals in the lead. n`I'inll-'Rnr1-in nnnnn ....4 ..._-_l- 2- OPENING DAY or THIS SALE Brief Ascension by Barrie Team in Midland Proves * Costly. A Ju'st what you need. It is circular and a real bar- gain. _ --39 yd. Pillbw Cotton, 39:: n_ sale . . . . 29 each each Sale, $1.98 Some remarkable values may be selected from the lot. Price is not considered. `We do not intend to utilize space with odd lines. 25: pr. BIIV vnur "nn:nnn .6 ALS. -n._...- _sale .. {Ladies Sill; Hose, 69 1 A _small quantity of full- fashioned Fancy Silk Hose, 3 reg. $1.25. --Sale, 39.: pm} 5__j___> .....-4`. uyuvc vvnuu uuu H1165. 33 I Buy your Hosiery at this store. ` Some beaiztiful siyle Blo1}s- ` es, various colors and ma- terials, worth up to $8.25. MIDLAND SCORES 3 IN} FIVE MINUTES! nnousas $3.98 450 Pair .s_ Host; at 25c ' 181: yd. --Sale, [ $3.98 , ' Mrs. Dignam reviewed the origin of Can- adian art in the early days under the French * regime. The speaker stated that there was-`no great national value to early Canadian art orher than its historical value. Scenes. of the early Indian settlers, their modeg of living 'and dresa which are gone now rs.-one`:-eason that we can value the work of our early artists, and `Canadians are nnw l-mrinnhm on ...:... 4.1.-.. :_-:-..-_._ 1 _. ...... .. F... nu.-u.u an .uuuuLU_ I Service and Quality mun us uur curly urusts, ana Lfgn-aaxans are now begmnmg Ytq nnze these pxctures. URL, I . .I `IQ nuvvnali president of the Club, stated that it was I through the untiring energy. and enthusiasm of Mrs. Dignam that the Women s Art._As- esoci-ation was formed in Toronto, `ll ... I\__. __, In introducing the speaker, Wismer, I Can_adian Art its Progrws and Outlook" was the subject of an interesting address delivered by Mrs. Dignam, predent of the jVomen's Ikrt Association of Toronto, to the members of the Barrie Women's Can- adian Cl-ub"in the Public Library Hall, Mon- day afternoon. V '\ Mrs. Dlgnan; Tells C:ma_dian ~ Club in Her Address on A Canada s Art. " ' 1 PATRONAGE POOR y 1-`on OUR ARTISTS nan ll-1lJIll`\.I, 3C yCl. . If you need new Sheets, you will be wise to get your share of this good quality Bleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide. - ---Sa|e, 53 yd. SHEETING, 53 yd. DU nd HD\l7 Qknna `nu These are Oxford made goods and in perfect, condition, our regular $4.75, $5.00 and $5.25 qualities, sizes 36,` 38 and 0.S. --SaIe, Half Price '" """113".'a2r,7.' W" W "' 150 pairs Ladies? and Misses Hose in assorted colors and.kinds, worth,` up to Soc. -Sale, 15 ` so pairs ChiIdren s Stockings, col- ors pink, blue and tan only, sizes `QC I Ladies Pure Combin- ations at Half r unaacu Luna. uxguum. _> 31"`? I-n passing from fsaintings. the speaker made reference to"craftmanship. It has never been known where `a craftswoman or [the craftsman in fine arts has made a living by 113951 following that line of work. Lack of under- lV9- standing of what it means to the people `and V-gs . to the counry is,` I believe, the reason.". ancee! In the past years architecture has Vsuffer thefed in this country, but our architects are the riot resnnnnihln, Th. ..m.. .....I:.... a- ..--.u_ I .....- ... stay uuvululllllcllb Ul znuxsbuz uungs. I Mrs. Dignam urged the `nea of a large museum where Canadian works of art could ` beexhibited. -`.`There are many fi. `-p#a.iri_t_-, ings by famous artists which are n w in private ' collections which would be turned over for therbenefit of the public if a suit- able museum was built to houieixhem, de- clared Mrs". Dignam. - I-n nnncina `Fnvn )u..'..L:.._.. LL- -~~' .u15un,u1_. . The speaker favored pageants and fancy dress balls as a means of stimulating thei imagination. Dramatics -also have a great power in the development of artistic things. MFR I-(thorn nu-nor` 4`-n .