Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1923, p. 5

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74 % 77c 75c Ills Wllll LVJIK3. V7 11. L7llslC.V- -Miss Elsie King has returned home fizom I a visit with friends in Stayner. tn unrl luau h (`nnkrunn mnnnf fkn ll UUulILl|.Ul luuuu W53 DClVClI. -Miss Dorothy Srigley has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her sister. Mrs. J. A. McQuay of Ivy.- . DA`! Q :5 t\FIIf)II:U;IIl' TED. auzswr. nuns. a. :1. 1u.UVeuuy ux 1.vy.- Rev, S. M.MBeach is organizing The' Trail Rangers Class" for young boys here on Tuesday evening, and hopes to have 9.1} the young boys of the community join the class. ` ,L_,, l.',_,,. L _ _ . . __1__....l LL- ....x an uyru Wllllef. , The Women's Institute met in the base- ment of the Methodist Church last Thurs- day. Dr. Rogers gave a very helpful paper in The Care of the Teeth". A paper was read by Mrs. Ness on The Relation Be- tween the Home and the School. Mrs. Mitchell spoke of how much the Rest Room at Barrie is being appreciated. Two dollars was paid to the treasurer, Mrs. Sutherland, to help buy a rug for the Rest Room. l Thu ennnn:-l` I-unnlnuy o.-...t..L ...'.LL:._ LL-| yunlnuuu Visit; All LUIUHLU. The many friends of Mrs. Johnson will be pleased to know she is improving nicely after her recent operation). - ' I W I g;l'nr\g-nn nnnnf 0 `An! Anita Inn} RUG UEEPB. A number from here enjoyed the mob- casin dance at Strbudjast Wednesday. cu ucql uuy 1: lug 101' [I18 nest IEOOHI. L The second hocitey match within the . Church League was played on Friday even- ing when the boys..of St, Pa`uI s`met the [Presbyterian team. After the usual hasty struggle the Presbyteriaih boys came forth victorious witha score of 4-0. _ Line-ups:-- Anglican---Goal, R. Brewster; defence, N .` Neely, J. Johnston; centre, G. E. Scud- amore; wings, E. Jobbitt,iC. Cousins; subs., !A. Webb, G. Hunter. B. Guest. `I')_._..l._.L___!_._, r 1 :- (Fronn Another Correspoxndent). Mr. Butler is visiting friends in Powassan. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. John llielly on the arrival of triplet daughters on Jan. 13. ` `A 'I.I._.. IL`..- \7,____,. L , , . I I P- llll II (III. LU: Mrs. Wm. Young has returned home after a pleasant visit in Toronto. 1'1... ......... ..:......|.. .: M-.. !..L.......__ ._.:u auun ucl ICUUAID upcruuuu. -' : W. J. Simpson spent a few days last :week in Elmvale, r|\|__ __A,,_,,:__ _I,, , I- . 111 I I - I . him: ,-. .. V .,. --......v.. are \.aI\AI4uI-n 3 Presbyterian-Goal, A. Jacks; defence, RB . Sutherland, H. Ferrier; centre, G. Suth- ierland; wings, I. Robertson, D. Barclay; subs.. F. Suthrland, Buand J. Warnica., Referee, B. Wright. I ucnvy auuw 5101111. V . Dame` Winter has come.w_ith her wealth of snow and irost, despite the promises for an open winter. Tho ml\Ub\J|I\,a `l ....L:L..4.. _._L 2.. Ll- .' - 5 vv uauul Ul -vuumuzue UOTHCTS. ,` On Wednesday evening the young people met at the rink to chase thehours with ying feet". The lmoccasingdance -under . the auspices of the`curle_rs was well attended and judging from the merry faces every- one had a good time. ' The annual meeting of St. Paul's Church was postponed on account of last \`week s heavy snow storm. T\m~...- \`l7:...;..- L-.. --.__- __'.:u_ I , -.- Jan. 15.--The young people of the Methodist Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.. Harperbon-Wednesday last to receive -Mr. and Mrs. Fife (nee`Miss Marv eWilson) of Sunnidale Corners. ' i n.. ur...:....,..:.... -_--_:__ 4, - M11'cT1E:i.L SQUARE 1 rm__ .|-_u_ .__1- .'- -_.. STROUD HOLLY 1 Nathan 'Behrin made a new world's `record at New York for shorthand, trans- _cr'Ibing 350 words a minute with but twu errors. Auuauvvu. ` Miss Reta Smith is visiting at the home _of her uncle, James~Jennett., Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean entertained : a. few friends on Friday evening. - | The band is starting to practise once a 5 week, getting in shgpe for summer work. i V Walter Smith s sale last Wednesday came `off well. There was a very gopd crpwd and stuff went quickly. i A In} A` I\nI\r\`n nillk `n34 .... ...!LL _._.___ L-,I 5 uwlus tu munucua, ` I A number of Ivy young men are taking; the two weeks afgricult-ure course at} Thornton. ' ; In__ 11-`- ca, -.1 - - -,- . .- q Presbjvterian church. Oro. She was organist in the Sunday School. a member of the choir, a teacher in the Sunday School. hav- ing qualified for the Teacher Training Dip- loma of the Presbyterian Board of Sunday Schools and Y.P.S.. `taking the required two-year course at Geneva Summer School. She was the rst Pesident of the King's, Daughters teenage girls` class at Central church, an organization which hm contri-I buted much to the life of this church since` its inception. Besides her father and mo'h- 1 er. she leaves a younger brother. Alexander, and avsister. Mary. to mourn her loss. The sunshine of her life will be greatly ! `missed in her home :-nd bv all who had the privilege of knowing her. at uu vvcut qul-.:ru_v. I A lot of people are laid up with very bad colds. : nu. ,,, . . .. . -. ' UK)l\l~W c There was no servjce in the Anglicani Church on Sunday evening as the rector, 5 Rev. T. J. Dew, was not able to preach owing to sickness, A nunnknm at 7.... ........_'.. _._-._ --4 1--L3 r-- BROWN S MEN S WEAR ma STORE THAT smzs YOU MONEY -/ See our Suit and Overcoat . Values BROWN S _MEN S WEAR ? Inter. Caif Meal E --5 lbs. for 25 Sulphur --4 lbq..for 25c ' Boys .Heavy Mackinaw Socks Men sa Heavy Mackinaw Socks Mn s Heavy Mackinaw Socks C8-room bricl; liouse, all modern con- =1` 6'-vuq vvvv 'I\IvIlUlJ Ilvu-Iva, Alum`; JUL-x tion .. . .. ..$1900!.t veniences. large veranda, ba1cony,! nice location,-central ; . . . $3650 9 '7-room brickhouse, all conveniences, ; `hardwood oors, large veranda, ccentral .. .. .. .. .. .. $3200 .7-mom stucco house, lights, waterg cistern, lot 66x180, stable, nice lo- E 1 cation '._. .. .. $2000'( 7-room brick house, all conveniences, il . I sum-oom, stable, garage, a mce;l -home .. .. .. .. .. `.. $42001` 'l-:-oom brick house. conveniences. lazjge lot, good stable . . . ., $3700 3 6-1-com cottage, co_nveniences,_ cen-i, .tIjal .. .. .. .-. .. $2000`, 6--room stucco house, . nice location 3 .. .. .. .. ;. -. .. .. .$1100t -5-mom stucco cottage .. .. $1000 M 5-room stucco cottage . . . . -3900i g .`6~-room stucco cottage, overlooking ; 'lake....s. .....$1250',` 10-a(-re mark`t'g:a'1-den. large brickil `house. stable, henhomse, pigpen, nice location . . .. . . .. $2200 5 -Our list affords you wide choice of E homes and you can buy one on your 3' terms. : Boys 5-eyelet Moccasins 1 Q1 4:- Youths `Heavy Rub1T)er7sT, 5-eyelet .. $2.10 pr. Boys Heavy Rubbers,-5- eyelet . . . . . . $2.50 pr. Men's Horsehide Mocca-A Xsms .. .. $1.95 pr.