-'1--' -3 ' ' ful career. I have been asked myself why ;( I did not go to America, but my reply has ;\ always been that I was born in Canada, is my children are Canadians and that any-fl thing that_I may do in. the interests of art !t I I want Canada to enjoy its benefits." ' .'r One, and undoubtedly the greatest reas- , `l on why Canada has not advanced more in the artistic world, is because Canadians are ". a. utilitarian people, and there is a small 1' population for such an extensive country. lg In time I believe, however, that Canada will t,` arise to the possibilities and give artists`2 every opportunity. At.,_present the schools i '1 and museums are limited," `stated Mrs. I Digna.m.. M 1"}... .......I.... : .... _-.n _-, e - - - u u: acu nxayx 1a1- $2.25 value, Sale of Black Silk at $1.39 yd. Asa 4 -to`6%_.' laI' vnlnn -FA-n 3` "` a special attraction at [this sale, will sell Black Paillette Silk, re- These are in navy and red cgnly arid regular $1.65 value. \--Sale, 98 ;Bvoys Pure Wool` Pullover In Sweaters, 98 :1: rauxette Silk, e, for $1.39 per yd. WILL BE THE BEGIN- NING 01-` THIS CHANGE BUY GLOVES AT; THIS STORE} Ladies good warm Knitted 3 Underskirts in grey only,` reg.~$1.00 quality. Sale, 69 See the Special Silk Underslcirtn in Vast Assortment _WOOL Knxmn coobs or EVERY KIND IN '. READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. co OUT AT uass Knitted _ Underskirts ` at 69c CHILDREN'S s1-mas muzssss, FROM 6 I TO 14 ARE ALL OUT.AT REDUCED PRICES cu, soci_al evening, skating gan_i _toboggauing m The College students -are preparing siiheve a toboggan petty and social evening - iron Wednesday, January 17. * I - W. A. Hccann of lnnin I`lr..n.._- Miss Olive Millsap of St: the college recently while 1 Toronto, returning to her Millsap acts as secretary 1 abut 150 former B.B.C..stu znnw 1IrAIII.P;rur `:- "`--~~` -. ' Business COLLEGE NEWS 'e Ill There will be`an interesting demonstra- - 1 tion of speed and accuracy in typewriting at. llfthe college rooms on Friday evening, Jan. 8'26. J. J. Seitz, President of the United S1Typewriter Company, `will be present and 5- lwill address the students and their friends, Mr. Seitz has a message of interest and in- V spiration that will be a treat to hear. In 5 3 addition, Fred Jarrett, Canadian Champion |5`Typist, and Miss Irma Wright, who is also operating the typewriter at a high 4 speed rate, will put on a speed de;nonstra- |t tion. There will also be _some demonstra- ; , tions by `the students, diplomas will be giv- : en out and the spelling contest prize award- ed. The public areinvited to attend, to see the demonstrations and hear the speak- ers on subjects of interest--and importance. 1 E _ 1 Theodore ,Morris of Thornton and Ross: ' e 5 Gardner of Thornbury are among our,new students. ":__ A`. up-.. -___.._..___.________ (`doubtful addition to our art galleries as s;we have attained more attention and re- , jspect through the proposed erection of the - big Canadian memorial in France than any- :!thing else we have done through art to fremind future generations what Canada did , ` during -the war, shegeclared. if U _ _...-_, vwv Another lot of 50-in. MADRAS, CRETONNES and SILK- FINISHED REPP, worth $1.50 to $2.00 yd. Sale, 98 One piece 'only Bleached DAMASK TABLING . , _,_._, v_v Jwuu Buy these regular $1 `quality CURTAIN NETS and"MADRAS, 42 and 45 in. wide, fvory and ecru shads only. Sale, 69 Shipn/aent of new 27-in. _ colors . . . . . . . . . . . ROLLER TOWELS, 21,4 yds. go;) White and Colored TERRY TOWELS, $1.00 each . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . PRICES-~-O_dd Lines up to $3.00 Value for 59. if you need Dress Goods. for yourself or for the School children, this is your chance. A vast as- sortment of colors and qualities. Say-le 59 yd. \ I 54-inch Serge in ve good [colors goes on sale q A GREAT SLAUGHTERING of mass GOODS at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99c yd. 33-inch Rongee Silk, beautiful quality and nish and very scarce goods . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.39 yd. us-`:3:---In $0 D , II 6 VC'I2X& AT l2%c -AND 15} PAIR Stock.-taking has brought but all the odd lines. 'an.d broken lots of ` 1 Stayner called on her wa fn Bar -.....:A!_,, "` 172 Sample Hats-- No two alike and all the newest early spring lines. We `know you will rave over- some of these exclusive models-- and, best of all, they are much be- low the regular price. Ni-:w smunc MILLINERY ON SALE Splendid Coutil Corsets, " low and medium bust, pink or white colors, four good hose supporters, a re- iguiar $1.25 line. . --Sale, 93] \._.__.___________ GINGHAMS, neat patterns and fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale, 25 yd. Hosu-:Rv_ pP_ TO 504: YALUE LII` can 1'.` Q-n -- Q:

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