` ynublo "-`-\-31.25 px-. RUBBERSEKND MOCCASINS -.- v .v-v\.wv-uann-J --$l .45 pr. STOCK News !Salt Petra. I I ---2'z_ lbs. 25c Epsom Salts 2 .4 lbs. for 25; ..., -...,.. .. ...... .... ,....-. _,.... ...... . afford to miss:---' 8~room brick house, all modern con- veniences, laundry tubs, oakloors downstairs, maple oors upstairs}! large attic, spruce oor, large ver- `anda and balcony; one-of the best built houses in Barrie, and a nice location; full 66-ft. lot; see this one .. .. .. .. .. .. $6500 7-room brick house, large stable, `/2- .acre lot, nice location, just suit re- 5 tired farmer .. .. . . $2800} 5-room stucco cottage, large garage, new liglits in house and garage, "A3.-acrci lot, nice location, $2000 7-ruom brick house, lights, water and gas, lot 42x178, good location .. | l I . .. .. szsoof 8--room brick house, two large lots,` near Allandale .. .. .. .. $2000 9-room brick house, all modern con-l ve-niences, double lot, Bradford St ..`- .. .. saaooy 8~room brick, house, all cohveniences ` ..$3000 7-room brick house, all conveniences, A stable, henhouse, garage, ll-acre lot. good orchard, all `kinds small] i'ruit...... ......$3600, 5-1-ooni cottage, conveniences, -l-acre! '1-at. two poultry houses, nice loca-l, +{..... Q1ni\n' uuuuuw :- Ah, darling, remarked Newed, "I no youf hav'e prepared some pudding with yam own little hands. What kind is it, pet? "~'!IL..; '1 __LL-.: 142., v.... uuu--4 nun-um. vv.uuv xuuu 15 Av, yvlv. T--`1;at." sobbed Mrs. Nwed, "in b-bread." Men's 2-buckle Rubbers, red sole . .` . . $3.00 pr. Men's 2-buckle Rubbers, white sole . . $3.50 pr. Men's Sq. Top Tie Moe-b casins . . . . . . $1.25 pr. .Men s 7-eyelet Moccasins --$1.75 pr. SPECIALS in Men s Shirts, Underwear, Mack- inaws, Sheepskin Coats, Socks, Sweaters, Gloves and Mitts, Heavy Work P-ants, etc. It will pay ,you to investigate. We are oering great values -in our Work Clothes Department. Drop in arid look them over. vWe carry in stock at all times a full range of Work Clothes at prices that de- Afy competition, quality considered. RARTRIDGE & GlLROYl The Great Canadtan ' Swcctmcat Oyster Shell --l0 lbs. 25 Glauber Salts --5 lbs. for 25: .. "Chew your load well, then use WRIGLEY S to aid digestion. It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet. appetite keen. The El.-eat`Canc{dian A After Every Meal HARD LUCK . 801: pair . 98c pair $1 .25 pair Page Five Here are a few of the many homes we hqve to offer at prices you can't. ..a:.....: 4.. ....:..... I Exclusive Real A_ge;|t-s [ A_RTRlD'GE & clmovl 7njJRsbAY, JANUARY gs. 1923. T homes: 46 Bayfield -$t., Barrie. Phones: Office 86|, Rosidenco 86 P. 0. Box IOII V Reindeer Cpffee, large 26 Reindeer Coffee; small 14c Perfection Baking Powder ;( ._ L2,, .- JPURE PORK SAUSAGE FRESH DAILY hone , 145` . `A V Elizabe 5-lb tin Crown Sy_rup-,37'c Pued Wheat, 2 pkg. 25c S--`lb tin-`Pure Honey, 70;; Large B-ox Soda Biscuits --28c ggxcs. rum-: CORNSTAliCH - - . .7 - 27c -` 2 ms. DOMESTIC suomnlnc . - ~ . - 359 ---__-_ -.------G - v -16%-oz, tinvgsic`: Moss Rose Baking Powder , -16_-oz.~1jn 24c_ - PURE FOOD GROCERY .im:l.l`.4:ii`r:~liixi:wiil-pon some local history `the! ; speaker said that in 1883 James Edwards,"] nostmtuzter. upon instructions from P.O.: ' Inspector Daniel Spry kept a. record of "mail matter passing through the Barrie!` ' icuntoms . 'Collections were $20 85 for Jul ' - i and Aug.ustv and dropped as low: as $3.95 ii I - iDecember. Pux_'cels for Penetang,iBradford. e%;?:`ei%.:i:.;":::*:*= .f :.`:;`,:`:.%.*:r:* ,2:'::,`;`: iitinie the imports inclu_de_d a printing press: '1 , ;for J. W. Curran of Orxllra. In 1886 W. B. [Capon paid on 60 barrels of oil $202.60 in ' ; duty on a shipment valued at $275.04.: {In the last two weeks of March, 1883. =- ' ; about 31500 was paid in duty by such firms "as Strong & _`Dounell, Cromptou & Ryan I "and A. M. Borrownian who did quite a p D tombstone business. A little later M. Shau- . ,ucy paid duty on it tub of oysters occasion- ; 2 ally and so did James Vain" 0. l1. Lyon & ,'.Sou were in competition wi h Joh:~.st.on & ,-[Sanieaut in the coal trade: Geo. l u!erly':nn('i Frawley & Devlin imporied dry goods; Wm. ` !Keunedy and Wm. E. Brown. whiskey, 9 and a couple of local doctors brought in ] V shipments of` pills. -i Fnllnndinna `rnvn `I901 in Ion` nlynllnnunn-` zuuug. , _ ,_ I Customs officers are often considered very 2 hard. dj exacting. ljeowle will protest} again%ying duty on Christmzupresents, ' ,yet if t -value exceeds fifty cents the law says the duty should be collected. The; l_regulal:ions""a.e strict and the officers are: `compelled to observe them. Those. who complain against seeming hardness on the part of the officers have little idea of- the regulations that are to be met. The} work of customs officers is `rendered dlf-3 ificult from `the further fact that man is {naturally inclined to smugzle-especially the female of the species", ' I In vnnnn kw-inu Anon:-H-.n:l 6|. A-.'.n....... F175 DON T BE Too HARD I UPON CUSTOMSMANE IlIls?C IlI\lllCJ` . Dr. Lewis was chairman for` the day." Bob Binning was the boos er and Howard` Felt drew"his attendance prize, an attrac- tive bit of B.C. scenery nicely franaea. UIIC IUUIUIC U` I-III: Hpccki , _ 1 Mr.` Young briefly described the organiza. '.tion of the Customs Department from the; iMi-gister down. ' - `___]_g____ __ __,___ 1 _,| I,` . `.0 I LIIT7 IJUl)|v'n Ul \J|-Ilvlllll ullu l'J&`5lUo In conclusmn `a few mmutes were spent deaiing Wlth the excise revenue from stamp duties. A I`:Bl|I`D:l`\I'I `l\`lI\Il1l' Mu vI\III\lQ '1 Ellllp UUUIUUI A brief discussion followed Mr. Young's address. the receipt tax and cheque taxes lbeing the points touched upon. Several members advocated a single sales tax at the place of manufacture or a general tax on nturnover -in place of the varied and vexa- tious forms of taxation now.employed to raise money, ' Y`? `purl: `Inna n"un:vn\nn bu.` O`-an l`I!I! ' W . DIIIIIIU B H) JIIB IIUUIU Ill \JLIU-"Jllllln I The weekly prayer meeting was held at the home ofVB. Tracy, the first meeting in the New Year. ' UV]... ..L1I.l...._ -l AL- _..L'-..l .._.. 4-..}..- IIIWIIUUSII IILIUII qlllcl Ilu guvat BIIUIII lllI7ICn The farmers are busy getting out their wxntex-`s supply of wood. I 117... '.nuyl1u- `\nn- and-n'ua--anal in nnnnnn` |WluI.uI'a supply Ul wuuu. Wm. Lawlor has rotirrned to Capreol where he will continue his work. as over- seer \of a gang of men on Hydro-`Electric work. ` ., = I READY TO OBLIGE ' `Wife---'-John,T the" bill collector is at. the doc ." I I-I._ ' nun L:_. L, 1.1.. gl__; _:|;"-._- .... l T. T. Young was the speaker at thei weekly luncheon of the Barrie Kiwanis ;` Club last; Friday. In his talk on Customs i and Excise be dealt with some of the;' features of the Department under which he works and gave some local history. After touchinv `briefly upon the origin of ousfoms , laws, which date back to very early days, '1 j the speaker referred to the complex nature ` lof customs regulations. In 1825 customs laws of England were found to be cumber- 5 some and..the/ acts were cut down from if 443 to 11. There is ample room in I a Canada for `revision that will give simpli- i c _ficntion `to the customs laws," remarked Mr. , Young. .1 l l.nun\'n... n:nt\On nun I\n1-u nnn'p.3Jn.....I "A... . .. %, 1923. I I ! ! taken. In 1904-05 the amount went up to n`U'l|`lllI7l| U3 U1 PIIIH, Collections from 01891, to 1901 averaged? about $8000", but in 1900 about $12,000 was ` $21,151 due to carriage` factory boom. In 1905-06. when Mr. Young took charge, $l6.l96.31 was collected. Since that time I the average has been about $20,000 a year. i In 1091 {Win Tnloru` nn|vnv\|un Inna nnI\\`\:n Ill`: IIVCI lI'5l7 IIILH UUCII CUUUU vaU,UUU 3 ytfur. In 1921 the Inland Revenue was combin- ed with the customs, the two bping called the Dept. of Customs and Excise. . . . In nnnnluaunn -1: `Au: unnufnn uuunn unani- I `Jan. 1.6.-Hay loading seems -the order of the `day. A. and E. -Wilson, A. New- man and Wilmpt Cook are busy loading. A Mnvon ;a ntnulnn `n `nu-nilrnu-A `lunrn HIRH anu UV lllll.U| UUUl\ HIV U113] Illllulllc A. McKee is moving his furniture from `the Painswick farm. . _ ` Cm-afoot is hauling his wand frnm IHU CW LORI. The children of the school are trying I to make a skating rink in the `school yard. It 55- hoped that they sueceetl as the creek is a` dangerous place-. for children ' although their eldexs find great sport there. Thu `ui-vnnl-a urn knnu nnlrfina nu} Olin}:- I ` e":IZ `a"i.`;u1ang his wood from" | W. Binnie's to his home in Churchill. PIVL- .....-LI.. .........-.. ._.--:.._ __..._.L-I.l -1. tfl`. T. Young Tells Kiv'va'ni:ms! I About Vx orkings of His i - A Department. `Pear1ine,. 3 pkgs. for 27 Castile Soap._. Z cakes 25c` Onions`. '13 lbs. for 25c, Choice Breakfast `_I3_ac9_n Reidee; Cocoa, large 1'7c Reindeer Cocoa, small 9: Walter. Baker .'Cocoa_--_: 4 * i"::,gtmm 23.: Wethey s Pure Mince Meat . -'-Bulk, 23c [IO llUUl'o John--Tell him to take +1m'pi1`onf my. hub " ~..-.....:.---.--.---.-- ' IMINESING STATION \ Elizabeth St, IJGLUII -37citb ' LIVIIIS $`CIHUllo ' At the annual meeting of the schoef sec- -tion. it was decided _to purchase a grvafon- .013 for use in Vt-he-school. -N. J. Eldridge- :_pvas a_p*po -med as the new trustee. Chas. Hindle resigned after putting in three years of faithful service on the board. `I- ').._l_-._. 2., ..l_I_ L- L- -4,_,, I ,,, ' lug. Mrs. Websterof Bgffalo is visiting her brother. Charles Parker. ' 1 (Too Late for Last. Week) 3 AJan. l0.--Mies Gilmore of Crown Hill ;spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. `Irving Nelson. I AI kn nnnnui rnnnI*:nn A` IIl'QlIkl\@" L-an, Ul llllldllllll HUI VIC" UH IIIU Ulntl. Mr. Parker is abIeto be around again after being conned to the house for 9. few weeks with an injured foot. R ' nnkf m1'h:lluo nut` I'M.-mn.. `Inn-n:66 u'~`n INGIUPUXCIT` l'1'%UUI2I!K)llo ' 1 I The Sunday School purpose holding a itea and entertainment" some time in the ' near future. ' | Y\...._I.... `Q..-LL -1` I Y.-._A_.-2II_ _.:._3A__` ___3LL IIUGI I utulc. i Douglas `Scott of Huntsvilk; visited with `Mr. and?Mn~x. Lorne Davidson last week. . VI... I _.......- _..._L ... LL- I.-__- -1` 11.. ...__I I ucauu_ IJIJU ' v , ; Mrs. W. Ralstonand Mrs. C. Gros are 2 in Toronto with their mnther. Mrs. Sawyer. 5 __._ Jan. l6.-'4Quite a number of the rate- payers of the school section attended the` `meeting at Goo1 on Saturday `held under the -auspices of the Trustees and Ratepayers Association. [ "Plan Qnnulnu QALAAI ...... .... I....I.l:..._'.. Jill. ClIll,I,|VIlNu IA\II.lII "- I.IfI\llIFlJlI ll`-3|! wl'Ul\.. _ The League met at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Charles Hindle last Wednesday even- ing. V M... nr..Lu.4....-..: n..::..I.. z.. ..:..:4.:.... L..- Jan. lv:6.-Miss Olive Munro has rettzrned home after a vacation in Minosiug. . man Ann Muirna u:c:l>A1` `nan nr\IIn:n ha 1 lIlIlUq IUI NICK I.` UI Killlllluu This week, word was re_ceived by Mrs. John Lucas of thtrdeuth in Beetpn other aunt. Mrs. William Goodfellow. M. I D..:.: :.. :. n.:n:.. ...:u. L..- _..- gll\llIlg LVIIE. VV HIHIIII UUUHICIIUW. : 1 Mrs. J. Reid is in Orillia with her par-I `eats, Mr, and Mrs. Bowman. who are m poor health, X i : nu UT Dlco.-..".....l `II... {V (1..-- ...... WCUAR Wltll an IIIJUICU IUUII. Robt, Eldridge. and ('Iarman Marritt ino- for'ed to Queensville last week. .'lUVV at cur: uuuxc U1 Una, L. ouch. I Mrs. W. Chapin` was in [Toronto on Sat.- furday attending the funeral of the late {Mm Barney Lyons. i (Too Late for Last Wek) Jan, l0.-~Mrs. S. Doo!itt.le was in Gil- ; gford. today attending thefuncral of her mister-in-law, Mrs. Mmtenly, late of Tor- ionto. -fomlerly of Gilfordf 1 mm .....,.1. .......x ......... ..:.....x t... u-.. , I'J|'I-lcl JVIUSUII, III KIIUBIUII lulr Wen A number of the young folks from this vicinity attended the moccasin dance at Stroud last Wednesday night and all re- port an excellent time. ` - Mina Mxv:Ar:n (nun-L. nnnnl 6-`an -ninnb Ant` [lull ll UAVUIIUHI` lJlUIUo Miss Marjorie Coutts spent the ieek-end with Miss Grace Nelson of Conkstown. [ I JIUIIIU ll-ILCI B VUUHIIQCI Ill lVlllIl'5IlIg. Miss Edna Mayes visnted her cousm. Miss i Ethel Mason, in Alliston last week. A nnvnaknr A` fkn -wnnnn :o\rn `nan. L`-J- :l Ll|B vluagc. /I g The Presbyterian W.M.S. meets to'-mor- zrow it the home of Mrs, T. Jack. 1- `u-.. ur nL.._:__.___,,_ :_ 'm____`_ _,, 0-; puvcn Au1.Iucu| ul 1uruul0. \ i The banquet gixen'by~the. Ladies Aid `of the Presbyterian_Church on Friday night was a great success. .The addresses given by the different speakers were well receiv- ed, also the piano duet by Mrs. Irving Nel- son and her daughter, Helen; the `piano solos by Miss Josie Reixe and Mrs. Hodg- son;Asolos by. `Mrs. G. C. Allan and Dwight Rogerson and `revdings by Mrs. Orville.Tcdd and Miss Iva Kin'g. ` musical programme. . . . -F- - . Churchill Women : Institute The regular nmeting of the Institute will` I be held at the home of Mrs. John Boyes on `Wednesday. Jam. 24. This meeting will take the form of a progressive e'uch1-e.and gsoeial evening. All inenibers with their escorts'm'e`cordially invited. Cards 8.15 to 11 pm. after xvhichthere will be a . V I Jam 16.~--Miss Cunningham of Peterbom ' ;is visiting her sister, Mrs. Modeland. Mr II..m:In... an-ul II-m Ilnnoiuu.-. nun 2 1 vmuux xcnn Ivua HCIU Iul II ICW uuys. Miss Lee of Los Angeles, California, is lvisitingal W. C. W. McCullough. s. Miss Annie Pearce is in Cuok.stown_ S. `-Marshall has "been confined to the house with sciatica. . l l Mr. and Mrs. T. Hood of Alliston were -"recent visitors with relative-,sv here. 9 Ralph Briggs of Barrie spent Tuesday in gthis village. /j I I Tho DrAmku9nw:nn 1171] Q ........o.>. 4,. ........ 3 la Vlll-Ills LICK Bh`.|:U|', L'1l. lVlUllCl2IJl(lo I Mr. Hamilton and ~ Mrs. Hastings are i visitingrela ives here for a few days. I Inn nf Ina Annnhnu {`.oI:`nr-n :n ucuvuu: uuc ulgub Icuclltlyr Mr, and Mrs. Hart Thomas spent the weekend in Orjllia. T Wm. Hall shipped a can-load of cat- tle and hogs off his farm and got good prices for. them in Toronto. "\ IN... .l...'m-.....o ..:. ....' k....4.I... 1 ..,::....! Am ICW unya. 7 Mr. ;and Mrs. S. J. Browning entertained. a number of. their friends -at progressive euclire one night recently. . E "P nnrl Mra "nut 'l"I.........., ungnt 61.- uncuua uh Dqar Lane. 1 _-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allan of Saskatchewan are with Mr. -and Mrs. Walter Allan for a ` few days. Mr ~an:' Q I D-n..-....:.-._ ....A-..4...2.2...I 15 "Jan. l5.---Vin'cent Rcive i spending` a.fw dayswith friends in Toronto, MC 0......` l1......:.... L..- ....4.-._._-.| 1.-...- a.u_:vv uu_va_vuuL uuiuuzs In 1.uruuw_ | Miss Cora Canning has returned home- aftel spending a couple of weeks with friends at Bear Lake. '11- .....l 11.... `r.__I_ A'I_,, ,1 o I, ; 1, ':%&$$$%%$%%$$*aga&&**%%*& 4 :1 NEWSFROMVNFJGHBORING TOWNSHIPS E &$$&$w&&%&%%*$%%&%&%%&%&, I_GHT-is the most import- ant sense used in school life. Our children are forc- ed to use this faculty to ex- cess, as the main artery of `knowledge is the optic road to the brain. Each child's eyes should be carefully ex- amined by a recognized op- tometrist before being sent to school. We will advise you as to whether your child needs glasses. ` 0. R. R_U5K_._`0D'l-D, 4 Phoe l'443V ' H <. ADDRESS: _ 38 Elizabeth Street. Barrio` L Next Door to Singer Sewing Machine Co "_'.`!-'-.`.f'-'=.'-AC-*_* AI2TEs9A CHURCHILL LEFROY lest :_ 1'35 BARRIE EXAMINER C.\hCll\`-ll` luualv. 1lL'Ut`I'}llB v9l.UIJ.UU. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright entertained a number of friends `last Thursday evening. Mrs. J, E. Black of Sintalutu, Sask., and Mrs. Jas. Lennox of Barrie visited friends here this week. _ Congratulations to Miss Mary Wilson and Mr. Clarvnce Fife of Stayuer, who were married last Wednesday. The happy couple are, spending some time with friends in Stroud. Last Wednesday-evening the people of Stroud gathered at the home of Mr._ and Mrs. Goldie Harper, and showered the bride and groom with a splendid collection of miscellaneous gift.s_ In a few well chosen words the groom thanked those present for their `good wishes and useful gifts. Short! speeches were given by Rev. Mr. Stevenson, Angus pxwzirnicay, Mr. Harper and others. The rest of the evening was spent in games and music, after which dainty refreslnnenfs were served. The Young Ladies Adult Bible C22-.~; (of which Miss Wilson "was a member) presented her with a cut glassl cream and sugar set. \ | Thu Ilnfntxulrnru nl 6-I... In.u..nLi... -6` Tnninl . DI UGIII llll BUSH] BLT . The ratepayers of the Township of Innisfill health, their efficient treasurer, James Black, has resigned. Mr. Black has been treasurer for 24 years, succeeding` the late\ Chas. Pulling in June, 1899. During these years Mr.iBlack has proved himself a cap- able official. On account of poor health for the last two years. and in justice to the Township. he asked to be relieved from the office. His resignation was accepted by the Council with regret, and egrpressions of appreciation of his past work, with the hope that he may soon be restored to good health. W. Lennox Black, who has been assisting his father, was appointed treas- urer for 1923, - `will -be sorry to learn that, owing to ill Mr. and Mrs. D. Cochrane spent the week-end at Baxter with the f9rmer s moth- er. who is very ill. `-1: l|I\l' Mun W .qr:nln1.- nnn1-I-u:nAI" In Vlll Will! IIICIIUE Ill IJIICIJIICI. Jan. l6.-Mrs. Frances` Srigley is spend- ing a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. (Capt.) R. W. Richardson, To:-on!o. Mu- IIH.-.l.....,l D:.nlku A4` 'I`......6 rv......1. Cl. VVIIU IA` VCI III- Mn. and Mrs. W. L, Srigley entertained about twenty of Lloyd`s young friends in honor of his fifteenth birthday last Thurs- day evening. Games and music filled the evening with much enjoyment after which a bountiful lunchwas served. 112.. `l'\_....;_!___ 5.4-)--. L-.. _.-L.__.._.l 1.-...- av-----is t_'------ Jan, 11-The death took blace at Oro early Tuesday morning of Miss Hilda Jean Fletcher, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh `Fletcher. Mitchell Square. Up till a few monthsago deceased had enjoyed her usual good health. Following the extrac. tion of an 'ulcerated tooth in August` last. ` she suffered a slight indispbsitrion which later developed into malignant endocarditis. and although she rallied bravely at var- ious times durimz her illness she, finally passed `away at the early age of _`went_v- one. Hilda. as she was familiarly known by a host of friends. was a bright. lovable girl. Sue was of a quiet. retiring disposi- tion, but to know her was to appreciate her beautill christian character and her warm friendlyynature. Deceased had re- ceived her publicgschool training in Oro and later spent l`f6ur-" years at the Orillia Collegiatewhere shewas always consider- ed a,,hright. clever student. ~ After con- cluding .her. ,Ngr1na1__,training at North Bay in June. 1919. she commenced teach- ing. in 0:0 which she continued` up till the time of her illness. Hilda was Aalwavs inter- ested in good work of every kind. She had been_t'or years an active member of Central ' "VCR ILI ICJIIIIVG-[C7, -The moccasin daucc lact Wednesday night under the auspices of the curling club was `a decided success. Barrie Orchestra provided excellnf music. Receipts "$105.00. ' MI` urn` F9 (`Run `X7:-:1:-LO Annu-tn:-\n;I \\JG}|l`.I lb. '7. 1llUllZl.lLlEUu, LUlUll:Un Mrs. Richard `Beelby of Trout Creek visited with Mrs. Harriet Campbell last- week. ` , C`,,_IS 1"I._Ll_,_L _ AII,._.J_I, Z, ,,!_ZL WCCI\o Miss Sadie Huhbrt of Allandale is_visit- ing with Mrs. W, L. Srigley. .1/::.. m.,:,. t::.... 3.... ....;.....n.: t..,...... "cm... in 20

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